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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1906)
RABBI STEPHEN S. WISE .-SENDS .MESSAGE FROM NEV YORK: TO THE SUNDAY JOUHI ! 11 GOOD EVE1UHG journaLCirculatioa 8 THE WEATHER. Yesterday ) - Was f 1. Tonight and .Saturday occaeional rain; easterly winda." ; ' . - " VOL. V. NO. 219. S 'PORTLAND, OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING, 7 NOVEMBER ' Iff,- 1806. TWENTY PAGES. PRICE TWO l CENTS. ; g7Akla?m. cZim PEOPLE km UN D RED ENDANGERED VE B nnVAfl III! MARliF nr uii I nu vv ill uiiniiuL yi VISIT OREGON fiCAFT IS III JANUARY, K0W1ADE Nebraskari Thanksthe Hood River Demo crats for Prize Box of; Apples Sent. - r - Will Comejo Portland and Stats University at Eugene Is Glad . of Governor Chamberlain's Success -Thinks l. Fruit -the Finest Ever Grown.' ,' Speclal Plapatrh , to The Journal.) ,- Hood River, Nov. 1 a. An acknowl edgement of the receipt of the box "of ' Hood - River applea sent- by the Hood River , Democratic club to WHllem' J. Bryan haa just been received by George V. Culbertaon, eecertary of the organi sation, I front the ; groat Democratic, leader, (dated Unaoln. -November, 10, is which b aaya: ''Upon , ny return home after the close of the fcampaltfrin find your box , of apples and alao your latter.,. I think your description of .the applea cannot ' be questioned, at least I have never aeen any suirssslnj them. ' "Mrs. Bryan and I are very fond of applea and we eat one together every night before retiring. ' She therefore Joins nt In thanking the club for their muoh appreciated courtesy. - , . . -We may paaa through Oregon In Jan. usry, but fear we will not have time to atop any place excepting- Portland and Eugene. (I understand tbe state uni versity la at Eugene.) Am very glad - to hear of the reelection .of Governor .Chamberlain and that you feel hopeful about the' campaign of lt08." Mr, Culbertaon aaya an effort will be made to have Mr. Bryan atop off at Hood River during hla trip to the coaat thla winter and that In a previoua corre- (Continued on Page Three.) Hugh Saxon and. Thomas Reeves, the Boy i Bandits, Sentenced to Prison for Brutal : i -Murder of-AgediWilliam Powell.;: ' . (Special Diapttcb te The Journal. Eugene, Or.. Nov. . 16. Fifteen . years' . behind the bars of the Oregon state penitentiary await Hugh Saxon, the boy who shot and killed William Powell, an aged veteran of the civil war, near Cottage Grove- last August, while Thomaa Reeves," Saxon's elder com ' panlon. ia doomed to serve an Indeterml- . nate sentence Id .the same Institution. . Thla waa the decree of Judge Harris In the circuit court this morning, who .acted upon Jho boys' plea of. guilty to the charge of marmUugnter. : t Only the fact of the extreme youth of the aaaasslns saved them from the gallowa, aa their murder waa .the most --eld-blooded -and brutal--ffar-4iv-the ; history of this section of the country. Murder In the first degree was the .' charge uiori-whlrh they .were to be tried, but ea they agreed to plead guilty and atund the penalty without trial, on a charge of manslaughter, a compro mise wss effected. . One evinlng last August, - Powell, a 4 I The Best of X -' Indeed, the very best of all the. magatlne features are to be found In ' The Sunday Journal. ' And. by the way, the circulation of The Sunday Journal Increases with every Issue. The people seem to appreciate the effort we are making to give them tbe moat readable paper In the yX " northwest. , uh. oitrnan o. wibb, was looked on aa one or me trinieai men In Oregon, and while here bad a-large following who heard with Interest whttevrr he had to say; he begins a aerlea of articles on national toplca in The Sunday Journal. : ' " , W. J. .BRYAN, whose letters have attracted more attention than slml- lsr work by any American In recent years, discusses old World govern ments In a wsy to Interest student, educator and the general reader. ' , W. T. ELLIS,-one of the cleverest of eastern Journalists has started on a trip around the world to learn just what the American mission ary Is doing, and will give the result of hla observations to readers of The Sunday Journal. . ' BERT HUFFMANN, one of the beat of western Journalists, who al ways has something of Interest to tell, write of Oregon's Swltserland , and describes In- charming; war thla beautiful place thY will soon be made accessible to all. - . .. . , , These are but a, few of the fine features that make r The Journal the Best Sunday Paper" i BY