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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1906)
V . " ! THE . OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING. . DECEMBER 17, 1SC3. 7 uun....-1 - . i pniinF-nmiRT is ekm judge Cameron Has : 01 oaiuraay Migiu o -Well, rra thankful that atrikea are " ' not tha rule In Portland or I bellev that I would atrlke for a larger court .' .nA higher reooni venae," aald v Judge Cameron aa ha climbed down , ; from tha bench In the police court thla afternoon after orer three hours of ." atrenuoua labor and proceeded to mop r th Mrsnlratlon from hla forehead. .-.- One hundred and nine caaee arising from tha note Saturday nig.. and yee 'teraay and four state charges for ad judication waa tha taalc that confronted ' judge Cameron upon tha ' calling, of court at o'clock - tms momma 12:29 p. m. an adjournment waa taken 1 fur ' naif an heaa and, up to that time auulupto that time ahmit 16 had been disposed ui. t The majority of defendanta aakad for continuances until later in me ww ..j ti-i. facilitated to a certain extent the dispatch of tha great amount of bualneaa v ':,: Owing , to . the unavoidable abaenca i of Deputy City Attorney Fitsgerald. who ; waa out of town on bualneaa until 11 "a. m., Deputy Cavanaugh repreeented . the city In tha proceedings. Moat of ; those before the court enured pleaa of not guilty.. Prior to tha opening of v court a multitude of frlenda and rela ".. Uvea of thoaa taken Into custody by the , police for participation in tha disorder " which characterised the Inauguration of tha car strike, beaieged Judge Cameron In hla chambere to plead for leniency. The Judge turned a deaf ear to all pleaa and declared that he. would try the cases solely on their merlta. - - Oowtroeaa. Xa Crowded, . ' Half an hour before the opening of ...court every available Inch of standing , i room waa occupied in tha courtroom, and a large number 'waa compelled to ' stand In Uie corridors. Never haa such a motley crowd assembled In tha rnu ' nlclpal court on any occasion. Tha , greater number , of those on trial bad been released on ball, but thoae who ' I were not so fortunate aa to have frlenda : on the outatda were packed Into tha prisoner" dock like sardines. .... ... ' . Tha first caee on tha docket, and one that caused considerable amusement, ; waa that of Sam Isan, arrested by Pa trolman Jun. Anderson on a charge of ' disorderly conduct. Tha policeman tea ' tlfied that Iaan had thrown two egga at . him, and Judge Cameron, upon tha do-1 '. - fendant'a plea of guilty) Imposed a fine of tit. Anderaoa testified that upon ' ' arresting Iaan he had about one dosen scrambled egga in his pocket Judge ' Cameron, In passing sentence, said: "In .! view of the. ruling high price of the commodity which yon are accused of nsrng tntwh a reek Us manner, I will " make your fine It for each egg--The food which you ao wantonly destroyed would have been welcomed by many a poor family, and I trust you wUl be careful of your future conduct." ' . ' Hi Wtka to- Blame. William Bahlmnon,-a farmer, from ' Cornelius, who happened to coma to i Portland nn a bualneaa trip and by mingling with the crowds landed In Jail. ' ' waa all ready to go back to tho farm. ' ' He gave It as hla- opinion that It waa '.' not after midnight, when arrested, al though tho prison register . ahowed that " Tha bad been thrust behind the bare at 1am. "Hoes are yen ao certain that ; It was before midnight T" asked tha ' 'court. "Do you 'carry a watch T i "I do," replied -the defendant.' "but It "" ' 'doee not keep good time," and exhibited -a timepiece with only one hand., Robert Slaughter, before the court on a disorderly conduct charge, denied that RETURNS FROM VISIT TO VBECttO VESSEL . i i - . . . J. Couch Flanders Says , Bark Melanope Is Very Badly Damaged. ... J. Couch Flanders returned last night from tha wreck of . the British bark Melanope at Astoria, where he went yesterday morning with ua plain wmia of .the Melanope. E. J. Dodge, owner Of , tha steam acbooner Northland, and Mr. Hewett. representing tho owners of the Melanope, He Bays tho vessel Ilea at ' anchor off Smlth'a Point, about one and one-half miles below Astoria. "The hull la practically Intaet," aaJd Mr.: Flandera. "but tha rigging la In bad shape. Tha lower masts are stand . Inc. as la also tha mlxsea hole In the deck. Tha etarboard rail waa crushed under the falling rigging. -. Everything . on board tended to show that 'Captain ', Willis abandoned the vessel upon -short notice, for he even left hla papers In the cabin. 