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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1906)
FRIDAY 'EVENING. ; DECEMBER 21 -1808. THE .OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. . PORTLAND. a ew i aegaBggiBgasB C3 No" Disposition Among Buyer of Poultry to Take on Heavy Supplies of Chickens and Price Looks Lower No Cleanups Reported." TODAY'S MARKETS . . - ' - r 4 1 - :.LWh V t - MELIEIIT Receipts Are About -Twice as Heavy as Dealers . Had" Ex V pected a Few Days Ago- CHICKEN MARKET DRAGS r ' AT VERY LOWLJEVELS '.Large Retailers Offer Clean-ups at 10c t Pound but Thl Is Refused Some Dealer Expect Price to : Reach That Figure.' rMaclpel Market teateres assart Titt uaeertala turke? price. m ... t ililciee ajarket at lew I".' Trtoe dull la kop BMrket. . ' r.ff eell dowa: receipts fcWMf. " Flak nppllM etlll abort. , .' " ( Petals Purine; eontlaoee keavy . Turkey Na Taiy Vaeertals. The fntara rant a tha tnrt;r W'krt l at aacertalB Just bow. Becelprts ere full? twice aa liberal a tha trade had Beea led to expect, walla thai Car burlnf operatlone oy -(Ae aataU trade save ant aa ap Be expecta tions. Tha faet that Ckrlstxass ownes ea a verr unusual day this yaar aaakee ttie market Bora complice ted. Wall tha trada MKhaatd quite keenly lor tha TkeBkselvine; business alawst a week before that crest, burera aa ta ba balding off tuete Cbrtatmae purchasea atU tha laat Atlanta. Another thin .which baa a eepreeslus effect apon tha market at tfcia time la that tha waathar wea eooalderablr root far Thankesirlnl thaa new. . At that tlata daalar bought early because ther knew tha etoeka would keep aatll needed, bat mow tha weatker la aa nil a ad atfcwrtam tbar da aot Beam willing te taka chances. Tbere la ao disposition among any f tha larfo retail bayere la atock ap keeTllv with turkeva at tola time. Soma of tha larger eoee bare far cfceaed suite beavHy la tha eonatrj. aa will kardlr enter tha market far. tae , Ckrlstmas trada. Law Ial leaeaes ia CMokeas., Tha fact tbat 'tba turkey market t rattier tdna doaa aot prove any kelp to tha chicken market. Tkere U oa every , kaad . a d'etre, la tmload ra thla Use. ant Myrra ara keeping thair bands aff aatll thfy can ax-cure atocka at thalr on faiora. Soeae af the lartest bur an bare effered tha rroot etreet trada lOr a Cad aa a eleaa-up arte, bat tbia. kaa ant jet a aecaptad tha comniaaloa Ban brlaf an . rrrtala aa ta what tha d-aiad win ba later a. Bob of tha eoannlaalua am haa bara : arry1ir orar tbakr rhlckana for a boot a wark. aad taora ara arrlTlaf rnrr 7- ' bla atoraca room la turn balnf aitod with rapa af chlrkoaa aad BT tnalirht tbra will ant ba. anfOrlaDt rooai ta atora taora thaa a half docra additional coopa. Tarra la eslr aaa thtnf that woald aava tka rklrkaa or tnrkrr ajarkat at thla .tlata oataido Buylnr. . I p to thU tioM tbara kaa Dn bat llttla fork aold to tha aorthera trada for Cbrtatmaa ad tha aarrrkaata thara aaaf bar kaavllr . an durlnc tha at frw daya. It 4Mb. mart at at all thla waak. baraoaa tbara ara a aanbar af rare of aaalera draaard aoaltry thara aow aad thla will ba aold, aa atattrr . what pricaa ara obUlnd. X-a Baa Pa a a Kaoaipta HoaHac. Uarh baarlar arrlrala ara abowa aajaia to ' diT la tha aval ft markat. Tha raralpta darlac iba paat frw dara aa bara aa Ubaral that tha ratall trada baa baa bnylBf la amallar lota thaa aaoaj. with tha axparUtlon at tooor aalaaa. A kmc lYoot atraat todajr traab raark ran ara arlliBa bra 32He to Me a doaaa, w)tk awat of tha aalaa aronad V. Kaatam rf(a ara kard to avrra J oat aaw aad braak ta Tahtaa tkara woald aaad tha local atarkat atUI aiaai. ' Triaa 1V1 at Kaa Markat. Wlla aaaaa aalaa ara rranrtad la tha aa aarkat darliui tha paat M hanra tha aatanM of baalaaaa la (rowlof oaullar aa tha bolldara aporaack. Thla baa baam aipoetad for aoajo tlma aad doaa aat doaata any wcakar fetllac ta tha Ktarkrt or laaa oaalra to doj. Patato Bayiac Ooatiaaaa Haary. Toda fbam wara a aambar of par- aaaara ratawtaa 10 ua potaia " baytna- at tkk) tlaw aaaUanao moatly ta tha (aary ayadaa and aa high aa L ta ttUl batar aald at aoaatrr ablpylflf polnta for croaai af ...lit A laraa lot of 'a. 3 aalona la brine ffarad and thla la baaing a daprcaalac aftact asoa aa already waak atarkat. ' rtak Kaaatsta ttlU aaaall. - Racalpra la tha fraah - ftah aurkt taaiala MU..r am.1l. Tbara ara only a r avanda . of fraah ballbot la tka ajarkat tnday and thla la aalUa at e par aoaaa. wbiio oaaura ovatara ara vary ararra. thara will ba oafftrlrnt aappUaa af balf-aheil aterk and local ratara k IU III danjaaa. rncaa aula ua Tha trada para tha MIowIb prlcra to Front atraat. 