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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1906)
THE OREGON - DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENINQ, ' DECEMBER 13, - HZZ. JUROR APPLAUDS OBTHTtnt COaCTAT BABTBaVaT OTJTriTTUO COKPAJTT h lAITIM OPTWTTnrO COMTAaTT aASTHSUf OPTflTTma OOagFAaTT lAWlM OXJTTilTimm OOMFAaTT MICTlut PTTTTTTsTw OOMAT MAMVMM - (Continued from Pegs-One.) ' . ' T. .. During all theTore" ooa session they ' had crowded the -.w,.n ami bo ravsnoua were tney ' for the story of young girl fail 'Ist even h hallways nd kibbles-of tne. cr.t building near the courtroom were packed and Jammed"." , 1 ' ' ' . . Women were largely In the predoml - nam.. Old woman and young, women who are prominent In many circlea. -were j . draws In crowda to' hear the trial of the , Auia whero the unwritten law la in volved, lieu were therefoeaff:Oy but they were greatly outnumbered by ; the female attendance. .- v ' r -' The fortnoon sesalon was opened by ' glaring of Dr. O. 8. Murray, father of the' -' aeouse4 young -jnan.uoa .the wltness ataod. ( Ha told . of . Lincoln Whitney's visits to hla homai of how he and the Otheri of hla family threw open the doors of hospitality to him. and treated him not only as a guest of honor, but Aid all tn their power to main him feel aa if ha wers one of them. ... fr' ' . rather oa the stead. '-"Then he told how' the knowledge-of ; hla daushtvr's a heme had come to him; how he took her with him to Whltney'a home and In the name of manhood and honesty demanded that the young man marry her and give the child a name. ' "And when I hadtold him the pur- pose ef my eoanTng'. ha said In cloying, he looked at "me' a moment, then laughed in my face. I took my daugh ter by the hand and aald, 'Come with me. my child., wa. will go home.' , And there we left him." . i The old man became greatly con fused on cross-examination. . . Mrs. Murray, mother of the youthful defendant, waa the next witness for the defense. She told of the trip -she took with her aon and daughter to the ' office of the district attorney of Marlon county and of her conversation with a Seputy whom aha believed to be the dls- i rlct attorney. -. , ' '': -. It was during her testimony that at orneya for the defense made their first (Torts to ahow that the tragedy waa nacted while young Murray waa in a Stat, of emotional Insanity; that he waa la the grasp of an uncontrollable, irre sistible Impulse. x ... - - Of Jfervoaa - Temperameat, . , He waa alwaya of a nervous tem- terament Ui mother said, and the fact f hla sister's condition waa kept from film as long aa possible. Hla father had been compelled to retire from the. Sctivt practice of medicine because of mental-incompetency. ' Mra U. D. Williams, slater of Dr. Murray, told of having three brothers, two of whom had been committed to the insane asylum. - One had died at $alem. she said, while the. other had .been. dlamlaaed as not dangerous, after a conf lnemantof tr-recyears. Dr. Mar- Say, the third brother and father of the efendant, waa also ' demented, she thought. i Mlaa Hattle Payne ef Montavllla tes tified ss to the general reputation of , the defendant. ' Bhe had known him for years, she said, and he bore an ex cellent reputation. He was generally regarded as the bead of the household and was said to have contributed all hla earnings to aid tn the support of the family. '. Dr. W. H. Skene," who with other phy sicians examined Mary Murray yester day afternoon, testified as to her con--arttony" that the young-woman la now in a delicate condition. His testimony was that of a' specialist. Attorney Applauded. JJtaadurleLlsiPayne'Ltest1 TIT I 1 .-ri-n; VI Tr" I I rOwl 1 L J U , .