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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1906)
. , THE OREGON". DAILY -JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING. DECEMBER ,20, 1 1803. v-, v : ANDREW-CARNEGIE ORDERS HOOD J1POSE OASSOT IS 'RIVER-APPLES-FROMU OPPOSED TO EMTIO SOME PRACTICAL' SUGGESTIONS FOR r: WSulrj Use"veVEffoTFtoT7S vent His Countrymen Coming to This Country. )CAL Unm T UJ7sp-rT7 : " T.y yi r ; u H i 7 v n n 1 v 9 ' mi n n : 'o Y l A ?f x,w. ; , V. J I fill I II II I III 111 II I I I ! WKlUMMlMjiMfi Tin A wholesome cream elf tartar baking powder, Makes the finest, lightest, best flavored biscuit, hot breads, cake and pastry ; ; ; . Alum and alam-phosphate . powders are injurious. Do not , , ' use them. . Examine the labeL ' ROYAL ftAKINO POWOH CO NtW YORK. Apple Such w Andrew Ctrneie Ordered,' - Only th richest pnopl in th world ar abl to purchase th beat of Oresoo . applea with any degree of regularity. .; Andrew Carnegie, th former ateel king. ' ata and enjoya lhm,aa well a other nn of mlUlona. - . Testerday the Camerl Steel com pany of Pittsburg purchased 34 bOXea of Oregon apples from a local grocer. The - fruit waa specially packed In pasteboard ' boxes with alternate layers of Ortley and flpltaenberg applea. On th top and v bottom of each layer of fruit excelsior , was packed In order to -Insur them 1 against possible injury. . They were marked for officials of the big steel com " pany and one. box is said to be espe cially made up for Carnegie himself. In this city the apples cost th Car I ngl Steal company (4 a box of about applea Th cost of getting them, to Pittsburg la ll.SO a box; 4h fruit thus ' showing a cost In th Smoky City of a box. By th time they are e Uvered to th home of th steel oftT clala th apple will coat about 1 cants each. ' ' . " . The truTt ao much prised by all Amer ica and Europe waa grown at Hood River. Th Spltsenberg. is well known ali--th-wrl4.a-a-varlty that grows better in Oregon than any other place. Th Ortley Is not so well known. but is of such quality that it rivals, If it does not excel, th famous "Spits in quality-. The Ortley apple ia very similar in appearance to the Bellflower and baa a taat peculiarly it own. It la of light yellow color. Mr. Goodwin of th F. Dresses, com pany.' who ' sold th apples, says that orders for Oregon applea com from all parte of th world and price Is seldom specified. "Send us your best applea," la what they generally aay, says Mr. Ooodwln. , TRUST OF PICKPOCKET THIEVES IN CHICAGO ' ; Ught-Fingerd 1 Gentry Plies Its Trade in Windy City and J Receives Protection. I r " (Jeorae! SpecUl StrTtce.) ' i ' Cb'oago, Dec JO. Charges hav been j tnad in Judge Kersten'e- court that ; i there 1 a well organised "pickpocket i ' trust In Chloage." Police Sergeant Oa t ' briel, who has been detailed at the criminal court to Identify habitual crim inals and those having records, told fh court today that th pickpockets In Chicago war thoroughly organised. He aald they even have a regularly ap pointed representative who paid the "trust" to keep them out of the peni tentiary. Aa he apoke, Gabriel pointed to Attorney Charlea Erbnteln. who ap peared In court to defend Edwin Jack on, charged with having atolen a watch from the pocket of Robert H. Child, father of Assistant United States Dis trict Attorney Chllds. Money, is well spont," added Gabriel. .' 'This lawyer defends them alL He la the legal repre sentative of the "pickpocket trust.' " : It ia seldom any convictions are ob tained In these cases and it is only In rare Instances that the polio aucceed tn sending members of the pickpocket truwt to the penltentlsry. Phonographs for Christmas . Give ui rcferene elect your Instru ' ment and make your first payment in Janu ary..;. , v . .... - We want to build up our Phonograph business we want to make the proposition ao liberal you can't afford to go anywhere else.' , ,- - v: ' j '. . - The Phonograph and Piano business are closely allied one helps the other the Phonograph business brings friends to our house, and we are after friends. 