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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1906)
THB OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND', TUESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 27, 1K3. 11 MORE LAfiD IS BOUGHT BY mm cohpahy ; .St Johns Concern Purchase - Property Along the Water- . NEW CURE FOR RUPTURE Last Week-of The Malleable VW leteatlse Apellaaee, - Always a Verfsot rit ajustasie to any aue nnw lur, Cwfertakla, -Vever elite,- Da C b oking Demoristration - Ommwim iprisss -er raas oasts , ., .1 .. Tu( KU! Ooaunea ' . Tnissss Made . tor afsa. ' """ 1 Weasea - ar Chuarae. - " front. (ft - . . " . - 111! 1 -. m m .fc VI 1 I " . V. t i - The Peninsula lumber company pur- ct.asrd thJ-imrn1n rrom M. jr. ray el Test of river front adjoining Its cTmiriK liiililinri.nn ihe east. The pur. cbeee . price wu )7.50O. The parcel bLia depth of tOO feet,HvHir totl itt ol t little over eight acres. The price. J.00 an acre, la coneldered cheap for -river fronting -so- advantageously situated.. The lumber company wtU uaa tbe tract for proponed extensions and Additional yard facilities,- - , : - -- Tha half block fronting on tha wast Ida of East Seventh street, between Yamhill and Taylor was jsold yesterday to tha Baron Shoe company by Russell Blyth for 117,800. It Is understood that the purchasers have In view the establishment of a shoe factory on the aite, although It Is announced that -nothing .deunite along that line has been de termined. The half block is now occu pied by ttiree small dwellings. v W. J. Hoffman broke ground this morning for ll.Ove reel 8 en ce on the oomer -of Baat Twentytxtir and Han cock streets. T,' B. Schellhammer has the contract. ' D. E. Keasey e- Co. are tiavlng tha tract at the .head of Twelfth, Thirteenth and Fourteenth , streets, back of the Portland academy on Portland heights, surveyed sod will soon have 9TX lota there ready fQiythe market. This Arm swearta-Jthe sale of more then t((LMe Worth of MWtWSm&iirTtitth - past week..- .; Transf era of eralty filed for record roaterdtcv aggregated a IttlTe less than 140,0.00, i r:0VEL ENTERTAINMENT IS U riutra B: m:. , m mm w a a WW - w W WW wwww w - www Thanksgiving Day 'to VB Cele brated, by. Unique Four l " . . 1 '. Ring Circus. : The T. MCA. has arranged for a tour-ring circus for a Thanksgiving en tertainment which promises to be one of the moat novel affairs ever held In Portland. The "rings" consist of tha reception-room, tha parlor, tas gymna sium and tha swimming pool. A sep , arete program for each ring has been arranged for and they will be carried out simultaneously. In the reception room i the- association orchestra, under the leadership of A. Is. Clifford, will play selections commencing at 7:10 Cumming Who Slogs at tha "WhWTemple" Oornar TweUth and "flajloi traesB, Ihanksgiving Hp si.mli at the "head Of Oratorio' eln .n she has A wonderful voice. The usual admission la reduced one half so everybody can hear her. Seals Reserved, 75c and $1.00 Columbia Woolen KUlg Co Oor, Tth . sad Stark. Phone C 404a. fsa, Britten. Coraif Auptnre Vy 0. X. Broeka. at eeeta leal this muo erdlnery trasses, f hate eut tbm arlre so low that say nraoe. tU er psor. can boy. saa I sbelntly suaren te It. 1 sik, u to tour erore end It to ran roe mir It. and if it Onesa't satisfy yea stud It berk to s and I will nfoed oar ssaaey. That Is tha -fit rent proposition ever made by a rapture speclsllst. The banks or ssr tespeaslble eitlaea la MsrshsU will toll yea that Is tbe way I As bosluess alwsys sb eslutsly oa the suusto. ! Urn to wbat Mr. Jas. Rrlttos, s prewlBest Bssaafaetursr of Hetbicaeak i's.. wtitMii "C E. H rooks. Esa. I)esr Sir I here ben rsntnred six rears end base alwsjs bsd trouble