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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 13, 1907)
IS THE OREGON SUNDAY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SUNDAY MORNING. JANUARY 13. i: Stop It! Stop It! YOU CAN i ; ! i i i i i Don Hay Rent But buv this fine 'new 8-room house on East Madison, lot . 52x100, house 28x32. Frice in eludes body Prussels carpets, . .shades.-steel range, gas range, pas fixtures. $75 ice. box, sta tionary, tubs. linoleum ' on kitchen, pantry, bath room, all ' for 91500... f. V " w. v'. -.. ' ''',""' ,15 Apartment House.' on the 1 . West Side, pxxl , neighbor- hood, pays over 15 per cent on ,your investment $35,000. ; ' ?' ;' " .v ,-, -t-i " - 47-rocmrIIotelNaftd B-ropm House ' run in' connection , with same, , completely furnished, $140 In-, : come per month. Xow is your oroprtunity to buy this for ? 10,000. 8-room House on East Morrison. Snap, for $3,150. 1 2 Fractional I.ots witfi 8-room house, for $7000. ' Cherry .,&ireei, ncarirsi.,; . , , -.Ty Two nice lots on corner of Madi son, 122 4-10x100 $3150. I Lot 50x100 on Seventeenth street ; Bargain for $1000. T; See this Lot on East Mprrlson,1 50x66 2-p, for $1575,. , ::f T-ot 52x165, with buiJdWg 25x40, " rents for $30 per month. .Price . $3700. - Six-room". DunealowT oh.AIbina avenue, $2300. A 5-room cottage on Division street, $1000. Six lots on First street, 25x170, $000 and $700 each. - - Two lots on Michigan Avenue, 50x100, $1325. , Also lot 50x100, Albina avenue, $600. Shaver street, two" lots,- 50x100. $1350. , Tooslej ? Weaver 11 and ;12-Lafayette Bldg.tr7 - 'rr-r- Phone Main 6961. i "-- 813WahingtonSwCort Sixth PROPERTY Is going tip rapidly and now as. the time to buy. We have almost all of the best ' property along this avenue for . sale, and our prices are so cheap we are ashamed to print them. Call or Telephone ,- - M. E. LEE Room 20, Raleigh Bldg. 323 Washington St Phone Pacific 69 GL1SAN STREET : , JNear Sixth 50x100 $18,000 DAVIS STREET Fractional lot, close in, some in t come 7" ," . . S1B.OOO E. J. DALY 114 THIRD STREET $3.750 Cor. E. Salmon, and 23d St.; thla la a rem, modern, every eonven - lenos, full lot. rooms, bath, flne basement, buUt by owner two ysara 4J2.T50 Fine ' 7-room - hoaee. east front, brick basement, modem, ,elec ' trio llfht. km; East 2th Bt, near Clinton St car tine. k f2,SOO t-ronj house, modern, all conrenlenceli. ' concrete basement, ". 8unnyslde; East J 4th. near car line. $2,000 -11H acres within two mlls . Vancouver, Wash., all In flne fruit. fenced, mile public school, 4-room house, cistern. ' A. H. BIRRELL B01-3-S McKay Bldf, Third and Stark. Tenth and Everett telrMe lot, frame buildings, good Income, Investigate. J . A. D. EIHRELl : ' ;oi-I McKay. Cor. I and 8Urk. - : rear SOxlOO lots and a large store building, with living rooms upstairs, walking distance from ths treat parking-house district on the. Peninsula! store rrnted for (It; seven room a up. stairs will bring $20, three extra lota worth 0. an sell the' whole for 1 1.200, with terras. F. T. BERRY, s jcortb. sitaU sc-Phoaa VaclflaOia. VV I N ON THESE $ ZOiOOO Quarter block. 