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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1907)
12 TIIC , OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. TTBRUARY 13 1CC7. Ilsiifiiiiitt INCORPORATED THIRD ANDv ANKENY STREETS PHONE MAIN 414 , TTvn mm Sill mO. FIRST AND BURNSIDE STREETS PHONE MAIN 164 mMMWMM'mm mm Both of , the above markets are in a position to-offer-yoirthe i bestrthemarketraffordsin the way of meats. Our prices are always the lowest if you'll only; consider the quality of the meats. QUALITY AND QUANTITY GUARANTEED. : STF3 QWLY . GOVERRIMEOT INSPECTED .RaEMS,.. AT .OHK- SLWFS SIRLQJKSTEAK,. PERLB .. . . ; . .... .s.Lt -1 5c LOINlVEAL CUTLETSPER-LB ; T"T; , 12c LEG ROAST-VEAL, -PER LB . T . - w".;'. , 12c " " PORTERHOUSE STEAK, PER LB;..:.:.....7..15c : STEW BEEF, PER.LB".;....:.;....:r.-...'..,-..T.,.5c RUMP ROAST VEAL; PER LB -.12Hc :rqlleixroa&tjealper:lb. . . ioc y short ribs beefper lb.; ; sc . rib veal cutlets, per lb ... ..i2c . '-SHOULDER VEAL CUTLETsTpER - LB .'.10c . TOT ROAST BEEF,. PER LB. .",8c V PRIME RIB STEAK, SHORT CUT, PER LB 12c . LPRIME RIB ROASTBEEF, PERLB.;.. 10c. BOILING BEEF, PERjj-B.'' , ,1,.. i.3c. 'iBEST.GRADE JLAMS; J?ERLBLi6cZ ROUND STEAK, PER LB . . .10c ' ; SAUSAGE,VPER LB.., .JLIWc BREAKFASTBACON, OUR, OWN BRAND, LB.Uc - SHOULDER MUTTON CHOPS, PER LB,..,. ...10c HAMBURG, -2 LBS:. ."".-.; ......M5e - - PURE LARbTOUR" OWTBRAND, S"LBS."r.T7;r.60c SPECIAL P RICES GIVEN -TO HOTELS AND -RESTAUR ANTS Frank L. Smith Me ;G6 ' 226-228 Alder" Street, Between First and Second 'Strects;.!:!;" Smith has no competitor; his only opponent Ts th"c genuine Chicago BeeFTrustrthe half-a-bilhon-dollar, organization , that is trying to cinch the meat-eating public of Ore eon. The Beef Trust works its game through the retail markets owned and con trolled by it. Smith is Portland's only independent .butcher. He gives the public Oregon meats; he has no competitor. ; , ; v ; ' f i Beef Prime Rib Roast . . . 10c x Beef .Sirloin Steak.. . . 12c Porterhouse Steak . . : Ufa Fancy Port'rhouse Steak 15c -Beef-Rih Steakrrrrrr. 12c Beef .Round Steak. ; . . . ; 10c Beef Shoulder Steak..,.. 8c "Beef Shouider-Roastr, iv.8c v Hamburg Steak .8c Rolled Rib Roast Beef uy2c Corned Beef .. .........6c - Liver .1... 5c Brisket Beef 5c Beef for Stewing.. .. .5c Lamb Stew, ....6c Frontquarters Lamb . . .10c Veal Stew ....... ... . . 8c Veal Shoulder Roast: . ..10c Pork Steak . 15c Leaf Lard ... . ..... 12c .Smith's Meats- Lamb Shoulders ' V . .....10c Lamb Shoulder Chops Ufa Lamb Loin Roast. .... .15c Our Own Lard, pure. . 4.12c Cholce'Hamsrmir own. .l7q Beef Rump Roast 8c Bkft. Bacon, our own J 17 fa Pickled Pork;...;,;;. 12c Pork Loin Roastr. 7 nr-. 15c Pork. Chops ...........15c P'igs' Heads . . . . .. .'. . i 7 5c Pies'- Feet 5c Sausage.. ... . . ,10c Pork Shoulder Roast. 12C Pork Sides: . . .7. ... . ; 12c Lamb Rib Roast '.U - 1. 15c Legs of Lamb. . . .... 15c Ribs and Loin Chops. . .15c There, are many Beef Trust markets. . Avoid-them all and trade with Smith. Show your contempt for the Chicago Beef Trust by refusing to eat its meat ' Oregon Meats , ' , CleanPure j Healthy Sweet . No Chicago Meats -' No Eastern Meats ' - ; No Cold-Storage Meats No Ice-Car Meats ; No' Adulterations j t " Absolutely Fresh : Smith s Meats ..: '....W-i-in-x'- Legs of Veal 4.'. I2l2c Breast: Veal ...... . ...;i0c The Market Basket ' Jut whr th titmM of our vcgtablM re rirrlved from remains a myiterr to rnany. In moat InaUnora tha aourca la rlnud4 In doubt and vn aclentlata rn unabU to tell Juat wbera many of thra wera born or how thay cama to be named. Of tha word "cauliflower" a writer in a London paper aayi: "Tba tnixlem apllln la artificial, and If wa wera to writ- tt an we pronounoa It, rollyflower, wa would be tailn a atep Imok In the natoral direction. Coleflorre, aa they apelled It In tha sixteenth cen tury, brlnita out tha trua meanlna; of tha -vraeiable'a - nama flowered caiibae cole lina; an old word for eabbaaa and florye repreeentlna; ha French florl ar flrtflowered- Biit becauaa In, Latin tt waa called raullflora It beiran to be written eollefiorta or eollyflotia In En probably by dellbarata aaalnillatlon ti the Ixtin, and eventually area to be written "raull," thouh atlU pronounced "rl!y." MiHinwhlla the second part of th- word ot -popularly--corruptedJl-to rinacr." . . Jiit now thera U a Breat scarcity of all r of vegrtablea In the retail mar ket, fautlflower la vary scarce, that . for a:ool ouallty. and prlcee hara rnneoon.ntlv advanced considerably Of lata. Of cbbie tha home uppllea are aery small, but of rood quality. : This 1s aa hlrh-prlced. however, as to ba almost out of tha reach of tha average con sumer. Tha California variety la arriv ing;, but Is not Just what the people of this market care for. Mexican tomatoes are hi very rood condition and are somewhat cheaper. They're atlll too high for the average family.