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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1906)
13 9 11 O . v.. " -4 Third and Ankeny Streets Phone Main 414 EX THE OREGON DAILY. JOURNALS PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING,' DECEMBER 21. 190. . - - .: ' s ........ - .' - BOSTON MARK First and Burnside Streets Phone Main 1 64 2 GOVERNMENT INSPECTION IS A CLR- TIHCATE TQ-GOOBJHEALTH 1 '.When you buy Government-inspected meats, you take out just so much health insurance yet there is no premium on the policy; you pay just the price of good meat. Government inspection means that the cattle are healthy and that you arer getting good, clean,' wholesome, nourishing meat. ' . . Do You Want to Save Honey? Then Buy From Our Markets ! -A : BEEF, FOR MINCEMEAT .". . . . . MUTTON STEW, PER LB. . . . . .... . . . . LIVER, PER LB........... VEAL STEW, PER LB CORNED BEEF, PER LB:.,..... ....... CHUCK. STEAK, PER LBT., SHOULDER STEAK, PER LB............ SHOULDER ROAST MUTTON, PER LB. SIRLOIN STEAK, PER LB. ............. ; PORTERHOUSE STEAK, PER LB....... BREAST VEAL, PER LB. . . . ..... ..... . . 5c 5c ....7c 5c i-.-i-.7cr ...,7c . . . . 8c ...10c ...10c ....7c ROLLED ROAST VEAL, LB. ... . SHOULDER ROAST VEAL, LB...... SHOULDER VEAL CUTLETS, LB.. . PRIME RIB ROAST BEEF, LB;. . . . . ROUND STEAK, PER LB.. .......... SHOULDER MUTTON-CHOPS, LB.. LOIN VEAL CUTLETS, LB........... STEW BEEF, PER LB SHORT RIBS BEEF, PER LB.. . . , POT ROAST BEEF, PER LB.. . ..... ."; ...10c ...10c ...10c ...10c 9ci ...10c A2y2c 5c 5c ..7c BOILING BEEF, PER LB... SAUSAGE, PER L6i. .r.'. .vwmvutM. . 10c HAMBURG, 2 LBS..;..........;T...-..15c LEG ROAST -VEAL, PER LB.. ...... . . . ;. ;i2c -RUMP-ROAST-VEALrLB.TT777f. A2y2c RIB VEAL CUTLETS, PER LB. I...l2c PRIME RIB STEAK, SHORT CUT. I..... .10c BEST GRADE HAMS, PER LB....... f...... 16c BREAKFAST BACON, OUR BRAND, LB.... 17c PURE LARD, OUR OWN BRAND, 5 LBS... 55c SPECIAL PRICES GIVEN TO HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. The Market Basket - : ( Tor Ohrttm Xlsv. Ortcra on th Half ShalL Consomme. Ch Croutons. rimolM. - ', Baitsd Nuts. Celery Pineapple Fritters. Wins Sauce Baked Bass with Eg Bauce. Roast Turkey. Chestnut Presslns;. Creamed PoUtoes. . Asparagus with Butter Sauoe. Stuffed Oreen Peppers. . . Cranberry Jelly. Pumpkin Pie.. .Mince Pis. Varehmailow Icecream. Assorted Cakes. Prutta and Nuts. Coffes. Roquefort Cheese. - Orecon peaches are In the market and sre selling at 10 eents each. If you want three of them you 'can get them for It cents and a dosen for to cent a People (hat are In the habit of buying them by the box will have to get a larger purae than usual for that amount will coat nearly IS. A few sreeks ago they could be easily purchased In the markets for about one fifth of that value. The peaches are In very good shape. They were sent from this city by a local wholesaler and put Into cold storage In Las Angeles. There they were very carefully attended ' to and yenterday were received back In Port land in Juat as good condition as they left several weeks previous. Pineapples are very plentiful In the retail markets and are in better shape than usual at this time of the year. .Almost an entire cargo was brought over from Honolulu the other day by a steamer. In the retail markets they are selling at 40. (0 and 0 eents each, according to slae. Soma received from Mexico of smaller also may be obtained ' for less but they do not have the qual ity of the Hawaiian fruit. L . . On Christmas day you ran serve strawberries to your' guests but they will eost you more money than usual. On Tuesday morning a shipment will be received In thla city from southern California which are expected to be of very good quality conaldering that they are not raised In Oregon. At retail the price is 40 and to cents a one-pound Dos, aocoraing to quality. - Oranges of large also are rather scarce In the markets this year1 for the reason that southern California fruit did not ripen early enough to make gen era! shipments to the outside. Practic ally all the oranges now In the retail markets are from Northern California and what they .lack In else, more than make up in quality. - They're sweet, say the dealers. Price In the markets will range between- St and to cents a dosen. The markets still have quite fair sup plies of grapes. Some from Spain are especially good. These are packed In large barrels and cork dust Is placed be tween each duster to get It In proper condition. Soma from California' are In good shape and are not so high either. The price of turkeys In ths retail markets will range between tl and St cents a pound for ths dressed article. The higher price wilt be charged for extra selected birds but good ones -nay be obtained at 10 cents. Chickens will not be so high and those that cannot af ford a turkey wilt be able to take two of these' home for Christmas dinner. Milder weather has brought down the price of eggs a trifle and the dealers look for still further drops during the next few days. More - fresh Oregon ercs were received during the east day or so than for' ths entire previous week. Butter remains very high but there Is still considerable hope that the larger supplies will force the values down. Supplies of cranberries are quite good DONT TRUST JUST ANY BREAD FOR SATISFAC TION. ORDER , Buftter-Nut Bread And Be Sure . . ' Daily Output Over 6.000 Loaves . . 8 cents . per loaf' at all .peters. This label 6n ' -every loaf of the , genuine. Special Home-made Mince Pies for Christmas 25c each Order at Our Down Town BakeVy, 145 Third St. and those that were compelled to forgo cranberry sauce for their Thanksgiving bird will be able to eeeure all they need for Christmas. The pries Is no higher. 1 All sorts of .nuts are very high this, year on account or the short nrrop In California and the very heavy demand. None can be obtained under 2t cents a pound while some varieties are sellffig as high as 40 cents. The candy factories have been work lng overtime during the past few days In ordec to fully, supply. ,yout wants for the Christmas dinner or perhaps the young one's stocking. While prices in most lines have advanced candles will cost you no mors this year than .usual. There Is an extreme shortage In the supply of canned eastern oysters and for. this reason If yon want oysters you had better order early. The Pacific coast supplies, while short, are still plentiful enough to supply your wants. They're Just a fraction higher than the prices you paid a year ago. - The fish markets show an extreme scarcity In most lines. There is plenty of salmon to meet all the requirements for the holiday dinner but other lines are high. Batter place your order early or you u get left. A few retail prices for yon: Berries Huckleberries. l(c pound. Fruits Bananas. Sto dosen: lemons. IBc dosen; limes, 10a dosen; apples. ll.2tOt.f0 box: pineapples. 