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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 17, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENINQ, DECEMBER 17. 1908. n MM - Read Christmas -Shopping Dy Telephone Phono Private Erehan AJ1 Departments Phono Private Exchango 4 The tie-up of the street railway system may prevent your coming to the store as often as you. would like, but should not interfere with youi1 Christmas shopping to any great 1 extent Our complete Catalogue of Dry Goods and Holiday Merchandise will be mailed or sent you on application, and from which selections can be made as satisfactorily as though you were shoppirig at our counters in personEvery department is fully represented The largest and handsomest shopping guide published in the west--All or ders will be filled immediately and sent on the first delivery-Thirty-two wagd?isatpur scrviccymorc if necessary Our liberal policy of guaranteeing satisfaction or your money refunded holdr good, of course, on all phone orders Store will be open from 8 a. 9:30 p. m. All our employes living in the suburbs will be comfortably cared Tlcaa ! - . for during the present trouble Phone Private Exchanged . ; ; ' . . 100 Willamette Coasters 12x14 Wheels, 02 Values 0L39-10O Willamette Handcars, Rubber-Tired Wheels, $6.50 Values 54.35 !L-. n G-iT, qbeu-jlhiqqg - w araus-:-;o--meiieier(L rani:!' S. H. & M. Guaranteed Petticoats $8.50 Values for S4.98 Each Another great Christmas of celebrated S. H. & M. iruaraatawd Si4k-Pticoat-i-niWMned-thia week--' Petticoats of the very beat style, and 'each one fully guaranteed for 3 montha againat cracking or splitting of the silk Made with deep pleated flounce, tucked and ahirred ruffle; a complete assortment of shades to aelect from Plain and changeable colorings -A duplicate order of the immense lot we placed on sale a week ago last F'riday, and which created the greatest "Portland has $4.98 ailk - petticoat" selling ever known; $8.50 val ues alj week at....... "Victoria" Blanket Bath Robes r for '"women, large'or small collar, .trim med with 1-inch satin band, fancy : border, cord and tassel. Pretty de signs . and colorings pink, blue, gray, red, brown, laven- s A A aj ,der, green and black. v"' tTwo great lots at these StK' special prices, each. . . . . vUOer Great Christmas Sale of Ribbons . In the Ribbon Department, matchless values in Ribbons of all kinds and qualitiesjust the Ribbons you want for fnbirrn- n tha Xmas pHftssndTTyihg up the Holiday Boxes Here are grand opportunities for money-saving. Take advantage Beautiful Silk Warp-Ribbons, 44 to inches wide ; light and dark shades, splendid rn variety ; vals. up to $1, on sale at, yd.OifC Silk Warp Ribbons, 6 to 9 inches wide. several very handsome patterns; light and dark combinations, suitable for f 7A rVlS' I H bags, coat hangers, etc; values QO w Vi X A " .$1.50 a yard, on sale at, yard. "OC I rjv t- Cl l Baby Ribbon, everv color you want, on I mam ' i irm. f-sf '-i j 8ale at this very low price, yard. . . Holly Ribbon, all widths, all prices, at, the yard, 3c, 6c, 8c, 10c and 154 Special sale of Santa Claus Ribbons, on sale at low price, yd.", 10c 15e Special sale of Merry Christmas Ribbon, on sale at, yard, 5c and. . .V8? Special sale of Yuletide Ribbons, on sale at these prices, yd., 4c, 6c, In the Ribbon Section we are showing a great assortment of Christ mas Novelties, made of ribbons handbags, coat hangers, turnovers, hat rin holders, work bags, bows, handkerchief folds, etc., at reasonable prices If iV h Xmas Sale Fur Scarfs, Coats s Silt: Hosiery and Underwear 1000 pairs pf women's spun silk Hose 'i cotton foot, beautifully fashioned; red, ' blue, pink, white, black, lavender, gray .. ; and nile. All sizes. Value 1 fK ' extraordinary at, the pair. V Women's fine quality silk Hosiery, black only; all sizes. $1.50 'sj -f- and $1.75 values at, the pair, v Women's ' extra fine quality black silk Hose, lace boot and allover lace effects, beautiful patterns ; sizes. Sli and 9 " only.' 