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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, NOVEMBER 17, " 1906. I H ' MJrJ ii v: ; ' 7A ; ambition. : : r; ' Give your body a charge of electipicity :e yery d.:0i Nervous energy is the capi tal of supcessf ill 'men;jvg;r; If iSs fmdny bbsiacle : '."'...fcTiv'". .'-v'." Byjnoi Frame h Byrn$ . ' Do yon went to be rich and powerful? Do you want to make a oust for yourself a man T of big affairs? : - . 3i Do yon want to im your picture Iti tha paper and have f yourself described aa a Napolaon of finance? . v . do ym'wantto TapotntapqtT you walk-an.tha "f 7stroet-na-lho man who..madc hla millions . by turning bin body Into a galvanic battery?"" .', . " - In the body. There Is the brain "Incentive, the. In titration: there Is tne bmrt courage; - the fear less determination to try: then-there la the physfrat needed to back all mo. Jth slrengtl ui) the rest. cume from that The ar ttve force electrical nervb I real V Tho human body la i' a, machine, f ; ' 7 ' 'j Tho nerroua system Is tho motor. 7 77 ' Electricity la the power that runs It , ' Tho hustling spirit of American onterprlso Is only an f- zpresslon of nerroua energy. - ' . . . - That nervous enerity is electricity. ' 4' So if yon want success. If you want to do bin thins and bar your picture in tho Hall of Fame giro yourself i", a dally charge of electricity. : . ; - . Suocess comes from effort; effort Jfthe nso of-a . physical foroe physical forco la electricity, .v This is tha belief of Dr. Samuel B. Hall, a physician who has made a llfo study of the building up of physl , cat wrecks. ' .:.'- :, -.' : Dr. Hall's methods are different from tha ways of the ,' old-school doctors- He believes that electricity alone Is the power which runs the human Intellect and tha phys- leal machinery. , . .. -7' ., t'' Dr. Hall Is tho Inventor of tha neweat device for elec trifying the human body. It la a dry-cell battery or i series of cells combined In a girdle worn about tha body st night Dr. Hail claims that this dry-cell battery Is ""TTas supertwrtP tns-pld-styls eleetrto belt as an Innsndcg.-. cent light is to tho candle. ' His experience has been wide, and his success along the lines of hla belief has been enormous If one Is to Judge by tha following he has and the number of people ( who give him credit for their first look into the happier c - future that has come t them. .-..-. .!-'. s Dr. Hall haa publlahed one of tha most Interesting "books I havo ever reed dealing with thla subject. It is v highly snd artistically Illustrated. Anyone can get It . from him free for the asking. ' -i! Hero are a few of tr. Hall's opinions: i; - Success i possible in this world tn any man who has - the energy to strive for what no wants. The only. way to get whaPyou want is ta work for It nd work uses tm rarrn. x man without enercy inclination to ; "' work. It Is proven that tfto vital energy of the human "- ,body Ja eleotrtclty. Tnererore, 1 peuevo tnai eiecincity ' is tho foundation of success. Tou have heard of the railroad manager who started ".'in as office boy; of tho traffic manager who earned hla , first month's pay as brakeman. Contrast with them the ' Janitor who started in aa office boy, and the track ,' walker who started In aa a brakeman, and you can see the difference in the results The Janitor had an even Tetart with the prealdent both started as office boya andthe-JJ-ick. walker. had. lha same start Mjjhejrafflc manager, but. he did not have the nervous energy. . . . There is no doubt that a man's health haa a great 'deal to do with his suocess. There are few occupations .. nowadays where a man can expect to beoome anything but a pjodder unleaa he puta bla shoulder-to the wheel "7 and puaheo himself ahead, and when a man Is disturbed ;', every hour of tho day by mental torture over his physl- cat incapacity ha has not tha spirit or ambition to strike '., out and do things for himself. .. "Get ap and hustle,' advises the. man who won sue ,,ceas by hustling by the force of his energy. The sd - . vice Is good, but the plodder held down by want of that r' physical and mental forco which make him a hustler, . haa no inclination; he has to 7 drive himself to get ' through his day's work. .. - . Hustling Is not work to tha msn who feels right' It V 1 fun. It is tho natural outcropping of animal spirits the natural exerctee of the physical powera Jt la fun such as the athlete gets out of his favorlto sport when ho exercises for tho yery lovo j)f actton, - ' - The sick man can't huatla Every nerve In his body .A: rebels against It Hla normal disposition Is toward In- MttN, ' 1 . :i ; . K ' ' . 