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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1907)
c:;i:co:j journal, roiiTLAi.TD, Sunday horning.- January is. i:g:. NEW TODAY. Nirvv NEW TODAT. NEW. TODAT. NEW TODAY. NEW TODAY. m:v Ton.iv. .7 - .1 it JACKSON&DEERI.JG Successors " ' E. S.JACKSON & CO. . ( - ',. t lota, llth at. rood Income and will shortly he warehouse- property on rail road spur. . 921,500 100x100 nnrtliMit mrrtr l!d and John on. 4 flats Urn dwelling;, room (or other: a splendid Income, and can be rnaaa patter. ?13,500 A flu knatnaaa Iraatlrm Oil Park Bt. near euetom house, bringing In food revenue a It stands; worthy of Invest! cation. -. ' 90,000 - " v Mn4m mMmM. corner, every appoint ment firat claea. On cat line, weat aide, ana eaay term a i . ; A im of a little home, 619 Rodney are. - see uua; terms aasirea, i . r'Av-. fl.COO I lota and (-room modern houae, Nash ville ataUon on O. W. P. Ry.S choice suburban location and easy term a. , .V. ::'. '. 9750 ""' '' 1 Inta (n ihm arle-htlv nnrtlon Kaat Port land Halahts: something; dolnc la thla vicinity boob. So don't delay. V 8350 A lot near llth and Praaoott, worth much mora, but muat eeU, lots on Peninsula that win put money ' In your purse;' about half prloa of trlbu- ... Ten oa your wants and Hat your prop erty with usl . . JACliSON&DEERlNG ', ' 'i ' Successors E. 8. JACKSON & CO. now SCala MS. " S4A Star St. Stocks and Bonds We Want to Buy Bank - ORKOO? TSUBT ATTW0a.t , . Ji" ' f-? -tfNITKD STATES NATIONAL. ". " " t aUUtCiiAJiXB' , B ATIONAJ V " Mining f. 0. AKaXeAlUTBO COAL. ; mammoth -t inirrwa e. on, X0HN1N0 M!NIN OO. ,. JArOMa STBBl. . ' ' l nLtioit. . ' COPPER KINO. -. T "r PARK roPPWL -V ''-. , . BEINPKER. . . ' ' ' SNOWSHOR. ' " , ,"i ' - eNOWSIOBht.'' ' -.', TUB J. C LCI OOKPAJt. Indnstritl - - HOH TrTT.KPrTONS fPrt1i). . PACirtO XAIS TKLXPUOKl. '4 to Be. aaa taoaca roa think tbaoi worta- v kaa. OftmtlBMe steek tht la aapi eeed to ne weruusae arsraa nnu . .. i . ; The Investors Exchange A Oeaesra e Karlt. 0t Vielsay Sleth. PVme Mate T0V HERS ARE SOME EXTRA BAR. : V. J 0AINSv;. . , . . . . Six larft lota for f 600, half cash. Thrc loti, First clast, for f 330. Nw five-room " modern cottage, : f lESQ. Easy terms. One seven-room modern home for fl,800. Easy terms. Our six-room modern corUfe, ex tra fine, for fl.TRO. . Also some cheap homes, aj 500, f 60 and f T50. All easy terms. . Now, these homes are right at the ear line, and fine all ready to move into. See ' JOE NASH AT MILLARD AVE, NASHVILLE Take the Mount Scott ear. . Also some other lots theap. Some Choice Buys in St Johns . $278 each irour fin residence lots. SOxloe each, two blocks from ear Una; , tanas cash and It per month, each lot, . - $400 and op Lots S010. with ll-ft alleye, all close to new 120,000 achool ,. houaa and Weyerhaeuser Mill site! t will double In valuer la two rears; monthly payments. BOO Let (0x110. rrontlne on "Wlllarn , att boulevard: fins rtvar view; a ' snap; H eash and small monthly pay- menta -il.lOO Tract lOOxltO. fronttna-, on Willamette boulevard; fine view of ' river and Portland harbor; H eaah, talanoa tn small monthly payments. " 350 and up Lots 10x100 In South St