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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 24, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER ti. 1SC3. Ij'OJO'S'CLUB GOES' Oil ffllfl AGAK3ST SLOT RECORD FORtOHEGOUS IH FOUR 1IAU6IUGST0 oakes WE HAVE THE M OST COMPLBT3 EHD FUED Adopts ResqlutionCondemninj What-Compacison of.SJat9Cn- Gill POPULATOn Father, Two Sons and Negro Ac complice Sentenced to Be , Executed Withira Week. MEfrCONVTCTED FORrT-4 ; MURDER OF CHILDREN th Little Dragon That V - - Swallows Nickels. u With Last Federal Cen- t . sus Shovys. v ON THE PACIFIC COAST MAY ALSO STOP GIFT - OF PRIZES At BRIDGE WQ1 Begin Crusade "Againat , Petit ' Gambling in All Its Hideousneaa . . Does Pin, Money Go Into the Slot Machinea? : A ''- BtewM ao many dollar,' cut Into . alckels, ao Into, the rapacious maw of tha alot machinea when they should ao - to the families of tha men who have earned them, tha Woman's club haa de V, tlared war against theaa devices. -"Very da mating; to.the home," say tha eluh of tha alot machine.' At the ..- meeting; of the club yesterday afternoon, 'a resolution waa adopted assuring the mayor or any other city official of the . support of the club In any movement to drive the "machines from the eoun ters of cigar stores. But the members are not content with this. ' . They are .aware- that It will be Impossible ' to win out In a crusade aalnst slot machines if the custom of 'Siring and receiving' .prises at their - ; card parties .continues. ' Bo at another ..session tha ifluh will probably begin ; proceeding against the bridge whist .table. and the euchre party prise, j, , Already tha bablt of giving prises at card, parties- Is falling off among, tha tnembera of tha club. They consider - tha card party prise less Iniquitous than the slot machine only because It. Is not st hand at every street corner. .' Btaaalass Are Blamed. " ": '"' As to the slot machinea the Woman's club does not expect that Its resolution . twill chase the machines off right away, .' but as one member said;.. ."It will, ahow our stand, anyhow." ' "The slot machine Is worse then ' a (ambling bouse because It la considered respectable,' said Mrs. Wxnn Johnson, president of the Woman's club today- . Mrs. C. C Chapman, a member of the seels! economics department of tha club. Introduced tha resolution. ..There was . much discussion before It wss adopted. ,,' but aa Mrs. Chapman's husband doesn't smoke she couldn't be accuaed of per sonal motives. Tha resolution read aa . follows: " ; "Whereas, tha nsa of the nickel In tha slot machine, a gambling device, la be coming much more prevalent In the city than over before,, rendering it apparent that there has been a relaxation of mu- nlclnal regulation, and. - "Whereaa. the evil is evidently recog nised by tha leading tobacco dealers .. hsndllng cigars, because they are will '. Ing to discourage the use of the nickel In tha slot machine, If such a municipal order .be, applied to all business men , employtng the gambling machine, there fore be It,, . ,..rv . "Resolved, that the Portland Woman's club clace Itself on record aa unaiter ' ably opposed t the nee of the nickel In the alot maohlne . and demand Its discontinuance on tha ground that It 1e a game-of chance, and tna that la - very damaging to tha home and tha best . Inter of- the 'community, and that f TWELVE AND A THIRD "'"""'" : IS THE. PERCENTAGE Mr. W. Wynn Johnson, President of the Portland Womu'i Club. Rolls Bear Names of Four Hundred Sixty-Four Thousand,' Fiva Hun ' dred ' Thirty-Eight More Malea , Than Females. ;i :' we assure our- mayor. and any other city official, tha prae and pulpit, our moat hearty -support In any effort to uproot this eviL" . . The subject of 4leeusston.' according to the' program -of tha meeting yester duy, was "Oregon's Laws Pertaining to Women." Mre.f Edward Jaeger read a paper on "Property- Lews" which told In detail of tha rights of women .. to bold property In this state. RESTAURANT L1AH INDICTED BY GRAKO JURY Nathan Adler Accused of Perjury Before Frisco Graft In- . t '., . ?:'vestigators.T--)r : " .;--- B.'