1., ' aTothlaff la lmposatbls to tha man who haa strength to try for It; aa position too high to aim for. There aio million aires la this country who oould not read or write until tkey wore men who neve enjoyed tha benefits of a common aohool odneatlon, yet they fought their way to saeoees. They have the strength V - Imagine tho man released from tho bonds of depress x'fng weskness by electricity Delivered from pain and v. weakness. Ho feels th burden lifted from his shoul ders; his heart bounds with Joy; he begins to expand " hla lungs and breathe tho free air; hla head goes op and his shoulders back as he walks, and the sparkle in his t eye and the spring in his step proclaim the new-made man. He greeta his frlenda with a smile, and the cur zi Tn 1 4)f . alectrB-magnetlam that la radiating from him -. draws people to him. ,. -" Electricity makes men go by filling them with animal vitality. Electricity Is power, energy, force. The reaaon that men. and women, too, become dor " mant sleepy, lasy. discouraged and unambitious la that the motive power of tho body lectrlcity has been in one way or another drained from them. My eyatem la to give It back, and It would surprise you to see bow a few applications of It make the discouraged, alow-going man wake up analUmtlo. " , I hsve in mind now a man who struggled through . eighteen years he Is 43 years now as a Journeyman r1' mechanic In one of our big manufacturing concerns. He ' was a good tneohantc, no better nor worse than dosens . of others around him; but he seemed some way to be '-' differently conatltuted Trora the rest He had a nice way about him that seemed to suggest undeveloped ' power to do things, yet he did not accomplish any more than his fellows. One day he came to see me and told '' me his atoryi ,( f t Sine early manhood lie had auffered from a nervous - iffllftlnn. tnTQlringMs-atomach. which , would not "digest his food properly. HtTTelt weak sitd lai'kMd ambltloa golna through life In a half-dlacoumirrrt, alm ' leas manner, doing hla work "aa It eaimr-loT him and watohing the clock for quitting time. His evenings . ' vfere spent at home with his family a wife and three children and after a faahlon he felt ' that ha waa well off. -"' But ho waa discontented. He thought that he waa . made for better thlnga, and kept hoping for something l'; to turn up. aa If things do "turn up" -with a man who ' '' works at a bench like a machine and never dlaplays any ' ability outslde-of his routine work. - . Any way I - prorol"d hint re.Hef from hla nervous trouble and its consequences, and he began treating With Electro-Vigor. He felt relief In a few weelcn. and . waa quite well three months after he begsn. With the return of' health came a transform tlon In the man. Hla friends remarked at his Increaaed energy, vivacity and sociability, and Ma bench partners noticed that he " took more Intereat In the little dfttalla nf thnlr work. Hoon he began to suggest changes to his foreman Idena for the betterment; of the work, and some of these Ideas trt ui In otV- ... Things move pretty fast when they do move snd -within elg months of the time this man got on his feet phyelofttly he was roreman, hu is now eMperinienaeni of the works. . . ' ' ' ' -t "'V'" Ho many elemenU In gucceas depend Upon electricity energy. The nmn who K&lna aurcoxa mul hnve it first, to feed hla bruin ao that he may huve the inspiration then to feed the body that he . may stand tbe atratnr . . . A few. years" sgo 1 treated for nervous trou bles a man who waa clerk' In a merchandise store doing a good buel neaa.. - This roan was a vory Talthful worker and waa trusted by hie em ployer with .the manna-e merit of. tha atore when ever the employer- t mind it necessary . f.o absunt himself. When he came under my . treatment he confided to me that noth ing but hla inability to assume, the whole respon- aibiiity 01 me .store i'n him from being taken' In as a partner. He stated that his boss, who was well along In years,' wanted to re tire and wished hint to take full, charge.-but he had not the ambition to assume the responsibility. ' The atrnnge thing about this man. waa .that he looked the plctureof healthy-Hewouldtiever heplckedutaa a man suffering . from anything .worse tnan a appetite. But he waa extremely nervous, had spells deapTindency and self -diaguat, :n4 -waa .a.