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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, " PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING,' NOVEMBER 17, 1806. 13 FEMININE JEALOUSY HELPED HARRIMAN WIN FIGHT Social Aspiration of Mrs. Stuy. vesant Fish Causes Down fall of Husband. y - AMBITIOUS TO SUCCEED MRS. ASTOR AS LEADER Trouble Began With Prince Henry's Visit ' When Mrs. Vanderbllt Out- Generalled Her Rival Millionaires , Obey Their Wives in Voting. . - , ' 1 IHearat Wewa Service.) ' 'i ; , Hnm Tork, Nov. -17. Back of . the ousting of Stuyveaaot Fish a president . i of the Illinois Central laat week by the force back of E. H. Harrlman ltea a , atory of feminine ambition and Jeal ; ouey In which woman's desire for social . leadership and battle for social sunre. ..... macy accomplished - what mlllloniir. captains of lnduatry could not bring about by force of monev n Intel..,. and wrested the control of one of the tnoat Important railroad tyatems in the country from aafe and honest manage ment to place In the hand a of a Wall street speculating cllnu. . .vMr, .Vanderbllt and ,afr. Aator. par - r aL.iaitl:?lw. . trwicnr tret m mmn uyich , . " Mrs. Stuyveaant Fish. , .JL-,:te-a:.- - Zmm BBxinw"'-'- -r - Ql , , ft ..sve V.-?. tis WW : K..a5a' - ' I?.-,', . ; : Xa4 . tl T . - Mrs. Tlaana of their wtvea. and bringing their aoclal atrlfea into the world of lJlhflnance. voted aaalnat the rreleo . lion of Mr, Flah at the Uvehr meatln of the board of dlrectora, and theae two -votes accomplished hta defeat ' ' T nlaae4 t ot'Wlf a. Mr. Flah waa placed in the poaltlon of being puniabed for hla wlfe'a attempt to gain some high aoclal distinction, V '4 1 Get back your itrcngtlv. enerfy; ambition, by uatng BASSCTTS NATIVE HERBS. Coata only f 1 tot three back If doesa! cure). ' Alao Me au. At Pruiiula ' (In black boxea); tf not. ' arttl kaa rSEE r vnant I baaw'iNaavtBerWC& Doit Now! Don't Wait ; Until IfalTbo Late! fc Moat people are very nest ' snd clean tn their outward . ' appearance, but how about : , the Inilde? : '. , , Are you clean inside? ' ' , And if not, how can you faoe the world with clean thoughts, clear Intelligence, If no nay II I I I , ClISHIltlt. OkM. . . . I aUs 'A'iaJgJMBaiSMH , S (air, just, bright mind and get your lull share of capacity for work and enjoy, rnent? ;y . ' , Neglect of cierctae, rloh over-feeding and carelessness about stools, often leave the delicate internal meohanlam In s , naaty mess, ". - - . The small Intestine Is compelled to sb " Sorb the poison of decaying matter ln stead of wholesome nourishment. t The Uver gets Insctlve: the bile doesn't "work off"; the eyes get yellow; the skin ' ; gets dead like putty and pale like doughy disfigured with bolls, pimples, black beads and lver-spou. v y , There's only "one solution to the prob lem: Keep clean Inside all the time.' ,. That's the snswer. ,s If you can not diet, or keep your 1 mechanism going by proper exercise, ' take Caseareta, . the sweet, fragrant, - harmless little vegetable tablets, that ' "aot like exercise " on your bowels. . A Cascaret every night before going to bed will "work jyhtla you sleep" and - max a you leel tine In the morning." Take a Casoaret night, and morning 1 snd break up the "constipated "hsblt" without acquiring a "cathartlo habit" '. " - v- -"... ; J . Caseareta are sold by all druggists, 1 10oT25Bsnd-0o. The 10c slxe trial .bos Is s neat fit for the vest pocket or . lady's purse. ' ' Be euro to get the genuine with the . "lcng-talled C" on the box and the let " ters "CCC" on each tablet. They are n ever sold In bulk. ." 