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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1906)
, l - It CHE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. TUESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 7. 1SC3. imgWBSBBBgegB5Pg8g aaeeeeaa .i waswteaww- I 'g' .t- " --a OLD ST. VINCENT'S HOSPITAL BUILOING-DAMAGED BY-FIRE tl "lyl i. in ,1. iuih.hI r 1.1, fl rl: V 1 I v rrr -i f i - 1- AiMnMww ..m.. w.m .. a., irwv. , , j i t ,..w.iV ; '- -. ?vV t Hotel Northern a It Looks After the Fire. The bid Bt Vincent's hospital build ing, for tt yers landmark at Twelfth and Manhall streets, waa badly dam aged by lira last evening. For aavaral year the property baa been uaed aa a bote! and rooming house, being known aa the Hotel Northern. Tba etruotura cover nearly half a block, but ta en tirely of wood and, though only tba root and top story were destroyed. It ia pos atbla that the building will never be re paired. The building waa ' & " triumph ' of achievement In the hospital Una when It was built la 174. ft was four stories high with a -cupola front and back, was built with broad stairways and wide halls and contained lit rooms. For tl yeara the Slaters of Providence minis tered to the atck and the Injured In tbe big wooden structure. Then the new brick hospital at the head of Hoyt street was completed and the old place abandoned. Four -years ago It was sold to Bono Ballla and for the past two yeara tba place haa been run aa a hotel snd rooming house, Mr." It-O. Banks conducting the latter on the three upper - floors - and Mrs. B. C Bowerman running a restaurant on the ground floor.,. All but live ef the rooms were occu pied when the fire broke out laat night and over 100 persons ware temporarily rendered homeless. Had the conflagra tion originated on the ground floor or had It started at night a number of lives would undoubtedly have been lost. Aa It was, the fire broke out In the roof at about :10 o'clock, when many of the roomers were at aupper and all easily escaped and saved practically all of their possessions. - It Is supposed that the cause of the fire was a defective flue, as the flames were first seen high on the roof.' They spread rapidly ever the top of the whole structure,- hutwere-eiow -to - eat - their 100 Dollars WiUB?GivenIAny-of-0 TURKEYS. :''ri;;-:::GEESE;-v' CHICKENS or DUCKS Have Ever Been in Cold Storage Price, per lb. . . . . . . .23 and up in Gold Butler b Company . . PHONE MAIN 5736 149 FIRST STREET - Mrs. Cora D. Killer T.bkes a Forlnne Say She Will Now Give Away $10,000 Itorth of Medicine to Women tTntll a few years ago Mra. Cora B. Miller lived in a manner similar to tiiat uf-thoueands -of other very poe women of the average amall town and vllluge. 6 be now resides In her own palatial brown-stone residence, and is considered one of the most successful buiiiness women in the United States.. : Several yeara ago Mrs. Miller learned of a mild and simple preparation that would readily cure female diseases and pllea. After curing herself and many of her friends she was besieged by se many women needing, the treatment that she decided to furnish It to those who' might call for 1L She started with only a few dollars' capital, and the remedy, possessing true and won derful merit, producing marvelous cures when doctors and other remedies failed, the demand grew so rapidly, she waa several times compelled to aeek larger Quarters. She now occupies one of the city's largest office buildings, which she owns, snd almost one hun ored clerks and stenographers are re quired to assist In hls great business. . XUUoa Women Use It. ' - - More than a million women have used Mrs. Miller's Specific, and no mawer where ff9u,cn . refer you to ladies In your own locality who can and will tell any sufferer that this marvelous remedy really cures women's diaeasea. DoaDlte the fact that Mrs. Miller's business is very extensive, she is always willing to give aid and advice to every suffering woman who