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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 24. 1SC3. . . . - ... . . Same c Same management Same Skilled workmen Same Satisfied owners of Steamers for O-Seven is our Slogan CAR FOR SERVICE - ' Although seven White cars were used in 'the livery business in 1906 and five in 1905 on the streets of Portlandrmaking thousands of trips in every direction, in addi tion aozenriya nobile collided with a street car or run down a man, woman or child, or did any in jury to person or property in this city.s Thi s speaks worlds for the White steam car's control and calls for a careful investigation when selecting an' automobile for 1907. ! - , S Horsepp Information About Model G, White Touring Car, 07 $3850v Touring Body, Five Passenger, with 1CCA v Luggage Carrier Price, Portland ;f )OUOU Pullman Body, Seats 7 Passengers Price, Portland. ; . -? Jj ';': ' Wheel base, 115 inches ; rear wheels, 36x5 inches;' road clearance, lOJi inches. Springs, 48 and 44 inches. " Gear 2 to 1 direct and t1 to 1 compound hill climb; bevel gear drive. Carries water and fuel for-. 200 miles' travel; 24-pound gasoline and 1 pound water drives this 30 horsepower steam automobile 1 mile. ' Develops 30" horsepower steam under normal conditions with four times 30 horsepower available for hard pulls. All ball bearings; main -journals' engine bearings equipped with . inch balls. Compound engine greatly improved and strength increased beyond additional horsepower. Engine capable 6f; 1,500 to 2,000 turns per minute.- Speed of car at 1,500 engine turns per' minute is 75 miles per h our.. Entire control of car by throttle. Will burn alco- 1 hoi i improved noiseless burner, fuel tank' in rear with automatic shut-off valve (stops fuel 'should anything break). Steam supplied by the "White" non-explodable entrapped coil steam generator, v Perfect automatic control of fuel and waterr Large and efficient steam condenser; no visible or audible exhaust from engine. Feed water heater in steam exhaust -line. Force feed oilers; no vibration or noise. Full head of steam raised ' in tour minutes from cold water.: . Starts immediately by opening throttle after, being once steamed up for trip or day. . - iver 'Q7 White Steamer jgSES the WHITE : : J In the recent Town Carriage competition, conducted under rigorous rules by the Automobile club of Great Britain and Ireland, the White was awarded a gold medal. : As stated by the club, "the object of the trial is to . show the advantage of self-propelled vehicles for town work." The following points were taken into considera tion, and in all of them the White showed decided-superiority: - - A. General design of complete car B. General appearance and finish of body work C. Absence of smell and smoke , ! D. Absence of leakage of lubricant ' ' E. : Absence of noise with car stationary or running F. ' Absence of vibration with car stationary or run- o; H. L. M. N. O. Ease of cleaning - Ease of access for repairs ' v ; Ease of starting , Ease of stopping and speed changing without " jerks or noise. , Ease of maneuvering ; . . i Comfort of passengers , ' , , ' Comfort of driver '."...." , . CTlT7rrT Smoothness of running and comfort of passengers ' Of the 24 entrants in the class in which the White was entered (cars costing over c600), no other car re ceived a- gold medal except an electric machine. Had "radius , of action" been considered, the White alone would have received the official "O. K." .-''. Havt You Arranged for an Early Delivery of a White ModeL"G" or Model "H" ? . In Portland Whites are sold by the same dealer as four years past Whites cared for and kept In condition by same skilled workmen as four years past; men who know their car and the care of it from first to last, are the people you will have the pleasure of doing . business with at the White ; Free Dempnstfati CHAUNEL OVER BilR inn i niinwrn tit uii u m wzMJ r Captain Johnson Sails American Shlp Sintram Into Astoria From Open Sea. . WITHOUT ASSISTANCE i . , . OF PILOTS OR TUGS . ..... r3 ; Aids to Navigation Mark Entrance to . J River So v Plainly, Says Supper; ' That Anvona Can Maka the Vovase In Safety If Equipped With Charts. JCaptatn r Johnaon, matter of th Amrlcan ahlp Blntram. aaya tha Co lumbia rlvar la ao well buoyed that a stranger ean easily aall hla ' veeeel In oyer tne bar witnout ,aaauneax. either pilot 'or tug. even under unfavor able condition!. Captain Johnson knowa whereof he apeaka for ha aalled hla Tea ael Into tha bay off- Astoria during the height of the storm last week and had never been there before either. The Blntram la now loading lumber at 8t Helena for San Vranclaco. . :'We made tha trip from Ban Fran claoo to - the mouth of the Columbia river in eight dUjra., The weather waa very dirty whea we sighted the light ahlp and we atood aut a few mllee over night. The wind attained an awful v. loony early In the morning of Wednes day a week ago but the ahlp weathered the -blow and In tha morning I started liar for the bar with the Intention of going Inside. Tha pilot schooner waa In the vicinity but did not