-aTV"4V ITJXTOJr, VstnMPatk.L - KO SURGERY AT MY'; SANTTARIDTJ I do not have to cut away .one part f a human being In a vain effort to aare another part, r. , ,. IcalebraJel.; Chicago physician." 00--iournlng --on- -hlL cousl last cummer "There are more smrgtcal operatloaa Is Vortland and Oregon, wfta a popa latloa of half a million, than ta Chicago aad zniaois, wit a population tea tunas aa fraa."..- . b . . Tou remember when he said It Ton recollect , the consternation It eauaed. And stlU tha butchery goes on. . Pa - tlenta' at this very time are compelled to await their turn for carving room at the hospitals. And tha expense of these operations la simply frightful! The ' hospital of today Is the greatest trioney snaktng Institution on earth-. No hotel . touches It can hold 1 candle to It. ,w th,nk ,f thtT V There Arc No Hospital : -: . ;: Fees'. W:;1 With my system of treatment There ' are ao drug bills to pay. , . , . , I Cure Without Drofls or Surgery Tha hlgheat typa of science laat the hottom of all my cures. Naturopathy Is founded oa acleace. IT -IS THE ESSENCE OF IT, ind Ita effects are last Ins. It does aot cure one com plaint and Institute another by the em ployment of poleonoue druga. , ss on or tlUTIIT or ABormwrr .. In favor of Naturopathy "according 10 Nature." And Nature never yet had an .equal la Ita power ' to euro whoa Intelligently applied. - Dr. IMr J. Fulton 315 TWELFTH STREET Ooraer Clay, one hloek froai M. Ck ear, ao from 17th street oar, S fraaa 1st. . fereoa oar. Telephoas BCaU SXSX (Jearaal 8seaial Bei lie Ban Francisco. Nov. It.- The grand Jury yeaterday returned an Indictment againat Nathan Max Adler, proprietor of ' a French restaurant, charging him with perjury. A warrant bag been is sued for Adlers arrest and ball fixed at 15,000 cash or 1 10.000 bonds. Adler de ned being - called upon' by restaurant keepers and being asked to contribute to a fund to retain Abo Ruef aa at torney. . ... .-(. .' - Assistant District Attorney Heney ar gued a - motion to - compel Attorneys Frank Burke, Em! No Laestretto and Marcua Rosenthal to answer qnestlons propounded by the grand Jury. -Captain of Police John Martin, es chief of detectives, testified . yesterday, lie waa In tha secret chamber for many minutes and. according to ..his own atatemenl. . gave very Important , test! mony relative to.aeveral tenderloin re- Mir-t m ., ......... , ... .. . , v After' Captain Marti h "concluded aJl wltneaaea - warn .exouaed -until Tuesday morning. . - - . . " ; Martin Is said to have testified that tha "Municipal Crib" a moat notorious resort on - Jackson street, ' had not been molested through orders from his supe riors. The place before 'the fire con talned 100 female Inmates and now haa 110. Lata last night, the -police made thelFllrst raid upon IfTcapfurlng a large number of Inmates. i-. ' (Special DUpatch te Tie Joornal) "-' ' flalem. Nov. 2.The census of the stats as compiled by Secretary of Bute Dunbar from returns from the varloua counties shows that Oregon liW a pop ulation of f4.GS. of which 257. 070 are malea and 207,43 females. . There are 4S4,1I whites, 795 negroes. 4.S71 Cliin- ek. 1U SI. Japaneeo avnU 3,005 Indiana. . . The total population as .shown by tha TJnlted Stetea -census of 1000 waa 411.53. The gain la. therefore, 61,002, or almost exactly 12 1-3 per cent. The estimated population . of ' each county la aa follows Baker Benton Clackamas Clatsop ..... Columbia -, ., Coos Crook Curry Douglas . Qllllara .. Grant .. . Harney -. Jackson . Josephine Klamath Lake . . . Ine ....... ., ...,.777V..; , V23.8 Lincoln S.673 IJnn , 11,408 Malheur 0,011 Marion 2 8.01 Morrow ..'