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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 16, 1907)
Til- ORECOW' DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 13. IZZ7. U7ITII BIG FREIGHT U VJeO FROM fJEW YORK -. ... - .... i '- '.-i - .-'Y.z: : : I San Francisco Liner Costa Rica i , Arrives and "Gives Longshore- - men Employment. - mm "A tjeW OIL CARRIER IS " COUGHS nD COL ; T ALSO IN THE RIVER VT. 8. Porter Arrives Malde Voy j age From AtUntto Oovt to Re GUEiSSuT!nOATLUJG j . ' main in ConiulMlon Between This I Wreck of Methodist Church of Pioneer Days ' i I mm . Pr and Fra f The Harrtman Untr Costa Klca, Cp ', tin Mason, arrived at "clock laal " ' night. 81 hours' f rem San Franolaco. -I-Bhe DTOUfht only tO passengers, but her , i hold wa filled with frelaht ana m i had- been. stow4 oa tha deck. Lona- ehoremen worked all night discharging "T the frelshU andlhey win be fcep'l at 5 work aU night tonight, loading, tt-being . Intended to get her out by daylight to . morrow morning.' ' - tha coast. Tha. winila wera rather tlrt ; i hut contrary, and It hour wera loat off tha mouth or tee -river m atrona ebb tlda being on lust aa the vessel brought up to tha bar, ' Another ' reason for tha ateamer'e tardlneaa waa her getting away lata from Ban rran - ciaee. on account of the heavy freight V bout half of the freight conalata of ' gooda transshipped from the American t Hawaiian liners from New Tor. , The Oosta Rica waa held here three Jara an her laat vlatt borauee of Ina , blllty to get coal for her bunkers. Pro ', cautions against a repetition of thla waa taken this time . by filling hat bunkers at tha Bay City for the entire round trip. ' ; ' The large new oil tank steamer W. 8, Porter arrived at Llnnton " thla morn '. tng with her first cargo of oil front Ban Francisco. 8ha la Just off tha ware ' at Newport News; and next to tha Santa Ataxia la the largest oil ra rrleroo, tha Pacific coast. She la tha property of the Associated Oil company, and will be kept In regular commlsnlon carrying oil from San Francisco to thla port In tha 1 future. : TharHerTslerrxirrwr ' and carries 44.000 barrels on a. draft of ' SI. feet, and (S.OOd barrels oa a draft , s of te feet ' Representatlvaa of tha Aa aociated Oil company took a launch to ' the eteamer thla morning to Inspect her . and welcome the officers on their first """visit here. : FINE IS REMITTED Japanese Captain Explains Failare to . 7 Bring Bill of Health. 1 -.w' ... . ..... -.J... m nni oi ee.vuu iiui waa imposra l aealnat thi lanmrtm ituimhlti ICntn. - v htra Meru tor failure to bring a eon- . auiar nui or neaitn rrom Kobe on ner t . ,ini a.ii.. rs.. v.. I ji been remitted. - The atatement of tha U cabtaln to the denartmant wa aatlr.. tory. Hr bill of health from Salinas 'Otis Was In propel form. ' , ,The Kotohlra. Mara ta loading--flonr , at tha mills and will probably finish by f Monday. Bhe will take a comparative ly email cargo, because of her furnaces - devouring such great quantities of eoaL , It la said that the craft consumes two .tons .of coal an hour- tq steam Bins cnots. r , . VISIT GALENA WRECK Two Liverpool Men. Inspect Vessel ..;-,. on Clatsop Beach. . ,' ,,;. I' ' ' tBpeelal Mepsrca te The Inereall i- Astoria. Or Feb. 1. CapUln Me- Olaahlan and T. A. Bhute are in the city, from Ilverpool and visited the ' wrecked bark Oalena on tha beach near . qearhart Park to Inveetlgata tha poeal- . blllUee of floating the stranded vessel. - Captain McGlaahlan la a retired ahip--. master who haa. visited thla port sev. V oral tlaiee. Mr. Bhute Is a son of tha owner of the Oalena. ' WITH GENERAL CARGO Tramp Steamer Chartered to Load - at Enfland for Frisco. ' The British steamer Kallbla baa been fixed to load general cargo' at New-casUe-en-Tyne and London for San Francisco. This is the first steamer taken for this claaa of business, sail ing vessels having so far been given , tha preference. It la believed In ship ping drolea that this may lead to a revolution against tha interests of tha salling-ehlp owners