FLOOD AT TOWN 01 Portage Road Payrolls Are Alleged to Have Been Padded by Mr. Cook. ' y ...... -t . His Removal From Office of Sup- ;. erintendent. of Road at Celilo V to Be Followed by Rigid In vestigation Into His Recent Office Methods. ". Sensational charges of .padding pay. roll and miscellaneous grafting have followed the removal oM. a Cook from the office of' superintendent of v the State Portage road at Celilo: He w removed from the office at noon today and Frank L. Smith, yaffle manager of the Open River Transportation as sociation of this city, took charge un til Cook a successor la selected. - The superintendent ' submitted - nls resignation to the state ef flctalsT vembor T. . Rumors of graft were In circulation, however, and the officials refused to accept his resignation pend' lng an ' Investigation. The .Investiga tion resulted In hla removal today and may , also - reault , In legal proceedings against mm. . ...... ., Cook la charged with having signed the namea of numerous men employed on the portage road to vouchers drawn on the atate treasury. . The system of graft, according to the chargea, was to send to the atate authorities pay-rolls. containing- full month' a aalarlea for men who worked -only a portion of the month. On the receipt of the states vouchers. It la charged, he aigned tbe namea of the employes, had the vouch' era cashed and paid the employee in cash. 1 -v i ' In that way. It la charged, ' he kept . (Continued en Page Three.) man 70 years of age, who as a refuges of the San Francis so disaster waa working his wsy through the coun try as a peddler, made a camp beside the" railroad tracks near Cottage Grove. He- lighted a Are and soon busied him self In preparing- hia evening5 meal. When a fat brook trout waa browning nicely Ul a trpnt pan on the fire,- Saxon and Reeves appeared on the scene, armed with revolvers, and Commanded the old man to surrender his food te them. v Remembering the days of hla youth. when wearing a suit of blue In Uncle Sam's army he had fought the "Johnny Rebs" to the last ditch, Powell refused to- doprlve-hlmself of hia ineal despite the threatening guns turned upon him." He considered the matter a joke and laughed at the youthful desperadoes. - Angered at not being taken seriously. Saxon placed hla Anger on the trigger of his gun and nreo. his millet went true and a few. hours later the old veteran expired. , , . . the Comics-- . ... . . I i ' : :i:-f i , : -J ! r : -'- iLeK-wiw sasMfcaat fli Morrison-Street Bridge, Showing KIDNAPS CHILD WITH ANOTHER Father Steals His Daughter Who Does Not Know Him From Foster Mother- Court Orders His Arrest and Refuses to Let ; Him Take Little One. ; (Special DUoiteh to The Journal.) " "Helena. Mont, Nov. 1. A Miles City special says that I W. Page haa been brought In from Ekalaka by 'a deputy sheriff. Page had been placed under guard tor appearance In the district court by Justice Peck of Ekalaka for kidnapping his daughter. The Vage girl when but 4 years old waa placed by her father In the care of Mrs. BovelL Page .agreed to pay for the keeping of the child f 100 a year and she was to be kept until she was II years old. The child is now II years old, and la an heiress to $50,000. Page called upon Mra. Bovall re cently and tried to get. his child, but Mrs. Bovall refused to give her up. Finding that In order to secure posses sion of the child he would be obliged to resort to strategy. Page conceived of a' scheme whereby he might accomplish this end. His daughter was'lnteroepted during the evening and Page took her forcibly and placed her In hia buggy and drove off to Ekalaka. They stopped at a hotel over night, but the child raised such a commotion that suspicion was arouaed and Justice Peck had Mr. Bogits- arrest Pae, who was placed In jail on a charge of kid napping. ' " Mra. Bovell had raised the child tn entire Ignorance of who her father was, therefore the child raiaed the disturb ance which caused Page'a arrest. - - Page telegraphed to Bellefourche to a lawyer who knew about the case and also to Mrs. Weeks, an aunt Both tes tified - that the child waa Page's, . but that did not prevent the Justice from holding him on tbe charge. Bogga would not turn over the child to either contesting parties until he had obtained legal advice from Miles City.