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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1906)
, . . . ... , VOL.: HI. NO. 40. '. Down Town Section ', i i i .. .. .... .y , . t ( , ------ j- - ' ' " 1 t- . . i 1 i v.;' : :r 1 1 n i n i n i i 11 . w u n - i , t -v ' - i i - i i f i t i s i i ' i m m m m m m v n m 11 m " ac nw, imimiCD , ; ) ; r r w . rv thpii fHiPP VVI U .I h" 1. 1 JIM IJi JiA ' - J J J V7 ) VvV -V LP1 I HLIhV VyNILl Such As Has Seldom i Been Witnessed In ;Western: City Thousands-of:Peo-. pie Throng- the Streets; : . A trlk mob rrrt M -PortlnI' downtown. Mctlon last right and ther - occurred tucb cen of turbuUno u ha aeldora ba witneaaed In a weatern cltjr. For nsarly threa houre aavaral tbonaand paopla hootad- tba Portland Railway. L4ht .Power company, cut lla trolley ropaa, twlated Ua trolley bare, dragged or ehoov Ita employee bodily from their platform and other. ' wlaa faaaulted care and car operative. Ai i reault of the riot one man la Buffering from a gunshot wound In the ' teg. a number are badly beaten up. and - eeveral are In Jail.. Many car wlndowa are amashed. rolling atock la 'more or leaadamager5and thagtrclcajt tom.i pany naa temporarily luipciiuoo kuh The outbreak waa the consequence of ' ta attempt of committee repreaent tng tba local Streetcar Men'e union to call a atrlke of ail the platform men of the company. The platform men did not coma out promptly at the call ' and the people on tba atreeta took a hand and forced them to quit their car I ad It not. bean tor. the ay mpatny of the crowd the atrika would hare an doubtedly nded In a flaacon Aa It hap pened, the erewd took up the tank which the conmlttee waa unable to handle, and cairled H- out -ltaelf;-od -with" vengeance. Soma of the men quit when asked to do ao. Othera who remained "unwilling' were compelled to quit. . ; :T Carried by oroa."r The aauae waa carried by force and . by t o'clock the company bad ceaaed all " attempt to 'carry, paaaengera over Ita down town llnea. ,. - Night before laat at a meeting of -the Amalgamated Street and Electric ' Railway Employee of America, division 181, It waa decided to ' present to the Portland Railway, Light Power com- "pany demands, nrst, for an Increase of ' wages amounting to I cent an hour; second, for the recognition of the union; and third, for the abolition of the photograph ayatem of identification. A BYSTANDER WOUNDED If LEG 4 ' -J C. T. Lenahan Shot While Watching Progress of Strike Superintendent Fields Rough 'v. Il!y Handled by, ' C. T. Lienaha of.Stf Columbia street -a bystander, waa wounded In the left leg at Fourth and Morrisons streets shortly before o'clock. Ienhan be lieved that he was shot. 'Who fired the shot Is not known. The wound was not serious, snd Lenahan was able t walk to hla home. .-.. -. . . ' - A Sunnyslde car, had been stopped by a crowd of strike sympathisers arid the trolley . rope cut An effort . ws made to derail the car by rocking It sideways, but this proved unsuccessful After the attention of the crowd had been diverted atrlke breaker were able to -replace ' the trolley and , a crew, of regular car men atarted to take the car up Morrison atreet. i As the car atarlad an explosion was ' heard, and Lenahan was struck In the left leg above'the ankle by a missile. Ills trousers lng wan powder-burned. It waa believed by some of the bystanders that Ienahan might have been wounded by a fragment of :a torpedo that had been I laced on the track, but tbe wound showed every evlflonoe fit having been made by a bullet. .. ' .... CARS ARE ROCK ED ; : , AND' MANY WOMEN ARE FRIGHTENED I X. fomm passenger hud an exciting experience with angalla'nt strike syra pathlserT on Morrison street Rowdies made two car rock like ships at sea. and several women we r badly bright ened, . ' '" !' ,-v . ' At. 1:41 ftunnysld car . No. '45 Ad Mount Tabor No. 4BI were stopped hj tbo, crowd on, Morrison street between Koiirtrramh.