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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, ' PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 12, 1908. TOIL I VI 1 4 '. a " ' I - ; . u -a 'e1 : ond TAG i James O'Neill,' the 'Actor Whose Name Is Inseparably Connected With That of DuVnas Famous Hero, "Monte Cristo." He Is now Appearing t the'Heilig Theater: ; . ' v' ' -V'f'' - .-; y HAS HARD TIME TO KEEP. FROM GETTING IN CONTEMPT OF COURT When a man Is subpoenaed to go to a Justice court.Jat.JlO-O'ctocfc- wit- I ff-newent""te'lther court when he "Ueaav'and" a lew minutes later la served .by a deputy sheriff wlth'a aumraona to be at the circuit court as a Juror at 10 o'clock, to which court ought he to ot This is the question that pusiled J. B.- Barret for an hour this morning, and he could find no one who could answer It for htm. He consulted hi - lawyer, and the lawyer was not sure. The circuit court was the superior tri bunal, but the process of the. Inferior court had been -served first. Did the . hlher court have prior jurisdiction, or was he bound by the process - first "served? : ' .' ' . Barret's lawyer ' said he had better -telephone to the' ctrpnitrcetfrt rand as for Instructions. - Barret telephoned) but the clerk didn't know, and, all the judges were on the bench and could not be reached." Barret scratched Jils .headJ. should have gone to the other he would be liable-for contempt of court v If he didn't o to one or the other-he would be In contempt of both courts. Barret finally followed some , one's advice and went to the circuit court. Judge Frasefa attention waa called to the circumstances, and he exoueed Bar ret from serving on the; jury In order that he Bight testify In Justice Reld's court. But the question was not answered. Two judgea were asked.' They said the process of the superior .court should have been obeyed. Three different at torneys, learned In the. law, said the process first served took precedence! From which It would appear that there ia a conflict of authority on the sub ject, .and It is t not known, now where Barret should-have gone. (EURES CounhoaridGoIdo pnEVEnTO Pneumonia and Consumption Foley's Honey and Tur not only stops the cough, but heals and strength- ens the lungs and prevents serioas ra nlts from a cold. There is no. danger of Pneumonia, Consumption or 'other serious lung trouble if Foley's Honey and Tar Is taken, aa it. will cure the most stub born coughs the dangerous kind that settles en the longs and may develop Into pneumonia, over night. It you have a, cough or cold do riot risk Pneumonia when Foley's Honey and Tar will cure you quickly and strengthen your lungs. , Remember the name Foley's Honey and Tarand refuse any substitute offered. Do not take chance With some unknown preparation that coats you the aame when you can get Foley's Honey and Tar- that costs you no KIOTO and is safe and cectala in results. Contains no opiates. V Cured After Physicians Said Ha Had Consumption. B. H.' Jones, Pastor M. E. Church, Grove, Md., writes: 'About seven or eight years ago I had a very sever cold which physicians said waa very sear pneumonia, and 'which they afterwards pronounced consumption. Through a friend I was induced to try a sample of Foley's Honey and Tar, which gave me to much relief that I bought some of the regular sixe7Twrorthre bottle cured mo of what the physicians called consumption, and I have never bad any trouble with my throat or lungs sine that time." Three sizes 25c, 50c, $1.00.' ' The 50 cent six contains two and one-half times as much as the small six and the $1.00 bottle almost six times as much., o- ; ;,v SSLD AM KECCEK&ED IT DIGGER CnOWDSJEACn DAY-ALL BARGAIN RECORDS BRQIlErr Tomorrow Aa'ain a Galaxy of Stupendous Bara'aino in Christmas Goods That Will Crowd Us to the Doors There's no let-up to the excitement. ' This, Portland's best fchristmas store, is making new records daily giving bigger bargains land offering more stupendous, values than at all other stores combined. There's no ifs nor ands about itr-SIMPLYFACTS and, nothing else. Buying for cashTand tuying la quantities, that tells the tale of why we can and do undersell all cbmpetitionT-Get posted read our ads., The doings of this store are of momentous importance to you. Come tomorrow if you have never been here before. The Xmas sales are in full swing, and you should share in the savings. , . , v - . , 35c MAT IPIRIS All fancy styles, sterling silver and gold, plated novelties; every one worth 25c to 35c. Choice : for. . . . I5c ti THE Blocks THB 'ram OMYAMMILL , SHOP IN THE MORNIN GS If possible and avoid the afternoon rush. . 