7a I O t'. - - v. .. ' . ' . 1 . J . Mrs. John. Jscob Astoc .'v' with Mr. Vanderbllt and Colonel Aator, representing aa ' It were, their wives, younger and aspiring, helping to admin ister the punishment and Incidentally giving Harrlman a rich prise. Mrs. Flah. next to Mrs. Astor, ia the recognised leader of aoclety. Mrs. John Jacob Aator wishes to succeed her aged mornerfhaweaTiubreiriiS RWaoili clety. Mrs. Flah looks to that position for herself. Therefore Mrs. Flah has done everything posalble to block the promotion of the young Mrs. Aator, and the latter naa let no opportunity pue to return the compliment. , Boyalty involved. ..".i During the visit of Prince Henry to this country it waa the ambition of Mrs. Flah to entertain him at Newport. She waa anxloua for the triumph to advertise the stability of her poaltlon as a leader of society, and she told her eloseet friends of her plan to entertain the brother of the emperor of Germany. Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbllt naa met AT THE THEATRES," Sherlock Holmes at Heilig, Theodora Lotch, snpportad by Mlaa Joaephlae n fr . and- a capable eonitanr el plarere. will preaeat the thrilling dttevtlre drama, "Tn Slsn ot the roar." at the Heth theatre to algbt and tomorrow alht at 8:10 e'eloek. Mr. Larch wUl be seen aa Sberkx-k Ho! mas. Reata re sow aalllns tor kola periunaaaees ai oom- efSee e( the theatre. Boiotflce epea tomorrow. Robert Edeson in "Stronghea'rt." . BohM Edeaoa la "Stroaaheart" will be the attrartloa at the Utlllf theatre next Thunder and rrlday alfhta, Norrmber SI and SN, with a special ma tinea Raturday, Nora to bar Si. Seat aala next Wednesday. ' ' . v -?TTis Sign of the Cross" Corning. V Wllaoa Barrett's beautiful Millions drama. The aire of the Cross," will be the attrac tion at the Helllg theatre neat Tuesday and Wednesday alehts. NoTeaiber So and SI. Seat sale opens tomorrow mnralnf at 10 o'clock at the bonifies of the Hellig theatre, .rearteeath aad Waahlnf ton etreete. ' ' . i .' JThe Marriage ot KitryMonday.; Mlaa rVreare Gear, aopparted by a palaa- taklnc comnanr. will present the oeiisntrul eamedy, "The Marriage or Kitty." at the Hring theatre seat Monasy nini, bottowt iv. me adtanee eeat sale befaa thla mornkif. ho- oface wlU be, eoea all day tn morrow. - Seat Sale for Leoncavallo. geate are now selling at bwrnfftre ef the Hat- Iki theatre, rearteeath and waahiaatos atreeta. tor Leoecaaalle ana bis lm acaia ineatrs kestra, rraaa Mllaa, Italy, woe Sire rwa M.Mtn at the a ho. a theatre snadar aad Monday alfhta NoraainrlS aneTSO. Last Tims Tonight. Ttinlatit la the laat chance to eee the Raker stock eompany la "Lna Tweaty-foar Woora." that rosrlna fsree that -has - been eaaslag stnrsM of Uoshter during the week. It's oaa at the seat thlnas the Bakerltee hara done. William mils snd Penaie Bowies aeiirer para. snadnlterated fa for ainsoat tares soora. ai