---'. - Before the men had teen persuaded to leav the cars the first window was smashed. The new building at. Fifth and Morrlnon furnlnhed the material, aad J window of No. 4S were broken , x .... PORTLAND, Scene of Turbulence committee eonsiitttt g of -the .secretary of the union and four 'prominent labor leaders, outside tba union waa appointed to present , the demands and wore em powered to call, a atrika provided; the demands were turned down. Teaterday morning the demands were presented to Manager Fuller of the eompeny, who Immediately rejected them. The com mittee then gave him until a o'clock in which to sign the agreement . When the latter hour arrived, tbey at once planned a general walkout. . . ' Kayo Take) JPaxt. When the police were trying to clear Waehtngton atreet lata In the evening Mayor Lane stepped out Of the crow and took a hand. He used personal per- auaalon, but waa not generally recos ntsed by the excited throng. He tnarohed arttb. the policemen down Washington from Fourth, and did Pot leave the con gested district aDtSKR lTew ZeAam delaoted. : The people had rVal the. plan of the men, published in The. Journal, to have the aignal Sot the tleup given first at the junction of Fifth and Washington atreeta at :J0 o'clock, and a dense and expectant crowd surged, around thai cor ner at that hour.- But the plana of the atrlke committee nad been anticipated by- the company and - President Boren- son of the union,' who was to bo the flraj man to walk oft hla car, waa laid off at i o'clock and" It became neces sary for the committee to . select an other nervy man to quit the employ of the oompany first IThls man waa C F. Freeman, motormaa of ear No. S24, run ning on Willamette Heights. Freeman's car was due at Second and Washington street at : o'clock and the com mittee decided to postpone the opening Of hostilities until that time. -' At o'clock the strike committee, con sisting of X. M. Lea bo, p. McDonald, B. (Continued on Pag Two. Three Morrison atreet ' ear war topped between Fourth and ! Fifth streets. In one of - them - were pas senger, among them some women and children. The atrlker endeavored to persuade the erew to leave the car. but they were reluctant Seeing the heal tancy of the regular erew, atrika sympa thisers on the edge of the crowd threw rocks, breaking the window of tbe caf and- narrowly missing the passengers. The women and children crouched, oil the floor between the seats until the rock'throwlng had stopped.' -. Superintendent O. C, Fields of Uie O. Y. P. wss forcibly taken from a Sell wood car, at .Second --and Morrison streets, and roughly handled : by .the atrlker. Field was struck and kicked several times and hla overcoat torn. Ills Injuries were not serious. 'The O. W. P. haa not lost a man," declared Superintendent Fields late last night. "Kvery man Is with hi car, and would be operating it If not prevented (Continued on Pag Four.) In )eis than a minute while the car men Inside, the onion men outside Vnd an - occasional policeman looked help- lesely on."--; - - Then the Crowd began . recking the cars. , Inside No. 48 were four women passenger. - "Let th women - out," shouted the cooler ones, but the hood lums paid no attention, and with shoul. dcrsjothe car sides, heaved back and forrfu 'tliacar'" waeriffle"Trtptr r sa, hut aslds from . broken windows, little "damage wss don. Finally -the company got stride breakers on the cars and they moved up Morrison Street while th mob jeered. OREGON, ' SUNDAY MORNINO, " DECEMBER 18, 1908. Company of Strike ; "The strike is wdn. Not a car will leave the barns in the morning, for the day men promised that if we pulled off the night men they themselves would hot go to work. To see that-their promise is carried out we will picket every barn tomorrow rnorningItjs now up to the, company to sigiv the agreement presented, to it yes-, terday. . What , violence there has been tonight was , not sanctioned "by :the"iinionas an organization or by the street car men individually." We are proud to note, how ever, that the public is with us and helped us to stop the cars." Statement of T. M. Leabo, chairman of the, strike committee.; 1 .' --- - "We expect to. run our cars tomorrow morning. Our men are not quitting. They are prevented from running their cars, but only a small number have gone on the, strike." Statement by General Manager Fuller of the street car. company shortly before midnight. " ; V ' ;.!:, . ' - At midnight the crowds had nearly all dispersed, ' and the streets were quiet. JTM6sT1of "thetau-hadbeenemoved-tohe-Jjarn-by officials nr employes of the ci pany, very, uttie opposiuon ocing uiicipu auci u muwn iy mm jwnuvm. After being assured that no mbrey attempts would be made to carry passengers tonight, the crowds in nearly, every case freely consented to the running of the cars into the barns. . The strikers are holding an all-night meeting at their headquarters in Drew, hall. Pickets ; have been assigned to all the car barns, and any attempt to run cars out in the morning will be opposed. The union claims a victory, and the belief is freely expressed by the men that no cars moved until the company signs -theagreementisubmitted yesterday morning. BATTLES RAGE AROUND THE CARS ::.c,.