-. t 1 11 Never in" the history of this establishment have Ave shown such a Arariety of sensible things suitable for gifts for loved ones or friends, t No matter which way you turn in uu uwuuiui new aiuic uitit vvmtuuis jru a iiuiuc ui uungj ouggtauvs v njnuaa. iiciu jewcity uways a welcome gixu wearing ipparei ior men, women and children and beautiful and useful things for the home. Make your selections-as early as possible and we will lay them aside. Remember, you do not have to pay cash herer suitable for old or young I ' 'jnony that the Crowd applruded the at- . torney for -the defenae and one of the Jurors elapped his hands vigorously.' He . Immediately, explained his action to the court. The bailiff quickly restored or der. f The, outburst of applause came as a result of a clash of repartee between ' Attorney Logan. ' for the defenae,. and ATtorupy Vauglin, fea the proaac utloik. They were wrangling aa to the differ ence In meaning between the words character and reputation. . . "Tow may have a good character, bat it will be long after you are dead that ' people will say good things about you," said Logan. ; . . The crowd applauded and the Juror , Joined, clapping hla hands violently. -' " "I want to explain to the court," he said. '"that I did that almply because I . ..couldn't help laughing when I think about what is said about certain peo- - pla-aa-ihelr-Jombrtonea." The atata, which Is "represented by 'Deputy District Attorney B. JS. Haney, completely-its case yesterday afternoon. MBS.-HARTJEW1NS (Continued from Page Ona) Public Indignation was aroused agalnat - Hartje, and Mr. Scott's father vowed to spend hla last cent In clearing the good name of his daughter and exposing the conspiracy. " Steps Itching Instantly. Cures piles, ecaema, aalt rheum, tetter, itch, hives, herpes, scabies Doan'S Ointment. At ny dm tnre. -.iVlUAi-M- r- ; A present does not 7 lose its charm because , it's useful. . Our store is full of .' useful presents for men and boys - Suits, Over I: coats, House Jackets V Lounging Robes, Ncck ; wear, Gloves, Mufflers, ..Hats, Umbrellas and r! many other things which . are most acceptable. Don't forget about our ' Merchandise Orders. ClominqCo Men'g gnd Boys' Outfitter, . 166 and 168 Third Street. v Mohawk Biulding.:. Ladies' and Gentlemen' Watches v f 8.BO to S TS.OO - ---4 (1 a weeft . SJSBBSSBSBBBwa! 1 Clocks big; assortment ruarart teed quality.... fl.OO to 30.00 50c a week BeltSf-Hosiery.-GloYes nd Fancy Neckwear All Prices . isiiii Back and Side Combs an unusual big variety all prices Suit and Goat Sale Continues Why not make yourself a present of one of these new Suits, Coats or Cravenettes? . Without doubt they are the best values you will see this sea son, no . matter how late ' you wait. So we urge you to buy now in time for Christmas wear you; can pay : later. : The styles offered are the very latest, as we have not a garment In the house received earlier than September. ; No garments were carried over from last season. , Large variety of sizes . from which to L choose. For "con venience sake we have divided them into lots and arranged them so it is absolutely" no "trouble to show thernu There is not' an undesirable garment in the entire offering. , 4 v Umbrellas Stick Pins ... .$1.00 to $12.00 75crto$15.(Xr Necklaces . . . . . . .$2.50 to $25.00 Brooches . . .... .$2.50 to $35.00 Baby Rings ..... .$1.50 to $5.00 CASH OR YM ' CREDIT r' 2 Mmmm. suits , : Lot 210 Values up to $60. . . .$30.00 Lot 211 Values up to $40. . . .$22.75 Lot 12 -Values up to $30.;.. $14.50 r - coats 7 Lot 213 Values up to $40. . . .$23.00 Lot 214-Values up to $30. .. .$15.50 Lot 215 Values up to $20. . , .$11.75 : CRAVENETTES Lot 216 Values up to $38. . . .$19.50 Lot 217 Values up to $30. . . .$15.00 Lot 218 ; Values up to $22. .. .$10.75. CASH or CREDIT, AS YOU LIKE During this sale we will . make . alterations absolutely free. all Watch Chains , . . .$3.50 to $27.00 Beauty Pins . . . . . .SOc to $1;50 : Art Vases, Pottery and -Steins ....... .. 25c to $25.00 Eastern Outfitting Gompany rrou warxmB tovb omnn IS ooos iJWASHINGTON-CSsyTENTH-I rargmja cnzaTSLas; arm ron OLD OS XOT7We CASK OB OUDI1 Trunks, Suitcases and Traveling Bars an excellent . . line .. from which to xhoose. Prices to suit every purse.....,,. 50 a week I 'Vf?-;'v,'i','iB Big line of boxed novelties, ' in cluding Toilet and Manicure Sets. easTes Jfouncj&JWwcJs!TBblft SilveiL in many designs.... oOf a week Carving Sets . ;V. :. '91.75 to $10 Sterling - Silver-Pieces. f 1 to $8 Rings ..,........