Johns; close In; part down, balance In small monthly payments. - TSO and up- Buslneas propositions close to present business centers; soma splendid buys; terms. a.ROO Lot SOxlOS la business center, adjolnlnv brick block; 1-1 eaah handles this, Wa bar, also a lonf list of other choice lots, houses and lots and aereace at barraln prices, which wa will take pleasure In ahowtnr. call or addreaa . COLVW & RENDCRSOI JOSH rhflaeelphla St tt. fohasu ' -BARGAINS Profitable Reel Estate Investments ' The Spanton Co. 9750 will now buy that S-room house st Northern Hill which wa advertised for $800 Thursday.-- Owner waa In yesterday and aald It muat ba sold. Rents for il( per month; completely furnished. furniture worth 1419. f 8,800 la the , price of the neatest and one of the most elegant f homes on Irving street, near 14th. Hones . are scarce on the weat side, and you . . had better buy this; 11,100 eaah and - balance to suit; owner has bee a of ered 11.00 for 10x50 or lot In rear of house, - . . $S,800 Three modern houses, each x on full lota,,eornar East Irvine! and v Orand avenus, paying 8 per cent net. . Thla la In the speculative district, and you can sell these for a good advance , this spring. . .. , $4.2501-room modern houaa' on East Morrison. Thla Is : an elegant - home and la T(0 below the market. . Term to suit. - ; We are specialists tn desirable build ing lots and wa know their value. Come la and see na Monday. , , OOanronsrBAX,TX MVUJIM(i, ro balm ar REED, FIELDS S TYNAN COMPANY 10 Second tree. Phoao KaU T004. $625 each for 1 lots, 10x1 00, en lid , e treat, one block ' from Hawthorne avenue; very easy termer TSO 100x100. southeast ; comer, of 18th and Division. 81,750 S-room fairly modern bouse on Belly etreet, 10S feet from list , street, lot SOxlOO; $700 eash, balance at per cent to suit purchaser. . . $1,800 e-room- new modera house on Mildred avenue and llth etreet; ISOO ' eash. balance on eaay terms. , $4,500 New l-roona modern house on iiaat 4th street near Ilawthoraa ave - nue. ' Terms. $8.O0O S-room strictly modera honae, five blocks from steel brtdsre. ' $5,T0O Beautiful strictly modern 8- nnn oouaa, io auxiuu, in uoiiaaay Park, between llth end loth; thle la . , a enap; H eaah. Call and see ue oa this as It Is a good buy. - $7,000 Beautiful lot on lid within IC feet of Washington, beautiful lo cation for flats or apartajent-houae. ':' Terma. , AomaAaa. .. $900 per acre for S acres, one Mock from 1 Portland boulevard, , beautiful I . i or piaiung. t .. . $2,000 Two"5 eoree on -lftk - and Alnsworth sventra, beautiful site for . suburban home or can be laid .out tn '. lots. The view Is beautiful, overlook ing the Columbia river. Alnsworth - avenue la 100 feet wide. ' $5,00010 acres at Twelve-Mile house, all la high atate of cultivation; good house, good barn, good windmill. een on easy terms. $5,000-6 acres , with good house and barn, half ' cleared and - half In large fir timber; oa Iteemont etreet end llth. We have several IS and tO-aere, tracts oa the proposed- Mount Hood Electric tine: two miles ' east of Monta villa. Piice 110 to 1100 per acre oa easy terms. TaXUsTO ABSTTZOV. - Beeutlful building spot, all high and sightly; streets Improved; lots SOxlOO; location 44th street; three blooke south of Hawthorne . avenue, Prloa, 1400 to too. Terms, Its down, monthly In stallments of $10. t .. Downey & Warren my, JERSEY ST, ST. JOHNS SOME BARGAINS $9,0001 Block, inside, 2 good houses, nver view. 80,000 1 Block, 2 modern houses, best buy in St, Johns. 