..- 4,407 Multnomah Polk Sherman .. Tillamook 1 Umatilla . Union .. Wallowa .. Wasco 4 . . . Washington Wheeler .. Yamhill 1 a e 4 ' 1S.SI0 0.751 20.470 16.848 7.103 11,703 4,713 3.024 18,042 4.238 (.054 3.64 13.603 8,000 ., 3.834 3.084 120.185 10,184 - 1,80 . 4.624 ............... 10,310 '..........14,701 4,833 15.074 14.(73 1,422 14.187 Total 1 ;: I .' '. i . y ..... . : ... ... .4(4.58 Persons liable . to military doty are 1.460. and -tha legal voters number 148.068. OWLS TO BE HOOTING TTT.EXTATBAKERCiTY (SiMdel tMepetch te Tee Jearaal) Baker City, Nov. -14. Having taken Walla Walla by storm, Harry Leavltt announces that he Intends to organise a branch of tha Order of Owls in Baker City.' 'Word to this effect has been re ceived by prominent lodge men of Baker City. : . ' . - Great interest attaches to the organ isation or the new lodge hers and It la predicted that Mr. Leavttt, who was also one of the founder of tha Frater nal Order of Eagles, will receive hearty support In the movement. ANARCHIST CIPHER V TELEGRAM TO POPE 'V - ' '' : '' (Jearaal Special Beniee.) Rome, Nov. 24 The police of Rome. In cooperation with the Argentina gov ernment, aro trying to. unravel the nys-. terr or a cipher telegram received by th poper-fromr Buenoa Ayrea. It . la auspected to be the work of anarchists. Great precautions are. being taken at the Vatican, owing ,to this and other disquieting Incidents. . CONTRACT AWARDED 1, . . FOR POSTAGc STAMPS : ,1 ". aSHMBSHSBBBSBSSSSJISSSB " aesraal tpeclal ervtae.l ' Washington, Nov. 34. Poet master- General Cortelyou haa awarded tha eon- tract for postage stamps to the bureau of engraving and printing of tha treas ury department.; He 'rejected 'the bid of tha American Bank Note company, which was lower, because the deprecia tion of machinery would offset" the sav ing a private company would make, ; , MRS. R0SELLA BAIRD v SUES FOR DIVORCE ' (speeial Wspeteh te Tee Jnarssl.V" ' Baker City, Nov. 24. Mrs. Rosalia Balrd. vrlfo of one of tha most promi nent merchants of Baker City, haa filed suit for divorce againat her husband. W. A. Balrd. alleging cruel and Inhuman treatment, v -. ''V - it la alleged by Mrs. Balrd that her huahand ordered her to leave his store and In so doing called her vile and abu sive names. ' Milwaukfe Country Club. Eastern and California raeea. Take Ballwood and Oregon City cars at First and Alder. FREEWATER RAISING - CAPITAL FOR CANNERY ' (aperlat tMaaetrft te Tee JneraaL ' Freewater. Or- Nov. 14. For the por- poet of taking stapa toward tha estab lishing of a cannery for thla place and Milton, a mesa meeting of prominent fruit growers about here was held. William McLaughlin, ot Walla Walla Is promoting a company which proposes to establish a cannery. Shares in the concern 'are being aold at till each. . TO BE HIS OWN SPOKESMAN Governor-Elect of" New ) Spells Opportunity , ' . ; Trust Warfare. fYork In V ''V Revivalist Attempted to Exterminate ' Entire Family of Rival Preacher aa " Result" of" Quarrel Over "Trivial Affair. '-- ' (Joaraal flotdal Bervlce.t New York, , Nov. 24. fieven hundred republicans heard Govemor-eleet X!. B. Hughes speak at tha banquet tendered him at tha Waldorf-Astoria last night. Mr. Hughes said la part: I V3utliulat and' and tha courageous, the sanguino and the bilious, have made ma the reposi tory of their hopes and their fears, their gloomy forebodings and their trlnm phant exultations.