the rata at a laugh ,etery 10 second a. Lllllaa Lawreaea la seen aa a aeannrui out aangaiy sdrentureae. Lent .time tonight. Lsst Tims Tonight Sa Told la the Hills will be glrea at the Umpire for tke laat time tonnni. ima lariiung and pletereeqne drama of lbs hills snd plalna kaa attracted large eadiearee an wees- it la rnll ot atartllna aarnrleea and deala with the old emigrant train, tkelr woederfnl adTeataree with the Indiana aad eaeiting aarspee. v,"'" - "Ths lviddleman., , Bealnnlns "tomorrew ma I Ine and ' crwfhielna all werh the Raker stock eemnanr will present The Mlddltawa,'! Ua great Maary. Arthur v ' j.jf k nil v ill - OAFISH 3 'v r terror Af Cornelius Vanderbilt. X Prince Henry' abroad and had 'enter tained him at dinner on her husband's yacht, at which the kaiser himself wal tar a gueat dftbe'Vandarbllta. It wm" butT? natural she should dealre to entertain him again and she discounted and utter ly spoiled Mrs. Ftah's plans by forward ing an invitation to Prince Henry, and receiving an acceptance before Mrs. Flah had a chance to use the diplomatic measures necessary to obtain the foy visitor as a guest. , -.. Vh Wlah'a annhiHt '1 Mrs.; Fi.h deeply resented Mrs. Vsn-j derbtlt's actions and, triumphs, and coldness sprftng up-between the. two women which has existed ever since.-' -- In m tactful manner Mr.' Uarrlman tnaplred the suggestion to Mrs. Astor and mrs. Vanderbllt that the opportun ity was present in- the election of a president of the Illinois Central rail road,' to strike a stunning blow at Mrs. Fish through her husband and pay off social scores. . It was then easy for the two wives to lnfluenoe the action 'of their hus bands, and make matters of finance subservient to those of a social nature. .' " XarrtmS WtfMtMnir" 1 Jlarrlman had a acore of another kind to pay, and at the- same time aa oppor tunity to realise his ambition to gain control pf the. Illinois Central, which, t with hla other holdings Would give him control of 21,000 miles of railway track, J capitalised at more than 11.700.000.000. i Fish, aa a director and member of the investigating committee of the Mutual Life' Insurance company, had refuand to obey Harrtman'a order to apply a coat of whitewash to the directorate of the company. He waa forced off the committee, and since then Harriman'a attitude toward him has been of the "not yet" nature. ;- : r ioaea play which became faoMM te a few weeks at eke tlaae of the drat product loa. John galnpolla will pUy the eM patter and Lllllaa Lawrence wlU be eeea aa the potter'a daughter. The eUiera of the company are wall east. Real blast tornseca and kilns wUl be sees ea the stare, other ' ecenle effecta are u to the saaal Bakrr ataadard. Seats sew aeUlog. "Peck's Bad Boy" Tomorrow. , "Pack's Had Boy" will eves the week to morrow afternoon at the Kmplre. The chlldrea will all waat to see this noted character who made their alder laugh years, ago, and about whoa pranks they hare heard so mora. The play please both old and young aad la a per fect acre am of hetetaroaa laugkter. There wlU be aaatlaeae tomorrow, Wednesday aad Satur day. i "A Man of. Mystery." ; "A Mas of Mystery." a thrilling drama with a detective for the hero, la the attrartloa- at the Star. The Allea compear