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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1906)
77 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER ; 21. KZX IITIGATIOU STOPS I COflSI jHill Lines Ca i RUCTION -V-":.' ::: H m ... o Track Work Cannot i. . a pn r" Ground Purchased for Terminals.', WAIT UNTIL "... COURT SETTLES IT Zontention Over North Portland 1 'Property Causa of. Costly Delay to j J. . . ' . .... i. imil Hill intereswifreigM anwr niu " ) Be Built, However. " ' Utigatloa between the HU1 iiI Hm. Viiqaa eompaalea over, possession of -a (number of block in-v Korea Portland purchased, by . the Portland 4. Seattle - Ifarlndependeat.. terminals la delaying it he construction work of 'tha HIU com? Ipanles 14 this cltjt, They cannot lay tracks oit the around until the salt- la settled, but 4 the building of freight -(houses and-ohcdaMa nor enlDmed and Xho Portland , Seattle .will wiialn a few day Invite bid on this port of .the 'terminal program. .j v. i The proposed railroad (and trrolnala , to be bu in "Portland tor the. Port t Jand A Seattle railroad -company, ate ,ror the use of ;the Great Northern. . Northern Pacific and Chicago, Burllng rtoa . 4t Quiney railroad eompaatea, knows aa the Hill group of roads. They will come In over a 12.000,000 bridge. across the Columbia and a 11,000.000 , bridge over , the Wlllametterehdthatr double track will come through an 80 jf oot cut across the peninsula from Ilajr den island to a point near the Portland ; glrydock. . jThe lrat plera of these - ibrldgea are In place and -the "work of jbullding la going rapidly forward. .A contract baa been let to Grant Smith of set. jraiu, ior moving the dirt for the aula -cuts A pumping- station wilt Installed by Smith at the Willamette river, and a large part of the out will ,be hydraulleed, a system " commonly .used for moving earth la placer mining. The dirt and gravel taken out Of -the cut will be hauled In dump car to the low ground at the north side of the peninsula, . and used for filling. - It baa been estimated that 1,000,000 yards of eart will -b taken out. and that a year win be required to complete the cut. Have Already Spent1 Mlllloaa. . .' The HIU lines have to the present data apent about 17,000,000. in construction-snd rights of way for the .north bank Una, Including' Portland terminals. It Is Insisted by the management that In view of the large- amount of money Investing .to get to -Portland theg must come la 'right and bave ter minal facilities that will enable, them to success fully compete with the Har ritnan roads now enjoying a monopoly of the .traffic and terminal , 'business. The ground they have secured for In dependent terminal la the bone of con tention in . present litigation before Judge Wolverton In the United Statee oourti The. northern Paelf io Terminal lOompeay, a name ' that hr a misnomer, 1 controlled by tbe Harrtman compan ies, and they demand that the new ter minal grounds acquired by 'the; Hill -companies shall be consolidated with the so-called union terminal properties, ' and managed Jointly by all 'the roads. Until this contention la settled the. HIU companies cannot lay their, track and construct their sidings, I i probable that within a few days the Portland ft Seattle company will in vite bide for the building of It freight l houses, and leave the track construction to come -later. -r-The buildings - writ- be J erected ' db piling and concrete - biers. the fire waUs will be brick, the -roofs wui do' supported ny teei Trasses and the. aide will be almost,.entlra)y Com' posed or folding ateel door. .The freight house will be 980 feet" long by SO. feet ;wlde A two-story office! at the end 'of each building will occupr too by-M jfeet. -if :;-v.. TKE'STOUT GITI2EH HAD K0 . TROUBLE WITH SKIDOO i That Is, Not Much, but His d Friends Were Worried Over t r - "the Answer. V ",.'.''' East ' and " West, everyone v says that is oriel of the; big books ' of . the year. '--'East - ' . "A good example of what an -American novel-should b."-Philadelpha- Record.. b ""There is a sWin'p; arid" go .to this narrative, tha it, is. u impossible .io , resist.' r-New York.-JPress. -t .1-.-!i nf. ' ''. "One of the best American ' stories that', has been writ ten." -Buffalo CommerciaL "Clean;; sensihle , and re-' freshing." Pittsburg pis afch.' ', : y'"y .-, ,i I v'Unusual pqwers' of char acterization, f ' puttinp tlon, ' and ot, 'preserving, a Clear; unaffected style ; of writing."