82,400 100x100, South fSt Johns, 8-room modera house. 82,000 100x100, Point Yiew 6-room modern house. : ' S2,000-i-100xl00, inside busi ness property. - We also have the best business roposition on the river, front in t. Johns. ; . .: ' y Nob Hill ' A fine 10-room house on IRVTNO St, CORNER LOT, ,rtiU for 148; price ? 11.000. to owxr txjuks. Also a brand nsw S-room house at VTI , Johnson iW never occupied; a parfect home in every particular. Albee-Benham Company S Ooaoord BuUdimg. aotia tooe. Real Estate Bargains $3,800 140x100, fronting on three eta. East Seventh, Saa Rafael and Han cock at, S-roont bouse la f lrst-claas condition. ' v. " SOOxlOO Half block In Patton s addi tion, near ear barns, at a sacrifice for ev, short time. . ; . ' ' . , SINNOTT & SINNOTT 111 Chamber of Commtroe. . Nob Hill Large 10-rootn house, lot 40x100, baau Uful location on tfohnson street, f ,J00. atooma aiixTf oo . Ill Stearns Block, Sixth and Morrison. : ''snjrthSJidBTwaaMe -". 't'fr rouad Sloo YOU WANT A H0:iE - Varhape) yon havaat the money - to hay now, hut yon oaa take the first and snort important stay by taoartaf the lot before prices gat any higher. Look at - 7 CX0ICX BOTLDXHO BITES, AO kits SOxlOO nlaes etharwlM atatad. ' ' Albtna, Karbj at., ar tie 11 wood, tali tot. I MfO Arbor Lads, IS 1-SiliXl, tola "0 Arbor IMlirM. XA lt.lHI tA I TU Aiblua. aar fortUnd hon)ni. S Iota.... h.V 1 A I ii, wort a ave., corner hit. too Aln.worta ava., S lou. au t'aloa aa. . t Anawlala. S Ma, each..... Baat FortUae Uelfhi. Sd aad llUloa.. BO ItniMUir. Mar aallworili lt.0 '-t Marflaoa at., aaar Mid, S fcta 10u0 Oajr'a addltloa, Boitoe at., neat KUlinaa- wr'h are., S kt, each 600 Hawthorne are. esctloo. Bast Sbtk and -' BalmoD, 0000 I.BTS BlsbUad, lOuslUO, Wriest and Lntoe a J.ST5 Holladar'a, 100x100, Ninth and Weldler., Holladaf'a, 14th aad rV-huylar, HKI00. . B.iUM) Holladar'a, Kith and Welillrr. lOualOO.., t.W Holladar'a, ITUt and Weidlar.. 1.S0O Uolledar Park, Multaoaiak at., sear 14th, ' - kwa, aarti..,.. SflO Bolladar Park. Clackamas, aaar 2lth, 1 full lota, ears ene Howa'a addltloa, ea Pmttjaiae STe...... ' Irrtofton, 14th, baar Tllianook 1AM Holla. lay park, Multnomah at., dmi 18th l.Un Bolladay park. Ualaey at.. Bear Slat l.auO Loaaa'a iddltloa, Kaat Aakaoy Uae, 100 . feet from Ssth T1 Lran's addition, S full tota....... l.NrtO Mt'.Mtllea St., corner Larrebe MrMlllea at., near Ruea, S krta. each... s.soo 1.750 4U0 Richmond. Taritart at...... '1 u, m m v . . ..,..... fUllwml ill am SV . I - LOW gh-eniH, - ti Soeth BnaaTalda, 100x100., l.HOtll nooth Snanfalile, eorlOO.. ........ ...... 700 Boats Snsnralde. 42x121 126 Baratoga, I cornet lets, .Woodlawa cars. ' eech 22H e. Johna Helahta, earaar tot...... Ktt) Taboralda. 00x100 kta, each . 1 Uontavtlls tarllae. t Inta, each ' 1M t'Bloo are. Hoe, Woodlawa or VaacoaTer farm. I Inta. facing I'nlon aTe. ........ 