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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1907)
If THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 15. 1007. NEW TODAY. A Home Ready, to Move Into BXACVOr. IBOITI A plendld ' I room cottag and a larg lot. ltlOxl.O. Til housa itself could not b built ' forth money now ukid. A lovly 7 bom. Prlr f 2.500. Kaay Urma, V FX I rrrrtm bona and corner lot on Vancouver ave,, 1 block from Wll llam ave. Pric $ 2.400 cash. . E-BOOK MOV on Vancouver av, near Beach at. ; now iylng over 10 per cent ci in ram. . nlac ; for worklnaman. , Price SJ..40O Half cah. ' 4-mOOlC OOTTASa and 40x100 lot, near th 8. P. Car hope; good wreauneni. pays 11 per cent NET; houe la In ' , good condition; good dtacount . for ' cash;, -on terms, 91,250. WOODUWV-A pretty llttl -room cottag and 100x100 (round, within J0 feet ot th station. Thia la a 25 ..,. 4Am mm t ha center-of the ' down-town bualneaa district, with car -, eery t minutes during th working nour. rnce ii,ouv. . , Alaa aome other homes In thia lon neglected -anburb. Real estate haa ad vanced 6. per cent la WOOD LAWN . since th removal of the unsightly car barn and the Improvement of street. It will TREBLE In - valu whan th vrortc ia compietea. , . . CHAMBER OP COMMERCE. CLEARLY DEFINED PRINCIPLE - of constant safety to depositors ' - and eonserratlva and prudent management upon which th ,,' "Oldest Trust Company In Oregon" - has- beca built; combined with assetaof over . - $1,800,000.00 and "a conveniently altuated and wall - equipped Banking Houa should be an inducement to any , ', on socking a financial depoal- "if you "contmplatlpening T bank aocount, " yoa . kav Idle money not drawing Interest, w ' invu your attention to th fact - that w pay"; ': ., 2 PCI1 CCnt Knam on dally balances of v OllOt AOCOTJaTTa on sums' of 1800. or tnor (even hundred I computed and credited monthly." ; Call for Book of ' , lUVITBATIOaTar ' Portland Trust Company of Oregon . a. I. Comer Third sad Oak sta. ' Phone xcaaag T2. BEN J. I. OOHTJN ......'..PreeldeBt H. L. PITTOCK Tloe-Presldent B. LEB PAOET Secretary I. O. GOLTRA. Assistant Sacretary THIS A SNAP 33 1-3x100 feet, East Washington St, near Thirty-sixth. Owner will build modern cottage to suit pur chaser and do it on easy terms. is-THISasnap? MACKINTOSH & INDWELL 420 COMMERCIAL BLDG. PHONE PACIFIC 2514 er - r- IIARTMAN&THOMPSON - GO SEE FOR YOURSELF i-room bungalow, 701 Patton Road, .Portland HelRhta, one or two lota; key over front door. - .- . ..j 2 New 7-Room Mouses " Kast IJd and Main streets; not quit completed. Will have furnace, fireplace, -t-r- ga and- electric fixtures Buy now. And hare bouses tinted to suit , 7-ROOM QUEEN ANNE N. B. corner Kast Mtb aad Main: built ' two year ago. This lw a beautiful . place. Pon't Jpother owner by looking .through thia houa unless you. think it will suit yon. ' ; ' . .7 Bar galas ia Xeasea, lot aad Xaoom :' Proprty. C. C. Shay SOd Ablagtoa Bldg, 1M4 Third BtrMi. . Mala 143. ' Yamhill County: FARM 141 Acre, all fine land nearly 100 acres rich bottom land, well drained, balance gently rolling: ISO acre culti vated, it acrea of which I In timothy; I acre In timber, 1 acres in" pasture; running etreara of water, t aprfngs; all fenced and cross-fenced, moat beard and wire fenors: good neighborhood; new linuae and barn, fmnte on good mad, 4 mtlee to good railroad town, In Yam hill county, Oregon. A very cheap farm at 13 per acre. BtBBSXB KABKIBOaT, SIT Ablaraoa Bldg. BEST BITS' W WIS. seres In Lenta, cleared ready for rUttUia 1230 an acre. A clianc t mur money. Inqulr 2 ith "t. 1VEW TODAY. Profitable' $95,000 ;200 feet on Flanders street, be- 'tween Sixth and Seventh. $20,000 Sixth and Madison, now paying ' nearly 7 per cent., h . v $35.000 Ella " and Washington, quarter block. ; This will bring $40,000 in 60 days. : : 1 $7,250 Davis street, near Fourteenth; now paying $50 a month, -'::- H. W. LEMCKE CO. afaia MO. Cistfe and Washiagtoa. ... axoxa xrwt -.: Swell six-room bouse in prettiest part of ; iRVirsdroiN On block from car, nlc lawn, and everything right up to date tMUO. ' 0. Zn vasjusx eo, 111 Marquam Bldg. Fone Main 0221 Lots in Porter's Addition : 910 DOWBT AXD $10 m btovtb: Bias of lots 4tkl00 to (0x113 feet. Th3 double-tracking; of th JWaverlyi Woodstock car line will ciiuae propvrty to double as soon as work eommencea PORiER'8 ADDITION, right on thl line, haa Just been platted and Is now ready for th, market. Streets (0 feet wide, will b graded and water piped to eai-h r.' Beautiful -view; Building reatrlollon Jl.OOO.- -t' THE FIRST PERSON to build on? each Block of Porter's Addition will re ceive a snap. - Don't mlas this oppor tunity Get in on. the ground floor-at once. Terma JlO caah td 11 - pef month. - J. Frank Porter " at Waahingtoa St, Upstair. Here's Something Good S24.SOO Fin . plec property ' for stores or apartments, on Third st. car line and only- few minute to , Third and Washington; over 200-foot ".frontage: some Income; essy pay ments. ' Owner, L 111 Journal. 