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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1906)
I ' - : vl , f . Weir5 We are reidv to serve wnu with best there-4, both In quality of goods . j . (r m and. service. We are liberal on our Iff i ; J V prices to make them as low as con- " j ti prices to make them as low as con servative business . will permit low enough that no one need do without a Christmas feast 3tt . v.; - if y't e store for iand of the people? ' Our frj&Jhr aim is to give the people the best there DHflMfc'sfr l - VX"JkV PHONE is in the market and lowest prices; rfl UH C. :-'.-V f X - ySknyS- mj. A . a. -7- that is why our store has grown to such - MAIM -N- Ajf. . MAIN proportiojis, and why wt are doing such a y SC: I A 12 large business.' We claim small profits X ' . . (XiV 116 and miictc sales oualitv. oromotness-and ' vClC 22 Pounds Cane Granu lated Suar $1.00 Turkeys! Turkeys! lUlUitNS 15c and 16c lb. m Fine GEESE and DUCKS i Hi UJI' y . i. '. ll .iL 1 111 ! 1 111 , y& i ir 1 1 I. 1: swl I II UTFI 1 . '.- EXTRAS , 2 packages Gold Dust.. ...... ?..35 :, Shredded Wheat .T...T..:....,. 10 Arm and Hammer-Brand Soda. .5a , Bottle Ammonia .............. .5 Bottle Bluing .... ............ .... ..... . 5f 8 packages Acorn Matches,... ......... ;25 Mb. can 20 Mule Team Borax. ........ ..10. 8 packages Toothpicks , . 25 - 3 packages Tello ...25 3 packages Toilet Paper . .......... ,...10f 2 cakes Sapolio. ..................... .15 2 cakes Ivory Soap ,.....15i 3 lbs. stripped Cod Fish. ......... ... . .25 1 gallon Catsup. ... ................... .50f) FOR YOUR FRUIT CAKE 2 packages Currants............. 25a 8 packages Raisins. ...... 25? 1 lb. Lemon Peel. . '. . ; . ... . ... ......... .20 1 lb. Orange Peel...... .....20 1 lb. Citron Peel. '..30f " v EGGS Fresh" Eggs ) ; .30 TEA AND COFFEE SPECIALS 1 lb. U. C. Japan Tea.U...............25 1 lb. Gunpowder Tea. 25 1 lb. E. B. Tea.. ....25 1 lb. Army and Navy Coffee .15 1 lb. Town Talk Coffee. . . . ...... .20 -1-lbr Monarch Coffee. 25 y.ii IT- I T dT Our Poultry Buyer Is Now Back From the Turkey Raising Ivll If Z II ' 801 the verv finest lot Turkeys that ever was seen in the Po IYU IL rm U J for our Christmas trade. These Turkeys and others were shipj QUALITY Country and . . ortland matket ipped to us alive for our Christmas trade and will be killed and dressed to your order. We will have the finest lot of poultry for Christmas that ever reached .Portland You Get It ' From Us a fine assortment of all kinds of fowls. Meats QUANTITY ,We Give the Best - """"All Orders foFAIbina and East Side Must .Be . in by 1 O'Clock for Delivery Saturday Sirloin Steak: Porterhouse Steak Porterhouse Roasts ; Sirloin Roasts ."' Boiling Beef . . Pot Roasts Hamburger . Bologna ; Shoulder Steak . ... Weinerwurst . . ' . Loose Pork Sausage . Prime Rolled Roast Beef Veal Roasts '-' -t TryOur-JVeal Sausage Choice Eastern Ham . lOo '.. ' " ' " v ' lOc .' :V-;,! lOc w.:. ; 5& . 6c arid 7c 2 pounds 15c . pounds I5c v A pounds 25c : .; . ' lOc .3 pounds 25c .'; lOc pound 7c, 8c and lOc pound-lSc- pound;i7Jc, II II- 1 II 1 ' ' . BUTTER . Good Creamery '.,.;. i-. ............ 55 i Ranch i ..... v. ........... 50 CHEESE- ' ' . . ; 2 lbs. Full Cream Cheese.,,.. ...35 2 lbs. Half Cream Cheese.... 25 Swiss Cheese, lb. .'..,..20 s6aps 13 bars Royal Soap 25 8 bars Silk Soap 25 , 8 bars Monarch Soap. ...... ..... 25 . 7 bars Golden Star Soap......... ...... 25 8 bars XLNT Soap. , ,7;Tr.T.r. .25 - .. CREAM ' . All kinds Cream, 3 cans. ...............251 ..' . , CEREALS ; Scotch Oats,.......,......... .,..10J Violet Oats, 2 packages. .........25 " Quaker Oats, 2 packages.... .25 Force, 2 packages........ V. ............ 