-r -; ti . r :. .... - I '.'.- r .. LIKES OF 0. 1Y. P. ARE CLEARED AND SEVERAL " CARS GET SuperintendentFleTds Declares . Hi Employes Have No ; V Grievance. After a determined effort by Oeneral Manager F. L Fuller and Superintend ent Fields to break the . blocked of O. W. P. care on Front atreet. th lln waa cleared, and at 1 o'clock car were started - for 811 wood, Mount Tabor, Mount Scott and Mount - Tabor Reser voir. Only a few care .had gotten away when a mob of striker at Morrison and First placed an abandoned . Ehinnyald car on th' crossing,' and the lln was again blocked. Buperlntenaent Fields 'said: ' "W have not lost a man on th O. W, P. line at thla time. They are staying their oar, and we would operate our llnea If the crowd would permit ua Our men do not want to strike. -They have no grievance' . A man whose appsrel tncluded a neg Mir htrt and of t felt hat and wr -wns smoking a pipe, stood on th sidewalk and ehouted at Fields: - "No grievance, eh? So you don't think the. rogue gallery plcturw busi ness ia sny grievance for honest men, eh? Don't your- .... . . A Mount Tabor Reservoir, car came In with the front window shattered where a atone had gone through It, evi dently directed at the motor men. - A tall man 'wearing a white slouch hat and accompanied' by a smooth-face young man carrying a valise, mounted the platform and began haranguing the motoiman, who held . his post half an hour whil th pair argued with him on th merit of the strike, and . the crowd "that ' surrounded) the: car yelled Hesb." "ull him out." "Tak him off." "He's got to quit." - Th trolley ' pole, which had been loosed by cutting the rope at the rear of- the car, stood up sgalnst tbe trolley Wire, and the' con tact caused a ateady, flame that heated the wire, almost to "the .melting point Suddenl someone. shouted: . . "Look out for your' lives, th tmiey nwlre 1 breaking.", and th crowd broke for the sidewalk. A - young man who did not wear atreet car in I form but who evidently was an ' electrician, mrinted-ro- the- roof -and pulled the trol If y pole down and hooked It to th for ward end of th-care-" , Anthracite Accident. , , -. (' lree ,hy te4"-WlTk The Bhamokln, Pa., Deo. 16. There 'wer I ratol and T nonfatal accidents In the sixteenth Pennsylvania anthracite dis trict the pant year, according to the report of Inspector McLaugtJin, ...... 1 Officials arid rs I ssue Statements STAND BY THEIR CAR 'IN FACE OF THREATS UNTIL IT IS DERAILED MotOTTnan-Md Conductor-Obey Orders Until Police Force Them to Leave Car. Only th formation of th police In a hollow circle the minute they left the patrol wagon prevented a riot at Second and Washington streets about 11 o'clock. A Willamette Height car had been run down to First street amid the Jeer of a - den" crowd." and several wlndowa had been broken by missiles thrown, so union men alleged, by boys. The trolley waa pulled off th wire, and crlea of "com off wer uttered by hundreds of people. " "I'll hot om off." calmly 'announced Conductor Frank Thornton. "I'm going to tak this car back to th barn. Those ai my order and I'm going to stand by them.".- - ' - 'They're' mln, too,". ald Motorman J. J. Coffee. Th crowd hooted and yelled, but amid all the nols and threat Thornton pulled open the window of the front vestibule and climbed to th top of the car to right th trolley. II had th pole pulled half around when It I ruck a cro-wlr., "Let It go there." said a vole from the crowd. There're 1,900 volts In that wire."' ' r.--r-r' r-- "Hop at throw him oft" ald an other. - .- . " Thornton . looked around . and elng that no, missiles were aimed at-him, pulled th pole under ,th wire and set the trolley right. Upon th usual bell signal Coffee started fhe car ahead. Th minute he did so a missile flew by hi hesdr and then another amashed a pane of glass right by Thornton' ar; A third broke th glaaa In front - of Coffees eyes, but looking straight ahead he applied full power until he reached the switch at Second street There he slowed up. but again he sped th car only to run Into an open awlteh on the west side of Second street ' Th car was. derailed, but both Thornton and Cof fe stood' by It until the rrl vsl of Captain Bailer with a wagon- load of police. The officers, remember ing their experience earlier In the even ing, fnrmed In a circle, and forced th crowd away. Thornton and Coffee were told to leev th car, but they repeated their former tatement that they had order to take It to the barn and they were going to do It t P. A. McPherson addressed th crowd from the steps