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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENINO, FEBRUARY -15, 1CC7. LAWYERS ARE AT PEOPLE MAY CHOOSE SUCCESSOR Prices on , OUTS 1DVJ Interesting Aftermath of Wilson Taylor Elopement Case ; Comes to Light. PACUE FEARS HE !' - WILL LOSE FEE of ,(:y f .' "'' ' ' ! . '; :.f -' H ' 1 n t :s'? ' ,'.(' " ; 15 - V Lj LJ Attorney for Mrs. Wilson Now Com 'r pelled to Look to Lawyer for the v Defense, and Mr. Simon Cannot fe-e Him at All. "Ain't It funny what a difference Just a few hours will make." it on of th ditties with which Comedian Raymond Ilifchcock sang Mraself into fam In th I tuneful eoiclo opera. "Th Tanks Con y i "fll.1 Substitute dollars for hours and you navs ths explanation of trie merry "- 1 wa r rn ioh -has fl erel oped bet ween -A tor , ner Nat Simon and B. S. Fa rue as ths , aftermath of ths arrest of H. H. Wil son and Mrs. Jessie Taylor, who were H apprehended last Monday at uresron - City by Detective John Pries, as they were about to elope to Oailfornls.- ; " Wilson st the time of his arrest was in possession of a letter of credit for 00 ati 22 In currency and irold, while his fair companion's exchequer cvtitalued 111. After the coupls were noted In the city prison. Attorney Nat Simon was -retained ss counsel and bs wss given sa order signed by his cltsnts -v.- for .all of their wealth. " ' tV'termlned to. use every endeavor to send her erring spouse and bis tnstn orlta to ths pex'tentlary. Mra. Mildred - Wilson, ths complainant, engaged At. tomey B. S. Pague to assist ths repre sentatives of tho district attorney's of fice In the prosecution. .-,:. n .-.'Cry sad Make t7j. .-: -.. ; The esse wss called In ths municipal . otHirt yeeterday sjid through their legal advlwr the two defendants-" waived " a preliminary examination, and ths court rnerte sit order binding them ever to ths circuit court. Wilson's bond was Xlxed at ll.loo and Mrs. Taylor waa ordered . to deposit 1600 to guarantee her appear ' enee for trial. Attorney Simon subss fluently appeared at police headquarters " and put .up the requisite, amount of - money to securs ths women's raises. In ths meantime Mrs. Wilson, for ths asks of ber three children and ths lor .rJne Porfor ..her husbend. . decided-to drop the prosecution. Wilson, ln sua- "-.' tody of Detectives Pries and Inskeep, was tsken to his horns and an effecting scene followed. Tears flowed freely on t bothsldes and oven staid Detective ... Prle wept bitterly. ' As ths couple had apparently settled their differences Dlstrrat Attorney Man ning . pledged his word to Attornsy fiimon thst if the latter would give Mra Wilson tho IZZs In coin secured from j her husband, which would supply her Immediate needs, the case would be dismissed- tn the circuit ewuxtr this morn ing, r - -. Fsgme , fcookiaa fes Faa.-'.! , Attorney Pagus, anxious for his fee, -asked- ths district- attorney not to dis miss ths cases until hs could get his sasnejr.