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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1906)
TltC OREGON 'DAILY; JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENINO. MOVEMBEH 87. 18IX ta. NO SENTENCE AT -4111$ TElif, Remarkable ' Incident Arises Land Fraud Cases at Mos- y . cow,1daho. ; . In STATE ASKS COURT TO DEFER TO NEXT MAY Attorney for Convicted Menon the Contrary, Urge Instant Pronounce . ment and Take Exception to Denial State Haa Use for Culprits. - (Special DUpatcb to Te JoaraaW) ' Moscow, Ida., ' Not. 27. Sentence! have not btg passed on Bobnett and Cwjter, convicted of defrauding In pub lic iuid casta:.. ' - ..) - District Attorney Rulck saked that Beatcacala.-deferxadUbensiso ins da.l , rendanta were raatlna under other ln- , dlctrsents and the pronouncing of sen tanoe now might disqualify them aa , witnesses In their own behalf or In other caaee where the v -government : might want to use them. -The cases against Robnett and Dwyer were of much less Importance than the con spiracy caaea against others, and their ( evidence might be needed In the prose- eutlon of them. . ' . Judge Beatty said that one reason be .deatred to defer sentence Is that a case , similar to these Is on appeal to the cir cuit court of appeals and will probably bo decided-before the net term of this . court If H should- -be so held that these oases would be entitled to dts- - rnlaaal, then these defendants would esoaps sentence altogether. He took the case under advisement and held de fendants under their existing bond., - Judge Forney took an exception to thle ruling. '. The grand Jury returned two' Indict ments. One is said to Involve three men In' ; Kootenai county, v who are wealthy ' and prominent . la business circles. - Una Oouaty rarmers wrospexoaa. . : - The - farmers of Linn, county have wade money this year and many are buying' Edison phonographs from Fred Dawson, the live Albany druggist. If you want one, write htm. j. preferred Stock Canned woods. Allen & Lewis' beat Brand. , Thanksgiving Thoughts. How to simplify our housekeeping on festive occasions . Is a timely subject, and the following article Is sure to be read with Interest by many a .' good house mother' who may. In her secret heart feel a little burdened with the extra work sn tailed by our national feast' days: . . f The Taaaksglvlnf Bluer. J By Mrs. Joseph H. Jones. " '' ' ' The American housewife Is far too apt to think that stuffing her guests to the verge of repletion Is the most pa triotic way of honoring our national fes tival. She Imagines that because her grandmother overloaded her table on this occasion, she must do likewise. even though her own preference might be for a little originality In the matter of the Thanksgiving feast,' as well as any other. We all know that the . dish wnlch comes In the shape of a pleasant sur prise la the best appetiser, and since no tradltlonarlaw governs onr-cholceof viands on this holiday. If we except the turkey," and perhaps the pumpkin pie. there might be ninny pleasant sur prises. . Una would be wholly lacking la re spect for the time-reverenced - cus toms of his forefathers were he to ; suggest a digression In the "plece-de-resistaoce," but we may, with no .offense, introduce some modern dlshe and depart from set lines to the extent of ignoring others of our grand mothers' day. .-'. , , We might, for' Instance, set aside the substantial oyster soup, with its ao- oompanlment of wafers, and in Its place substitute a chilled fruit salad that would whet the appetite Instead of ap peasing it. The chicken pie, too, la suite suf ficient -of Itself to form a dinner, and. aa a rule, the guSsts who have partaken heartily of the turkey have no appre ciation or appetite left for .a second meat course. - Some crisp, cool salad. such as a Waldorf, might take lta place with decided Improvement. ' .By careful planning ahead, very little of the work In preparing the suggestive menu given below, for a family dinner. need be left for Thanksgiving day. On Wednesday the turkey can be pre pared, the paste for the pies made, the pumpkin cooked and sifted. The vege tables may be gotten ready, the little cakes baked and the cranberry Jelly made and molded. In preparing the tur key for roasting, lay It breast down in I Con Cure Cancer At Soma