1 tnlnutss ;to Oregonlan. Pays P' et f 20,000Apartment-housa. Is than I rnrl old. fiv minute to Port land Hotel; leased for $209 montlv flS.OOO S-story business building;, dose In; pays 10 per cent net. f 12,000 J-story brick near Second and Yamhill , Fine buy. Good lease. $ 10,000 Corner on Yamhill" Little money down handlea this. . ' , . F. 0. Northrup & Co. til Commercial Block, . Second and Washington Streets. EAST SIDE INVESTMENTS $30,000 - Half i block on Hawthorne ave. ana Etst Third. A great speculaUon. ; , prH $15,000 , Three-story brick. 89 feet -front; Rasaell at- - nooma $l nvmthr -j ---fr- ' ? -1 $22,500 ' Half block between S. P. R. R. and O. R. A N. R. R. near E. Morrison. ; , $12,500 t-; Corner-l010ft-n Unloa ave,. Only 1 block from the site of the proposed Cord ray theatre, $25,000 ' 'Half '" block on 'railroad " track." near Eaat Morrison. . ' $42,500 Corner on Grand ave.. near East Mor rison; Improved with good brick bulld og. , $50,000 Quarter block ' en Grand st., near Eaat Morriaon; pays food Interest. - See ms for Baal lids property. . The Healy investment Co. S10-14 Ablagton, X0 Third St. . Investments t ,. . : -., . -. $3,600 iBflsines corner in South i 1 PoYtTand,"'paylrigf10pei cent net. , i . $13,000--Quarter block" 19th and UpshurJ. warehouse property. $16,00O Corner lot 50x100,' Park and Flanders i oart cash. $22,500100x100, rick warehouae. ' w-ortn jju.uuu. $22,000 Quarter block and two houses On I4th and Flanders. . $25,000 Quarter block and . fiv houses on 14th and Flanders. $23,50050x50 and brick building on First street, down town. : $32,000 Three-story brick," promP " . nent - business corner: income $25a , ; j. $55,000 Quarter block on Fifth . street; will be worth $75,000 within six months; part cash. . BOLLAM, GRUSSI & HIGLEY ",IW TlllRD ST?EET,t s. The Choicest , Unimproved , Residence Property in the In the recently platted double block "Z," facing . . ... , Montgomery, Harrison, Had and Tourieenth Streets . Macadam streets, cement sidewalks. sewer, (as and water pipes bid. , Prices, $2750, S3C00 and $3250 This property Is stricAy for residence purposes. ,-, .-.. .... 5 Wakefield, Fries 229 Stark St. Ji W; Ogilbee book 11, i V4 rims ST. -$2,60O lots, 100x100 feet, with good . (-roomed house, base ' ment, etc.; yard full of fruit . and shrubbery, eta.; on East SOtb street. Nice home for ' the money, r $1,300 cash, bal ance years. ', ....'. . $l,8SO C lots nr East nth and Division streets, good place ro build tenements on and very cheap. i.- u v' $550 A number - of nice building lots, 0x100 each, near East 14th and Taggart streots, a "Tlbbotts Homestsad," near several car tinea; with com- ' pletlon of sewer, streets. Im provements, etc, will make this valuable property. $700 J lots. 100x100 feet,' a beau tiful horns sits, nesr the new Midway achoolhouse, . on the Ball wood csrllns.. .. $20,000 Corner on First street, 50x100, with good 'three-story frame building and 10-room residence. Rent $200 per month. v . r O DONNELL & LUCAS J4jChambet ofCornmerce : r-:- -..i.-.. 97000 ' 110 feet on Kearney; Street, close to Twenty-third, - ; r . ?10,500 - i Corner on Overton Street, near new terminals. Houses now produce good income. " X 910,000 ';",Vv;'f ; ?0 feet on Elevenths very ' close in and now paying $50 a month. vr:'. East 99500 ; ; Quarter ' block on East' Third, close to Morrison. , -V ."i-.; r '; ' 915,000 Entire ! block between FlaJi- ders and Glisan; $5,0Q0 will V " handle. . . -. , :. . ' t . 