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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1906)
J .; . . THE: OREGON DAILY JOURNAt. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 21, 1909. I: LIT AOulRERS ; FOB in : LADIES HIG1IT IS CELEBRATED Ctevcr Boxer Has Many Back, t)r In Coming Match With Champion Cant. - Multnomah Club Members En . tertaln Their Queata In . v Befitting Styla. - Mini mi ii .iiiiiii inn mmii.iQ I . RECORD TO DATE 13 HIGHLY CREDITABLE V':;: ' - ,- ; His Performances During Four Tears Show That, Not One Defeat Has t Coma to Him, Though Ha Has Met ' a Number of Good Men. ' (Joerail Special Service.) ' ' ' Tonopah. Nev., Dm 81. Students of fight dope have taken some notloe of paat performance of Kid Harm an and betting man In Tonopah loom upon the Chicago fighter more than a poil blltty In hie coming match with flans. During hie ring- career Herman has shown his claaa en several oeeaalona f nUnjt--Urh-aearand -defeatjnff - men that have defeated him. In his first fight with Clarence Forbes, who at that time was eonatdered the best tn the bualneaar the Ghetto champion lost in six rounde by the decision route. When -they met again Herman showed ' Improvement and put Forbea away with a hard right to the jaw In the eUth : round. ... ' .- ' Meeting several lesser lights in the , ring Herman easily carried off the . honors. He next tackled Kid Abel. Thla fight waa moat vicious from the start to the finish. Herman having both hla : Jawbones broken in the firat round. Kotwlthatanding thla fact he mtnaged to atand off bla opponent for alx rounds , and aecured a draw. Fleaty ef Orlt, i That Herman's grit and determination cannot be' doubted la ahown from the fact that, after receiving theae terrible blowa from Abel he fought on. protect ing kia head and Jaws especially, and then earning a draw decision. - After thla he met and defeated many of the beat boy in the . featherweight division. Charlie Wear came along about thla time and put'e crimp In Her man'! aspirations for the championship, knocking him out in April and securing : a decision over the Kid a few months later. Nothing daunted, Herman pegged . along, knocked out Clarence Forbea and checkedthe career of severed promising : youtha. Jle tackled Charlie Neary for the third time and gave him a beating that will ever be remembered by the . Milwaukee .roan, securing the decision in the tenth round. ' This was at Den- ver. t Ills nest fight ef Importance' waa with Tommy Ho watt, the fighting conductor of . Chicago,' 'whom he easily defeated In aire rounds. Then came bla contest with Benny Tanger, which he lost after one of the most stubborn contests aeon , In the arena Herman waa never satis fied that Tanger was hla maater, and to prove' It laaued a challenge to the Tipton Slasher- and eaailx. nlm. Baa Vet Oood Ken. s Since Herman haa been In California, he haa mat three men who were top notcbere In their claaa. In two of theae, one with Herrers, who gave Battling Nelson the hardest fight -of hla HfX. the referee gave a. draw decision, which was claimed -unjust by practically every man in the pavilion at, Los Angeles; in the other one with Abe Attel the publle also' thought Herman ahould have had the derision. Hla disposal of Eddie I Union 4a--at 111 fresh In tht raninorr ef the mill una. ' " A big factor In Herman's favor la the fact that be haa not been defeated In nearly four yeara and haa been con sistently climbing upward during that period. Since coming to Tonopah the Kid haa surprised the followers of the game by the way he performs on the road and In the gymnaalum. Ha la a glutton for work and no man la too big or too .little for the Chicago man to tackle. The determination with which Herman starts Ma training stunts has caused the sporting element of Nevada no little concern and when he atepa into the ring on New Year's day he will have more than one of them holding tlcketa on him. , " Seaside Sunday Excursions. The A. a O R, R. R. will run an ex. eurslon to Seaside and return every ' Sunday at the round-trip rata of 11.89. Take advantage of the low rate and see the ocean. Tlcketa for sale during the week at 2S Alder street and at the ulnon depot, Sunday morning. c PURE WINES AND LIQUORS AT ALTERATION PRICES Quart Bottle Pure Port. ......