-regular penslmist He had no confidence in himself." and ws afraid to take the risk of the store management In fear that he might make a failure of It and lose tha posi tion he had. . , , , i :, I have found a great many men like this in tny ex periencemen of vigorous cpnstltutlons who havo not the moral courage to work out their, own destiny; men intended by nature to lead, but who, because of soma nervous weakness are left behind in the race. It Is pretty evident that -this life Is a race between the strong, and the weak. It ia a race where the prise goes to the man with strength, courage and ambition to hnatle. and any man whodoes not-- feel the call to forco his way Into the which enaBlea the patient to turn on any quantity of the current desired, and the absence of trouble such ss the vinegar or acid, so disgusting In electrio belts. '." "I've golTneive enough now to tm-klc anything," wrltea man who had worn-Electro-Vigor only three weeks. L.H tie wonder, when he had charged -hla body with electricity every night for tl nights; there Is im mense courage In a body full of. electricity. -. G)ve me a man broken down In spirit, gloomy, de spondent, umtmbitlous'or lacking confidence In himself, and by chargjng him with electricity every night for three months I will guurantoo to send him out a world beater. Thla weak-hearted disposition Is nothing but weak norviia, snd a daily charge of electricity will over come H In a few weeka, ' ; "There la not enough gold In California to buy Electro-Vigor froni me," writes a man who hud been braced up by it and made happy. . - ., ', . rreaident Eliot of Harvard university in a lecture "to students of Harvard recently said thla:"" "80 far. as I have aeen. there is one indispensable foundation for the tlafactiona of life health. A young man ougni to pe it clean, wholesome, vigorous aniroaL That Is the foundation- f everything eLse, and 1. hope you will be all that If nothing more.", , ' Anv man who lurks the energy to dig file way to suc cess may get it If he will saturate hia body with elec tricity every night . It creates energy. , '. , Here la a. man who commends Electro-Vigor aa one of tho best inventions of modern times. Mr. .8. S. Knolcs. United States commissioner. San Diego, - Cal.. says that since It rejuvenated him and cured him of a general complication of aliments, such as Rheumatism. Ltim- ( bago und-KldneyXroubloa, he will tell ' good I jts praises 10. every one he meets. .. - ' -The elements that' maks ' fo snoeeas tn young men ars 00 dependent upon a stoat heart aad good nerves that it may wall he said that wlthont tjfeose qualities a man stands vary UfUe chanea la the horly-bnrly strife. .' lloman " nature ia an odd combination, and auocess often comes to the man who knows it and greases hi path ahead. Here la an Illustration: ' There are two men in line for promotion In a certain establishment when the vacancy appears. Say one mun la la the bur-' iness for a long time, experienced and capable, but backward in manner, never going put of hla way to be pleaaarrtr dependent upon- hlaauperlor to -rocogniae iila merit snd advance him when the Chancw offer The other, not nearly so old in the business, is bright Tho term "nervous enex--aptHer Jlenersi--rntTIhation of. the mind and body to to each part of the body which, on Its -own account has to huve nervous energy to enable it. to do Its allotted work. It Is the. loss of this energy whloh causes ' all tbe dlaeasea that we have, such as Rheumatism. Stomach ' and " Kidnav 1 trouble. , , ..... , . Any man can undir stand that if every 1 -r-gan of the body has all tha strength that ra- A BANK CURK. ' jovial, self -con- fident" in besr- - lng and. while : '.' not over-seal- "-. ous, has a way V of making hlm- self agreeable . to the manager. "Who. .gets the pro , motion? It's easy to gues. The-" magnetic "per sons lit y, when - per sonality counts, will win many a promo , tion where " actual cold-blooded ability - will re'main unappre-clawed.- ... . , cruah Is going to bo left behind. Electro-Vigor cured the clerk of ' his nervous trouble, snd the am bition that he lacked was not long In showing Its return. The vital energy which flowed Into his veins end brain within a few weeka after he began the treatment made a different man of him. He took chara-e of the business. Droved to hls employer that he was master of all Its details and within a short tune was- givenr Tiai no teres Ton eaa get saooess ' at the expense of yon . health, like Booker slier, who poured his vitality tnto the hopper and brought oat - millions, and . would gladly rive those millions now foa a stoaa aoh that would appreciate a square meal. - Electro-Vigor will put new life into a body exhausted and debilitated. It will prepare anv man for a battle for success by charging hia nerves with the fire of vigorous energy., ., Electro-Vigor will , turn back The hands of time for old menby .renewing the vigor of vouth In their veins. One old man of 74 aaya that ha feels as. young. as he. did at 40 sfter he bed worn . Electro-Vigor., for" only two months. ...... . 