-'- Out of tt alt 1 recall opportunity, responsibility and . god' apeed. ' It Is not my purpose- t this time to formulate a policy. . I simply dealre to Indicate to you what I am sure Is In tha .minds of all, that . the people .are In no mood to tolerate Indifference to the pabUo Interests, and we must Id an orderly way, as behooves those who be lieve In constitutional government, but none tha lees effectively, pledge our. selves to tha removal of abuses which have vexed popular patience. "It may bo proper to add that I shall be my own spokesman. - Pleasant -aa have been the Intimate relations which I have sustained- with many of.. you and denlrooa aa I am at all Umes to have tha full benefit of your friendship, tt Is proper and necessary that I should reserve for myselt the privilege and the duty of stating my personal opinions. hw-4aalH-Brvou JWH. On the strength of a statement made by Moore, the negro, tha crime was charged against Rawlins and hla sons. Moor and another negro - named LTorner. w.wiin. n nn.r town on the night of the murder but waa arreated on - Moore's claim that he plotted the crime. Moore said the in structions were to kill every member of the family and to burn tha houae. He said ha had baen paid f 100 and that he and Turner were given permission to keep all the money that might be found In the building. They were tried with the result that tha older Rawlins, his sons Milton and Jesse, and Moors were sentenced to the gallows, and Leonard Rawlins and tha negro Turner to Ufa Imprisonment. MRS. HARTJE DEMANDS ' ALIMONY FROM SPOUSE ' (Jearaal BeeHal enki.l Pittsburg, Nov. 24. Mrs. Mary Scott Hartle, one or the principals In tha divorce case, has filed a petition in the courts through her counsel, asking for tha allowance or alimony pending liti gation, council fees and expenses that have been Incurred In preparing her de fense In the divorce suit. These ex penses, she says, are In excess of ISO,. ooo. She says that she has no estate of her own and that ' tha llbellant haa not contributed to the support of herselt and her children since July, 1006, the data of tha senaratlon... She aaya that aha la Informed that Auguatus Hartle Is worth at least 11,000,000 and that be has an" Income-of -at- least- ITMO- a year. ' : ; - BRYAN RESOLUTIONS' ADOPTED BY CONGRESS . , ' (Jonrml Special Berries.) Kansas City. Mo., Nov. 14. After electing H. D. Loveland, of San Fran cisco, president for tha ensuing yesr. sdoptlng two resolutions by W. J. Bryan after they had been voted down by ' tha committee on resolutions, and after adopting a set of resolutions. In cluding an amendment In endorsement of the proposition submitted by Secre tary of Bute Ellhu Root "for encour aging oar merchant marine" and for In creasing our Intercourse with South America with adequate mall facilities, the Trans-MlsslsaippI commercial con gress adjourned late yeeterday to meet In HOT at Muskogee, Indian Territory. Standard Oil at Xw Mark, (le-traal aeerlal SerrVe.1 - New York.. Nov, 14. The stock Of the Standard Oil sold at $500 on the stock exchange, tha lowest In four yeara '... . rasaaaa gtrlksbreakera. The moat famous, strikebreakers In J - Inttrnsl SnaMal fUiv(al ' Vsldosts. Oa., Nov. 24. A Methodist j conference and four hangings all with- i In a period of a week Is believed to be -too much ov'an ordinarily quiet- town. Rn at 1,...t tha neanle nf Valdosta be-1 lleve, and they would like to see one or the other of the attractions postponed. But the way things look at present It appears " very' probable " that "the whole program may be carried out according to schedule. . " The scheduled executions are thoao of th, Rawlins, father and sons, whose case haa attracted attention throughout the country.