(............... .105 Quart Bottje Pure Sherry. . , .19 Full Quart Bottle Extra Port 50f Full Quart Bottle Extra Sherry... .......... ..JMty' Full Quart Bottle Extra Tokay. ........... t .. . .50 Full Quart Bottle Extra Muscatel. ;....50 Full Quart Bottle Extra Madeira...... ......... 50i Full Quart Bottle Extra Angelica ...501 Full Quart Bottle Extra Catawba 50f Full Quart Bottle Old Riesling and Sautefne. . . . .504 National Monogram Rye or Bourbon, full qt. .$1.00 National Wine Co. N. E. Cor. Fifth and Stark Xieutenant Harry Gregg, U. 8. Clever Player, Who la Playing on tha Multnomah' Varsity. LAST SESSION OF RULE WORKERS Commltl1 Will Hold Its last Meeting In New York. City Tomorrow. V NO CHANGES LIKELY IN THIS YEAR'S CODE The Principal Suggestion la That Four Downs Instead of Three for Ten Yards Shall Be tha Regulation May Wait Another Year. (Jeers! Special Service.! New York, Dec 1. At the Murray Hill hotel tomorrow the Intercollegiate football rules committee will hold what will probably be lta laat meeting, ao far aa the existing eommlttee la concerned. The meeting is unlikely to make any changes tn the rules whatever, but it la probable that the whole field will be covered and general recommendations passed. The main queatlon to come up shall be allowed to gain 10. yards of Whether a compromise-meaaure la not advisable. There la a dlstlnot differ ence of opinion as to whether or not a fourth down shall be allowed. Yet the absolute Inability of a team to gain ground by any form of straight run ning haa been ao emphaalsed In gamea between elevena - ef nearly . equal atrenght that aorae relief la demanded. The question of how to afford9 that re lief la aa. Important and persistent as last year, when the forward pass and 1 onalde ktok wsre Invoked to secure lief. . Though both have added to the attractlveneaa of the game, each has failed In lta real purpose, and the rule makera must consider how they may encourage ground gaining without re turning to the old grinding, amashlng game. A THREE MATCHES IN CLASS C TOURNAMENT In the claaa C billiard tournament at Cerby'a billiard room last night three gamea were played off. Mack Blaalllon and Andy' Rollerl. The Scores: Blaall lon 102, Roleii 100, In 43 Innings. The second game Lavoy won 100, Rollerl (t. In 47 innings. The third game a core. Pea body lis, Lavoy 71. In 41 Innings. Tonight's gamea will be between M. Blaalllon and Mr. Peabody. Mllwaukut" Country Club. Eastern and California races. Take Sellwood and Oregon City cara at Firat and Alder. ST-MA8 THE QUALITY STORE ' , St. , Phone Main 6499 JUNIORS PROGRAM HIGHLY CREDITABLE Professor Krohn Handled tha Drills In aa Excellent . Mannar, and tha . Blf Gathering Had Plenty of Op portunltiea to Applaud. In keeping with tha splendid perform' ancea of the past, the Multnomah Ama teur Athletlo club laat evening cele brated ladles' night in befitting fashion. The social - rooms committee arranged an Interesting program and It waa car ried out cleverly and intelligently. The club was decorated taatUy for the occasion and the members had aa opportunity to enow whataorte hoeta they really are, and la Justice to them It may be said that the big crowd waa handled admirably and entertained In true Multnomah style. . The prettiest feature of tha evening waa the drlU of the Junior boys and girls. Forty-eight of these young sou la tripped about In faultleaa fashion under the close supervision of Profeaaor Rob ert Krohn. to whom great credit is due for the wonderful excellence displayed, The Multnomah mandolin club, under the direction of H.