40OI0a each; grapes, 7fe basket: chestnuts, to fjlOo pound. Vegetables Eggplant, llttc , pound: pepper, bell. 1001! Mo pound: peaa. telephone, tie pound; string beans, tie pound; cucumbers, tc each; summer squash, to pound; potatoes, lHo pound; green onions, tte dosen bunches: new carrots, three bunches for tc: head let tuce, to head; radishes, to a bunch; cauliflower, lOo head; tomatoes, lio pound: celery, three heads If e; sweet potatoes, two pounds fo. Fresh Tlsh Halibut, lltts pound; salmon, lOOllo; sturgeon, lto; striped baas. t0O2tc; soles, lIH01fc; black cod. lie; perch, 10c; flounders. 10c; shad, llttc; sea trout, 10c; crabs lto each: salmon ' cheeks, lto dosen; shad roe, lie pound. Butter and Ease -Beet creamery, lOo per two-pound roll: cooking, too roll; fresh ranch eggs, 4f0fc; eastern, tfc dosen. " Poultry Chickens, lto pound; ducks. Tfcff each; squabs, 7fo pair; spring ohlckens, tOtjlle pound; turkey, dressed. IS ft Sto pound. O r SPICES, o C0FFEE,TEA, DAinNOP0.7DEI7a OrnhnTShtRlu&AMiwieifricnJ CUlSSETftDZYEM C ' PORTLAND, OKXOOM. I Christmas Dinner Meats Chickens Turkeys For XMAS MENU Your menu Is not com plete if it does not con--tia-Turkeyv-Chicken -or Roast Beef. Excellence in Poultry and Meats is as important as anything else. Our stock is aU fresh and dean, that means excellence. OUR MOTTO "Quality, and Plenty of It." Meats Chickens Turkeys . For XMAS m - I Tbe Rainier Market 17th L SaTkr Pbone Mala 1632 Tbe Modern Market 233 N.23d 51 Pbone Main 3807 CHRISTMAS TURKEYS FOR EVERYBODY, 22 to 25 Cents Fresh Ranch Eggs......... 40 Fresh Eggs. . . . . . .301 and 35 Best Creamery Butter 65t, 70J Good Creamery ......... ..555 Dairy Butter . . .... . .40, 45 Best Sugar Cured Ham;,. . .17? Breakfast Bacon 18f Cream Brick Cheese, lb. . . . .20t Limburger Cheese, each. ...35f) Full Cream Cheese, 2 lbs. . .35 CHICKEN 14 TO 17 CENTS La Grande Creamery 264 YAM HILL ST. Empire - Paclring: Co, t Corner First and Madison Streets , BUSTING THE MEAT TRUST! SEVEN WEEKS OLDt . WATCH US GROW I This Should Show You That We Mean Business SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY ALL PRICES REDUCED All other meats proportionately low priced. Come, see us. We FRANK L. SMITH MEAT COMPANY 226-228 Alder St, Between First and Second Sts. FIGHTING THE BEEF TRUST Oregon's Finest, Choicest, Freshest Poultry Jor. ChristmatrrNot iL. ; . Cold Storage Bird in Our Market ' - DRESS TURKEYS, PER LB...... ............;.25 CHOICE FAT DRESSED GEESE, PER LB. .............. .10 FANCY DRESSED CHICKENS, PER LB .... . ..M .16 We will cut up and serve to our customers Saturday and Monday our Christmas Beef, Lamb, Pork and Veal,' Poes the same as usual. h ' Prime Rib Roast Beef. Rolled Roast Beef. Tenderloin Steak. Sirloin Steak, Veal Shoulder Roast, Veal Shoulder Cutlets, Round Steak and Hamburg Steak, Shoulder Roast Lamb All 10c Per Pound Porterhouse and T-"Bone Steaks, Pork Shoulder Roast and Chops, Leg of Pork, Leg of Veal, Rump Roast and Loin Roast of Veal . ' All 12c Per Pound Leg of Spring Lamb, Loin' and Rib Chops' of Spring Lamb'. Pork- Loin Roast and Chops All 15c Per Pound ' Shoulder Roast of Spring Lamb, Breast of YeaL Pot Roast and Rump Roast Beef ( All 8c Per Pound .- - . -'. Beef for boiling and stewing, 'Spring Lamb Stew, Liver and Hearts All 5c Per Pound xizxzxzxixzxsxmmTmvk xzzzz TO MY MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS ThlsStore Will Be Open Until 11:30 A. M. CHRISTMAS PAY- t wiflh you each and all a very Merry Christmas E. B. COLVELL; CHflC" Third and Jefferson Streets. ' ; Fhor.s l':' a aeea you ana jroa neea us.