'A representative of the underwriters la making a survey or tha wreck today la the presence of Captain . Willis and Mf. Hewett. CARPENTERS BUILD HOUSE FOR WIDOW Members of Woodmen of " the .World Make Milwaukie 'V.:. Woman Clad. - - ' . About ( carpenter a, all members of local camps of Woodmen of the World, went to Milwaukie yesterday momir.g and put In the day building a house for -Mrs. S. Cornut. a widow with five chil dren, whose husband waa a member of tho order. The aiding, roof, floors and pert of the partitions were finished. The remaining work on the building will be done by Milwaukie Woodmen during the next few daya. ' The Milwaukie Women of Woodcraft were on hand with a hot dinner for the , carpenters. About to of the men present went from Portland, the remain der wera from Milwaukie and vicinity. JOHN M'CALLIG DIES : SUDDENLY IN HIS ROOM 'John McCalllg died auddenly last night at bla rooms at it OHean street. t'nlll tha time of hla death Jie appeared to ee In robust health. Teaterday. even- tie romplalnad of pains In tha vicinity tr-Ma tiear, At U o'elflck, last nlght he waa found dead. He waa about it rears of age and unmarried: He has brother. Jamea McCalllg, In thla city. The body la at IMinnlng at McAtee'a un. gertaklng parlora s'unaral aanouace atent will be made later. Busy ; Morning as Result on iio anu no nu- he waa In any ' way " 1m plicated In thi rtote. . . "I wu visiting lady friend at Sixth and Main streets and left there ahortly before midnight," aaid Slaughter, "and In going down Third atraat on my way horn wma arrested by Sergeant Cola. I am aura that I waa not on tha atraata after II o'clock." . '- It waa ahown that Slaughter reached tha elation at 1 a. nu but aa aereral of hi a "lady frlenda" wera In court to teetlfy In hla behalf, Judge Cameron al lowed tha youth to go- on hla promlae to behave In tha future. Fred Sailing, 1 yeara of ace, ar retted In front of the police atatlon by Ser leant Colo for disorderly conduot. I entereda plea of not guilty. He de- i clared that ha had been at a dine Merrill's hall and had Juat finished a bowl of Chinese noodles, when he waa attracted by tha commotion of - Oak street. Out of curiosity ho said that ha had Joined tha howling mob and was arreated. Further - testimony will be heard -on Wednesday. The arresting of ficer testified that Balling, tn company with several others, was yelling Ilka a "Comanche." v , Oeta Sixty Xteys. ' . ' William Morgan, a ringleader of -one of tha crowds of hoodlums who wera damaging cars on Washington street, was found guilty and in view of tha prominent part he played In tha dis turbance was sentenced to 14 days on the rockplle. . .. 1 "Well,' you might as wen make it ae daya.'.' growled Morgan aa he waa led back to the dock. and. Judge Cameron Mpon , hearing the remark promptly ac commodated the prisoner. . - I don t care a rap." said Morgan after the Increased aentenoe.' "Make II a year In the penitentiary If It aulta you better."- ..-. i -. . J. B. Flelda caught In tha act of cut ting a trolley rope at Third and Mor rison streets yesterday morning by De tectives Hill and Mallet and said' to be a ringleader In tho Saturday night dis turbances, entered a plea of guilty to a charge of disorderly conduct and waa fined 126. The casea heard thla morning r and their disposition la aa foUowa: . -Disorderly conduct: P.- Simmons, no appearance, ball forfeited; Jamea Hand- land, continued; M. Walling, continued; William-Morgan, 69 days; Henry Bprelt aer, continued; J. H. Nlckerson, con tinued; Alex Xlm, continued ;. Fred Sail ing, discharged; W. II. Stelnbach, fined $19; William Brady, fined lit; M. F. Provlns. continued; F. Oalea, fined IIS; Ed Bowen, continued; R. K. Bullia, con tinued; P. Hermans, fined $15; J. CIs dahl, continued; A. Hunt, continued; George Krall, f Ined I0;' X FTBrown. "K.: A. Rlocum. Ed Wilson, P. R. Helns, J. P. 8 La ten. 1L C Hoyle, D. McNaught. alt continued. . Clyde Fenn. fined 1; Sam Ixan. fined 140: O. O. Clark, fined 121; Sam Amour, ball forfeited. Of thoae arreated on a charge vt Inciting a riot, J.. B. Flelda was flried 125 and the casea of C U Grutse, A. Ball. W. J.' Fisher, B. A. Waller,- Carl Hanson, D. J. Roy and Jim OBrlen wera continued. . Vpon complaint of-Patrolman C. A. Inskeep, , a warrant was ' lasued thla morning for the arrest iot Slg Meyers, on. a charge of assault and battery. Meyers waa formerly a member- of tho police department, but waa dismissed