la that It will give them competition for which they have not rvi nan macn isar. teamers have been dispatched this Season In great numbers from Europe to Paolflo coast ports with cement and other building material because the eon. ' algneoa had no time to wait for tha alower craft, but not until the charter of the Kallbla had It been thought that ths -steam craft would also. Invade tha general cargo field. It la not many years sgo that tha first steamer load of grain waa sent from ' hero to Europe, but now . an an nouncement of such a fixture attracts utue attention. f WANT LAW REPEALED ' Representatives of Union Sailors Eg. . 4 ' : plain Their Motives. 7 Representatives of the sailors' unions en ths Pacific coast are diligently at work for the purpose of having the bill , : Introduced for the repeal of the law pre - sarlblng a penalty for inducing aallors i to desert vessels In this port , Agent Pnul of the local union nnd : Agent Furuaeth of the Kan Francisco , ; union, called upon a number of enlpplng , people this morning, asking them not to f ' appose ths hill, since It will be for thS t laood of the ahlplpng en tha coast. ' Mr. Furuaeth said that tha coast will hs greatly In-need of aallors this sum. mer, and hs does not believe It just to t . prevent anyone from asking a man on board of foreign windjammer to join - coaster If hs should so desire. Callfor. ' nla has repealed ths law la view of . scarcity of men. Again It la argued that tha repeal ef the law would give tha union aallors a great deal more ' power la case of a strike, bceuee thr wmi'a f'nd ft less o o Cure Hoarseness and -Sore Throat A simple . remedy. Tree from cpiates.xaesesaiy.. f - ' ..!. . .; . . Li. ,i .- ' L Building Was Used as a Salratlon Army Structure. . '. " ... ' ecaiina of the operktlona . of tha workman putting In the fill on East Oak atreet. between East Sixth and Grand avenue, the old Salvation Army barracks that stood on tha oorner of Eaat Sixth, waa crowded off tta elevated position on a scaffold into the alough and collapsed with a loud nolae about :3 o'clock Thursday evening. Tha old building waa moved to the alte about 17 or IS yeara ago by tha Salavatlon army from the present alta of the' Centenary church, where It waa built In pioneer day by tha afforta of Rev. T. T. RoyaL The building has beam uaed for the laat few yeara aa a storeroom and contained nothing; at tha tlThe of tha aocldent but 100 or so bales of old paper. ' . ' " . : ' difficult to Induce nonunion . strike breakers to desert ; j The Intent of the law waa to prevent crimps from Inducing aallora to desert, but. no far It lisa never been ijnvoked. although desertlona bavs been aa com mon lately as before the law waa passed.; '. ' ; ' ALONG THE WATERFRONT " Tha steam schooner Northland left down laat night, bound for Ban Fran cisco, with a cargo of lumber. Tha steamer Alliance aalled for Coos bay laat night with freight and passen gers, r Bha will be given her annual overhauling upon returning. The officers of ths Japaneaa steamer Kotohlra Maru wera entertained ., laal night at dinner by the Japanese 'con-ul and 8. Ban. Tha French bark Mlchelet left San Franclaoo 'thla morning for Portland with a part carro of cement. ' The Pacific Steamship At Engineer. ,n npany Is planning a veaael larger . -. the run between Portland. Eureka and i ?n Francisco. The new ateamer will i have a capacity of 100 Cabin and ( steerage passengers. The barkentlne Busts M. Plummer and the barkentlne Puaho arrived hero thla morning. The former went to Llnntun to take on a part cargo before coming to the North Paclflo company's mills. and tns ruano stop pea at tne aryoocs for a general overhauling. Tha latter will receive her cargo at the mills of the North Pacific Lumber company. Tha ateara acbooner Aurella left Van. oouver yesterday afternoon with a cargo of lumber for San Francisco. Colonel 8.