rarlth It till I pot yoar sppllsnes. It Is very nil sesi sua sims, sua w av sny Mm.. Oar Bigot, in did sot know I ksd It oa. It just adspted. Itself to tbe ships of tbe body sad clung to Wis spot Be Better wbst posit Ion I was in. it woe4e ds e .snisois uw. wu tbe anfortanstee Who enffer from rupture. If all eould procnre the Brooks Buptere AppUsnoe sad wear It. Tbey esrtslnlr woold never reerst It. My rspturs Is aU bslte. Bp end notblng ever did It bat yoar sppusoo. Jas. Brit too." If yoa bsre trisd most tTsrrUilns else, eonte to sae. Wbere otbers fsll Is wbrrs. I bsre tar (rsetsst suceses. Writs me todayxand 1 will send roe my book ea Hapten andvlts Care, shewine; my appllsnes and fislna yoa prices' and semes of people who hare tried it and bean cured. It Is Instant rellsf wbea an ethers falL Beawmber I use So eslvss, so bsraese. ae Ilea. Just a straight bastaeea desi at s reasonable pnre. 0. I. as. ST7 1 pasjr to wear. 0 la the. way at fart atUjues I I Brooks bid., aUrskell, Mlok. O'clock in the venlng. In tha parlor tbe following program will bo carried out: Song, by the Glee club; reading. "Wild Rose,'' Anita Pearcy; eong, aeleeted. Anita Pearcy; aong, "The Holy City," Master Hary Parsons. . . Ths program, arraiigsd . tot tha gym nasium oonalata of events for boys, men and woman. In the awtmmlng pool the following raoea havojbeen plannedt iO yard ewtm for boys; fancy diving for boya; long dive for boye; plate-diving for boy a; tug-of-war for boy a. The entertainment Is planned for members of tbe association and Invita tions have been extended to the mem bers of the T. W. C. A. Th Invitations road. "The building will be open all day and something will bo going ail the CLOUDBURST SWEEPS V : FAMILY-TO-OEATH (Journal Rperle geiTtee.) Murphy, N. C Nov. 17 cloudburst strtlck tha side of rain mountain, four miles from this town, and rushed down the aide, sweeping everything in front of It. The house of Ft. C. Cornwall, at mhhm orrrriTTiito) QOacyAJrgaiAgTy;mir opTTXTauia ooatJAaTT iolidayood Are Now Ready From every poiiit of . view our Holiday Displays are better and more extensive than ever before. This new store is fairly laden with beautiful things suitable for-gifts. If " y 6u ; will but visit this store no argu ment will be necessary, : The widevarietyofbeautifuLand Visefql things appropriate for Holiday Gifts will appeal to you" at once. The moderate prices and easy terms are't wo features not to be overlooked. LET US SUGGEST FOR THANKSGIVING- ' Table Linens Cut Glass - Silverware Art Novelties Eastern Outfitting Go. Washington and Tenth ' it Oa AatWTea Wear XtK Tsu Are not aattsasa, i stomas - , Year Msaey. t fcsre Inreetsd a rapture appltanae..tfcat I ess ssfsly ssy. by SO Tsars' sxpsrleore Is tbe rup ture business, is tbe only one that will sbso lulsly bold tbe nurture ssd sevsr slip end yet Is esol, comfortsble. ronforsis to ml move- sunt sf the body without casting or annui- Four .remauiing jiays in which to take advantage of the opportunity of witnessing this .wonderful range In operation-of tasting the jPlLLICIOUS BISCUITS FRAGRANT Cooked In plain view on "The Malleable," , and served free to our visitors. A few minutes' in- enMtinn of the ranffe will convince, vou of its su-' " perior cooking and baking qualities of its econ- : .jotny-jQtJ I III . I ZZ,uM'XH-1::,rr. 1 . .. III.-' . I W . I .... if . Ill II i: .V II in if f - : ;vt ii It v V ' III " 'lfi mil Kit!: ' un ui I-- 1 l n I 1 x H',111. -a- .-n"sc-- ii ii in l ul l 'i i 1 1 MM II kiaaaw 1 ; ssssSTl .1 rt I D . - J BTI.: I I I -1 ! - X' iii . i .rii -tioinj iisiiii rmw iti r-z-w III K'lX H'li'V. m I I I I B,.V .-ssNsrTir-'Mllrrt I. Hli I . III ,:..-..:.,ir-.',Tl r I I 01 I I ill 1 U I" I- I I' i-i 'lis-"! I Ir1 I ! i1'" -If '::r,:.:..:..t rt"iit:tt:fctff.tiu;a:i::s;::j::;:t:; . , , l . 