4 , -y,- The history of our men of business suocess shows some "1 striking illustrations of the fruits of - strenuous enter-' , prise. "It seems - that -'most r- ot the men who - are now dominating' tho business,, world began life as the sons ' of - poor men.- without any": better start than millions of other men had and will have. W. E. Corey, president of ' the Steel Trust, shoveled , iron ore-, ia - the mills of Pennsylvania He gets $100,000 a year now. John D. Rockefeller start ed life as a grocer's clerk at a dollar and a half a week. Thomas W. Lawaon worked In a bank when a boy and part of his duty was to stack up gold. He learned his work so well that It became a habit' and ha hasy been busily occupied ever since In tacking It up for himself. . Paul Morton, the new head of the Equitable Life, wa:.a . ; ,. . . . v clerk In the Ian offlos of . .. the B. M. railroad. . , . John W. dates put In Ms early strides as salesman toi a. .barbed wire factory. J-: 'Andrew Carnegie tended a,"atationary engine Inbis youth; later he was a telegraph operator. and messen ger. He IS now giving nis minions 10 uurancs, uu k. Is just as -nppMraiile " . V y jr---"-'-Ls . '"y -yr - - . rwy .'.t- fv. ii ty 1 4 . 1 I I I F I I T . . ... i I I I ."' "J" tO 3fyj X " It I - TTH0S.W UWDft II f THE COPFER KHIG. 'nM H lil &Stt Pb. . - slsl 1II1T ' S ' I II I -- Mafnetlo person ality la te radi ance of vital foroe overflow of healthy, vigorous, nervous energy. It eomes from tho electricity la the body. , JNODROCKEFEXLEfl PfiESfCENT OT THS STANCES OIL CO. There wag an odl--, ,," torial In a oewspa-. v , , per .the other day - . commentina uuon. the question of a man who wanted to know If tbe editor thought "US a week waa doing poorly for a min " who has worked in ono position for IS years at general office work; aged - 2." Tha editor said that it seemed 1 pretty hard that -a man should ba getting only til a week after work : . lng 13 years in one position., but If ho felt that bo wss making any . progress ho should not be discour .,: aged. Perhaps tho editor waa rlrht For that man the advice may havo been good, but no live office man, full of strength and tbe self-confidence that cornea from tbe possession of animal vitality would be atisrurt tn g'yn Jini- the best years of his life his beet earning years to work that ajfter II years of training brought him only tit a week. Yet there are a great l -many men like him:-men who grind along year after year without find ing the way to ' success. They sro plodders. They never find success because they have not tho forco to compel their ' energies to dig it out A msn who feels tired, gloomy and blue all the time, owing to some ail ment, never has - what is called an Inspiration; he never wakea up in tho . Mr. J. W. Lunbck of Boquel, Cel., writes: "Dropsy, catarrh, rheumatism and general weakness all com bined to make life miserable for-me. Even my heart was weak and the cramps In my tegs nearly killed me. Electro-Vigor has completely cured mo and I feel bet ter than I have for 25 year." ' " If you feel well you will feel like hustling; the spirit of enterprise and suocess comes from the fire In your nerves, snd you should keep that up by a dally appli cation of electricity. r- Mr. ' Charles Bonifacio of Boledad, '' Cal., writes: 'Whea I first purchased Electro-Vigor I always felt Thtrgjare xinly a few pf. our flJi" liii'a nlia were boml tlrod and drowsy and I alss .suffered frojn--awTT"7-Trnas not the strength to make a good fight'' oenilliy. huw, I mil lull o. sirqnmu mim ciiciyr says that he intends to die a poor man, Charles M. Schwab entered Carnegle'a steel works as a stake-driver. - He Is now at the head of tho great ship-bulldlng trust- .,-.'" . . s . 3. Plerpont. Morgan begs a his business career, as e clerk In a bank. Marshall Field, who died recently ''worth betweeen 1 00. 000. 000 and $100,000,000, was s dry goods clerk In Chicago to years ago, snd by industry and honorable Tn-.i.H. i.i, the greatest merchant in tne woria. rich, wealth and prominence have come from the ex pendlture of great energy, and any man who can and will hustle has aa good a chance as any of these men had. . . Toung men who discover that they are wanting tn self-confidence., who shrink from meeting people be cause of fear that they will be unable to make a good impression, will find by study of themselves that tho trouble Is only a lack of nerve force. Build up your nervous energy with a charge of electricity every day, sad- the nerva- foreo - and self-confidence will come. Young men who bays been treated with Electro-Vigor are 'examples of vigorous energy,, strength of charac ter and ambition to dare and accomplish pig thlnga Imagine, the man depressed by disease and weak ness; downcast hopeless. Ill-natured, peevish, despond ent absent-minded. Inattentive, unattractive how can such a man hope to' get up In the world? 