-A. Webber, rendered appropriate muaio for the evening. The club la 'now recognised aa one or tne beat of Its kind, on the Pactflo coast. and lta work laat night was thoroughly appreciated. The club la made up with the following: 11. A. Webber, Vivian Dent. R. N. Parka. Merle Rosa, H. A. Krumbetre. Harry Mix. C A. Warren. F. C. Warren. B EL Fulton and Mr. Hagedoa. . "-. Vrogram of S vents. Olrls' drill .' - Direction of Professor Krohn. "A May Morning". i ....... . .Densa Mlsa Sara Olana Violin solo Selected Harold Bailey. . Two Irlah Bongs ' ' " (a) "Denny's Daughter" 1.. , ((b) "The Grand Match". Bruno Huhn Mlaa Anne Dltchburn. "St John'a Eve" - Chaminada The Treble Clef Club. Direction of Mr a. Walter Reed, -MIe Helen Lytic. Mrs. Sanderson Reed. Mlsa Ktfthleen tawler. Mra. Jor dan Purvtne, Miss Ethel Lytle, Mra. J. E. Howard. Mlaa Hilda Hegele. Mlaa Delta Watson. Mlaa Helen Brlgham, Mlaa Catherine Covach. M.lss Petronella Connolly, Mrs. Byron K. MUler, Mra. Ernest Laldlaw. Mra. William CT Hoi man. Mlsa Mabel Mills. Mra Lulu Dahl MlUer, Miss Vida Reed, Miss Alice Jus ton. Miss May Breslln. Mrs. Walter Mixed drill ............. ..n. ....... Direction Profeaaor Krohn. Tonight- ....Zardo Mlaa Kthel lvtle- stror reraia". ... ..........a...,.,,......... piuu Dr. Oeorge Alnalla, "Woodland Croon Song". ...... Clutsaa Miss Kathleen Lawler. "I Envy the Bird" A.... Herbert J. Ad rain Eplng. -. "Waldruf" Woodnotes Bohmldt The Treble Clef ClubT Direction Mra. Walter Reed. Boya drill Direction Profeaaor Krohn. Accompanists Miss Aileen ' Weber, Mlsa Arvllla MoOulre. Harold Mllligan. E. P. Stott, of this city, who arrived here this morning with the Stanford Rugby team. Stott is captain of his squad. . COMMERCIAL BOWLERS BEAT HAPPY DALES . Tha match game laat night on . tha Oregon bowling alleys, between the Happy Dales and Commercial No. 1 teams, was a decided vlotory for the lat ter team., they taking ail three gamea Volalnet rolled the highest single game, 214. The best average waa aecured by La Roche, 11. The score sl. t COMMERCIAL NO. 1. (1) (J) ( Ave. Lamond . 184 167 lit 176 Armltago ....147 182 14 169 Draver .....1B1 11 1 143 Meleen . . .......... .141 14 169 167 L Roche JS'li! i02 171 ltl Totals V.Tm IIS III HAPPT DALES. " ( J 1 Ave. Tolsinet 12 173 10 1R Dale 14 1 117161 Hergert 1 14 lt 143 Hill . . 1 4 111111 Madden 120 lt7 .113 Tonaing 1T3 -171 Totals ....304 701 733 SOUTHERN LEAGUE MEN WILL MEET TODAY ' floeraal Rpsclal Bertee. Birmingham, Ala., Deo. 31. The mag nates of the Southern league gathered in Birmingham today for their annual pow-wow. The directors held their pre liminary meeting today, and tomorrow tha -ragulas annual meet lag y-'uf the league will be held. - All the magnates are In attendance.' Tho magnatea are In a very pleaaant frame of mind and all Indications point to. a barmoalous conference. Che paat season was one of exceptional prosper ity for the league The 1907 pennant will be awarded Vn,BtraUnhaai and tha i m m l 'is f i " mmmmmmm mmmmm , , , y " " ; " f GENTL1LMILH? ' 5J'i i YOURSLLVLS : : . . J ;. ' - with one of our' SUITS- ; " .::, ? j TOPCOATS m . OVERCOATS g Vi W a Now'sthctimc of yearwhen lM fi V WWfK l-od clothes make you Jccl Mi : nappy and poor clothes make ; i ' ;' V . " " - V ; i 1 1 ill i - yovt feci miserable. There are : . cr;f ft' Sm V ' no better clothes made for " yn M'A "''r' . men than. ' KtlSP PRICED AT : " 'r -11 '" W 7 ; My Guarantee ; - ; , Jf fegj Goes With Every Garment W . 