15c and 25c Clean-up lots from to day's big sale; plain and fancy; up to j inencs wide; worth to 25c: Choice. . , t. . 5 TomorrowOne of the Greatest of the Christmas Sales 500 Dozen 6,000 WOMES 50c LACE COLLARS I2c- A sale so g'reat that we: have gfiven: over liIOO feet space for display and sale of this neckw'r Think of the biggest and best Neckwear sale you've ever attended and we promise you it will be as nothing compared to this sale 6,000 of the handsomest of Women's Lace Collars in this sale at 12jc each, and you $ick from values upto 50c. The finest and daintiest of imitation Irish Point Lace and there's many of them so exquisite you can hardly tell them from the finest importedreaLUce;traighLa,ndtabeffectsibeautiful designs, in wjiite, cream and butter color. Loiiars that are worth zoc, ooc and duc, and they have never been sold for less. Pick out the finest choose 50c collars if you want All in one lot, and ten extra , salespeople to wait on the crowds. Choice ..... . . ....... .v ..... . . Tomorrow We Begin Our First Great Clearance Sale of : : ' . ' v - - - ' ... v - '.. - WOMEN'S FINEST TAILORED SUITS WAITER SON ONLY MAN . VyiTHOUT SIN, SAYS TWfiN . Ooarnal Sptclal Srvi. ' Htw Tork, Deo. 12. Henry Watter- aon of the Loulavlll Courier-Journal waa'.tha sruest of honor at the annual dlnnrlaatnit:ht at ha Waldorf-AS torla of the Kentucky society of New York and - spoke on "Kentucky in Ootham." John O. Carlisle presided. ODflDIW ML rAu My New Obesity Food Quickly Reduces Your Weight to Normal. Requires No Starva tion Process and Is Absolulely Safe TRIAL PACKAGE II AILED FREE . J .... lV I - ? 5 1 ' . V. ?- A -is ... i ' t -4 I' 'f The. A Vivo Xllnstratloa Khows the Semarkahle - SlTeet of This Wosderfnl Oaesl.r rood What It Xaa dob a for Others It Will Do to Ton. My new Obesity Food, tnltkn at mal- time, rompels petfect aKslmllatlon ofi .i.e food and sends the foo nutriment where it belongs. v It require nn-stnrva-i tlon pnooesa You can nUfli you want It makes muaole, bone, nrrve and brain tissue out of ttte ffSreeee fat. and, ?ulrkly reduces your welaht to normal, t takes oft the bis; stomach snd lleves the compressed condition find en-1 a hies the heart to act freely and the! TnVifS"--jHejMi,natiiraTlv. and the kid-! tieva and liver, to perform therr fuhc-i tlo'ns In a natural manner. , You will! feel better the first ey. Voti'try this wonderful home fond. Fill out coupon barawlth and mall today. - FREE This empee Is Soed Sne see trtil parkas of KelWs's obmltr Foe4 with testimonials from bnnriTed who bars Sees frsatlr rs. ilnred, ai.lled free la Uls psrkst. Hlmply fill In yenr aims and sddrtss oa dotted-Uses belnw sad mull '.. ... I, t, KELLOOO. IBI7 KIICS Mdr., . . , Battle Ciesk, Mlok. . I ..,........................... Amona; those present were John Fox, president of the National Democ ratio club; Melville E. Stone, August Thomas, Qeorse Harvey and ex-Governor Pavid R. Francla of Missouri.' t -. . Mr. Carlisle . read letter of regret from- Mark- Twain,, la which the latter aald his health prevented his attend ance and concluded: "May Watteraon Ions- keep his super fluity of It (health) since It cornea' of hla belnar about the best man in the country at the present time and. aa I think, the only one without aln." SUGAR TRUST FINEJ . AGAIN FOR REBATING (Jmra.i Special rSme.J New York. Deo. li. Flnea anareg-at-Ins 1150,000 have been imposed by Judt-e Holt in the United Statea circuit court upon) the American Sugar Refin ing company and the Brooklyn Cooner age company, after the defendants through counsel had pleaded guilty to Indictments charging the acceptance of rebates on augar shipments In violation of the Elklna anti-rebatlng act. The augar refining company was fined ISO. 000 and the cooperage company I70.S0O. After the flnea were Imposed, United States District Attorney Stlmson, who