wlU preaeat It tonight, tomorrow sfternooa and eight for the last times. It la on ot the moat exciting detective play erer written aad shows the difference bat wean the real detaetlT aad the detoctlT of Set loa. Next week the esmpany will present the comedy-drama, 'Polly and L" starting Monday Blgkt. At the Grand. Superior vandevllle la what the Grand alma to give - tta -pa rrtms - and tbe t bfioiii pi oa i a ua la rap ret with arst-rlasa entertainer. The srssent biU will hold the boarda antll toaaor raw sight. The fee tore set Is "Itellars sad Centa," a muaical corned r la ea act with War ma Tartar. Dorothr Paley and Harry Rlcb arda In the caat. These aad others are aa ths program aad the entertainment la cheer, ful la aU reepeeta. The headline for next areek will be Mr. aad Mr a. Traoadall la "Aaat Louise's AdTlcs." . mmmm t " - " Pantages. " " '. The hit of the Jrhow at thla theatre ja. the exhlbirion of eleeer marksmsnahlp of the Raa dalla; the Dancing Denors trio hare aa act which at a dlatlnrt aandeellla hit; realey brotbera bare a cle-rer semhatJe tars; Mnelcal Da ray, aa entertaining set, aad Qeort Bhee. wood, a slnsinaT aet; Io White alnga "Is There Any Hours la Ileaeea Kor a Little Olrl Like Mr and morlng pictures eoaclud the performance. Thar are many Waat AAs tat tasUtre teuraal that wrtll tateresrl yarn. ' ... A Teasef Bleed. The year 1(01 will long be remem bered in the home of F. N. Tacket of Alliance. Ky., as a year of blood, which flowed so copiously from Mr. Tscket's lungs that death seemed very near. He writes:. "Bevere bleeding front the lnnara and a frightful cnuerh - bad brought me at death's door, when t be-' f an tatting I r. nine; a new Diacovery or Consumption, with the aetnnlehlnf reault that after taking four bottles I waa completely restored, and as time ha proven permanently oured." Guar anteed for Horn Lungs, Coughs and Colds, at Rett CrrB8 Fharmaoy. Price Ifte and tie. Trial belUe (ret, '- -,- ...... t.l .'. ., We Cure HEN ONLY LICENSED TO PRACTICE -MEDICINE IN OREGON IVc Trcal l&e Folfowlsj Dlscisei Oaljr- - : BheamaUsjn, Acute and Ohnnle. - Blood Poison. ' Gonorrhoea. Tarloooele. ; STeuxaatheala. STerroaa Decline, raralysla. d.y, si.dd. ail aii ,u.y VARICOCEUE CONTAGIOUS BLOOD POISON We cure this disease without operation or liga- It rhay be in its primary stage, or it may have been ture. and under our treatment the congested condi- ' hereditary or contracted in early days, thereby being Jion soon disappears, the parts are restored to their constitutional. We cure all its complications. : We natural condition, vigor, and strength, and circulation , , stop its progress, eradicate every vestige of, poison is reestabiisncd. ,. STRICTURE We cure stricture without the knife by an applica tion which acts directly 6n the parte affected,dis-; solving the stricture completely. Our treatment is' painless and in nowise interferes with your business duties. -;";.',:.:'-. ; . ', " ; '" . ' .": . , - Aeute and i Ohronto Dlacharrea, vis.:. Ooaonhoeev yrostatlo ' Plaeaa ee, Uflc method known, Injurloua to ayaiem ana ine aiavaneo, pari riurn 10 aouna ana neaitny conaitlon. , . . if j on have violated the laws of health aad ate eoaaeleas of a anitast drain which Is aadermlmlag yoat . ayatem, come to ua sefore yoa beeome a aerroua aad payaleal wveek. If yen are weak, gloosny aad deepoadeat, have bad dreams, depreesed, lack amblUoav aad energy, usable to eomeeatrate your thoughts, lack vim, vigor aad vitality, eome to as at onoei ou tseatmeat will stop all drains aad overoome all weaknesses aad positively re store you to strength aad health. We have oured thoaeanda of weak men. THOan who iis ir snarronrTio bt svaoiAuaTS isi Biin anT - StTBBTBS TO IirTI!8TXATa OSS XITIOSI AhTTJ TBKMS W1TKOVT DIUT, WSUOX HAS TUT DOI1 ( TU aXOIKirUTw WOVU SATS SVATSD TIIH TIHS AJTO SCOBTsT. Write If you cannot call "Hours a. m.' to gtzlis JWedical and Surgical Dispensary GEE WO PortUnd's Widely Known and Successful ' Chinese , : ' -. Medicinal, Root and -Herb Doctor raaiadlaa tea' taeradleata er whlre. wa impart elract Ina .the Orient la lara eaaatltlss aad prepare aad eat as to la-n a eate- ataewrr; eolaeM er eras af ear klad rtaruDie. The Doetor treats eeeeeaafany aad f aaraataaa te ear all atonarh troahlaa. eatarrh. asthaw, lanc. throat, rbeamatlani. awauesaase. Urar. kMney aad Vtet aiDiihead. tuuu Tsotrsrya awn Att rsrvATi . SISABS. " ! falsa er Blslradlmf stataaMata ta taa afSleted. A aafe aad laatlof ear la the aelak tat possible time and at the law est aaat aa- sieia for aoaeec iraaiateat. J1''ilTtXSf. COUSTTXT ATTOhT ntt the 0. Oaa We Cbuaaa Meaiotae Ca- 1H tint St., Cat. Biemeea. SsrUaad, Oa, ri EvoryVcnian WOODAED, CLABhK CO. AVT LAUK-DAVI1 DkUO CO 4 STOklS. Scott's Santal-Pepsm Capsules A POSITIVE CURE gorlnflammatlos orOatarrfeof the Blerfiler and bleeaeed Kle ira. qnirklf ana aermaaeatir Ike worat nea of aiaaarra aad alleea, ae matter of how irklf and Bermaaeatir Ike alter ol bsola leag steading, Absolatsly karmUas. Sold 'by drngflau. rno si .rev or bt man, sal (1.09,1 hoxaa, at. 7a. -TKE SAMTAL-PEPSIXCa BetroraaUlne, OMa. - Weedard . Olarhe at Oa, Crjrfl. CoM ta One Day, 8.&A Urn. -33c LANGDON'S ARGUMENT ; IS HEARD BY COURT " San rranclsoo, Not.' IT. The case of District Attorney! Langdon egatnat the board of supervisors for a writ of pro hibition against Lngdon'a - removal from office was argued and eubmltted this morning. Langdon Was in eourt but nuet felled to appear. ' Indlctxaents Toted. Bait 1-ake Nov. 17---The grand Jury has voted several secret Indictments in the eoal casts High ef f iciala ot the Hie Iikki mm xa v m v . a m mimsmsu ana snoeia Know f MrWULyiim .. - ero the wondertal I MAVTL whlrUiif Spray VvCfiuVyi'lTB" " 'S- srehar. e. V PS2V I faene-ed osrrint. Iist rUf. L.fTyt.w est Mo fWrwint, : " ' T. tikaamarasTlatkea. W? iai .in V" t b. cannot aapolr the 'm'V- t& . ether, but aeod aiamp for ta tlltialrated book ,.! It grees I f'M full partleulexasndilirectionala- vy'f JF Taluakleto la.llea. MSRt BI, fSK. HV'aV t. saa bt.. Hat a uxn. -mkilr Si AT V af -T i Ter Sale by For Kldntyand Bladdtr Troublts; ; jtS. RELIEVES IN ; f . ..e l discharges: i I aUchChS---v ' 1 1 L Jswars Veaamirryea.; uai by all iraaaiaaa Alrsrya Reneenker tkeJDn Ntm iU.. VTc in any case we takej a Life loinq cure for k ... ItUlU eSlCtli, cury or potash. the ayatem In no way, shape or form; I p. m.; Evenings, 7 to 1:10; SundaysS oosiria iscon awd tamxix.s, iraim, roBTUurzt, obuboox. MY FEE ONLY For a