wrttea to her. She Is a generous,- good woman and has decided, to give avay to women who 'have never uaed ' ; her medicine 110,000.00 worth absolutely FREE. Every woman suffering with leucorr- dlsplscsment or falling of the womb. proiuse, scanty or painxui. perioua. uter ine or ovarian tumors or growths, also C'ns In the head, back and bowels, ring-down feelings, nervousness, creeping feelings up the spine, melan choly, desire to cry, hot flashes, weari ness, or piles from any cause, should sit rig... down and send her name and address to Mra Cora B. Miller, box 57 Kokomo, Ind., and reoeive by mail (free of charge in plain wrapper) a BO-cent box of her marvelous Specific; also her valuable book. Remember, this offer will not last long, for thousands and thousands of women who are suffering will take ad vantage of this generous means of get ting cured. So It. you are ailing, do not suffer another day, but send your name and addrees. to - Mrs.- Ml Her -for the book and medicine, before the $10, 00.00 worth Is all gone. way downward. A second alarm brought additional apparatus ' to the spot In -a few mlnutea and tbe flames were ex- igWSBea before they mm -gone befow the top story. ..The entire loss will not exceed 15,000, covered by Insurance. There. was no suffering among the dis possessed roomers. Many of them even had permanent lodgings engaged before bedtime. . - . . , LOS ANGELES PEOPLE SHIVER INGASLESS NIGHT ' (Joaraal Heeelal Berries.) Los Angeles, Nov. 17. lxa Angelea la In the grip of an unusual, cold spell. People shlvsrsd and went to bed hungry laat night because of tbe inadequacy of the gas supply and the shortage of coal and wood. Throughout the city tne gas famine waa complete. The cause for the absence of gas pressure is as signed by tbe company to the breaking .down of a number of generators. -Albina's Only Big Market TIHIAIM New York 1906 SAVING SALE! -Albina's-Up--tF-Date Table Supply Douse lv MAIN t ', .ST' epi m L....i,K yet we the -.w--- " V to have a bt MAIN ssalswaar The Immense Business We did Saturday astonished oe, and tood and people know it Wa expect trade all thte week, end tpedal arrangementg made to make prompt delivery. A Car load of Oregoii Turkeys, Dressed, lb........ '....185 to S5e Geese7 Dressed, Ibrrv i. vs ;.. r. . .-.'s rl&$ Ducks, Dressed; lb.. ............. ...,17 Chickens, lb. ..; ... .V. .14 to 17 Fine Celery, bunch.,..'... ......5e and 10 Cranberries, qt.' ....10 Oysters for Dressing Raisins,-3-pkgs. Currants, 2 pkgs...:.. Orange Peel, lb... .; Lemon Peel, lb. ..., Qtron Peel, lb........ .25. .....20 ,.M.20 .M..25 Butter Per Roll . 22 lbs. Cane Granulated Sugar $1.00 STRONG EFFORT TO PASS PHILIPPINE TARIFF : Administration to Concentrate Forces on Securing Relief for Islands. . Market and Grocery '"LOWEST"; MARKET CUT RATE ' PRICES. EVERYTHING -GOOD TO EAT AT . 477-479 ' WILLIAMS AV. PHONE, E. 460. Phone East 460477, 479 Will iams Avenue ; cus & Hi.mmsip, Prop. : QRMSD DISPUY CORiVFED FOWLS Prize Stock Prime NaUve MEAT MEAT MEAT fruits Onuurss. Xrcmons, ' ApplsS, rpss, tmtu, TlfS, . . Datsa. Vegetables , SAVE MONEY BY. PURCHASING YOUR TURKEYS, . - GEESE. "DUCKS, ' CHICKENS, AT 477-479 WILLIAMS AV. PHONE, E. 460. RANCH EGGS, dot... w. 35 Tomatoes, new ood, ,5 1 dos. Tomstors, new goods.,,. 95f 2 dos. cases Tomatoes, new : tooi fl.80 1 !os. E. J. pafl, new soods. . .95) cans K. J. Pass, new roods.. 25 t cans Baitir Corn, new foods., I cans Suirar Corn, new oods..40s) dotl raneJBut-Carn, . isw good SI. 60 ' l ib. cin Whits Asparasus, , , So slse - 25 .1 caa French Peas t cans Strlnx Boans 2B ' J-lb. can Double hyrup Table Peeled Peaches, tOo grade.. .15 ',. l-lb. can Double Syrup Table Apricots, Z0o grS'de , .1B , Wsdco BUced Pineapple, J do r f tan. for 15s) M. J. B. t-Ib. x-aii Sliced or Orated ' Pineapple. S6e can (or 25 S ftm K. A. ffoups, 2 for k. ir ..iiim is I can F. A. Beans, 1 tor SSe'sisa .......... .lUf large 'cans V. A. Beans, S for . ase.slse 3Sf I -is. can F. A. Besns, tOe slse.,15 1 lb. pure Comb HONEY. 