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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1906)
RADDI STEPHEN S. WISE TELLS SUNDAY JOUR.N AL HEADERS OF THE WOES OtT PERSECUTED -KVZ .A .' THE WEATHER. Rain tonight and Saturday; south east winds. PORTLAND, : OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING,'- DECEMBER 21, lm TWO SECTIONS-TWENTY-FOUR PAGES. PRICE-TWqENTS. lilSimP SSnl VOL. V. NO. 249. : T - lu : ... 1 : fivSHs f -vf . - - -.. .v,r-r i i . . 1 ' r -v : r -'l -r- f t . i ... . A - .TTT' 1 - II - - . . Workers Sawing Rails Under Car Which . Pinned Hicks Down When Tunnel Fell Wonder Grows at Remarkable Vitality and Will Power Shown ,. by Man Buried in Earth for V: Fifteen ' Days Will Be Freed Probably by NlghtT ': u i. (Jeurasl Special Service.) ' 1 . Bakersfteld. Dec. SI. Stilt thers has bssn no' rescue of U E Hicks, and still thar- wonder grows of his remarkable vitality nd will power. Tbta morning It u reported that tie bad been' re- ,' leased, but at noon the rescue party was still hard st work. - Conflicting; reports come downjtfrom the mountain. Mow. rescue Is Imnrment, and the next hour the releaae Is Indefi nite. - Hlcka himself seems confident of ... bis early release. . . " The failure to complete "the rescue Is ' keenly felt In. Bakersfleld. On the streets, St homes and at' business houses everything Is laid sslde for the dls , eusslon of work on the mountain. Grand preparations were made last night to "celebrate th-crrcellng of. tUeTecuoTy whistles and the ftrlns-6ff' cannons.-En thusiastic men are sleeping beside the ., ound producing Instruments. News paper offices are swamped with in quiries ss to the progress of the rescue work. .a"'.. "''' - " -,-irv Oat Balls trades' Xln- t Hicks' release was expected late last night but the reeeuers encountered no ; forseen difficulties. At 14 o'clock this ' morning workmen began cutting the rails from beneath the car la -which - Hicks was Imprisoned. - v For II days L. B. Hicks has been burled tinder CO feet of concrete and . granite so tightly that he could not even sit up. He was caught In a cave-In In the Kern river" tunnnel of the Edison Electric eompeny and only the car under which ha took refuge kept hire from being crushed to - death - by the avalanche of the slide. ... After lve days of Imprisonment, dur- (Contlnued cn Page, Biz,) OWNER TO PAY FOR WATER Renter Should Not Be ? dares William Hey, Inspector in His Beooramendatlon that the earner of the house Instead of the renter pay the water rats Is mads in the annnsl re port of William Hey. city plumbing In spector. . .' ... 'k -A great many owners and landlords " Belters anything good enough to rent, while they keep the house they live In In good repair," says Mr. Hey In his re port filed with Mayor Lane this morn ing. Tbey believe when plumbing Is : ones installed In a rented house that it ' should last forever, when in reality tt should be gone over every year. I -would recommend that the property be ' mads to pay the watsr rate and have a flat rats of payment for, all water used. I believe they (the landlords) would . then keep their plumbing in better repair.- The plumbing inspector offers orltl slsm of ths water department. ..Says bst "I have asked ths water board for a four-Inch main on OUn street to run from Dawson (00 feet south, and was turned down because ths street was not graded, which I think is a poor excuse, as ths country In that locality la prao tJoally level, and very llstle extra work wsnld be required. If any. There arc now 14 houses em a one rach service pipe, and tt Is useless to l try to. get rid of the open vaults when ths people are without water. Ths same trouble exists In Irvtngtoa of East Twenty-eighth street on Lucky Baldwin: Once Again in .... , . . ' (Jearnel Speelsl lervtee.) Ssis. Bernardino, CaL, Dee. 11. K. 3. "Baldwin has made a rich gold strike sn tbs desert . This news wss brought hers by miners, who ars excited over Baldwin's slrfgular stroks of lock, and ths report wss corroborated when Bald win sent to the recorder's offlcs a big batch of locations. "Lucky Baldwin Is In ths Saratoga ftprlnga region, far' out on ths desert With him sre H. A, Unruly Robert John son. L. R. Rush, Charles Fawcett and C --- L, Tacker. They havs Died oe WALL STREET BOARD OF TRADE AT CHICAGO SPLIT BY DISSEUTIONS Be Two Boards Within a Few Months Unless Some Radical . Changes OccurTrouble Due f to Era of Bad Times In Spec ulative Grain Trade. (SfMclal DUsetefe te The Joanul.) Chicago, Doc, SL The Chicago board of tradethe pi the world. Is In danger of splitting In twin-as the result