Complete Cure Of Any Uricoriiplicated Case. - TBIII IS A POPU lar Impreoawa that anecUllata' fees er ex orbitant. If each be trne, we wlak to atat that It I aot applicable to aa. Oa the oontrary, ear eery Urge practice and anoeual facllltlee for treating mea enable a te otter h eery best treatment laea panetrely. ; Contracted Disorders ' Bvry caae of contracted disease I treat la thoroughly cured; my pa tients have ae rlpe. Whea I pronounce a - case cured - there te aot a particle of Infection or In flammation remaining and there la ant - the slightest danger that the dleess will rstmm la it origi nal form or Work Ita way late ths general system. So contracted dleorder la so trivial aa to warrant rtala msthmlB of I sspselsily solicit those cases that other doctors have bees unable to cur. . , Stricture ' My trestnunf for strtetnr ta en tirely Independent of Barf cry. ' A eonisjleta cure Is accomplished without catting or dilating. All growths aad obstrsrtlnns la th urinary passage are dissolved, tb . membranes clrsnaed and sit Ir rltatloa er congestion removed throogboat the organs involved. iv.en BaV 'ATLQ, '. The IVaadlaa; aTfeolalist. J . .. ----Exfa.mlnatlon and Advice tub DF?. TAYLOR co. - ( .. .. .. . ' Corner Second an) Morrison Streets, Portlanel, Oregon. Private Entrance ' rj. il 23354 Morrison Street t . ; j DISEASES OF MEN 'Consultation and Exam! ' tlon Free Don't wait until your whole system becomes polluted with dlaeaee, or until four nervous system is tottering under he strain, and you are a physical and mental wreck,-unfit for work, business or study. Uncertain or Improper treat-' ment can only do harm. - There Is only ; one perfect, safs and lasting cure for -you, which you will find at the Norton tavla - Medical Co. Btart right, and start at once. Delays are dangerous. WI T&XAT KZBT' OaTZ.T AJTS CTTM TTBrSlC QtrZCatST, s BATXX.T TaXOBOtlOMI.T. aTvery tnaa surlag with' disease, varlooeela, hydrocele, kidney or Bladder dlaeaee, blood poison, nerve debility caused by exosseee, etc., or with any of their numerous and distressing symptoms, owss it to himself, his family and especially to the future generations, to get cured promptly, safely-and thoroughly, - .ri PAY WHEN CURED We have such confidence la our out, asking iot a u"iia.r uniu cureu. LOvcrJ5a.PXcntU)L0utCaes Have Been Cured at a Cost of $10.00 Tf you cannot call, write and describe your troubles snd we will ad- vise you if you can be cured at home. , ; - . Office hours S a. m. to I p. m; Sundays and holldsys. IS te 11. '' DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. . X.eadlag trpecUllats la the) Worth waat. ' Xstabllshed 188. ' TAJT BTOT KOTBIs SSH TatXP ST.. COBSM FTWB, POmTX.ABn, OBk crfriVmiYArplLLS I. a lee I A,k yaur w U-ebeleJa PIIU na tield autalllc wk Ble Slbtiee. Ti s af na Dnnlil aad a.a e i Bi.retr.Tf a !"LiaT, the BIAMOKIK PII.LS, (er BS Mar.' Maard aa he. ftaant. Alaav heiiaMe. by liwrriw a.w.abaia. . - ----, , . a-aiiae-ieeia. a-m t'nlon Parlflo those accused. are eald fe be among P fre7A boeae, eaaleavv ikeaeethee. V $10 Consultation Free Wc never disappoint our patients I We accept any 'incurabTecaesi I We never hold out false hopes ! . a MU . iHI WllHUUI us, v and- WEAKNESS . Whether acquired or inherited, is cured 'by our methods so that the parts affected are restored to their normal conditions. The established cure is permanent, not temporary.' , ' - -- -- cured by the use of the only sclen- out, on the contrary, It builds up the a. m. to 11 noon. MtMtMMffHvMM 1 PHTSICIA! 