567 Sherlock Bldg. . Pacific 2439 fine Vacant Lot f 4000 tOslOO, North llth near Kearney. ' Do yon want to build real- , dene or apartments? Here's your chance. Owner, M 111 Journal. FOR RENT SIS per month, neat l-room cottsg. on "8" car, 10 minutes to Third and Washington. IK Chamber of Com. WHEN AW AT FROM HOME. fboVe ef Til lonrnal eaa be ebtalnad ta th foltnwlnf eltlae aad towne oatald et Ongea. isa oeroai weeia appreciate tee receipt or report ef taller t ebtala eoetas ef the paper at aar of tatae plafva: rAf I'll w .utii'..-rW a W A I.I. A WALLA, WASHIMOTOS Walla Wan MaUfDrj Coainaa; HAsr-Hoawell CoaipaDj) Hotel Parrea Neva Rtaad; Caloa Cigar luad, 11 W Ssntk rnnrth atrret TACOMA, WASHINGTON -Hotel Taeona Hew ntane; vestrai nrwi inpanj. . KATTLK. WABHI.NOTON Rainier Oraad Neva gtaa; ' Interactional Nrwa Awncr M ' . 1 1 ... m . w 11 . J OOI.DKIeLd. XKVADA Loula Folia, Newspaper An'EVkIO. CAUmRMIA Asms Mm Ceav paoj, Newaper Waroe. SPOKANE. WASUINUTOX-Joka W. Orahaa a rv IOIR. inARO-InaeHi rnllloa. MINNEAPOLIS. atlNNMOTA tL J. Cavs aaaiih. M Third afreet, eoeta. ST. LOUR. MIKSOL'KI B. T. Jatt. sot Ollre arfwtt - lorrt L. Afkeraiaa. KANMAS CITY. .MISaoi'HI Yesia Mews Cos ranr. Mrmantier Waaoau CHICAOO. IUJNOIS P. O. Mew Ceapaay, 17a Prarfiorn atraet. DKNTBR, COLORADO L'nloa Depot Ktw ataivd. LO ANOrLM. CAUrOBXIA, A sua Haws Ooatpany. wantpT Waina. OAKLAND. CALIFORNIA A aoa Ifewa Com pany, nawanaprr wacont N. vaeatler Hew ConoaBr. NewaiMeer Waeoa. ' SAN FHAXCIACO, (AUKOKM A 1. Vbeatlev Newa Coropanr. Newapaper Waeoe; romtrw a Orear, J'-rrr balldlnr; JoBnaoe Newa Compasj, 14(11 rillraa.- atrwt. SALT LA Kg CITT. I TA If Mrs. terfn. Hew. paper Wmtonj O. I,. Daviea, Hotel Krarnat Barmw Bma., 4 Weat geooed atrvet. eoath. OODEM, I TAH Orr New Ueaipaay. , Depot Newa Stand. OMAHA. K KB SASK A Millar! Bote! Mewa Stand. KKW rong CITT Arthur Hotatlng. Haw. papr warnna. M.4RRIAGE LICENSES. HMiry Buriiaen. 27. aad Mixta Ppt. 19. IWmaa Sbaplre. 24. and Anna Brill, 34. Tkona H. Jaeoaaoa, 11, and Edith Harder, Harold 0. SaaBMBS, 2. aad Mar 8 rim peon, Earl B. MrMlllaa nf Coram. California, 23. an Kallre Marina Olrdner. 22. r , Warren J. tloaf. 8s. and Ira C. tonr. 29. Jnue M. Tbnmiiaoa. 28, aad Eaina. A. Taa H. W. Crabasi. 31, and D. M. Wnodmas. 22. Wtlinr Carta. W. O. Mmlta ' C., Waaa Inftoa bliUt., ear roartk and Waahlaatoa eta. Waddles asd ratling rards enaravad af printed. C. T. Reebton. 40 Rt.arm hlds. TONKBTH as CO.. rLORIHTa. FOIt rLOWCBI Or ALL KINDS. 12 SIXTH IT. Clarke Rraa.. florlate rine OeWera . aad floral Aeelfst. 2M Morrlsaa St. rail dree satte tnt rest, all etcea. OaknM Tatkirlns ('.. ft) Stars at. BIItTILS.. Cronl At eni El at Telf'l atreet. Pehraary 12. te Mr. and Vra. 4lmi( Cmenl, s arlrl. rhnr At 8KB Harrlfa atret. IVhrnary M. f M. and Mr, t harl E. Cbrney. a lxr, Herra-At 4 Oaniennels itmiiw, Fetraar 10. t Mr.' and Mra. Lee A. Ilersn. Invdnients L WEATnEB REPORT. A portion of the Hnrky mountala kick pre ear arra taaa' adranoed i.ailiaatwrU to tue lower Mialaipp uilajr. Tl mala pordoa of tte dUtnrhaora, kowarar. contlnnaa eeotral Ilia nortlmra BiKkr BMMintaki atatea, and fnlr "t praralla erryirk weat of ttva Mia ilm.l rtrr. Tti illatnrlanr erar the lower lakr rrgkm baa diupiivareil at ana off the New KiiKlaml roaac, and cb dlturban reaienlar rwik of Mwafana haa advanced to tie npner lake revlon. I.lalit anow fcna fallra la upper HUhla.u. toe limrr lake rloe. middle Atlan tic aad New Knaland atatea. It la fuarpfr IUK nwirulns la the auim.1 ruuntry. weatera orea. aluue tbe aorth i'allf.imla coait and In'll.e Kn oaqula vallrr. It la aiork eoldor In the Oh la talk- and the middle aad eon Ik Atlantic ataiae, and mrreapoRdkin'lj' warmer la the super Mlulaali pl vniiry and tbe upper lake rertoii. The Uidlratkma ara for sxirrallr fatar weather wu u ii i net toniilit and aaturdaj. Temp. t ' Max. . Mln. Preclp, Biker Cltr. Oreao u :u .0 ft'lwv Idnho ,. M M ' .0 lentr, oiorado , tH , 2K ' . Kanaaa City, Mlaanarl 41 1 8 .0 Nfnth Haad. W.hltAB ' ft4 as ' - Jh Portland. Oreana... ,,..,,, M Srt " . Roeabiirs. Orap.a '. ... 04 " 40 . .0 Kan r-raurlaoo. California... na , M ' .0 Kpokarle, . V aahtnatoa 2 ' 2 . .0 Tarama, Waalilnston. 42 M . '' JO Walla Walla. Waablngtoa.. 4 80 .0 DEATHS. Conner At Borkey Butte, Frbmirr U, Bte phea Onaer, aged C4 years, t moatba aad f daya; raaaa, apoplaxy. Vuoniter At f. Eaat Thirty sarond alreet, Peliruary ia. . William Veunr, aard 7 yeara, rnnntha ami 1 day: eanaa. loner pnenmonla. BAMKAV At bla Ute realdencv. 201 Kaat Klxrk , at., aorth, Frbrnary 15, l William Kam- aay, aad 7 yeara. UNDERTAKERS. Diamine. MrEatee A Ollbeask. aadertaker and embalmera: smders la every detail, seventh aad I'lae. Mala 4JO. Lady aaalaUat. .-A. ' R. HeaMtoek, aadertaker aad embalmer, Eaat Ttilneeatk and Laiatllla are. Phea Boll wood 71. , . Erlekaoa llBdertaklnc Co.. asd embalming. 