'Regular $5.00 values j no , at this very low price, pair.n ;7CJ :Womens"extraquality"siIk" ingrain Hose, French foot, full fashioned, black only ; all sizes ;.S3:00 and $3.50 f rVA-4 values at low. price, pair. V I Beautiful . effects.: in embroidered silk Hose large variety at prices ranging from, per pair, $3 to. v:: i. .......$10.00 S v WOMENS SILK UNDER.WEAR. SPECIALS Women's all silk Swiss ribbed Vests, hand-crocheted yokes, beautifully made and finished ; all sizes ; best vals. ever offered at $3.50 and ?4 Women's. Swiss ribbed, all silk Vests; low neck and no sleeves; cream, pink and blue; all sizes; at the low prices, garment, $2 and $2.50 Women's silk and lisle Vests! hand-crocheted yokes ; Swiss ribbed ; cream and sky blue; on sale at the low price of, per garment $1 to $2.50, Women's silk Vests and Tights at prices , up to, per garment $15.00 Christmas Sale Women's Handkerchiefs 800 dozen women's pure linen hemstitched Handkerchiefs, with hand embroidered initial and pretty floral designs in corner; latest nr. tape and crossbar border; regular 25cl values 17 or doz.-'JC 500 dozen women's pure linen Handkerchiefs with beautiful hand-era-broidered floral designs in corner; put up 6 assorted pat- g 1 A terns in a box attractive holiday box; reg. $2.25, on sale. V CJ 200 dozen women's sheer SwissJUandkewbiefs -Willi " hemstitched, em- "broTdered and scalloped - edges, Val. lace and insertion trin- 00 med. Large assortment to select from ; reg. 85c vals., on sale at. vary Women's pure sheer linen Handkerchiefs with hand-hemStitched border . tfcnf 1 A a!iM 1 A ta liin1-AmkrAMrA1 f1d . Ks A s ' saa avcaa j iitiivriiau icavv. i,ub iiauu'ilnuiviutiu Iiiitiai9 vui, !rl.V The annual Holiday Fur Sale la of Im portance to every woman in town. Fur Coats, Fur Scarfs, Sets, Children's Sets at about half what you are asked at the ex clusive Fur Store. Weman'a Fur Scarfs of blemted French coney, new four-in-hand ef fects, made with fringe on the bot tom and a double atrip of white ; coaer. satin lined, treat yal.$3.Xo Blended French oonej four-la-Hand 4 Soarf a. , double -fur ends, friars ' trtmrned, great values at .93.45 Isabella opossum Neck Scarfs, and , river minks made up In lone dus ter boa. and four-ln-hand effects, . double fur, frlnc 'trimmed, treat value at $5.45 'Women's and kltssee, Fur Sets, aU kinds of skins, all styles. Beet 1 values at from. , . . . SjlS to $38 Siberian tray squirrel Scarfs ' and four-ln-hand Ties at the low prices of from, each f 7 to f 13.50 Mink Stoles. Scarfs and Muffs at............... ..,.$20 to $63 Jap Mink, Isabella. Sable Coney Pieces ,... $3 to $15 Great special late of Womto'i Near-Seal Jacket. This season's best, styles, plain coat and fancy bloust effects, also box coats; collar, cuffs and revers of bea ver, mink, gray and sable squirrel, river mink, Jap "mink; fancy girdle and buttons to match; lined with Manners satin ' $25 Coats S21.2S $35 Coats $28.45 $38 Coats $31.50 $40 Coats $32.65 $62 Coats $51.25 $50 Coats $40.50. $88 Coats $58.50 $58 Coats $47.83 $72 Coats $59.45 values, on sale at the wonderfully low price of, each 300 dozen women's pure sheer linen Handkerchiefs in the latest,.tipe. nd xotd effects Orr-sale-at-the won7.y; derfully low price of 05f yi doz. regular 25c values, or, each! I C 200 dozen 'women'spure linen Handkerchiefs, crr.har nr' mhrnirtr4- I .. allover-novelties,- pretty-floral designs ; great assortment; 35c vis. 22 liand-embroidered pure sheer linen Handkerchiefs; large and choice va riety of beautiful combined patterns and designs; prices G5Vto 25 Maderia eyelet hand-embroidered Handkerchiefs of pure s tf sheer linen; latest novelties, on sale at from, each, 50 to. V" $10 00 TO $16.00 HANDBACS ONE.FOURTH OFF , Great Xmas sale of women's high-grade Handbags, a useful and pleaa ing gift for women ; exclusive novelties in large assortment ; fancy suedes, walrus and alligator, in tans, greens and grays; beautifully made and fitted, best trimmings. Handbags selling reg- ( . ularly at $10 to $18 each. Your choice today at this fl TT great saving on each Take advantage.... ....4 Great Ghristmas-Sale-bf Stationery,- Jevelry, Toilet Sets diid Xirias Novelties Scrapbooks and Autograph Albums, 'special at, each... .10d Holly Stationery Best linen paper, suitable for Xmas gift, . ... 