-New York Ainer- -Y Betrays 'theTindeniable hall marie of - genius." Buffalo'-Courier, v. ."A strong and substantial nover'-T-Philadelphia. Press. "Shows' originality and strength." Boston Herald. The Balance of Power ' West "A noteworthy achieve ment." C hicago Inter Ocean. ."Mr. Goodrich writes with a sure hand, as one who- has' full command of his tools." San Francisco Call. "Possesses a cheerfulness and charm at once exhilarat ing and contagious." St. Louis Republic. ' "Strong, virile, admira ble." Grand Rapids Herald. "Emphatically a novel of Temperament an'd'expei- ence, giving a singularly vivid picture of American . work-a-day life." Portland i Oregonian. ''. "A forceful and well-told story." 'vSan ' Francisco Chronicle. ' "A drama of striking situ ations and fine climax." Nashville American. "None of the elements of the , great American novel! are lacking." Denver Re publican. . of Power By ARTHUR GOODRICH TWENTIETH THOUSAND The Collng PoMIshing Co. NEW YORK BKidoo, ii tor me,' , . i . " "Wrong,' answered Brown, "entirely wrong. I have the correct answer. .120. Twenty-three pennies In each box. Too almple-to talk -about.' 7 i 'Then Jones dropped , In. . He. had 1 skldooed down - In the rain with that simple skldoo sum. The boy bad 107 pennies, In a box. - ' Then Mrs. Johnson' gal. Hannah, oafn In 'with a skldoo hop-tep-and-)ump, claiming, "Eureka! Eureka! skldoo for me 481 pennies. II in a box.- Can't aee what people ere -making ao .much fuss over so simple a thing for.' "Mv wife .Betsey, and the children sll bad Jt' worked out different ways, and presently our prescner -ciuiea, loosing tired and forlorn. With a nervous hitch of bis - mouth, ne asked: Have you er a have you seen the skldoo T "We have, we have, parson." I bss tened to answer. "-"And you have solved It? . - olTvtLH pay. Ago. j T'ertaJnly, parson, any .one eughTto be able to solve ao simple a thing. Tea. W all aolved It day ago.". "Bless the Lord," he responded fer vently, "thst one of my flock has ah ha got the answer. . Why, . tbet Iniquitous skldoo has hsunted 'my wak ing and sleeping hours like a hideous nlghtmsre. So simple, so unsssumlng, and yet so ' SO devilish. I -was going to say. And yet " hero the good man mopped bla eye with his handkerchief. "Why. when I read the text In church Sunday morning, I said The Israelites skldooed out 'of the land,' which caused smiles all over the church, and when I said the benediction I remarked to the congregation, Ws . will now skldoo to I rigureo MODEL E. 4-CyUader Runabout, 10-lnoh wheel baae,-: II horse poweri peed, U mllea per hour. rrio ....... ,,ioo r.ODEL O. 4-JVHnd TeuHag Car; 100-" inoh wheel base, I H. P.' peed, 41 snlleo per hour. MODEL P. e-Cylinder Touring Car, lot- inch wheal baae, II H p.) apeed, It UUs . par hour., Frio 92,150! ; Nearly 200 Mitchells sold and delivered In Chicago during 1906. More, we believe, than of any other one make of car-and the agent says 400 or 500 more could have been sold, could they have been furnished. The Mitchell is a satisfactory troubleless car a Show Me Car A car to be proud of a car that is $500 to $1,000 lower priced than any car of equal quality a car that has $500 to $1,000 more quality and! value in it uian any car qi us price, xn snurc, v , . :. US J. DAY'S EtfEflTS OJJ EAST SIDE SL Johns Police Judge Holds S Man on Charge of Attempt- '. . ed Assault. T-v'-T, ; . ,,r .. By X H. Davie. " "Of all the nerve-racking, contumac ious, confounded. Inexplicable things I ever, run up against," said the- fat clU sen. "this skldoo takes the blue ribbon. I remember the 13-14-15 pussle. and I waa stuck on Mark Twain' pink trip slip for a three-cent fare, punch in the presence of the paasengalre,' but bust me. If none of "em touches skldoo I Why, I haven't slept a , single night since the dodgaated thing was foisted on the unsuspecting public." No." I answered. "But then, It la simple; oh, so very simple."- Thafg It," he assented. "The very simplicity of the thing la what worries me. And I can't gat away fronv it. Why. it's worse than a boil or an ag gravated case of love-sickness; 'tis by ' k..&.aM. ... U1U1IUQI I "Of course you've aolved the little simple thing," I suggested. - That's the deuce of It I Of course I ean do the skldoo sum. Anv mutton head In the land can do It People are doing It every day. Why, do you know, I almoat felt sorry for the paper which sprung this simple- foolishness on the publlo aa a -sure-enough puaale. I did, for. a fact la five minutes I alt Tight - And Just becauaa- It was so easy I felt that It would be mean, real low-down mean, to take those thousand pennlee from Tbe JouesaX.for doing It It. looked like robbery, you see....