15 SMITH'S IMPORTED KIP PERED HERRING, regular 25c 20f 1 can Underwood Lobster. .... .28 t can Monopole Bhrlmps 20) Large cai Soused Mackerel. . . .20 i cans Imported D. O. Sardines. 25s) i-lb. can Underwood Mustard Rardlnes. 20o slss 25 l-lb. can Monopole Bhrlmp. . , ,.20 I l-lb. cans Red Salmon 25 l-lb. can Flat Salmon Cutlets.. 20 S l-lb. fans Wadco Salmon strnki -rrr.;...:: i.2IS 3-10-16 cans Oysters ....25 It-lh. palls K. K. K. Hominy. 1. 25 15-lb. pails Jelly, this eale....9Gf Horns Made Jelly, per glass.,.. 15 t glasses Jelly .'. 25 Bayle's Ilorseradlsa Mustard. .104 SPECIAL lo Every Purchaser l-pt. bottle Snider'i Catsup at 25c a 10c can pepper FREE 1 pt. bottle H. M. Catsup...... 10s Pint bottle Knight's Pickles, 16a.- a for 2Sf Olives, ISc alae ,..10 Olives, S5c slse.. 25 Olives, 60c slse ...35 1 qt. r. A. Sslld OH 35w 22 lbi. SUGAR, pure cane.?l 2 carta any brarrd CREAM 15 1 lb. Upton's !? orated can So, i Ts. T60 grade... -60 H lb. Tellow Label Lip ton Tea, -40o grade 2Sf l-lb. can Tetley Green Label No. 1 Tea, 75s grade v.60) H-lbcan. do i!tJ!JL1J3o) i lb. Blended Ceylon Tea. 50) 1 lb. B. F., Spider Leg, Qun Powder, ' Toung Hyson. English B, 76o grade (or .... r. ............ .50) 1 lb. do.. 60s gride for....... .35 1 lb.vdo 40o grads ... . .. m.i25- I-lb. can M. J. B. Coffee. .35) ' l-lb. can Barrlngton Hall Cofee TO 1 lb. N. T. Blended Coffee, r 1 60 grade .....20 1 lb. M. J. Java Coffee, 5o rsde J.Y....25 a pkgs. Dr. Pries' Food. ... ...25 a pkgs. Cream of Wheat. .... .35 a pkgs. PUlsbury' Vltos. .....35 a pkgs. Raisins, seeded ....... 25 ) a pkgs. Cleaned Currants. .....25 Mlxsd O. U Peel 25 1 pt. Boiled Cider "...25" H pt Boiled Cider.... r.T.T.J,.lR" 1 gaL H. M. Sweet Cider. .... .35 1 lbs. Knglleb Walnuts. ...... .35 1 lb. Soft Shelf Almonds...... 25 a lbs. Ford DaU ........... .25 a lbs. California Figs. .........15 l-lb. pkg. Pressed Ft rt. . 6 gal. . Preferred Stock Syrup, . 6O0 goods, this sale, none bet. ter,.plck.tbem up while they last.... .40 (Joaraal Bpedal Berries.) Washington, Nor. J7. President Roose velt will make an extraordinary effort to secure the passage oX a- Philippines' tariff bill. If -the- senate committee which has the pill In its keeping Is not open to argument, means as strenu ous a any Roosevelt ever ha employed will be adopted to brlag about ths pas sags of svtch a mess ure. , :U . The president and aeoretary of was are deeply concerned over ths affect that a second failure to pass this bill, which they consider a measure of Justice to ths Filipinos, would bars on ths minds of the island lnhabltanta They are es pecially fearful of the effect of a fail ure because, before another year I up. there wilt be a jegnlarly.jQDJtUutedl Filipino assembly In session, snd the de sire Is strong to have the native mem ber take office with a feeling that thla country bas dons for Its wards the on thing which thos ward most desire. . PET DOG DIES AND SHIP'S SAILORS WEEP There Is sorrow on board of the British steamer Mancheater port today because -yesterday 4 afternoon Captain Ackerman's pet dog, a beautiful Japaness 4) pug, valued at several thousand dollars now that hs 1 dead 4 expired after a brief Illness. The w pet was borled after dark 'last 4 Bight In the vicinity of the Prt. 4 of Portland Brydock and a little board mark hi grave. Th dog ) has been with th steamer for a long time. The Manchester Port 1 under charter to load wheat and lum- 4 ber-for -Hamburg. Laat night . eh waa shifted .from .ths dry- dock to rhs mills of th Eastern 4 nd Western Lumber company to.. 4 Una preparatory to loading grain. 