conducted the prosecution, - told -the court thst he thought the amount of the fine assessed was sufficiently Urge to act aa a deterrent to rebatera In the future, and that the government would eonaent to the. remainder of the Indict menta against the American Sugar Re fining company and the Brooklyn Coop erage company being dismissed. Judge Holt granted a motion dismissing the other Indictments. . JAPANESE IMMIGRATION CONDEMNED BY KAHN - f Journal Rseetsl Service. New York, Deo. It. Japanese immi gration was bitterly denounced In a speech last night by Representative Julius Kahn of Ban Francisco at a din ner of the New York Credit Men's asso ciation, held at the -Hotel St. Dennla Hla subject waa "The Japaneae Ques tion aa Affecting San Francisco." The people of the Paclflo coast, ha aald, were satisfied that the Japaneae would always remain loyal to the mika do, and the oath of naturalisation would be to them a hollow mockery. Califor nia did not want that kind of cltlaen- ship and did not Intend to have It If thev could prevent It.- "The people of the coast." he aald. "had their experience with Chlneee coolies, and now were threatened with an oriental Invasion still more serious. for the Japanese have all the vices of the Chinese, with none of their virtues." -We. have gone through the stock, picked out all the ones, two snd three of s kind and odd lots of our fastest sellers snd marked them down a full third to a half in rdtxoxlear. them immediately. This offer includes our very finest, all the pattern garments, all the sample suits, snd embraces one of the finest lines of clever suit models ever shown in this city garments far out of the ordinary made for the best and finest trade fashionably cut, elegantly trimmed, and gar ments that in every respect equal the best turned out by the most famous modistes. It's sn extraordinsry chance, in deed, to buy a high-class aristocratic suit for little money.'; Probably 40 suits in all and at these sacrifice prices every one should go tomorrow. ... Women's Suits In the latest styles; all garments actually cheap at $20, cut to., $13.00 Women's Velvet Suits Model garments that we sold special --at-$28; now reduced to,, $19.98 Women's Suits One and two of a -kind; former prices up to $32; now... . $20.00 Another Chance to Secure One of Those WOMEN'S $10 TO $20 COATS Enough left for tomorrow's sale over half of them sold today" and at the time of going to press the crowd In our cloak room is something immense. Long H snd lengths; plaids, mixtures, checks, etc.; many silk and satin lined; all $10 to $20 values and all sizes' Pick out $20 cloaks if you want at, In the Draperie-s Just In Special bargain lot of Lace Door Panels, all fancy designs, fine nets; worth up to 76e. Choice , C 50 and DC Tard wide fancy Sllkollnes in the - newest patterns and col ors; remember, yard wide and an lo grade ' 111. Tard ILiC St-lnch Art Draperies, In ele gant designs; worth , up to 60o yard ' 1 Cn 294, 24 and.... IOC SANTA IS HERE And he will be in his Grotto in our Second Street Toy Store from 3 to-3 o'clock . - . every afternoon. BRING TI1C CHILDREN TO SEE HIM TOMORROW And let them tell him what they wish for Christmas. . Jolly Old Santa Claus. bids all Portland's boys and girls welcome. Come. BUY YOUR TOYS HERE AND. SAVE HALF Have you seen our great display?. It's one of the wonders of the city 10,000 ssm ple) Toys are here for your selection, and at prices that save you money. Don't spend a penny for Toys until you see ours, or you'll regret it. H' Men's: 50c Neckwear ALL DEMOCRATS WIN EXCEPT W. R. HEARST fjrmrsll Checlsl Service.) New Tork. Dec. 12 Complete and official, returna of the vote cast for state officers In every county . of New Tork state in the recent state election show that the entire Pemocratlo atate ticket, except its candidate for governor, waa elected. Charles E. Hughes, Repub lican candidate for governor, waa elect ed by a plurality of 17,171. The pluralities for the Democratic candidates for the state officers show below Mht6rgov(ittior -ranged from An entire new lot and it's the best yet Made up of the short ends of silks out of which the finest SOc Ties are made; wide j fmir-in-hand. tecks and shield tecks; sll the . . .. -J Mlnra. all