catch tip with ua and I did not wait for them be cause I had a new chart and found everything buoyed ao well thai .there waa bo excuaa for getting loat The wind waa from tha southeast and for that reason we were forced to run eloaa to the amith jetty, .buXJKfc.wara. at no irae in tne leaat danger. .When in tne bay proper we hooked onto the tug that came out to meet ua and were towed to the anchorage off Aatorta." - - When aaked If he did. not take big Chances mnklng the bar-In a storm. with an unfavorable wind and without pilot or tug. he eald: There la no uae being afraid. Tha American shipowners don't hire a man to lay -off tha eoaat for a month. It coata money to rua American ahlpa and every additional day at aea meaps a ioa or prom to tne owners, uut. will' aay one thing." be continued, "the entrance to the Columbia la well marked and tha charta are ao perfect that I, though a total atranger .here, had no trouble whatever to aall. In ' The Blntram ia tinder charter to the Thoroaa-Richle Lumbavr -company (if this citv. . She wlU carry away about Mo.oa reet; . 4 ; PICKS UP DERELICT Oaptaia Amoa Bfakea Valnable rind ta f . Willamette mivav. k CaptnTii Amos of the gasoline launch Eva picked up a darollot gasoline boat In tha middle of the -Willamette yester day afternoon and la anzloua to leara the identity of the owner. - Tha boat waa right, side up, but almost totally submerged. the weight of the engine coming within, a few pounds of sinking It. Whether the boat waa torn adrift by the freshet or if the ' owner" has fallen overboard ia a mystery puasllng the finder. , Captain Amoa 'towed - the derelict to the foot of Stark street and balled her out this morning. "I believe -the boat came from some point far up the Willamette.' eald the man who Is entitled to salvage, "because I never seen the boat 'era. She waa full of water, barely floating on the rail. I never aeen 'er in this 'arbor, and I be lieve If aha was owned her X .would Columbia Phonograph Go. 371 Washington St., Portland, Ore. 'largest Manufacturers''' in the World of Disc ?and ;V r Cylinder - Machines v. . . (Owwra of tha. fundamental- Patents.) Unique Christmas Gifts -''COLBIA'r'?; Half-foot Mandrel Craphophones Type Peerless . $40 Type Sovereign . $50 Entire Song on the COLUMBIA ; Half -Foot Records COLUMBIA BUILDING. STEAMER LURLINE. AFTER THE COLLISION tr5 ' ' - V r I - i V " wiw v Barges are now alongside of the submerged Portland-Astoria liner which . lies of ilainieiv and It ia expected -to- have- her ' afloat and at Portland for repairt in two or three darax-Tha staaiser Caacailer whkh nrnraed the Lurline, was practically uninjured. - have known If, ' I think she , drifted down over . the falls at Oregon City. 'Er howner hain't been around and 'e may 'ave drowned for all I knowa." The boat Is about H feet In length and of the aklff type. It will make a splendid tender to the Eva, ahould the owner fall to put. in an appearance. , STOP RECEIVING FREIGHT Opea mtvet Traasportatlon Company T'eat XnteYf areaee rroin loa. N more freight will be received by the steamer Charles R. Spencer' for the Open-1 River Traneportatton company's steamers Plying on the upper Columbia after t o'clock this evening, so it waa announced by tha agent at Oak street dock this morning. The winter aeaaon ia aald to be the cause of .yds, .- "There will be more or less Ice In the upper Columbia during the cold montha of tha year," said the agent, ."and for that reason the steamera of the Open River Transportation company will not agree to take any new freight, from here. Of course, the boats will con tinue carrying out freight until every thing has been cleaned up for the sea son, and the steamer Bpencer will be bilsy fdr some time bringing the wheat down that haa accumulated at the lower and of the portage road." Some Ice has already formed In the upper Columbia, 'but there are no grave feara of tha liver closing up entirely, although the drift ice may prevent regu lar -traffic. The agent of the steamer Bpencer aaa occasional trlpa will prob ably be made whenever the river la open and when bualneaa warrants the expense. - Traffic on the upper river la dull after the wheat crop haa .been moved. I '-. ; ANY CRAFT CLEAR French Bark Baffoa Drops Sato Sjtreaas . Beady to Ball. Four vessels cleared through the cus this morning, one for foreign porta ead three - for- -- California iThe r ranch bark Buffos eleared for .Queens- town or Falmouth ., for orders - with 117,434 buahela of wheat,, valued at tt 1,000. Bhe dropped Into the stream thla morning and will leave down aa soon aa a towboat becomes available. The steam schooners Aurella, Nome City and Northland cleared for Califor nia with railroad tlea and lumber. The Nome City will carry away 100,000 tlea to Redondo; the Aurella cleared- for San Francisco-with 630,000 feet -of lumber, and. the Northland will aall today for San Francisco with (60,000 feet ( -The steamer Czarina Is due to arrive in the harbor this evening to. load a cargo of lumber at the mills of Inman, Poulaen at Co.- for Wn Francisco. 