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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 20, 1808. IN. $4 Four-in-Hand Scarfs $2.50 $6 Fancy Cluster Scarf $3.95 $8-5orour-in-Hand Scarfs $5:? If 65-inch, Four-in-Hand Scarfs, made of Aus tralian white ermine, lined with white satin; sold regularly at $4.00, Friday , ti r rk special... . , ....... . . .......... J U Fancy Cluster Scarf of fine quality Isabella opossum, trimmed with three natural fur tails at each eifd; sold regularly at (tj nr $8.00. . Friday special. ........... pD J Natural Squirrel Fur. Four-in-Hand Scarf, 55 inches long, made with silk fringe at each end and lined with satin; sold regular- dj r ft ly at $8.50. Special,- Friday. . . , . p J J $5ro6 Solid SiiWatcn"for$r4y A woman's dainty little open-face Watch, with a pretty dial, gilt or plain hands, stem wind. .The case is solid silver and, we guarantee the move ment. A dainty watch for some dainty, miss. A limited . A r number. Friday sale price . ................. ...... ipyiJ : ENGRAVED FREE jrahEMajtlargaih Sale Solid Gold Jewelry Although far below the regular price, every article is . guaranteed solid irold and backed by the reputation of Portland's most reliable store. Same goods cost double our price at jewelers. : Solid Cold Cuff Links SS40 Una, satta finish...... .S3. 00 a.75 xaaka, rose finish. .......txas f&AO Links, satin o mm Sa.SO $3.S0-t3.T5 ZOaka, zqnlslt gold fla- Uk Aaalgas S3.00 S4.eo-g4.60 Links, , Boralty d- Wifnrn ..$3.60 Other, solid fold Cuff Links In ex clusive patterns t 11.00. 14.50," 18.00, S6.00 to (10.00. ' $3 Cold Neck Chains $2.00 $3.00 Bo lid Oold Vsok ClxOns. .$3.00 S4.60 Chain and Charm.--. $3.60 BMtutlful "L Valllero" ; Neck .Chains in large assortment. 16.00. 1 oUA rold P1M, IMO Iho genuine "Krementi one-piece collar button, all slsesj regularly 1.2s and tlit; sale 4. $1.00 Solid Cold Signet Tlingl Kach Ring engraved free. Ml ! down to the very smallest. $BO OdU glgaet JUnga.....glO $3.60 Oold Slgaet lnS..t $8.85 $4.60 Oold Sugaet Kings. .... .$100 $5.00 Oold Signet Slags. $340 $4.00 OoM Signet BUags. ....... .$X60 Men's extra heavy Signet Rings, U.00,-1 .,- 7 S0. 1 0 to 116.00- $2, $2.50 Gold Studs $1.3ft Solid Gold Studs in assorted stones real opals, pearls, garnets, etc Regularly $2 00 and 12.60 91M Solid Gold Beauty Pins - Pretty assortment' of stylish Rlb- $1.00 $1.TS Bos gold Mna, pair. .... .$16 $3.00 Satlm gold sMna, set wlta pearl, ruby or tnrq noise, pate $3.00 $4UX rtn set with various stones, pair ....$X50 Necktie or Stick Pins V I1J Maa new designs.. $1.00 $140 Una, rose designs.. ...... $145 $1.75 Vina, rose finish... $1.60 $a.60 Fins, novelty designs. i...a.oo' $3.00 Vina, norelty designs $$.60 Other beautiful and novel designs at 13.00. $1.50, - 14.00, fi.OO, lt.00, S7.S0 and $10.00. $$.76 Dainty Twist Brooches. . .$aX $3.00 Crescent now Brooches at ............ $240 $3.60 Vretty Vovelty Brooohes.$3.00 $4.70 Vretty Vovelty BrooohM.$3.S0 Handsoras designs now la the greatest vogue at $4.00,' $6.00, $0.00, -try aa, , , $1.35 Lockets & Charms $1 $148Oold Beart Charms $1)6 $140 Mounted Heart Oharma. . .$148 $3.00 Mounted Xeart Charms. . .$140 700 Real Seal Shopping Bans' Values to $5 for $2.98 700 genuine Sel Shopping Bags, leather lined, double riv eted frame, ' fitted with coin purse, in brown and black. A really luxurious shopping bag; ideal for ;. Xmas giving. . Sold regularlv up to $5.0Q. A great rnday bar pain . . -at.; $2.8 $2.00 Shopping Bags for. . . . . e i $3.00 Seal Shopping Bags . .$1.98 $4.60 Desk; Clocks .$3.2 85c Fitted Workboxes S. 50 $2.25 Vanity Bags ...