for conduct unbecoming 'an officer. Pa trolman. Inakeep alleges that while try ing to. aupprese a riot on Washington street Saturday - night Meyera struck him over tha bead with an umbrella. BANK OFFICIALS ARRESTED .FOR JOGGLIHB T.10HEY Shortage in Waynesburg; Bank Due to Expenses During Re cent State Election, r Joe rail Snerlal SVrTtrw.l Pittsburg, Deo. 17. Warrants were lasued hero last night for certain Offi cials of the failed Farmers' at Drovers' national bank of Wayneaburg tbe old est national bank west of tha Alle gheny mountains, and today a Cntted Statea deputy marshal went to Waynes burg to serve them. It Is said at least two and probably mora bank officials will be arrested for Juggllag the money of the banh It la 'aald the shortage win run rrom' to 1790,000. r - The bank- became Involved In the last two , political , campaigns. Daniel 8. Walton, Ita . president,- aspired to the senate and waa elected at the last elec tion, -while J. B. Rhetnhart. vlce-presl dent and cashier, has long been desirous of -becoming the Republican county leader. Tha bank apent tli0,00 In a fight over tha state treasureshlp. ; HILL MAY REINCORPORATE RAILROAD IN NEW JERSEY ' " . (Journal Special garvlee.) .- " Minneapolis. Minn., Dec. 17. Mora trouble la brewing la tho Hill and tha atate of Minnesota camps, according to tha rumor which went the rounds of the railroad efflcea In thla city today, that the etatement of fames J. Hill, made In Chicago to tha effect that the action of the attornev-areneral would not Interfere with . the Issuance of KO.OOO.- 00 stock meant . that the Great Northern 'may relnoorporeta under the laws of some other state; The issu ance of stock could easily be made If the Qxeat Northern was reincorporated under tho lawe of New Jersey for In etance, according to an official cloaa to the attorney-general. ( BINGER HERMANN TRIAL TO BE SET TOMORROW Joerset Sparta 1 Sr1e.t Washington. Dec. ' 17. Owing to the pressure of other .bualneaa, the Blnger Hermann case was not called, today. Tomorrow District Attorney Baker will call the ease and aak tha court to set a date for 'trial. The government wanta Khe date set for Friday February t. The defense will probably ask an earlier date. - " ;-.'.! NO WORK TO GIVE : OUT TO RAT SHOPS l JarnaTT naVal &sr !- C Outhrte. Okie... Dec l7.-The print" Ing committee of the constitutional eonventlen today reported that In giv ing out th work of th convention no aoo-unloa ahop would be considered. ORDMOIOE LlilS EUORY Wife of Chester Thompson's Vic f'm Calmly Tells Plain Tale . In Court . '' . ' (Special Dispatch te Tae JoaraaL) Tacoma. Wash, Dec 17. Mra. O. Mead Emory took tho witness-stand In the Thompson trial thla morning and recited, the facta of tha murder of ber husband on July T last. - Tho story-did not differ by one jot from the many re el taJa of tha tragedy in the newapapera. except -that abe stated that the first bullet fired by Chester Thompson passed within an inch or ao of her faeo. nhe waa sitting on the porch, and Thompaon and Judge Emory wera in tha hallway of uie Emory home. Mra. Kmory'a testimony was direct and without any effort for affect, li contained hardly an adjective. ,' Mrs. Emory waa followed by Mr. ana W. C Keith, who- galling at. the Emory home at tha time of the kill ing. Both of theaa were ait ting on the porch with tha" Emory a at tha time Chester Thompson ran up tha walk and Into tha house. Mr. Keith, who waa on tha stand for two hours, and la still testifying thla afternoon, admitted under cross-examination that Judge Emory was tha beat friend -he had on earth. Ha told of Chester's taking charge of tha Emory children after tha shooting and ualng them aa hoatagea where "he had barri caded himself In tha nursery of tha home and threatening to kill them If anyone attempted to enter tha room. He told of the elaborate arguments ha roads to tha boy for nearly an hour to get him to come out and tha final com ing of Judge Thompaon, who Induced Cheater to give himself up. .. The courtroom waa crowded, with all standing-room occupied. . POLICE WILL. USE - ' RIOT CLUBS TONIGHT Chief Orltamacher made tha following statement this after noon:' . ' T want to warn all persons -that the;' patrolman under my command will be armed with riot clubs this evenlgg and In structions have bee it lasued to them to . disperse . all riotoua gatherings. Women and "chil dren, for safety, abould remain - at their homes after nlghtfalL I . will not countenance any repeti tion of the diaorderly