Without rain, lasee s Ope ration aaa I Tall Yo Sow, Tree. iff Rmm- On the fourth floor is ready for you.' In it we arc displaying some exceeHinglyttf active" Holiday lines, comprising Fine Leather Goods I 0 fc.l - X Save Fievs- Canoe Can Be Cured at . Soma Wo rata. Slo. Flasto, . .. Talrs nr. Walla. I have discovered a new and seeming ly unfailing remedy for the deadly can cer. . I have made some most astonish ing cures. I believe every person with cancer should know of this marvelous medicine end Its wonderful cures, and I will be glad to give full Information free to ail who write me and tell me about their case. Peter Keagan. Galesburg.'ill., had can cer of the mouth and throat, Doctor said "no hope." - Mr. -Keagan wrote: - "It Is only a question of a short time -I must die. Today his cancer -Is healed up and he is well. My marvelous radla tised fluid did It It haa other Just such cures to Its credit It Is saving people every day and restoring them to health and strength. If you have cancer, write today and learn how others have been cured quickly and safely and at very small expense. No matter what ? our' condition may be, do not hesitate o write and tell me about It .1 will answer your letter - promptly. - giving you, absolutely free, full ' Information and proof of many remarkable cures. Addreas. Dr. Rupert ' Wellsy 15 Radol Mldg.. 8t Louis. Mo. Cut Glass Cloissonne ' ; "v ; 7-;;': ''' Pictures Framed "and Under Mats - Discriminating people tell us our . display this year is of surpassing attractiveness. Cer tainly it represents the knowledge and expe rience gained"byaBy"nfty yearsfreful" buying in the markets of the world. 1 - Woodard - Clarke & Co. -- Canadian Monty Taken at Fall Value PHOIIE, Private Exchange It , ' . ' ' 9 TRUNKS, 20 EXTENSIONS i - ' . . . Do your drug buying by. 'phone, saying time, money and patience. x the roasting pan. after brushing It well with melted butter. This Insures a fine. Juicy tenderness for the breast, which Is the best portion of tha fowl. . The success of any dinner depends largely upon how It 1s served. - If there Is a maid, she should be plainly and thoroughly Instructed beforehand that there may be no awkward delays. There la wide choice In the matter of the table decoration for this occasion, but good taste will usually 'dictate a simple centerpiece of fruit or flowers. If the former be preferred, then only the fruit which Is home grown should ! be used to best typify "the day we celebrate." ' MENTT. ' Fruit Salad In Orange Cups. Olives. " -Baited Almonds. Roast Tnrkey. - Individual Molds of Cranberry Jelly. - Stuffed Fotatoea. Creamed Onions. Pumpkin Pie. Cheese. Mince Pie. Pomegranate Ice. - Uttle Snow Cakes. -' v l. Coffee.. - : Pomegranate les 1s mads by"addtasT two cupfuls of the strained : Juice of blood oranges, four tablespoonfuls of lemon Juice and the grated rind of two oranges to a syrup made from two eups of sugar and a quart of water. Cool before mixing and after straining. frees quite hard and serve In eocktakl glasses. . , , . '1 st,W St I - A Dally Menu. BREAKFAST. Sliced Oranges Omslet with Ham .-I German Fried Potatoes - Oatmeal Mutflna Water Cress, ' French Dressing Coffee Tea LUNCHEON. .. Siloed Cold Meat Bauce Tartar Baked Potatoes - Brown Bread and Butter i Salad of Mixed Vegetables . A Dish of Fruit . Cookies . . . Tea Cocoa' .... DINNER. -' " 'Cream of Corn Soup - ? .', A Baked Ham, Cider Bauoe) i . --- Baked Sweet Potatoes t ' - Stuffed Eggplant Stewed Celery Salad of Red Cabbage . Swiss Cream .- Layer Cake Coffee ' Cheese , ; . It It '--; .' ' - A Daily Thought. v From' an Exchange. ' . If. all the pity and love untold , Could scatter abroad In coins of gold. There wouldn't be, on th whole round . .earth, One hungry heart, on wretohed hearth. And. oh, ' If th kind word never said Could bloom Into flowers, and spVead and shed Their sweetness out on th common air, Th breath of heaven would be every . where! ... ' JVinter MUllneryC . '. ) " From Dress. Rats, like gowns, bav been modified bv time, and there Is less eccentricity to b noticed than a month ago In all ! millinery. -Many of the ahapes are odd, but-almost. without Axceptlon they are becoming and are graceful In -line. The soft felt . and velvet hats -with velvet antf ostrich feathers are charming and the colors most