1,004 Wood lawn. Balgbta. fnll lot 4"0 Wllllama aTe near Kllllataworth 1.0U0 Wllllaaia avav. sear KUUnaawortb. SS 1 Xx too ,. Hartmaa & Thompson CHisraia or ooioixaex. , r Big Buys and $96,000 1W acres suburban proper - ty, about one mile from electrlo ear: adjacent, property recently sold for -1100 per acre: no better or more de sirable. Bargain No, L - . $4,423.50 40-100 - acres fruit , land, near Portland, within one mile of railroad, adjacent property cannot be purchaaed for less than 1100 per ' acre..'. . ..' v $95.000 Sawmill . complete and up to date, 10.000 dally capacity; good logging and water navigation, ISO acres fine timber cruising about 45,000.000 ft. Red Fir. - Thle seems to be ea elegant buy.- Net monthly " profits bow 14,000., , . , : $25,000 Fine , up-to-date apartment, house,- - fine 'location;.' Will pay more . than 10 per cent aatv tlMOO-oaah will handle It. Investigate. $12,000 One ' ' block, unobstructed view, ea moreen street, inia snouia ell for 111.000. Investigate this, ' ' t have city and .farm properties of most all Hnds, Including at out 100,000 acres of timber land. - If you want to buy or sell, aee me, and I win try'lo please you, . 4 . . Thomas P. Thornton , SIS Ohambe of Oo: TIMBERS; 300,000,000 Feet ' Yellow Fir All in one body, on 'fine logging 'r : stream, 'V.' .' I HOLD EXCLUSIVE OPTIONS y. H. J. Poller, Colomb'a River Tie and Lnmber Association 304 ABINGTON BLDQ. Second Street $11,000 -Good business corner 100x100, with large 10-room house. This property is a speculation. Let us ten you about it. : - MOORE REALTY CO, 418, Stearns Block, Sixth and ' ' Morrison Warehouse Property For East Side warehouse prop erty, see us. . We have it ; Mall & Von Borstel 104 2nd St, and 392 East Burn- , - side St, Land at Old Time Prices A SU-AOBB VUtOTB, slgntly spot over looking the river, near Courtney sta tion. Oak Grove, 60e. . ' SH AOMMM oa Courtney avex, about I bloeka east of Courtney station. Oak ,s Orove, 1200 per acre; 1210 cash, the 1 balance can be paid la monthly In-" etallmenta. Oh, but this le the chance '. of your life. . , , The Dunn-Lawrence Co.r 14IM First Street -. T. tOsTJlXD. 0t axeeU Ave......... ..', . 1 . . . .. ; Commonwealth Trust Company Realty Department 8210,000 Best buy in Port land. Pays 6 per cent net. See us about this at once. f 13,500 60x100, elepant West Side' property, rent $115.50 per ' month. - A great bargain. i 6,000 One half Tlock,Holla day Addition. Terms. . 5,500 li-room modern house, new, West-isidi?, Sixth street, ,? easy-terms..;;';' r";.",".. .';-,' . 31,950 Seven-rooi house, lot . 50x85, Mildred, near Union. Owner must sell. ; 82,000 Bestbuy on "Gnion avenue, cement sidewalk, terms. 825,200- 1,400 acres in Gilliam - - county78Tn1tesHom . ... .. on don, 700 under cultivation, eood house, two good barns,-well wa tered. One half .cash, balance 6 per cent, -y . ; . - We have a number of choice city and country properties, at a bargain. If yon want to buy it will pay you to tee our list If jrou have any real estate you want to sell, list it with us. "If , you don't want to sell it, list it with somebody else.