1'rtnsa paid aalppada ara Iraa ragnlar cammlaalona : rain, floaa aad Wood. ' -- OKAIM BAUa Caacatta. dka baying prtaa; WbfcAT New rink, 8e; rod Kaaalaa, Or, alaaaum. Bar; valley, doc. BAKLBV-KawaVd, AJ1.0O: rallad. (22. AO; WCOaV& Wkolat t3T.0S araekad. 30 par aaa. uvr II U nor awt. ATI New Prodaearr price Ma. 1 whrta. a24.'Jtiarya.w; nray, f.wWj.w. rUOVH Eailara Oragoa aaieab). (1 90; atralcUta. ti.3t; export. 3.10; valley, fa.0; grakaB, fee,; jabala waaat. rya, lua, A5.00; balaa, H.TS. MlLLwTt'FKa Bran. IHOO par tea: mid. dllnra. 2S.OO; alwrte. coon try, l.0O; dtjr, im oo: cuop. Iie.ootj2i.oo. HAY Prodacrra' wire Tlawtky, WUIaatatte alley,- fury. 12 0Owl.0O; orrtlaary, A.oo J 0.00; eaatara Oragoa. f 150oala.ou; atliad. lOoV'fllO.W; rlorer. T.00a.0O; graia, 7A0 A0i Cheat. tl.vteS.C0. ' . Butter. Egg aad Peart ry. BOTTEB k AT a.- a. a. far Head . Bwaat cream, 3Vc; soar, SI He BUTTESV City ereaniery, SSc; oalaMa faaey, a2HJS&c; atoraga, 230e; a tore. iv. KlKiS Catra fancy, caadlrd, S21,feaac; local aad eaetern atnraga, ZTittMe. CHKUSb New Pall crraa. ftaU, WUlSe- Yoana naiaalia, li'Ua. "w ' I'OI.LTal Uva alUed chirk me. HQllUe lb; fancy keaa, lltttl2c lb: roaaura old. p b; fryere, lie lb: brollera, 12a nmr lh( old aucaa. isik par id: aurlng doeka. lse lb: a araa. VtzlOc per lb; rarkera. 17. lb foe aid; diaeeod, faacy. per lb: nU. pas aw . - , e7iv ,e Bigaar. ' Baps. Waal sad Bieee. HOPS r"y' anojca, eastca, : ..""v""" to prime, H)Uc aw. WOOL lav eUp Talley. Soase ' bttiHAlK "ew. aamlaal, i HSH' ISCSOe eerk- aW TuiTTiIl i?ABK-V.7e tar tar lots: , -an lota, S4ae. ' " " HIDsJe Ory. 1. ! lbs. aad ap. Hue Hue par B.1 dry kip. Na. U S a. lo Tba. taS iryrair Bo. K and- lbs. lSc: M.ted hit1 Sl.004jl.S0: eeU hides. SiObOe, iont''i eaTaaua, . aack, 1016e Angara, aaek. sVcJ fratta aad TegeteUaa. J rOTATOr.B Baylof prtra. aerters Waltao. ajiah aad Clacksmss, 1.10tlJO; anllaary, poca - Sl.W'l ewaeie. r"-"" - 0 MO MS a pri- New Oregoa. pr I.OV: bayaar -peiaa. ;oSat garlic, era, anary aaooa auvar npuaeaherg sad Tallow riewlowne. f 1 60 fancy WUIaaaetta ' aailey end aotaera Oregoa, H ardlaary at.rk. Teretll IB rar-ail rKt llS ftraagea. aew naval, 2 TSs) tAi Jananeed. aoajHAe: l.aoaaae.Sc h: leamne. ekoloe. frtttft doai llteea. Stealeaa. 1 24 par Km; pineeppWe. SHB eosi grapea. Callfvrnla. SMS: Vialasa. tl.SS par hegi peara. $IMIIM; bars lebei i li a. Br: atnraDelee. SS.Oa r doa: pM.egiaaalaa, ! l.M Bar bei ; grape trait, la tp. ' - IWSTAUt-Trsla, aaw, gOcSfl aack) HEAVY ARRIVALS MAKE MARKET COMPLICATED m i a UnaxDoeted arrlvala and mild- d r weather conditions hava - d d eauaad an uncertain ton to rata d d In tha 1 reaeed poultry market.. d d Especially In turkey la tha ton d d complicated. ' Dealers ; Bay ar a rivals ara fully twice aa heavy d aa they had expected. ' It looks a da mora than ever as it the chicken , d d market will strike 1 cents a d pound. ( " a) carmta, T5rQl par aacki beats, SI Z8 per aacki Oregon radlabca. ZOo ear anal cabbage. Ora. goa. Sl.6tl W; bell peppare. (1 per lb; to matoaa, S2.Z3; paraalpa. B0e1.00; atrtna beasa. 13c per Ibr raalirknrer. ' H M per drawn; peaa. IV: boraaradlah, BeJlOc per lb; artlcbokaa. 11.00 per doaaa: aqoaea, TVel.00 par box; eggplaat. 1.M per duern boncbee: celery, laral. 7.1So par doaaa; California, S4KI4.M) crate; aggpUnt. per crate; pumpkUa. lttlMi craabarrlaa, 12ia 13.50 per bbl. ' DBIED rKrrfTS Applea. evaaorated. tMO t rw-lbt-aTTtfWt, 1SHCW "i peaehea, UlHe per lb; aaeka, He par lb leas; prunes. SO to eO. tstflr: Ue drop aa each l ie email? alee; Sgs, California black. eHe per lb raltwaia wnita. aerobe per in; oatee. bt""v . par hex; farde. S1.4041a0 par la-lb box. Oreoartaa. Bats, Xaa. ' SfOAB tallforaU at Hawaltaa Caba, S5.S0: powdered. S&lft; berry, SO0; C. fa.; dry graaolated, SS.Oo; Star, f.e; conf. A. SJ.15: extra B. saJw; gotdaa i'. ae.avi ih yellow," Se 83; beat graaalated. M 85. W eaters Csbe. 15.40; pewdered. S8.00; dry graaaUtad, 3.06; P. S4.P6; coot. A, t-I.OS; extra C fi; golden C. W : . yailow. S4.M; beat graaaUtad. Mi; bbto, Ifc; H bbla, SBc; boxaa. 