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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1906)
SOLUTION OF-SKiboO PHODLnr.1 AND VINNERO' NAMES VIW APPEAR IN TI-2C SUnDAY JOU.i:AL GOOD EVEHIHG Journal Circulation 1HE WKATHEK. Fair tonight and Friday; minimum" temperature tonight about thirty-two - degree; easterly winds, r , . 521,022 -Ycstcrda: VOL. V. NO. 242. PORTLAND, OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER""i3 1906."--TWO'SECTIONS TWENTY-TWQ JPAGES. PRICE TWO . CENTS. lulllAV SSn iueiay mm case is wow- m hank of the jury' :.-x. ' ; - . . . , ' . " t ' ! 1 . ! . i : 1 : TAKING OF TESTIMONY ; BEGINS IN SELLWOQD i ELECTION f RID CASE Harry Young, Resident of Fulton, Testifies That J. W. Reed Induced Him to Cast llle- - gal Ballot J. E. Rischel, Resident, of Ore- - gon City, Tells Same Story. . e The It Juror who will decide ' upon the Itullt or Innocence of -'. J. W. Reed ere: George Rtlea, A. B. Richardson. M. W. LUlard, e A. J. Browning, Walter Oadsby, 4 Q. W. Brown, F. 1. Dick, Thomas e Melmberg, J. Humphrey. George Bamfurd. J. Brown end M. e Gevurta. . e - r wwwwwwwwwwwwwww -MMM. .1. Marry Young, a resident of Fulton, and J. E. Rischel, a resident of Oreson City, testified before a jury in Judge Freser'e court this morning that J. W. Reed hsd Induced them to cast Illegal . ballots In the gellwood precinct on June 4 last In detail these two men related the etory of how their employer had ap proached them on the proposition the . Saturday previous and how he had made arrancomenta to provide them aecotn- '"rnoflaUonrtrr gall wood on Bunday night with the understanding that they were to vote for a wet precinct on the fol lowing; day. Both Insisted that Reed ,., knew at the time that they - were not TC'Menla'of precinct .37. - r .. ... This afternoon' more member of the crowd of if voter colonised et ' the .Jlohl Bellwood on the night of una t took the stand. " Deputy Dletrlot Attor ney Moser. who haa charge of the case for the people, announced ' that there ' would be enough of them to take up the SWINDLER GETS INTO HANDS OF THE AUTHORITIES Arrested for Defrauding People by Means of Correspondence Carried On in Direct Violation of Postal Laws of the United States. For Ingenuity In finding ways to use the United States malls for fraudulent purposes. N. C. Hulln, who was ar rested 'In November for conducting a skin" game through the government metis, beats anybody who ever operated lln Portland, according to poetal authori ties In this city. Hulin was arrested again today on the same charge on a warrant sworn out by K. C. Clement, postal Inopector, on Information fur nlshed by Mrs. Delia Ppaldlng of Forest Grove, who la one of llulln'a many vic tims. - ' - . Ifulln la the head and front of the Fell pee Manufacturing company. 117 V'ji.t Fifteenth street. Portland, and by divers-skillfully worded circulars and' letters Induced many persons living in all parts of the United States to send him money for a cheap painting outfit that they may become artists and work for him. The outfit cost Hulin 2i cents and he eold It for 13.(0. The outfit consisted of nine small vials containing common commercial dyes, A device used by draughtsmen In duplicating drawings, a piece of cheap velvet and a Uosen toothpicks and a bunch of cotton. The cotton was to be twisted, 'about the toothpicks and In that way made Into paint brushes. - With the paintrng outfit, went the customary instructions telling the pur ehaeer -what wa required to produce masterpieces of art All the work thus done waa - to be purchased by the ' Eclipse Manufacturing company at prices ranging (,n time)' from 15 to $10, providing It waa done according to the company's Instruction. - An Illustrated postal card accompanied the outfit and from It the picture was to be dupli cated on the velvet cloth. When this was returned to the bogus company - further work would be sent to the fledgling artist with payment for the one sent In. ' . . - mall Payments Made. Sometimes the payment waa made, but In no case did It ever approach the S or $10 mark, the highest being JJ cents eo. far aa the authorities can dis cover. As- general rule ths work turned In bf the. artIstaM waa returned "with Instructions to complete It, that It was unsatisfactory or needed a trifle more shading. Although Hulln was arrested on the charge of using the malla for fraudulent purposes alone. It le thought that when .