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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1907)
13 REFUSES TO LEAVE STAGE bigamy charge, arrived yesterday front Wallowa county, Th object of her EgS Are" Dull but Holding Around Twenty Two and a Half and Twenty-Three and a . Half Cents Receipts Liberal Not Heavy TODAY'S MARKETS eiolt wse ot boo u re th custody ef child three year eld now being oared tor By T. B. Johnson. On January tl Mrs. Nell! Olbson cam to las Urande and took room a lit tha Blue Mountain hotel.. Bh tuld. th . i.ilO.I OFFERINGS WHAT DEALERS SAY-" - QUE AND QUARTER A TONE proprietor of th hotel -thst sh wa the.necnod wife-of Hurry Olbeon. the. first wife having died and left the Itttl son in car of Utbeon's mother. From her Mrs. Nelll Gtbaon had secured th ; OF LOCAL MARKETS THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 1$. 1007. t a STRONGER 9 ; V LOST BY F.1AY custody of th chlldi Mr. Johnson af firms that she- mistreated th little fel low unmercifully and on leaving Bsv Orande sh was persusdd to leave tl. child In better hands. . In the meantime Mr. Johnson bed resd The Journal a atory of February 2, and th Gibson affair had attractsd con Non-Association Growers Are Wheat Market Slides Downward Entire Livestock Market Displays siderable attention. II accordingly , Eager to Cet From Under '.'V While They Can. Today in Chicago and Other y Places. : Better Buying Than the Available Supply. communicated with Portland ; official and received word from a United State secret service officer to the effect that Mrs. Addle Olbson. th first snd right fui wife, ia still alive and la at Van ;.. i ....... couver. . .... MAKES LESS DEMAND FOR JULY AND SEPTEMBER DEMAND IS FIRMER - v Th llttl fellow I being held here , ASSOCIATION STOCKS r CLOSE A CENT LOWER IN ALL LINES TODAY awaiting Instructions and tha alleged mother haa left for parts unknown. St-) r Bj- Everdlng aV rarrolt Aa waa looked for by evoryon . who gav Hi natter a thought, th g; market, with th ad vent of th present apell of waYm weather, btruck tli "to-. bo(ra,an alld" and prio hav ' tmen cut d.tlly 'forT lomt few duya. . From a glronrf market at ' 40 rent prloea ha declined to 214 and Xi eenta. Reoatpta hav been ,rery large and with cheap eggs In California and on . tha aound, thera was nothing; to Up but put th price down to a point where conHumptlnn would be largely Increased. We are of the opinion that th bottom haa about been reached for tha pres ent - Poultry has been In rather: light receipt for Mm days, and stock (when of wood quality) hava. moved very well. Dressed turkeys, when fat, ar In firm de mand,, but poor era not wanted at all. i '" Veal ta In larger supply but soiling rery well Juat tha aama. and at top prices. Thwaam la true as to small and medium "fancy hogs. INGREASiriG STOCKYARDS 'In Advanced Prices Asked for Latter Cause Larger Buying of Former - -Potatoes -' Hold ' Well Because 'A Supplies Are Shyrtv ; Principal market feature today; Math ejects 1199 u aiiup'rT. '. k'mk hIw coming again. '; Car Mraot potato Is. . --; Muany weather eelle orange.- i Poultry- la nta end high. ' Exneljent buying nt tmwd Milk Potato. r buldlug tedy. , 'Onloa offering ar Inereaalng.' , Kitten butter will ooa be here. : Oaies Offeriar Ar lacxaulag. ' ' During the pt dy ox there hare pB . thrger offering of onion at price uoder , Mw mtotataona. TtMM bar In til Instance mm euada by grower . otitald of to Copfed- miu UitM llrower' iorletlo. Tb let tr ar aakttig higher ranee, while tboee sot , aide of tb oraatjliatioa ar (riling th onion. r according to a prominent rront trt boo ' wbr-s handles bo to aaaoelitton ana aon-eeo !elatlo oatons, the Inrreae la rh offering f tba latter nsvo bn tremeadeo during th . J-at day of an. i Tne grower re very tired of boldtDtv for there la r.ot much time fur thU eraioa's product to bo aold and onlea upptte ir sent oat In a teedy ataoam tharo arm ba a Deary arplua remaining aaaold at th an! of th eeaaoa ' It la Iba general I orlwloa of th trad that had Bnfflclnt onnvuoi ok rare oeea rrncerea ojr uc ran- roada option weald aow ba eelllo- at ana rrially lower price In th couth. A mat tent boot stand, th too tharo to mark rosier wined. Pernio Heldlag Steady. ' Oaatrary to th eplaios of th ooloa grower that tbtr boldlnf axako- higher prlcoo. -laer reatleaee good toee la th potato market, bnth br and la th eoath. Even wlih th Increased arrlril there, lb Call (oral price I ' Itttl chanced fro th high point. I'uutooa - ar aearr oa th Pacific coaat and that - mai-aa tha , bttterdwund and hUrhrr prlc. " la tha oast yaluoa ar Itkawtao tnottiot hp Mouat of tha lortaad call tram th Pari tie coaat. Oa th othor band tha crop ot onlona fa tho TJnltod Rtatc tko paat