60c advance oa neck beats. t Above prices ara aw asya aaa csaa rJoaa.l ,! - HONIT Sleo par crate. ' COFFBB Package brands, 1S.2S1B.TS. ALT Coarse Half grouad, looa. SS.OO eat ton: Sua. SS.BO: table, dairy. SO. 13.00.: lona. I1J.T5; biles, SI Mi Imported Lavorpool. tm, SISJW; 100a, SHOO: Keta, S1.00 extra flea, bbis, aa, as, los, Ba.Buojs.aut urnpi ir rock. S'S.aO fv tea; Su-lb rock. S001 lows, SB.0O. (Above nrlcae apply ta sales of leas thaa car lata. Cat lots at apecUa prices aahjeel ta surtuatisaa.) . B1CB Inwerlal Janes. No. 1. et Mo. t. SWc; Mew Otleaas. Bead. T; ' AJaz, Be; Creole. 6 He. BEANS Small white. t.S0 large white, t3.2; pink, A2.B0; bajea. SS.1S; Uataa, ; M r I Ira n reds, 4e. KUTS Peanuta. Jamba. e'4o per in; Virginia, IH- par. lb; . roaated. 10c per lb; Japa- leee, Sajnvic; maatad. ler aa: raw pate, Metvue per doe: waiaers. ins per rht plncrrata,- IdtrlSe per lb; blckory ama. Kle per lb; cbaataata. eaatara. idsjiwc per m; Brsall aata. 18a per lb; filberts,. lSc pet lb; fancy pecans. ISstaOc; almonds. 1921H- lsh rirjn MEATS rroot Street Hncs. faacy. Hc lb: veal, extra, SH8a per lb: ordloary. THeger lb; poor, c lb; mutton, faacy, SHc P"lAM. BACON. bTTC. Portland peck (local I htma, 10 ta 14 lbs. lHc: 14 lo 1 lbs. Ifie lb; IS ta JO lbs, ISHQlOc; breakfast karoo. l&Ht Site lb: picnics. In He lb; cot tare, 11 He per lb; racalsr abort cleara, anemoked, ue par in; amoked, ISa per lb; r'ear backa. aneaHiked, 13c per lb; smosea, laa par ia; uaaoa oniia, 10 ta U Ibe, BBamukad. So per lb; aawked, par lb; clear bellies, nnemnked. lee -t lb; moked. lfte per lb; eboeldere. 12He per lb; pickled tongoee. $6.00 aaarter bbl. IAS1 LSSV fxaativ ire..- ivm - T am lb. 6a, ISHe par lb; SO-lb Una. Hike par In: eteam raadaraa. lor. pe, Be, ts per lei compound, ins. sc . taaaijHn nniia; S-lb talia. S2.TA; fanry, l ib Bate, II to; H-le fancy Bate, pi io; fancy t-io ovaui, a a, Alaaka tails, pink, aa8ua; red. SlO; nominal Ss. tell, ssoo. riMll Koch end. Te per lt: Bminea. Be pee lb; ballbot. Be per lb; era he, Sl"0l per us; striped bsae. IZHa par lb; cetriau. 10a far lb: aalinoe. Colaaibla rlvar aHverslde, Br: ataalbead, 10c per Tb; herring, da per lb; so lea. ae per id; aanmps. jr par n; parra, a per lb: black cod, Jo pet lb; temeod. Te par lb; stiver emelt. Se per lb; mbaaera, lea per lb; fresh mackerel. Be per lb: rrawSab, SOc per dra; atargooa, 10a per lb; blacB baas, 20c per In. ' OxBTEKS etbeatwarer nay. per gai. J X3: T ll-lb aack, S41: Olympla, par gallon r Tfl: par US-lh Bark. IffAff ta S8 Sil. -OLA it 8 HardabeU. per boa. SXOO; raeer (Usaa. SI. 00 par box. Paiat, Oeai OB, Zta, -HOPS Pare Manila. 1SHI ataaaara. lttttl a lea I. lie. CUAL OIL Pearl or AatraV Caaae ISHe par fair- wataa -watte, troa bbla laa, pat gsl. aeadia le par gsl; aaadugkt, lo-drg, eaaea Si He pet 'ViASoUHE adeg, caaae U He par gal, Iraa bbla Ihc per gaL BEN7.1NK -. esses Sba per cat iraa bbla ISHc per gal. itut'iAiii-ii mmw m pa sai, waanea bbla. S3c ear gaL WHITI LEAD Toe lota, 1e LI r BJ SOO-Ib i Be ! ner lb: leas lota, atte per , lass lota, sue WIRE NAIL a, Praaeat basfa at S2.M. LIMICCn OIL Pure raw, la e-bbl lata. Poe; l-bt)l lot, aSr; eaaea, Aaa per gal; geaalaa kettle-boiled, esaee, SOc par gal; ft-bbl lota. Sac; 1-bOl wt, eoe per gal; aronad cake, car lata, S. 00 per tea; leas tkaa ear lata, . 120.00 sat SMALL ARRIVALS KEEP A STEADY CATTLE TONE Receipts Are but Fifty Head Dur ' Ing the Past Day Other - . f Lines Hold Price. Portland rnloa Stockyards. Dae. 21. Lire- stock receipts: Hogs. Cattle. Steep. Today IM. 60 soo Week ago.... ........... lv ... ... Mootk ago a..,., 1ST Snl Vear ago 11 101 ' 120 Altboogk Ibe tone of tha llreetork market la rather ateady, general dullneaa ronttnuea. Cat. tie ara holding aomawbat batter with tka email arrivals. Becelpta of aheep were liberal but demand bold up the price. Hoae ateady. Coadltlooa a year ago: AU lines arm, prices Snrbanged. 1 , ; Official livestock prices: Iloca Beat eaatern Oregoa, M TS ' atorkers and feadcra, Sfl.MI'aS.oO: China fata. Sd.oO. tAttla Beet eaatara irregon eieers, .i.(nfoj S: beet EDWa snj htlfera Sa.fHH alias era and feeders, g:t.O": noiia. beep Mixed, oac; ewea. ac. HOGS DROP IN CHICAGO StackBt Weak ana with flig. tnorease la . Keeeipts Otaers aUeaWly. Chlraga, Dee. Jtl-T-Llrrrtock receipts: - . Hon.. Cattle. Sheep, Chicago ......SO.ooO 4,000 . S.mvi Kaneaa City , e.oon .ia , x.non Omaha S,DOf 1 000 2.MW Moga fie lower wita ovuoo lert over rroia teroay. Heeeirte a year ago were wmu. cea: Mixed. Sa.0fMel Sft ' good and heavy. t,a'3a7Hi rough, s-VWU. 10; light, So.OOt. a t attle Steady. ., . . heap Steady. i M mt ( tnrnxD statxs ooTzmBiirBt iokds. New York, Dec. Sl-Offli-lal prtcea: . ' ' ' Data. Rid. Ask. Twos, reelstered. ........... Opt. Iih, lor, da roupoa Opt. li 10SH Threee, reghterad t. 12 Jai da eoapoa Opt. ln 103 Snail bonds ... loxu- roars, realatered.......... 