4 Sh look a blight on the 4 day when sh started on her maiden voyage, because ah waa 4 cleaned and painted while on th 4 dock, . HOLIDAY RATES Annoaaoed to Ooeaa eache. To enable patroh to visit ocean beaches during th Thanksgiving and Chrlstmss holidays, th O. R. A N. Co. will on November 2t and at, December 14 and tt, and January 1, sell round trip tickets to all Tirrrth bfwich polnta at rat of $1.60. For further Information ask at city 'ticket office, Third and Washington atrta, Portland, Oregon. MMM I MEATS- 349-351 OAK ST. rciiows iiroecrv (bo PHONE MAIN 2506 - GROCERIES j 343-350 ANKENY ST. Tomorrow willbeThariksg iving 3 Barg ain Day "At Portland's largest and cheapest Grocery and Market Another great money-saving Hst has been prepared for Wednesday. Don't forget the place, on Oak street, near Seventh. :'' 100 POUNDS BEST CANE DRY GRANULATED SUGAR V.... ROSE CITY FLOUR, best fancy, patent, per sack 1 .' 1 t 2 lbs. best bulk Mince Meat f3 pkgs: Condensed-Mince-Meat .25 ;5U-4-lb8 3 lbs. New Dates. ............ .25 2 lbs. best English Walnuts. .. .7. .35 1 lb. Lemon Peel... '.20 1 lb. Orange Peel....;;....;....; .20 1 lb. best Citron Peel....... 25a 3 lbs. White Mission Figs. ....... .94.60 ,?1.15 ,V25 ...25 3 pkgs. Seeded Raisins..... 1 pkg. Washed Currants.......!..... 1 lb. Shredded Cocoanut........ 1 S-lb. pkg. Crackers 1 8-lb. pkg. Crackers................ ,..10 ...15a ...20 : ...50 : EAST SIDE DELIVERY EVERY OTHER DAY a The Boston Packing Co. THIRD AND ANKBNY bTfl. . the Boston Market , FIRST AND BURNSIDB BT8. FIOHTIINO THE BEEF TRUST Why not get only first-class meat which is government, inspected and is guaranteed by them as stamped, showing to the public that oar meats art healthful, dean and wholesome. Why not bay the BEST when prices are lowest" The Two Big Markets Are th leader In quality a well aa price. Nothing but tn best Is handled by ' us as th publlo knows. .Our rvlo Is prompt , and f flclenC XV ap to 70 to ret th best. ftlrlola teak, pes lb 10 Porterhouse steak, pes lb. ..lOifi monad Steak, p lb. ....... ..9 houlds aneak. per lb. ...... .6 rrlm Bib ateak, Inort Oat, per lb. 10, tew Beef, per lb. ,..44 Short Bib Beef, pe lb. 4 BoUlar Beef, pes lb. 4 Beef for Mlaoe Meat, pat lb..t4 btuttoa Stsw, pes lb. .........4 Utm, pa lb. 4) Should ex Xattoa Chops, per lb..9 aasaa-s, per lb. H Xambnrr, pes lb. ....6 lg Boaat Teal, pes lb.....HH Busp Bat Teal, pa n...HV1 Teal Btew, per lb. ............6 Oorasd Beef, pt lb. ......... .5 Breast Teal, per lb..... 7t Chuck teak, per lb.- Baoalde Boast Xnttoa, lb....7c rot Boast Beef, per lb. 70 hoaldey Boast Teal, par lb... 9? Shoulder Teal Outlet, per lb..0j Mm Bib Boasts Beef, pet lb. 0 BoUed Boast Beef, per lb.....9 Bib Teal Outlets, pet lb... XKla Teal Outlet, per lb...l2H .Best Orad Bams, per lb. ...XQf Breakfast Baooa, out Owa Bread, lb. rare Jjard, our Owa Braad, lb. for 55) OUR PRICES- At tm t h a lowest, and - all other ,, inarketa have failed to meet na as yet. Than there' vary thins; la '6 nr favor - ta command Tlt trada WE" HAVE-EVERYTHING IN THE PORK LINE , inwKiMganiaiMiiBWiPWMannMMisnnnm 100-Ib. tack Pure Cane SUGAR . i $4.60 THIS SPOT CASH SALE LASTS ALL WEEK COME Soda....,' ...5 ZOf l-lb. pkf. A. II. Pnainm Cereal .... l-lb. pk. Cracker .......... .20) eO-lb. sack Kimnen mai nwur, Hnn- hattar. arada this ............ Hood River Apples, 109 boxes . while tbey last, can't be . beat .' SI. 25 Hetns Apple Butter. H-ral. jar. 45) Oolden Weat Baking Powder, lb. lo, 1 lb 30 7 !b. Whit or Pink Beans. .. .2S) T-lb. box Maccaroni ' 4O0 1 (at Pur Cider Vlnesar. . . . . .25 10-lb. bos Fancy Prunes, prls stock ,..75 C lbs. Larr Prune .......... .25 OPEN TILL 10 O'CLOCKJVEDNESDAY- EVENING: THURSDAY TILL" NOON ; SPnCIAL DCL1VCRY. TO ALU PARTS OP TUB CITY j mm W WW P; ..z; -r- '. .' for . THANKSGIVING I From IVA to 25 Cents Per Pound I T0WNSEND AND VAN SCIIOONHOVEN y, J.J47 FIRST STREET , PHONE MAIN .1493 THANKSGIVING TURKEYS 22 TO 25 CENTS Fresh Ranch Eggs. ...... . . 40 Fresh Eggs ......... 30 f Eastern Eggs ... ... .. .... .25 Best Creamery Butter GOf, G5V Good Creamery 55 - Dairy Butter .40, 45 " Best Sugar Cured Ham.... 717 Breakfast Bacon ...... , ... .18 - r9M Urirlr DlaH IK ". 2fl4 ' Limburger Cheese each. . . .35 " CHICKEHlNfaS 14 to 17 CENTS La Grande Creamery i!? w- v. .' f rv . 1 MM T1T 'I '5 . .!'