-Alf Moore, Jhe negro ac complice of the - Rawlins, Is to bs hunged next Friday. The elder Raw. Una is to go to ths gallows three days later and at the end of the same week the two Rawlins boys are under sen tence to pay the - penalty ' of death. There seems to be some chance that the Rawlins boys may obtain a respite or ' commutation ot sentenoe, but the rase of the father already . carried to tha highest tribunal in ths land, appears hopeless. - - - - . - . Tried to XU1 Them AIL ' Tha execution of tha father, his sons and their negro accomplice will mark the" end of one- of the moat marcileaa and deadly feuds ever recorded In the annals of this country. These men were convicted of tha murder' of two Uttle children. Bob and Annie Carter. In an attempt to exterminate the family of W. I Carter. " Carter and Rawlins had been power ful revival preachers in the Methodist church. About 20 years ago they mar ried Into wealthy families and settled on adjoining plantationa. Tha Raw lins family comprises three boys and two glrla. Carter had one son and three daughters.- ,;f - .- - The quarrel between ths two families originally started among ths . children and waa a most trivial affair. But ths alders took tt up and then began the feud. - Finally- the trouble reached the fighting stage and it was mutually un derstood that trouble must ensue when over members bf the two .: families chanced to meet. - - Children Cruelly BlataC ' One evening the cattle In he Carter bam made a great rumpua Bob and Annie, two of the children, ran out to learn ths cause of tha trouble. Car ter had reached tha porch when ha saw the children shot down by men armed with shotguns.. Suspecting that it waa but the forerunner of the murder of the cntlrs family, hs ran into the hooee and ' barred - tha doors. Tha children had been murdered outright To still their dying cries the murderers had ground, tbelr heela Into the.- children's facea and kicked them until their ribs were broken. All night long tha mur derers besieged the house, hoping for sn opportunity "to kill- ths occupants. Mrs. Carter's hair turned whits In tha night and ths rest of the family became A Part of It Is devoted exclusively to our steam fitting work. We have Installed the latest type of machines, and are prepared, as we always have been, to do the very best of work In steam and hot water fitting In all Its branches. .: TheW.GMcPhersonCo. AT, THE THEATRES. Last Performance "Strongheart." . The dlatuigulsbed actor. Kobert Edesea. asd Is stxcellmt oapanr of plarers will preerat the eomedy-drema. Slrongheart," at the Beillg theatre, fourteenth aae Washington etreaU, t.mlaM far the last time. Every perforaiaace or Btfoafbeart" means hard work en Mr. Edoeoa'e put, patting oa bin neke-ap as s rnll-hkiodsd Indian reeuirea aa koar aae s qnartat et -ttme After the eiay etarta-ae- 4 on the stage almost all the time ana tha violence of the football scene eeesee seek Ores ponpiretloa that e eata and a rnbeowa ere al- are aeoeaaary between the eMoad and third acts, when he ehanxea from the eostnme ef the .gridiron to that bf the ballroom. . . Max Figman Tomorrow Night Portland's favorite eomenlaa. Mas rigmsa, m the delightful comedy. "Tha Maa On the Box," will 'he the attraction at the Hollar theatre tomorrow nWrbt, eontlnnlng the fal lowing Tuesday and Wednesday! Bights, Novem ber rf sad 20, with a sprclat-prlae mstlnee Wednesday. The Maa Oa the Box" waa a happy eeleetioa for Mr. F If man's too, Inas much aa the title rale am him as thoegh tt were , written expressly for him. He Is the very prmonlfleatloa ef the dashing army efsete wbe falls la love with a pretty girl ea a steamer, later by suaUke aMocts her and afterward whan ahe eaeka te ton the Joka npea him and and out ale Identity aecapts bar offer a be her groom, la order that he may be seer her elways. ... Thanksgiving Attraction at Heillf. - That edd fellow, Barry Beresford, la the ex erntlatlngly fanny comedy, "The Waes Hater, " will be the attractioa at the HrUlg theatre Thankaaivtng Bight. KeremtMr 20. Seat sale next Tuesday at boxoinre theatre. - . ; . Last Time Tonight. , . If yea want . te see ese ef the bits ef the et the Baser ana watea mat taientta actor. John 8alnpolla, la one ef hie greatest roles, yes nsaat see The