conduct, neevailad last Saturday . night and Intend to use radical methoda to aupprese all lawlese neea." , ' ', , ; ? THREATEN TO DYNAMITE FACTORY FOR MONEY . ;. '" (Josraal tpseld sWrloa. Bound Brook. N. J.. Deo. 17. Unleaa tha Valley Mlnlnn- company of South Bound Brook pays S2S.000 by tonight their extensive factory, "according to a letter received today wilt he- blown-1 niima' since the receipt of tha threat ening letter tha company has-notified the local polloe, armed ita truaiea em ployes and should the attempt be made to carry out ine proposea iwwm im party will receive a warm reception. ' . THEMIS GOES ON ROCKS ' r . IN FOG AND IS LOST ' aZSiM Wsoetck te Tke Joanial.) Vancouver. B. C. Dec 17. Tha Nor wegian . ateamer Themis, under . time charter to MacKensle Bros of this city, la a total loaa on tho Cardigan rocks at tha north end of Vancouver Inland. Tha ateamer was bound for Prince of Wales Island. It piled up on tha rocks during a heavy fog and cannot be saved. Tha Themis was built 10 yeara ago tn England and was 'valued at 1100,000. She waa a vessel of l.00 tons gross. JOHN RITCHIE KILLED . BY TRAIN NEAR ECHO (ftoerlal Sweeten te The gearasl.t . Pendleton, Or., Dec 17. John Ritchie, a laborer on the irrigation project at Echo, waa Instantly killed by an O. R. aV N. freight train Vxlay at 11 o'clock a mile weat of Echo. Ritchie waa drunk,- and while walking on the track met the train at a sharp curve. One leg waa cut off and hla head was meshed. Hla ' body waa dragged soma distance and horribly mutilated. A companion attempted to rescue him, but failed. VANCOUVER DEFEATS V' CHEHALIS DEBATERS naelal Dlanatek ta TW Jaaraal.t Chehalls,' Wash., Dec 17. The Che halta. debating team, Bertie Mitchell, Clarence Elliott and John Summereett, waa defeated by the Vancouver High school team, Charlea McKlnley, Nellie Higglna and Fred Bennett Baturday night. Th Chehslls debaters advo cated ahlp subsidies; Vancouver op posed. ; V BAILEY WINS AGAINST OLD PARTNER'S ESTATE (Hueelsl Dtavatek te The Journal. Pendleton, Or., Dec 17 In the decision handed down by Judge Bean Attorney B. B. Bailey la victorious In his suit agalnat tha aetata of his former lawf partner. Judge Ballory. Bailey la awarded about 23.000 In cash and half-Interest In the law library, which cost about 26,000; and a half-Interest In aome lots on- the south hill worth about tl.3CXThe cane will probably be carried to the supreme court ARSENIC IN STOMACHS-" ', , OF VRZAL CHILDREN (Jnarsai Rpedal Servtra.) - Chicago. Dec 17. Dr. 'Halnea of Rush Medical college today reported that he bad found enough araenle In tha atom aohs of tha dead Vrsal children to have caused death. Ha I analyttng the stomachs of other dead members of the family. Th police continue to hold Blllak. tha hypnotist. CHIEF WANTS MESCAL . r LEFT TO THE INDIAN "r ''-' (Jovraai Bieelarrtre.l Outhrte, Okla, Dec 17. Chief Parker, a Comanche, protested today to th con stitutional convention agalnat forbid ding tha Indians th us of eneaoat. II declared It wag a medlclaa . I' l, . r - ' r , RflSHnRTAREMlRfl VI waswee s s imisi INVESTIGATED InteratatelCommeree - Commis sion Finds Pitiable Condition Exist Farmers Freez . Ing to Death. (Journal Special BVrTtn.) Minneapolis, Minn., J Dee. IT. Inter state Commerce .. Commissioners - lAna and Harlan bogan an Investigation here today .of the chargea made agalnat th railroads of falling to aupply a auffl- olent number of cars to meet the urgent demenda of bualneaa. Tha car shortage naa or lata become very acuta in the haa been that part of this year" a crop has filled tha elevators to overflowing all along tha linos and hast oven been piled in heaps upon tha open ground be cause of tha shortage of cars to remove It WlUk mllllona of buahela of wheat plied, up out of doors, farmers, rich In grain, are unable to Buy fuel for their homes. Thoaa with cash are moving to hotels to keep warm.' Shipments to thla city are 22,000.000 buahela under thoae of laat year.' : -."'"'. Witnesses are hero by acoraa, anxious to teetlfy. Many declare they can prove that they cannot get ooal or send grain aa tha roads refuse to take up a train OntU enough cara have been loaded to tax tha capacity of tha engine. J. J. Hill escaped a subpoena. The commissioners attorneya tcannot, find htm.. The commissioners say they 'want him badly. Careful Inquiry fntotevery portion of tha northern half of tha etate shows that there la not a-town In which coal can be had. except tn. email quantltlea and to supply Immediate needa. In dos ana of places there la not a pound to be bought, tn dealers having bean out for daya.