'MAIN 550 $TOO Sxl00 on East 14th. near Haw- tnorne avenue. -. $ 1 ,00080x1 00 "onHawthorns between J 2d and 13d. ' " $1,20060x100, corner Hawthorns avnnue and S3d. : . $l,SOO 100x160 on Marguerite ave. Worth more money.. $4.000 8. E. corner. S. 7th and M1U. Good Income.' $13.500 N. VT. corner 15th and Ra leigh, 75X1Q0 feet. $ 15,000 Quarter block;TJ. cor ner lth and. Upshur. $31.000 Half Jglock on Quimby, be tfeen 14th and 16th streets.' s cbajcbzb or CO mem.- Washington Street, 100x100 932.500 $15,000 down ' ' Everett Street 100x100 r, ' - 915,000 ?i! WW '.t'Jjj SAT Shsrioek Bid. ; ni raclfle 1435. PORTLAND Is attractlna more 'attention than any city on. the Paclfle coast and Is under-B-olnf a MIGHTY TRANSFORMATION and In the nxt ten years will likely make mors PROGRESS than It has in its entire past. - The EAST 8IPK has the most HOMES, has the GREATEST population. Is grow Inr the most RAPIDLY, and ths t 1EATER PORTLAND , MUST and WILL be there.. Holladay's Addition Is ths geographical cenfer of the city, andjs the most DESIRABLE resldenoe district and much of this will become BUSINESS property. Do not overlook these FACTS when making Investments, snd call and Inspect the property, for seeing la Dcueving. . . - The Oregon Real Estate tempany 8H Third St, Room 4, Portland. Or.'; Don't Be Another " Pittock " And get rich at your, neighbor's . . . '.. expense I ...... - - Build a house on that vacant lot. M: E. WilUoah you the MONEY ; . Real Estate Bought and Sold a -''-r Pacific, Room 2d, Raleigh Bldg. 3235 ; X: .1 Washington St . . Only Two Corner Lots Left Hawthorne ParR j n : .. ?1,G50 Lots fiOxlOO, cement walks and ' everything up-to-date. R. L. Cate 220 STARK EXCHANGE 70 -2 ;' L''; , ' .1. ' ' ''III ' . ' , , , . ,1 jvnapp a wacftey i A Two Good Comers Last Chance Profitable Investment . 912,000 . liarter , block on. West ark Street South. ' . '.-V.';r.'."V 930,000 . ' Extra fine big site, Four tenth ;and Irving. . Now good income producer, : -v 917,500 i .Modern flats now producing $170 a month. Side Money Makers 922,000 .Entire block on Grand ave- " , nue, 800 feet from Haw- V thorne. .. . C ?20,000 ; Grand Avenue, corner, now . paying $101 a montn. . ENTIRE SECOND FLOOR 64 ACXZS on Oregon City car line. I blocks from station, all aloe, level ... land, all cleared and on publle road, with new (-room- houss. Prloa '", $2,800,-one third cash, balance ion. easy terms. ? '. , . ; . ... SH AOXBS, '4 -blocks from ear Hps; all nice, level land. : Prloa HSfr Y per acre,- Easy terms. JS . , ; .'.,. . :'f :; . -: " 1 VIM ACJtZS, i blocks from car line, 10 aores cleared, balance choice tlm ' ber,solI of ths very best and lays well, acres of It ths very beat land . ; for raising onions and celery. Pries (100 per asrs. ... Terms easy. , .4 A.CBXS adjoining ear line, ail good, level land. Price $1,000. Easy ; terms. .'....:,'.. m '' S AOXSSt blocks from ear line, 1 ion cleared, balance good timber. Price $1,000. Easy terms. .- .;;.-... y .,v . j",;. WB SATS half-acre and acre tracts on ths Oregon City ear Una, all - rtob soil, no gravel, ranging In price from $150 to $150 per acre, thatn . " we can sell on easy terms. ..; .-''.;.: ' .'..''' v.