of .dissensions if bleb for months have taken attention from the markets and made the floor of the exchange a great debating school votes by the general membership yes terday accelerated a movement whicn has tended toward a break In the ranks of the board for several months. Un less a radical change occurs there will be two boards of trade in a few months. V Amendmeats Toted Sows. One amendment, which was-voted drown, provided for the filing of claims against tnen who are In debt and the compulsory transfer of their member ships. This change waa Intended to do away with that class of members who. In the words of an ex-presldent of the board, "are possessed of one trading card and a lead pencil." The vote showed that there Is little (Continued on Page Two.) Forced to Do so, De: the City Plumbing Annual Report x Broadway, Weldler and streets in that locality. " ."I believe this matter should receive Immediate attention, as I believe the people are entitled to water for aanltary If not for fire purposes." , , Ths Inspector declares that ths city Is growing so rapidly that sxtensions of sewers snd water mains can hardly keep pacs with the growth. - "Sellwood Is badly In need of sewers,- he says. He suggests that aewera put In now would save ths small, property, owners the expense of a cesspool, which could be applied en their sewer assessments, bound to come sooner or later any way. He also asks for better drainage for ths region south. and west of Portland Heights, for an sxtenslonsof the Tanner creek -and Marquam gulch sewers. "University Park, Portsmouth, WoM lawn. Mount Tabor, Montavtlla and in fact all the outlying districts are badly In need of water," he declares. Mr. .Hey says some provision should bs mads for examination of plumbers' apprentices. He writes: "I believe it to the -Interest of ths master and Jour neymen plumbers to Instruct their ap prentice and turn out good mechanics, not as they ars turned out now, a detri ment to the master and journeymen plumbers." . . Mr. Hey ssks for sn Increase In his salary- to mike It 1110 a month. This Is the sum being received by ths build ing Inspector. He also asks for $138 a month' for Deputy Inspector BerrelL Strikes it Rich Nevada District SO prospects snd two mill sites; ths ledges show high vslues In gold, silver and copper. " " TJI Baldwin,, who made the first discovery, has ths choicest locations, i - Charles Ounham, who brought ths first news of Baldwin's luck, states that Baldwin lied been touring the Nevada camps In a' private car. Tired of rld I lg; he strolled over the hills. Jocularly saying, he would come 'back a mine owner.. He returned shortly with rock fairly aulas with gold tracing and ths sntlrs party stampeded for the diggings. FINANCIERS PLANNING MULTI nt Si r i r c ; y From Leftjo Right John D. RockefeUer Jr James Stijlmari. President of National City Bank; J. Kerpont . . v ' Morgan, Daniel Guggenheim and Murray Guggenheim. -.V ' ". TOTO WORLD'S BIGGEST TRUST 10 OWII LL OUR .HUES Powerful Interests In Wall Street Quietly Moving for a Con solidation of All thai Great Mining and Smelting Interests jf tho United States. ( gpeefifl Serrlce'.) . New Tork, Deo. 11 Powerful Inter ests In Wall- street ars quietly moving for k consolidation, of all ths great min ing and . smelting Interests of the United States . that will dwarf svery other combination thus far effected in the financial world. ' The Standard Oil company, the Oug genhelms snd the steel trust magnates are the ones who will ultimately get together. Thua far only preliminary negotiations have taken place, but ex perts say affairs ars taking such s trend that ths great combinations re ferred to must unite to protect them selves. The only obstacle In ths way la public sentiment, which It la ad mitted, will be aroused as never before if this greatest of all combinations is undertaken. Involving billions of capital and practically making a monopoly of the mineral productiona of the United States.