- W. Roessler, United States engineer, left for Cascade Looks this morning on a tour of Inspection. Ths anchors ef ths dredge Chinook were lifted yesterday and the craft hauled forward about 10 feet. In order to prevent the mud hooks from sinking so deep In ths river bed as to make it Impossible to raise them. The Cooa Bay, Roaeburg A Eastern railway la charging ao high ratea for handling freight from Cooa bay points to the Interior that the owners of the steamer KUburn have decided not to receive freight for Interior points. The ilghtbouse-tende? Heather Is due to arrive In ths harbor today. She baa been replacing buoya In ths Columbia and Willamette rivers. ' MARINE NOTES. Astoria, Feb. It Arrived down last hlght Steamer Northland. Arrived at .a. m. Norwegian ateamer Mathilda, from Guaymas. Sailed at 1:11 a. m. Bchooner Alvena, for Ban Pedro. , Ar-" rived down at 11 a. m. Steamer Aura-" lis. San Franclaoo, Feb. t. Arrived Rteamers Roanoka and F. A., Kllburn, from Portland and way porta; steamer J. B. Stetson and schooner C S. Holmes, from Astoria. Astoria, Feb. II. Sailed at :4f p. m, Barkentlne Cbehalla, for Ban Fran cisco. Arrived at t.4i and left up at :1S m. m. 8tamer W. S. Porter, from Monterey. 'Arrived down at 1:30 and aalled at 1:11 p. m. Steamer Tostmlte.. from Ban Francisco. - Ban Francisco. Feb. II. Palled at noon Steamer Columbia, for . Portland. Sailed at l:tO p. m. Steamer Washing, ton, for Columbia river. Balled at I P. m. Steamer George W. Elder, for Portland. Sailed Schooner Golden Shore, for Columbia rlvt:; French bark Mlchelet. for Portland. Arrived Ship Lucille, from Portland.-:: Astoria, Feb. It, I a. m. Cape line down. x . Wisdom of a Dog. Mayor Tom L. Johnson, of Cleveland, In his fight against a atreet railway tore up aome of the railways tracks. An Injunction was aerved agalnat htm and then ha In hie turn secured snother In junction, aays the Washington Star. "We are like the old lady end ths dog, with our Injunctions and manda muses and what not," said Mayor John son. "There was, you know, an old lady whs rented a furnished villa for tha eummer, and with ths villa a large dog also went. In the sitting room of Ihs villa there wss a comfortable armchair. Ths old lady liked thla chair better than any other In ths house. Bhe always made for It tbe first thing. "But, ales,- she nearly always found ths chair occupied by the Urge dog. Being Bfrsid of tha dog, she never dared bid it harshly to get out of ths chair, as she feared that It might bite her; but instead she would go to ths window and call Tatar Than the dog would rush te the win dow and bark and ths old lady would Blip Into ths vacant chair quietly. - Tne dey tha dog entered the room and found the old lady In posaeaalon of ths chair., lie strolled over to ths win dow, and, looking out, appeared much excited and aet tip, a tremendous bark ing. The eld lady arose and hastened to the window to aee what was tha mat tar and the dog quietly climbed la ths PITTSBURG'S NEW. PARKS FAR - - CHEAPEfl A FEW YEARS-AGO Attorney George WUJIasan haa re turned from a alx-weeka' visit to Pltts hurr,, Pennsylvania, his old home, end other eastern" citlea. "Mr."HaenWftr much Impressed with the experience that Pittsburg Is having with Ha park ex tension program. "Pittsburg has just spent about St,. OOO.tOO for additional park, facilities. sald he, "all of which could have been secured a few years ago for a small fraction of that aum. My frlenda there suggeeted to ma that our growing west ern cities ought to profit by the- unfor tunate experience of eastern municipali ties, that are now paying out hugs aums for Inadequate park grounds wnen mucn better grounds, could have been pur chaaed a few yeara ago for a great deal leaa money. I Immediately tnougm oi -AT THE THEATRES "Buster Brown" at Ilelllg Tomorrow. Tooorraw (Sunday) nlsht at the Belli tboa. fro, roarteeota aad Wublnrtoa etreats, tbe musical eartooa comedy. "Busier Brawn."' will bas-la aa ensarsmant ef three alahts, wltB a matlnse Toralay eftersooa. Aa Immense cast Is eorafMl la Its prMentatlon. A new feature and eae tkat has bea stably commaaowt fa the march ef Buster Browa's Bobby Boras brigade. la this eomDer M