1 Everything Is sgalnst him. He not only has not tho energy to help himself but he repels people Who might hsvs It la their power to throw something 1n his wsy, y The principal features which commend Electro-Vigor to people wsnting s new supply of nervous energy are the volume of current under perfect control that Is generated by these calls; the rheostat or regulator. ?. . ..;' -:,r ...i. . -'", ture requires there will be no sick nss--theref ore. any one who Is sick must get back his strength by using Electro-Vigor. 7 : 77 entirely cured f weakness." ' Mr. J. n. Vandcrar, R. F. t. No. 1. flequln. Wash writes; ."For years I had suffered with weakness, lumbago anda weakened heart action which was re sponsible for a very elugglah circulation. I have now used Electro-Vigor two months .and I am cured." ..... The new energy that Electro-Vigor creates, the heat to the blood, la the fire of life poured Into tho body for hours every night. - Naturally It Increases the warmth and the energy of the blood and nerves. ------- iJ"Mr. Charles A. Miller. Beulah, Or., writes:"' "I used EWtro-Vlgor for wenk back, and kidney trouble and It has Cured mo compjotely. f. .- . Mr. W. JR. Csmbridge, "a well-known man of Eagle vlllo. Cal., writes: "The first night I put on Electro Vigor It brought me the first' relief from pain I havo had for years. Now, after a tew weeks' use, I am entirely cured of kidney trouble and rheumatism.'' Mr. Chris Hofelich, JJ01 J street. Sacramento, Cal., has this to say: "I think every man . suffering from kidney .trouble.' bacttirehs-and-ganergl weaknesa should use Electro-Vigor. .It drove out sll pain and weakness and cured me, as you said It would," . . , t , : ' y,r. ' ' -',:', .-7 . things go slong decently he is will ing to let them go, because It would be work that ho doean't like If he tried to better them. If they go "wrong ho-lets 'them go, and blames 7 it on nara luelc The real .trouble Is . - a want nf vital anergy or- elevtrlclty, .It would make bis work a pleasure. . I once knew a man who suffered from a stomach - trouble, commonly known as dys pepsia. He could not -make up his mind to a thing and stick to it 24 hours. One day he formed a definite conclusion that his busi ness affsirs were Jiwa perfectly healthy con dition. At the same hour the next day he would come to Juat as positive a decision fhat he was . ruined. He sscrlf Iced several bril liant opportunities to make success for him self by losing faith in hla. enterprises and selling them out st a loss after he had built .them up to a healthy condition. , ' That l ono lnatanoe of a brain capable of planning a success without s body strong enough to withstand tbe strain of working It out an Intellect bright enough to build success and a body weak enough to prevent Its completion. , Wo read every dav of men of brilliant minds men of big affairs who hnve been ' Swamped under their large enterprises be- cause they had not tho physical energy to see them through. - ' The lesson wo get from all this Is that " success depends upon vital energy. No man ran carry any project to a successful Issue unlets he has the physical .vitality to stimulate his brain. - . -There-there -ia the maa who haa. spells of ambition that don't last He feels a slight awakening of spirit In his body, sixes himself up snd sfter reasoning with himself that ho Is as good a man as many others who have mado successes, sticks out his chest and struts about for awhile, saying to himself: "I can do It and I will." Ahl What a pity that he. can't stick to that resolution! But after making a good start and work ing bard for a short time his enthusiasm cools, his Interest lags, his strength wanes and he catches him self, saying: "O! Whst's the use. I can't" and, like the man held -down by superior, force, gasping for breath, his struggles grow weaker and weaker, and, nosiiy, ne give up me rjgmv-aeieaiea. Tbcrala-a at tho flood, leads on to fame and fortune." Not every msn hss the Judgment to choose tha time of tide. ' and not msny men have the courage to risk tha Jump from "a mediocre position In life to the chance for something better, . , Health is necessary to success. No man can give the strength of his mind snd body to the strenuous work of building a future for himself unless he haa a reaerve force to back him up. . You