- We have a num ber of cash buyers for bargains. BURT-&-PATTERS01Nr ' Managers Realty Dept. For Sale Bargains $528 Lota ,, worth. ' ' and: block . Kenll- f $1,325 Lots 1. I.jl. 4. S and I. block I, Farrell's second addition. . $2,000 .Lou 1. S and I. block 1. ? room house, FarreU's second addition. $800 Corner lot, l-roorn cottage, northwest corner Beat Pine end Eaat ' Hth streets; cheap. $1,800 Corner -lot, aoutheast corner I past Couch and East 14th sts. . ' $4,00010x10, northeast corner East ) .Dernio na,.un jaaier, ... wiu a- room m extern oouaa. $4,50010x100, southeast corner Eaat . twin ana naai xajnauj m s-room, modera houae. $4,650 -SOxlOO, southeast corner East Ackeny and East 17th sta S-room, modern house, , , J L. WELLS CO. mooxa SOS Ohambe Cjanaeroe Bids. , 12th Street Fine Warehouse Corner 100x100, has some income. Will sell at 818,000. "J: MOORE REALTY i CO. , - 416 Stearns Block, Sixth arid ,v ' ' Morrison BARGAINS IN ST. J0HS S acres on ' Willis boulevard, ready to plat .....$2,350 1 acre 110 feet off electric line.$l,300 1 acre within Swift packing dlstrlot on ' railroad for few , days! look at "thla $3,000 100x100, beet corner la St Johna on carllne '. i,..$S50 100x100, one block : from poatofflce, for ;.... $2,760 10x100, good Income property, beet bus iness locaUoa - In 'city; . this- week for ......v .-$12,000 Also complete list f property for sale and business locations for rent. H. G. OGDtfy, M.Johns. Or. Store or office - space, ground floor, Rront and Ankeny etreeta. Apply R.T. COX Room a, N. E. Cor. Third nd Madison. A Fine Basines Property - 0aa sfsas fines KltStf tfAMff4at ae the southwest corner of East Sixth and East Bumside streets. It has a: frontage of 100 feet on Eaat Burnslde I atreet and 75 feet oa Eaat Sixth, This ' ts ont ot tne oesi ousiness corners on the east aide of the river. For price and tertna ace na. M& S Von Borttet 104 Second St and 392 E. Bumtide St Woodstock Xvdi New home of rooms, ground 10 loori elose to good carllne. Fries, 11.700. acooma bbaxtt oo, ill ttearna Block,, BUUt aadMorrlsea, Commonwealth Trust Company MIT' 3m, Choice Vacant Lots Worth improving . ' 87,500 N. E, corner 19th and Hoy t. 50x100 Choice residence or apartment site. ' 83,250 Harrison street, 50x100 Handsome alte for residence. 100 feet weet of 14th. , 82,500 25th, near Marshall, 50x65. . .v , : '-.;,: Remarkaole fraction for a Dice home. Three Good Propositions 825,000 Apartment-House Income 10 per cent net, 6-year lease, no care or trouble end a large rate of ' Income n a property worth every ' dollar of the price; can be handled on ' 115.000 cash, balance at S per cent. - 87,000 Popular Flats ; Income 179 pr month, close In,, west side;-can be handled on !t,0ul; cash.. 82,650 Cheap Home' Bargain 731 - Johnson street, 15x100 feet, S-room cottage.' on ground' that , is bound to grow In value. Morgan, Sweets Chapman nmagiorKSg. Phone Mala S01S, POBTUIID PEOPLE The best investment ever offered in the United States in ' sums 6f $4,000 or more.' 4 Do not pass this without a careful investigation. NORTHWESTERN GUARANTEE & TRUST COMPANY Lumber Exchange Bldgn Second , and Stark Sts. ! '. IRVINGTON $i,100 lOxlOO. on Eighteenth. ' 1,60075x100, extra valua.1 , $2, TOO 100x100. ' :l $3,000100x100. ; - $3,000100x100. f3,20O rooms, 7th, near Weldler. $3,500 rooms, corner Jot. . .. , $4,200 rooma, good. . $4,800 7 rooma. 