7 . Our store will be open every night until Christmas, and we especially invite you to select an instrument, secure such records as you like, and make your first payment in January. Reed-French Piano Mfg." Co. Phonograph Dept. Sixth and Burnside Sts. ASKS FOR D1VISI0H OF THE HUGE PROFITS H. D. Crawford of Aberdeen Sues for Share of State Print- ' ers Earnings. ' (perist Dlipetrfc to The Jraraal.) Olympla, Waah.. Dec 20. H. D. Crawford of Aberdeen began ault in the superior court of this county today againat C. W. Gorham, state printer, to recover the aum of 117,590' alleged to be Crawford'a share of the profits of the state printing office for the pant two years. Crawford at. one tlm waa th publisher of th Olympian of this city and ha alleges that both he and Gorham were candidates for th office of state printer and entered into an agreement whereby If either was ap pointed by the " governor the other ahould ahar squally in th proceeds of th of flea ' Crawford alleges that he obtained s loan of f 1,200 from th Olympla Na tional bank with which waa bought th Gwln-Hecka plant from Allen Corbaley Co., end also a new press and other apparatus. The complaint aaka for a division of profits and for an adjudlca. tlon of Interests of the partlea la the printing plant and Dullness. Mr. Gor ham decline to make a statement for publication at present - COOKS AND WAITERS AT t -1 'V T0N0PAH0N STRIKE iioornal Special Srrlc. ) . Tonopah, Nev Deo. 28, Cook and waltera at Tonopah are on a strike. Every eating house ' ! shulKKlown' w cept several prlvat hotels, which as also effected. Restaurant keepers de- clar they will fight to the end. There I a threatened strlk of miners at Goldfiald. Tit men"Br expected to go out tomorrow. Th tie up will b com plete. Th miner want an Increase from 14 to IS per day and give th op Tatora 24 hours to accept their de-inanda. EXPRESS DRIVER HAY HAVE "iirmisK Mystery Surrounds Details of Alleged Holdup of a Great v Northern Employe. BLOCKADE ORDER TIES UP PERISHABLE FREIGHT - t Jearsel SpeHSl Bervtee.t Milwaukee, Deo. 20. A freight block ade order waa Issued today against the Great Northern by all Chlcago-SL Paul railroads. ... No perishable or carload freight will be accepted for points west of Grand Forks. North Dakota. It ia fesred th order will only complicate th situation. . EGGS IN TROUSERS SO COULDN'T SIT DOWN (Jonmel Special Serrtee.) -Chicago, Dec.. 20. Foug gg candler who were arrested' her, accused of stealing from their employers, bashfully declined to alt in chair at th atatlon. The police found' IT do sea eggs con cealed In their trousers. TWO MEN ROB BANK AFTER LOCKING UP CASHIER f i! (Jonrntl Rperlsl Rerrire.) Fort Worth, Texas. Dec. 20. Reports reached her thla morning from Hora tio, Arkanaas. that th bank at that place was robbed Wednesday of 14,700 by two men who locked the cashier and teller in th vault. Spokane, Wash., Dec 10. Following th report of three revolver shots In quick succession, . crowds rushed Into the alley in the rear of the Great Northr ern express of floe at about 0:11 last evening to find Wesley Elohelberger suffering from a flash wound In the hip, which h said had been inflicted by a highwayman who attempted to hold him up. Elchelberger la a driver for the Great Northern Express company, and according to his atory he had Just ar rived from th depot with the express which contained . several packages of money. . H ald that the highwayman pressed his gun against hire and com manded him to throw up his hands, but he refused to do- so and drawing. his own revolver fired three shots at the thug, who returned the fire hitting the. driver In . the hip. All who heard the shots agree that but three were flrtgl. but when Elchelberger' revolver was examined it was discovered that it con tained 