- As he transcript of the. order .binding svsr th defendants to ths grand '.Jury , bad not- set-txe a-flled la-the olr cult , court ths polio court . still had Jurisdiction In th matter and Pagus threatened as special prosecutor to pro test against a dismissal. H waited to long, however, ss th transcript w filed i by ..Clerk Frank. Henoassy-thle mornlng and, ths matter Is now in the hands of ths upper tribunal. Notwithstanding th Inconsistency of bis position. It Is understood thst Pagus -Is looking t ths attornsy for th de fenss for his fee and Simon refuses to "disgorge. All of which again brings up sanrncocK s numorous nauaa, .., p- VAin't it funny what ar difference Just a few hours make." V KEEP HIGH SCHOOL GROUNDS INTACT Professor Grout Tries to Prevent Openmgf of Streets at Site of Proposed Building. L Questioning th rights of people to run streets through ths alts of th proposed Alblna high school. Assistant City School Superintendent Grout sp peared before th street committee of tho sound! 'this afternoon and asked thst ths petitions be not granted. War the petitions granted the campus of the proposed- school would be destroyed and a new alts would hare to be pur chawed. : Th alt' for th proposed school lies between Central Alblna and Piedmont. The streets ths petltlonsrs wish to have cut through ar Sumner and .Webster. Ths- property waa bought by th dis trict last December snd consists of two snd ons half seres. " AMhr-iim of "in yirehaaalheHoard of education believed that a high school would her te be built In Alblna with In ths next few years. Apparently th directors had closely, investigated con. ons and ths Increasing school at tendance. Th east aid high .school .as so far completed is overcrowded. Th west slds high school Is taxed to It capacity and Professor Grout ssys that with ths Increase ef population on the peninsula and th possible annexa tion of St. Johns a nsw high school will bs , needed - within th next few years. ,'. . :?':.. r ' 1 : Trayrls Many Miles. ' In - performance of his duty ss Grand Mastsr of th Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, P. H. Morrlsey has traveled ' soa.OOO miles during ths psst 17 years. HSW- -H ! TOWNSEND & VAN SCII00NII0VEN Wholesale and Retail Grocers- 147 FIRST STREET T"ltady enr prices the yea will aae why eu trade has increased. ' Our goods are of ths hlgaest quality aae wa o kail age a eomparlaoa with the flaest that eaa be found la any store. Tresh Creamery Butter.. TO and 75 W get . our era from th farmer, butter from the creameries -no middle men. , , Cross at Black well Lucca Oil. qt..,65 Cross Black well Chow. H pint,. 20 postum sr n prune Cereal .,.,..20 1 can good Peaches or Apricots... IS Ktandard Tomstoes ',..,...10 S cans Corn. Pea or String Beans. .25 llvaporated trcanf. I cans for ....15 l ib, pkg. Arm snd Ifummar Sods.. 5 Kaptha Houp 5 bars Baby Flephant Knap 25 ARM CB. HAMMER SODA DULK, 3 FOUNDS Thlt picture show Qaeaa Wllhelmlna of Holland, aa eh now appears. The fact that her majesty U chlldleta causes much anxiety In Holland, becanse the next heirs to the throne are German princes. The queen is thoroughly in favor of the movement now on foot to change the consti tution of Holland so that the states general may name the heir to the throne. -,, ' v;-t ; : '' - -.- LID FITS TIGHT ON -PIERCE Prosecuting Attorney Rowland Is : Making the County a Vast- , Sunday School. CUE TAKEN FROM ' TH5 MAYOR OF-TACOMA Ko Gambling With Cards, Dice, or Nlck-rl-ln-the-Slot , Machines . for ' People That Ask, U Be Watched That They May Not Go Wrong. ' (Joorsel Soerlal Serrlce.J """"" Tacoma, Waah Teh. 15. Taking hie eu from Mayor Wright, who has an nounced that hs will stop all gambling, close saloons on Sundays, eliminate boxes and snforcs ether stringent i loon regulations, beginning tomorrow night " Prosecuting Attornsy Rowland two days ago began a crusads against gambling in every Incorporated Town In Plsre county. ' Slot machines ' te