- and In some casea for a week or more. Freestng , weather la . causing much suffering. " - Qasiwot As. tMnuaarUy. Tha commission believes It Is Incapa ble of noting aummartly. The .commis sion haa 'appealed to the humanities and has received aoma telegrame - which merely suggeat that -the railroads not directly affected by tha complaint will do all they can to help out tha situa tion. ' . - , The trouble appears to be that-tha railroads are responsible only for dam ages and that tha damage ault la one of tho longeat proeeeeee known to tb commission. ; ; It Is not unlikely that If tha situation does not Improve,- tha members of the commission will nee the president and -alao tha secretary of war to see what can, be done to relievo the acuta trou bles in Dakota - .' v A rasa In point where tha army went In wlthobt waiting for ordera. la dur ing tha dlaaater at San Francisco. - An other caaa la that of tha Interference of Prealdent Cleveland In the Chicago riot casea, .but that has not been accepted aa a valid precedent by tha Republican administration. . , -. - - - ' . President BDay Act. ., ' '; Telegrams have also been sent to tha president urging lmedlate action and he will. It Is understood, aak congrees to give the interstate commerce com mission tha power ' o proceed In tha manner-he thinks best. The comm salon at the request of the president last flight made Inqulrlea of several of the northwestern roads on tha charge that people of the northwest wera freesing : to death for want of fuel aiH 'various raUroada which war not particularly Interested . replied. - The answer are not eatlsfactory to the commission. . . Applicatlona and auggeatlona that th law be enforced immediately have com to. several senators and apoclflcally to Senator . O. E. Cumber of South Da kota. . aaklng that th United Bute army be employed to make th railroads do their duty. Thia request will b passed up to tha war department. BANQUET FOR i JOHN BARRETT One Hundred Well Known Port land Citizens Expected to Be In Attendance. A banquet and reception to John Bar rett, originally planned for' 40 or 10 guests, has grown to double that num ber, and there will be 100 well-known II J. - '",! - ' : V . - V f; v'MV'.: Li ' ; - kv . ,v John Barrett. Portland oltlaenson hand at th Com mercial club this evening' to aaslst In honoring the ex-Portlander. The company will gather at 7:20 In tha reception rooms, where they will meet Mr. Barrett. At 2 o'clock they will be eeated at tha ' banquet. The speech of the evening 'will b made by the guest of honor, - who will -talk-on trade opportunltlea between th Pacific porta of the United Statea and those of Central and South America President F. W. Leadbetter will preside, and toaata will be responded to by T. B. Wilcox, Dr. Henry Waldo Co and M. Makcxi..v.y.i.f..-----"" ' Town Topic Man en Trial. . (Jnursal Special Berries.) 'New York, Dec. 17. -Colonel . Mann's trial on the chart o( perjury began this morning. ; 1 , '''",-'' I fiMOI Id POSTOFFIGE Special Preparation Being Made ; ' to Care for the Big Christ- , mas Rush. "All our extra help for the" Christmas holiday mall waa put at work today. W hop to b able to handle tha k-ual-neaa better than aver before. . Th vol ume of mall la greatly Increaaed. and wa have the largest force ever at work In . th office for the holldaye," aaid Postmaster John Minto today. Tha to. tat number of new men who entered the service) today la 29 In tha main post office, - la addition to an extra mail wagon, four more rarriera for Upper Al- blna station, and a new station on Flan ders street. , ' . ' Tb Chrlatmaa rush at th PoatoYflc Is In full blast, and will Increase stead ily day by day nntll tha 28th. In tha main office 11 new new clerka went to eons five extra clerka ' war able to handle th bualneaa Fourteen extra carriers, one new money order clerk, and an axtra dark In the. general de livery at tha main office went on duty today, also an additional general deliv ery clerk at atatlon three and station B. At th latter atatlon four adltlondal regular carriers began work thla morn ing. . This station Is located at 222 Bus soil street, and by the Increaaed carrier rorce Upper Aiblna will get Improved - Xw Station Opened. A new station, to be known aa E. was opened today at 226 ' Flanders street. Adolph O. Ott Is th clerk in charge. An extra mall wagon and driver for th Christmas season want on duty to day, to aaslat In