MM wa tb -(footoat la U klatory-ait pricM .aitB not a Inn bora low aa tb pacific raaat. twmitr and doaaaod t aow ajaklnc Talora la both tha ooloa aud potato BMrktta. Xaoh Worry Orar Ear Wtoattoo. . Thor lo arach worry aianoa cnamlloa am rT th -( altoatloa. uf lato prior bay pprd a faat that a qaoutioa maa on hour wa a ml too bleb tb ant aonr. la thla way cooatry hartra who rrclTd enota' tlma mo day and purrbaard and liHiprd oa - that orta th D lt S hoar toot money, for th prlco dropnod onnldrrauty bot-ro . th-tr rr iwarbad lb market a ad vr aold. Till hanoena ar yea a boat thla fli Poultry aaarkat la quit firm today owtni to tha-aaantt anoollo thla- worh a.aa r rlaala today war aomrwhat oior llhorat. tnt of ' Moaurb eam-. 1a -npy ly . tb pall, .-. Jrrlaej ' lauln. a prrrloualy gnoteil. " A"" rraab aWlmia turning 1 r.T, ',. Thar wan a alight tocraaa In tlM arrlTab) M froaa- aalotna from Mho cotnmwa aoair. rutaonb . waa la bttr awopty and tb prlro Tfvr rfanaa zian Of tnia Tanriy oroppw sron ' told eatiut i pound. S(r-lhrda ar rarr 'firm at lT enUa pound tor frrab toda. - Whlla urviriU of draaaed awat ar aom- what aior llhi-ral. dmaad to aufClctoatljt krary to tak all arrlaala. . N aal aro raportm adar th prkw fuotrd.- bat for Knacttilns out if tkr anlliurt miitr a bettor rata I obtalturd for oral. - 1 y Xattara Battn WUl tooa B Har . Tbara la a fractional lixrrraa la anppUoa of , v-al eraaoMTy twttor. Borrlpt ar. an baoVr h. bowaavr. to aanply tli donuod and all peter ar firm. " It Bow trtBapIra that aboat ulna cara of buttar war rwontly boocht 10 ' ih. at hr tho Pa rifle bortbwaat and Bona nt thae bay yt arrtred on areoaot of th atowaoaa of traaaportatma. II (no wai re . orlpta larroaaa duruil th Bait work It will can Jo war a rleaa. , Briaf aTotM tb Trad. llanny arratbor ba eanad a- batter demand for oraagoa. Mnppllao ry liberal. " A car of wort potato wa among tb .aantnlng'a arrlral from th .lth. , ITIe at ftA oat pan ad " r v Hup ar Tory quiet, with order la at low prlee. No Ul aalca rr ported. W'hoat and floor markt ara atrady. not aaetoane'd la rain, goal, what better prkw of fiTrd of;pel u!.' - Trad pay toUowlug prleea t Jelibenv Prteaa to aalppara-ai. laaa regwtar eomailaatvaa: . : ' )reta. Faaar aad f a- - - . GRAIN BACSe-Caatstta. IH Jbaylag prtcwi .!! NSr,. -;i WHKAT Kw tteb. JT0cj rd RomUa, a8lT"; Mneatem. Tl7ac; aalley. (AUiWe. LUES-tWItea. IXTjUU aracaM. aJta.w . aot 'BAR..r.Y-w fMd. fl1OBjM0C-. rotted. 121 rvat M: browlos. $32.l0O21.00. RYf dIM per wt. ' . OATH Nw I'rrdoeofw' prleo Ho. I ark It. IJWW: gray. 27JTT RO. . KLOt'R Kaater Oregoa patewta. 14.05; -atraljhta; i0! eiport. 3: ally 3.W; rrabarn. Ha. whSU wiiewtr-3-fr-Tr . - 10a f.VOO; hale. $2.1. - MlLLStrrra rr. 1T.OO per too; ailV dlloit, : tw' - roaatry, - Vf tit. ; lV: chop. l.00.0O. , ' , H a T- Pi docf prKo Tlawrhy. Tflllarpetr -Salloy. fancy. lanai wrdia.ry. aoa 10 no: eatra Oregoa. 10.00; mliof, v JiooAfltO aO; (bar. ftM); rla. OOS)0.00; ; . M - rrrntR rAT f. . - Portid ' awt a, HtOl '. iwwr. NUTTEH Cl.y ermry. iinJJlVie; atM s&e: etorar. Snavi etnr. 1717Ua. Ettra raney. ceooie. iiHii'. ' I HkKSK mil rrcaak flat. aasJIc; ITeoaa Amerhr. liadlat. poCLTRT Uto Mixed ehlekaoa. 18H pr Rt; faaey beaa, 14 per lb; rooaora. old. lOr Kr lb; old ta, II par lb: fryer. Ie per lb; illora. 14 per Ih; old dock. ISHe Ikj aprlog dork. mt per 'J'" . ur- dork. "w '" , ZT - V rs, J per lb for td; drbaa. faac oe lb: aaoaba. tt M per doa; picaowi, or .oa, Priaoad pnoltry 101 Mr par lb I a. ,iweji. nocr. ze pirooo. li.uo ' blgae. Ha. Waal aad Hid. rinr!l-.l" crop, ehnle. IOHai04(r: prim t rholc. KXJIOH! "rdlnai to prime, -; aoedlum. : contract, IwiTemp. 12e. noole-laa clip Valwf. avafto. aaatora AIRrtwW. laaL ' iHBr.PJIKIKd ehearmg. IS)J0r ear: aaMrl ZL wont. lftctl0 aaeh. TALLOW Prlaa. par lb, SH4 Ho. g aad areaae laJtVi. CHlTTIil BABK-4ViO far ear krta; awiafl ' lota 41. HItT Pry, V. I. Iba aad op. iu TVt V a"7 kl No. L, to IS Pjo. lie; drf calf? V r t lt. Ue; wired bid, m ad. 0 Iba and aror. IPatlir: m.. avH': a' "4 Mad, I)T kip. li to do Iba. Prj ralf. aoaad. aoder IA Iba, II?; giao. aaaaltM. l aaaa raua, tr per 1) law; Can hide, aalted, aeh, II dry, arh. tiiaini.AO; colt hii, anaiai: mat !. nror-1 ck. JOOlbe: Aagnra. each. SSrtf fralt aad Tacobikaa. ' rOTatora Haykaaj prio. tr MaHaw mab aad riaekaw eet. Il."t I BO, aeUlna, fancy. 1...1T5; ordinary, bulng, UUki ewtt weer. fi2r. Jobbing ftrte Mo. I Oreco. tl 10 pf.IVr-ri--,"- "ya rrte-70 L ai f. ,. o aoipp'ng pmatai garllo, IQIar Dor IH. AI'PI.W raaey frond Rreor- Pottamherg aad Tallrw bew'-wna, IA0i fancy ariiiaarett eaL lay ad omftnern Otogsa, H MIdJI.TN; ordraai tnek. $1 OOrtl 7 . rBf.8H f St ll Orange; now fj SO 4)11 AC; tanterlnea. II Tlk: baaanaa. 