- The boy had J J pennlee. ,VUh some one wuum, .i ui m mi, ivHulin .vuiiuu' drum, something hard." . , 1 1 Waa Thlaklaar of Othsrs. I Saa Ittde Department. Thought you said It waa nerve-rack-( Charlee Whitehead, a One-appearing ins." I reDHed. I man, who says that he ha a family In "So lis, so 'tis; hut not for me. Tou Baker City and give hi age aa II. was see. If this way: . Testerday Brown bound over to the grantl Jury yeatsr- dropped in at our house-. Said he'd Just I day by Judge Thorndyke In the munlot akldooef ln -tiy-talfc a llttlei And how-)-peJ court of Bt. Johns on I H do - you skldoor- he esked me, with a nlne-llns pica, amlle across his elanelo features. 'Oh, I skldooed the skldoo be- tnrm tim ItYV was Arv on the naner' T Taait'WhyraosrPn It Bruwii. It's atrinaeT"Dail cf ISOOrfurnHhea1 by H. H. easy as sliding down a greased pole. I Prouty and O.' M. Soott of Portland. . J UaSt the QarYo'u O Atthe Price You ' fljli Td pay more is. to waste your money. To pay less is to pay dear for, experience. To buy any other make at the,MitcheH price you get less value than you would by buying .: a Mitchell. Write us and let us prove' to you, that these are facts. v- TearThlaOut Fill in and v Send to Uo for 1907 Catalosue FIRST & TAYLOR ST8. rortlaad, Or Areata for the STorthweet. .-.'.'- , . 1 " ' ''ATI ; yev - ' 1 ., -' . ;,. at '.a 'i BUILDINGS GOING UP ' . , IN ALL THE SUBURBS Elgbtjr-oot. Thoroughfare Ftoro r- Center Addition ' to ' th - River It . Planned "by ' Improvement Club- Other Note Prom the East Side, attempted assault Whitehead waa ar rested Thursday night just after the affair occurred, waa arraigned before the Judge the next day and released our homes.' Sunday night ver-MOpagea -of foolscap trying 'oic-.frlena-a -drank--excessively until get the answer to that simple propoal tlon. And I have figured, and pondered nntll I am a mental wreck, almost I never had anything, not even the grip, to affect me so. ' It seem like a hid eous, fascinating, relentless, phantom, beckoning me on to destruction. Oh, If awful, awful! And you're solved it Tour answer Is " Twenty-three.' t ald. '' ' . 1 At this he gave an unearthly groan, and aa he took hia hat and stood In the open doorway, he replied: "I pity you; yee I pity you." And with a wild, maniacal laugh he went out Into the darkness and the storm. "AH' this," added the - faC -eltlsen, "makes me oneaey all thle worry of others. Oh, yes, I've got the problem I'm onto the skldoo with both feet" no fuel in sight La Grande, Or, 'Nov. 14. The fuel situation at- thla place has reached a serious stage, all the more so in view of the continued cold weather. The deal ers have no hope of getting coal and effort are now ' being made to get 'some hauled hi from the mountain points at Kamela and Hllgard. Wood is selling at IT, which is unusually high, as only 14 and IS was paid-last winter. Considerable suffering hag al ( ready been experienced her. ' Miss .Ma Turretl. who waa attacked by Whitehead Thureday evening, say that ahe encountered, the man first near her home on Chicago street, as sn waa going out to, visit - a - friend. He - had been drinking and asked her where to take the car for the city, a he wished to return to Portland. She Informed him and started on her way. The stranger followed closed after her. Thla worried her. o ehe started to run, upon which he also ran until, catching up with her. he selxed her and attempted to hold her. TMls Turrelt managed to break awar and ran again .until ah reached -the-veranda of tbe-MoClave home, where ahe was Intending to go, .when ehe waa caught again by tbe man. who held her and aald:. "Tou can't get away this time." She rang the doorbell frantically, but no one neara ner. witn a desperate effort she managed to get away and dashed Into the house. When her friend. Miss MoClave, saw her come In covered with mud and al most In hysterica, she notified the near est neighbors at onoe and a search was made for the man. Marlon Holeomb, a vouth of 11 rears of age, wltnesssd the attack and Immediately notified all tbe men ho found, ana tney joinea in me chase. W Aesellant za Arrestsa. After a thorough search J. M. Hanks saw a man whom he suspected ot being the assailant skulking along In the shadow of a building near Fessenden and Fillmore streets. The suspect was tsken to the etty hall to be confined and there hi nam was learned. At the preliminary - hearing yeeter day before Judge Thornflyke, White head