collection of mail be for Christmas and delivery on and after that data. Under a new ruling of tha department box rents muat be paid befor th first of tho ' month beginning each Quarter. Instead of at any tins during th first 10 days of tha month. - Thia nil la ef fective at once, and will apply to Janu ary rente ; ROOSEVELT ASKS EARLIER PROMOTIONS . Ill HAVY (Yoaraal Bneelal Serrlee.l : Washington. Deo. 17-The prealdent today sent a special meesage to con gress urging legislation which will pro vide for earlier promotlona In tb navy, in order to give oaptatna and rear-admi rals command of ahlpa and fleets by tha time they are 42 and SI. . Ha wants tha rank of vice-admiral reetored. -Another special meesage urges tha proaejuution'Of"tand"frand"oaaea in the weat and tha enactment of legislation to aaaist tn conaervlng th public' Inter eats In th government lands. Th president alao aak that national parka be transferred to tha Jurisdiction of tha aecretary of agriculture. ,' CHAK6ES Ul CABINET TAKE 1 PLACE THIS KORKISB - ' (foaraU Special Serrlee.) . Waahlngton, D. C, Dec. 17. Secretary Victor Metcalf waa sworn In aa aecre tary of the navy thla morning, and received . official employee of his de partment. r Secretary Bonaparte took th oath aa attorney-general this afternoon. ' Senator Bayner presented reeolutlons tending to limit the powers of tha ex ecutive and forbidding him to1 interfere with -other departments or th reeerved right of th stat. LIFE INSURANCE OFFICIAL SENT TO PEHHEMTIARY - " (Jeeraal Special. Ber vlee.) Naw .Tork, Dec 17 Oeorge Burnham, Jr, vloe prealdent and general oounael of th Mutual Ressrve Life Insurance company, who was convicted last week of grand ' larceny In tha first degree, was sentenced today to two years Im prisonment In Sing-Sing. , , All motions for a new trial were de nied. Execution of .th eentence was delayed until Thursday to give tlm to secure a certificate of reasonable doubt DEATH OF A NOTED '':. DALLES PIONEER The' Dalles, Or., Dec 17. Tha body of Benjamin . E. Snipes, a noted pioneer, haa been burled in tha Odd Fellows cemetery here. He died at Seattle last Wedneeday. He was a pioneer realdeat of Tha Dallee. having come here In 1557. He aueceaslveiy engaged In farming, cattle-raising, mercantile pursuits and bank ing, and , In time became a millionaire. Reverse 'came, beginning with tha rob bing of ' his BUensburg, " Waahlngton, bank, and ha lost all his wealth, and In after years waa only comparatively suc cessful In regaining hla former finan cial position, despite his bravo efforts. Ha married Miss Mary Parrott, wba survive him. and to them wars born two children. Effle, who died In Infancy, and Benjamin, who was drowned off the coast of Alaska In 12M. Thla boy waa tha Idol of th parents, especially hla moth er, who still believes her son waa res cued from th sinking steamer and is alive today. Mr. Bnlpee was born at Raleigh, North Carolina, July 2, 183S. It was sick only six daya, Buffering from a severe attack of pneumonia. . WOUNDED WOMAN DEAD FROM HUSBAND'S BULLET (Journal Special ftsrvW j ' San Franclaco, Dec 17. Mra. Joaeph Haefner. who was shot by her husband in a saloon on First avenue Saturday night,- died early thla morning. Roy Oarrataon, the woman's companion, who was also ahot by th angered hueband, will probably recover. After the ehoot Ing, Haefner ahot himself through the ,bearfc : ; Boat CapsUedl Sailors Drowned. Portsmouth, England. Dec 17. Nln sailors belonging to the battleship Hin dustan were drowned today. The cutter In which they were-returning to their ship was upset. ' , s Knight Condemn rreaoa Ooveramest. Kankakee, III, Dec 17. Flv hundred Knights of Columbus todny adopted resolution condemning tb French gov ernment, . , 1 , ." ' ' ' 1 1 f'" ; ' " . " TRIAL OF DOYilTO.J FOR PERJURY .: OEGIilS 111 CIRCUIT COURT -' -.-, " .... . Second of Selljryood Election Jurors Accepted Before .-; . - i Are Excused . B. F. Boynton's trial on a charge of, perjury was begun, tn 1 Judge Fraaer's department of th stat circuit court this morning. Boynton wa formerly assistant superintendent of tha O. W. P., but la now general claim agent of the Portland Hallway, Light a Power com pany. IX I th eecond of th 12 men who were Indicted for participation In th alleged frauds In Sellwood precinct at the Jun election t be placed on trial. . '-.