VL- Ties anil if thev most oeaiunui panel" - - , " ' " . , . are not as prettv as the best you csn buy elsewhere st 50c, don t buy them. Choice, each. . - 19c Women's KIMONOS 2,000 of them at a sacrifice; made f fancv and Persian effect Flan nelettes, nicely trimmed. VJc Lot 1 worth 75c, cut to".... ul v LOIS O KIMONOS Lot 2 worth $179, now... 98c Groceries 20c Afbuckle Coffee, lb 154 5-lb. can of Cottolcne; always sold at 60c, cut to......, 0J 1,000 lbs. loose Muscatel Raisins: never sold under 10c, jer lb...TJ 10c Rainier Mineral Soap, 2 bars ior ,.;154 Linens and ) Domestics 18o genuine old-fashioned Rus slsn Toweling, It Inches wide,' yard 12H Hill ends 18-Inch fsncy mixed cotton Suitings; worth 10c f yard....'. J)C J7-inch fancy Flannelette, for kimonos snd wrappers; finest lc grade.. , 17 1 ynrd.V v.-:-rrT-r-riTrf-fi-rt s J t2t 1.000 large 6&o Sheet for 1 hour. S to 10 o'clock and only 4 to a customer. . -Each.............. 39c Sample China Sale A thousand pieces only, snd those that buy while this lot lasts sfet the bargain of the year All samples and all fine china; salad bowls, cake plates, creamers, cups snd saucers,, sugar bowls, pin trays, celery Trays, vases, etc.; from 10 to 20 pieces of-a kind;-many in the lot worth -up to $1.50. ' Choice 69s, 39e and 16e each. , 16 Thousands of Pairs Finest CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS and Every Pair at a Saving Men's fine Kid Slippers, in blsck, tan and wine, fancv trimmed, kid lined; all 4.2 and $250 ?Q values a pair jaa7 Women's hand knit Slippers, in all colors; just the kind you want for Xmas gifts; sold all over 07s at $1.25 a pair .VC Women,s$2.00 Felt Juliets Just 51c under the regular price, and many people tell us these sre ss good as others ask $2.50 for; made of finest felt, in black, red. brown, gray and green; all fur trimmed; nana turnea soies; every pair a Bargain at rair., Finest Christmas SOFA PILLOWS $1.19. $2.29 and $2.98 Worth up to $5.00 Just 200 of them and every one jit about half price. Beautiful .Silk and Satin Pillow Cov ers; plain and figured: many with deep fancy ruffles; filled with best silk floss; just the thing for Xmss gifts, snd st these prices t"he biggest kind of bsrgains; worth up to $5.00. Choice, f 1.10. fle, f 2.29 snd ' up to .....2.98 500 regulsr 35c Fancy Laundry Bags, Qr full site r ''i'?' Odd rots of iSe-and 35 Fancy -Ilsnd Psinted Pillow Tops choice........ 13c 95c for $3.00 UMBRELLAS That's tomorrow's great offer from the Bartlett Palmer Umbrella stock, which wt captured at 25c on the 'Dollar. Genuine Gloria Silk And you know that's the kind that wears the best Men's Umbrellas snd Women's Umbrellas: natural wood, pearl, silver and beautiful gold- tnounted handles: Paranon frames in fact. youU aay at a glance theY are the best S3 Umbrellas you ever saw. Come and see. . It's a sale so great that at the rate they are selling eVerv one should go this week. All the Harriett A Palmer stock; values no to $3.00. Choice .r. , 95c All $1.00 J.Tmbr?HajL 36c $3.50 to $5.00 Umbrella. I I $7.50 to $10 Biff Sale HEN'S SOCKS A thousand pair of these Men's 35c Socks at 17c, and that means you get 2 pair for the price of 1 Made of fine soft finish light weight blsck cashmere, gray heel and toe, an sizes; regular 3oc values at 3 pair for 0 a pair 17c Candies 1,000 lbs. fancy mixed Cream Ijm dies; absolutely pure and sold by sll confectioners at 20c 1A Just half price, lb. ....... IlC 20c Stick Candy; all kinds; , IA for 1 day lb. . . . .. .. . . . A.IUC A Rousing Sale of XmasSilks 25c, -49c and 65c Yard Worth up to $1.00 Yard Three sensational lots and at price mt low as to bring here every woman with silks to buy. 3,000 yards 20-inch China Silks, all colors; just the thing for fancy work; cheap st 3c snd some worth 50c. )Zr Choice 0 2,000 yards fancy striped Prati de Cygne, is) light or dark effects, - fur - waiil andsms; made to aril at 90c. ' AOf Special l' 1.000 yards 27-inch Black Tarfrta S-lk, fine ouatity. good weight j a barsram f at $1.00 and ends and hrt Irtiirth of 5.:'-; r "t "Small lot, and includ!n vnfirrs lip tr-' 75c and $1.00 a yard clixice - - 1.442 for Chandler to 14,250. for Martin H. loiynn, Democratlo candidate or comptroller. , . , - rv .. . w" " -r---": . . . - M