6c pr II.; leaamWM 44.M boa; Itmea, w.ilran, 1.U par dddd4d44 tnoi plooapnlea. I4.OOQ5.00 par doi n; grape. Valaga 17.40 per kci . peara, 11.75; plnraiipl, $ per doaen; gran (rait. 14.78. VhtilCTl m.r Tnroipa. new. aori aaehf rarrots. ?Vil.O0 per ck; beet a, f 1.2S prr ark; radlahe. 20e per do; eabban, $2.60(lt.OU: ball pepper. ( ) per lb; torn toea, Meilcaa. S.OU; paranlpa, Sncrffl: atrlng baans, lb pee lb; oao II flower, $2.M per dm; o-ae. IHc; horae radian. '4l0e per lb r artichoke jl 00 per doaeai oanaab. iW;l.on par boil celery. California. 3.2S'it.50 pt trata; ponip klna, lOlVtc: rranherrlo. tajt pa barral; apronta. kiuw per lb. DRIED RUlTS Apple. yportd. H fe per Ibj oprtoota. 18430 par Ibt poocbaa. l2fiaH per lb; each. V per lb lea; praaM. I1 to 40, ease; Ha drop o each lit a nailer Ire; fin, California black. par Ibi California white. aH per tb: da tea. goldoa, 18 at) par kos; tarda. tl.40t$l.S0 per IS-tb bos. T rarla. But. Zte. V St'OAR Califoraia - Hawaiian Ooha. 15.27 H; powdered. A6.12H; bwry. 442Hi dry iiiaiaiaa.j.mBtt1 a-t liHi coor. a, H-DXHi irr h,M.4S: goldaa Crt.Or-t; fallow. (4.221, ; boat granllatod. MT2H. Weatara Cub. IS.37V,) prwdered. 41 It"; dry gtaaalatad. M M: P. , A4.R2H: roof. A. t4.2Vstrs C, 4v24.oldaCXJUt: D. rnww, rt utt; naot graaaiatad, H.ISI bbi, baa la tt bbia, 36 aoxoa, too adranco a aeck t Above nrtraa ana SO dan ha aab aaata. rjooar. .- 1 , HiiNRT rias par era. - COKFBB Packara bread. l8.mlJ. ' " SALT t'oaraa Half arnood. lima. 110.00 nor rnn; SO. 110.60: tabl. dairy, bo. 114.00: 100 IIS 7.-,; bale, l .-,; Imported UrrpooL b"a, 41N.0U: loua. II7.U0: 2a. 414 On: aitra flD. aAaar.., .-!; kHMHtHMt, Uearpool loop rock. 110.00 aor toa: AD Ik anek. 1A SO; luOa. A bora prle apply to ml ot lea thla car lota. - Car lota ar anacUl octroi aahtaet ta frsrririttoBa.) . " , RICH inperlal Japaa, Ho. I, Bet He. . lwl Alw Ori, boad. let AJax. e Creole. 'Vba RAfl RaiaTI "aahlta. SI an. km arhteo. 26i pink. 2.M bayoa. AI.TS; Umas, ilk; Malc red. 4c I NUTS . Poaonta. laoha Uo Me Ihr Wlewtwla. 7 S Pr lb: niaatrd, 10 par lb; Japan, tit Wl raawieaTaji'aj Pr ": eocoaaot,. WQHa KaVai: aralnota. California. lo pr lb; iek, - -is par -fhj-- ptnewot. -144115c lb; votr aot. 10 nor b; eheatnnt. attera.46wldepe Ibf itraall aata. INc par uii niDr-i. too por abl teacy par a a. lQju; almoada.. li21U. yeata, Flih aad rmkaW 'T'' PRB"U -alKATS aTraol Stroot Maar. rkweo c per lb: eeaL -wxrr. - Be Bar lb: ardtoar. T4-ijas pai-lbi-jaoot. (a Ma.lbi.suitaa..iaoca. HA.hT, fUCpw..70,I'ortlaBd pack (loaan Kama. Id to 12 iba. lb: 14 to 16 Iba. Irtc n; i to zv id. iec to; oroakraat baroa, IT tlJSe lb; plcnlca, 12e lb; cottag rolt 12c regular abort clear, onainohed. nioe lb: moked. I2V( Ih; clear barka, anemoked. llHc: noaeu, ixsa in; inioa butt a. to t is iba, aa moked. c lb: aouokrd: Sr H: clear belllo. ana. rooked. le lb; unoked. I4e lb; ahouldara. 12c la: piesiea aoriino. oue aaco. ' LOCAL I.AKIkKetU. leaf, 10a, IS; lb; 5a. latae lb; AO-lb tin. 1.1U Ih: at earn reo- dorod. 10a, 12 n lb; da. 12 U eoaapaand, 10a. PUc Da. fMetNBB SAI MOH-rfYittimbfav, jrlrer. I P una.; s-ib taiia. i.iDi laacy. I -lb flam. vo: M-lb fancy (lata. ll.m: fancy l ib ofala. 12.75s Alaaka talla. pink. 6uei red. (1X0: aomlial. ta, tall, 12.00. I IRII Rock cod. 7c bee lb: floanffer. Be wer Ih: halibut. . c per lb: eraba. l-ttl.60 per ilin; atrlned baa. 12He per Ih: eatfteb, in lb; Mlmoa.. freak Cohitnbia rlrer allaeralde. lor: chlnonk. 15c lb: froaen aalmon. ttH'Je Ibi bet ting, oc lb; autre, ftc lb; ahrlmp. iOd lb; perch. He lb; black cod, Tc per lb; tomcod, Tc per lb; timer aaMit. a per in; kitr, par Hi; treat marker!. Be oar lb: craw nab. sue aor loarn: atarreoo. 10 per Ibi b'rk baa, xo bar lb; Columbia rieer aroelt. te per tb. 0V8TF.K8 hoalwater bay. per gallon. It 50; her ltalb cack. 4.Su: Olympta, per galioa, I2.S0: per l&-lh aaek, 17.76. lujim iiaritabrii. par nas. axooi raaa rlama, 12 10 par boa. iat, Ooal Ofl, Zaa. R0PB Par Maalla. 1S1 taadara. I! klaal. lie. COAL OIIPart ar Aatral Caaaa. lVt er fallen; water while. trn-bbhv pee ye lino; a wonea, it per ranaai Baaaiigat, 1 iog., caae, KlHe per galioa. UAMH.1NK -ae caaaa. Z4M Pt Sanaa. Iron utile, liar per gaDoa. . BENValKR deg. eaaas. ta pw gaOoa Iron bhte. Ift4c per gallow. TURPKNTl.taVf-la caaaa. Pc DC sal: araadaa bbla. Wtc per galioa. w in is Lr.Aif to ma, T per mj ew-re tot. c per lb; lew em. a per lb. VIKK NAM. Preheat baa la at 128. LINHECb OIL Pa-o raw. la s-bbl Iota. tOc: I4M tft. Atei ease, bde per gal; ten In ket tle boiled, raeea. so par gal: tVbbl lota, ate) bbt mta. boe dot aal: r.-oond rake, car iota. 20 par ta; waa tha ar lota. U0 per toa. , NEVADA MINING STOCKS Better Tone in Frisco Vith IJttle ; Change in Valoea. ' Baa Praactace, Feb. IS. A steadier toe la bewa t mining aharee today with bat Utile caaage m Taiae. Officii! bid Brie be rreerback. Btrr - ... .M .. M ... .A3 .. .1 .. 