of the care, but hla vleemwnsfft7iwflea DT Jcrrtr. "TrrorirfitJ heard Mr. McPhereon said he simply told the crowd that they were only In juring tfi oauH of th striking em- . (Continued oniPsg Two.) -FIVE SECTIONS SIXTY-TWO PAGES. BATTLE CAR AFTER IT HAS . - BEEN LEFT BHIEN Hoodlums Rent Each Other After Carmen Desert and Walk Away. On of th severest battle around a car which occurred during th night took place at Flrat and Morrison a few minute before 11 o'clock. . s " After th ear had been abandoned a fight atarted Ineld the car and for 10 minute a yelling mob surged along Kit st street trying to atrlke at one young man who wa 'eupposed to be a "scab." II waan't th right man at all, but he was willing to fight any and alt comer. The police, with the exception of on or two officers, wer far away and th crowd had everything It own way. Th ear wis Mount Scott No. 45. It was halted when It reached Mor rison street, outbound, the second car to get away from th O. W. P. station. Both trolley rope wer quickly cut Though over a dosen women were inside the mob of hoodlum rocked th car until the women passenger creamed in terror. Both carmen found resletano uselea and left the car to Ita fate. It waa after 11 o'clock, when the trol ley wer finally adjusted and O. C. Fields, superintendent of th O. W. P. lines, personally took out th car. - By thla Urn a score of po'dcemen Wer on th scene, and th mob quietly watched the car; go, : NEW HERMIST0N BANK FILES ITS ARTICLES' (ffpeetil tttepateh te Tbe Josrnal.) Pendleton, Or.. Dec II. Article of Incorporation have been filed for the Hermlston Bank 4V Trust company, , a new banking Institution, which I capi talised at 115.000, divided Into ISO sharea of $100 each. Th Incorporators ar J. F. MaNs ught S. R. Oldaker and Q. M. Rice. The laat named, who 1 but a nominal member. Is th leading spirit of "th Maxwell Land Irriga tion company. Tb bank will begin buatnes at one. , y r .' .. . . i -i ' ! MRS. HAUSER'S WILL " . FILED FOR PROBATE Helena, ' Mont, tHc." 15 Th will of Ellen Hauser, filed her today, be- ewatba-.av.lJf e , ln'erent In. her eatate. valued St $133,000, to 'Tier HtMrhftrtOy former Governor A T. Hauqer, and $20, 000 to her son, Samuel T. Mauser. Mrs. Hauser died at Loe Angela recently whil en rout to Japan.. : Head of Department ' Instructs Officers to Defend the Laws But to Refrain From taking Sides In the Present ; Industrial Controversy. . ' . Chief of' Police' Orltimacher early this morning- ouramed - up the -etrike situation from a police standpoint in tb following official statement: "The nolle will, not tak any aldea in the controversy between the carmen and th atreet railway company except to da police . duty and preserve order and prevent the destruction of prop erty. - No rowdyism 'will be tolerated and I want to warn all hoodlums or rowdies ' that they muat "keep away from locations where crowds congre gate. Any of rhoso found precipitating trouble will be Immediately arrested and proaeouted to the full extent of ' the law. lhvlolenc and destruction I of property tonight la entirely th fault of the street railway pfAclaJe In not giving me advance notice of the atrlke. I waa not informed that a tleup of the streetcar line was contemplated until thl evening at t o'clock. Aa th day relief had already reported off at that time It waa impossible to hold them In reserve In tb station for emergencies. Th .management of th oar eeaipany, I understand, knew of " the - threatened strike during th morning, but failed to advlsa m of the matter. - When trouble arose at various places la the business dfstrIctTheTxahdfur-or-l)fncerr oirih flrat night relief naturally war unable to handle the altuation It waa neces- sarr to communicate with the patrol men of th ' second relief , by telephone and It took some tlm before they could reach th station." 'Order Are Issoed. Th following order was issued by th chief to hi captain of police: "Instruct the officers of your relief to refrain from taking side tn the streetcar strike now on, but strictly attend to poliae duty, preaerv order and protect person and property to th very best of their ability. And In order to be prepared for gross disorder tb off!