40 A Ida at. Phono Mai em. Lady aaalauat J. P. rtnley Bom, Third aad Medteoa ata. Offie of eouaty eoroaer. I'fceae Mala . Edward Holmaa, ndartaker, 220 Third at. CEMETERIES. BIVER TIEW Single grave, f 10; family lota, tlOti to Ol.ono; tbe only cemetery la Port land which pernetuallr maintain and care . for lota, for full Informatlo. annla tr. W. B. Mackenal. Worceater block, elty. W. If. Man, ynaimi. BOSS CITT-SlDgle gravea. I0; family lots. 'A to 078. Superintendent st cemetery, corner of Fremont at. and Colly mad. Phono . Tabor 2id. For full laformatlea applr te Frank "chargel, 002 Comaerelal klk. Phone Mala 2X28. - NOTICES. IN TUB dlatrlct court of the United atatea. for the dlatrlct Of Otpjtoo In tbe matter ef the eotate of Oeorge Earhart. bankrupt. Tbe nnleralirned will recalre eealed blda for the following described peraooal property, located at Bdon, Oregon, ap t 12 o'clock aooa of Saturday, March 2. J9U7 . . A atock of merchandlae. eonalatlsg of for- nltnre.hardwaa. -paint and olla, of th la ventory value of, atore flxrnrea of tlie Inventory value of -t80.70, plumbing and tinning tool a of the Inrentnry value of 1130. Term eaak. and certified rbek for 10 per can et th amount bid mnat aeeompany each offer, sale subject, te eeaftrmatloa by the eoart. i , The Inveatory may be aeea at my efflca and the atock may be laapected at Coo doe, Oregna. , - Dated at Portland, Orr-too, this 14th day of rebnwry, 11)07. R. L. SABIN, Traetee, . ' No. T First st. SEALED BIDS will be received st tbe school clerk's efflca, city hall, ap to February IS, 1WU7. for a certala tract of land located ta , Stephens addition, city of Portland, aonnded aa follow.: p,r tbe Honthern Pad tie rallruad trat'ka, center line of Eaat Btepbena St., Eaat . Third and Kt Mill ata.. Iroa the lot aoll , to ThoDiaa Colllnaoo. Wald tract ef land ta owned by K-uool dlatrkt No. 1, Mnltaomah county, Oreson, and they will receive pro : pooala for aame aa above atated. A depoalt ' of 10 par cent will be' required with all blda. . Terms caah. The achool board teeerves th right ta re ject any and all blda.. H. H. A7.I.EK. School Clark. Portland. Oregoa, Jaa. 18, 1U0T. CARD OP THAKKa w deatr throagh th . eolumna ef the Oregon Dally Journal te re turn ear heartfelt tuanke to th many friend wbe were praernt and aaatated et tbe fanerel of our father, John Bowlae. We aaaiire them ; that their aympathy la our great affllrttoa will ever be held ia gratefnl remambraaee by a. . MRU, Slr!AN t.HLCK. MRH. KATK Ik POX. ' " , ' : MRS. MATTIB BALL.' MRS. ELIZABETH HOSBT. NOTlfl ta hereby gtvea that the anaaal xoeet - log of the a took bold. re of the Oregna Booth, era Railway company will be held et the of fice of the company, Portland. Oregoa, lion day, March 4. iwiT. at ( o'clock p. n., for tbe purpose ef electing board f dlrectore t and transacting euck other bualDee aa aay legally ome before the meeting. , W. tt. IJTZENsKHU, Secretary.. PBOFESAOR 1. C. CRaVMER. the Teda Oil Maa, removed from imt Mala St. te &! Vaaihlll at., corner Park. LETT'S maale boos la moving t 12 fifth ei.,- oypoaire viae a King. MEETING NOTICES. 1ULTNOMAH Camp. No. 77, W. i. W.. ajet tonight la their hall, Eaat Hlith. near Eaat Al r. All vlaltlng neighbors cor dally welcomed. aV H. tJRIFFITH, ,-e.-- J. M. WODWOKTH. C. WASHINGTON LODOB NO. 4n. A. P. A A. M. Special commnnloa tloo this I Friday) evening, 7:30 'clock, Borkhard bldg. Work R. A. degree. Vial tore walcoaM. By , order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND, Secretary. ALL members ef Oregoa emuictl. Royal Af eanom, are reoneated te attend tbe fanerel ef ear Jhte brother. Thar lea Ford, from Fla ley'a chapol, Sunday at 2:30 p. ra. W. J. HULL. Regent. DR. CEO. S. BARRETT, Secretary. WBtlMli rriY,D.WV T.. .... w a .1 ..... M - H'.i. . .1. 1 '. W ,t 1 1 K , TT . ... I W., gives wblat and dancing, Friday erea-4 ing, renmary in; rerreanmenta; run orohee tra; Woodmea temple. Captala C. T. Elliott. M. W. A. STERORBEN Camp, S.end. facet Wedneadey valog, A 1 laky kldg.. Third aad Morrlaoa eta. M. W. A. Oregoa Orape Cams, No. ,07s, Mas daya. 17th and Maraballi vtattors weleom. LOST AND FOUND. LOST A nine enameled ptn with gold ent . lines end tbe letters "H-I-A" across the fare: owner will reward finder. Return to Journal artlat. . - LOBT Lady's gold watch with black silk guard. In Portland or Altilna, February 18. Call or addraaa I. L. Clark,, 491 .Kreetnont at. Reward. FO Kli A plaea te have batr mittreaee re no. vatrd and retnrned eame day. 22 Front at. . Main 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. H. Matxgar, - proprietor. LOST Pair of gold-filled glaaaea: plceae re . turn to Internatlortal hotel sad receive f 1 reward. E. Aaderaou. IF THE person who fraud lady's tmree Is Tnme Halle Wedneaday evening will leav pnrae and other contcnte st Inepector'a win dow In O. W'. r. waiting rvout. First aad Alder, mar keep money. LtlhT OnM-leafed brooch with pesrl center. Leave at room 10, 1414k Firet St., and reeclr reward. LOfT Foonrala pen, valoed Bl feeepaak. turn te Jiairnal. . litELP WANTED MALE. Re- OOtm live aaieeman, salary and commie. Ion: a good pmpoattloa to right party. C 140, car Journal. MEN and ho-r wanted to leant plumbing, plae 4 tering. brlrklaylng, electrical tradea; free catajftgne; ptailttona ecnrel. Coyne Trad RcLooU.