(Continued on Page Twelve.; major part of the aJfernotnV seaiTBTi of the court The prosecution will probably not rest until .some time to morrow morning. . nana of the Defease. -' In his opening speech to the Jury, W. T. Mulr, the leading attorney for Reed, etated that, while it may be shown that his client bad made a mistake, yet it would be proved -thav-U-heH4-waaf-, done openly and above board and with out any Knowledge that he was doing wrong. He said that Reed would be proved to be a man of good character, who followed an honorable occupation and held an unusually high position In bis community. . . In addition to his defense that his client did wrong unintentionally, Mulr's tactlca indicated that he will try to Invalidate the case of the state by prov Ing that the crime alleged Is not cov. ered by the statute. In that Reed did not Induce hie employes to vote Ille gally on the general ticket, but merely on the "wet and dry? quest Inn. - So clear, was this point brought out that Judge Fraser took cognlsanoe of It He aid this by himself asking the witness whether or not he had merely voted on prohibition, or whether- h hed also voted on the general candidate and Is sues Involved. In each case the reply wee that the witness had voted the . The selection of the Jury waa com-' (Continued from Page Twelve.) ISSUE BLOCKED BY MINNESOTA Attorney-General Will Resort to Injunction Proceedings to Pre vent What He Terms an Illegal ActBreak in Market Follows Announcement. ' iMml ttpeelal lervlre.) 8t Paul. Dec. IS. The proposed stock Issue Of $0,000.00 by the Great North ern road announced for January 4, may be blocked by the state of Minnesota. Attnrncy-Oeneral Young aaya the Issue Is Illegal. - He declares that a domestic corporation cannot ao on Indefinitely In creasing Its capital under the state law. He says the road must -have a hearing before the state railroad ware house commission to show Its right to Issue the stock. Injunction proceedings are likely. : Taung's announcement was followed by a break In Great Northern and Northern Pacific! stock of 111 points.. DEPOT SAFE RIFLED BY BURGLARS (Sperfil -ripitc te-fae lestssH- Spokane, Wwh., Deo. 13 The aafe In the depot of the Coeur d'Alena 4b Spo kane electrlo road et Post Falls waa blown open laat ".light by robbers. About t4 wss taken. Tha safe was completely demolished and It Is believed that nitro-glyoerln was used. En trance to the building was gained by prying open a window with a crowbar which had been stolen from a nearvby section house.'' No one heard the explo sion, although several people were sleeping but a short distance away. The robbers left no clew to their iden tity, but the fact that several safes have been blown In thle vicinity during the past two weeks leade to the belief that an organlaed gang Is at work. RANKIN DUVALL. ACTOR, COMMITS SUICIDE (inaraal gserlil Bervlrt.) . New Tork. Dec. 13. Rankin Duvall, protege of Kdwln Booth, a member of Be In eco's companies, plunged a cheese knife at a lunch counter In a saloon Into his abdomen this morning and will die from the wound. , Dismiss Patrick Case. (Journal gperlal Berrfee.) Washington. Deo. 1J. The supreme court has dismissed the case of Albert T. Patrick, clearing the way for the commutation of hie aentence by Uover aor Hlgklns. , HILL'S STOCK I V : H II (F -aST m w- 7 SI w S J I I I I I II I lit MfrTfe BBSBA.W- ar saw. D UBOI SAC CUSES PRESID E NT OF TO AI D SPRY DOCTOR CARRKS . THUMB OF NEGRO IN : POCKETASTALISHAN Police Looking for Man Who Pos- . sesses Gruesome Relic as ! . Hoodoo Charm. There are a wide variety of talismans carlcd by superstitious folk, but a man styling himself ths "Original Dr. Car ter of Seattle," who la being sought by the police for larceny, is credited with having In hie possession a most grew aome and unique anti-hood oo charm. Oscar Parson, a saloonman at Sixth and Everett streets reported to the authorities this morning that the "doc tor" borrowed hla