25 Grape-Nuts, 2 packages.. .....i.. ....... 25 Figprune........20 . Postum.-;......20 10-lb. sack Rolled Oats ..35 10 lbs.: Corn Meal........... ....25 10 lbs. Graham Flour...... :.J. 25 . .10 lbs. Farina.............: .35 2 cans of any kind of Cream for. ...... . .15 . FISH ' . y 3 cans Salmon......................... 25 ' 8 can's Domestic Sardines. 25 2 cans Mustard Sardines........ .....15 1 dozen Alaska Herring ....20 All Orders for Albina and East -Side Must Be f in by,. 1 v O'Qock for . Delivery Saturday t A DEHENT'S BEST FLOUR ' Keep your cuitoraers good-natured by upplylne them flour that 1 good for dHtton, good to the palate and full i Weigh j( guaranteed. ; DEHEffT'S BEST FLOUR Pement Broa. Co., mlllera, maker of high-grade, flour, 140 Eaat Waahlngton teet. Phone Eaat t607. ' . SAYS BAY CITY IS RAPIDLY REBUILDING ITSELF William McMurray, Railroad Of ficial, Tells of , Prosperity Among Ash Heaps. The atreeta of Baa Franelac have been cleared of rubbish, there appear to be aa many people In the place ea erer, and the city la rapidly being built up," aid William McMurray, general paa engr agent of the Harrlman Unea In the Faclflo north weat. today. Returning from Chicago, Mr. McMur ray -atopped aeverai day at the city of aah pile and cloaeljr obaenred condl . tlona. Ha aald thrre waa raat 1m proTement In the appearance of the bu1n dlatrlct In the three montha , Intervening between hla laat two vialta. Tremendoua bualneaa activity la the - flrat lmpreaalon the new arrival, ra- celvta an entering the city.' : The atreet cara are packed with peonla from morn' Ing till night and men hang to the . pmtiorme in their hurry to move from . one place to another. The atreota once - mora look clean and orderly. Damage , . to pavements has been repaired. The Flood building, a new structure only partly wrecked, has been repaired and . the Southern Paclflc company ia moving Into It In the business district many : buildings are being rebuilt. Here and - there temporary wooden buildings are till being erected on, the math etreeta. Out on Van Neaa avenue there is 1m- mensabuslnaaa activity. The retail business of the city is still being carried on there. "Po you think there are aa many peo k pie In Ban Krenclsro today an there were before the earthquake?' Mr. Mo ' Murray waa asked. "Well. I wouldn't say yea to that ' but there seems to be many," wa his guarded reply. "They who are there ar tanendoualy .-busy. The b sV.s nevec bad such a bualneaa. Money earns pUntlfuL- Many people "who were poor before the nr are getUng rich lnre. The ' streetcar company has abollnhed the old turntable at the ferry and substituted a loop. A .car i paanea around (ha loop every few seconda and 'there la always a crowd ready to rush board.- V ELEVATOR TRUST GETS ; " SMASHED IN NEBRASKA.! U nwl Kaaelal gecrW.I . ' tJncoln, Neb.,"la. tl. The supreme eourt today smashed the Kebraaka ele vator and grain Jruat by affirming .the referee'e finding"' la a ault brought galnat (ha combine br-Attorney-Oen-araj Brtjwa. la future farmers oo- WE - HAVE THE FINEST LOT OF TURKEYS k . " - "" In the City. Also Geese. Ducks " - - and Chickens at Lowest Prices Come early and get first selection OYSTERS Olympias and Eastern. Fresh Opened Here Heitue's Mince Meat. 2 lbs. 25 Best Creamery Butter. . ... .70 Strictly Fresh Ranch Eggs. .40 All Kinds of Fresh and Cured Fish, Clams, Shrimps, etc. Columbia Fish Co. Third & Ankeny. Phone Main S THE HIGHEST GRADES OF COFFEE ROASTED IN THE AT YOUR GROCERS. corrtt aw Don't Neglect Your Xmas Dinner . But call early on G. Covach Di Co, . S78 rrasT imii. For your POULTRT. FISH AND OYSTERS. Wa have freah atock only. No cold storage. If you cannot coma, call up Main 686. ' WHY pay fancy price for your Christmas Apples when you can rat them for II. 0 per box - mi iui rrnni sireeir operative elevators have a. fair chance to compete with the elevator truat, which In the pant has been favored unduly by the railroads, tha latter re- rusmg ie grant altea a ad trackagv to farmer. 