'three empty ahella Th police are mystified and inclined to believe that Elchelberger' wound , ia elf-Inflicted, although they are unable to suggest a reasonable theory why "he should have shot himself and. will con; lnue their investigations. " ' BELIEVES LAW HAS ': . STOPPED REBATING - ' ' (Jnarael RpSclsl. Betkfe.) Kansaa City,' Dec. 20,-t-Cattlemen and coal mine pperator testified before Commissioner' Prouty today. Cattleman complain of losses on account of their inability to ship to market. Prouty, belore th session, said he think rail roads generally will establish a i-cnt fare. He believes now that th law baa stopped rebating. " . , RAILROAD MEN FAIL IN GETTING INCREASED PAY " tjoaraal Special Service.) Chicago, Dec. 20. Trainmen who ar demsndlng 10 per cent Increase In wages are still negotiating with th western railroads. No deolslon has been reached today, ' 1 .' ' - .. Washington, DC, Do. 20. Rv. Marrlam C. Harris, missionary bishop of th Methodist Episcopal church for japan and cqrea. In a conversation to day with soma eqngressmen said b had held a long convsrsatlon with Ambassa dor Aokt, whom he knew well before the latter was appointed to th post. Ha said Aokl told him he would us all hi Influenr to prevent emigration to Hawaii and th United Btatea from Japan. He said Aokl waa on of th most Influential men in Japan and that ne was minister of foreign affair when th existing treaty with this country waa executed. H also enjoyed long service la Ger many ana Russia. PEARY TO DIRECT SEARCH . for, pole ;i:Ext-j;r.iE Explorer Will Remain In Ship and Send Out Parties in Every ; Direction. 7oratl Special gervlee.) ' New York, Dec. 20. Friends of Com mander Robert E. Peary, th Aretle explorer, stated today that the holder of th "fartheet north" record of 17 degrees minute had practically de cided to make another trial la search of th nrth pole, but on anllk any of his former trials. It is stated that In the pew attempt Commander Peary will go aa head of the expedition, but he will not be th leader of th lc dash Journey. He will direct th expedition from the ship or winter quarter of the expedition. Th Roosevelt, which I to be th ship th second: time, will make winter quarter in th vicinity of the north end of Grant Land. Peary will remain by the- vessel, sending sledge parties to cover th Intervening 450 miles ihat rest between Bheridsn at the base of th- operations and th north ILWAC0 PRINCIPAL GOES TO PRINEVILLE SCHOOL (Special Dlipeteh te Tb Joarael.) Ilwaco, Wash.. Dec 20. Professor Orvllle Hockahberry, who hss been prin cipal of the school her for everal year but was forced to resign on ac count of hi wife's health, haa been en. gaged a principal of th Crook County High aohool at Prlnevllle, to fill out th unexpired : term- of . Professor A. C Strage, who left the Oregon city to be come principal of The Dalle High school . "j Professor Hockenberry will be suc ceeded at Ilwaco by Augus Jack, who has recently resigned frorah Chinook If you wisK (p ;please a mini give him some-; thing that combines usefulness and beauty. This store gives -special attention to men's fine toggery and our holiday stocks are . K- ishown in such variety and completeness as to- enableou Jdarceajmy sensiDie se- lection. Silk Hats, Umbrellas Canes, Opera Hats, -j ?jj3ag Hand Bags,-Dress Suit Cases, Neckwear, Shirts, Scarf Pins, Fancy ' Vests, Gloves, Mufflers, Silk Suspenders, Underwear, Hosiery, Pajamas, Night Robes, ;;.'' Smoking Jackets, Bath Robes, A , Merchant certificates are honored at any time. They enable recipient to make his own selection. ,?y . ,. '' ' . ' ;, V mm mm mm O l uo 269-271 MORRISON STREET CRAZED WOMAN THROWS . CHILD FROM WINDOW (Journal Special ervtee.) - Chicago,. Deo. 20. Mrs. Manrica Ce line became suddenly Insane this morn ing and threw her two-year-old nlec from th aecond-story - window.