overcoat for a few minutes last night and negleoted to re turn It. Aa a means of assisting the detectives In their search for the al leged thief. Parson Informed the police that Carter carries the dried thumb of a negro In hie pocket and associates with a "woman In red." M'CARREN ON TRIAL FOR KNIFING HEARST (Journal Special Berries.! New Tork. Dec 13. Patrick McCar ran waa practically plaeed on trial to day by the special committee of the democratic state committee, charged with knifing Hearst The committee adopted methods of procedure. Coun sel for McCarren demanded that a bill of particulars be filed. KoataffBlal Beportg to Tattoaa. (Joaraal Special Barvlca.) Rome. Dec 13. M. Montagntnt - re ported to the Vatican today. . His re port will be- used as a protest to the powers sgalnst the action of France In driving nut tha rh'irrh HELP WANTED WAXTF.fV A girl and good taller eaeneutt 73 North Sixth St. QIRL 16 to IT year of a(e AO wanted. Apply at eoes te OlUa. Wormian a Kins. WANTED A tdll-ad womaa who would appreciate guod home In family of twe; waste. Call snralnss 3SU fifth at OIWIj beln-ln- bom and ge- te- a.-booi amall wegea: good soai. Call 10 Baat Sixth at., N. . WANTKD llrl. eltnralat and boa-bos dipper. Apply tee W Mains ton at WANTED lrt for Uht hmneirork sod help with chtldnts; so waahlng. Pbob Kaat ajra riMMHEKS and eeeratora pants. 9nT ("ainMawealth Pldg., , Sixth an Ankeoj alreeta. rot R GIRIJI WANTKD We want fner 'tire ftrls te operate neanplrkera; bglit eaay work. Portland Berd Co. v Far a eestlasatiea ef Oase eda tara ts tha Claaslead Fasas. The Jearaal Is faat Weemtag the papala siedlaai far Clasatasd , - AdvattUuig. COST: less Than a Cent a Word PRINCIPALS IN MURRAY MURDER OF THE "DEFEJvXiANT USING FEDE RAL MORMO N SENATOR OPPOSES SMOOT AS SENATOR Represent ChurcTw4rvSenate and Not Utah, Declares Idaho Statesman. ! (Joaraal Bperlal Serrlce.) Washington, Dee, 13. Senator Dubois of Idaho In the senate thle afternoon spoke against the seating of Reed Smoot as tho United states senator from Utah and charged that the president knowing ly and willingly aided Idaho Mormons at tha laat' election. Dubois said that the people of the Mormon states had the right to demand that the president of the United States not use his power in the interests of "law-defying un-American organlxa Uona. such aa elected Gooding governor of Idaho." Dubois said Smoot represents the Mormon church, not the etate of Utah, and that hla vows prevent him from serving ths United Btates against the church. Hayes of California offered a resolu tion In the house calling upon Secretary Taft to Inform congrens if it Is the government's policy to engage Chines or Japanese on the Panama canal. If so, how many. ' The house unanimously paased a res olution directing the secretary of'com meree end labor to Inquire Into the high price of lumber and gather evidence ahowlng the existence of a trnst. CONTROVERSY OVER FIRE DEPARTMENT EXPECTED '(Special, DUpatrh to The Journal.! - Baker Cltjv Or.. Dec. II. Councilman EUla, who wss appointed by ths city council to investigate the project for the proposed fire department, has re turned from a Junket through the north west. It is understood that he will re port to the council thla evening In favor nt - pair department. This department will Include four men, twcneania tS combination chemical and hose wagon.' A hot controversy Is expected. Many people doubt the ability of tha city to support a paid department The present volunteera are exceptionally able, and many believe a paid department la not now needed. T GREENVILLE DRUGGIST SOLD WITHOUT LICENSE (Jlprelal Dlipatcb te The Journal.) ' Hlllr.boro, Or, - Dec. 13. Dr. M. JL Parker, who conducts a. drug store at Greenville, this county, wsa yesterday arrested and arraigned before Judge McUrids of the circuit court on four charges of having sold liquor without a license. He entered a plea of guilty to one and wtrs fined $200. The re maining chargea were suspended dur ing good behavior.