--.. , Two'Jurora. C. Shepherd and Alfred I Beebe, were accepted this morning. Shepherd la occasionally employed by the O. W. P as waa ahown by his state ments when examined a a Juror in th ault of W. J. Baynea againat tha Fort- Jodrstlanten- betn'a. court Friday.' Shepherd aald' that he - bad always worked with W. P. Keady, right-of-way sua of tha O. W. P, ataking rights ot way, whenever Keady had any euoh work, to be don. - He waa excused by Baynea' attorney.. . . - Theaa facts war cot developed In hla examination at th Boynton trial thla morning. Shepherd said that his regu lar occupation- was that of fanning and that he had p.uraued it for th past It yeara Tan juror Were xeused this morn ing, all by th defense. B. P. Reynolds LOCAL ZI0H1STS RULE OF CHURCirS GOD Dr. Hay Explains Action by Saying That Voliva's Boss Rule Will Not B Countenanced by where In The movement throughout th world to overthrow tha ml ef Rev. W. O. Vo- Uva, Propht Dowl's suooaaor, has reached Portland...- Tasterday afternoon th local branch' of th Church of-Zlon at Ita-meeting In Allaky hall, passed resolutions to withdraw from the main ehurcn until a new government , has been eet up tn place of Rev.- Vollva. A corfVentlon for thla purpose will be held aoon In Chicago, when plans for th futur will be arranged. - " Revt. Charlea A. HoyJ. lit . charge ot th local congregation. In apeaktng of tha action taken yesterday ha aald that tha mlo ot VoKva has proved distaste ful to th people of th church almost vr Bine th day he was appointed to fill th pine of Dowi, when th' latter was forced to retire. Vollva, at that time, aays Dr. Hoy. promised to give the members a voice In conduotlng th-affairs of th church, but he . failed to keep his promise and for the past atx months he has ruled to suit himself. - "Rev. Vollva' boss nils la not meet ing with th approval of th members MOTHER DIES FROM-SHOCK - J , ON LEARNING Overcome by th - nervous shook, .brought on through learning of tha death or her 4-montna-oid daughter, Mra J. W. M on tag died last night at tha Open Air aanltarlum. Tha child paaaed away at I In tha morning at the Baby Home, near Richmond, and 10 houra later, a ahort time after the news had been conveyed to her, th mother wa a corps. Th little fao of Gene vieve He clos to that tot th 'mother's In th casket, and together they will be burled at th family burial grounds t Sheridan. Oregon, where tb bodle were shipped this afternoon. - - Mra. li on tag has been confined at tha sanitarium ever elnoe tb birth of her daughter, but only a few days ago wrot her husband that' aha waa feel PERJURY. CHARGE AGAINST SEATTLE AnORNEY (Special Bisseteh te Tee JesnteL) - v Seattle, Deo. 17 George P. Roseman, a local attorney, who ha displayed dur ing th last three yeara considerable activity In th prosecution of personal Injury suits, waa arrested in th corri dor ot th court houa this morning by Deputy Sheriff McOulr on a warrant charging - perjury. Th information, which was obtained from Deputy Prose cuting Attorney Vanderver by John C Higglna representing th Seattle Bar association, charge .that Roeaman on Saturday, while being examined under oath aa to money due him from his for mer law partner, O. Elliott Johnson, testified falsely. Rossman'a ball waa at one fixed at SM0. Lata thla after noon ha had not auccedd In furnishing ball. .. ; . - - Shortly after Rossmsn's arrest John C Higglna, acting for th bar associa tion, filed a petition in superior oourt asking for Rossman'a disbarment. CROWDS OF CATHOLICS FOLLOW THE CARDINAL Psrla, Dee. 17. Cardinal Richard left hla residence thla afternoon to obey the noon summons of tha government. -He went to the residence or penyacoentn, where he will temporarily reside. Three thousand CathoJIca followed tha prel ate's carriage, through the street chanting and praying for liberty. The crowd waa orderly. The troop called to preserve order bad nothing to do. MINE MAGAZINE BLOWS ' TWO, MEN TO PIECES t --'-,( - - ' 'Jearaal Spatial Sarrloe.) ' . Santa Ana. Cel.. Deo. 17. Aa a reeult ef tha explosion of the powder maga tlne at tha Western Zlno company's mine at Silverado canyon this morning, J." Br Awn' arid a man hamd'Wtllrame were blown to pieces, . t Flare mira a atampaga Ijoemat gpeelat gerflee I Lincoln. Neb.. Dec. 17. Th Platte river 1 higher than for 40 yeara Slock la being rushed to high ground. ' 1 Fraud Trials Is? Opened and Two the Noon HourMany From Serving.' S had read the newspaper acceunta'ef th trial of J. W. Reed, and had formed an uiuniun sus in i as oeitwood transactions. F. Wlllard favored local option and pro hibition. George Zimmerman - thought every precluct ought to be dry. Henry