12i Conke rnrnpany: Belmont ....... (I.TH Calednnla C.ah Boy .11 Exchequer GoMea Aacbor Hobm Jim Ratter ... . , 1 02 0ld Crowa J071 .ei tireat Beft'j ... Reeroe ........ Blaek Batte Ex VanaK n ...... MaeNatnara ... Midway Montana . .... .1 .2t s.w North Star ... .31 lOoM. Con 9. on Ohio .17 Montrooiery tit,. Tnoopah Extra.. tM yenda 1. 60 nunaet ......... 8otro p Manhftft. ..... .14 4 .15 .10 Wrtl Bad I.eo Adama i,,tM,tt ...21 fejler lluaipry. Atlanta ........ .4 Rlnebeil ........ .4. Buotb .V iiextor ......... flmnne (old Wetx .V, tn Star ..V.V. lit. Rend Ex.... Kloe Bnll ...... tit. Bead Aa.'..," 'reacent ....... Cowboy IetiTe Annex Merad old.... Rlack Rock .... N. V. Conaol.... farhattaa Coa., Little Joe May Flower .... Jnmplnx Jeek ,. Red T,e Kites.. W Jk .1 M -.x.1 .2T ' .2J ' .11 r J07 .2 .ail .? .Ioa .(MIA .OA .K2 JtOk .4.-1 .TT .:4 .i .2" .20 .24 14 I.7S oinnihl Mt. ... liUH Con. Vfaarrr ... . .?t Dlamoudirld riii ftoldfleld ... .14 1.40 I.A 2.471 - J2 X.TA Jnmbo ....... Jnmba E rte . Kemlatl .aiun . Mr Onera . Mohawk Jd .73 Red Ton m fandatornt ..... .ill Pllrer Pick .... I 41S Ht. Ire , . .. 1.7T H Ml Ioaa I van!.. ,J1 iMnatan Maya .17 Roll Prog Mia.. Triangle Xo. xr Woader 1mt Pilkt ..... Pine Not ...... Wonder ........ K ewa no Yel'ew Titer . .IS ttoid Bar ...... I . Hull Prog...'. .21 Htelnwar ...a. a .7 no. Cl.-T..' . W B70 Melea as 1 .. -E-eMTldV. Liverpaol Cot toa BlarkeV ' t.leerjwwil. reb. IS Cfettaa fatarea S and i potata blgKer. Brw Tark-taaea'aiirr. 4 ! Vnrk, rat). I. Bar tlrr, ae Urn doa, 11 laidd. . . , Serero Pressure at Start Is Da to ' Liverpool Loss Selling by Brok ;sera of Cvdabj Also Bearlatv Coarae Grains W eak in SrmpathT. BELATIVB WBKBT VALCES. (ay ... ,7i4 , .7014 f.oii4 a .4 uly 7HU 7H .01 .84 -Ili-uillW .. . . .Ill .11 .ot .83 Chicago. rbv u. Wheat price wer beates to a turn, during today trading. Thar wa WMknena ea oyery aide and tb bulla' did not get look ta during th eeaaloa'i uauiug. , All new aoarce brnaght Mat boar . argn meat. Lirerpnol waa dowa at the atart and did aot bald Ita ewa during the day. Tbil market opened abarpty Iowa ea balling by uroeera auppoaeo n ue acting rnr t;uuany. Thca th llmlta on atop ror war reachwl nd thla broucht on fraah aniline. AU thla combined to put Way lle and tba other le Bade yeatrrday' prlc at today cloaa. Coarae gralna and prorietons were weak ta aympauy wita the err ioaa ra wheat,, t - Official qnoutloaa by Overbeck, Starr A Cook company: - - WRBAT. ' . - Open. Hlrb. ' Vim. CIk. . 7i 7 r 7 . TW 781 T7 T7 COR!. it - 7Tt r 4IVj . . 47 4W 0Af8. n' 47 ei -m 7 a7 M.f MEHS PORK. T4Ui JT45-. -1T?T1T5 1740 1760 ..1740 17M' . LARD. .. inon ' nun ..looT 1012 BH0BI BIBS. May July ...... September Pf2 10ti2 100 07 lono 1010 Tay- -ana-Ma -o-47 July 00 60 JJVZBPOOt- BIXIX XABJCXT. Urerpool, Feb. 15. Official price: WHEAT. - " Ooen. Can. Prk. 14. Lo Marck -.... ..ft tl'td Hd 6 T d May ........ asd s a d a end July CJ d da Sttd a Sthd CORN. March ...ea 4Ud 4a 4Hd 4a SUd blay 4 81d 4 V,d t d SROWSTORH : DIVIDEND IS GIVEN AT $45,000 --"as; -it ' '-1.. H i 'i The declarlnr of drrMend af .lt I akare, or 5. Out In all. by Bnowatorm ba been dl coTered ha tb trading oa the local exchange. Ill la, however, eeema te b what ba kpt th lo t wtieie it la. laoay it roppa oc. Trading in th a Cock market waa plow today. Mammoth dropped 2c In th bid price. Sale were: Flee Associated Oil at I4S.60. 1.000 Whoagl Extenalo at S44 asd 62,600 Lee Creek at sc. , UfftcUl quota floae: " ' "- - . BANg STOCKS. - 'Lu... Bid. Ax. Rank of California A3tJ3.M I.... Banker A Lombermca'a. 105.00 Merchaata' National 17 0f 183.00 Oregoa Trnt Sarlag 124.00 , Portland Treat Co 120 00 United Slate National 200.00 . LISTED SECURITIES (BONOS.) America Rlamtt Co. Ba SO 00 . 100.00 City A Suhnrhaa 4a - s3.n0 Colombia Hoatbern Irrigatloa e 1 70 00 Home Telrnhono 6.... P7..V) J. C. Lax Co. Oa 100.00 0. B. A N. By. 4a BO .50 101O0 O. W. P. A By. 0a 100.00 Pacific Coaat Rlacalt ........ 6.w0 Knon Portlaad, By. 6 100.00 KiaCELLANEOUa STOCK B. Aaanrtated Oil ................ 47.00 Horn Telephon 10.00 J. C. Le Co , T6.00 Parlfle Rtato Telephone...... , 108.00 ins M Paget Booed Telephone 50.00 tTXISO rOTKS. fiat wood .$ .26 Silt .1 Lakerlrw lee creek Oold.. HrltJak Tukoa North Palraiew ; .02 3A .14 Manliatraa Crowa Pomt Waaboagal Kxteaaloa .. .244 TJX7.ISTEO STOCKS. Oregon City Mm A Lamber.... 4 Of) SO taanlna nay TeMpboae... S.00 Alaaka PvtrvWam .11 Bin Stnn .. . .. Brttrah Celambla Amal. S Caaradla , , M OoMfleld Trotter Great. octkers 02 Ulammotb '.. oa tomeng ....... .-;.r. ;. Standard ConsMtdated ........ .u Taeoaia Steel .ItiV COirB tTALENS DfTTTlICT. ' BttTtlaer -r.-rrrrmr. . . . . 4)714- Copper King .................. .! .21 Happy Dy J0't park enppec .................. A"i .,-. Rtyriraho q " Snowstorm - Ion S.05 O. B. Coeeolldated. ........... .08H a B0ST0K OOPPZS XABKZT. Rnaton. - fe. 16. Xoppar Cloa Bid Wll'ao. AdTcnture. $4 75: A I loner ted; Arcadian. I12.7A: Atlantic, I1T.25; Cain-net. !n aaked; Ontennlal. 4: Copper Rang. 4.7: Italy writ. l: Elm Rieer. fTi mi; rrankltn. rm: Greene Conaolidated. 112.75; liaaa. tA: Minhl- . II: Mobawk. brz: .'veeana ronaolldated, 1T.SS: North Batte, 1112 AO; Eaat Butt.; Old rmmlnlon. tdd.&J; Parrot, lm.26; pnnenix. szizva; umacy. im.i: aoyai. $Ht..Vi; Sinta Fe. $5; Shamrock, lit: Tam arack. I.V: Trinity, 149 60: lulled rorfer. 7 ar.; I tab. 172.25: Victoria. T.TR; winona. 111. AO: T oteertn, eiwr aaaei; i mto eraie Mining, l.r.; Ely Conaolidated, 27S: Apex. 1 7S: rVwtoa Conaollilatad. 120 76; Arnold. VI12:. Bntna inaia. ai.iz; t un met A Ariwma. linOitriH: anpertor A Pitt. brg. 122 75: Black Mountain. K 12'-,: Fly, 111.50: Cade. 118 36: Xawkouae, (ia.S2 Narad VoDeouoateo. n. UB-tTED STATES OOTrBKBTIlfT BONDS. New Tork. Erk. IS. Oftldal prleea: i.. It. - Rid. Aak. ! in n.1U 103 i i.-j" irj lift ltd lo.llA hell II6 Two, regtetered do eonnoa Three, reflet erad Opt Opt, Opt. do coaipoa ...........A Opt P'SL, tdjll Small bHda Knur, trrlatared . do coupon ....-.,.. Itnf itr tiua im ' ln l l! ., l4t 14V lll'i Pour, rrglatertd do coupon ,....e...... Piuajna 2a do coepoa pl.trtrt of Columbia. ..v PklllpplBe 4a rOKTLABO BANK yITATEMEBT. Cleorlnr today Caeartug year ago , (lain todar Raianeee roday ......,..... Balaawe sear eg ...............a I Mar July .......... September .... 7.i tH-l T7j rwy I July September TMir 87 2A I orywaiBir .... I July ; .is . .10 . ..27H lj . . . OA 14 . .04 .11 , .IS l ead Aft. St T"2.4 60 arn.TsVai l it in 44 Sa.ICA.ia No Cattlo Arrive Darlnf tho ,21 , Honrs nod Price Holds Closer to TopReceipts Jurchaed . Before , Arrlral, - , i Portland Hntoe - Stockyard. f,b. IB. Lire. lock rclpt: ... .' a.- XI o wImAAIoi Bab a 1 t.VTtIV; onFflyf Todiy jo au) week age Taar ..............v.; ... - jtvt rrerwu year ' T ... Thar la aiore atrrngta abnwa ta th local iieeaiwk market than rear before. ' Receipt era geumllr toe mil for tb. demand. rea at tb hlvh price now ruling, end all arrival ar taken up almoet kefor being aaloailed. By aom it waa taought that tb reopening ef railroad communlratloa would eatie a keaey lucre in tb hlpmnta ef cattle to thla market, but this due aot aaem to b th raaa, ao arrlral belog howa during the paat 24 hoar aad to date thla week but dl7 bead arrlTlng thus far, a yery (mall nnmhar con. alderlug th excelletit demand and th very good prlc ralln for all grade in rh yard. Kecalpta ef ibeep w,re quit fair today, AOfl head . coming In during the 24 hour. Demand, kowarer, i better tbas avpply, . Price there fore firm oft tho ton . . . Hog continue te dleplay rery firm dtny.'J ins oamauo. sat tba racemta are atiu too mill. i - i A ear ago all market ware Quoted rery rm. tmt at enrhanged Talora. Official lire lock price : - Hog Heat eaatern Oregon. 17. 2527. Br): etnek. era and feeder. IS.T6; China fata. Id 78. Cattle Beat eaatera Oregon atear. 14.751 beat t"i ami Biii. .".7b; ""e-t and isener. .t.(e; pun. Mteep iiliafl. iunfte; wetaen, IVSIe; mt; Umba. kiei - EASTERN MARKETS STRONG Very 3oodTonoi ta Chlcawof or ' Hogv, Cattle and Sheep. Cttleago, Feb. 18. Lireatock receipt: llora. rattle Shaao Chicago t0,!M t.Vt S.OiiQ Kanaaitx;jJ-lL,aXfiX.:-. rl,nO I.J Omaha 6.1" l.ouO 1.2j lloga ar ateady wltb left orer. Re ceipt a year ago wer 87,000. Price: Mixed no wttcner, o aom7.1T; good and heary, I7.061i7.17 V, : rouxh. and hrarr. KIASOlA.M: llght ld.85i3T.10. I attle Kteady. 8hep Strong. . 0BE00B WOOLS OtHIT. Boatoe. Peb. IS. OreroB woola were antlet la tba Boa ton market thla wek and all (tuck ar well cold up. Eaatera Orgoa atipla I qaeted at S3224c pound. . r.. - - a Z NEW-YORK" STOCK-MARKET Katj Common Galna 8 Point Ana- r, ' ,cond 1 Very Active, . .'' ' . JiET OAiNB. Amalgam a, rd ?!N. V. Central .... jOnt. A Weatern... Jv, Car PeuBdry, Rngnr Smelter , Anaconda Atrblaoa ....... S Northern Pacific eifie... T4 yrennairaaia eiktiaa V. UeadlDg . ......... J Baltimore Brook Ira 44 1 Rep. Steel 44 'Rock lalan. Canadian H pother n Pacific in. 1 Cheaapeake l iSouthara Jtillway! 2 Com. Pual Texaa A Pacific Iflc... 1 Ert Kty Ox pfd Grait-1 Northern l. nloa Pacific .. S V. a. Rteel do pfd . RET LOSS. 8t Paul . New Tork. Pes. IS. Anaconda Mining to (tin th feature of th trading. It waa again aery artlr and gained 4 potata. ' Tb larg est tBdlrldual gala waa In Saty eomoaoB. Tbll iaaua wa rery satire, aloaay rate adraacod. Official enotatlooa br Oferhetk. Starr A Book eempany: upon. f.ioee. Amalgamated Copper Co 114 U4 44 101 tt SO 74 IMS 1I4 12 Li America Car A foundry, common. 