1 .19- Congress Playing CardsNewest backs, gilt edges, package... M. 43 Metal Top Cigar Jars, with place for sponge; special. .......;...89V PowderandJFuff Tars Large assortment; great values at. ,(,.... ,28. Silver-Plated Jewel Boxes Pink and blue silk lining; special . . . r, .70 Eastman's Xmas Perfumes, in ; fancy boxes and baskets; special. . .10 $2.00 Manicure Sets, in leatherette boxes; special r $1.49 Sterling Silver Bracelets Values up to $1.50 each, for, each....... 98 Gold Filled Neck Chains in many patterns; 10 years' guarantee. ..59 Gold Front Crosses; large variety; great special value r.....59e Children's 3-piece Toilet Sets Brush, comb, mirror; spejrial....$1.19 Shaving Sets, with fancy brush and rang, in cases; ipecial. ..... .63c) rrencn oiagnorn manicure dcis, wiui cuiicie scissors, - me, f 1 r : et 7 knife and buffer; great special va $3.50 tbonoid Mirrors Beautiful a Gold-filled Clocks for. . . .$1.33 .French Novelty Brooches... 39V Silver-pltd Clothes Brshs $2.98 ! ver mounting; special...... $2.49 Gold-plated Beauty Pins, set 79 Children's Solid Gold Rings 79 French Stag Inkstand...... T9 Tmvn Topics j t ; ; TOKIOHf ajivsziisitTS.' r '. ; Hlll... Alberta OeUatta In "Dorwkr Vtrana' Hak.r. .......... j. . . ."A Brblor'i Romsace" r.mvln "Out ta I'l.lio" lrte . "rnt" Ht.r.. "Tbe liwltege ef the Bl" t'iinlM 1 Vieitrrtlle lru4 Vioderllle Charles Ochs was awarded I1.4T0 damages from 'the Oron Furniture Manufacturing- company br a jury In Judge fear's department of the state circuit court, after two hours' delibera tion.. Ochs had sued for -$10,000 dam aces for personal Injurlea unstained in the collapse of a dry kiln In which be waa Worklns" on June S.lSOi. The trial of the suit occupied five days. , Drop In and see our line of fine leath- oodavjcona latins at iadls bandbaia. purses and card eases... Just the thins; for a Chrlfftmae alft. Albert JWnl, the drutsrlet, Sia Wehlnton street. Rlfld blrycla carrier for bundles; d esters. ..',.., , After an lllnees of a few hours. VAgnr F.W.BALTES & C0f.1PAfJY MAIN 165 INVITE YOUR UQUiniES FOR pnifJTiffG' FIRST AND CU STREETS, Branln. son of Charles E. Branln, day operator of tbe Associated Preaa, died at the 'home of hla parents, il East Main street. Sunday morning. The child was 31 montha old and two days be fore had developed an attack of croup: Early yesterday morning he became worse and lit a, few heura was dead, ap parently from .weakness of the heart. The funeral waa held thla morning and the Interment took place In Rlvervlew cemetery, , .. ' Giving Up Store. A chance-to buy flrst-claas merrhsndlse at one half price of Its value. Wa are positively forcing this sals to clean atocx out and rant store .and sell fixtures. While It lasts wou will purchase 11 In worth of goods for tOc. Stock consists ef men's and youths' suits, overcoats, hats, pants, shirts, underwear,, trunks, suit cases, blankets and comforters. II-Si North Third, corner Davis. The branch ators of John Dollar. , . An Illustrated lecture will be given tomorrow evening In the Fourth Prea- fryt.H.q rtnrnh, gtratand-Qlbbe atreetaJ- at I o'clock, by Dr. E. I House or tne First Congregational church on "Borne Old Faces." This lecture Is siren under the auspices of the South Portland Li brary association solely for educational purposee. . The Veteran Double quartet will furnish muaio. The civil service commission made a new Job la the water department, that