1 - We Wish You All a Merry, Merry Christmas AND A BIO. FAT TURKEY BOUGHT AT WHOLESALE OF ! The Mr F. CaSh Grocery 334 THIRD ST. 'PHONE, MAIN 1735. Headquarters for Turkeys : AND ALL 'GOOD THINGS TO EAT. W will sava you from five to ten per cent on your Chrigtmas orders. Git ua a trial order and be convinced. - WITH YOUR SATURDAY'S ORDER, 23 LBS. OF SUGAR f l.OO. SUGAR ONLY 20 LBS. FOR $1.00. Potatoes are advancing in price. We will give you one more order at the old price, 100 lbs. sack, for fl.OO 20 lbs. Spuds 25 8 lbs. Sweet Spuds ,.25v Dry Onions, for Saturday only, 20 lbs 255 7 lbs. White Beans ..25 4 lbs. Lima Beans 25 Dement Flour, per sack ...fl.OO 5 lbs. Lard Compound .......50 Bulk Lard, per pound ...... 1 10 Best Ranch Eggs are lower, per dozen ,.,40 Best Eastern Eggs, per dos.,.35 Live and Dressed Poultry on hand at all times. . Fine,. Fat Turkeys shipped direct to us. WE WILL SELL TO YOU AT WHOLESALE. Remember, our place is 334 Third street. Phone Main 1735.. Otir prices are right; our weights are correct; our delivery is prompt: WE WILL FILL YOUR ORDERS AS TAKEN OR REFUND YOUR MONEY, . . . SANTA CLAUS STILL HOLDS FORTH AT . ' , Our Branch Store 67S First St. PHONE, MAIN 1493, WHERE MR. WILSON WILL BE PLEASED TO MEET ALL OLD CUSTOMERS AND MANY NEW ONES, WHOSE NEEDS WILL BE SUPPLIED AT ABOVE PRICES. A good cook and good flour will pro duce bread or biscuits and caks dell- clou enough to tempt the jsded appe tite and enliven tha dead digestion. DALLES DIAMOND ' Flour will make the lightest, wntteat. moat-rnvtttn g," witt-imtrtt ioue and most wholesome baked delicacies. DALLES DIAMOND flour will make your baking" success ful. It' the kind which good house keeper ; and economically Inclined housewives buy. . There are '. other brand ss cheap, but no others so good. Hoffman's Market and Grocery Tha place to get good quality and low prices. Patronise home trade.-- Bring your basket and get satisfied. All our meats are uovernment Inspected. - rmnoB KXATS. Prima Rib Roasts, per lb ..10a Rib Steak, per lb loo Blrloln Bteak, per lb. loo T-Bone Bleak, 1 lbs aso Porterhouse Hteak, lb ...lSUo Rolled Roasts, per IB..., 10o Rump' Roasts, per lb , go Shoulder Roaata, per lb... .......... go Rolling Beef, per lb........,..,,,.,. Bo neer Blew, per id., So Hamburger Hteak, t lba too Pork Roast Shoulder, per lb. . . . . . ,lai -e Pork, Boiling, per lb , loo Spare Riha, per. lb go Veal Chops, per lb..,. IS He Veal Itoaats, per-ib... IS He OBOOxmzxs. t pkge. Dr. Prices Food S5o lra artsa-Oatsiipr mrrrrtn : n : . .10 7 lbs. Lady Washington Beans... ...Sfte S lbs. best Italian Prunes. ....,....aae Oood Hard-Wheat Flour. .......... .9o Full Cream Cheese, 1 lba , 39e Herring, per dosen . . .ISe J cans Carnation Cream. .... ....... .SSe Hnme-roede Mmremeat, 1 lba Boo Applea, first-clans, bos... ...fl.OO Creamery Butter, per roll...... Oe ICS wmtant Ave., Cor. OoUg ft. I MEATS "" .. ............................. Fellows Grocery Co 349-301 OAK ST. PHONE MAIN 2398 GROCERIES 1 348-350 ANKENY ST. j Portland's Largest and Cheapest Cash Grocery 1 Is well supplied with everything necessary for your Christmas dinner. Now is the time when you want to make your money go as far as possible. We are the people who can and will : help you. . . Our Store Will Be Open, Evenings Until After Christmas 8 lbs. New Dates. ...........25e 2 lbs. Best Soft Shell English Walnuts. .35 1 qt. best Roasted Peanuts....., .5 1 lb. New Filberts............ 