$1.5Q All goods sold in this - sale, engraved free or charge Sale of Holiday Handkerchiefs Without a Parallel in Any Portland Store To judge of the enormity of the 'stock you may count the handkerchiefs here by the million. To judge of the variety of it let us tell you there are hundreds of different kinds more than in all other Portland stores together. To acquaint you with the prices that you may ' -n - m . m A. . iudre for yourselves ot our Handkercniet supremacy we nave piannea a rnaay saie inai nas no .counterpart anywncrc. ; 17 Fnr nmn'i r11nn1 ami hcmtitrh. I T ADIES' French hand-embroidered, hem- I O 7r" For women's 11 pure sheer linen lOIr For women's 0.rA cw;.. Handkerchiefs: values to 2Sc: -'stitched Handkerchiefs, cut uo seDtratel Handkerchiefs! hand-enlbroidered in-f--' chiefs: plain soecfal. 3 for ftO. ... . in fancy boxes. . , ' t. I hial, with wreath; 50c value. , initial; 35c value. 48c Leather Calendars T6o small ' Coin Puree, ' great value t ...504 Seal Toilet Cases, fitted with brush, to fl,50 12.00 Cigar Cases, real seal and wal rus .91.50 Clrarett Cases, of real seal and rS-alrUs--.- . 40 Pen Wiper, of alligator, sterling mounted 854 Extra large Desk Writing PaA. seal comers ......... .fl.OO Real leather Btud Boxes. spV. ..604 Solssors and Paper Cutters com- billed, for desk ..,..."...,.484 Bill Books, real seal and walrus; special .......... 1.25 AQn For women's $100 ll-linen hind-em-broidered Handkerchiefs; scalloped and hemstitched pvaluer to $1.00. 1 r For women's scalloped and hemstitch vXV ed Swiss Handkerchiefs; reg. 35c vals. J1 ftft Box for women's all pure linen apXeUU hand-embroidered initial Handker chiefs, with pretty ejnbr'd wreath; 3 in a box. $125 values for 84 $2.00 values for 91.68 $175 values for f 1.47 $2.50 values for' 9 1'98 Box for women's all-linen Hand kerchiefs: very neat initial: 6 in a box valuer 5c each. . - 1 For women's all-linen hand-embrold-' ered initial Handkerchiefs; unlaun dered, 25c value; special, S for 604. . $1.10 rOpR SPECIALS in women's embroidered scalloped and hemstitched Handkerchiefs; (r in a fancy box. $1.25 value, box $2.00 value, box f 1.48 $1.50 value, box f 1.14 $250 value, box 81.68 1 Olp For women's all pure linen Hand Xf2"w kerchiefs; hand-embroidered initial enclosed in wreath;valu 20c all-linen Handker- hand-cmbroidered 1 Box for children's eolored-bor-J Ar Handkerchiefs; 3 In fanr boxrejrular 25c value. 1 Or Box for children's initial, colored XT border Handkerchiefs; 3 in fan cy box; 25c value. r1 HILDREN'S HANDKERCHIEFS in fancy boxes of various styles Books, clocks, autos at 254, 504, 754 '........... .-. . . .38 Card Cases, real seal and 7 'walrus; " special ... 91.00 Leather Flasks, seal and . alligator. with cup ....91.2S 11.(0 Playing Card Cases, reel wal rus, for ........9I.OO Uusio Bolls and Kusla Bags. T5a to : 90.00 Flat Zeather . Cuff . Cases; very . bandy .. ...... . . .......... .91.48 Opera Olaas Bags, eontalnlng finest . glasses, 17.60 to 925.00 Thousands of other Leather arti cles . for gifts at attractive; prtoasv Sale 25c Post Card Albums 18c 4C T . I k 11 . L.IJ. tin ...J. ' 7 utiuiu iiuuiUf nuiu, uu caiui. ......... 45c pretty Postcard Album; holds 175 cards, only 50c tostcardAlbnm; .holds 2W.j:ardspeci.aI. Sl.UU Album, well bound, only.............. $1.5C Album, finely finished, only........... ...Z73r..234 . ..834 ... .... .ri Special Sale 'of Dolls, Roosevelt Bears,' Leather - .. Goods, Books and Toilet Articles. CH1C1L PASSES : SiX ORDlflAHGES - OVER VETO OF T.1AY0R LANF - Fails, However, to Pass Over Mayor's Head the Ordinance AIIow , v. Women Performers and Musicians toWork in Sa- loons end Concert Halls. " Revelling In Its strength, the majority of the council yesterday afternoon passed six ordinances over the veto of : Mayor Lane. But when It cam to the moat Important measure vetoed, the or dinance allowing women performers In saloons, there were not enough votes to Jam It through, and the reto was sus tained. The vote was as follows: To help open the town by allowing all kinds of womsn musicians In saloons and raualo halls, yes Annand, Balding. Oray, Kel laher. Sharkey. (; no Bennett. Masters, Menefee, Preston. Rushlight, Shepherd, Vaughn. Wallace, Wills, . The