can't build . success wltfiout spending a great deal of nervous energy, and you can't spend nervous energy unless you have It If Rockefeller had replenished the drain upon i his Vital energy by a daily supply of electricity, he would be able -to en toy hie millions now. , When you overtax your vital forces you don't break down all at once; the first drain is upon the roost sen sitive organs, like the stomach, and as the body Is napped of Its forco other organs fall gradually, until the "body Is like a dried lemon. . . Electricity Is poured Into the stomach for hours at time by Electro-Vigor, an every application Increases "the amount of vital force and digestive power Tbe man who sits at his desk .with a heavy heart and gets-no -aunshine-out of hla surroundings, who- ' broods over Imaginary, difficulties, magnifies small',' obstacle until they look like the swoop of despair and ' feels no ambition to shake himself up and throw aalde ' the blue devils that are smothering his luippineasv that. man is a good subject - for Electro-Vigor, beeauae H - J'--brines new life to the nerves, and hat life arouses animation, .develops' new courage and renewa the spirit to wago a battle for happiness and succesa. - Men whose nervous energy is exhausted dont feel like work exertion is dlstaatefnl to tbemf the electrio motor whloh runs their mental aad yuysical machinery lg run down. When you have a taak before you and, no spirit to . take It up, you should know that you need some natural " stimulant to your nervous system some Increase In your.. .maptal. and physical ambition,- and Electro-Vigor will give you that : Don't make the mistake of trying to drug your nerves Into a renewal of energy. Reason that the life of the nerves Is Electricity that Is scientifically proven and ' that weak nerves ara not made airong by drugs - If Electricity Is their life, give them that. , , - Drugs excite the nerves If you want--thnT"exelted , -Other drugs quiet them if you want them quieted, but in both cases the effect is produced by a poison. 7; It 1m also true and proven that a man who takes a drug every day for thirty days haa gotta.take twice aa big a dose the thirtieth day as ho did the first to -produce the same effect Some people 'take drugs as a stimulant Recent ex posureg of the contents of patent medicine prove that nearly all of them consist of a lot of alcohol and lltlls pnlanit 7 'An: Interestlng-aUfin.tiric article states thst'hslf 'an " rlrJLSttv ? oWtImuIa.nt wears Ol.tha vitality Is t per centloWer than It was before tho stimulant was -taken. Can any person with common . eenae see any good in that kind of treatment? What ' will be the effect In a few yeara? : -'"7 ,. ; Suppose you borrowed ononey that- way; borrow a dollar today and pay back a dollar five tomorrow, and -" keep It up for to days. Wouldn't that break you?" Is m, it any more sensible to take stimulating drugs on that basis T ., . ' '. , , ' Your body haa only a certain amount of vitality, and If you throw a why five toer cent of it every day, how long will it last? . ' .,, j . ,. . Truly, tin human body is abused aa you would not abuse your dog. . . ' ' . - . . , It you set out to accomplish anything, make sure that you supply youraelf with tho meanaof carrying your-v. project through successfully. ' The moat Important to a man who expects to work his way up are strength, - . nerve power, courage. All those come from electricity, -the motive power of tha body. . Tho laborer on the street haa ambitions or should have, unless they are dimmed by a sense of physical -weakness. He wants to earn mors, to secure a more- -elevated position to get out of the rut There are chances all around him and he 1a bound to land ono of ' them' If he has the energy to reach out for it when it cornea along. '7 -r -. ' - .7- ' A few years ago I had a patient who' worked with a street .gang repairing tho basalt paving which Is laid between street car tracks. Ha waa typical of his class bard-worhlng, patient and enduring, and seemed . to have no Interest beyond doing his work honestly and taking his pay. I will not attempt to say what process -,. of evolution took place in tho mind of that man in tha few months he waa under my treatment but I will say , that when I saw hlra again he was "slicked up" end ' acted as If he might own the road. He had fully re- ' covered his health and with It some energy which ha ' had lost and when he called on mrf.he waa timekeeper, 7 on tho Job, with a growing chance for something better. It's a mistake for any man to suppose that he was made for a laborer, to imagine that there Is no chance ' for him at something better. "There's plenty