aald that he had come to St John about 11 o'clock the previous oay to about o'clock, - when he started tor Portland. ..He say that he remembers nothing from that time until he awoke the next morning In the City Jail at St John to And himself under arrest ' SUa Ma ay Ooatraeta. ' W. G Adams ha tontraot fdr the construction of numsrou new etruo tures to be commenced In St John Im mediately. For Mrs. Rose of Seattle he I building aill-room hotel at Burling ton and Fillmore atreeta, which la to be a three-story structure. : Incidentally this I the first building In St Johns that will be affected by the "new Are ordinance, which provides that all three story buildings must be equipped with modern. Are escape. '', Mr. Adam will also build three four room bungalow for . Mrs. Anderson near Seneca and Day ton street, at Point View. ' Mre, Anderson la a sister of Mrs. W. W. Lytle and came recently from Toronto, Canada, to visit In St Johns, but became eo charmed with the place that ahe has decided to re main and invest bar money In St Johns property. i ruut for wide attreet. At the meeting Thursday night of the Twenty-eighth Street Improvement association plan ware discussed for sn 10-foot thoroughfare from, thoee ouler districts to the city.' The Center Addition Improvement association I working wit -the.- former- organisation far , this Improvement and tangible illll LqkqUduo Pleasant to taho and does not gripe or nauseate Cures Chronic Constipation,. Stomach and Liver Trouble v .:''. TS Stimulation Without Irritation, j Onrao Laxative Fruit Syrup is a new laxative syrup combined with the deli eions flavor of fruits, and is very pleas ant to tak. It will not gripe or sicken. It is much more pleasant and effective than Pills, Tablets and. Saline Waters, as it does not -derange the) Stomach, "or irritate the Kidneys, Liver or Bowels. M !:: t- Constiir&ttofW' - Omko Laxative Fruit Syrup will posi tively cure ehronid constipation as it re stores the natural action of the intestinal tract. Ordinary cathartics may give tem porary relief but the stomach is upset and the bowels are irritated without any permanent benefit having been derived. The condition of the patient remains un changed. The Stomach, Liver and Bowels have not been stimulated ana in ft lew days a stronger purgative may have to be taken. ; This is why Pills and Aperient Waters' never give permanent relief. Their violent action results in an unnat ural movement of the bowels and it is nec essary to- keep taking them indefinitely j v Why ORINO Is different. : "Ortjo Laxative Fruit syrup is the only preparation that really acts upon all of the digestive organs; Other prepar ations act upon (the lower bowel only and do not touch the Liver. It can very read ily be seen that ft preparation that does not act upon all of the digestive organ tv r can not cure Chronic Oonstipation,Torpid . Liver, Indigestion, Sour .Stomach, etc. . .For biliousness and SlcK V ' He&dachee' :a' ' Take Oko Laxative Fruit Syrup. - II sweetens the stomach, aids digestion and . ; . acts as a gentle stimulant on the liver and ' ; bowels without irritating these organs. , , " ; k Clear the Complesrtoti t??r.Z " Okao Laxative Fruit Syrpp stlmulaliei'v' the liver nd thoronghly oieanf i th ff system, and clears the CQmplef iori of ,. T : pimples and blotches. It is the best lax-f . f ative for women and children as .it is mild and pleasant, and does not gripe yt ncxen. 1 rxciuacLsmiamuies. OUR GUARANTEE Take ORINO Laxative Fruit Syrup and if you arc not saiisf led your money wjll be refunded Proparod only by FOLtY eVCO., Chloago, In. . SOLO AND RECOMMENDED BY ALL DRUGGISTS ' - v ! The Packard l the great home piano It has a rich, deep, musical tone. It is perfect fit .every detail cf workmanship and construe tion. Come and ace and hear this piano if yon art interested. We also sell Victor Talking Machines and have all the Records. - The House of Quality ' Sherman, Clay CS, Co. mill mean for aocompllshlns- thla important Improvement baa been Just about con cluded, although the member of these progressive societies realise that the execution of their plan will meet with many aimeultlea. . . - . . They hop to have an 10-foot high war from the Ladd farm to the Burn. aide bridge which they will endeavor to accomplish by widening East ullsan to SO fset from the Ladd farm to the Sandv road which will also be widened to 80 feet until it reaches Eaat Sixteenth and from ther to Grand avenue through East Davie. Thla will bring about a great benefit for all parte of