- Circuit court will adjourn tonight MEXICAN GOVERNMENT BUYS RAILROAD LINE (Joaraal Bpaelal Bar? lea.) Mexico City. Dee. 13. It la believed that a deal will today be consummsted whereby tha government will control the majority of the shares ef the Mexi can Central railway by the purchase ef about f 210,000,00 worth of stock. TRIAL PRESIDING ' JUDGC-C-UL 6ANTEMEEIN POWE R SIN IDAHO PORTLAKD PEOPLE ARE. ilfllATING THE POSTAL k-AKD CUSTOMS-STATUTES Guilty of Smuggling When They Send Contraband Christ mas Presents. Portland psople who have eent Christ, inaa present neatly rolled up In news papers to foreign countries will per haps . be , wondering after the holidays why receipt tor. tne presents has never been acknowledged by their friends. The reason la that all foreign mall la opened at the postofflce before being sent to It destination for the purpose of finding contraband articles. " Postmaster Mlnto says that many pa pers have been opened In the past few daye which contained valuable lacee, handkerchiefs and Jowelry. All of these articles have been sent to the deed letter office and a quiet Investi gation la being made by the authorities to discover the senders. The action of sending such articles through the malls la not only a violation of the postal laws, but amounts to smuggling, which places the culprit liable to the cus toms laws, and Is punlshabler by fin and imprlsoivment. , . . REPORTERS ARRESTED FOR FALSE NEWS STORY (Joemal Bperlal nervles.) - New York. Dec. 13. Henry & Carey, publisher of theTelegraph, William E. Lewis, - editor and William B. (Bat) Mastersnn. reporter, and also a deputy United States marahal, have' been ar rested on charges of contempt of the supreme court at Herkimer, N. Y., In having "written a false and grossly inaccurate report of . the proceedings dm lug the trial of Ollletle - rlar Oscar Critically IB. (Joaraal Bpaelal Bervlre.) Stockholm. Iec. 13. It la reported that King Oscar Is critically III of heart dlseese. " " VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV .tTtWtW.TVWWVtttVV i The Sunday. Journal For December II will be bigger end better than aver. . It will have all the fine features tbst have made this the most popular paper on the coast " and; in wddjtton If wlrt baveaotne fine : : , CHRISTMAS lEATURLS Of 'course, the best funnies In. the country will appear and there will be a fine literary magatlne and sections containing all the news of the world. . Aside from these, which are -above even our average, there will appear MUCH ADVERTISING J The leading business men of the city have made thle paper tha medium through which they reach their customers, and In The Monday .Journal will appear many announcements of dlattnct value to our readers. X Tou will learn Just wnaryow snmjnr The Sunday Journal 4e SWIGERT IS SLATED FOR COHISSi ........ . -N - ... ', Thomas to Resign From Port ofx Port land at Today's Meet ing. w :.:.";:;-;; Says-It Is-Not-Fear-of-Bailey That Causes Him to Take This Action Swigert Is to Be Named as His Successor at Once. George B. Thomas will realgn from the Part of Portland commission at the meeting thle afternoon, giving aa his cause for the action reasons sufficient to himself, and which be need not either set forth or discuss. It la probable that his successor will be named by the commission, as by . law empowered, In the person of Charles F. Swigert former president of the board, who was re placed by the election of William D. Wheelwright when he went to Europe without asking or receiving leave of absence from the commission. hir, Thffmss upon the board and states that be la how simply following out his intention 'of some two years ago which at that time wnethwarted by the bitter opposition of A. A. Bailey, then a member or the house from this county, but now of the senate According to Mr. Thomas, he at that time wished to- resign, and woul 1 have done so, but aroused by (Continued on Page "Twelve.