-- Those moet active In promoting the new multl-bllllon dollar combine ars I. Plerpont Morgan and ths steel trust magnates, the Rockefellers. James Bllll man, , president of the National City bank, and the Ouggenhelmg of the smel ter trust, which already controls the copper and lead mines of the conn-try. TEN TERRORISTS : EXECUTED AT RIGA f loams!' Speetsi Sen Ire . I ' c v Riga, Dee. si. Ten terrorists were executed today. They were guilty of a series of robberies, bomb, outrages snd murders extending over many months. HARRIMAN AND. HILL IN ANOTHER CONTROVERSY A big deal Is on between ths powers of ths Northern lines snd ths Southern Pacific and Union Pacific, the 'result of which V.U1 determine whether ths Harrlman roads may uss ths new Wil lamette river brldge-and peninsula cut of the Hill linns, or whether the Harrl man lines roustttnove and rebuild the steel bridge and tunnel under ths penin sula. Aa told previously In Ths Jour nal, Harrlman railroad men ars con vinced tbst they wilt bs unable to com pete on an equal looting on ths present heavy grade of Sullivan's gulch or ths round-about way vis, St. Johns. . One of the worst features - of . ths Southern Pacific and O. R. st N. saat aide termlnala is ths restriction on traf fic at the east end of tbs steel bridge. Belong as there was no competition, Harrlman officials saw no fatal weak ness in the present practice of send ing out tralna of SO to SI loads with s doubls header op the hill, snd a strain ing of couplings and motive power In pulling trains sround ths curves to get en or oft ths steel bridge Caused no apectar xmeastTress. Buswlth-tho pros- poet ahead of seeing ureat Northern, Northern Pacific and Burlington freight trains come and go with ease hauling 60 to 10 loads across ths peninsula with a single locomotive, the management of the Harrlman roads has corns to a realisation that something ahould be done to place them on a fairer operating basis. ' - - Xaslest lroposlloa. ',. -Ths first and easiest proposition la .... . l -d - y-..., - - -- -.-- . . - BILLION DOLLAR MERGER OF r CONGRESS REFUSES AID; (SUNDERS ARE PEOPLE WITHOUT A COUNTRY rrabitantsavV4.o1Real-Crt Izenshtp Anywhere and Can not Be Naturalized. . Washington. Dec SL In spits of th president's recommendation, no cltisen ship for Porto Rico will bs granted by this congress, probably not by "next There are said to be grave matters of publlo policy Involved, which might be seriously . complicated If citlsenshlp should. . be granted at- this - particular time. The objection-to eltltenahlp for Porto Rico Is based upon the condition ftfTKe population, and ths" largs percent age. of mixed Hpanish and- negro. The proportion of Illiteracy la large. . The condition of the people of Porto Rico Is anomalous. ' They havs no real citizenship anywhere. No one ' knows just how far they could be protected by an American passport In a foreign land. Not being foreigners, they can not be naturalised In the United States, and not being citlxens, they cannot vote unless the supreme court decides that Porto Rico Is an integral part of the United States, and that ths people are citlxens of this country, at leaat when they come to this country. ' Many opposed to citlsenshlp for Porto- Rico say that the situation there must be treated In connection with --Cuba. Most believe that ths government, which is to bs set up at Havana, will prove a failure, and that there Is scarce ly any doubt that ths United States will take Cuba for better or for worse. Al ready this country has a hold In San Domingo, which it will not bs easy to relax. , ' - Under snch conditions. Republican leaders ars particularly alow to estab lish a precedent In Porto Rico, which may later on cause trouble In tbs other West India islands. andr ultimately in ths Philippines. .: .. - ... , veil Oase Dismissed. , . . Salem, Deo. . SI. The case against Fred Mell, the young man charged with embnsxlement v by W. W. Irwin, ' the Aurora butcher, was dismissed by Jus tice of the- Pesos ..Webster sfter a goodly number of witnesses had been examined. : - .-, t i - i . Big: Deal on to ,: Determine Whether Harriman Roads May Use the New Willamette River Bridge and Cut on the Penin sula. "V -; ' ' ' ' - that of Joint uss of IhS Willamette river bridge and the peninsula cut to Maegley Junction for ths O. R. A N. Co. trains, and the same routs continuing, over the Columbia river brldgS to Vancouver for the Southern .Pacifies "Trains, to ths sound. It Is a. very serious proposition for the" Harrlman lines, and means the Investment of 1 1.000.000 to IS.000,000 In a double-track bridge and a 4.000-foot tunnel, should It bs. found Impossible to get an equitable bargain on- Joint uss of the Hill line. ' ' fmm fMa beginning ths Hill com- Hill parrlrs- hare shewn a-dlepoeltkm-to-eo construct their terminals that It would be Impracticable for the Harrlman lines to uss them. The authorities of ths Harriman roads havs taken serious ex ception to this policy. They havs pro tested kgalnst the location of the Wll lametts river bridge and the grade of the line that- Is being cut through the peninsula for ths Hill roads, they heve declared it would he' Impnealble. for these terminal faojlities to bs used by CANS K ALL MINING AND SMELTING :: r- BARKED) KILL THE LORDS IS CLAMOR OF -BRITISH PAPERS Radicals and Non-Conformists Throughout England Enraged at Attitude tk Peers In Edu cational Matter-To 'Oust Established Church. (Journal Special Service.) London, Dec. Jl.