ef Inspector of water pipes. ; An exam ination will aoon be held. ' Men who have a thorough knowledge of cast iron pipes ami other materials used by ths department are wanted aa applicants, The salary will be lilt a month, as a rirst-slsss man is desired. The third of ths ceuree of lectures under the auspices of the Sellwood Li brary association -will be riven bv Rev. D. 1 Rader at the new Baptist church. East Eleventh and Tacoraa streets, to morrow evening. "The Good Old Songs la the subject selected, and large at tendance Is assured, v Because of ' the streetcar atrlke the entertainment which Eureka council, Xnlghta and Ladles of Security, waa to have given last night- for the benefit of consumptives haa been poetponed. It will be held ta the near future - and ttckata already aold will be honored. Articles of Incorporation of ths Port land A Alaska fHeamshlp company were filed In the ef gee, fhamuntr "Clerk thla morning by Richard Chllcott, Charles A. Burkhardt and John Rlgby. They win operate a line of steamships between Portland and points In Alaska and - British Columbia. Capital stock. 11.000,004 A meeting for men waa held at the Calvary Baptist church last nfght under the auaplcea of the Baraca class of the Calvary Baptist Sunday school. Pastor A. L. Black spoke on ths subject. "The Making of Men." and ills address waa well received by a large, and apprecia tive audience. Do you believe In public ownership of ratlroadaf If so, send your name and address on a postal to Rev. Hiram Vrooman. P. O. box 464. Portland, and Aecetve soma Interesting literature free or charge. ... Do not miss this opportunity George Jsbour Co., 141 Washington street great holiday oriental rug and lace sals now on. st per cent reductlonn. . . StMmw .T . .a 1 . tta,M.. i. . . .V. cept Sunday LeavesJWMbiOgtoaatraat i. . . . ta Wanted Exact address of Mrs. Llllle B. Haybum, presumed a housekeeper. Reward. O ruber, SIT Commercial block. . . . . . . ' Nashville opera house. Dance Thurs days and Saturdays. Masquerade New Window glass and glaslng. ' F. B. Beach St Co., the pioneer paint company, lit First at. Tel. Main 1114. Women's Exchange. Ill Tenth street, lunch 11:10 to 1; business men's lunch. Acms Oil Co. sells tbe best safety coal Oil and One, gasoline. Phone East 7IS. - Good boy wanted: one with wheel pre ferred. Albert Bertil, the druggist. . "Public stenographer, Phone Paclflo II." - , m ' . . Never can tell when you'll mash a linger or suffer a cut, bruise, burn or scald. Be prepared. Dr. Thomas' Eo lectrlo Oil Instantly relieves the pain quickly cures ths wound. . - -afc-BjaMMawaa-"aaaaaMaji. - Oaks Rink. Tonight will agala bs sooloty night at Oaks Rink. The big risk and the event Is earerly anticipated by all. The cars will run aa usual every lOmlnutea.. -. Preferre4 Sleek Oamaed Ooeas. Allan 4. Lewis' Bsst Brand. NEW CHURCH FOR ANABEL Presbyterian Edifice Is Dedicated in Presence of Large Con r gregation. Ia the presence of a large congrega tion the Presbyterian church at Anabel, on ths Mount Scott car Una, waa dedi cated yesterday afternoon. -During the services I00 was raised ta defray the cost of the property. The total cost was 14,500. The services were conducted by Rev. Oeorge W. Arms, the pastor, assisted by Dr. W. 8. Holt. With the pastor on the platform were Dr. Holt,' Rev. A. J. Montgomery, Rev. S. M. Sharp and Rev. B. E. 8. Ely Jr. The dedicatory ser-1, men waa-ueiireieu uy ur. Kiy. At the conclusion of ths sermon Mr. Arms gave a report of the ' financial condition ef the church. It showed that the building and lot, donated and val ued at 1100. had cost 14,504, and that 11,110 had bssn raised, leaving a debt of 4. The sum of 1100 wsa quickly subscribed to wtpa out- the Indebted ness. The dedicatory services ware con ducted by Dr. W. 8. Holt, assisted by Rev. J. B. Dunning, E. K. Fulton, Mra K. B. Fulton, W. B. Bploer, Mlsa Julia Stroeder and Mr. Frltchard- A