roans ladles sref rasaavd, wbe to tbe music or the ssaeurta Lsbcm bead ezacate la a nerveloee sMsaer most latrlcats drill. StsU sow selling at theatre. j The County Chairman Wednesday. Tbe attractioa at tbe B'tll theatre aext wdaaeday alfbt, I'.bruary to, will ee George Ada's political eomvdy, "Tbe County Chair man," with Tbfodore Babeock la tbe title role. Tbe advance Ml sale will ctea nit Moadar mernlng at 10 o clock at Box efflce Ue Ualllg tbeatra. Xast Time Paul Gilmoro Tonight. Tbe lest, performance ef 'the popular and favorite actor, Paul Gllmore, ta bis latest collrge play. ''At VaUs" wUl be gtvee et the Mollis tiwatre. roartaeata ana wesningua atnets, tonia-bt 'at .1 e'elork. Tbe famona beat rare eoane-la eae ef tbe smet reallatle ever attempted and rivala the chariot rare In "Baa Hur" far excitement. Bests are Bow sailing st box office theatre. Last of "It I Were King;. Toslrbt le tbe la it eppnrtanlty te see that wonderful production ef the Baker company' 'If I Were aUns." Thla SDieaeia eompaay ef . actors has never achieved ee marked a emcees la any play as It has la this great Hotbera plsy. It's bees a record week at the Baker. "Human Hearts" at- Empire, 'Hnman Hearts" bas beea more than favor ably retired at the Empire aurlas tbe week. So pleased bare beea tbe large audiences tbat have witnessed It that ware bsto brea rr. unent demonstratlona. It la an eld play, but one tbat appeals to sH, sad appeals as strona ly tba second or third time It Is esse as It did at Its first sppesrsace. "Jly Wife's Famflr" Coming. ' There Is certainly a treat la staee for Em pire patrons when "If Wife's Family" Is of fered. It Is said to be one ef the' beet offer. Ins ef- nbe season et the Mnrrtsoa street house end a great deal of Interest haa elreedy beea awnireated. "hty Wife's family"-will be saea lor the first time at Sunday matinee. Don't Forget the Grand. Snnday elnaee the present program at tbe Grand and thoae wbe have net seen "Tbe Laat f tne TrontMr' end tne ether many pleasing fra tares shonld sot let tbe otinortnnlty e Br. Tbe prof ram le considered by patrnna of tbe Grand ea emeng tbe moat entertaining tbe theatre baa bad la aome time.' Tbe eanal Kan. day performances will be tendered tomorrow. "Lost In Siberia' Close Tomorrow. Wltb tbe matinee snd nlfht performaneee to mnrrow the Alien stork eompanir will close tbe enaa-emrnt of tba sew mekMrama, "lat la Hlberla." Tills play Is proving eae et tbe moat entertaining tbls orgasiaatloa kaa pre sented during the year. It la never lacking la Interest snd mere ere constant enrpriaee. "Loat la Siberia" is eae et the pure wblck snoutd not p everawked by pUtseare-eeekers. 'Brother Of f locrs" Tomorrow. "BrotW Officers."' tne eeelety play ef fcng. Ilak ermr life erbfc-b nikf Ita first 'anpeer aae at tbe Baber twmorrow sftemoon, earnee heralded es en of John Drew's characteristic plara. What that means ta wall known te Portland theatre-goers. Matinees Wednesday aad Saturday. - "A Bunch of Keys' at Lyric. This week's Mil at tha Lrrle Is Hnyt'e fa mone fare. "A . Bum-h of KerW.- nnd tt bee been eoe of the mot seeeeaafnl plays (ires br the I.rrle eomDanr this eeaaon. There will be eertnrmances tonight, aw morrow nistloee end tomorrow night. Toe' It mlas s beerty laugh If yoa fall to seg "A Hanrk ef Kara." It's e skow to. make yoa forget jeer worldly cares, e - Famous Drama at I.yrlc. Kert week's' bin at the I.rrle. beginning aUoa naatiase, fU be Ue famous BBMUenai the comprehensive park system that has been worked up by ths Initiative One Hundred and wondered If Portland would bewiseenotiglrto-afdopt- It and acxrarrs the necessary land at. this tlms when It may be had for a, reasonable price. . "Not only Pittsburg, but all large eastern eltiea are regretting that they failed to look to the future In provid ing for their system of parks. Mr. Hasen spent week In Washing ton, where ho called on Preaident Rooae velt. "While In Washington." contin ued Mr. Hasen, "I met and was enter tained by my old boyhood friend Bene, tor Knox of