20 8 lbs. Plain..Mixed Candy, , , .... . ,-. . .25 1 lb. Famous Mixed Candy... 10 1 lb. French Mixed ;..20 1 lb. Mint Lozenges or Jelly Beans 15 - 2 lbs. Fancy Chocolate Drops. ... . . . . . . .35 100-LB. SACK BEST DRY GRANULATED SUGAR . . ... ....... . . . ......... ROSE CITY FLOUR, fancy patent SPECIAL PRICES TO LARGE CONSUMERS. EAST SIDE DELIVERY V OTHER DAY 1 lb. Shredded Cocoanut........... 8 pkgs. Mince Meat.'......;..,..., 8 lbs. White or Black Figs 4 lbs. best Italian Prunes.......... Package Seeded Raisins........... Package Cleaned Currants;;-. ... . . . 5 cans Star Cream, 10c size. ........ 1 lb. Fancy Mocha and Java Coffee. 1 can Bakers Cocoa... IS .....25 .....25 .....25t ..,..10 ..u.lOa .....25 25 .....20s ...$4.70 EVERY ) A. H. Willett & Co. Wholesale and Retail Grocers "THK HOU3X OF QUALITY" REMEMBER OUR MOHO: "PROMPTNESS AND QUALITY"""" CHRISTMAS IS HERE Have you orderedYoOr. -dinner for that dayTJ If, not. why let us fill your order.' Wa can. do It to perfection, aa wa have everything In the delicacy Una that will help you to make your dinner a grand aucceaa. In fact, every day we can -supply -you wth itha many necessities needed In a well regulated house hold. Lf 128 GRAND AVENUE : NEAR VAST MORRISON - PHONK BAST 183. T0WNSEND & VAN SCH00NH0VEN Wholesale and Retail Grocer ; .: 147 FIRST STREET Stndy on prices thsm yon wlU see way on trad haa lncreaaad. 6a good ars of the highest oaUty and we ohaJleage comparison with the finest that ...25 ...25f .fl.OO ..Of fl.15 caa found la amy riore. Trash QrsanisTy Batta. .704 aad TBg raaoy Creamery Batta ..60f Oregoa Baaoh Brg. doaem 4 Oat Oood Egga .. . . ........ . .30 Wa get Twr eggs- from the farmer. butter from the creameries no middle men. Cross Blackwell Lucoa OH, qt...6S Crows A BlackwelL Chow. H Dlnt.,20 HrtTTWli V.TT, V . 1 Os 1 can good PeciChe or Apiicota...l5a) Standard Tomatoes 10a t cans Corn, Pea or String Bean. .25 Evaporated Cream, cana for ....15 1-lh. ran Baked Bean i . i . . r.'. . . . fit 1-lb. nkg. Arm and Hammer Soda.. Bat Naptha Soap , 5 CHRISTMAS orders for, East S I bar Baby Elephant Soap.:.. 1 lb. English Breakfaat Tea... 1 sack Gunpowder Tea.. , 1 aack Beat Valley Flour;....! 1 aack good Hard Wheat Flour. 1 sack Best Hard Wheat Flour (patent) i... 1 hottle Worcestershire Sauce, t- 1& -. . .-i . r. .; 1 1 .. T 1 IB. -Whole Nutmeg ..3S New Crop prunes, per lb 3 New White Honey, comb .. ...a. .1 51 1-lb. can Corn Bf X..10f H-lb. can Deviled Ham, for ......25? PHONE MAIN Itti. ' Eaat aide delivery Ttfeaday and Friday. de delivery must be in not later Duke's Country Market 185 FOURTH STREET ' Between TaaahlU and Taylor St. ' hoaa ataia 9B30. - The market that la free from t mat Snd packing houae control. Alft our meats bronght direct from .the country. No middlemen' profit when you buy you meat from us. That' why we can sell the finest meat at the lowest prices lrr the city. . , Tenderloin Steak, per lb. ...10 Sirloin Steak, per lb 10e Porterhouse Steek, per lb 12't Prime Rib Roast, per lb.'. ....10c Rib Steak, per lb 10 Bound Steak, per lb 100 Pot Roast, per. lb ...74 and 8 Boiling Meat, pef lb.' Br ' Leg Mutton, per lb. :...12H0 Mutton Chopa. per lb 12H4 pork Roast, per lb 12H Pork Chops, per lb 12 f Veal Chops, per lb ...lOO Veal Roast, per lb .......10( Hamburb Bteak. per lb Sat Country Sausage, per lb ...10? Country Cured Hams, par lb,..,, .1T country Cured Bacon, per lb....l7H , i . ........ u j j. i uiiMur., f Yl Couhlr jTItendered IardTDeFTirrVT; 1 1 T- wiumrf Mince Meat, per in......iur Country Pauer Kraut, quart 104 REMEMBER w have a large aupply of Poultry, Chickens, Dacks, Ctese ind Turksyt ' Ha gvw ivifi svs tsj S titan Monday i m, , - - ' ft. . f . I ': ...... ,' ; , ',..),. 't.