mayor had vetoed th "six ordi nances largely as a matter of prtnet . pie, and the council, as a matterfof prin ciple, followed Its usual tactics of block ing him whenever It can by . passing .them anyhow. -Mayor Lane vetoed th ordinance clos - Ing ths city hall at 1 o'clock Saturday . afternoons because he did not consider , It fair to the outside employes. Joy fully th council overruled htm, 14 to 0. Th other measures put through were that transferring the franchise of the ' Mount Hood Klectrlo company to the '; Mount Hood Railway Klectrle com ' pany; that aproprlating $1,060 for the - payment of a crematory fuel bill, ve toed by the mayor because th wording ' cast a slight upon th board pt health; .-. that for the vacation of Cole street, and ' - another for th vacation of a part ot . West avenue, and that giving A. F. Swensson A Co. th' right to place ce ment steps In a sidewalk. - ' Oae Yet Sustained. ' .' The veto on the ordinance changing th Are limits on Fourteenth street so ' that th stranded old Pacific hotel may ' And 4 safe resting place Inside th ltm . its. was regretfully sustained, as ihe measur was defectlva ' Another ordl--' nance - bringing th limits together properly-was Introduced and passed. A t6oar permit for a sidetrack on Tork street was unanimously granted to th Northern Terminal company. Th park board submitted a letter recommending that 'the city be bonded for $500,000 to $1,000,000 for park lm L provements. This was referred to the ways and means committee, as was also th letter of th water board recom- emending a change In th charter so that olty - property:' might' b ' forced to pay. a share of th expenses of th water aepanmeni. ' Masters tried to get the ordinance for underground wires through the council. Kellaher objected, aaklng K this was a substitute for , the original measure, It . was admitted that It was. and Kel laher got it referred to th street com. mlttee. Th measure was framed by th Portland Railway, Light at Power company and has been In th hands of the street commute for some time. Th Willamette Iron Works wants Hull street In extreme North Portland vacated, but will put a ' hard-surface pavement on an alley through the block thus turned over to It. This was th measur upon which th councllmen an tlcipatea a veto from th mayor. INVITATIONSTO HOSE HANGING yBaSSseftSSBSBSBsBaBSWSBBSBBSfcjfi ' Cards Are Received by Number of Employes at the Courthouse. Invitations to the hanging of Henry Hose at th penitentiary at Balera to morrow have been received by a number of employes at th court houne. ' Hos will be hanged, for th mur der of Madge Doyle, committed In Oo tober. He cut her throat at th Win chester lodging-house In this city and then walked to the police station and surrendered , himself, When - arraigned In the state circuit crfurt for murder. Hose pleaded not guilty and asked for attorneys to defend him from th gal Iowa. A trial resulted In his convic tion end he was sentenced by Judge Gantenbein to d nangea ue ember 1L Under-th Oregon law no on ts per mitted to witness the execution of a condemned man except officers and those Invited by the superintendent of th penitentiary. None of th men who received Invitations have 'an nounced intention of . going. v A SENSIBLE, CHRISTMAS GIFT A POLICY IN u 1 v vi: i r r3 TT:9f- II : llll fill II II 'I I 1 1 1 1 h f IL I V 1 1 ( I ' f tn voLzoT-xoxftvav ooscrAifr. Horn office, Commonwealth Building, cor. Blith and AnkenyPortland, Oregon. I Mill", 'i. - t Samuel, darenc 8. Samuel, OeneraJ Manager. ' Assistant Managarr Presld ?nt. v TJLSE KM J I mm Th top" at Bottom shop, tot Washing ton street, on of th comparatively new Arms catering to men, la In full holiday attire, th windows temptingly baited with attractive articles, and more to be seen on th Inside.. This Arm is nana ling th Mallory cratenetted hat rain proof