100T l I01U do eoaiein UNIT 1011 l2tZ roars, re Watered 19211 l.'lOiZ lav . da enupoe....'. 1B2S twi4 IH1 ranaow 2s... 104' 1 da eeupna . 104 108 Dlerrlrt af tSalnmburmiT.. 1824 -tig ..... fblllpplne 4a 10. ..... OKTLAVO BAVX STATXaTIaT. riearlnaa today , Sl.OOT.Aai.a4 viearmga year age soo.sTp.ul Oala today ... Balsaces today . 101102(0 , . Ll,3244J tlvarpaal Cettea Market. MrerpoM. line. 21r-VtUa Uteres te U bvlaw ap, . , , ,4 . EAGER BIDS FOR BANK STOCK Securities Again In Demand and PrlceOoee Up Ten Dollars With No SellerSs OREGON SAVINGS A TRUST - HUNDRED FORTY-FIVE No' Stock Offered Todajr on Portland Exchange Under That Fipirtr Pa clfie States Telephone la Sold. , ank stacks are agala la good daavand oa tee local exchange. Today toe bidding for Oregon Savings Trast was quits spirited. aaa tka -bid price -was-advaaced SIO ta S1S0 a sbara, with ae aellera andar fldft. - Today's tranaartlona wara 1 coo shares As. vi. v-;s, nnc m If. iwumiw st.KWH aad 1.000 Dixie Meadows at Se. urocui prtcea: BANK STOOKS, Bid. ask. ins BT Bank of California Sod Bankers' A Lumbermen'e ........ ... ' Kqiiltable Savlnrs as Loss ' Mercnsnts' National IM Oregon Trust Sarlnre , 120 t'nlted States National ......... 200 BONDS. ' City ft Suburban da ............. Colnmbla Southern Irrigation St. ... PS en 100 MSVi 101 ioo h i . , " M M 112 60 u. it.. n. rty. aa pa O. W. P. ft lly. as 100 rortlsnd Hy. 5e ur co, aa UISCELLANEOl'B STOCKS. . Aaaoclated Oil .................. 4 Home Telerhone . f. O. Lee to i . ... Oregon City MIU ft Lumber S Portland Heights Imp. Co,.,, Ferine melee Telephone ........ 10H ruget sound Telepbone Yaqulns Bay Telephone MINIItO STOCKS. Alaaka Petroleum ........ Hrltleb Columbia Amalgamated.. Brltlab Yukon IS 2 SI IB) IA oil 34 2H Caaesdls i, , - Copparopotm i 01 uixia Mraecws .-. , Preelaad Conaotldatad ........... 41 01 OS Gallaher liolroufla 'V4 20 01 j SA 04 -l oa .Da . 13 IS OuldSeld Trotter Great Northera ...... jo OH, 12 07 1.1 0 . 24 10H 13 Holdea Iea Creek Gold ..... Mammoth Mornlug onh Falrvlew Oreana Secorttlee .... Rambler-Cariboo Standard consolidated Taooma Steel COEl B D"ALKNB DISTBICT. Alameda 16 00 02 H jo vt Bullion Burke Copper King . flertle -BU- i 0:1x4 tat Happy Day ,. Park (topper IO , OS 4H 10 i iH TH Sio 4 Mnaimouth Noi pa rail Copper . OS . oa 800 Krln.leer Butb Coneollrlated Hnowehoe Snoaatora ........ NEVADA MINING STOCKS Todays Seasloa Is QolaS wttk Host Is awes XoUlaf Steady. ' Sea rraaclaco, Dec, 2t Official bid nrlreei Belmrot SJ.T5- . Con. Cal.-Va.,.,$l.l') Caah Boy 1S Ophlr 1 JA1 Ooldaa Aaaaaa. .46 Mexican f1 Home .1 Caledonia 41 Jim Butler .... 1.20 F.xrhequer ..... .M MarKamare ... MS Norcroaa ...... ,M - Midway S.30 Oold Crown 14 Montana A 78 . Greet Bend T Nortk Star M Rearua ' .20 Ohio IS Black Butta Ex. . Tonopak Br tea, Montanery-altr .4S - Nevada ....... IB (H aujiaet .11 West End I BS Vernal ' .IS Adams Id Ventre .53 Atlanta 4T Manbattaa '.IT Bluebell 25 SayloT-Bumpray. .1$ Booth TO Dexter .7 Columbia Mt .PO Uranny , ,S2A (on. Qnarry ... .IT rtold Wedge IP Dlamoudfield ... .41 I .one Star 2A Dixie .11 Ot. Bend Kx.... .IS . Ooldfleld 1.2S Gt. Bend Annex. .16 Jamba Son Creecent 14 Jumbo Eg 1 no wtoy .13 . Keadall .4S Denver Annex. .2X1 Uruna 1.10 Black Bock .... .op Tiger l.-.A S. V. t'oaaol ... .A May Qoeea Id Manbattaa Cea. .MV M.haTi k , .IS Utile Joe Oli Bd Top .M Mayflower ...... .TS Sandatorm .f Jumping Jack ., .M Pllrer I'lck .... l.t Red Top Ez .... .23 St. Ivea 74 Muetana .IT National Bank.. .SI Bull Proa alia.. ..'ta Eclipse ).o Triangle 2 Gold Bar 1.23 Lna I'llloe .... .3.1 O. Bull rrog ... .) Pine Nat .24 hrlnway S3 Kewane 1.20 '' ajraiCfa: WHXAT BKICKS. Decline. I ..S .74 Ml noes pelts .. .72:Dulutb .. .6HTi 1 New Vork .. .. .TTM Decline J rhlcago .... SI. Louis... Kanaaa City Winnipeg ... CHICAGO WHEAT STILL DULL Marks Closes Ha TJp to Bam Amotust Under Thursday. KELATIVB WHEAT VALUES. Dee. 21, .T44 . .7HA Dee. SO. Lnaa. . I .74 "4 f .0014 .7MiB .OOiI ,.11 M ISOS. .S3 .87 .S3 Oala. Cfclcaao. Dee. 21. The wheat market com. tleuee dull and heavy with mora Or leea selling by acattered ontaMe tones who era becoming tired aat awd dliwurarcd pyThe action of values. The market closed fee ap ta the eaa iUWUUI DWBT ' WHEAT. Open, High, align. 