th valu pf IT.000 and. an unknown. amount of cash had been gathered ap to last evening. , s Th crusade commenced , Wednesday afternoon, when two parties of offlcsra left ths city. Thsy visited ths towns of Ortlng, -wth - Praliia. Wllk1no Pittsburg. Fairfax. Eatonville. Elbe, Kapowaln and Burnett Today they ar raiding othsrtowna and by tomorrow evening there wilt not b a slot mS chin In operation -in Pierce county eutelde ef Tacoma THAW TRIAL MAY EliD IN . SEQUEL OF LUNACY If Defense Can Stand It Jerome . - Can, Is Intimation From - Hit Office, v ; - ' "' (Journal Special arvtee. New York, Feb.. Hj Should th attor neya forth defense .Monday ask for ths appointment of an insanity commis sion for th exsmlnatlon of Thaw there will bs no opposition, by thr prosecu tion. . ' This ststement emanated from - th district attorney's offlc this morning. Jerome Is not Quoted, but it is believed hs Inspired th announcement. ' A flood ef speculation followed and sll sorts of theories sr advanced. , , It la believed Jerome has good rea on to believe, the defense wlll request the naming. of a commission. It being In timated thst Thaw's mother has de oided that the best way to sava ths family, honor and her son's life .wilt be te nsv mm eecinree insane. Evelyn Thsw Called at th Tombs about noon- today. She had exchanged the blue gown she had worn sine ths trial began for a brown suit. . She ap peered happy and aralled pleasantly at ths attendants. - one told orjier husband receiving a postcard from a Baltlmor girl un known te elthsr. wishing thsm auecesa Shd said she thought it "very sweet." On leaving, she announced her hus band wss very well, - although disap pointed over tns delay. i North Bend ta te have a new first- ,' t class hotels 1 lb. English Breakfast Tea. . . . . . 2(t 1 lb. Gunpowder Tea ......... 1 sack Best Valley Flour. ..... 1 aack good Hard Wheat Flour. 1 sack Best Hard Whsat Flour (patent) i bottle Worcestershire Sauce, f 1.06 ...00 91.15 ISO SISS ......... t lb. Whole Nutmegs . . 1 o an 25 I r,-, tlit f ...23 New Crop Prunes, .t lbs. New White Honey, tomb I-lh. can Corn Beef '. ... 4 -lb. can Deviled Ham, I for . THONE MAIN 1212. East aide ..silvery Tuesday and Friday. ....... . lOc SAY REGULATIONS TOO SEVERE Washington Objects to Measures Oregon. Takes, to Protect 121 Her Cattle. SENATOR ANKENY ASKS RELIEF FROM CONGRESS Wants Congressional ' Agricultural Bill Amended, n the Ground That J Wallsw Walla'a. Sheep Industry Is ?' Threatened bjr Preaent )Liw. Washington. TA," C' Feb.1 H. Senator Ankeny. in answer to telegrams from th Wenaha sheep growers' assooiation, has offered aa amsndmenl te th agri cultural bill giving th secreury of sg rlcultur authority ta regulate th In spection of livestock grailng os forest reserves, Indian reservations, or any other tracts under government control. Th sraendment seeks to procure for Washington sheeprnea relief from what they alleg sr th ruinous Oregon reg ulations which are destroymc-the indus try for sheepmen operating from Walla Walla. The dispute haa been drawn out for several years., Ankeny has received a number ef tele grams couched In emphatic .language, asserting that only by th provision asked for csn th Walla Walla sheep In dustry be saved. Th rule requiring dipping, aa now effective, are com plained ef a calculated to discriminate against Wsshlngtoa livestock men. If th amendment ia adopted a cer tificate from th aeeretary ef agricul ture will be sufficient to allow