-"The Lords Havs Killed It. Let Us Kill the Lords." This line. In bold black letters appears across ths front' pags of last evening's Star. It metaphorically represents ths feel ing of the Radicals, especially ths non conformists throughout the country, over the action of the house oflords In the defeat of the Liberal government's education bill. A terrlflo light will be waged against ths upper house for a vote. - The Star, which voices ths views of thousands of advanced Radicals snd So cialists, counsels a remorseless religious war with the aim of ''ousting ths Church of England from our schools and from parliament.'' "As for ths house of lords," continues ths paper, "it la fitting that It ahould share the fats of ths church to which It has prostituted Itself. Let them both pertsh together; the church has chosen, aa aha has chosen In Francs, to defy the nation." Bitter resistance' will now bs made throughout the country, poaatbly accom panied by some disturbances, to the ex ecution of the education law a - Itre a Sngsus. . (ftpeetsl Disputes to The Jsarael.) Eugene, Or., Deo. SI. A small resi dence in ths western part of ths city owned by -Mrs. Lucy Purkerson of Pleasant Hill and occupied by D. L. Hawkins and family, waa burned to the ground yesterday afternoon. Loss $1,000' The alarm was turned In by phone snd misunderstood. Ths flames bad done their work before ths fire fighters arrived. . any other line because of .their height from the ' water grade, and that the Hill people should bs forced to sdopt grades thst would enabls other roads to profit by ths common user principle ap plied by ths- federal government to Its bridge charters. The Harrlman. people say It Is a fares to declare in a bridge charter thst other lines mty use the bridge under Joint terms to be dictated by ths secretary of wsr, snd then suf fer ths brldgs to bs so constructed thst by no physical possibility could any other line use. it. The proposed Southern ' Pacific line from Portland to the sound Is regarded as the most -serious consideration In getting from th union station to ths Columbia river. Mr. Harrlman has ex pended about t3.000.000 In securing terminals In Seattls and othsr fortunes In getting properties st Tacoma. His engineers sre setting final grade stakes for tbs road between Vancouver and Tacoma. , It is dp to the management to determine how they srs going to connect up the line between the union station" i ndv"inf miTer.-witir-sj-srrntgh r rosd snd a gradient that will enablo them to move tonnage st ths very mini mum of cost The problem will prob sbly not be ssttled st once. It la en tirely feasible to operate the sound ex tension -via Bt Johna for a time. But the direct route through the peninsula must sooner or later be 'adopted, and the engineers and financial arbiters of the companies Involved ars wreatli.ig with It - - - -. INTERESTS . i ;... - 1 issjs J FLOODS SWEEP EASTERN OREGON FOR THIRD TIME Serious Washouts Caused by Rivers Overflowing Banks Block Traffic Levees at Pen- dleton Again Threatened No Serious Damage Reported. ' (Rpeetsl PUpatcs- te The Journal.) ' . Pendleton, Or., Dec SL Though Jt Is midwinter, floods for the thJriJ.lmeJ fills ysr fSvairiiTiimatllla county, All rivers and ereeka are high snd much damage la anticipated ; unless ths v,eather grows cooler. Paasenger tralna No. i and wers held up several hours this morning at Pendleton on account of a half mils of track flooded and 100 feet waahed away . abore ..North ..Fork, to mile east of here. ' . Meaeham creek has overflowed on ths mountains on account of the - warm weather, tbs heavy rains melting, two feet of snow. Umatilla river Is rising snd soma of thf leves repairs being made have been washed out. ' It Is - over Its banks In places at ths west end -f the-rttT where considerable damage will he'll 6 ne unless ths waters go down soon. Men and teams ars working to keep tt from coming over Its banks. Should a flood occur now It might repeat the flood of 18S3. It waa December SO when It oc curred. ' Ths sky Is now clesr and people ars hoping It will freese tonight No ser ious damags has been done up to this tlms. - - - Bttgess Tax Levy. Eugene, Or., Dec. 31. Ths annus! tax levy for ths city of Eugene waa fixed by the council st last night's meeting st I mills. 