- She then attacked her sister. Th latter es caped, but the baby is fatally hurt. beriff Shoots XlauMlf. -(Joarsal Special gervlee.) ' Phoenix, Arts.. Dec. JO. J. Elliott, sheriff of Maricopa county, has com mitted' suicide by shooting himself in th head. II was short H.60S in bis account. c ( Barrett at Valverslty. ISpeetel Dltpeteh to The JoerkaL) University of Oregon, Eugene, Dee. SO. John Barrett addrease the stu dent of th university thla afternoon on th subject of "The Relations of th United States tp South America" ENGLAND OUR FRIEND "AGAINST THE JAPANESE - - - y, (Joeraal SpecUl Berrlce.V ' ' ' London, Dec. 10. William T. Stead was asked: "Do the Jap intend to itiak troubl!" "Yea Hav -you seen th latest Tokio cartoons," h replied. "On full page picture represents Jap. Indus tries, supported by Jap. arms, knock ing John . Bull and Unci Bam into a cocVad hat. .. - - . ' -But," added Stead with; emphasis, "Let no American imagine that Eng land can be drawn Into war between Japan and America unless It I outside of tb latter. If w had i treaties, we would not fir a shot against th Americans." THROATS OF TWO BABES CUT BY CRAZED MOTHER (Special bleseteb te Tae Jimraatt ' Vancouver, B, C, Dee. 10. A sad tragedy was enacted at Whtteflah, a small railway village on the C tr. rail way, a few mile west of Sudbury. An English - womsn, whose husband Is a mining engineer,- suddenly became de mented this morning. Taking her two ahlldreru aged I and I years' re spectively, from bed and carrying them outside she laid thorn in the deep snow and cut their throats with a knife. She then cut ber own throat with the same blade and died shortly afterwards. Xstra Men Will Solid mil. (Special Dtsperr te The JearoaL) Astoria. Or., Dec. 20. C. F. foster of Warren ton states that lumber mill wlU be built at Elk Creek during the coming Summer by a syndicate of east ern capitalist with whom he I o elated. Tributary to Elk Creek there 1 sn Immense amount of Umber avail PIPS Presents No more acceptable Rift than a pair of Shoe or Slippers,, coming from the BEST SHOE STORE made by the BEST ' SHUttMAKEKS. It Spelll - . HANAN; ; And the recipient will remember yon eitr after. Should Sou be in doubt as to size, purchase one of. our HANAN IERCHANDISE.ORDERS, which will be redeemed from . our tremendous stock on presentation. We carry every- . , .ming pertaining 10 a nrsi ciass onoe store. 1 R Q SENT H A LS Leading Slio House ' 449 THIRD ST. s . t T I I i I liflE; ' KecUaecs" Pendants , Brooches . ; !' Barettes ' i " Lockets Scarf pins - . Studs Hatpins Bracelets ( ' Matchboxes Scarf Holders ' ? Wstch Chains , ' ' Fobs and Lockets Handsome Back Combs r CUT CLASS . ; , In all trandness and splendor. Must be seen to be spprecitted for its -Tww tiie wewyv sgn. afTgy t WIUt TtlCi MAIL r.iven nromnt attention .. ... isfacion fuarant- ORDERS . T , -n, si if in perion. Sat- I i --wbbss!s!s!b Surging crow'ds of satisfied Christrnas buyers depart from this store ladened with gifts of quality. Therell be many pleasant surprises this year for all. The exdusiveness, the "difference" arid the opportunities of selecting from so vast and beautiful a stock has made it possible. A few days left to purchase. The lines are yet ample enough to make appropriate . gifts. Prices 7 vT " ; are right and will greatly interest. : v : v t ; THREE PRODUCTIONS OF NATIONAL FAME: TIFFANY GLASS PATEK PHILIPPE WATCHES " ; ROOKWOOD POTTERY SOLE AGENTS FOR OREOON. . Telephone Main m 1025. i. . CORNER THIRD AND WASHINGTON ' : STORE OPErf EVENINGS - Consult Our Optician. Toilet Sets '. Manicure Sets - ' ' Puff Boxes Colognes . ' Picture Frsmes , ' Jam Pots ' Bonbon Dishes' Fivsv Piece Tea Sets Three-Pieca Coffee Sets . Sufar and Creamers -' Soup Tureens Vegetable Dishes ... Unique Vases ' Fin) Baskets - OPtRA GLASSES .TJis jreBablaHlxid. In orUntat.. smoked cr white rnotherf-pearl. Includ ing toe celebratea ana wono-renowncu v piaw-"--- r I "An issue 1 I CATALOGUE 1 i whirn will give most taliuble In- j formation tor guts, l 4 -V;-' 1 : . V.i- .