-New York and Baa Frasrien. tOl'V'l man fr aaaiatant eaahler; mnat he eerefnl- -and aeevtrtrte;- write good band and anderetaud nor.kkeeplng. Reply In ewa kand wrltlnc. giving age, reference jitxt salary expected. Ad'lreas R I20. care Joamel. WAXTEII Kaleamen; men with hook or life Inanrawro atem-leiM-e. Room al, Tllfned hldir. Chicago .Nte Xork lectrla Air Ua railroad. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED SALESMEN A CONCERN HAT- INU AN INI K It N ATIOVAL ItKPCTATION ' 1IA! THE rllr SKI. LI NO FINANCIAL . rn... ni i nii j.- I II IS a&UIVt I JOUAI. If' YOU AHN A HAI.l:NVtAN (IK IIAVR TIIK - rtr.t BWAKI VCAI IFlt ATION8 TO UK' COMfS tl.Nhl WB WILL TBACH YOU now ' TO EARN A SALARY Or NOT LKS8 THAN .I.Ola YEARLY. ADDRESS IN CON IT DKNCE, KlATINd AOK. t'XPP.RlKNCE AND Hi-I KKKNCCa, 0 IBL CARE JOURNAL. '.-. MEN WANTED ' -Who hav com mo a school edncatloa or bet rer. between 18 and 40 years ef age. te pre- pare for ruatoms tea nee tor or railway mall clerk la Portland; must bo atmng and able te give good reference; we kaetruct by mail only. Now. It yea haven't position, or voa ara dlaaatlaflod with your present employ ment and will accept a position with Uncle Ram at from fS40 to (l.Soo to start, let as prepare yoa lor th civil eervic examination. . Yeure very truly. PACIFIC (STATES BCH0OLS, " " McKay bid., Portlaud. Or. WANTED AT ONCE Stars-bolt cat tor, wage 11-40 per cord; steady work. Apply Weatera Cooperage Co, 8 tea ma bldg, 1'ortlaad. r tiotiltoe. Or. , WANTED AT ONCE Sound young teen or flre mea and brakernen oa leading weatera rail roads and for new roada now being com pleted: experience unnecessary: firemen $100 "pa' month, brakernen T3r positions-now upeur write at once tor particulars, panonai neu wny Training aaaoclatlon. 7.M Paxton hlk, Omaha. Nebraska, er 031 Rtdgs bldg Kanaaa City. Missouri. PACtFIC BTATIONERI ft PRINTING CO. , 20.V20T Second ex. Phone mala til We design and Install the moat modera and Improved office syatsms; complete line kw leaf flltug devices. GENTLEMEN wlablng to better their position call and see rae: 4 to s dally eaaiiy mane; no graft, no eanvaaalng. 44T Waahlngtoa St. Call after 10 a. o. OREOON CONTRACT CO Grading work of aU kinds; basemeats a peclalty. Call ap Mala A GOOD salesman, experienced hi stationery and office euppllea. caa find exceptional es- rt unity with good prospect by sddreaalcg 120, care Journal.. - WANTED Every mas eat ef s position e dls eatlalled wttk kls present vocation, to taks a sight eourse st th Behnke-Walker Boat . aeas College. Seventh asd Stark sta. Ws will plaea yon la a position whea competent- WANTED Two or three first -clase, all-armmd machine men: permanent position, good wages. Oregoa Furniture Mfg. Co., Macadam road. AGENTS wasted, Ongon California. Idaho. Washington: kealth asd accident Inaaraace: ' eld reliable company; good eontraeta; refer ncee reqnlred. United Btatea Health A Ac cident Insurant Co.. SCO Merqnaas.. - .11.00 A MONTH PBOTECTS TOO Agalnat accident, sickness and deathv:-- Write or rail and Investigate. Northwestern. Health A Accident Aasodatlon. aon-sOT McKay bldg- Agent Wanted. MEN AND WOMEN te learn the barber trade In eight weeket graduates ear front $18 te 123 weekly; expert Instructors: catalogue free. - Moler Byatem of Colleges. M .North roartk St.. Portland. WANTED Salesmen! many make IIOO a )Bg per usonth: some even more; stack clean; grown on reservation, far from eld eeehardet cash sdranced weekly: choice ef territory. Address Waahlngtoa Naraery company. Top. peolak. Washington. , WS get work for ear msrnberat sneetal mem- sa. i. at. v. a. roorta ana xabuuu. MONBIt MONEYI Advanced every week to onr agents; s foil line. Including p-to-dat specie It lea. Write for free canvassing outfit. Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem. Or. COMPETENT sash, door, sad planing mill tore- man, nigneev. wagea; communicationa sonn deatlal. Address W 128, ears JoornaL . - WANTED steady boy. It par week te kegta wuii. as norm sronx-. corner usvis. MEN of ability to sell th most liberal health and accident lasuraacs policy on the market. Pacific Aid association. Lumbar Exckaaga bMg, Portland. Or. . TURNER wanted. 872 Froat at. UNION HOTEU ' SI North Blxtk St., Portland, Or. ' Free employment to all Its boards ret rates S4.60 per week; rooms 28o asd np; speclsl monthly rates gtvea. Anderses, proprietor. WANTED Upholsterer finisher and cabinet maker; mast be first -class. Apply . 4S2 ' Height St. WANTED A iob press - Co., Oa Blxtk St. feeder. Lens Card Bosh WANTED Maa to do choree and assist wltk milking os a small dairy farm; good . horns for sn elderly sua. Address D, R. ; Stoddard, Jefferson. Or. ' - ' WANTED A No. 1 carpenter wsats booses t build by contract or say work; rirst-ciass work. N 12S, JosrnsL - aj H ntad immediately, 1 katee llaked reel eetate office. 