Mladlemaa," which baa hea ea sneeessfu ell weak andshlch will have Ita' last perfermanee tonight. The greet ktla scene has been the talk ef the tow a all weak. If yea don't ese It yoa'D he entry. There ere e few good seats left for tonight -:, Next .Week at the Baker. JeitBnlngwltkmorrewsiatlnee the pope-1 t lar liaK.r stock company wui prounce a Tetnperaare Tewa. Uot's screaming Thanka Civtng satire. No naore appropriate Mil eoeld have been eeleeted for Thanksgiving week. It Will aerve to utrodece te the patrons of ORCHARD MEN MEET T AT FOREST GROVE ' - ' (Special Dlapetcb te The JoernaLI Forest Grove, Or., 24. At the called meeting of the Horticultural society Thursday It was decided that 'ths con templated apple show should not be held. The main reason orJhlschange of program . so 'Bile In-the dyr la b caueo many In this vicinity had not made preparations and taken car of the beat fruit. ' . v It was decided to hold ' tha annual meeting of the Society on November 24 and Secretary Haynea was directed to Issue notices to that effect. The question of sod culture or cultivation of - bearing orchards was discussed. Messra Haynes. Harris' and Walker ad vocated sod culture, producing the re port of the Ohio experiment station. which had! reported beat results from sod culture. ' President Atwell and others favored clear cultivation as the result of their experience and observa tion. . .:. For the annaal meeting today Im portant . subjects are under discussion and an "'interesting program ia' betng prescniea. til 9 aafCStFaV' XwTlXes"AtWl-wMsM lettfwstsj- -sfc-04"JSg)T- woman, who arrived from Hew York a ward ae snd will make her Brat appearance Tom row matinee. "A Temperenee Town", la wbelfeale bunch ef clean fee and la the pro durtJoa an the tavorltae have been east caie- rally,; Bests sew celling. nnim mi Hill IIJIIIII I - - ' i , imiiibi B in ,1 in Th Kind You Have Sways Bonsrht and which tuts btMst ia use for orcr.SO years, baa borne the signature f and has been made under bis pesw sonal snperrfslon since its tnfane.1 -AHow no one to deceive yon In this. . All Oeanterfelts. Imitations and Jnat-aa-gpood are bat ExperlmentL that trifle with and endanger the health eft , Infants and Chlldr : iIserlanoe agulnst Ilxpeiimente What io dACTORIA Oastrla Is a harmless rnbstltir'e for Castor OH Pare goric Drops and Soothing; Svraps. It Is Pleasant. I ' contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Zfarcottta -abstanco. Its age is its giiarantee. It destnrjrs Worms ; . and aiiays Fcveriahncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind r.ollc. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constlpatlois 'and Flatulency. IC assimilates the Food, regulates tha " " Stomach and Bowels, giving; healthy and natural sleep. -X ' , the Children i Panaeear-The Mothsa Friend. Hears tlio Signatnrd ot - 1 . i - m -Mr . r si ii x w- iiio am i m am Always nougux In - Oea- For- Over- 30 -Years.: Tonight at the Empire, "Feck's Bad Bor" win give Its rinsing per- formanre at the Umpire toolcht. This bvnrh of rlfllcnlona aotipenae ass draws sasse ef the blcgast Booses ef the ceasee st the easy njv towa theatre, it te the fasrlnatloa ef the familiar eld eharseter, Peek'e Bad B07. and Rneter Bfowa. both ot whom appear te the eollght ef the oontre. . "Uncle Joah Sprnceby" Tomorrow. ToBMrraw sfrsraaea Tnele Josh prnyebr" will ooen tha week et the Empire. This t rell-et rural eomedr-drams haa net vlalted Portias for erveral years and Ita retara will be moat wrloome br eH who ksow anrthlng bont It. The IVtha band will parade the atrseta dally and afford ae end of smoaameat far eld asd roeng. Seats aboald be eaeered la ranee for this attraction. , At tha Lyric '"The alga ef the few," the KbarUrk HolnMe drams st the Lrrte this werk. will hsve two performances this emlns end the eame aam- her asiiriow