- Page will take the child to Los Angeles. . MHERIOSESLLIFLMING TO SAVE HER DAUGHTER House Burns Down, but Woman -iZLlsURescued Too - Late From the Flames. (Jmraal Special service.) ,' . ' Helena. Mont,, Nov. 11 A ., special from Butte says:' As reason of Inju ries sustained while trying to save her little daughters from fire that was consuming her Jiome, Mrs. Joseph Be- USIO lies aeaa. ens leaves inree cnu dren and a husband. . While the flames thst had awakened her' raged around her bed. Mrs. Bellale, a woman of barely -?0 years, cried: -"Nov I'll not come out; I'm going to burn with my children," end it waa with the utmost difficulty that the fire men rescued the mother and, children from the fire. Mrs. Bellale' e death was directly due to Injuries to her rungs eaused by In haling fumes and gas from the fire. ROOSEVELT THE ISSUE : . IN LABOR FEDERATION ' ' fjonraal Special Bervtee.) ' Minneapolis. Nov. !. President Roosevelt Is the Issue- of the conven tion of the American Federation of La bor today. President Compere Is op posed to any action and Vice-President Mitchell Is leading the forces favorable to the president. Oompers .Is sngry because Secretary-Root wss sent to at tack earst. Tbe convention adjourned this morning until Saturday, ' The corn--mittee la to eonsldtr its resolutions. LEFL7YEARS ; 1 14 Rise of the Willamette River. f 1 a I "V Bridge Over the Clackamaa at Gladstone, Showing - Three Benta Washed "Out by E INDICTMENTS Five Indictments and Good Work Just Begun in San Francisco, Says Heney Grand " Now Considering Belvedere Case. (Jeoraal Special Service.) San Frsnolsco, Nov. !. Despite the fact that Indictments (ha . conviction upon which Mayor Schmtts and Abe Reuf could be sent to the penitentiary for a term of 25 years have, been re turned. District Attorney Langdon and Prosecutor Heney thla morning took up the task of seeking more Indlounenta in the alleged graft oases. -with relentless energy. With the ' French restaurant caaea out of the way,' they took up the Belvedere Music hall cases and are sift lng all the evidence and placing It in shape for presentation to the grand Jury when that inquisitorial body reconvenes this afternoon. Francis J. Heney said' this morning Male arid Female Help Wanted WANTED Machine man te work m tarsi tare fartnry; alao boy to work in fac tory. - C.ll 109 North Uth at., city. ' WA'VTED Carpenter ownlns kit r tool tor Ineoor work; beg la , at once, eonanoe wen r tn oar. . .uw wmm Man," care Journal. BOT with wheel te work all day. . dard-Kelly Sboe Ce. Oo4- WANTEI. Ch an'l Dellrery Snva. " Sober U Bret-, Tklrd and Uorrlsoa ata. g i I.FS V EX-axpertearad - la sseea; alee la eomeaUre. Olds, Wortmaa . King. WANTED Boy about IS to work la shop. 68H Nnrtk Mailt at. riRHT-rXAris bartender for a Bj-.t-rl.. aakooB; raferaocaa. S. K., care JoaraaL GIRL tot reneral howwork. f4 per weak. - W. alow.r. Sot Marsuarlte are. WANTetV-Experteneed reatadrast waitraea. 8S8 BatT alorrlaoa at. . - OI Rt, te aaalat Is koeaewwk. 17th at., corner Kearney. 1M North WASTED Immediately, yonag lady te txarb ehlMren, nnne aboT tilth grade. In prlrate family la eeatern Oresnn; food asea and board. Call 3&S Alder at,, room 16, Main S70O. vow rtrav to thx CLAssirmm roa ADDITIONAL FO8ITI0MS OmilO , , , VXDES "KXLT WAaTTIft,"; Merchants! Housewives! Whea yea need kalf ef any kind remtis. b-r the great army of mmrnn read The Jeurnal nad Jearnal Waata east ' LEsa Tit a a czirr a woaot .' BKAS JODIMAl oLAsacruDai www ,. , . e Flood Situation. , . e ' Storm continues but . weather' la cooler. e e . FaVorable Indications for sub- e e - aldence. -- ' e Lewis and Cowllta rivers out e of banks. . ' e Woodland, Washington,' sub-, e - merged Loss of llfa.Je.artd. e Castle. Rock and Lexington , under water. , . e e ' No word from Seattle or Puget ' sound country. - , Northern Paclflo will have to e e be practically rebuilt from sum- 4 mlt of Cascades to Tacotria. Traffic resumed oa Q. B A. Northern Paclflo trains going , 4 e via O. R. A N. e) Western .Washington Isolated e . by rail and wire from world. .: e Columbia river at. Vancouver 4 e rises nearly 1 feet. WEGR0 EDWARD GRANT HANGED AT WASHINGTON ' V (Josraal BpecUl BerTh-e.1 " Washington, Nov. It. Edward Grant, a negro, was hanged thla morning for the murder of Eva Barnes last Decem ber.' .'' '. () arFIood." that the good work in this city had just begun. The grand jury haa aummnnad to appear before It thla afternoon mem bers of the company operating tne noto rious Belvedere Muelo haU before the nig nre; Eddie Granny, James Co ft roth and other, who will be compelled to ahow by what means Ruef secured one quarter of the stock of thla comnanv. It - is a matter of common