$3 to $150 91 a week- SEARCHING FOR NECKLACE STOLEN FROM EMPRESS Franz Joseph Sends Emissary to Recover Pearls Left In Sea by Late Consort. i . ... . . , (jMrM gpttiti SMrrtee.) Paris, Dee. 12. Aocordlna; to a story published - here, the - Emperor Francis Joseph has sent a trusted emissary to Corfu with Instructions to ascertain the whereabouts of a magnificent necklace, once the property" of hla murdered con sort, the Empress Elisabeth. There la a romantic story attached to this necklace. ' During the last few years of her life the empress lost all interest Itrlier" beautiful jewels,' except In a splendid pearl necklace to which she had riven the nam of "the tears of the Madonna." One day It waa noticed that the seme were bea-tnnlns to lose their lovely sheen. The empress, who was then staying- at the imperial villa at Corfu, became Impressed with the - Idea that the only way to reatore their loat ra diance would be to lay them In the sea for a period of a year. The necklace waa accordingly placed In a boa provided with holea to allow free acceas of the water, and one dark night her majesty, acoompanied by a lady of the court, re paired to a lonely spot on the laland where the treasure was sunk into the sea. A chain attached to the bos waa fastened to a rock. Shortly before the expiration of the twelvemonth, the am. press met her fate at Geneva at the hands of the assasaln LucchenL ..When the lady of honor, who alone shared the secret, went to recover the necklace, the chain had bsen cut, but by whom that is the mystery which remain now to be solved. ' PARRISH DIVORCE CASE SUBMITTED-T0-C0URT4 (8peisl ntspstck te Tie Jama1.) Albany. Or., Deo. U. Judge William Galloway yesterday held an adjourned term of court to bear tne nnai argu ments of the attorneys In ths divorce caae of Edward , Farrian vs. iguana Fafrlsh. ' ..-r Th arguments . were concluded last evening and the court took the same under advisement, having briefs that were submitted by both the contending parties for consideration. The court an nounced that a decision would be an nounced at an early date. The trial has been one of the moat hotly contested cases ever presented In a local court and the final decision Is of great Interest to the community In general.. The pi r ties to the case sre prominently known to most of the citi zenship of the county. BILYEU APPOINTED ALBANY CITY ATTORNEY SpIt DIsiMtefe te The Jmrall Albany, Or., Into. 12. J .est evening at a session of ths city council City At torney C E. Box resigned hla position snd asked that a successor be named. The retiring Incumbent assigned, as a resson for retiring that he waa Inter stsd in the new, organization that has taken over the francliiaa'of the Albany street railway and considered that It waa not the prOpe1 thing for a clly af. toraey to be connected with an organ!- .Eor.Piaini.Qiej IVIlysiic Lovers PICK OUT YOUR PIANO, BUT PLEASE BE QUICK IF YOU'LL STORE ONE FOR US ' ; ; AND PAY U8 CARTAGE ' YOU MAY USE IT FREE! We Must Make Roomfor Several More Carloads Right Away Store Open Evenings to Accommodate AIL . - This is certainly a most unusual offer, but we mean just what . we say- New instruments are crowding us for space, which, on ac count of delayed building operations, we haven't got to give them. The railroad compsnies insist on our unloading cars without any more delay. -Until our quarters reach a little more advanced stats of completion, we cannot accommodate another new piano. So our fix is your gain. We sent out a big lot of them yesterday, but there are plenty more here to choose from.. Just pick out any in strument you like, agree to take good care of it, pay ua the mere cost of draysge, and enjoy it to your heart's content, free, over the , holidays, and until we're in better shape. - If you should conclude that you would like to purchase, wa will give you credit for the draysge, and sell you at wholesale cost. ABonaFideOffer Look At the Makes You are not restricted to a few cheap, undesirable pianos, but caa choose from .the finest line in America the glorious Chickerings, -wonderful-toned - Webersralegaat Kimball. Hobsrt M. Cables, and many other of our matchless makes; Pianola Pianos only being excepted, bale prices range on . this offer, should you wish to buy, sjaVaral sadoads of IJ'ECihol'Ja,e CO? V' 'pUaos-old establish , eoo ana upward, ana. you SX77, Of SIM tot tbvs csn pay $6, $8 or (10, or more, a faaoies styles. shnaU dealers month, or any other way, as suits sell those for saoe sad gsga. you best Really, you never heard i of such a piano-getting opportunity as this before in all your life we're, sure of it. Don t miss it Remember, there is absolutely no obligation to buy, unless you wish to. Just store the pian6 for us temporarilybuy only if you actually want to. , . In tksseT HisrMMO- erX planvralieAVilitx NEW NUMBER, 3i3 WASHINGTON, CORNER PARK. -REM.OA-S.ALE $20,000 Stock of Wlnei and LIquori to be Closed Out if J IB " j CD N: i - ft i THE GREATEST BAROAINS OP THE SEASON If you u anything la tag Honor line, go to the big liquor house at 404 Washing ton street. We are going to move, and shall dose out the entire broken stock of our Whiskies. Wines and Brandies at Almost Half Price We are not going to move one bottle from our shelves, or one gallon from our barrels which are broken open, from our present location; therefore we are offer lng this stock, consisting of the best lines of liquors, at the following low prices: .500 bottles of five-yesr-old Port Wine, per bottle ..... ......... y. 20 500 bottles of five-year old Sherry Wine, per botjle : i....20 500 bottles of five-year-old Muscat Wine, per bottle ;20e) 500 bottles of five-year-old Angelica Wine, per bottle 201 00 bottles of five-year-old Tokay Wine, per bottle ,.. ,..,.20) 500 bottles of five-year-old Malaga Wine, per bottle V..20 500 bottles of five-year-old Claret-Wine, per bottle n.m..mi.,..i 20v- 1500 gallons of five-year-old Port Wine, per gallon 75e ' 1500 gallons of five-year-old Sherry Wine, per gallon .r.. ......... .-.-.-.'.-. .T6 1500 gallons of five-yesr-old Angelica Wine, per gallon T5 1500 gallons of five-yesr-old Muscatel Wine, per gallon 75 1500 gallons of five-year-old Tokay Wine, par gallon- .T& 1000 gallons of five-year-old Kentucky Whiskies, per gallon 92.50 800 gallons of five-yesr-old Grspc Brandies, per gallon 2.50 900 gallons of five-year-old Blackberry Brsndies, per gallon 80t All of our $1.50 Bottled Whiskies at, per bottle fl.OO All of our $1.25 Bottled Whiskies at, per bottle . .T5 EXTRA SPECIAL 12500 Bottles of Blackberry Brandy, full quarts, at 25c. v . ' Lav In your supplies for the holidays now. Orders sent in by telephone Main 70 win have our prompt attention. . All other goods not mentioned In this "ad will be sold in proportion to the above prices. ' ' Mail orders for the country wW be shipped the same day they reach us. . ; . , MIKE JACOB & CO. 404.WASMINQTON 8TRBBT PORTLAND, OREQON sSsSSaVJaSSlBJBIIIsBI satlon seeking or holding a franchise from the city. The council appointed Hon. W. R. Pllyeu to occupy ths position. The ap pointment - of - Mr Bllyeu . meets wlth general favor, he being one of the 'old eat orartlnlns attorneva la the valley aaa luoreugaiy ooanpsisiut Oaaawry Sestroye4 fey rtre Oreenwood, Ind., Deo. II The Polk Canning company's plant was destroyed by fire this morning. The lose Is 1100,- . ,.: -t.....,,. -... ' . ' , , rrsferred meek Oaasag (to da. ) Allen Lewis' Best Brand, Don't Hold Back Anv lonrer. satisfy vourself bv satis fying your hardware wants for shelf or heavy goods, tools, ete., hers. You'll be money In pocket besides securing de pendable qualities. Avery - (SI ,Go. tMims Bt, Christmas Gifts Special prices on beautiful patterns in Men's and Boys' Neck Ties, regular SOc and $1.00 grades. Special 25 'and 60. Regular $15.00 and $20.00 Suits and Over coats. Special 4? 10.00 and ? 13.50. Regular $5.00 and $6.00 Pants. Special $2.50, 93.50 and $4.00. Great sale on Ladies' and Men's Slippers 75, S1.00 and 81.50 worth $1-00 more elsewhere, ut prices on Silk Mufflers, Suspenders, Arm Bands " 25 and 60a4 worth double. John Del lar 181-183 FIRST ST," COR. YAMHILL, AND 63-C3 ' NORTH THIRD ST, COR. DAVIS. V'.- 'I