18 aot entitled te hia fee la adeanea. Wa are . .the oalr apeelaa ira la the West who conduct bualness oa the prlaelple. Net s Dollar Aiked Ter UstllaCsrc U rJftcttil This la act llmttell In time or conditional in character. " Vartcccela Varicocele Inter fere wrth local circulation and the process of tiitt aad repair throughout the organs Involved. When neg lected It brings total or narflarioas of pow er and may area re ault In a wearing awsy of the organ tbria eel rca. I cure varico cele la oaa week. My method If absolutely palniea. no aura-teal operation la Involved, and there need be no detention from buat aeaa. The lost ton snd elasticity Is re stored, the weskened and dilated veins van Inr and normal circula tion . and health .. are gain aatshllahed. So-CaUeel Weakness Perhaps the ntoet prevalaat of ail arllmeata peculiar to men yields readily to the mild methods of treatment I employ. ' "Weakness". Is merely a - symp tom of local disorder, naually aa' Inflamed condi t Ina of the prostate gland. This I overeoroe by - a thoroughly aclentine ayatem of lo cal treatment aad , the full aad normal degree of at rent th aad vigor la permanently restored. Specific Blood Poison rntll the perfeettoa of my ayatem of- treatment, apeeifle blood polaou (commonly knows as syphilis) waa reasrdrd as incurable, and th limit . ef medical sld waa to keep the dlseaas dormant br the as of strong mineral drugs. t positively drive the last tslnt of poison from the system. -Mr carea are absolute. Every symptom vsn tabes to appear bo more. I nee bsemless - hlood-elesnalng remedlea only, auck as were aevrr betor seed, la the treatment of thla dieses. :e - Free method that we will treat you with- 1 y and Many Only $5.00 TRANSPORTATION. S. S. F.'A.iKilburn Psr Csa Bay. Bweek sad Baa rraaeW.. !eit calling feoaj Portland. Prlday- Nw f, Sax ii.Mlng from Ran t'rnnelace, Thar., Kor. ft. CHAS. K. STEEI.SMITH. A rest SaT T" I I WIT 0-K Sj;:t tz:t, rhcr.z 27:0 1 TRANSPORTATION. r ' V -.v..-,-: QrjEGori. UwonPacihc Trains to the East Daily 3 taJll'.'. r,""""' Ia4 sad tcmtM tlm ttij r...t 5fuy. SrHw S.0a ! XJ"J Bl!3KS:- !7 S:S0 rlrar (or . "-niinatoo. Walla w.n. Waadlni Saittn kJ' e'AUae aad 1 Art,2V"ra "0,n,- S""r- S:is : 8:oe ee , lntl Riprwa for (ha But V2r,tly!?Si'm-, S:lSaei TUSeei rtlsad. d.llr S tSim 0:0 aw ' otCMma itrvM divmiow. e w points. rmiMcttB w teMier tor and Norte Boaea. StemM ah-t. aora. Warn . a. eu. boat S p. m .,re, a,,. , TaMrmx-ErVTO ROCS. v Pftntk, Oreaoe City aa4 Xaahin let "la, iIuhhi Rmh tId htodoe, Aahet. eort. J.,-Iv" . d,nr eieept 8nu4ay (water Said..' " s. daU. eaee , "WAgaj arvitit notrra. a )" ,ta'1 way sotata ffnej iparla. Wiik., ilumm Spoktae and Lewis- 1"7.,8:40 apoa arrlnl Trala 1.11. d""J Vl SarBrday. Arrtte . Ticket Offtr, Third aad Wsahlastes eta. Teleplww Main Til. Wa. McMURbaX. Oeaerai raaaenser Aawat. Ualoa Depot-. i Overland . Ei press Train lease. Antra. lor balem, Raaekarg. Ash- Mad, Haernmento, Ogdea. ' ' Saa , rraaclsea, R toe V ton. 1 - r Loa Angels, El Paao, Fn Orleaoa and the seat. S:a psj THS saa Wood bars dally except . ., Sunday with . - i V snd Sllvertoa Iocs I ".. t.