1 , - ) ;.. -a' 5 ACCUSES BROTHER OP GIIE Mrs. Annie Hillages Says W. D. Bitters Shot Woman and Escaped Punishment Be cause Victim Shielded Him Thst her brother. Welter D. Bitters, shot and killed a woman In Omaha sev eral years sgo snd escaped punishment because the dying woman shielded him by declaring that It was an accident, was the . statement - made to Deputy Sheriff , Harry Bulger yesterday after, noon by Mrs; Annls Hillages of 114 First street. Laurelwood. . Deputy "Sheriff Bulger had gone to Mrs. Hlllsgas horns to arrest Bitters on a- warrant charging him with threat ening to kilt his wife, Mrs. Sarah Bit ters. - The two women appeared at the sheriffs offlcs yesterday afternoon, and stated that Bitters had threatened to kill Mrs- Bitters unless he wers allowed to see his son. Bitters' sister told the deputies that her brother was going to dynamlts ths house In which" sh and " Mrn. Bitters lived. She said her-brother always carried n dirk and a revolver, snd was a dangerous man. . Ths - women wers sent to the municipal court where they secured a warrant which was given to Deputy Sheriff Bulger to serve. Bul ger saya that when he went to Laurel wood to find Bitters hs had gone, but Mr : Hillages told him her brother ! is Good Tlic Si::: 4;; STRIKERS ' ' ' tsss' ' H 0 ' " Carmen Will Turn Out Tonight to Hear JSpeecliesat .Merriirs Hall v-r; Cornelius Detained In San Fran Cisco, but Leaders Say He Will ; Reach Portland Within Short Time Sullivan Has Not Ar : rived. . ... - v:; . .The striking carmen , ars extensively advertialng a public mass meeUng to bs , held tonight at Tderrlll's hall, Seventh and Oak streets. Among ths speakers will bs.W. B. Burton, ths carmen's In ternational vice-president, who arrived last night from San Francisco to take charge of ths strike. Union men of alt crafts as well ss sympathisers of ths carman are expected to attend and ef forts will be made to organise Into a working form what sentiment there Is behind ths strikers. Vice-President Burton spent today In looking over the ground.' in conferring with the carmen'a strike committee ana with he executive board of ths Fede ra ted 'Trades Council, which has charge of the fight being made on ths part of , thsfflltatelTlnTons. . "I am not prepared to glvs cut my plans st thla time,'' said Mr. Burton. today, "since I have not aa yet fully Informed mvself as to ths situation. But one thing la certain, ths fight will continue ana it win do won u n wan all winter. I find that the Portland unlona ars a unit In their support of ths strike and that-the public: are be- hind the carmen. .Th fact that many men have not had the courage so far to leave their cars does not algnlfy that they do not want better conditions. It hss always been true that" ;-Trrtnorlrjr has had to bear the brunt of a fight for better conditions for all ,. Ooraellna Xs ZtststnseV ' - Ths International officer brings ths news that Richard Cornelius, head of the carmen's district organisation, has been detained in San Francisco on ac count of the proceedlnga of the arbitra tion board now In session to adjust ths carmen's demands in ths hay city. Cor nelius will be here in a few daye, how- . aver, says Burton. If ths arbitration board adjourns today for th holidays. ' as la expected. "Cornelius will leave for Portland tonight and will arrive hers" gundsy morning. Manager Fuller of ths Portland Rail way, Light Power company sn- (Continued on pag Six.) t a dangerous man, and had killed at woman In Omaha. Bulger found Bit ters later tn a saloon on First street, and placed him under arrest. Bitters had no weapons when arrested. II was taken to the county Jail. Bitters declares that th affair hi sister told Bulger of happened in Keo- ' kuk, Iowa and that It waa accidental, te says another man had placed a re volver In a bureau drawer In ths room occupied by th woman and himself. When hs opened th drawer th re volver fell to th floow and waa - dis charged, saya Bitters, the bullet strik ing tbs woman and killing her..-. '. Bitters la an Inoffensive looking Oer . tnss. about (0 years of age. Hs says hs went to Walla Walla last July front Salem, where he and his wtfs wer tir ing. 11 went to work in th harvest fleldav according to his story, and whesj bs returned to Salem his wife had com -to Portland, lie says he worked in a nursery st Salem until last Saturday, When he cam here to find his 10-year-oid eon. He went to the house where his wife lived, but did not go In. nor ' speak to her. He says he never had any Intention of harming her and never car rled a weapon of any kind. In literary features, f advice to women and Z rnensRevscciaicSe H and special articles. Ji is to be ii 'r. -'