1ST Multnomah. $6,500100x100, house and barn. It 2nk D4 vie r street. ' $T,50O Hancock etreet, corner. ., $T,70O rooms, S lots. - 1 ' 1 T. 8 OO Beautiful home, list and TU: lamook." " ' - . $8,50O Tillamook street . ILBCE-CNHiflM ' Q0MMNY! Ji4h 5694, a?f SS ConcvJBvJIfrp OOB. TfeOOSZTSXT AJTD TACTOBT ST. Northwest part city. In the rear of the new Willamette 8teel and Iron Works, York Bt Investigate. ath:birrell S01-SOS aratAT ilso, cob. . . . - aall STAJtX. TaTJJIS Fine corner 50x100 with 12 room house, 89,500. Now pay ing fair income.; . MOORE REALTY CO. 416 . Stearns Block, Sixth and Morrison ,v 684 Schuyler Street A fine 7-room ' house In IRVINOTON. Grounds 71x100, ' ell modera improve ments; furnace, flreplaoea, etc. . $7200 $3,300 OAsnr, BAuxca : toftbxt ATa(ZXTS. )W Mr 364yi4'2S Contort '8fi Holladay Park Special Very comfortable home; 7 rooms, strict ly modern, aU conveniences. $4,500; or will cell furnished at a sacrifice, as owner must go east, aad wishes to seU at once. J II. Heilbronner & Co. 117 dumber Exebenee Bldg., Id St Stark. - See ae foe xesldeaee property.- H m Net cent on $45,000 Fine business property 100x100 on corner of Fifth street. This property is but partially im proved. . ' " ' .MOORE REALTY Ca 41Q Stearns Blocks. Sixth and J -.Morrison v- -- Factory Site SixthStcct OVERLOOK The place for a home v ,AU modern improvements Elevated 200 feet , ; Best view of city and moun tains' , '' ..! -.':: . "-;' LOTS $600 AND UP Subject to improvements : ' Terms $100 cash, $25 per month Six per cent interest. J V A. F. Swensson & Co. Breeden Bldg., Corner Third and . Washington Sts. Phone .. Main 3055 . , . . Go East, West, NortluorJout People who have ever lived In .Portland, Oregon are coming back to settle for good. We have REAL ESTATE In Houses and ' Lots, Lots and Acreage for sale at any terms to suit the buyer. ; Come one, come allto our office at 317 Marguerite Avenue, East Side, or Room 20, Raleigh Block, 323 Washington - Street,.West Side. Conklin Bros. PORTLAND,- OR. Your Judgment : ON THESE ., TZ INVESTMENTS QUARTER BLOCK Rent $120 ; per month . Price $15,500 QUARTER BLOCK Rent $143 per month , . : ; , Price $21,500 QUARTER BLOCK Rent $400 per month , - Price $42,000 QUARTER BLOCK Rent $530 per month. Price upon request. McOmber & Def fenbaugh 410 Stearns Building. Phone A BUY THAFS A BARGAIN A 6-room practically new house lituate one block from good car line, 2 lots 50x100 each, city wa :er. This place is cheap and must be taken within a week in order to get -It. at the price81,500. Northwestern Guarantee & Trust Company Lumber Exchange Bldg., S. E. Cor. Second and Stark Sts. CALL AnA Tm)n our list of tiAmraL lots, business properties and in vestments. J. H. Heilbronner cc Co. 517 Lumber Exchange Bldg. , Second and Stark. T Reliable Agents. ' ' Front St. In South Portland, corner, 10x100, beau tiful location for a. homo or flats; slopes toward the river, Jaces eaat and south. atOOBB BXAXTT CO, 411 Stearns Block, Sixth and Morrison. 8 Per Cent Net That Isn't bad If the property le eo situaiea mac u win increase rapmiy In value. Quarter block Improved and Close in. urmxmx.