Pennsylvania. - Senator Knox told mo that Senator Fulton Is taking high rank at Washington." Mr. Hasen spent 10 daya In New Tork City as the guest of Flttaburg friends. drama. "Hoop ef Gold." Pur thla praduetjoa the fall strength ef the Lyrte company Is nee esaary. There will be many 1 beautiful scenic effects and ntace pictures.. "Hoop et Sold" kae made a great aeoaatlon ta the east and ta Englaod. , aa4 has Boan .UanaUted , Into . the French. ' Mlatreas Saved by Dog. A splendid tale of tha courage of a dog In defending his mistress comes from Birmingham, England, where aa Injured boahound Is ths silent proof of hts oWn prowess, though happily his wounds ars not tlkely to be- fatal. Tbe police of tha city were busy .looking ,for tha burglar whom ho tackled, and the man's Injuries wllL It Is hoped, lsad to his arrest. , , ' Lata ona night, ths wife ef a Birming ham auctioneer, named Rogera, who re sides in Poplar avenue, waa at home. when a man auddenly appeared In the dining room, and threatened to murder her unices she gave him what money aha poasesaed. She Informed him that ahe had no money, and quietly beckoned to a boarhound who lay under ths table. Thevdog seised the man by tha throat and a fierce fight followed. It appeared at one time as though ths burglar would be worried to death, but hs succeeded In beating off tbe plucky animal, an'd escaped through the window by which he bad entered. He waa badly mauled about the throat, and bled profusely. The police bava dlacovered no trace of. the man outalds tbe house, but II he presents himself for treatment at any of ths hospitals In the city or district ne wui os arrusieu. , . - J Hair?.' ''. Aocordlng to a well-known medical authority, falr-halred people possess commonly between 140.000 and 150,000 hairs on the scalp, the number being about the eame for man and woman. Dark-haired people have, on an aver age, about 105,000, while red-haired peo ple are said to have only lo.eoe. . Cures Chronic Constipation, Stimulation Without Irritation. ' Oaiso Laxative Fruit Syrtip is a new laxative syrup combined with the deli eious flavor of fruitg, and is very pleas ant to take. It will not gripe br sicken. It is much more pleasant and effective than Pills, Tablets and Saline Waters, as it does not derange the Stomach, or irritate the Kidneys, Liver or Bowels. Constipation. : Omko Laxative Frtiit Syrnp will posi tively enre chronic constipation as ft re stores the natural action of the intestinal tract. Ordinary cathartics may give tern- . porary relief but the stomach is upset and tne bowels are irritated without any permanent benefit having'been derived. 01) Et GUARANTEE GRAND ARMY POSTS HOLD L1SC0LN MEMORIAL General Anderson Says His Countrymen Have Never Given Enough Credit to Washington. An audience of 400 people waa enter tained by the A- K- poat of tho city last night at the hall in the Mulkey building.- with a Joint .Lincoln-Wash-lnrton memorial service. Attorney M. Idleman was on the program, forthe principal aaaress. out wee -uiikviv w mv tend, and hie place was filled by Gen eral Thomas M. Anderson;' whoUeltvered a short but interesting address on Gen eral Washington. - General Anderson took the position that Waablngton had never received the credit due him from his countrymen. , ... Following General Anderson, W. M. Rasmus spoks In memory of Lincoln, ths "great commoner." Mr. Rasmus contrasted tha dancers which threatened the country during Lincoln's tlms with those tbat mreaien it now, wnicn, ne said, are tha trusts, political rottenness and undesirable foreign Immigration. Vocal selectlona were rendered by Professor Epplng and Bowman and Miss May Collins. "The -North and the South" waa re cited by Mlas Bade, and the "Rising of 177(" was effectively read by Professor Lester PauL As the closing number I "America" was sung by ths audience. PERSONAL--. ' ' ' ' I 'V . Arne Berger, the Norwegian artist, lata of Decorah, Iowa, and Minneapolis, Minnesota, has arrived In the Roae City and Intenos to remain here for the fu ture. His specialty