424 Aaartraa Car A Koondry, preferred . ... Amrriraa conoa mi, eammoa... Aawrlraa Lecoeeotrr. eoamoa.. Americaa Roger, eommna Aatcricaa Smelter, commeat.,.. Aaaerlcaa Smeltor, preferred...: Aaacood Mining Co Aaterlraa Woolea, coeimoa Atetilaoa. eommo .. T4 ..IMS ..144 ..114 ..2W .. 824 ..104 ltH- Raltimor A Ohio, rrrmmaa, .... aaJ14'A114, K reo Ira Rapid Transit 74 ' 74'4 Caaadlaa Pacific, eommoa.. ...... .1S4 Ceotral Lea t bar, eommoa. S81, tejini uiuwr, prrterree... . ... .. .... Chicago A Oreat weetern, com.... Id Chicago, Wllwauke A Rt. Paul.. ..14 ' Cbicag A Northwtra, eomso..l'ST - Cbeoanesk Ohio....; 61 Colorado Fnel A Iron, eommoa... Q Onlnrado Boathera, eommoa 3014 Colorado Soother, gd preferred ... , AH Colorado BoBfhera. let prefarrtd... .... eeiawar ar uwati..,, .... larnrer A Rio tiraade. eommoa ... 2 14 Oenrer A Bio Grande. Breferrad Erie, eommoa ............. t$H Krle, 2.1 preferred FIrkslal preferred.,.....,....'.... .... Illinois (.antral .... Luilll A KiabTill... a Manbarta Railway iiaeoart, Kanaa A Texaa, com.... 4014 Mteanori. lUaaaa A Texaat afd.... 714a, DUUllara - Great Norther ...lMtV Mlaeoort Pacific m Notlaoal Lead , 724 New York Central ...12VV New Tork, Ontario A Weatern Norfolk A Weatara, eommoa 86 Norfolk A eat era, preferred.... North American 'l Northera Pacific, enmmrei 163W Pactnc Mali Bteamehlo Co Pennayrranla Railway ;.JX14, reianie oa. l.tabt aY nok Co Sd Preaaed Steel Car. common t.l Preaeed Steel Cr, prererred... nentng. common Rending. 2d preferred. ..... . Reading, let preferred.;....... Republic Iron A SteeL eommen Republic iron A Steel, preferred . . . an Rock I aland, eommoa........ ...... 241 U Rack lalaad. preferred - St. Louie A San Fretwlaeo. 3d nfd . .... Southern Pacific, eommoa S4 . evwithora raeiric, prererred. ...... Smithera Railway, comaaoe. ...... 6 tvmthera Railway, preferred...... Texe A Peifle Toledo, Rt. Loal A western, com. Toledo. St: loul A Vt'oatara. afd. Cnkm Pacific, common...- t mteaj ptatee -nutwtor, eommoa... I'nlted State Rubber, preferred... T'nlfed State Steel Co- eommoa.. mi 1 l ulled State Steel Co., preferred. .10414 r aooan. eomraoe) i.i. common 114 I., pre f erred 8is 82 Ibton Telegraph ......... .... 2i W aba ah. Weatern Vt'hacnnaia Central, preferred... Virginia Chemical Ponole a fit. Ugbt A Coke C. x-diridend of H4 per cent. arw TOBZ 00TT0B MABJUT. New Vertr. Feb. 1fW Cot toa price: and I Open. High. Low. rb. is Fee. 1 Jan .l'""2 H4- inra . vmo P03 reb ....... n".l V.-O run pi pta MarrB 7 - rt P7 ' P'.W U April a4 :a1 a':4 M4 May S44 BIT . 43 p4S P42 Jen a..... . . ' ... Vt O'Ki July W.f tvA m ' avi act Aag KA a.'al S'iA p4 sert avt -,a ,. - t-4 p-,( tk-t ,..., PIS .:2 P7T . STS bee d SM ' Sol t set X. Elghtr-flTO millions of dollars oa G - XI letf J t-Vi I been sufficient to down the Ambition for histrionic honors of Fanny WBrd-Leswls. fdrmer Casino star, 1tonalrJ"dIam6nr king of South Africa and London. Mrs. Lewls has re cently arrived -In New York to arrange for her stage appearance. Mrs. Lewis and her little daughter are shown in the picture. AMERICANS SPEAK PURER ENGLISH British Master of Language Sets John Bull Roaring With Plain Truths. . V " LUDICROUS EFFORT TO .DISCREDIT THIS ,CRITIC Amerlcaxt Schools Give Better lit' struction and Infinitely More of It Noted Schools of England Pit labia Failures. v ' (Jnaraal Special Rerrlea.) London, Feb. . 81dney . Lee. tb great English Shakespearean scholar. haa brought a hornet's nest about his ra br telling; th English peopls some plaid truths about themselves. At th first public meeting- of tha recently formed English association,. Instituted, among; other thins, to promote the cor rect use of English, Sir. Lea said th rank and ftla of Americaa people -spoke and wrote better .English thsa tba av ers re Englishman, and English was bet ter taught In all gradea of schools In America. Ha aald at Harvard univer sity there were twenty profeasora of Engllah studies, while at Oxford there waa practically only one. . In advanced English scholarships America waa out stripping - F"g'"d XCr. Jae Ought to Know. Mr. Lea la a master of English litera ture, le well acquainted with th edu cational ayitcms of botbc6unfr1er and haa filled lectureships at Lowell instl tute, Johns Hopkins and Princeton uni versity In Amerlcs. . 