manse will be erected on a site adjoining ths church. , GARBAGE CANS WILL BE PUT ON CORNERS Fifty garbage cans wfl be placed at prominent corners of the city soon aftar the first of the year. They were pur chaaed several months ago, but ths street cleaning department has been so short of men that they have not been stenciled and put In position. -. ' These cans ars three feet high, and 14 thchea In diameter. They wiu be at tached to telephone and telegraph polee at the street corners so that - waste paper and the general atreet refuee may be put In them lnatead of thrown oa the pavement. A number of attempta have bow-madwtfr-get such ret' epucles Into use here, and the executive board some Uma ago decided la tavor .ot the experi ment which haa proved successful la i many olties. It will 1 mean cleaner streets, so Its advocates declare. It Is expected that In time all the down town comers will be equipped with thess eana. AD MEN TO MEET IN SPOKANE IN .JANUARY The Pacific Coast Advertising Men's association will hold Ita next annual mssUng In January, at 'Spokane, where a new league haa been organised. An nouncement of tha decision waa re ceived in a telegram from President Stabler of California to R. M. Hall, vice president of tha Portland league. The Spokane meeting will be tha first of Its Va Heillg Theatr- Ti Tanlfht. Tee-day, nreteMday ri(Ms, Ttie Talenteil and Charatns Actnaa, AL1E1TA AIXAlfjr, la ttie P-.nilfal Roman tt Drasta, "DoaoTxr VKaxov or kaodom xau Price Lower . floor, first 10 raw 1M. last S rows 1; baleniy. flnt 4 nn 11. sexi S raws tfte, last S rows SOe; ganery, SSe aad Ue. eats Mlllag for encaaeweat at taettre. kind for , the Inland Empire, and k speaker of national Importanoa wUl be secured from the esst Portland mem bers will go In a special car. 1 Fref erred Stock Oaaaea Ooods. AUen r Lewie' Beet Brand. . a . rf fflf fff WVTVTWt 1 Fifty -.Thousand Dollars Surplus A, Bank whose surplus and undivided profits equal its original capital stock s considered to have reached an enviable positon in the Bank ing World, and its STANDING IS UNQUES TIONED. .Rarely can this be accomplished, bv even this' most successful financiers, under two or three decades, and generally a much longer vperibd is '.required. - TTiis Bank's Summary, at close of business last Saturday, SHOWED FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS in its surplus account, or an amount equal to FIFTY PER CENT OF ITS CAPITAL STOCK, and it has been in business scarcely THREE YEARS. AND THAT WAS NOT ALL. Watch our ad next Wednesday. . - , , . - 8 Per Cent Interest Allowed on Daily Balances Oregon Trust & Savings Dcr.k "iiliJ'PH"-lnf ,-"t---'- rtlane Oregon. f A Aanrsi Btler Theatre eTLssas OVaMsnal Tsmanaawwa (W OEllSIIeSB I. Si A ST Ss M "A BACHKLOag aOMAJtcJ Seaatifal aa4 Oo.ll iVodiMtla.. fader Biealug PrleM, Jte.'sse. BO. hittm.. IS. ate. rmkigS. Plane Ntehfr-WS' Has cJSL te Draw for Vthmhl. P11Da -Meat WMSWIMltr." HJVIRIRC THBATRQ aUla 11T. Mtltoq W. Iau, BTaaasm ' riarlag ta. Caatera Stalr-IlarUa . Boad Attrwtioaa. Afl . Tils Watt H. w.hb Chsatbertatas Oreet Wtatrra M.lndraata. OTTT ! TTt ika Carrrag weiaed beck lag tmaVhea. smeiia nuaiere aad auay oth.r Wud Waat taaturoa. wmrnvmur. MaiuMee wednaadu aad SarerJay. Resvlar Kaiptre an cm. Batklng snackaa at i and f e'eleab a, sw Free axklbttloa met ef Theatre. ' Hast Atutollue) "Tka Blle ef Jason, ; STAR THEATRE Week ef Beeemher IT. Ttat Xata sisa. Tas ADea Stock Ceaspasy 1111 ul. Ttvi nrniTirc rr nm.. lun uLauiuL lif Ibi KI.ll atatfaiiea Taeadan. nm4,, o.., . "aadars at S:S0 p. m.; prleea 10e aad ie. wy eveuog at s:isi prKwa 10a, SO ssd Sna. Pantaes Theatre ZZUl tao wmitk. ths aiowSAni. mfmima .1 . II . . ..!.,. ..m.. a Coal lama axnri.jr.. A1mlaalw. 10. 1 trrn4 m i . aa east at wes- UYRIC THEATRE antzx aiowgrira rrrearsta it. estkeB Imawtal fU ta FV-e Arts, ' "FAUS7 oa erYlre aae fme 16 a. Seats aaa be mamd r I Tn C: 1 1