2128: experience not necessary ; moat be steady and reliable 1 sit mat is require, vsn yoa nu tne pines 7 Alexander er Lsad Co., a Sixth, sear Pins. ONB HALF mtereet hi furniture repair and see. end-hand bus loess; a paying proposition te ta right maa. u l-tx, car joanial- BOYS with wheels. Apply at sacs te Olds, Wortmsn m Kin. . WANTED A hoy or sn old maa t do choree; moat be arjie to mug sn ear -toe norees; wagee $15 te 120 par month, board aad room. Address F -129 cars JeorssL WANTED Carpentering, parntlnf. lathing, plas tering; give dentistry, can room , asth Waahlngtoa at. JUST' ARRIVED! New Stock of "Opportunities" NO TROUBLE, TO The Journal Comss to you today bringing for your inspec tion a fresh cargo of OPPORTUNITIES, of all sorts and kindssuited to all kinds and sorts of people and to all sorts and kinds of tastes, inclinations, ambitions and human Truly, it is "no trouble to show goods;' for you have but to turn to these classified advertising pages to find the fas cinating displays. Some of these "goods" will probably not. interest you at allbut, if you have average impulses and interests in life, SOME OF THEM WILL APPEAL STRONGLY TO YOU. - v ;: ; , - . The' Journal realizes that it is performing, a very great public service in delivering to its readers, with every issue, a fresh CARGO OF OPPORTUNITIES; and it hopes that YOU, personally, may be taking full advantage of this public service. . We believe that it will be impossible for yotito "look over these goods" today without a thrill of interest and pleasure', or . without "getting a clue" to some opportunity that was "made to your measure.". v.. You should remember, too, that if yoitthave an oppor tunity to offer to others it will be the-part of wisdom for you" to add it to the NEW CARGO which The Journal will carry HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED Immediately, young man. over 20, ' to prepare for examination for customs In a pec tor ; permanent government positions; fine salaries. Call thia evening or toamr row. Mr. lieyara. 314 Columbia bldg. FEW more tnea wanted Immediately to pre pare for ' examination fur railway mall rlerka at I'ortiaud., April 11 Many good ' appulnffueuta. Yoiiri Hipi,rriinltv. Mr. Iley. u. n. a lb c.luuihla bldg., dally i t ; area logs, 7:15 to . WANTED Bollrltore; good eommlaslon. Roeu 24, a4 Nortb Third at. AN exceptionally good opportunity la offered a wideawake young sisn of about IS yeara ef age: must have good scboollngi salary about (7.80 s week to start. Addreai X 121. rare Journal, and give phoo number, refer encee. etc WANTED Yortng man. IS to 21 yeara. as ss- eieiaot noosaeeper and collector; muat oe good penman, quick aad arcurats st ftgnree. Answer wltk references. Addreae M 12U, care JournaL HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Bjrerrl woman out ef position er dleaatlsgrd with he present vocation.' te take night ioarae at te Bebnke-Walker Ruslnesa College. Seventh and Stark ata. Ws will nlae jo Is a soettlua wkaa Co ni ps lent. GIRLS WANTED Operators te work en shirt end overalls. Leseona given ta Inexperienced. Apply nt Standard factory No. 2, iiraad avw, sod East Taylor st, . HANSEN'S LADIES' AOBNCT. 4.a Wash- Injrtos St., eor. Seventk, snetslrs, rkon Mala 2882. Female kelp wsstad. GIRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory No. z, ursnd sve. and fcsat Taylor sc. WANTED Educated woma ever 28 for re- sponaiuie poaiuon. Appiy sun xiiroro niog. WANTED Mlddle-agej woman for light bonae- wora; ramity et three, good no me. gooa wagea; ao miles from Portland: cltr con veniences. Address Bos all. Dallas, Oregon. EDUCATED woman for reaponalbls position. Apply io to 12, aos Tutor mag. WANTED Good rlrl to assist 1a k Itches work. apply lu orUl rxventh at. WANTED Middle-aged woman to taks ears of ss Infant: provided wltk good Bom ana lair wages. 124 Jscksea st. WANTED Mest eeok. 880 Morrlaoa at. WANTED Girl to do chamber work, hern wait table. Apply, st oace. ISO Fifth it. Private boardlng-hooae. , ' x WANTED Capable yoong woman to atady nursing st tne training, scsooi ror noises ot the Hoqulam general hospital. Address W. B. Welle, sscretary, Hoqulam, Wsah. LADIES wlahlng sn occnparlon that will say n la 19 see oay. call at my omee; snao lntely ni. graft, no eanvaaalng. 447 Waah IHXU.S .1. . . . . - w e. a.. Woman te elesa two trorrae fn aMbursa; atats wages. ., W.I3. Journal, - -. . WANTED Girl, 10 er IT, for companion sad aaalat hoaeework. O 181, Journal. LADIES to learn garment catting end ladles' tailoring; " yo can make yoareeir s suit while learning. 848 Yamhill it. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. " HELP wanted and supplied, male er femsl. ft. O. iirakavaH waskBagtsa aw rseira Uls. WANTED A few good solicitors. Ml aa1 remsiei neat propoaitioa ni rortuno: con anoney -to the right parties. Phone Sell wood Tl. Corner Eaat 1.1th at. asd Umatilla ave. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTED All kinds ef garden work, trim ming sBrurtDertc. irxing np ysrrai. sis reg ular bonser leaning aatlafactodly . done. Bcboger, P. O. box 88. . . WANTED By young man. experienced, as time keeper or nigbtwatmman; la willing to stave city. D 130, care Journal. , . POSITION wltk soms good tmplemeat or hard- wars boose: all-rousd aalesmaa; retereucs.' Q 12. cars JoornaL LOCOMOTIVE engineer wants Job. . L. K. 483 TJskia sve., noth. Member B. WANTED A good article by salesmen for Bids line. Addreae O 12, care Jonrnal. Situations wanted female. TWO ladlee want washing, chamber work sad dlahwaablng. Apply st 100 North Ninth at. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. S HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICB FOB MEN. SS North Second at. . Pboaa Mara int. RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT CO. Logging esmp sad farm help- speetsNy. SO Nortb Second St. Phoa Mala 82K. . W pay all telegraph charges. - - - PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE tOSt Morrlaoa St.... Phone Pad fie Z 27 North Second st Pselfle UO0 RANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT-Hooses. eottsge. flats, stores, offices, rooming kaasis, sts. Land lords will do well te call ea PORTLAND TRUST COMPANT OP OBBOON Phone Ex. IX S. B. Cor. Sd asd Oak. WANTED TO RENT Three forntabed connect ing hooaekeeplng-rooma; gag, bath, pbone. ell , modem convenience: within 18 mlnntea' walk . noatnffloe. west of Tenth: ststs full particu lars ia reply: references. Q U0. care Jntimal, I WANTED TO RENT By yoong couple, Best cottage, ' reasonable. . Mrs, Jackeoa, 411 William see. WANTED TO BENT Houses, cottage. Flats, stores, rooming bouse, offlc. 204 Mohawk bid. , -- - SHOW GOODS ! V , R - -eft, - a : ! 1 . i WANTED AGENTS. 100 HONICHT men and women te give all er only apara time te my medicine proposition; good U1HH.T and beat medicine. R- M.- num ber. 200 Third at. WANTED Good aalmmen ta repreeent as .Is - eholce territories; hlxheat eomiutealon pnm cat advi.nced f'jr exix-nses: everilhlng fur nlbed. Addreae Oregon Naraery company - .fcaleua, Oregon. - WE-WANT lira meu to a, II eharea In lira nilnlng. proKMliUn: sure winner. 100 Kast kl.a-rle.Hi. Tel. Kast 778. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED Iit. also email ranch, doss ta. for raaiw Kl, rare JoursaL WANTED Small piece of groan In sohnrha. owner only. Addreea a 120, care journal. WANTED One quarter block.-Eaat Morrteon vicinity Grand ave. ; Unproved or uolmtroved. W hat have yoa 7 No agents. P, O. box ex. WANTED er 7 -room up-to-date house, near srboul sad ear; di-alre to deal direct with owner. Addreae V 127, Journal. WANTED At once; I want to buy s e-room . bona; east side preferred. Address X 12, Journal. I WANT to buy for cash from owners a to 8-rooan house, betwres Rurnalde and Haw thorn, the river ar.d 2Mh at. eiat elite; give location, price and full partlctilers first kilter. Address W '), care Journal. WHAT bars yoa to offer Is er mom bouse not too far out for 23 0007 Owners, only. Or vacant lots, west aide. Addreae V 129. cere Journal. WS wast good farms In Willamette valley; bars eaatern buyers. Write or call. ' H. E. BAK.M'M LAND CO.. 214 218 CbambeiL aX ijooimcrce. J" ortUnd, Or. WANTED 8 er e-room cottar with basement, In good location, for 81.i0 or ft.fiPO rash; tsata location sod price. U 129, esre Journal. FOR -QUICK SALE Of yoor -real estate.- see the Home Land Co., 1401k First at. Free ad vertlalng If salable. WANTED FINANCIAL. PRIVATE LOAN ft. 200 wanted; gilt-edged city real eststs security. Write IT 131, cars Journal. . . . WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. . . ' MAIN JOT.. - CASH AND LOTS OP IT FOR FURNITURE. PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS, til First St. . MAIS edoS..- ... , . MAIN BUTCHER SUPPLIED. WANTED Mnat be ta food repair; one glees or wood counter, re. rlgerstor about txhxlo feet, platform scales, '' cash register, computing scslea; most bs cheep for cash. What hsv ye te offer t F I'M, cars Journal. , CASH for household goods. Savage ft Pen sell. 248-447 First et- Psoas Pacific 860. " . WE WILL BUT. BELL OR TRADE ANX 0.D THING. WESTERN- -etALVAGB C4Xs 52T fO WASHINGTON. PACIFIC TS. WANTED A haver ror vnrme ftelrinm fin , dog,"ncU fraTned'rTor sale cheap; party leav. in tow a. - sou Clay st., corner mira. WANTED Furniture and boaeeboldgeeds ef feif doetiljiilns bought, sold end vxehsagad. The 8. tvl First at. Mala esT. $ HIGHEST cash prica paid for all ktads seeoad hand goods. Phone Mala till. 82 M. Third. WE haul dead k arsis ssd cattle free. Oregoa Fertiliser Works, or notify Carney' Tetert - nary. Fourth asd Guess at. Mala l. WANTED Children for Inotherlv caret able. 227 Porta st. airfare sees given. WANTED A milch goat. Apply at stable. East 2Mb st. aiid Hawthorne sve er to Jar. , Davis, at telephone Mala 422. MARRIED laty wants care of rooms for rordk - rent. A on rasa o lsu, car Journal. WANTED One oe a team of horses for tbs . feed for light work tbe balance ef th win ter, call at 444 r.sst Taylor. FURNISHED - ROOMS . FOB RENT. HOTEL OXFORD, Sixth and Oak. will take a few aiore permanent roomer; all modera een- - vrnienee; single rooms e np wees, aa; del rates far suites. f TUB RICHELIEU, SRH North Blxtk et Ble gently fnrnlakedt at eaa Beat aa hatha THB GRAND, 48H North Third St. gentleman, tl.29 par week aad Bp. FOR one or two gentlemen, parlor, furnace heat, phone, katk, 20. 