- aozbct, SOSH Btark St. " Business Property close In. and will make you tea thousand' in a lew montns. , spmurz AamroT, , ' SOSH Btark Brtreet. A Double Houae On a quarter block, llth at, betwe-n Weldler and. Broadway; 10 rooms In each honaw. $ 10,000 HALF CASH. Albze C:r,h:m Ccmparty IS tjoaeerd tillny. miata tooe. Willi Corner, COxSo, wtto double house; fin. buy at the rieure, IJ.tiO. xcoonn bzaltt co- i 411 Stearns iilock. Ktath and Morrlann Choice Acres One ta flva.anr. t rmnt ,1am tn on O. W. P. Rv. : chain blx.-k anil. InnroaM 1400 per aore! eaay tar ma. aTOBDAaT SJ ABBADB, . ' ' asa waaUagtea St ' We -.Dave a Fine Cav In the business district for S23.000 ; SBB TJS ABQVT XT. Albee-Benham Company ao eaeoT0 xraudiaar. acaia auoe. ffillamelte.IIeits New . S-room home, lot 10x100, With a beautiful view. 16.250, . SfOOBB. BZAXTT CO," 411 8 tea ma aioclc, blxtn and Morrison. HOLLADAY PARK . Mr hBnta In VTnll.ilaw T. -W MA.m T-room, lot 10x100. Inquire at house. a Multnomah street, or 111 Fifth at. WEATHKR REPORT.' ajilati '. tut IS hours lata a wpUb-anad dlatnrhanra. eaoslnf llrht snowfall throuf host the entire intermnantaln realon. A blfk pn-eeore area e- .rmw un niu vomatoia eaKwara Co rorra Dakota and sera tanperalarea are repartee thla eeantof erer MoaUaa, North Dakota aad the adtaceat Caaadlaa ivmIumi. . ! mmmm. Tampararnrea ew thla eatlre toreeaat distrli-t nara raiMa oeetoetflr -alar, yeetardar. the fall Kalnt varUcnlarly Barked eras waa tare Waeblaatoa. The iDdleatloaa eolnft eat fate aaa maflnaas' oie wearber orer areatern Oreano aad weMera naaniatiaa Bunaar. Beer aaatara-waahlnc ton and sorthara loabe the eathar will srob abls he fair and ealder, while eeer aaetera Oregea and soathera Idaha sua with siecfe kewer teeaperararae ta Isdlrated. - Maximum tempera tare, S4 aesreaat nlalsraai temperature, V oVtrees, Blvvr r-adln( at 0 a. m., CI feet; change la last tt hours, O.S foot. Total precipitation. S B. s. to S p. ... .IS raehr hotel sreeiultatloa alnee ep tenter I. lBoe. S). SO larheai aorsial BrerlnltaUoa alare Bettamber L 22. fl loehea: aieaaa. S OS In. ebea. Total eanahlne, Jaaoarr 11, soaa: eoeelMa soman Tne Janaary II, s Boars Be raiaateev Ba raoieter (redoead to sea ierei) at S p. at., SB si Inohea. - - . . . ' BtARRIAGE LICENSES. Joaeoh Alfred PatienandL 41. of aatorlal Bat ha Berber Hanbr. S4. . Thomaa Wlleoa Fawney of Carsea, Waahtnf ten. S; Sarah J. Ward. 40. Lara Dahle. Mi Uarle LlTsa. So. Tboxaae Obarltoo. Vaaeaurer, Sf; Ross a." Carnthera. 47. - . ' Fred Boea. S; . rlorenea Hea, Jf. W. H. Shat.r, XT: LilUe Blrhardana, Se. ' S. BJ. Wrena, Bt; NeSa D. Gray SO. Olnf naaeet. M; EUen Peterson. 25. -- - Creed M. Trlcletta ot Band. Oreana. SS: Klaa B. Wilkinson, 18. Bobart McKaaaatt The Dallas, SS; Josephine Grant, Si. victor a. rosDere. XT; soita a. Erickaoa. zo. Waddlns Carda. W. O. Smith) Co.. Waaa- iBctaa blitg., cor roartb and Waablngtoa sts. Weddlmr ssd ealltns cards 1 enarared or printed. . hV T. Bnahtoa, 40S Steams bids. TONSKTH 4 CO.. n-OBISTH, FOR PLOWCBS : Or ALL, KINDS. 