11 - STATISTICS WANTED War Department 'Is Battaatlnff Wealth of the Vatloa. '"" j Colonel B. W. Roeaeler. United States engineer, will secure data aa to the value cf the government's property In this dlatrtct. The data will be for- No dentifrice like SOZODONT. Why? Because its mission as an Alkaline Antiseptic Liquid Denti frice is to permeate the, gums and mouth and penetrate the minutest crevices of the teeth, neutralizing and removing mouth acids, anti epticising and cleansing the en tire tooth structure. Iti fragrance is delicious and lasting. ; ' ' '.. -V ". SB , "PERFECT SATISPACmON ia enloved at all THAlRnTVTKrt WW: T the TURKEY ia baked in a GIEAT MAJESTIC RANCE. Call and we will show you why all who use a Majestic range are perfectly satisfied. . WILLIAM GADSBY r SONS, Cor; Washington and first Sts. warded to the department of commerce and labor where It will be complied with other Information of similar char acter from all over the atates for the purpose of ascertaining the wealth of the United States. The gathering of the data will mean considerable work as all of the forts, arjMnale and soldiers' quarters - will have to be appraised. v ALONO THE WATERFRONT The . oriental liner Numantla will ehlft to the Alblna dock this afternoon to finish her cargo and will probably aall Monday. The lighthouse department will place a new buoy at the , outer end of the Jetty at the mouth o'f the Columbia to mark the stone work where the piling waa torn out during the recent storms. The British bark Invarneas-shire shifted to Oceania dock this morning, the "French berk Europe went to Co lumbia No. t and the British ' bark Bank burn went to the mills of the Portland Lumber company. The steamer Manchester Port waa lifted on the drydock yesterday after noon. - Bhe will be lowered Monday after having been cleaned and painted. The Manchester Fort la under charter to load wheat and lumber for Ger many. ",'-'.' The steamer Tahoma went on the Portland-Vancouver route thla afternoon in place of the Undine which takes the place cf the sunken steamer Lurline. Captain Archie McNeill la maater. The . steasncr Roanoke of the North Paclfio Steamship company will re main about a . week In Ban Fraaciaoo while a- new condenser la being Installed. Tha French bark Baugalnvtlle, which Is dlarhvgtng a car gov of coal here waa chartered la August to load wheat at, thla port for Europe. . The cargo will be. furnished by the Northwestern Warehouse company. . ,v,. . . The steamer Alliance, aalla thla even ing for Coos bay with a full cargo and a large list of passengers. IIARJNEJIOTES ' Astoria, Nov." i4. Balled at l a. mi: Steamer Costa Rica for San Francisco, snd bark Paramlta for , Snn . Pedro. Sailed at 1:30 a. m.: Ship McLurin for San Francleco. ' Arrived at t a. m.: Steamer Csarlna from 8an Pedro, - ,.. Left up at 10:30 a. m.i Steamer Csarlna. . .... ... :, . ., Ban . Francisco, Nov. it. Arrived: Steamer Lalcme from . Portland. , Ar rived yesterday:.. Ship. C. B. Kenney from Columbia river, - and - schooner Compeer from Astoria. - Bailed . yester day: . Steamer Coaster and . achooner Annie Laraen for Portland.- Astoria. Nov. St. Balled at 11:10 a. ra.: - Bark Homeward Bound for 'Ban Francisco. Left up at 1:11 n. m.: British ship Brodick Cnstls. Ballad at :M0 p. xri.: Steamer Tiverton for San Francleco. Bailed at 4:60 p. m.! Brit. Ish ship Allerton and French bark VUle d'Mulhouse for , United Klnadam for orders. .. . '' Port Plrle, Nov. 14. Arrived: Brtt- Ish ship Bardowie from Portland. San Francisco. , Nov. t4. Balled: Steamera Argyll and Atlas for Portland.- Sailed at p. m.; Steamer Col umbia for Portland, St Helens. Nov. 14. Passed at 10:40 a. m.: British ahlp Brodick Castle. Astoria, Nov. I4.Condltion of the bar at t a. m., smooth;, wind east; weather cloudy, An assay office la t be bneno im in Rosehura. Mlnca In areatorn Iwni.i,. eounty are sliowing up well. THEY I'ILL GET STOCKGS FILLED WITH GOODIES Portland's Brave Soldier BoyT Will Rally Round the Christ. mas Tree. ' . "High JlnKs" with a Christ mas tree will be the order of celebration for the boys of the Third regiment. Oregon National Guard. ; pecember 24. . All sorts of dlverolona have been planned for the occasion and when the time rolls around the soldiers will have enough entertainment, planned to laat several hours. - Each member of the regiment will find a stocking filled with "goodies" on the tree and although the nature of the presenta wilt remain a secret until tha recipient stepa forward to get hla gift from Santa Claua, every one feels confident that his gift will be appropri ate as well as eommensurrtts for his services to the stats In tha year closed. A huge tree wilt be secured one (arge enough to bold a present for every man. It will be elaborately decorated with pretty ornaments and strings of tiny electric lights will be wovm about Its branches. Ths-joJd-tlme csnrtle will not be forgotten la the decorations sn-1 when the llsbte of the mimm'iili dri I hall are -turned dnwn, the twluk:. eundles will present a prn"y In a.l.lltltn the lr 1ti enta, there will be o r pass away the t: games will le r'-rt of h.ile good -e-Ti' i '. i the cor. - rj