- Cucumbers look Ilka strawberries at this season of tha year, prices being around M cents apiece. .:!- t. , Will tha potato market ro ' higher? This is; tha. question. that, almost. every ona la asking theaa days. Tha consumer wanta to know,, tha producer would like to ba In on tba secret and tha dealer and' ahtpper want Information oji this point vary badly. Of lata tha market has advanced materially . for tha ordi nary quality potatoes, due ta tha smaller supply than expected of tha fancy stork. The crop In Oregon ta getting very short i-that Ja. .California- buyers have pur chased' m much that It Is doubtful at this tlma whether thera will ba a suf ficient amount- to Jeed our noma people bofore tha new crop la ready. " To off set this shortsge. tha California buyer would Hkery resell If given an advanced price and eastern psoitis are much lower than bom stocks and could ba brought here and i all expenses paid at figure practically tha same as thoss now ruling. Eggs nave been tumbling very fast ta price . lately In tha wholesale markets, but tha retail has In very few instances followed tha decline. At this tlma tha price at wholesale Is about 10c dosea lower .than two weeks ago anil yet re tail prices, ar llttl altered. : - Creamery butter remains very scarce. but thera la hope for tha consumer. Tha Puget sound markets have ordered about nine ears of eastern butter. Theaa have not yet arrived. Boon , the local butter supply will Increase that Is, if weather conditions do not change and then those who have eastern butter will make every endeavor' to nnlohd at a a good a price as possible! All of thla butter will, how ever, be pressed upon tha marketa of tha Pacific northwest and will very like ly cause a lower rang of. values to rule, Tha price of meats la dally ' going higher on account of tha Increased vslues on livestock. 80 small are tha arrivals of hogs and shsep that fluctuations ar very wlda and of course the retailer must' add alt. thla to hie selling figures. Fresh salmon continues so scarce that It la all but out of market. A Small amount of cold storage 'stock Ja on bandV) but. even thla line shows a scarcity, This, too, m the first weak of Lent." A laxy river leads to rhmale dyspep sia and constipation weakens the whole system. tMnn's Reguleta lii cents per box) correct the liver, ton tba stom ach, cur oonstlpatioa, . M The Ci'eatkericanPcoplciiateDeceit,DetestFrav(i! 1 r AMERICAN FOLK HAVE ONLY CONTEMPT FOR A NEIGHBORHOOD SCOLD Certain esteemed competitors of this shop have become veritable busy-bodies in spreading slander and vilification, false . state- ments and abuse, anent the HARRY WOOD MEAT MARKET since our advent and opening at First and Alder streets--ON THE CORNER. A would-be' Poo-Bah and great mogul who has posed as the bully of the neighborhood -aimed to build up a little "Trust" all by himself. Our opening upset his meat cart. WE'RE HERE TO PROTECT THE PEOPLE . FROM MONOPOLY! Where competition exists there you're sure of fair play and A SQUARE DEAL! ' . M i HARRY WOOD IS A PIONEER OREGON MEAT DEALER In business here in Portland since '89 a business MADE .-'...v"'':-i".'11--v;v IN OREGON! ';: : : - ' .: v : U 'rU HARRY WOOD BLAZED THE WAY TO LOWER PRICES ON MEATS Others are followers and trail behind like ' ;v" .-' r.'unto sheep following a bell-wether v. v 4"'""..v i'.-,v; v. HARRYJIVOOD-IS INDEPENDENT OF "TRUSTS orjelf-stvled. blatantTrust Busters" but subservient to the peo- . 1 ' . i pie's interests. -;.- .7..