2AS E levant k st. y FURNISUKI) suite, half block from Hotel Portland. xrae Main refW. ISO Seventh St. THB K'NO tv) Jefferson at., 'batweea Fifth and Sixth sts. Elertrte light, bath, beet,; flrat-clsas Bnd aew; from 82.00 an. FURNISHED flat, part of fnraltnre tor sale. 402 Fourth st. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPER. 1JX) WESK UP. large, rleaa, rtmlsbed hoa. keeping rooms, Isandry aad bath. 184 her ns a a south. Port la ad. 128 WEEK CP. clean, tarnished heoeekeeg. tng rooms, parlor, bath, lsaadry, furases beet, yard, to.!1 Stanton. U ear. TURKS nsfnrnlsherl honaekeeo1na slaed end., pleasant; bath aad gaa. Inonlr 87 Blxtk St.- . THB -MITCHELL Honaekeeplng - sad trans lent rooma, reaauaable. . Seveeln and Flanders. TWO famished housekeeping-rooms for rent at 211H necoad st. Inquire of landlady. FURNISHKD rooms for light hooeekeeptag. Ca.ll at Ala) Everett or phon Main butlS. T7TBEB unfiirn tabed bcatsekeeplnr-raors. East Morrteon. Pboaa East 1018 4S3 THREB fumbled honsekeeplsg-rooais, 810 per moots. io? Yi iliiame nv. - FOR - RKNT flooeekeepiog rooms. eBS Wll Hams svs. FOR RENT HOUSES. WE ire In need of ssveral fnralahed asd an. furnished houaee to sattify ths wants of eor pstrone. Phone aeln MOi er call 720 Cham ber af Commerce, II U now. . $2.10 CASH, US monthly, hoy S-roora bona on East aitn at., near two car imea. . ntate Land Co., 1384 First at. t-RTORT bouse ef S rooms net modern!. 2S8 North TriMh; , jtmt anw-plsce- -tee-aet k mas s beadqaartera; rent cheap to dee Ira bla tenant. Be J. Krssmer, 84 Foorth sU FIT E-ROOM heuss, kit 100x100, fine gardes ..good barn, one block from car. 112 per month. Owner, room 7. 8281 Waahlngtoa St. WE rent ssd sail plsnok Sherman, Clay . A Co, . - FOR RENT S-roota cottage, modern; - never occupied: $12.80. 204 Mukavth bid. FOR ItF.NT la Sellwood. 8 -room new kmtie. near ejr line. $7 per month, Ckll Sid FKlb St., near Taylor. FOR RENT FLATS. UNFURNISHED 1-ronm flat. Pantry., eloset, hitth, basement; 88 month. 3S8 Cable st, V FOR RENT FARMS." FARM Only IS miles from Portland; orchard. . a bent 10 acre cleared for plowing, also good grating: good place for chickens and enwe; . will rent .to Inrtnstrlnna farmer for taking ear of plaea. Ki Chamber ef Commerce. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE - FOR SALK. J ? (-ROOM horje for tent, first -clsee fnmltwre foe !. tncttMIng Hmllh'a beat Ax minster carpets. fi: will eonaider reel eetate. 772 East Taylor St. - East 4678. WE need (nrnltnr at any price. Portland Ane tloo Rooms. 811 First at. Main 5688. A BARGAIN at $273. furnlahlnga ef S-roooi tag. 417 Cast Dsvls st. , . . ii iiiiHseeseeagMi FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HAI.f, and nallraouK separate er teswthee; aew and wltk sll eonvealeocee. I'hoa Mala sv. FOR HUNT STORES-OFFICES. 0Ht rt U0OMS. unfurnUhed rooms asd eara-ple-roooia fur rent. Uovdaoogs bldg. Apply a leva toe. A FEW ant class oface-mome left at nortbeeet corner third asd Madison sis. Apply roam . . PART of a alc store for. rent chess. (74 First It.' ' rwrrrtal:DBiisi BUSINESS CHANCES. . lere's'Aiotkr' . ..Snap ii Stable ; A feed, sals sod livery stable, also dray Ing bualneaa; 8-year k-aae st very cheap rent) fine location; lease will be worth prlc asked wltliln lw yeara; that ge with place worth more thsa price asked; owner has ether buelrwta tiumeet reason for selling. . NfcW this la s snap, so you had better hurry, becaneethe viacf fc, eierlng big nioney. Prkw . THE.YETIiKAN LAND CO., leois Third St. 0"-T-EDC.ISI) INVESTMENT-Khare. t. th. Butte Here Consolidated kilning compsnv. In- . corporate! nnd.-r the laws of Oregs by Dr. M. G. MeCorkle. Ueorge W. Bevar. F, W. McKechnle. A. W. Lauuert. 0. W. Weather. Ij. F. W . Falrcloogh and Charles Mants: - capital etook l,ai,j aharea tl seek; this Is s Goldflelds pnperty. ahanlutery valuable. - aeaays $24 ton and will likely maks a greet . BilHe. Head for prospectus. Office 80 Eaat . Morrison. Tel. East 773. v . . . II. 500. . lAAUIvn IT.a w ' n"i',.iu-lVl,ns. - VR mii.i, i .. . . i . . . - - -' rr-tm . Tunning water lb. room; bii oa on floor; good loesilim. J mo. HAVB you $500 to $2,500 to Invest? Plies It , where It Is fully secured I denble ta months, ' Income ever after; no mining er speculation ln thli; jon come 1 eo the ground floor; reliable railroad back of It all. Don't let tula go by, H 130, care Journal. ' , A TOL'NQ man with U.S0QI half cask, balaae. la trade If desired: caa buy manufacturing bnslBeas wltk everything ready; good stork, materials, eetsbllsked trad with Jobbers. Address Q 117, cars Jonrnal. - - . . FOR BALE Good laundry with excellent buet. ' " wm o m oet loarna in tss Wll lametts valley; owoers must sell oa sc- , h-"" 1 - rw psnif-niara sa- drees Bllvertoa Btaem Lsaadry, Sllvarma. Or. FURNISHED bones of 15 rooms, near Union de- : fcwth xta it. . " w" THERE Is good open in ta Central Point. Ore. I" or a gooa aoetor: s bomeopstble phy el clan and surgeon preferred; will furnish corn s'' outfit u necessary. , Address Q 12S. cars Journal. - . . . -. , fOR SALE Half Interest la store doing sv- erage fioo s day hualnesa; pries 11,600 er Invoice; terms. 