80m of th attempts made here -to refute Ms statement ara ludleroua. A great London two-cent dally ha re course to an anonymous Interview, and sn obviously faked interview at that. It quotes Tin American gentlemen stay ing at th Savoy ..hole!" aa earing: Thla la A rebate, AnyBo-w. "I gueag we know considerable more boutv your .language than, you da your- selrre. Sidney Lee'e got right there and I reckon he a si sod you up O. K. Wa hav real Ilv prrrfeasors in our seminaries sad whst tbey- don't know about thBr!tlh language ain't worth knowing. - Shucks,-ahy"guy who says contrary don't know enough to keep Out 01 tb rain. And that a a fact." This la th sort of stuff a dignified English Journal sets before It reader a a fair specimen of "Engllah aa-ah la spoke" by "Amr1ran gentlemen." A well might on quota tha language ot a eoatermonger a typical of -Mayfslr snd Belaravln. Besides, It Is of a sort of American thst Dickens or Thack eray might hare ridiculed. If -English' words were ever strung together Ilk that by an American, tie was sn Ameri can of 10 yea re ago, not a modern adept in current "United Btates." Welet aa Official Tact. Th neglect of English studies at th much-vaunted English public schools. Eton. Harrow, Rugby snd similar fa-' mous institutions, haa frequently been denounced by Englishmen , of weight snd prominence, as scandalous. Th els sales, ' dead language, tak their place. At th close of the Boer war various learned commissions Inquired Into th mental status of the . British officer, who almost always Is a pro duct of these same public school. The result was a sweeping" condemnation of their, methods. A Poor Senator. Trank O. Brlggs, who succeed John F. Drvdeti aa' I'nlted Btates .senator from New Jersey Is a poor man. For 36 year he hss been a salaried, employ of tha Trenton firm that built th Brook lyn bridge. Mr. Btiggs had served on term aa mayor of Trenton whan b wa appointed Ststa treoauter By-3oraot Voorheea. Htibsevjuentlr ha wa ro lerted to th office, la ha waa made chairman of tba Republican atate committee., and managed tha campaign which resulted In tb election ot Oor ernor "tok, 1 - -in with all Its possession implies, has not now wife ofHoeLewls. 4bB muitl-mti DEADLOCKED OVER iiiEYiitr On the General Appropriations Measure Two Houses Are' .":T". vt',' Far Apart. I ; HOUSE AMENDED IT IN CRUSADE OF ECONOMY i Senate Promptly Puts . Them Up 'Again and House ' Down Again- Final Test Tet to Come Money , for Printing and Flrefighting. By S Staff Cormpondent.) alem. Feb. It. Th huua baa dead. locked tha senate ove the general ap propriation bill. Whan th bill cam up to th houa swraral day ago-th Item or traveling azpensea for all state off I cara were out down nearly half, tha aal. ary of tha commissioner of labor was raised and other changes made .from tha oommlttae'a recommendations. The general tone ' waa economy, though la tha case of th governor's office a strong effort was mad to reduce the recommendation, for political jpurpoaea, by th partisans In tha house. Tba senate refused to conour in th amendment of th;hous and raised all items back to where they wer when they eta from committee. The report came up In tha night session and the house - began - to put - tack - tha - sums agreed upon when it paased on tha bill th first time. Owing t av anloiinorwtondlng of rust ter la tha report a conference waa asked for with th svriat clerk and further consideration of the bill propoaed. It haa not yet been taken up, but the sens of tha bouse is to aend th bill back aa it went to tha aenata tha firat time. This will force th senste ithr to hold up th bill or to back down be fore th wishea of tb house. . ' The waya and means committee haa reported an appropriation of for printing, binding and th general ex penses of th stat printing office; also 11,600.-for-the -Installation of -flrtupta; tectioa for th capltol building. ADDITIONAL TANGLES IN..A.BIGAMY.CASE (Sneetal Dt patch te' Tba Jowrasl.) Lav Urande, Or, Feb. IS An alleged wlf of Harry Olbson. now Incarcerated in a Portland prison awaiting trial en a ran i awe re a '." e a i in mmmm I V 1 1 AV a i mm-. i i T " , V- v . For C850O and on terma w offer th above new and modem rel.1nc with spacious ground In heart of srintocrstlo lrvlngton, Tat Tainmnok s'rt i la aec-4 of a hum this la worthy of your sfitnus . . cnn.i-i... ... - ,, i,.,. n v ; mov quickly. ' Jackson Phona Mnln a-t.T. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. City of Portland to Helen Ladd Cor heft , .. . , nd wiinaaa M. Ladd, let T, block '7, city t a Fred V aad Bertha L. King te Noab f. llouafoa. lot . block tb. Sell wood.... XM Andrew and Emily Carlaoe to Abraham . TH-knr. eaat H or northeaat of " Bortbweat 44 ed retto 17, tew ua alp -1 aoutb. rana-a 1 eaat. 1. 100 Henry and tin ma Seaacl to Pane A. Tun, lot -4, block 4. Alois tutgats aiirlltlon - - . tM W. II. urtndataff t al. to A. B BlUa- MiiilOO feet ef doulii block C. ity.... H.dOrJ 1.