- : ' '-'t. ;,'. ,', - S 1-S ACBXS on the river, about a mils above Mllwaukle, aU cleared, --and set out to orchard. Fins soil. Price $1,(00; on third dash. : v ' . S.61 ACBX8 'above Mllwaukle, between County road and ' river; good '. bouse and barn, allcleared and oultlvated. Price, $1,800. The Shaw-Fear Com pany Mm New. well built, modern 8-room house, having furnace, fireplace, etc ; full lot 50x100 feet and ee- ment walks. Cornes of East Four teenth and Madison, 1 block from car and has all conveniences.. - Home Fine , 2-story; 8-room house, on Grand ave., near Weidler St., has furnace and fireplace, everything oaodern and convenient." This is i good buy. ' Clackamas Street Well built,J modern 8-room house, on corner of Twenty-fourth and Clackamas sts.1, has furnace, fire place, etc. r. This is a new house and U modern in every, way, and is a snap. Xtnr nnM'snf! nartJnitase rrn- rerning these properties and other rood homes which I have in dif ferent parts of the city, call upon Chas. K. Henry 122 THIRD ST.. FAILING i -.t'-r't BLDG. v, r.. ' "'- Grand Avenue 10 Per Cent Investment i. , . Nice Quarter Block, with four good house; room for one more. ..Will increase in value rapidly-;. ''Price $10,000 for a few dayo" only. ; Bollam, Cruss! 4 Iligley ! . m THIRD STREET. 910,000 ,. Corner Water and Harrison. We also, have this corner to ' lease. , " ; 98,000 Fourth Street, corner, close in, now paying $35 a month ' ! jnd only half of lot used. . ' 910,000. ' " Twenty-second . and Flan ders. Two houses paying . $80 a month. - . .. ' 918,000 Half block between Eastfc Second and East .,Third;w $5,000 will handle. , , 9G500 . , . ' Fractional lot on T: now earnuig a. , IXTH AND WASHINGTON REAO. E SCENIC PLACE. $115 to MOO each for (OxlOO foot.lots In Soenlo-Place. T tessSs) spradsd.""i. ' . 1 . . SldewsJM graveled. . . WatermsJaa la tk gusslsj. Bulldlag Jtestrtottos (31KbV - , St. , Johns earlma , passes In front of -ths property. , . ""Ths - beautiful , Columbia City Park, which is being highly im proved, adjolna on ths west. . - ' The - most- desirable location, for a horns on ths Penlhsula. Terms, 10 par sent aask aad 910 s month. ?' IIOLFiIES & MENEFEE ;' S Tilrd Street, ' Or' B. Carey, at Peninsular "';'.. Station.:." ,; - , -,'..-;J CLOSE IN AT REASONABLE VALUES , : 10 ACRES on Base Line Road. 20 ACRES, Base Line Road." 13 ACRES near Kendall Station, 0. W. P. R. R. u r - TOM M. WORD Real Estate Co. 230 Stark St Phone Main 4581 248 Acres, 17 miles from Port- Iand, some bottom land, mest 'ly all in cultivation, f 65. per . acre, ., R. L. Cate ACREAGE 223 STARK. EXCHANGE 70 The Spanton Company, by a Plan of Real Estate Co-operation, Handles Small Amounts, in Biij Deals. - Your Money Protected AH the Time; v and It Gathers IWnderful Earning Value-Thirty or Forty Per Cent Profit no Exaggeration.. See Us About It Monday. v, In Eastern states, under certain growing conditions, ws hear ths farmer say, .Ton can Just XBAJa ths com grow." A simi lar condition' prevails In Portland right now, "Tou can just, hear" VMM MttCIS OBOW. i: :;', t "", '!''' -:" :.;y: :':': -' '"-v" .'.::.;,.;t. '.:';-;.'. ' V I; ' Slnos ws opened onr offlosa In ths Commonwealth Bunding ws bay given a minute study to ths real estate market of Port- 'land and we have unbounded confidence fa tt. We have our own money tnveated here we hay our relatives' money we have our friends money we are all in together and ws will ooms ; "oufwlth, flyiag colors, v,V--i) 'v.'i; ;.'::;,,;.; .