and sunproof and In stylish shspes, both soft and stiff. Another particularly Interesting department Is a sample line of handkerchiefs, scarf pins, cunr buttons, etc.. affording some vary pretty and exclusive designs. this, part of th Christmas shopping. The Murray Wad packages, tied up In bright red ribbon, are unusually tempt ing, and from th appearance of - this I always attractive 'resort enough .Coff- man canay naa oeea manuracturea to supply th entire city with sweets. However, It la going fast everybody buya candy, no matter what else they may leave. on the list. Th secret of Coffman's deliclotks fountain drinks haa been solved: - Their concoeter, Mr. C W. Griffin, was three wears at Allegrettl's, la Chicago. Now, Chicago Is the lead ing city of the world for fountain drinks and Allegretti s Is th leading place in Chicago o ' Mr. Qrlffln just naturally has to know his business, and h does. He haa recently added another drink- egg fouyounge to th list at Coffman's and It certainly Is a winner. Another new establishment that Is distinctly different. In a wholly different way, from any other store tn th city, Is th shoe shop for man,. J. H. Reeves Cov, $1$ Washington street, propria tors, and successors to Van Duyn. Wal ton Co. Mr. Reeve has been, con nected with the shoe business for some years In Portland, having virtually grown up In' It. He has mad a point In his new store of comfort and ease. To tkis end his salearoom Is more of a parlor than anything els, having com fortable arm chairs that can be moved about at will, and padded leather topped atoola. In th place of th usual ac oommodatlnn for fitting. Th fact that men can sit and smoke at leisure while being fitted, grouped as they wish, has given ris to reoitajs ana conversation. and a general club spirit that la much appreciated about town. Aside from - this social . feat are, th finest class ef shoes ts carried for men only. A specialty Is mad ef careful fitting, and a repair department adds to the . general convenient arrangement of th place. Mar Bloch. the Jewelers, at T Third street, are selling, a great many diamonds this year to people who real ise that a diamond loses nothing by having been worn, and who appreciate th advantage o th lowsr prices ae- vurvu un bcwuhi ok inn circumstance. This concern secures Its diamonds from one wealthy people who are compelled to sell, and thus there Is little doubt as to th real worth of th stone. Some of them have histories that read like fairy tales. If new diamond mines are not discovered th time may not be far distant when such a thing as owning a diamond first hand from' th ground will b a great rarity. At present six car loads of dirt are thrown out before as many diamonds are found as were form erly found In on. The extra labor re quired,' to say nothing of advanced wages of polishers, eta. have had their effect on th diamond market. C. P. Bishop, clothiers. IT Third street 'th open window tor" has. as the slogan Implies, a moat splendid wide and deep display window filled at th ores- ent time with a handsome assortment of suits, hats, canes and high-class haber dashery all attractive to Christmas shoppers. . A fact not much' advertised, though known to a large number of men noted for fine taste . In dressing all over th northwest la that th tailoring de partment of. this establishment la one of th best on th Paalflo coast, nsder th direct management of Mr. A. Ben son, a well-known designer. . Clothing waa never befor given, so.. largely, for Christmas presents, and it may be sug gested that an order on a high-class tailor' IS "a itft almost -asy-yowtg- man would appreciate, .