74 a, 7Z TTJ Low. T4 VA is 43! Close T4H 74A 11 December ., May July December ,. January ... May July December .. May July Janaa ry May Decern liar . January ,,, May ...... July ....... '. 74! . . 74 . 11 CORN. . 41T4 l . .... t'.... . 4H 4a4 - 44 44 OATS. -. IW4 t ,. . sma . sd . 33' S MESS PORK. ims 404 A 4.1 4 A 83ATI S5'4B UVkB .1014 1B1T J410 ..lew !BS 1430 LARD. IdldA 1S45B HB !. AH5 mm 10. M4r a0A u . eag 02 ST KJO . TT ' SOO SIIOKT BIBS. ., Sao S70 ' ....... S7S . ' (4 SbS 1 800 - January May ... July ... 874 89 trrzT00L okftnr kaxkzt. UverpooL Pee. 21. Official arlesei .- WHEAT. Opea CJoea, Dag. SnVCsln. UarcB ...... 4" 4d a 4'4d 4a 4d Hd May oa aa oe etsa . as 4a COBN. . .aoary .Tea 1H4' 4s 1U4 4a 144 Merck as Ha 4a l a tad H1 H4 .1 1 Chlaage Cash Wheat. - Dhlcafo, Dae. SI. Caah wheat! No. 1 S red, T5ic: tin. S red. Tic; No. hard, T4tt74r) No. S hard,' Tl74r; No, 1 snrtbern. PUex.1t Be. S autumn, lltai Be. 4waJe, E IN NEW YORK Transactions Show a Small Vol- ume In the Stock Market With , but Few Changes. ' ! CANADIAN PACIFIC.I3 . NEARLY TWO POINTS UP IUinols'Centrai Shows Loss of Over Three Points In Bid With No Sale -Copper Holds Well Money Rates Are Lower. . ' NET QAINS. Amalcamated ,. B41 Missouri Partfle 7. Car Foundry Anaconda Canadlaa .... Colorado real .. N. Y. Central.. . . 1 I Pennevlvaala . ,. IV, Sou thera raelfte .. hi Tennaaeea Coal d Denver Erie ... ..... 21 U. S. Steel NBT LOSSES. - : . . Sngar ... .. Woolen- ... Brooklya , . irheaapeeke ........ t Katy -4 to neaaing C. N. W. Bepublle Steel .. red. Smelter, pfd auk .i . Taxae Vaclfte. D. B. Steal, pfd. Illinois Central , ... m Hiiau .... do preferred. ., Thera was very little doing la tha New York stack market today. The .total Bales for tits day were' only 602.000 shared, blooey rates ware eaeter and ruled from dowa to d par cent. Canadian Pacific was strong with a gala af nearly S points ta tha price. Other etocki show only nominal ebaogae except 1111- noia Central and Tennessee Coal, which show greater changes ta the bid price with no aalaa. Official euetattoaa by Ovarbeck, ? Starr- Cooke company: DESCRIrTIOM. Conner Co I1.1'4!ll'"X llSajlll.l Am. Car ft round., com 42H' as H do preferred Am. Cotton OIL earn.. Locomotive, earn. - T214 T8 Am.- BuBsr. com tn.1 m. Bmeit., com do nref erred itiiisn 114 I14TI Anaconda alining Co... 2 ;ad'4'2tT V, aa. I 81 HI 31 C ia K'2V41014 it am. woolen, com..... 81 Atchjaoa, com. ........ f!02 do nreferred . . 1"1 101 mi 101 Baltimore A Ohio, coxa. 12ui4 120 llP4!linTa 00 prererreo Rntotlyn Baold Tranalt 81 81 S SOU 1M4 44 ii'ii NO 14 Canadlas Pacific com.. IP l7s urn? central liaatner, com.. SS ITU ao 182 84 8414 00 prererreri . . . , CM. ft Or. Weat, com iriii 1 ni., uii. a nt. rani 1. -13 181 CliLLft Northweat.. com.lllO !l!t t'heasrTteft Oh(o..A.I MTitwrtr Colo. VnHv Iron, com..! MH MH 1BT S8'4 S4 ot 220" 4tt SM 4 'Tfl" 1IT -44 Sd sti-x 811 1 TH !21 41H "41 4.1 (J 84 T4 Cola.' Sou tt., com.......! T 87 da 2d preferred MH 00 xat nreierrea. .. .1. . . . Delaware Sj Hudsrm...230 21 D. s a. O.. com 42 4a h8 484 do nreferred.... 1 AS Erie, com.. .-r. ..148, do 2d preferred . . . . . do let nreferrad. .... 74 170 . line. IlUnola Central 170 107 148 H Uih 141 . Loulavllle A Naabrllle.J 144 1 Mi Manhattan By 141 141 141 Mexican central Ky.... M . K. 4 T.. com 27 1 414 T1V 0t' ssli 12 2T14 71'4 2a 41 2TU 41V 71 2 m'i 44 lit da preferred 111 Diatllfrra ev federal Bmeltars Mlaaourl I'arlHc -P4 7S National Tad.... New York Central , 130 1S0K soii 184 KorfoiV a Weatara, com . do pref et r& . North American 474 SOS 8" 'iovi 8e4l aaa. ao 1fWl!lft(ll9ti l.1Til184!i!l3TtI Northern I'scloc, com... Pennsylvania By I'. G.. L. C. Co 1ST 4 1374 0414 63'4 4V Mill 63 V oa M Preasad Steel Car, com. T e do preferred. ex 14 Beading, com. ... 140 140 Vk 1374 liw'a do 2d preferred. ...... do let nreferred SO" SO s" lei 4 M4 Pal 27S S4 4TH 0. 