of room at the top." and any man can do better if be has tho ' energy to try. : .t -V .. - . Tho reason that there are laborers Is that thera are always enough men who allow themselves to bo held ' down; men with no ambition to hustle out of the rut; men willing to sell a day's work for a couple of dollar when they know tKat the day's work Is worth probably -four dollars to the man who buys it ,'., . , 1 fhs rood thlnaw-'aro not mil ta more tnan vnay wars waen men now noa were poor worxing soys, any man wiva energy ana a never-say-die spirit can work out of the rat and make a name aad fortuae for himself, aad bis position la Ufa aa years front now will be ta exaef ratio with V energy ho haa displayed. This ambition, which makes business men nut of laborers; this spirit which awakena In a man and leads him forward; thla courage which hacks up every in spiration to better himself Is nothing but the elec tricity, the vital force of hla body. - ? The man who ia content with his lot. the man who mornln with tha "do or rile .nirli". " "mP"'on. mmseii. is wees, Amoiuou he "navoV has anyspirlt it ii . tVTVXT'rr . You mlaht nreach to the vouns man. "Oct no early and study for an hour before breakfast. ' but how la ha to do it when he gets no rest from his slp. and his strongest Impulse upon being aroused In the morning Is to sleep, sleep, sleep? His feeling is that another hour of aleup is saeeter. to him than anything else. - His nervous energy is depleted, and he Is slow, laiy and unambitious. J ' - - You would urge" a manlh"buslnes to- get out and hustle for trade, hut how can "he hustle when he feeU tired, heavy-hearted and absent-mlndnd? When his natural Inclination is to sit down and worry because things don't go better. - His nervous energy Is gone; he feels that If he an- . proached a business man he would kill more .business than he would create. 'You will hear the croaker say of a successful man,' "I can't see what there Is about that fellow that makea everything he puts his hand on turn to money. He len t any smarter than I am, and here I am plodding along Just making a bare living by hard work. I waa shead of him at school: In fact, he was the fool of the class, but here he Is rolling up thousands at every turn, while men who are smsrter In everything seem to have trouble to make a decent living." , Rut here are the facts: The successful man makea things move; he's on the go all the time, chasing the dollars uphill snd down the lane, and he catchea up . with lota of them, while his brighter but lasy .friend sits down and waits for them to fall In hla lap. , -Energy Is what makes succesa. Fortune msy knock st your front door once, but she Is not going to wait for you to come and open if you don't hurry.. . Tsars Is term nsed la thletlo sports that ap plies to the man who loses courage when things go against him) they eall hint "a quitter." If yon ars "a guittsr" yon know whyi because yon : haven't got tho nerva. . .-. ? stro-vigor: feel its exhilarating spark in its warming, vitalising glow in your dioou. ou hsvs enjoyed a month of its use and Wear Electro-Vigor: vour nerves. mrtA after vou hsve felt the return of youthful energy, go out and nnt vour new force in the creation of better condi tions for yourself. Hqld up your head and look your fellow man In tho face, and compel fortune to smile upon you. . 1 ' . . No pain nan exlat In a body charged with electrio life; you can hava no rheumatism, no weakness, no In set I va parts, because the life generated by thla grand Jorce gives health and' strength to every organ. Klectro-Vlgnr la not like Electric Belts: it is a dry- cell body battery; does not need to be charged, and gives1 tew p"-" "r f'T ""j" wtitch are charged In vlneaar or acid. It la a Cleaaure. and no trouble, to be cured by Electro-Vigor. I would like to talk with men who feel that the tack nf nervoua energy, vigor and health have kept them down. 1 want to have a heart to heart talk with them, either personally or by malt, because I know that Electro-Vigor will be worth ita weight In gold to them. " 1 want evgry man to read my book which will Inspire any man to buckle on his armor and make the bravo fight It tella how you may be strong, healthy and hnppy. I aend It by malt free. Write to Dr. A. 8. Hull and you will learn how much electricity haa to do with aucceaa. . 7 - - - - Consultation ; free. Pnt your name and address on this coupon and send it. in. Cut the coupon out, this mlnuto and save It , ": ... . ' 1 ' DR. A B. HAI.U 1439 Fillmore St, San Francisco, Cat Please send ma your book sealed, free. " , lt-0t. Name ..if,,,,,,..,,.,'.,,,.,.,,,,,,,, Address t ;t," 1- ltltlUMlM(M