sheep on any resarv from any stats. Polite Notice Boards. At the hospital just op poults th n trance to the East India docks and th Blackwell tunnel tinder ths Thames i notice boards sre set up aaklng th drivers, for ths sake of thoss who ar 111 within, ; to. walk their, horses past the .ulldlng. . . That Is a common enough" request, but what gives It a pecullsr Interest her is that the carter, having compiled or not with th modest demands. Is eon fronted at ths ether corner of ths .build ing with another boeru. saying,, "Thank you, driver." ; Good for the Old Ret. , Governor Hheldon. who ' recently as sumed offlcs-in - Nebraska." paid w ntgtrt compliment to his predecessor, John H. Mickey, by renaming all ths tatter's Old appointees. ' ' . ' ' KEEPS SPAIN WORRIED - Much concern was caused recently In Spain - by ; the - news that - Don Jaime, son of Pon Carlos, pretender to the throne of Spain, had paid a surreptitious visit to Barcelona. The authorities learned of the visit too late to capture the young man. ';. M X 22 Pounds Granu lated SugarSt.OO 3-lb. can Signapore Pineapple. .20 7 lbs. Navy Beans . . . 1 .25? 7 lbs. Pink Beans . , . . : i i . ' . . 25 -Guaranteed' Strictly Fresh Qrepon .Egg 25 JJb-XDmbjirAiiQnejcJa 1-lb. can Trophy Bakine Powder ... ....... .-.;.;.'.25 1 gallon Cutting's Pure Tomato Cussup .. ...60? 3 pkgs. V. B. Mince Meat. ...25) 2-lb. roll.'T. Ii Creamery Butter, none better '. .............. 75 -Famous Town Talk Blended Coffee, lb ... . .w... .............. .20 Monarch Blended Mocha and Java, lb. .. ...;.v... ..,.25 3 cans .Tomatoes, Corn, Peas and Beans . . . . . , . . . . . . . ...... .25 3 pkgs. Humpty-Dumpty same as "Force" . . . . . .25 13 bars Soap ............. ...25 3 pkgs. Violet Wheat. ....... .25 Blueing, bottle ............. ..5 Ammonia, bottle . . . .J.J.... .5f 2 cakes Sapolio,;::;..";....1..15s '2 large bars Ivory Soap; . TiTT.lSfi1 Scotch Oats ................ .10 Groceries Meats, Fresh Fish and Poultry, Provisions, Vegetables Peop AU orders for Alblna and East Side must be in by 1 - o'clock Saturday GROCERIES ( 349-351 OAK ST. Fellovs Looking for If you want the best meats and groceries that can be purchased and sold at prices that will fit your pocketbook. , :7 ; . ;. :'".. : . . 22 POUNDS BEST GRANULATED SUGAR..;.................. FANCY CREAMERY BUTTER, PER ROLL ROSE CITY FLOUR. PER SACK............ 1 ctn Baker's Cocoa ..20 5 cans Pork and Beans. ............. ... .25s 5 packages Kom, Kinks 25 10 cans Star Cream. ...:...........,;.7.50t 3-pound package Crackers. 20s Package Tostum Cereal jr-sr-st--sT m at iJi.ty Gallon can Maple Syrup .l.OO SPECIAL PRICES TO esM M THE il l. HIGHEST GRADES OFCOFFEE ROASTED IN THE ; AT YOUR GROCERS. THE NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE FINAL SESSION Schedule, of Games Has Been Arranged for the Entire , - Season.'.' " ' : " Seeelal Dlspalck ts TV Jeernal.l - Tsooins.- Wash., Feev Ths rin.l meetlna f ths mafnate of ths North wstem Baseball leagu took placs at the Tacoma hotel last tilsht with alt Hie club represented sxceptlnf Vancou' trer.' On account ef Irretulartty In train service Mansfer Evan was unable ts rPWA-pS . fcjccrrtt Beef, Stew :J; :: . .; , : . 5c .Corned ; Beef yC Sc Pot Roasts, all kinds, 7c-8c Hamburg Steak . . 6c Shoulder Steaks . . 7c Shoulder Roasts . . 8c Prime Rolled Roasts . v 9c - Mutton Legs . . . i . 12 c Sirloin Steak' . . lOc Prime Rib 'Roasts ? . . I He Porterhouse Steaks; . 