knowledge that he did not pay a cent for It, and yet he, or another in hla behalf, drew down Handsome monthly revenues. . It Is thoun-ht that the effect of tha In. dtctment of Ruef and hla man. Mayor Schmlts, will bo to loosen the tongues of some who are willing enough to talk, but who have fee red the power of Ruef in tne peat. ...... : William Burns, the government's fa-, moua detective, Is still reticent In re spect to Information In possession of the prosecution relative to the boodlera, of whom Mayor Eugene Schmlts snd Abraham Ruef are the most conspicu ous. .. - The success of the prosecution In se curing indictments against the arch conspirators has not loosed the tongues of Burns and Heney; butaeemlhgly baa had the contrary effect. All that Heney could be Induced to say waa: More Xadlstmeats Coming. "There will be no cessation of this prosecution until the municipal graftera of San Francisco are put to rout. We shall continue to follow the rule laid down In the outset of this Investigation and refuse to discuss information we have in our possession with tbe news papers or give any. information in that connection to the public, until the grand jury ahall have acted. , Even then we shall not give out any of the evidence in . our possession until It shall have been presented to the, court at the actual trial of the offenders. '"Heney said he would continue to pile up Indictments on all poaatble charges. ' It Is recalled that almost essotly a year ago Heney, who was then busy with the Oregon land fraud cases, said In a speech here opposing the election of Schmlts: - ' ' ' . -It I hart control of the district at torney's office I would Indict Abe Ruef for felony and aend him to the peni tentiary, where he belongs, for I have personsl .knowledge that hei Is corrupt. If you elect these people," graft In this city will become So great that the cltl sens of 8an . Francisco will aak me to come back and prosecute him. When that time comes I will do aa the people request aa arnatter of clvlo duty." He haa made good" his werd In part Ruef has lot much of his old boastful sttltude. He realises now the power of (Continued ea Page Three, J - - . I ' . , ... ' J J 1 "WOODLAND surro mm OFF ALL Railroad Traffic Paralyzed Between Columbia River and Sound Cities I elephone and Telegraph Wires Down Beyond Kelso Big Dam at Leavenworth May. Go Out. t - jFrirty -mrjiomen rescued from the rising waters of the flood in the Cowlits river last even ing by the ateamer Georgle Burton. Fleeing from the angry water they had taken refuge on John Beck's Island, three mllea above Catlln. It was feared the- Burton would- not reach, the island in time. She will reach Portland this afternoon. The Lewis river rose above Its bank opposite Woodland this morning and a vast volume of water poured Itself upon the little city. Grave fears are enter tained for the Uvea of the too inhab itants. , Woodland la situated on the north side of the Lewis river on the line of tbe Northern Paclflo between Vancou ver and Tacoma.- It la built on low ground and when, tha Lewis river, which hae been a roaring torrent for two days past, broke over its banka and rushed upon the town tbe latter waa surrounded with water in an hour. Telephone poles were, swept away like matches and all communication was cut off from the outside, world. Just how serious Is the disaster ia not known, for people from the higher country surrounding are not able to get to Woodland and none of the inhabitants of the town, so far as known, have escaped to any point In communication with tbe world at- large. Dam About to 0o Oat. . "A dispatch from Wenatchee to Weather Observer Beals today says the Wenatchee liver and all mountain streams In that region are tha highest ever known. A large dam at Leaven worth, on the Wenatchee, Is about to go out. with 10,000,000 feet of lumber be hind It. The Southern Paclflo trains are still operating by transfer over the C & K.. and the bridge engineering force Is still watching and waiting on the banka of the Bant lam for that stream to desist 1 z Earnest Bicknell Does Not Believe Charges of i-Graft In Connection -With Relief Fund; -i- --Explains Conditions at Time (Joeraal Special Servlee.) , Chicago, Nov. 18. Earneat Bicknell, superintendent of the Chicago bureau of charities,- nays: "I don't believe that there haa been any criminal diversion of the San Francisco relief fund. When the dlsaater came Mayor Schmlts rose to the occasion and showed that there Is greatness In him. I