1 IT Is the strongest range on earth built on honor tnrough and tnrougn or Truest steei ana znaueaDie ' iron indestructible. It is hand-riveted, airtight,"; burns perfectly and cooks things as you want them, -. wnen you want tncm. v x One Dollar One Dollar InThirty Days JoUi Thereaiter. Are the terms on which we offer to Install "Tim . Malleable! in your home, and we will take in ex-: v; change your old stove or range and allow liberally iorsame. ; .tv'sT-' JYlorrison and -Seventli- ,k .. n tha mountain, was oarrled away and hia wife, three children and twe girl visitors were orewnen. im torrent truck them at o'clock this mnmins whan ail were asleep. Corn wall alone escaped. FOLLOWED PRESIDENT WITH BRASS KHUCKLERS ; 1 eBsaaMBMsswassaaBaw -t ' '.j' mijr" ,4... 'J,h German Named Kheil Deported From Panama to Avoid Se- ' rlout Consequences. (Journal Bpeelat Berrlee.)- Colon, Panama. Nov. 17. President Roosevelt's visit waa attended with aa Incident which, might have been serious. Chief of Police 8 ban ton received from the state department a few days be fore Roosevelt's arrival a request to' detain a German named Khell, repre sented as having sailed from Venesuela for ' Panama. Khell. waa arrested on, landing. He oarrled three revolvere. a A STRONG COMPANY Plan of Pacific Coast Securities Company a Big Winner. The PaelBo Coast Securities company of this city Is one of the strongest mining corporations ttnvt has bean formed In the- northwest and will un doubtedly meet with deserved success In their plsn of giving the Investor absolute" seeuTttr" on- the" "principal . In vested. In no Una of Industry la some change In promotion methods needed as greatly aa in mining and It Is to aay tbe least a move In the right direction. The security snd guarantee of ' the principal la a Bank Certificate of De posit for tha full amount Invested, this Certificate of Deposit being directly under the control of the Investor until he la satisfied with the earnings and the ability of the company to continue the payment of dividends. This la an entirely new departure from the ordinary mining Investment, tbe risk or gamble having been elimi nated, and will appeal to those who want an investment rather than a peculation. The company will send upon request several booklets leaned by them thst contain many facta of Interest to aay Investor in corporate enterprises. BOXING MULTNOMAH CLUB CHAMPIONSHIP BOXINO CONTESTS.: Thanksgiving Eve. AT UlLTNOHAff Ctl'B GYUfMSIUM ABatXaWXOsT 1.0O w30 SaUUtP. ruketa get Sale a .toklUeri Olfat Stores bowls knife and braaa knuckles. He waa deported to Venesuela, the day after Roosevelt sailed. ' . i Khell had been watched by the TJnlted Statea authorities alnce he wae arrested a couple of year ago near the White HoJWJJB.yshJiigor, t whenJteavlly armed. He told the officials here that rtar hi. arrest ha had been In Belle vue hospital and then dejorted. Khell declared . be waa a mercnant, auia smia hla former visit to Washington waa to Interest -the navy department in new propeller, but that he came here to in terest himself In canal work. He oar rled considerable electric apparatus and hia conversation Indicated he ta an In ventive crank. ' . ' ' . .' ' HERE'S A DOG THAT'S r GOOJD FOR SOMETHING -A Portland. minister, who be-.. e Ilevea that nothing la more dla- e couraglng than lack of apprecla- e tlon wll. be plunged Into tie darkest depths of despair when e he returns to hla flock,, Tha e ' dominie tnr question Is absent e from tbe city, and If what la told la true, hla parishioners e will not be overjoyed at hla re- turn. - 4 A visiting minister delivered a e sermon from the vacant pulpit Sunday.. The congregation noted 4 that one