- ... Candy, fortunately, can b ordered by phone; and at Coffman's it la always frash, so Iter' an easy way out of WHAT'S A MAN TO DO? 7 Harry J. Praeger of tl Williams avenue, whose amusing bit of vers was published In Monday's Journal, haa wooed ths muse again. Th result Is th following Jingle on th abolition of th slot machine and th die box: My money's piling up on me, I'm weary of this life.. For I oppose monopoly, yon know. I'm drawing ten "plunks" weekly, and with bnt eight kids at bom . What's a man to do with all his sur plus-dough T My poeketbook Is heavy, haa an aldsr- raaiuo look A figure It's not had sine I was wed. I shall have to Join th church to spend my fortune .while I live. Or leav a will to spend It when rm dead. And you may ask what brought tn to this stat or mental woe. Mayor Lane's th man that caused my grler and pain. For he banished all ths slot machines and little Ivories too; Shall I never hear their luring song again! ; And then to crown my sorrow. I foot it home at night: - I cannot give my nickel to th trnst. For Fuller makes me hoof It, till th carmen come to time, v , . And the carmen ay they'll win th . strlk or bust Bo what's a fellow going t do with all his surplus caan. ", Sine he cannot rid th ears or shake the "bones"? Ha it really com to such a pass that honest working men . Will have to take thetr money to their . homes? LARGE APPROPRIATION NEEDED BY UNIVERSITY (SpeeUI Dtipetr te Tb Joana!.! University of Oregon, Eugen. Dec 20. The board of regents of the uni versity will on January determine what will be asked from th legislature. Th needs of th stat institution are numerous this year, as It Is overcrowd ed. Next year th attendance will be Increased. . t If the present policy la to be con tinued. President Campbell states that the legislature will havs to make a large appropriation, as the growth of th In stitution I such that many new pro fessors will have t be employed, as well as equipment snd buildings added. w iiri ', , worth doing I worth doing welL Tf you .wish to be cured of Rheumatism, us Ballard's fino w .Liniment-and- you will b "well-cured." A positive cure fiT ft n rains. Neuralgia. Hrulsea. ri. UaAtediJiusclM. od.,a01 th iu tht nen IS neir iu. n. u. mi. vvuiiams, Wav. asota, Texas, writes: I have, used Hnow Liniment for sprained ankle and It gave the best or satisractlon. I sl wavs keep It .la th house." For sale by all drug-gist. 1 Wtiebe: . -. i 135 FIFTH STREET. CORNER ALDER . V Msassk -ssp--sBSBfcW - a. S f7 T" FURS FOR CHRISTMAS MAKE BEAUTIFUL PRESENTS What could a woman appreciate more than a Fur from Liebes'? Pur Jackets, Stolls, Scarfs, vTies and Muffs in wonderful assortment, and in every style, of every fur the world produces, are here for Christmas choosing. Tis a veritable Christmas paradise for seekers of presents of the finer sorts, for furs are most wanted by all women folk. But the best "news for all is the wonderfully reasonable prices we are asking on garments, all bearing name of "Liebes," our guarantee of satisfaction. - -c- " . . . CHRISTMAS SPECIALS V Grey Effects , Brown Effects .Natural Squirrel Ascot Ties.. ...... $4.50 River Mink Ascot Ties. ......... :$3.SO Natural Squirrel Throw Scarfs.... ..$7.50 Sable Squirrel Four-in-Hand..... $10.00 Natural Squirrel Stolls.,. .....$15 to $45 Sable Fox Sets, with pillow MurTs.'$22.50 Natural Squirrel Muffs.. $8.50 to $17.50 Genuine Mink Scarfs. .$15.00 to $75.00 Gray Krimmer Sets .$17.50 Genuine Mink Muffs.. $35.00 to $75.00 White Effects , , Black Effects . Thibet Lamb Boas. $3.50 to $15.00 Persian Paw Scarfs. . $7.50 Thibet Lamb M&ffs... $4.50 to $10.00 Persian Paw Muffs.......... , $10.00 - Mouflon Lamb Sets. . .$17.50 to $25.00 Black Fox Scarfs, . . 7. . . . i .'$25.00 Genuine' Ermine Neckpieces...; ..$20.00 Black Lynx Sets, with larpe full Genuine Ermine Pillow Muffs $00.00 Muffs.. -...f ..,..$22.50 to 75,00 Children's Fur Collars $ I to $150 Chadreas Fur Sets $2 to $7f50 ST0REJ)BE!lmilGS VIITIL CHRISKmS Now is the time to order your goods Vy.maU--anything-in-thi advertfserrjcrtt cr h ,c: - catalogue can be. procured just as well by writing as by calling at our store. v VI f :