- Streetcar Tieup Works Hardship on Shop pers and Working People Caught Far ; From Suburban Homes It 1 estimated that between 10.000 and S5.000 peopi walked home laat night although moat -of them would bav paid for a rid had th car been running. A large number of these peo ple wer laden with package, parcel and bundles, because they had started out to do Christmas shopping and In tbele eagerness to select what . they wanted never thought of how to get home until the bold truth atared them tn the face and they bad to walk or re main downtown over night. Thla latter alternative wa all right during th earlier parTlrnieVvehIntr"buriownT mldnlcht the hotela were, overcrowded with auburbanltea who 'had telephoned their homea that they would rather sleep in a strange room than walk Ave or six miles In th dense fog. ... Manv Dedetrlan expressed the opin ion that th strike could not have oc curred at a more Inonportune or oppor tune time, whichever It may be. ror simultaneously with' the calling ott of MOTOR MAN'S WIF E STANDS BY HIM IN HIS DANGER Carmen' wives ar brave tnd do not fear a mob. as was clearly shown Isst night' on Waahington street In the early evening when th company wa still t trying to keep It AVaahlngton street lln open, a big , Willamette Heights car 'came down th' atreet only to be stopped at Third atreet by a noisy. tnfelbnlhif'TnroHTrr--Ar",fn"Taaa n1 of the car tood th motorman. on of th old men In th service of the com pany. Behind him. with her hand on hi ehbulder. tood hi wife who hr I oiitni to share, whatvetdgLBger .uit .l befall her husband. Men swarmed Ui over th car, pti- 1 Ing wlth the mqtorman anj con i r to desert their posts and leave t r t to It fat. Horn on Jerked t PRICE FIVE CENTS. l' cere will be called upon to perform atea-duty-nntH-further order" rn day relief will report xor amy ' at o'clock a. m.. and either resume duty on their regular beata or remain, at th station, according to tb discre tion of Captain Moore, commanding the relief. The flrat night relief will re port for duty at T o'clock a. m., and re main In reaerve at th station until ii o'clock noon, and report again for duty ht th regular hour. 1:44 p. m. Tha aeo- ond night relief will report for reserve duty at th station at 13 o'clock noon and remain until 4 o'clock p. m.. when tbe day relief will take up reserve duty. "Captain Bailey will detail four men each to lh car barn at Piedmont E,asi jknaeny ana i wemy-eigni-a nu Savior and Twenty-fourth streets, to be there at I'clock a. tn.. and two men to -Waahington .and Twenty-third atreeta. All theee officer to remain at their station until 7 o'clock a. ra., when they will be relieved' by officers of the day relief If necessary. "C. GKITZMACHER. "Acting Chief of Police." Polle Were at Sisadvantag-a, ' The' atatement of th chief aeta forth ' th fact that owing to th amall num ber of patrolmen regularly onduty. th late notice of possible trouble It waa Impossible for th fore to handle the eituatlon with -ease nntH such tlm aa It had been reinforced by th addi tion of th day relief called back to duty by telephone. The eummonlng of th reinforcement had taken, time and before their arrival tha men on duty had participated In ' some strenuous vent. Seeing th overwhelming odd against which his men wer pitted Chief Urits- macber gave order to hi patrolmen to oae their clubs to preserve order, and if -necessary In extreme sltuatlona to (Continued on Pag Five.) th platform man., a fog. - denser than ever, began to settle over th city. Many thought It a peculiar coincidence. At any, rate It made It more unpleasant for those who had to "hoof It" home. . The atrlke came ao unexpectedly and pnannnunced that no preparation or precautions . whatever had been take by the public. Women and children In large numbers had started from their home In the early afternoon Intending to buy out th store for thetr numer ous friends and thoy stayed around the city, going from on place to another untULlong aiter dark, and. so got laft with the walking throng. ' Even fami lies wer spilt up and their, members separated because-the cars were out of commission. Young men In the habit of calling on their best girl wer dis appointed to And that just aa tbey were ready te mart there were no car in sight This kept th telephone busy and It la said that never, In th history (Continued on Pag Four.) ley from the-wire, cutting th rope cl.w. to th pole and then k tdng the trolley thrash and swing upright among the wires above. Men srgued and plell with the motormtn t deeert his poet, but th woman faced the croe-d. still with her hand on her husband' shoul der, and threw bock her advice to fclm. fitted against their prsy. "Tell them to get ff " fr," s'.e "I'to the man at the controller. "Toil them to get off: that yo'i are f,U I take your jar back te tne l.nrn " Tbe men, h were t t !.? deetructlv s inpi: l-er. Hi car ml tli n '" -etr'alsht liee.l. f"U 1 ' ' 'ie tK k ct ; the barn. r 4-'