ntxbt. bnldcs th. Bandar nnt. m. "The Sice ef the rwrH Is probablr the gmtaat OVtertlre drama ever wrlttra and It Is the beat play the Lrrlr stock company haa rives since It was ereanleM. Heat vm, start ins laeoday afternoon, th. attraction will be ."We sne e Tem' At tha Grand. - flatorday nlirbt end Boaday the peapla waat te be eniasad snd thoa. who are neefelng brtarbt nnd raptlvarlng ntertalnment ahoald net evarlnok the vanoevllle perrorniance now Sola Ing the boards at the Grand Ihcatra. The co ple en this bill sre espable artlata and experts in their apeciaj Unas. It Is s graerens Mil end a aed eeje, 4e See eeea-eeeved by-erswded hansta. -. - CONTEST FOR SEAT IN LEGISLATURE (Special trlapatch te The Joornal) Chehalla, Wash., Nov.. 14. J. O. Startup, who was defeated at tha re cent election by George McCoy for rep resentative ia ths legislature from Lewis county, has served notice of a contest on the latter. - The official re turns showed that McCoy was elected by Id votes. It Is slleged there were errors In tb counting of tha. ballots In a number of the precincts. Use Dn Graves Tooth Powder the land are Dr. Klng'a New 1,1 fe Pllle. When liver and bowels go on quickly eettle the trouble, and th tying work goea right on. heat constipation, hsadache and leg at Red Croea Pharmacy, nd note the delicious after taste. Even if you have good teeth they need, regular attention twice a daj. Watch the. effect on your o on strike they friends. ' . (A '.'. . In haiMl metal sans ear bostlea. sSe Hest enra for I 1' rr.e'-nl eene ev beetlee. S !l -lOr. Cr a. cs' Teeth Pcrrd:r Co. 4 . ' i At trie Star. V ' ' :' Only three Terfnrmsnces remain ef "Tolly and I." - the comedy-drama which the Alien stnrh eomnanr In iwi m uting at the "tar theatre. It u a roswdy with plenty ef exciteawnt and tha ft Is ao Stffrvent from tha nanal class ef sltrertloea at this bouse that It eomee aa s novelty. Matinee trmwrrow. Next werk "A Strsngar la a Straus a Land' will be the at- traettoa. . THAT DAIRYING PAYS ; THESE FIGURES SHOW (gpaelal Dtapateh te The Jeamal.l Foreat Grove, Or,. Nov. 24. That tha dairying buatneea Is a paying occupa tion haa come to the notice of many la this vicinity. Thomae Wtlllame. who Uvea a few sotlea northwest of this city, claims the record for the month of October. During that 'month tha milk from five cows brought him $77. IS. or sn average of lln.44 each. ,The beat cow, a Holstetn, yielded 1.114 pounds of milk, worth about tit at market rata. The milk was sold to the local plant of the condenser. . . aTe Basnaere to Beewto X. . (Jearnel Ssaeml BereVa,! Santa - Cms, CsX, , Nov. 14. The schooner Beaaia K., which went ashore laat night, was pulled off this morning. No damage waa dona, but tha vessel lost 1 barrels of lima. , . 5" ' TlaSMn m Aea C.J. fmV P You do not know that Soda - Cracker until you know Uneecla Biscuit To taste Uneecla DIscuIt h to fall in love with them. You never forget that first taste, and you renew it every time you est Uneeda Discult V . dd a dtut tight. () mbisturi proof packazK" f - NATIONAL BISCUtT.COMFANY 5Sl Stcinwa Pms . v.. y Tbara la alwaya one by which others art measured. ' Among musi cians, dealers, and tha people in general it ia well understood that tha Steinway ia tha piano ideal It ia tha product of matter workman, and tha monument which beara evidence to the faithful, untiring, con scientious. Intelligent endeavor of the House of Steinway for four generationa. It ia the ambition of every musician to own a Stein way. Tha Steinway costs more, but it lasts longer, sounds Utter, and. If you ever want to dispose of it. will aell easier and bring mora. We invite you to call and aea our pianos. We promise you every courtesy that Ilea within the gift of an old. relieve h- Steinway may be had upon monthly payments if so C "Ths IIc;:2 c( Q-' y" -t. Lven '