87 Third Street I . THE. OPE.N WINDOW STORt league will reel eat President Kava naugh. The salary limit Is one of the mat ters to come up at the meeting. - There la some talk of Increasing the limit of 13.700 whloh prevailed laat year, but talks with the olub owners Indicate that nearly all of them are satisfied with the present figures and that it is there fore unlikely that the limit will be "boosted", to any great extent. SPORTING GOSSIP Jack (Twin) Sullivan of Boston and Jack Flynn. the Colorado fireman, are matched for a go tonight before tire Pacific Athletlo club at Los Angeles. The contest will be for 20 rounds. r .'A oerd ef star bouts has been ar- Seth Kerron, Former Oregon Player, .Who Mia tha M. A A. C. .Varsity. ranged for tha boxing ahow to be pulled off tonight under the auaplces of the Mllwaukle Boxing club. The wind-up la to be furnished by Clarence Engliah, the Omaha fighter, and Rudolph Up hols, the South African champion. e e Ouy Ashley and Harry Lenny are scheduled to box tn private In Mew York tonight. - e e . The second annual boxing and wrest ling championships of the Western as sociation, A. A. U., are te be pulled off today and tomorrow under the auaplces ef the Missouri Athletlo club of St. Louis. LOCAL SPORTINO V On the first of tha new year David Jordan, the popular and capable captain and left end of the Multnomah club'a football 'varsity, .will go into business with Parrlah. Wat kin a Co. ' Jordan is ti competent office man and will asso ciate blmaelf directly with the real es tate and insurance part of the business. Frank E. Watklna, a member of the firm, and Jordan are old friends and aa both have been successful In football and other enterprises, their friends pre dlot a bright future for them. v Tomorrow afternoon the following final claaa matches In golf will be played at Wawrly. links: Class O, Ledd vs. Zanrelasa B, "Webb va. Car son. Murphy eomea into possession of claas, A cup through default by Mr. Outhrle, who baa gone to Europe. ' V Monmouth Normal school and the Portland Y. M. C A. basketball teams will meet tonight in- the local club's gymnasium, i The game promises to be a fast one. e e Tha T. M. C A. Zebraa will play the Chemawa Indiana Saturday evening at tha letter's gym. Tha game will etart at 3:30. This game will be the Bret game out of the city for the Zebraa. They have played five gamea, winning three and loalng two. The Zebraa ex pect to win, aa they have a team that have endurance and speed. The Indian team will outweigh the Zebraa. - e Willi arq Boone of Portland waa de feated by E. H. Henning laat night In a poor gerrre rn-tnl rtty by the score M 300 to 313. The men posted a forfeit to meet la another .match In three week'a time. J e e . The Stanford Rugby team arrived In Portland thla morning en rout to Brit ish Columbia, where it will meet the Vancouver, team on Christmas day. With the team ere 8ts Portland r.oungj An KODAK MAKES A MOST DESIRABLE PRESENT FULL The Kodak Store 111 SIXTH STREET, NEAR WASHINGTON ART LEATHERWARE A, ART WOODENWARE ' ART CALENDARS KxxxxznRxraxzxxzHXKXzxaK: H Kzsxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; EVERY CUSTOMER & dDo HOLIDAY LIQUOR men, the erack players en the cardinal. They srS" Captains SWttrCBplaln-aUect Koerner, Hoi man, Fenton and Chalmers. The boya were met at the station by former , Stanford men ana ere being shown about the city today. Thla afternoon at I o'clock they will prac tice on Multnomah field. They will leave for the north tonight at 11:43. ..'- : The Oregon Africa won their first EASTMAN LINE AT GETS A PRESENT Do XC phone MAIN O 3Z0 HEADQUARTERS basketball game of the . ee lt . night by defeating the Evergreen cue at Vanoouver, Washington. Tha score waa IS to 13.- . - Tonight the Multnomah flrst ee r -V oh football elerene will prs"l. i i r their Chiisfmae malchea .As ( r only two more practlrea. Inn t i Sunday morning, every maa ts t to be et la ualtortn. '.''' ' ' 'A V . . J' '. . 'a v.'' V