21'4 WV4 B.l BO UN 44 a 3X14 MS 294 vi 'iiii Bep. Iron a Steal, com. da prererred Rock leland, com.,,., do araf erred TW ao is' St. L. a B. r.. td pfd. do 1st prererred.,-.. St. U a H. W 00m. do preferred Sontbera FaH Sc. com.. f2 04 iii5 as 4H 214 do nreferred liW ii 11 Soil thera Rr. com SS ' B4U do preferred Tenn. Coal a Iron..... Texas a Pacific Tol., St. L. a W., com do preferred t'nlna I'arlflc, com..,., 4U lr4 ii' fi' 8014 1K2S 24 "4114 104 Vi S4 53 ' 181 11 13. . Rnubar. com..., do preferred TJ. S. t)teel Co., cool... 2U '4T oz 100 4K4 iiH 4.1 24 SO ST14 do preferred 104 Watte ah, com 1V4 weatera Union Tei Wisconsin Central, eon do nreferred Virginia Chemical Srt'4 S74 S4 11B tn Am AA? 700 eharea. Call Kiaer opened S, high at b, low end closed at 4 per cant. : CONSOLIDATION A FAKE aCarooai Oomuany Mars XI Win Tot Combine W1UH Other. Of late there bas been Bisnv mm or a regarding tha coneolldatkm of the various wlreleas tale- graph enoipanlee. Tha re porta are ekid to ha apraad far tie purpose of securing valuable Block for eome that la selling at low figures. The following circular sent out nota new Tork explains: Marconi Wlreleaa Teletrapb Company of America. 2T William Street, Hew York City, beremtier 12. ISOn. Stockbolders of Tha Mar. ennl Teiearsnh tiomnanr of America are can- tinned age trot aachanglns their atock In tbls company for an area in any company parporrina to be formed on tne naaia or a meraer or 101a comDanv wltk any other com Dane operating any other eritern of telegraphy. NO aurh merger exleta nor la la contemplation. Work on tha etattna In Ireland for fra oceanic work la now being pressed forward Bight and day.- aad It ta confidently expected that tbia atatloe will be completed aad ia operation early In the year 1007. Hecelpts generally snow encouraging improve, ment thla yaar, being double those of the pre vious year. . . . MARCONI WIRFt-KM TKLEOBAPB COM PANX Of.AMBBH'A. .By . BOTTOMLBT. Tlca-Prealdent. ' Today the Marconi Wlreleaa atock la quoted around 40 a share. Ia roreat Wireless la quoted In New York at SSe s share for common slock sad SI a share tor tbe preferred. bosiob corn xaiut. Boatnn, Tlee. 21. Cloalng bid prices: . Adren rnre, S4.SO; Allones, 5-i Arcsdlsn, 110.2.1: Atlantic. SISi Vslnmet, $HM; Centennial. $;.73; Copper Banter StlS.2.1; Daly Weat, SIO aaked: Frnnklln, S2A.B0; 'Ireeaa Coo., S.11 7Vjj Dramhy, SI3.50: Mass., $7.60: Mohawk, S7S.R0: Nevada Con.. SIM: North, Butta. S10: Old Dominion. SM; Oacenla, SUM; I'armt. 2 2ft; Phoenix, $1.73; Qulncy, : Roral, $2l; Santa pa, rl.M'i; Shannon, S1S.12U: Tamarack, 110: fulled t'onper, fTI.AOf iftah, llj Vic Inria, $ H7Vi; Winona, $10 73; Wolverme, $177; Butte Coala, f34.M; Calumet 4. Arkona, $194, rW TOE. COTTO kTAXXXT. - I Nva Terk;,--l)vK-aT.IUB falatesi- Official q aot it lona by Ovarbeck, Starr VERY DULL T RAD 24 42V 1004 81 H T2t4 T2li 1H2U.ll.12 14841M 114 llltli Couke company:..,.. . ' Open, nighT tow. Dec Innuary . . bis UM . Bl P21 ai rebruary ..... . . . V , . . p.ig p2R March .... 000 M 4S ' ' AS . pi April ... ... . W' . -P47 (lay SIO 7S . MS . P72 P:.a June ... PT7 IM.1 inly ...... S0 9M- ' fa - 11 ana. Angiiat , n ... (...' ... , P77 M October ... WO . MS Iteo P7 IraceiBbaf , 810 t CIS . 10 til SOt V1T0S, w a rvhite heart of One 21b., white cooked THE PSYCHOLOGY OF ACCI- v ; DENTS' ; .. By Slaurlca Masterllnek. . As mart takes tha powers of nature Into bis service tha - opportunities ' for accidents Increase as tha dangers of tha lion tamer increase with tha num ber of beaats ha takes Into tha cage. In former days we avoided contact with these powers -while they now, so to speeJc, belong to our domestlo animals. And thus It happens that thoegh w have become more peaceable and care ful, we, oftener" than our forefathers, look death In the face. It la more than likely that many among those who read these lines have had the thoughts and been In tha position to make almUir observations. 1 One of tha first 7 questions ' whlcn forces Itself upon us Is that of pre monition, foreboding. Do wa, as many Inalat, In the mornlna; have alforefrel Inv of an accident which la to befall us aortns Hie day It Is difficult to answer this question as our experience oan only ba founded on accldenta which have been narrowly. avoided or at leaat have not bad seri ous, consequences. - It Is -only natural to suppose that mlnoc accidents do not stir up our natural manner, very mucn beforehand or do not affect It at all, and In other cases where death or fstal In juries result the victim Is not able to enlighten us. At any rata, everything that our personal experience can teacn regarding; this point lit very uncer tain aad the question remains an open one. We start out soma mornlna; in auto mobiles, on bicycle, motor-cycle, steam boat or train all-powerful factors In accidents. I .at us, to think of some thing definite, suppose that it is in an automobile or motor-cycle. Suddenly and without any apparent reason, at a turn- of tha road or. even 1n tha middle of a wide and straight - road, left or right, death appears, seises the brake or the handlebars, changes tha direc tion and bars our way with a wall, a tree or a rock, and srrlns Into our facea unexpectedly, -monstrous, inevitable. It closes tha borison of Ufa and leaves no escape. Immediately a . "passionate, bitter fight, which lasts perhaps half a -min ute, be gin a between our reason and our instinct. The action or our intelligence, reason or whatever wa choose to call It, is very Interesting;. It Judges quick ly and logically that all Is lost, but in spite of that It Is neither paralysed nor scared. It picture clearly tne acci dent and its results .in detail, and wo feel proud that wa ara not afraid. Between col Union and fall It has a short space of time. In which It finds tlma to dream, to hope tnat escape ia still possible and even to think of other things, to- call up memories, to put to gether facts and to make clear and dis tinct observations. Tha tree, It sees before death. Is a sycamore, it has three holes In Its trunk. It Is not as beautiful as tha one In the park. The rock against which our bead Is to be crushed, has -veins of mica and marble. - It feels that It la not responsible, that it Is not to' be blamed, it smiles artel even feels a pleasant sensation, it swaits the inevlt able with calm resignation, unmingled with wonderful curiosity. It Is beyond doubt that if our life were dependent only on this too logical spectator almost every accident would become a catastrophe, but luckily an other factor sppears on the scene called to Ins by our nerves, that vibrate un guided by tbs brain and cry like scared children, a moes-grown, naked, brutal and muscular being; that upaots every thlng and seises at any possibility at hand. It la called our Instinct, our un conscious power. ' Where wss It. from where did it comet It wss ssleep some where or was occupied with dark and mystic work in the primitive depths of our being;. It was once the all-powerful mistress, but of late it has been pushed aside and dethroned like a poor relative who "lacks training; and good manners, sn unpleasant reminder of our primitive orlg:ln. . . Only in tha Insane momenta of treme anguleh we think of it and seek its assistance. Happily, it is brave and has no thought of revenge or selfish ness. It well knows that all the besutl ful qualities for the seke of which It is despised are vsln and superficial, and that after all it Is still the only real mistress or tne numan being, with a glance quicker than tha dreadful speed of dan ger it takes in ths whole situa tion, masters all details, escapes all possibilities, snd a moment gives us tha magnificent lgh of power, courage, determination and will power when un- conquered life files Into tha farce of un conquerable death. . .. ' Perhaps It Is not surprising thst In itinct saves from- the great ordinary but unexpected dangers of water, fire, fall and attack of -wild beasts, Hera it undoubtedly possesses an atavlatle- ex. perlenct which explains its skill. But what surprises me is the . ease and quicknesa with which it adapts itself to even the most complicated inventions of our brain. Jt in only necessary" to have 'shown It their mechanism once and It understands it and at tha criti cal moment It will show that it know . --I'ii. . - BBBBBWaw Bl AT AT H . t MT -mmr t. k. "r-f jti. bt v 4 'x. 'mmlfm-.r- lusd--. .fried aad J J 1 1 II I I ana Bad elinaae rta aaa ba -7-lA-knJja. - I ., .:r:,;:.'.-:;' J BURY' BEST-Geireal breakfast to tempt the most fastidious. Just the the wheat, 20c, package makes 1 21bs. food. ' Yoiir Grocer has it Made by the man who makes The Flour FOR BREAKFAST- Stk Jewry ooa Kail cup bto twe and ama bslf cups of tiotaog water, aalt to tasts and boa l Bunautca. 11 too Uuck add boslinf Sotv hot with cream and ufar. When coM - - PAakes deJicioue LacKeoa diah, (ricd Bod enrved with ryrup. Nuaerooaaaiiiry van mora about-thara thaa our mind which, created tham. And, therefore, no matter how now or how terrible the Instrument, one nay aay that thera are. In principle, bo In evitable catastrophes. Tha unconsoloua self Is always In formed and able to cope with all situa tions, but Wa have no longer all tha same right to count upon Its prompt action. It never dies, vanlahea or falls', but many of oa have banished it into such depths and. allow it so seldom to sea tha light of day, wa have so com pletely lost sight of It, have ohalned and gagged It so hard, that we. no