12lc Picnic Hams . . li2Jc Cottage Hams . . . 12ic GovernmtnMnspected Oregon and Washington Steer Beef Mar 11 Phone Main 1412 I. Phone Main 2393 is the Place QroceiTY Fellows Grocery Co. OwPricesfor Saturday I Package Scotch RESTAURANTS, HOTELS AND BOARDING HOUSES e ptVEnsp O ' SPICES, o COFFEE.TEA, DAinnopo'iYDEn, accn:;:sEXTRACTS AiseluhfSrffy,- flncsTFItvor. Crtafisf Sfrmh, Ot&son&bk frkei CL05SET Ct DEYERS c PORTLAND, OfttOON. arrive and the final preliminaries for th coming season were completed with out his assistance. Ths new schedule as eomplsted last nlsht aiTee Taooma n fames ef base ball. Seattle ll and tie smaller cities a smaller schedule ia proportion to their populstlnn. No team In the ie-u, how ever, will plr less than M same la its home town. At ths eujrcestlon ef Manaser Brown of Orsjrs Harbor that club will hereafter bs known under ths nam of Aberdeen. Tb season is t opsn on April fnr th first series, which will la.t until Mir 1 Spokane opens In Tacoma. Hutu la Seattle and Aberdeen In Van-"-'.'' , , 2-lb. feet Co First and Taylor Streets .MM, MEATS f 348-330 ANKENY ST. You are 1 $1.00 . 75t 91.15 e e e . ) 1 pound Mocha and Java Coffee........ .25 1 pound good Green or Black Tea. . 25 8-pound boxSoda Crackers. ......... ..-.50 2 cans Standard Corn . ......... . 150 8 cans Standard Tomatoes. ............ .23 Good Hard Wheat Flour, sack . ...... 05s Oats ...... : . . 10 X FRESH RANCH EGGS Doz. 25c BEST CREAMERY BUTTER Roll, 75c CHICKENS, PER LB. , . 18c ., . ......... Imported Eels, Herrings, Mack erel and Anchovies. Largest va riety of all kinds of fresh, salted and smoked fish at lowest prices. Columbia Fish Co., Third and Ankeny. Main 6 couvsr. The two Bunds r s-amee betwen Vancouver . and Aberdeen are to be played slthr In Kverett or Fll!n;ham. Th sson closes on Octotwr , after ti weeks' lav. The knows wasn t ' ennoO. I'-lt I i ' ' ' 1 a - Saturday Specials 22 Pounds Granu lated Sugar SL0(y 8 bars Monarch Soap. ........ .25e Postum Cereal ,.............-20 -5 lbs. Broken Rice.....;.-......25 5 doz. Clothes Pin's..... ...5 7-lb. box Maccaroni or Spaghetti . ; . . . . .......... ,40 brick Codfish .T15eT 50-lb. sack W. S. FJoftr none better ... ............... ?1.10 60-lb. sack L B. Flour, bread flour .. "..91.00 3-lb. box Soda Crackers ...... -20 10-lb. sack Rolled Oats....:.35 10 lbs. Yellow Corn Meal... .25 10 lbs. White Corn Meal 25 2 pkgs. Gold Dust..., .35 7 lbs.. Navy Beans . : .25 Fancy Creamery gutter.. ....70t Good Ranch Butter.. ........50 2.1bs. Half Cream Cheese..... . 25 Swiss Cheese .20 3 cans Cream....... .......... 25 3 cans Salmon ...-.......... .23? 8 cans Sardines.. 25? 2 cans Mustard Sardines 15 Shredded Wheat.;v:.i.lOe. Arm and Hammer Soda. s nn5 The Big First Street Mar ket and Popular. Trading -I . , . House When Vou Write Out Your Orders V ' DON'T KBOUECT TO ORDER. . DALLES DIAMOND FLOUR - Pat tip In sood, atrone- bars. Just th rifht quantity and quality for family a. UlUsd from the ehelcMt wheat obtainable in the world. Each sack fsaranteed te alve sstlsfscttoa er money refunded. , Fresh Ranch Eggs 25 Cent's Best Creamery Butter 70s, 75ft Creamery Tt". . , . . . .TTrrrr.CS? ' Dairy Butter . . ... . . .... . . .SOt? Best Sugar Cured Ham. . . . ,17e Breakfast Bacon '. ,,x. ...,18 Cream Brick Cheese, lb. . . . .20 LImburger Cheese, each.. ,.35 Full Cream Cheese, 2 lbs. ..33 Chickens 17 snd 18 Cents LaGrande Creamery 284 YAMHILL ST. . XT TOTT WAJTV STRICTLY Fresh Poultry Fi:h r.rI r; ' , . G.Cr