123 SIXTH BT. Clarke -Bras., florlata rtrte floral deelrnv S8S Horrlaoa St. Pall drew salts for rent, all Tallortais Co.. aoe Stark at. Dalqve UNDERTAKERS. Dnnnlnr. MeBatee A Gllhanrb, sndertakera sad emhalmerai sKolera Id erer detalL Sereath aad Pine. Main ana Lady a aa la teat. ' A . It.' Bematoek, endertaksr ssd amhalmer. Bast Thirteenth aod tautllla era. pbaae Bell. rood Tl. - Erlekaas radartakla Co.. aad embalm Int. 409 Alder at. Phase Mala IS3. lartr aaelatant J. P. Plnler A Sons. Tll-I a4 Madleoa eta. Offlee af caeaty coroser. fnooa Mala S. Edward Bolmaa. SBdertaker. XN Third s. ; ; mmx raw ctitnar. Rlarla srans. 110. ramllr lots. S100 tn Sl.fjort. The only reaietery Is Partland which pr- peraaiix maintaina arm rarre for lota, ror run la'orniattoa, apply to W. B. Markenxle. Wor eeater block, city. W. at. Lead, prealdent. aOSX CITY CXItSTUY. Slnrle sraees. SlOt ramllr lota. SIS te STrt. Saperlntendent at resieterr. eoraer ef Praajort at. an Call read. Pbooe Tabor roa. ror Mil Infnnnattoa appty to rratik SchleraL Su2 Cntr.merrlal blk. Phone Mala 223. For shstTBCts. litis tnaarsnee ae BMrtne-a Vwna. rail en Pad fie Title A Troat eonpaaj', ZOa-S-C-T Fall lux baikllng. - Get roar . fneorance aad abatraeta te real aetata from the Title OHaraatee A Treat eoar- sany. S0 Waahlnanoa atreet. enrner Second. NOTICES. IN the eeeraty cewrt of the atate of Oresna for ataltaeaiab enantr la the Blatter af the estate of Jaeoe avbaplro, aaeeaead. Ta whose h siey eoaearst Notlee la herebf sleas that -1 hare heea appointed ariralnletrator of lha aetata at Jaesb eVbaplro, decaaaad. All tboea haTu( claim aselnat aald aetata will them st sir of rice. No. CUT resroa hMa., wlthla six steatha from the data of eablica. tloa of this sot Ire, to wit, from Jaaaary I, 107. B. A TATLOR. Admlaletrator. BBOMACOU A BR0NALUH. Attorsoira. WANTED Oop, ec the book "KItst of the West, ar Joe Meek," by Madarse Tec toe. Address J. D. Walter, Present t. Wash. 3S REWARD for name wf sersea sfOletel wit a mewwhle ekia dlaeeae. J. aeaa, euoi Prslrte ars Caicace. IlUaala. BXCAVATINO aad sradlns. C. B. rettaaa. 4SS Comroerrtal ,t. Pbooe Baet S1S. MEET IN O NOTICES. PORTLAND Conpanr No. 107. I' n I fore, Rank, Woodawa ef the World, will free, a "ijitarr whist party Wedaeadar , aaanln. Jaoiary 1. la the Wood men of rha World' tecnrl". lite St., between Weihlntoa and Alder. Admleeloa lse. Befraehsieats ssd saactag. U. W. A.' BVtaiJREEN Camp. AeM. SMete Wadneeday ereclnx. A 1 laky bloc. Third aad Morrleoa sts. M. W. A. frefno Orane Castp. Ne. Asni. Hea ders. ITth aad Marahall; Tteltora welcome. LOST AND FOUND. yOLVD A place e hat hair saattreeaea reao.. ested and retarned earn day. rroat at. Main 47. Partland Vrle4-Hal ractary. It. Metasar, SraurWtar. LOST Breelet, ea rirat St., b-rwees Tamhiil aad ktadiaoa. aww,w. .iw. i- POlXTTB rnp 4 a nth a a'd. apottad black il i Joe fay.-8 Eaal u , white, tterors t. Beweru. LOST LadT's email f'd wa'rk, aa-raed B. O." Beward. AOdreaa hi lOa, Joarnal. LOST On !ellwtd ear, Jenoanr II. . mrea eontainins ti.ev m mm. mu-.i i M Uraad aee., A Beward. POrND Pointer femalai awaer rar e. same tr pa,uf sitwusea. a. i. m. 12 4 rourth at. tosT rrirtar. 1 ' w. p. w. kailr's eatsrelia, rial surer ka paon K.'t K0. CJi ' ) fr 1 tr ti rrar.tlrr a'M.ll c"il'-'l t . A. . i