do not think that the money that. passed through the hands of the committee of fifty or through the hands , of the mayor was misappropriated. I imagine 'that the emergency bureau was organised of the vlotlma of the disaster haphazard, for receiving the funda and recording them. Then think of the Immense number of contributions -snd-the--paralysl-ef-the aganclee of transmission. - I have no doubt ' that many, remittances were wrongly entered and all trace of them lost, but I do not doubt but that every cent contributed reached a proper des tination and was honeatly distributed. w - clerks taaxperleuoed. ' The letters arrived at the rate of 100 or tOO every malL Two hundred inex perienced clerka worked In one room, where the noise of 7 typewriters added td the confusion. The jnan keeping the HENEYrWILL MARRY. MRS. REBECCA BEVN AT NOON TOMORROW Francis J. Heney, aaslstant United States attorney general and prosecutor ef Oregon land frauds, will be married at Piedmont, across the bay front Ban Francisco, to Mrs. Rebecca McMullln Belvin of Berkley, 'tomorrow afternoon. The wedding will be held at the resi dence of Mrs. Belvln'e alster-ln-law. Mrs. Betty Hayes McMullln. and will be a private affair, only relatives of the principle bihig present. The bitiW t- t a w the il.iughter of the lute Ju! 1 "'iillln, a we. I known i ' r . .. n O A from Its abnormal activity. A dispatch thla morning from- : Chief Englneea Boschke said that the river, after fall- v uiu.a infill ucivi. ..fnv .n day yesterday, and this morning had again fallen SO Inches. Today it is rain ing bard, and another' rise will occur. lila . force . of man will tomorroa tempt to start false works for restora tion of the tracks over the Santiam, . Telephones Out ef Bervloe. News of the Woodland flood waa re reived in Portland .. this morning . by Manager Hickman of the telephone company. This company has a wire to Kelso, which la considerably beyond WnAill.nil hut ni' infnpnutlnn mm ,a the condition of the people of Woodland obtained. j : Beyond Kelso, as far as the tele phone company is concerned, tha coun try is a blank today On- aaoeunt - of Green river floods- the company cannot get word from Seattle, Tacoma or any other Bound or Weat ' Washington points via- Spokane. Kven Walla Walla is cut off. Telephonic connections with Spokane, bow ever, may -still- be had. . - v. turn . i la. i Diri.i coaiwi7 m- tirely cut eft from the state of Wash ington except in the case of one wire, which goes only as far aa Castle Rock.. All the wires . are down between Co- wawa mimmmit ataH liw-.icauiv- uveas and there la no connection with Spo kane or Walla Walla. The Poster haa sent out a gang of 10 men -who will try to get a wire through from Castle Rock to Sopenah ' some time this afternoon. It ia aupposed that the wires are all light beyond Sopenah and if such la the case the connection will re-establish. communications with Tacoma and Seat tle. Another gang of workmen Is out with the purpose of repairing- the line to BDOkane . - (Continued on Page Three.) A accounts were victims ' whose homes) were wrecked and whoee families ware ,.. B , llll. v, aw.' ill KUW f Ul I1SV. These men could not be relied upon for accuracy. Many letters were received without addresses, many signatures were in eligible. In such cases thece- wsre many erroneous entries. All who know the difficulties under which' the work was done marvel that It was done so well. ' Who trot the Funds. -The governor received 11,000, Phelaa hundreds of thousands, . Morrow large amounts, Spreckles, De Toung and others large amounts. - All these funds went to the sufferers. - These, men are men. of "brains. Had lhey designed theft, they could - have done so by safer methods, could have - used dummy beneficiaries and "grafted' in payment for cottages and supplies. . "I believe that the mayor Is honest and that members of the cltlaens" com mittee are honest. ' The- story Is In credible In the aaaumptlon Ulat then men are dishonest, and further In the assumption that they would be dis honest In the manner of rendering de tection easy; , ' ' - "The engagement of Mr. Honey and Mrs. Blvln wae announced sin. lime ago, but at the time waa not admitted by Mr. Heney, who conelilered that the announwtnent had bum mml pr'mn torely. It was Inter nf irrne.i, how-' ever, both by Mr. il-vy mi l .v.-. -'iy vln. , .Mrs. Belvin l 'l known li i '. euro and M.-rk. V '' '" 1 ' 1 len pron .mlii. I i t'.- "' I I ' " two rl!t" of e.:!, f r I 1 e I n ti a I i 0 'a