iniger naa an opinion that would re quire evidence to remove. - . . Mike Beno was excused because hla name waa not on the tax roll. Alex Mc Clure aald he waa "not a teetotaller,' but was of th opinion that frauda had been committed at Sellwood. ' Frank Rlohay was not a prohibitionist, but waa excueed. D. A. Smith aald he bad. rormed an opinion from reading tha pa pers that would require ovldenc to -remove, and waa axouaed. X O. Larkln alao had an opinion already formed. M. u. Metcair-wa rirm in an opinion tin waa based on th truth ot nawananer amriea -.... Boynton la aocused of perjury ' la swearing to aa affidavit declaring that Harry Young, whoa residence waa given aa Sellwood hotel, wa a resident ot Sellwood precinct, when he In fact waa not. Flv ' other who signed th arnoavtt wiui Boynton are under in dictment for perjury. They are A-'B. French. T. R. Baldwin. F. C. Holland, W. P. Jacks and O. Plana. Their trials will b had latr. . - 'Th work of drawing th Jury to ba ins continued tu art moon. . . L. Fiton Mombars of the Sect Any-: the Worid. , of th chqrch.". aald Dp. Hoy, tad h is rapidly) being voted out throughout tha world.' Moat t th branehe la Eu rop have withdrawn and tha branches in tha state are rapidly deaartlng him. Soon he will be without follower and out. Th movement haa been going, on for aom tlm bat It -waa brought up for tha first time her yeaterday after noon by one of the officers, who- pre sented a brief resolution withdrawing from th on man nil of . Overseer Vollva A full membership wa pres ent and. the motion to adopt tha resolu tion waa carried by an overwhelming majority,' only two member falling t vot for it ' - - ' W shall eontinu to hold moating a wa have don for th past two yeare and our plan Is -to bu a building of oar own soon. Plans for taking up sub scriptions for this purpose wer formu lated yeaterday. While w will with draw from the rule of Overseer Vollva, tha rellgloue rulea of the .church will remain the aame and I shall oontlnu to teach dlvln healing and th full tlon aa taught by th Church of Eton.' OF BABY'S DEATH ing In much better health. Th baby had been In th car of th Baby horn during th mother's slckneaa, end lat Saturday vnlng word wa sent the re ther that It was expected th little on could not 11 v until morning. ; - Th baby died at I o'clock Sunday wiu . .. u v, u . m aavwM - ' w V ratner 100a in word to nia wire at in aanltarlum. Mr. Montag returned to hU horn at 2(2 Clay street lat In th afternoon. - but bad been In tha houa but a short tlm when a telephone dis patch announced that hla wife wag sinking rapidly. She passed away a few mlnytes before he reached her aid. Th double funeral will be held to morrow at . Sheridan. Mrs, Montag former noma . . ...-.-..--. REPORTED DISAGREEMENT OVER TIILAIM ROAD (Beetal tnasateh te The SeaneLI ' Tillamook, Or., Dee. 17. A disagree ment has occurred between th Paolflo Railway Navigation company and th cltlsena' committee over "th term of the cltliene' contract to proaur rights f way through th county for th rail road company. Tb company has ten dered a band for . performance of ita part of the contract.- As a reault of the dleagreement, the railroad company has ceased work at Tillamook, and la taking men and apparatus to th north part of tha county. -An effort 1 being made to reach an understanding. . , ' President 29. B. Lytl of th Paclfln Railway A havlgatlon Aompany, when shown th above dlapatoh. aald ' there waa no truth la th reported cessation, of work. . Our force working at Tillamook City would not leave there unleaa I directed them to, and I am sure I hav not dona ao," ha aald. "On th contrary, I hav juat received a letter from our chief engineer, Mr. Davis, at Tillamook. Bay ing that matters ar earranged setisfse tarlly, and that tha work Is going on.' Wa ar working at various plaoea on tha line, and, although th weather Is very wet and unfavorable, felr progreas Is being made. The penple of Tillamook county hav algnad contract and will keep ' them. Report to the contrary ar sent out merely to stir up trouble." GAS PIPE THUG PLEADS 5 . GUILTY TO MURDER Seelta ' V IJoernal Bneelal Banlsa.t San Franclaco, Deo.- 17. Louie Dab nsr, oh of the gaaplpe thugs, this morning pleaded guilty to the charge of murdering ' Munakata, th Japanese banker. .' " REVOLUTIONISTS WITH J B0MBS ARE CAPTURED (leereal gpeelal Barries.) Moscow, Deo. 17. Thirty member f th revolutionary fighting organisation war arreated today. Arm a, dynamit and number f bomb war gained. . I