attractive. Th length of th ostrich plum threatens to o a caricature If It continue, but for th moment th long plum around th crown and falling down to the collar at th back Is odd and graceful. Small hats are not so sxaggeratwlly tiny and have more evidence of being chosen for the Individual wearer. Felt and cloth the correct combination - for this Stylo I of hat In contrast to the plumes and feathers worn on the more elaborate and picturesque -ahapes. - -ft ft ft Table Decorations. During this busy week th housewife Is much occupied with plana for the Thanksgiving feast, and th setting of the table and serving of th meal form aa Important part of th program. A sue-seatton as to table decoration Is ' given by ths Philadelphia "Inquirer i which la not dlf floult Two large horns of plenty ar placed at th head of the ! ends of the table tilled with fruits In season; attached to - thes ar ribbon I -. -ik. .m.iI mm tha Aanlh piece proper. , In the center of the table stands an electrolier with six or more yellow bulba. aurrousded by large fluffy chrysanthemums. Th candle shades are ot yellow silk with beaded fringe. - . - If ha dinner Is served early there re mains an Interval which must b mad jeheertul and entertaining for th hU- criraivnZsXL BACK cones ' ' ' - Sid Combs and all aorts of Hair Ornaments in a great late that begins in a day or two. Tha moat wonderful sal ever presented ta Portland ahoppara. Wctch For fcs Sc!3 Store Closes AH Day Thursday Thanksgiving Pay Store Open Till 9 P. flTefcesfoy Wsiies&M Sail 11 M c IPliiies it SIMJF.ffifBIUlM fmm ieauuiidlTlDuV Plumes 12 t24-in. Lofitfl; .from 2.00 Up A sale of Plurnes that will go down to history as the greatest distribution of superb' raluea on-fine- Ostrich Plumes ever held in Portland.' Hundreds and hundreds of beautiful. wavy, rich plurnes in all lengths from 12 to 24 inches, priced at just half the original fig- ures'uicy nave buiu au in-miuuicr o.yry ul very spctiat uuy, out wc won't weary you' with the- details, of the transaction, suffice It to say the plumes' are here in plentiful assortment' There's a goodly range of prices, too. they start at a fine 12-inch plume worth regularly $4.00. Wednesday special, only JLZjO ar V HIISSES' JAUNTY DATS Chic, charming shapes of felt in all the wanted colors, trimmed, with quills. The best and rnqst , stylish shapes, made from a superior "quality of felt, and regularly worth ( $3.00 each, choice. apl '7 MISSES' FELT DATS f. IT... .1 ..I. .1a 1 I. - and neat blues and browns. Trimmed with r'C ' rosettes and quills, smart shapes, and ' well n. for.....:.. OyL s Ssaav aim aw m WW A, OT J Bankrupt Shoe Sale Still ol Interest Absorbing Bargain 1.500 pairs i of Women's Shoea, in gunmetal, pat ent kid, gunmetal and box calf, light or heavy soles, common-sense and Cuban heel ahoea worth 54 in any store on earth; aaie price., the pr. ; $2.98 Women's Shoes In vid kid, runmetal calf and patent leather, lace or Blucher style, all the new lasts Miller's price would not ' have lenrfess 1 than 1 $3.50 the pair; our orice. . . only............ $2.39 V Men's Shoes in all the beat leathera, a lot - of nearly 3,000 pairs; patent leather, fine calfskin, vid kid and gunmetal . calf; come in Blucher, lace or button styleerworth f ronr S4.uu to &).w; your . the . pair n aiyica, worm irum s? $2.99 pair,, ,M(r..,',",y w, Misses' and7 Shoes, regular Children's 97c $1.50 value, . tor. Children's Shoes, mostly samples, and therefore " theymretnrbrokeiniresr worth $175 the pair. for 79c Sale ol Coats Continued and New Values Added Tomorrow Women's 8uhs In Nor folk style; come in smart plaids and fancy mixtures; some have velvet collar and some are in the col- larleaa effectf aemi-fittlng- and Prince Chap styles, worth $25.00 each; your $12.50 Jumpers for wear over ' waists of all sorts, made of taffeta or China ailk. thing that every woman wants $3.75 e i---. . -h $8150 Women's Costs of fine blsck cheviot, made in the plain, smart tailor ; style, trimmed with straps and plaits; - coata ;- regularly -worthtlOO each for ' only.....;.... Women's ' Black Coats, made of superior quality of kersey, trimmed with rich silk embroidery and made in the loose-fitting style; yoke lined -with aranteed Skinner aatint- worth $16.50 CI A HO say.;.j;.lft98. WOW FOR THE LAST DAY OF TEE WM SAIE