-" '- -: ,',T"T' m 1 . r ' -- ' V' ''. t - -- HARRY WOOD BELIEVES IN GOVERNMENT INSPECTION OF MEAtSr-Look'out for that man afraid of the search . ,' ; : C ; t ;W light of the government of the country-over'which floats the stars and stripes our own America Ll',1 . Why? There's a meat dealer, not a thou- and blocks awsy, who oppose i GOVERNMENT INSPECTION of meat and heap abuse, onj those who don't WHY . f About a year ago a certain Portland meat dealer joined with the Front-street merchants in a fight against city inspection of mar- kets. Today he's fighting us because we Insist on healthy meats . land GOVERNMENT INSPECTION of , same. We wonder .WHY? '.... :Tr ".7 -4- Who Is 0 This Man; READ THESE MARVELOUS VALUES ES MEATS Speclil for Sntnrriny t Boiled Meats! per h.4C Prime Ribs of Beef, per lb. 9c Tongues ( ikey last) ou40c BEEF Briskets, per lb.. .4" Flank Boll, per lb. ............. .4 Plate Boll, per lb...........,;. .44 Shoulder Steak, per lb. T Shoulder Roast, per lb '....T Chuck meak. per lb. 7 Cross Ribs Beef, per lb -Tc Sirloin Bteak. per lb. ....... ...10 Hamburger, per' lb, ............ .8 ' PORK , - : Swaet and Juicy. . ' Loin Cfiops, per lb. . . . i l ,. . . .15 Shoulder Chops,' per lb,.....12H Hock, per lb. ............. t..,.. 8 Pigs' Feet, per lb. .5 Back Fat, per lb.... i....lOf Leaf Lard, per lb,. .....12H Pure Lard, our own make, lb...l2f Sausage, per lb. loi Halt Pork, per lb.... .12H Pickled Pork, per lb.,.......12H VEAL- finest Wlllsmett Bern tha Meat Vriees by trading' at tha Meat Shop oa tha Corner. The stock. " Veal Shanks, pr lb Veal Stew, per lb. . ' - v Valley Veal Boll, per lb Breast of Veal, per lb-. Shoulder Roast, per lb Leg Veal, per lb Rump Veal, per lb ......lO ......10 ....12tta) I j i ( Xe 7VCT 1S ........ Veal Cutleta, per lb. Loin Cutlets, per Jb. Veal Loaf, per lb. . , . .. .... r ;,;r. MUTTON Stew, per lb. . ... '. . ... t ...... . 54 Shonlder Chops, per lb. ........ 104 Shoulder Roast, per lb. ....... .104 Front Quarter, per lb. .84 ....12H4 ...k..l54 Hind Quarter, per lb... Lags Mutton, per lb..... SU1NDRIES Kidneys, per lb. ................ .Krf LLivar, per. Ib. .54 OzUlls, per lb. ................ .54 Trips, per lb. ..'.....,..,........84 Corn Beef, per-lb. ............. .64 Bologna, per lb. . ,. .84 Frankfurters, -per lb. .......... 104 Brains; per lb. ............... .in) Hams, per lb. , .174 uscon, per in. . 1TH4 The OF1MWT ill i y uiuuii mm licti With Prices )m on the Square Corner First and Alder Streets ;: 7 , unci ax. -nuom orrssr TO xorxi.a aits -- mMTAtnuirrs. OPERATORS VAHT Ui.103 f.EH RESTORED ' f Discharged Employes Are Not Reinstated Telegraphers) - Will Ratify Strike. , (Jooraal Spell rW I Chicago. Fob. It. The strlks, affect- Ing, tb 100 operator .of the Chicago offlce of tha Western Union Telegraph rompanx, determined on yesterday by tha executive committee of tha Com mercial Telesrs pliers' union of Amerlcn, will be ratified by the operators Sunday If tha company maintains its refusal to relnstat the nine men discharged on account of their activity In unionising tha employee. . v Maas meetings will be held in all th. principal cities of the country Sunday and If ths sctlon of ths executive torn mltteo la rs lined at these meetings the strike will become general. Involving the 1 000 operators on the commercial "lines of ths telegraph compsny. Following the nollflcstlnn from the general offices In New York that the nine dlschargsd men Vould be re instated two of tha number called on Superintendent Cook and mnd applica tion for their former positions. . Tha superintendent Informed them ' they might make application for positions with tha company but to do o a former employes and not because thay had been recently discharged or because of any union request. " 'Local" Western 1'nlon operators are wstchlnc the result of tha Chicago strike with a great ' deil of Interest. J They ars very gtiarded In their utter ances, however, snd hsva aecllned to x press their attitude. It Is believed no derisive sctlon will he taken st present, but the operator will continue to await tb outcome of the controversy In Chi cago. ''. POOR FARM BUILDING 1 CATCHES ON FIRE - T '" : - ' , j . .' The main building of the eounty poor farm caught fir yesterday afternoon. Tha bias started in the roof and for a tlma their was much sxcltement about the Institution. Quick work on ths part of, the fnrra fire brigade put out tba . blase and Saved tha building. ' ' i , ;- Ther ar many standarda; Schllllnt' Best la the standard for tea and cofr -in tha United Slates. . - , It