-ee a'si T:SB am Cettag Orov psseenger . , connecta at Woodbura and "'' Albaay dally, except Sua--- ---',--,'- - day. with trains for polnta On WoodonTn-HurlnaAcM ana . ' - Albany-Lebanon branches.. 4:B pea 011:00 am Corvallls psssenger.., eT:oo IB n:W pa haridan nasernger 'IrlO pm 10 10 am rorcai urov aaeaengsr. . . .I'll w am t:h in eernaT urove paaeenger. .. . nerao pm lixiao pas Dally. MDetlv exeewt Snndsv. JKrrgBAUM-atTBXCX ATXTIOK For Delias and Intermediate point dally, T'.SO a. a. and 4 ii p. bl Arrive Portland 10:10 a. m. and 0:28 p. ax. For time aad card of Oswego eutmrhaa trabaa apply at City Ticket Office, or atatloa. Tickets t Baatarn points snd Earaeei elea Japan. China. Honolula aad A ua trails. City Ticket Office corner Third and Wash. Ingtoa sfreeta. Phone Main Til. C W. mNOBft. Wm. MeMTJItRAY. City Ticket Agent. . Oes. Pass, Areas. , TIME CARD TRAINS . Portlandj ' Loeve. ' Arrive. Tslhnrstoa Part Kaaeaa Clty. St. Loals Special for takslla. Centra lie, Olympla. Uray'a Harbor, South Bend. T a coma. Seattle. Rnokan. Iwlatoa. b . . B.I li ha. Kansas City. St. Louie snd Soathesst. dslly. . . . . .u. I ti emtrr- r.tmitM. eleetri ilrhted. for Taenma. neat tie. Rpokane. Butte. II tones poll. at. laul sna u nest, dally. Puret Soand Limited, for 1:00 pm T;0t say Clsremeat. Chehalla. Oaa- traliav Tseaxna-aad-Seattle enly. dally................... 4 M fat Twin City Kxpreee for Tars als, Seattle, Spoksns. Helena, S:S0 pajt t : Bntte. St. Paul.-Mlnneapolla. Lincoln, Bt. Joseph, Ksness . City, Omaha, St. Lou la. with- eat chsaga of eara. Dtrset " connections for aU polata Beat and Soutbeeat,. dally. ...... .,ll:a ea 10:1 Sat 2 Overland Trains Dallj 2 The Oriental Lhaitad. the Teat Kail VIA BBATTLB AWD BPOKAWB. Psrtlaad time ecaedala - Deity. Dally. - - .--- Lesva. Arrtve. Te and from Spokane, , , . St. Paul. Mlnnea nolle. Duluth aad all points Beat eta Seattle S o em t-OS am 11:43 pm S:SBei To and from St Pael. Mlnneepolls. Dnlnth and ell points Beat via Spokane OrlS exa t-CO am Sreat Vertaara Steaauhly Ot, Balling from Bottle tat Japan aad China port snd Manila, ear r lag paa -aengera aa freight. S. B. Dakota, Bevamher St. S, S. Mlnneaota. January S. XIPPON TUBE KAISHA.- ' IJsnsa Malt Stssanhlp Cm.f ' g a, Aki Mara - wUl aall free Seattle about November ST for Jape sad Chtneee porta, carrying psaesngere and rretght. Per ticket, rates, beetb. mares tlon. etc, call ea er eedreae LrjicKS0M. a i bLT fortiaad. Orag aa its rbwd Astoria & Columbia i River Railroad Co. Union Depot Leave. Pot Msyxera, Rainier, Cist. taala. WeeTpofl, ClirtBlC-A- Art re. teela, v arret! ton, riavei. Hammnsd, Port Staves, User ban Park, Bessld B:00 am U:SSe Aatorto (at awunore. exnreaa dally I W sm 1 o. MAT", u. r. ana r. aaTor... 'ta A. STIC WART, lommrrelal Agaat, Aktef stmt. , Pkaae Mala SM. Upper 'Columbia River - STEAMER V: Chas. R. Spencer Ivenvca Oak afreet dn.-k every 'i Werlneedur and Krl TMB DAUBS mil I vonnevrtiiig wi'h '" ' portatioa CO" na lr ni Ins. arrl" "T J day onil f-.ituril " rtip. i iv. a S0UTH THE CObtrOrTTASlX WAY. : . 1 - v sa ;, ) anJ il ..