- Ws ask you also to consider ths Portland real estate market! by thla advlos we do not mean to put your money Into every ; thing that may be offered, such , as 4way out" aubdlvlaton ; which are better suited for corn fields, or tots, on hill sidss so steep goats can't climb them, BXTT ZBrXSTiaAla TXB BVSX sTBSa in OF Tmm -OTVAXXOXi you could no mora make a . mistake In a down town Real Estate Investment than you eould make a mlataka In buying a Government bond. - v ' In ths oenUr of Portland la ths last year property has an : hanced fifty par cant ta ralus. and It wlU do even better than ' 'this before this year la out. If you bars a thousand dollars we will bandla tt with our own and glvs If a first, mortgage pro-, taction all tha tint ws are handling It; or If you hava a hundred thousand dollara wo oan put you onto a proposition which win" mean $50,008 profit la loss than a year. - ". .. s M Ws ask tereaos f (Am I- Pi w - i; proposltioa be big at small provided tt doss mot have fictitious I .. valaa. . ... . .- ' , ... . " ' - - K ' ooxxoinraAXTX nxxt. . bbas zstatb ASBsnra. 3 -imiHMnnimnmxaiMMiiMiinnnxg;sa3. Real -Estate 5 In Clackamas County S 104 ACRES near Molalla, on county road, all under fence and level, 5 acfes cultivated, 10 acres slashed, no rock. Price 91,650.' . 'Terms to suit. ':''.. ':.'"7V-'' ' '' "-: GOOD LEVEL LAND V miles from Oregon City on improved county roadr which can be sold for less than any other property ' near the city. . . ' " - ;- r 50-ACRE TRACT, 45 acres cultivated, alt fenced, fine soil and fruit ; trees, for $95 per, acre. . IK miles from Oregon City. , 40-ACRE TRACT, 85 acres cultivated, at $70 per acre,"ljk miles , from Oregon City. . -: ; ,' - . "--'.; , , 40 ACRES, 25 acres, cultivated, OregonCityf r.; 40 ACRES, 15 acres cultivated, . Oregon City. , ;- ri ' 40 ACRES of unimproved land, ; from Oregon City.' y' WE HAVE SEVERAL OTHER good safe, in vestments. s The land above described,' if planted to good commercial apple trees t will, in les$t than five years, be worth 8350 per acre. - w , CALL and look over blur list,' and ; cost. ', vWith a small payment down we will Joan you the balance of the purchase price on terms to suit. We furnish an abstract , with each tract sold. on Oreg CitvT - - ' " L A. CAIN. Arent ' .' ' ANDRESES ,B'LDG. ICXZZXnZZ:ZZZZXXZZSZ3Z2Z2ZZZHUliaRSIZM MTe SCOTT BAROAINS : 4504 rooms and one lots (ISO caah and $10 per month. $l,eOO Swell new (-room modern house to bs completed about Feb ruary. 15. with I lota, noar station; $3(0 cash snd (K per month, 1.050 Oood (-room house and ons lot, near station; 1(0 eash and $11 per month. .,..' , . , 1 Othera from B60O to S2.00O. Terms easy, 1 J . , Choice building lets, f 176 to f 2SO on easy paymenta. Acre tracts on easy terms. .. . . , , . Office at sswaafa taation, on Mount Soott lias, open every day. Take Mount Soott oar at First and Alder to fare. . , : THE ARROW Ford A Walls, Managers. Phone Tatrn $i, ' (hst yom see "I " "i I .; r. r. whsthsg tha Wi-j at $65 per acre - ; "::"; :.-;,.. ltf milesfrom at $55 per acre. 1 miles from ' .. , 'v;:;; . Vvf.,;-. .. ' r . . all level, for $40 per acre. 2 miles v,.!. .'.,:"''";.:.',.',. ;, ,'. , FARMS on oht list which are ' -. . ...... we will show you the land free of rust Co. OREGON CITY. OREGON - REALTY CO, l f M T M .ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZTZZZZZZZZZXZXZZZl 1-