Is oil paintings from life and church paintings, in which branch be has established a good name among his many patrons In tha east,. At Foreign Hotels. Hot water ta not "laid on" (piped) at foreign hotels, says The Travel Mara sine. If you hear s gentle tap on the 11- . . . ' QBB No dentifrice .like SOZO DONT. Why? Because it mis sion as an Alkaline' Antiseptic Liquid Dentifrice Js to permeate the gums and mouth and pene trate the minutest crevices of the teeth, neutralizing and removing mouth acids, antisepticising and cleansing the entire tooth struc ture, -. ";- ' ', . Its fragrance is delicious and lasting. . .;:'. Pleasant Loiioflouo The condition of the patient remains un changed. The Stomach, Liver and Bowels have not been stimulated and in a few days a stronger purgative may have to be taken. This Is why Fills and Aperient Waters never give permanent relief. Their violent action results in an unnat ural movement of the bowels and it is nec essary to keep taking them indefinitely. Why ORINp Is different. " Ortsto Laxative Fruit syrup is the only preparation that really acts upon all of the digestive organs. Other prepar ations act upon the lower bowel only and do not touch the Liver. It can very read, ily be seen that a preparation that does not act upon all of Prepared only by POLCY A CO., Chicago, Ilk . SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY - .ALL DRUGGISTS " DISEASES . SAVED HER SON'S IfT - - Sly son Rex Wa t Uken down year ago with lnnr tremble. We doctored some months without improvement. Then I bcgsji giting; Dr. Kind's Vev Diacorery, and X soon noticed change for the better. X kept this treatment op for few weeks and now my son is perfectly well and works srery day. jRS gAMP. XUPPEB, Are, Mo. BOLD AND GUARANTEED DYC RED CROSS PHARMACY door in ths morning, you may Interpret It as meaning that a copper ewer of hot water has just been aet down out side for your personal use. . . - If you order a bath. It wlU be pre pared for you accordingly.- and a aweet voiced maid will give you notice) when It Is ready. Ton are not expected to operate the water valves at all, and It Is doubtful you would succeed If you tried, i From - a variety of vacant rooms at a hotel shown yon, yon aeleot the one yon prefer, with a definite agreement ..; ;il' . irOlJI II H p?t(l'i'!i-!iiBiB--' HrJENNINGSONS5 " ' ' ' '-. ; '.';'; "i 5 ', Lfrgest and "Best Selections la" Portland of ;: L Furniture, Carpets, Ranges. CrocRcry. Draperies PRICES ALWAYS THE LOWEST, CORNER. SECOND AND MOR.RISON STRXETS FORTEN DAYSONLY 910.OO PLATBS - - 98.0O GOLD CROWNS - . 3.00 , UDYiTTtNDABrr Morrison Opa.rettofflcA illl I ' . to take and does not Stomach and the digestive organg j Tnllo ORINO Laxative Fruit arc not satisfied your money BOO AND $1.00 as to price. Tou ' are not required to accept humbly and thankfully. In blind faith, whatever room tbe clerk deigns to ssalgn to yon, as In America, It la ex pected, however, that you - will - order your breakfasts at tha hotel, being free. '- - -r other meals elsewnere, t. you &refe . ... . . . ... tight switches ars not com monly turned on by a push button or a flat key. aa In our bulldlnga, but by a email brass lever. Many of the beet hotela have a reading light la the head board Of ech bedstead. . i . ...J f ' '.!'U -V.. a I - s 1 ' . k : III ! mhhii. gripe or nauseate Liver Troublo can not cure Chronic Constipation, Torpid Liver, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, etc For Biliousness and SIcH . Headache. Take Orcto Laxative Fruit Syrup. It sweetens the stomach, aids digestion and acts as a geutle stimulant on the liver and bowels without irritating these organs. Clears the Complexion. - Obdto Laxative Fruit Syrup stimulates the liver and thoroughly cleanses the system and clears the complexion of pimples and blotches. It is the best lax ative for women and children as it is mild and pleasant, and does' not gripe or sicken. l.efuse substitutes. Syrup and if you will be refunded ,:::';; iT'N' -, . " ' v..Jr: - f rr -..,-e,, r.n- - n