the- east alike touched by the proposed ronte. After Grand avenue le reached an Indirect connection is also mad with the central' eaat aide. . Rev. Oilman Parker of the Grace Baptist church ' addreesed tba Monta villa Home Training olrcle yesterday afternoon on the "8octal and 'Moral Training of Children." Dr. Parker em phaalxed the Importance of thl sort of training la connection with the sta bUlty ot tbe nation which depends largely open the morale that surround th child In the home and In the school and pointed out thst In thla respect the political corruption of our' day could find a- solution In the moral and so cial training of the child.. -. i The new addition added, tooths. SelUl wood school two year ago- has now been Stomach Mies ' SBBWMWSVBBaSBI SJsasaaaaasasasaf iBasseN's Native IfMmsaa. Ofclever Positively Cured by nVarur' Own Remedy," BaeseM's NATIVE HERBS, or costs rou nothing' 25c and $1 (contains Sight Draft far return of your money 4 tm eama.) At Onar IMS' (m Heck sank ar Tnal rREEktwnent Herb Conapaay Sea rrssctscev Cat. filled and the latest report from that district make the attendance S7T. C M. Poley ha returned to Wood- lawn axter a two weeks visit la Ash land. - Cook Walton have been awarded the contract for finishing the city hall at fit. Johns. The new bonds are lust being prepared and the work will go rig tit e-neaa wunout oeiay. ... EUROPE CONSIDERS CUBA A NATION NO MORE . ... ' Zi.. - ..,. Saaa"aaaeaaassaBaaaasaaaasaw Great Britain Leads In Withdraw- V nt Recognition During Arnjerican Occupation. - (jenraal Speelal Servlee.t -Washington, Nov. ft.- The state de partment haa been told by tbe British government that it will not recognise the provisional government of Cuba aa other than a dependency of the. united States. . Z' s- . Grant.- Duff waa . appointed minister from Oreat Britain to Cuba some -time ago, but baa not taken hie poet. . He will not be eent to Havana. Thl la taken to mean that the British government believes the United Statee Is In Cuba for aa Indefinite period. It la expected that -other European governments will follow In the steps of the London government and give their ministers 'to Cuba Indefinite leavee of absence. PLANNED MURDER OF HUSBAND BUT GOES FREE (Jootb.I Speelal Serviet.) ' ' ' 1 Angeles, Cel., - Nov. H. Mre. Aurelio Be heck, widow of Joel Be heck, for ..whose murder In this elty July 14 last Brnest Staokpole la now, serving a 'V-'. V.VV., ...... 1 ... . . ' . ... ' f : . . , - Ana sea now quietly it will warm u a cold room or hallway. The Per . feetloa Oil Beater takes the place" of furnace and other stoves between -seasons, and in midwinter enables tou to warm any cold spot in the none that tha other stoves fail to heaU , Tha ' ; . : , PERFECROW Cfl Heater (Isaacs wMi tasiktkis Pevlce) Is the handiest oil heater tnada. , Does not smoke or smell. Wick , cannot be turned too high or too low. Perfectly safs and a easy to . operate as a lamp. All parts easily cleaned. - Gives intense heat at small oset. Every heater warrant. ' ad. - No household should ba without the Perfection Oil Heater. ', If not at your dealer's writ to our , aearast - agaacy- fog descriptive 7 ciroBiar. ... TjRenfo Lamp Sr ggSJrZ v ,ssr ' . other lamps for all-roiind hoasehold nse. Eowipped with latest Im proved burner. Safe, simple, satisfactory. Brass throughout and nickel plated. An ornament to any room whether library, oiaing-room. parlor, or bed room. Every lamp warranted. Writ to our nearest agency u not at yoar aeaiara, . ' STAND AJtD Oil c6uPAlfY. n sentence of life Imprieonment, has been freed fronSIa charge of perjury aad die charged from ouatody by. Judge Traak In the Superior Court. She haa been In Jail ever slno her husband's murder, first charged with being an accomplice of Stackpole and ater accused of per. Jury. - - . . ", The oourt roled that the graad Jury la returning the Indictment against Mrs, Scheck had not anted in accordance with the form . of law. - Mre. Bcheck turned whom ehe lived on Intimate relatione, state's evidenoe against Htaekpole with -referred gtook Cammed oeaa. . AUea Ivewls Beet strand. NEXT COMMERCIAL CONGRESS AT MUSCOGEE Kansas City, Mo., Nov.. 24. Th next annual convention . of the Trans-Mis-slssippl oongress will be held at Musko gee, L T. . The resolutlena are 'ellent aa to a ship subsidy. Thsy recommend the lm provemnt of waterwaye, a merchant ma rine and a department of mines and mining, approve tbe Monroe, doctrine, the reclamation of land and an appro priation for tha SeatUe-Tukon axjiasl- .if-:-