longer know where to find it la an emergency. Wa have physically not tlma to alarm 'or to unchain It, and. when It at last arrives, full of courage and eager to fight, it Is too late. Tha accident has already happened, death has finished hla work. - This ta shown In nearly every acci dent. Expose two automobiles to tha same -Inevitable peril and same Inex plicable movement, jump or turn saves the one while the other Is orushed. - If an-aeoldent Happens to a carnage wim six kasaengers, the three will make tha only Illogical, Incalculable and necessary movement, while the other three, de- pendlng on their reason and Intelli gence alone, will do the opposite. That Is when w speak of 'luck and "mis fortune." '... This does not prevent that our chances compared with those of other living beings are remarkable when wa taka Into consideration- how frail Is our body,. how mighty. the powers of nature surrounding ua, and ' Innumerable the dangers that threaten us. Among our machines, apparatus, poisons, fires and water, all the harnessed powers of na ture which ara aver ready to uniting, we risk -Our lives to or SO times, as often as do, for instance, dogs, horses or cattle. . And at every accident In tha street, st every flood, earthquake, storm, fall of treea or eollapae . of houses, animals ara much oftener- killed than human beings. It is evident that wa are better protected by our experi ence as well as hy our Instinct, but there is something besides this It verily seems as If nature herself Is In fear of men. It has a certain horror to touch this frail body, it surrounds us with an open and Indefinable respect, and when- It, "becauae of. our owa mls takes, is forced to hurt us, it hurts us as llttla aa possible. SEUFERT HALF BLOCK IS SOLD The Purchaser, Clark Lober, Has Made Many Profitable Deals of Late. The Seufert half block on tha north side of East TamhIU between East Sec ond and East Third was sold today by the eilaly Investment company to Clark Taber for $17,100. This property was bought by Mr. Seufert, Ths Dalles can neryman, throagh tha same agency less than one year asto for 110,000. . i- The recent purchaser, Clark Taber, is figuring with a Portland wholesale firm with a view to covering tha half block with a three-story warehouse, which will - probably be built In the early spring. This Is the' fifth parcel of eaat side reslty that has been taken over by Mr. Taber in tha paat nine months, four of which, he has sold, netting; a to tal profit of nearly $20,000. - Mrs. Laura Johnson has. bought a fractional lot at the southeast corner of Cornell Ac Johnson streets for $4,000, on which she will have built a $11,000 resi dence. . t '.-.. Hulmes tc Menefea sojd yesterday to one purchaser It lota In Multnomah Park, on Portland boulerd, for a con sideration in the neighborhood of $1,000. The actual commencement of work on tha Swift packing plant on Columbia slough, has accelerated tha realty atSvs ment in -thvicinity -of -tha Portland boulevard, $ Holmes Menefea also ' rsport tha sals of a quarter block on East Twenty-first and Clackamas streets to Mrs. Sarah C. Berry for $3,000, and lot Si by 100 on Fifteenth snd East Washing otn streets to H. A. Calef for $3,000. Realty transfers filed for record yes terday totaled $113,000. . Metalworkers Unite. In England a metal trades confedera tion has been formed of tha men who work -In tha metal trades. . from iron plata - work to silversmiths. It begins Its career with a membership of nearly 300.000, . . New Terk Bond Ksrkat, ' Hew Tork, Dae. 21-OtflcleJ prlcea: Bid. Burllngtoa Joint as N. W. Cone. 4a. N. N. call 4a 0. B. N. 4s.... PB Ait. Monetary Bates. 1 fe Tor. ) lie. il. Slerllne: Demand, 4M.1n4N SAi BO days, 477.mtt4;: llanthurg, P4S1H; I'irle, USxst Autwsrk, WSHi Stock beua, M.M. . : ot dainty creamy mow 'water. U " l)SVM M Ha) Mf.. rnm axaaal aal mmrt msnm uui una A-" . HOLIDAY Make . yourself, family' or friend a Present of one of . - our superb $3.50 ; , AIR TIGHT ttv We Are Closing Out at Just the thing for cold, dreary days, frosty mornings - or chilly evenings. WE MAKE THEM OUR , SELVES AIR TIGHT STOVE CO. 271 First St., Near Jefferson Nobby Xmas Giils Electric and Mechanical Toys, Steam Engines, High ' Class Tools of every good sort. Pocket Cutlery, Carv ers and Razors, Roller Skates, Watches and a thou sand and one very acceptable . Christmas Gift. Y '. Coleman Hardware Company " ; 109 THIRD STREET ii mm" a 'AT BT v"Var- Si t i V 1 1