of tbe characteristics of the sermon was a refreshing brevity. : After the benediction wae pro- e Bounced the visitor apologised . e for the 'shortness of ths sermon s to some of the brethren with whom he wae talking. He es 4 cused himself by aaylng that on ) Saturday afternoon hla pot fox A terrier had chewed op most i of e hla notea With a grin a mera- . ber of the congregstion asked: w "Say, you couldn't give . our minister a pup, could yoar HIGHOfFICIAlSISDICTEO FOR LAND FRAUDS Salt Lake Federal Grand Jury Returns Five True Bills, for Coal Land Swindles. (Josmal peMal Servloa.) .. Bait Lake City, Utah. Nov. IT.--Tbe federal grand Jury, which haa ben sit ting here for the last two" weeks.' haa voted to return five true bills against corporations and against some of the persona whe have been implicated' In the wholesale stealing of publlo lands In the state of Wyoming. The work of the grand Jury la not completed and It Is stated that before the Investigation ends It Is likely it may reach out and lay Its hand upon a United States sen. at or, a Judge of the supreme court of the state and an official high in the employ of the government The indictments which have been voted will not. be returned Into court until after the cloaa of the Investiga tions which the Interstate commerce commission la going to mske at Pueblo and Denver. , ' ' ' Ths commission wilt Investigate lend frauds committed in Utah by , whloh more than M0 or ot 'Md Uued Za Mora Cauffman BXJUUTOT-OaXST. HmeHadelinc Linnwood , PMTstcaXi crrrivrcru, wenoxjm . amd nin BtrxxDuroy. , TRADE SCHOOL FOB WOMEN AND OIRLR HOME CULTURE AND PRO- PES8IONAL, COURSE. Tha Immediate prooess for re moval of wrinkles, smallpox pita, birthmarks, scars, superfluous hairs, etc.. scientifically removed without the use of surgery or eleotricity. Manicuring, aoalp, facial treatment and hair dress- ' :'-'' ln- ' - ; "; fRCcr r" MEDICATED CUaYPACT, a com plete facial treatment ' T Office and School TMM XOaTTOOMXmT; 4 394 Alder St , Cor Tenth - WEIGHT AND HEIGHT FAIRBANKS' BATH ROOM and PHYSICIANS' SCALES. Popular for home and office. CHRISTMAS OIFT& w-AXBSaUTXS, BCOBSsl m oo, rirst and Stark Sta. at over 17,000,000, has been stolen from the government as la alleged, by the Denver er- Rio Grande railroad, the Pleasant Valley Coal company and tbe Utah ruel company, which corporations are owned -by the Rio Grande Western road.- - Commissioner B. E. Clark la here te Isks-svMtiws and -he) 4nveatlgatlon will begin at once. The Indictments which have thus far been voted, but which have' not been returned Into court are agalnat three corporations and two officials of those corporations. ,. , , An Eddyville man will put balls on all his sheep and goats, aa a protection ess Inst coyote.- - i -sssassasss-a a I I n Deans e Your Blood! The true way to cure all 1 Blood Diseases, Baasell's Nelly Herb drive eut pots- ISr HhsesssMe. Siasaach. Benrat kksaey snS Um tnmblsa SWsly Vejcusw rsm ssy. lissraltl at Drutawne (M sbak ssasvt WHw a rSC TfW Sss Besssst's Native HerWCa. M T We Be3 to Announce Ttutt r We Have Secured The Agency For Tbe JUSTLY FAMOUS i vox tutu A Trial will convince you that they mrm the bait shoes sold for the price ' All Stylet All Sixes $4.00 ahd $3.50 MAIL, ORDERS HtOMPTLY FILLED ROSENTHAL'S - ; 149 THLUO STRUT - 'Portland DBt Shoe Otoro' a M , '-' , . " : .' ' '. J,' v . - OAKS RINK ' TsTTSDAY SrXOal Thanksgiving Masquerade XAJtD TXUBS OCXAJ-. gant prises for best ooatum Our new skates are here. Klght ele- lea. - Heighten the enjoyment of your Thanksgiving dinner ; by including r- Butter-rNut Bread in the menu r ttenerously jood because btked r of the finest ingredients : -l ;TV Ivt Cents Per Loaf At All Grocers ' i IKSanX3 - t '.1 e. . . 1' ..... ir M :