- Bartok to P. f.. Mncar. lot . block . . . . s, Moyor subdlvbdoa, el . reniaad ... A . . . L900 . Hartt and Btbel tbl Oardner never. Johnson, waat SO feet of eontB M I S feet of lot 4. block aUt, JDoll- eay an it loo 1.100 Lawrence and Mary A. Cormall to O. B. ar n. vo., lot o ana o, ntoca e. ptaas- berry' addition to Woodlawa . . A. Way to O. B. 14. Co., lot d, ' block 1. rarrell' addltloa. too Georg god Carolioe tileager to O. R. N. vo., 20-100 or aa acre ot wuiiana McClnng' donatioa lead claim. la oath tt of axmtbweat ef eaetlea 11. townahln 1 worth, ran ra 1 east........ 1.009 i. V. Tamleal to t. F. Bill, bat T and S. block 2. U. Patton' 8cood addi tion to Alblna Arleta Land conn pa ay to BT. Brock, lot 19, block 8, Arleta Park Be. S U. and Conrad Bncbk to O. B. A N. Co., part ef lot 7 aad a bleca . Btansbarrr'a addltloa to Woodlawa.... J. B. aad A. M. H Una berry to O. B. N. Co., lota 9, s, 4, lo aad is. block . 4. Stanaherrr'a addition to Woodlawa.. l.2t 1.000 William Mill to 1. L. Wigte end Wmal rrad Pnrdr. lot a Lanrelwood Park... Tb Land Coaipaay ef Oregon to Elmer r.. n rtgnt, lota is sna iv, -ones s. CTty-View Tart ... . .'. . . ..: .... .". OS IT. C. and Joba at. Pitteager to Oeorg r nd Aani Barer Xamp, aot e. Blocs IS. Kortb IrrlngtoB.... tOS Aa Otka and Anna B. Welle te afx ' y.a.laralcy at it, tot 7, block 10, nertB Irvlnrton i rdo - Lertte ST. rtietp to Portland Tuiat Conf- Kiay of orogos, mt xi and a. war- c's addltloa to fcioant Tabor 10 Jennie O. and J. A. Sheffield to J. aad ... Isabella Brace, eaat o feet C lot , Mora B.1. Stenben' addltloa J. 000 aillametta -Iron II Jteel Work to H. U Cl la. lot, . Mock , coocn s addlUoa . dO.oOO Kettle L. Palmer to B. H. BUllDgalay, lot IS, block 17, Sellwood HoldeB sad Marl lisrgrTs to Cbarlee' C. Cram, east tt ot lota 17 aad is, -block 47, Srninrald. . -- Arthnr O. and Lid B. II nil to William II. Vtrati, lot T, block 13. Flrland... Edward A. and Orac B. Baldwin to F. O. Dowolnx. sndlrided tt ef lots S and a.' Mock SIS. Porthed......' i Onatar and Angnata Priewald to Boo well B. Lameoe et al, TzxM feet be- Sinning at rnntbeaat eornau at lot I, - lock 328, city IS.SO0 C A.! and Martba Cerawrll ta Porwetl "B. Lamsoa at al.. traate. 4Txt3 feet berlnnlng at nortlieiat corner et block ;!, city Snato Ellnbelh and Samtwl Bec Col el te Joaenhtn Rmarerlot and 3. block 8, Highland Plan..., J. II. and Alice A. Scott to Bit Oew aee et al.. et 40 feet of lota S ssd 4. block 2T9. Aiken's, addltkm W. M. nd Pora Kllllngawortb Bonwrt B. Beat, lots B apd , block 14. Berth AIMna .' ...... 1, l. and Carrl 0. Whirtoa to Frank Van Bebber. In t, block 183, East Portland Hllrnef Olaoa to BoUnd Maare,' lets t and 4. block T, Stewart Park... Joeeph Harneas to Joha Fleck, lot 11, block B town of Lents 1,000 S.230 . 10 IV) , B.SS0 1M V K 8 ,ono ; too 5 S t ftOO - Ida Florence et al. to Edward H. Ciballa, lot 4, block 4B, Honaoay s eooitwe,. ... Cllaa B. and Joha H. Metiger te Thomaa t. loner, km a, ana iw, diocb , M.raiit nood drlltlon to Oreeham. Uargarrt A. Moon te Catherln Torn, : weat Z-t feet or anatn tt or lot , staca 23. Orlgmil Townalte ef AIMna Jobs IHlton to Mre. B. B. raaltoa. eeet tt ef lot T. block 7ft. Coucn addition. Hannah Lo Jooe:h te C. B. Crea, lots nd 13. baork IS. rirvlew Oharle L. end Cora B. Boa te M. I. Pelahnnt. endlTkled H ef lot 11, eases T. Tork addltloa Anna Kreneer ta Eire V. VI let. Iota IT and IS. block I. Iranho....., . Deid and Ell L. OoodaeU to Tboeiae H. Sneed. lota I and 3, aosta blocx 1. Colombia Heli-hte WIMIem H. and Mary A. ladd t Albert Broddte, lota S asd , Blocs , Wlaaoa a addltloa 3,800 JWt. 5ole et al. to H. B. Adama. WW acre,-eommeeeine at a point ra bonnfl. ' ary ef Joba WlBdle'a don t loo land " " claim. T.IW cbatna eaat ef weat baaed- ere of aald olalm ....... IQ.araV William and Cbrlaten. tV . Witt B. , Panl Scbmld lot a block 31. Lincoln Park l.STS tet' I ton 1,000 tit S. B. and O. U Week ta N. P. Sodec, lot T. Garden 1 Dald B. Kelly te W. B. aad Carrie C. Drids. lot X an Boris v, or biocs I . elte McboU rod Sarah I. Clinton to Tall the Jan Wlleoa. lota sad a. Blors eat. Vaat IMrtland Weaterw Oreroo Trnat company to Mar - tn. yeeaoai lot la. block 1. tNeolnai . Tt-M. Word berlfr to WIlHam BandolT, lor 1. panes e. mrniano rant Cbarlee E. aad Emma J. Snort lo Emm T. ( lantern ot al.. lor SO to 26. tn- .rtOdlT. Work 13. Kortbem JlIU addl tloa A Wa Ttaeotd to William Blade II. V4 Slock 7. Rermanla , J. r.. and Emma Sentt o William and Starr nan-ten. vote in. li aaa li. Mock 14. Tremeat Place.; U For a hat reef. nana, rail on Pacific Title A Tisal eoexaoay. 704-a-a-T FaUhtc balk) laa. Oct roar wneeaoe end botrace to root ea'it from rhe Tttl Gnaraate a Tt "at aaoa woo. 94 waebtoreew eliael ! "w 11 ' i' ' i "i 1 -wce.n'fT, C: toe iris T80 tss . 730 STJ 10 ,000 4.150 1.300 10 M