The turkey will taste better if you serve it at a table covered with linen white and glistening. And here a a chance to save enough on the linen so that you can buy a larger turkey than you'd planned on.. Bleached-linen, m i j . t j-rr a a : - - -i I! J I. .1 A 1. .1... o inencs wiac, in iour aiacrcni ucsiiu, opicuuiu giaus ui umu um BLEACHED. TABLE LINEN, 68 inches wide, a bai gain that no store in Portland can equal. " Wedhes- f? -day for the last time. . . . aVOL sells regularly for 75c the yard. Very special for this last day before Thanksgiving' H ALP BLEACHED TABLE HALF BLEACHED TABLE LINEN, 72 inches wide, a fine quality "that sells at regular times for 60c the yard. A Q - Wednesday price, yard. LINEN, 68 inches wide, a reg ular 60c grade, selling Wednes- X..,!::'.:.;.....30c BLEACHED DAMASK, in beautiful designs,, a superb quality that always sells for $1.25 the yard.- Spe- ;. 0Qr cial forVVednesday,.... Ow A LACE SALE . " . " - For fancy work and trimmings Widths run from 1 to 3 inches and qualities from 10c to 16c. Come in white or cream and you have the choice , of hundreds pf yards. Wednesday at yd.... 3c MUSLIN DRAWERS Plain or tucked styles, made of a very good quality of muslin, trimmed with lace or embroid ery. Full sized garments -that sell in 'most any store for 75c. Special for Wednesday only 48c CDILDREN'S SLIPS NIGHT SLIPS or sleeping garments, made of good qual ity domet flannel, with feet. A regular 39c garment selling here very special for Wedne.- day only at the suit (or- ; garment)............ 25c rJANDKEROHEFS Full sized Kimono Handker chiefs, for fancy work or the construction of Christmas ki monos. - New patterns and strikingly pretty. are the de signs, wasnabie. Worth 10c each, for 5c DECORATED PLATTERS 23c IN-THE BASEMENT- How's, that for a splendid Thanksgiving bargain ? Good sized ones, made of fine ware, scroll design, and a platter that sells at regular "times for 35c each. Wednesday only. ,LQt DECORATED PLATTERS 49c IN THE BASEMENT - Fine large Platters, in floral decorations and gold edges, large enough .to hold a great big Thanksgiving turkey, and the regular price is 75c. For a good Wednes day special we sell them 49 C FRESSCUT CELERY TRAY 37c IN THE BASEMENT J -Handsome design,' in a perfect imitation of cut glass, with gold band. Finest glassware possible to obtain, next to the. real cut glass. The size we offer for this special is worth 50c Wednes- "3 7 day only........ ......... .....;.aj i C dren of the family aa welt aa the sueete. On this day of all days we want to cement the bonds of rood fellowship, and a asms tbat la possible for eU aces' Is desirable. The old same of rhymes may be acceptable. Let each person draw a slip of paper on which la written a word and a question. Each most writs a Mother Goose rhyme answering on brlnainf In ths question and aalna ths word.- The results ara sometimes very funny and a clever person will pro duce reeults that are convulsing-. Re member that sense Is not necessary. Hero la a sample of thla sort of literary effort. Word, "turkey"; quaetlon, "What is the user . Result: X might 'be a turkey. But what Is the use? ' I'd be killed for a gander ' - , At well aa a goose, . Or this:- . The turkey haa gobbled his last little , 1 . . ... . And we have completed his excellent Jobi The use le most plain, as you eaa well eee, And wo hop to remain many dinners to RODNEY AVENUE CHURCH v,. 'WILL BURN MORTGAGE V . ,,, - The Rodney avenue Christum churoh will Celebrate lta emancipation from debt' by having a mortgage-burning to night at T:I0 o'clock at Rodney avenue and Knott atreet, when the jaat evi dence of ' tndebtedneas agaJnst the church edifice will be consigned to the flames. . - Rev. T. Elmo Robinaon. .pastor, the corresponding, secretary of the mission goctety, and several out-of-town minis ters will make abort addressee, appro priate to the occasion, a musical pro cram has been arranged by tha eholr. P UIHliV I Te Our a OoU la One Bay -Tike LaJATIVB BBOMO Qatnfne TabWrta. Irari"t rrfnne ranu.r if I r.lls to wr. B. W. ttSOT S eWaatare ie ea each koa. aa. 111 77'hr,w Sav V0uravitiv flllj If wnsn tow (an err K(ATN'S R( 1 1 a sit Clauvks Kami J OreaonaWathrnqtM farmer I. frsif orriiI poTsieat.caicursl . W .numbrr m faaiihf. tic RURAL DlRCCTOR? C H fl tTW t, BTtaWQ tll(M c