- 69-CLERGYI.1EIJ-ARRESTED FOR HOLDING MASS French Priests Examined and Turned Free With Warning by Officials Government Ig nores VaticanLaymen Take Out Permissions for Church. '(Joaraal Special Berrien.) aria, Dec. IS. Masses were said this morning In all Roman Catholic churches. Nothing except unusual crowds Indicated the crisis. Police In cltlxen's- clothes attended to preserve order and take the names of priests of ficiating without government licenses. Later. l clergymen -were summoned. charged with holding services without legal authority. Laymen are making the necessary ap plications for churches, which thus be come entitled to be used for religious purposes. The pope will likely disavow the acta of the laymen, but go out ' As regards the Vatican, the govern ment holds It aa a "foreign power,", and will psy no attention to its edicts. The arrested priests were examined singly. Kai-h answered that aa French cltlsens they had the right to say pray ers wherever they pleased. If others were present In the churches they did not regard them. . The offleials asked I them to sign declarations for future ac tion. If such a course waa decided upon. They were permitted to" go with the warning that they are likely to be again arretted for the eama offense. my-ro.rtuua 4 RHR KNOW FATE The Testimony! Con cluded and Attorneys for the Defense and Prosecution Argue." Mother: oLMurdered Man Placed on Witness Stand by Prosecu tion Crpwds Throng Court room Waiting for Verdict of the Jury. Late thla atfernoon the fate of Or lando Sherman Murray, charged with murder In the' first degree for killing Lincoln Whitney, wee submitted to the Jury. It te expected that a verdlot will be reached today, for the deliberations upon .the unwritten law are expected to be brier. After hours of tearful pleading for the youthful defendant and bitter de nunciation of his crime by the prosecu tion, the case waa finally completed this afternoon. It waa In Justification of the unwritten law and sympathy for one so Jicf Attorneys Logan and Jeffrey pleaded; It waa to uphold the statutes made and provided that Deputy District Attorney Haney and Attorney Vaughn argued ao At the court house, awaiting the ver dict, are throngs of persons, friends of tha avenger and friends and relatives of the one who Is dead. Throughout -(Continued on Pare Twelve.) COAL-FllfilE -IS DUE ABOUT FIRST OF YEAR Dealers Declare There Is But Ten Days' Supply in Bunkers and Absolutely No Way of Forc ing Mines and - Railroads to Deliver More. Portland la facing m coal famine with not more than 1 days supply on hand, unable to get promts ef antia fact ton from either railroads or mines and with almost certain prospect of no coal from any place in tha bunkers or dealers' blna by the first ef the year. At the present time there Is not a single pound of Aroerlcan-mlned coal In the Fort La. mi market, according to tha story of the dealers. The mines will make bo prom. Ises even to their agents, telling them that the railroads will not famish cars The railroads on the other hand retort by stating that the mines will -not st the coal out fast enough and that tuer have the cars whenever they will use them. The Storey Fuel company haa ha4 but one car of coal In tha laat t days aiut can get no expression from tha nines a to when more will be shipped. Tha firm la tha agent for tbe Rock Springe coal of Wyoming and has mad strena Que efforts to -t n ttl. miMtL but with no suocess. Bays' Supply Bemalaav The coal bunkers bava some 1 days supply on hand but It la rapidly being eold with no chance ao far aa la now known for any appreciable addition to the faat diminishing manir ti,. - . held in the bunkers la the. Wellington and Australian ooal. the former selling tiv "a me latter for Is. The bunkers have ahut down M .n .. pers and agent and will sell to no on who baa any Independent source of sup ply. , The proprietors ef the Storey-Brnokee Fuel company, agents for the Rore; Springs eosl, ar not at ail enilmiatia over the outlook. 'I think there la peril ape IB days' upply In the market today - saM Wll- llara Kennedy, "and there la 'no pros pect or getting mote. We hare had one car from the mine In the laat 4 daye and now ar ahaolalely unable to se cure any satisfaction as to when we can have mora. 1 my oplnloa tne first ef the year will an absolute coal famine In the city unless something un foreseen at thla time happen. "In my opinion it la a rtllrmi fiM. The' mines say they cannot gel rare and. Ue .jail roe 'Is r they cannot -t the U.'ij tii sriid Tfte -" te . ... mines.'' Several other dealers r.rr..'... ( Statement snd y that He I ,' Continued ea Ji " i