11,000 ensb. balance to salt GENERAL merchandise stock, stags line, betel aramirv. iiir eaie, in gooa mining locality, comprising ell the bualneaa In Wolf Creek. Or.: s money-maker. Wllaoa Mer. Co., Lb, lend. Or. - - BARGAIN tent) hnyg a restaurant, cost Sl.soa, - uaiiy raceiprs oa SI", a-years iwa era aw, Hoaeourg, ur. ''aAvaWNWT-aythmrarhillug ses-MsO sta.; apstalrs. i-"-,. 1 " ..-;.- I4B BUTS 8-rooana. well earnianed ta geed ta- raiityj wast sice: taw rest, ttsgaBassa m avaocnaivj. pi a lira ax. PLACER gnld mine, partner wanted er win - ' - eot-uf grate; t .80 yard diggings, W. N. Rubls. Golden. Oregoa. FOR SALB A rlgar store: good location, near oenuwj pricn -w. au ueisier, iv xntrd st- . -. , . -., a lijuiiu amount ox sBsres ror sal n a wen estaniiebed wboleaal kulma, laror. ' porated; beat of bank reference; aharea f 100 each. Addrsee T 131. care Jonrnal. PARTNER to In rest no hi legitimate boel- aesa; win pay to sta ear; aeoaey neeared. Addreea X 1.12. cars Jonrnal. FOR SALE Stork of groceries and flxrnrea, - computing scale, show cases snd Ice cheat: will sell cheap; reason for selling, going east. Price 8200. Address K-lol, Journal 1 1.000 WILL bay s "small bat a lean stock of grocer toe, with fixtaras. home sad delivery wagua. If take snick. . Inquire nf sssal 428H Morrlssa st. - . SAWMILL mss with a llttl money Is wanted ae part ear. Addreea RH bog 32. renu f. Wood hum. Or. . A COMPLKTH restaurant outfit for sale or , Trade tor reel estate. 80S Barn lids sb Call upstairs between 3nd p. m. . t WILL pay cask for a first-class grocery, ar any business that will bear dose mvsattga- - tin. O ISO. car Journal. GROCERY at Invoice, good Vocation aa east sin. noainee atreet; s goon rmsiiiisg as, snurH amount capital. 7 William avV, or aaaress u iJl, Journal. i FOR BALE Bubnrhaa grocery, good trtde; wtll lavolc about uuo. U 131. Jonrnal. FOR SALE at dlseownt. 118.000 Corn mra a Son th em Irrigation bonds; tasks, sas aa offer. H 12B, cars Jonrnal. ' S OB S-HORSB gss sargasslln engine wasted. F 181, JourssL WANTED A S or team trsaafer bashwss for caah. Address L 180, ear Journal. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. fose-ity-Realty 7'.' 'VCo;:-',:;-: I lots. Be ear service,' all set ta fruit, 1780; H cash. i ., acres seer ear line; T-reoa hnnes, 5ood bars. S cows, calves, horse, barneae, . hacks, hay, rood, chicken, tool, graveled road, 13.2110. , 825 acres, tie timber, H alls railroad) ties selling 42c. 8 tine tuts on Belmont st. I ear far. 24 Mohawk Bldg. 81. fKjo a ROOM home, full lot. wltk frnlt I on tirand ave.. north. - - 22.SOO Elegant brand-new B-ronm atrlctlr moilem bungalow: If yon want something per fect wltk a boot :XI rash, balance to suit. 82.2o0 ft-room modern home on Eaat Ella - wort, and tntk a.t 3frO caalii balance te suit. t 2.000 t-rsorev-hovrie. ground lOOxltt. frnlt snd berries, beta, chicken house , et.; May terms. e $4.200 t ronen etrgsnt strictly np-te-dat ITMvlera home nn Xaat Ankeny at. $1,000 rt&r .jQ $j nfaR; -$4S djlf (tv 1.1 ii .i.i. i ,n v "Ci- - 'atRnW" 7i Fine lot ra East Tlrehllli sewer sad - wafer. - $aoO Fin lot sn East Tsylor; sswar tad rater. F. J. STEINkfFTS CO., Th Homeaellera, 1M Morrtso st , Sellwcod Hemes l8ft---ronnT kense nn Improved street. -'- 1.8fl0 4-rnota cottage, cloa In. aew, 1.ra g-room house. , .Sl.oxO 8-eonm house, S tine lots. 1 .rVK) 8-roors fnrnlahed honee, t tots. 2.700 e-room houae, kite, near earllas. . fl.Sno -ronm cottage, nlc high lot. ' , $1.800 -rootn bouse. 8 lots, corner. . . . $27n Fine corner lot. tH.'to Lot on Improved afreet. . . vio lootliai, 2 hlocka from car. r 8BLLWOOD TOWNHITB COMPAKt, ' ' H. P. Palmer. Maaaser. K Filling bldg. Main Bellwood office, Tenlno and Utk. Sollwood ll. The Best Snap en West SI- 2S-ronm roomtng-honae. locstlo th bet rent O. K.: price low for cash. Hawtlionie Realty Co. 2SS Msrguertts " are., corner ; Hawthorn. Phone Tabor 81. TOt'R OPPORTCNITT Two lota. 4th St.. hs- i tween ilawtborne ave. end Sec.inn Line read.. - - on ait. Mnott line; for a koma er Investment ; J e . ' niiwi, ffiae. VmI hi ,i ia. eiiiiiiw.e vwn- er. 207 14th et. - .... A NICE 6 room bonse, 9o7 Eaat 10th St., aorth. $1,000: terms, $.100 down, $19 per month, f per cent; trsds with owner I house. FOR SALE Beentlfnl home. 10 acres, H mllee from Vsnconvvr: sew buildings. O. A. Wos ter, orcharda, Waah. A FIN'R modem. S-ronm bonis snd foil on n, snd H"jt at.; thia ia a bargain: $Mi. Wllliaois A raroiar, room 80 Waahlnglos hlilg.