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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. . TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER. IS. 1906. OArS flBR 0A!STOMACH PAINS THE EAST SIDE And Splitting Headaches Day and Night. Night School Open With Urge Attendance and Undar Favor able Circumstances. PLAYGROUND NUISANCE CAUSES MORE TROUBLE oor Streetcar Sendee Results in An other Demand by Citixens on Com pany for More Can and Better Sunning Schedule. The two tut aid nlsht schools at the j William avenue and tfce BunnyaWe ' buildings opened laat nlht with a com Vptaed enrollment of U. The Wtlllama a venae echool is in charge of Professor B. M. Sherwood, principal of the Pe t nlnsuls echool, aaalated ajr Mrm ISfcDanlel. The enrollment laat nhrht t wu 31 Professor Sherwood save that ntUr expect an enrollment In the next two week of ahout 1H. A large pro portion of the attend an oe waa sdttlta. Bt equally divided between native end foreign born. Profeaaos IC Wlnchell, principal et . the Kat Twenty-otanlh atreet echool. 4a In soars r.t the Sunnyelde night I school, "with Profeeeor Ben Arnold aa aaalatant. The enrollment Waa JO. moat Ltf whom wm foreigner. Profeeeor ( Wlnchell think the attendance will reach o in a abort time, aa It ha not ! aa yet become generally known that a night achool la in progree at Sunny t jaVle. The puptla at both school aaem anx T lou to learn, akd are taking hold of the work with enthusiasm. Mathemat , tea and English are the branchea moat ' usually selected. Very little attempt be made to organise the schools Dr wn)taniB. p,nk pm, are guaranteed into clause. Thla la found impractlc- to frM from opsta or any harmful f able, and Individual Instruction will be irylIU cannot Injure the moat dell Med on. j ratf. system. At all druggist, or from The night schools have for several tbe Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Bcheneo ' year been an Important factor in the tad, N. Y.. postpaid on receipt of price, educational affairs of Portland. 60 cents per box, six boxes for 12.50. ;- The hours are from 7 to in tne venlng, and tne farm win iat rive Nothing Helped Until Patient Tried Dr. Williams' Pink Pills They Brought Relief and Cure When Ordinary Medicine Seemed Only to Make Her Worse. " Dr. William" Pink Pill, a remedy which baa bean before the American people for a generation, la atlU accom plishing wonderful reault a la rt denced by the following Interview with Mrs. Kachael Gardner of WUeey, Kan s 'It waa very strange," aha aaya, "I never could tell what cauaad It and neither could anybody else. For a long time I had bw spell with my stomaoh. The pain would commence about my heart and was so deadly agonising that I would have to scream aloud. Some timee it would laat several hours and I would have to take laudanum to atop it. I Beside this I bad a headache almost constantly, day and warni. tna "2.i erased me. so you sea I Buffered a grant deal. And when I think of the agony I endured It atlll makes me shudder. " Doctors.' did you say? Their medi cine made me sicker. I couldn't take it and I kept growing worse until a friend advlaad ma to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I did. I began to feel better and waa aeon wholly converted to thla wonderful medicine. It did me more good than t had ever hoped for. I kept on with the pills and now 1 recommend them to all who suffer." More information regarding the treat ment of stomach troubles will be found in ' the diet book, "What to Bat and How to Bat," sent free on request. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have cured severe osaea of Indigestion, bloodlass nees, lnfluenaa, headache, backache, lumbago, aclatlca. neuralgia, nervoua- and spinal weakness. The genuine months . The old trouble at the Highland t school, due to playground restrictions laid on the higher grade pupila. haa broken out again. The playgrounds sd i Joining' the achool are too email to ac ( commodate the 00 pupila that attend, j Principal J. H. Stanley, while dlecuaa j ing the situation thla morning said: "The Highland school is one of the J. largest school in tb olty system; we have 900 pupila and U teacher. Our playgrounds are too email to provide ' recreation for all the pupils, and. be i llevlng that recreation la more naeea , nary for primary pupHs, I require pu 5 plls In tne higher grades to go to their rooms upon arriving at the school -'house in the morning and prepare their j lesson A noon they are also re- The Injured man was taken to hie home, where the fracture waa reduced. It la feared that the Injury will prove a serious one. Kx-Oovernor Bugene Semple of Wash ington and Mayor Latvs will address the Best Bide Improvement association tonight. Governor Semple will explain the feasibility of his plan to connect the Columbia river with the ocean by mean of a canal from Young's Bay to Tillamook head. The usual Tuesday night business meeting of the association la postponed for one week. ninatr to 1 o'clock SSM mo to while th primary pupli are allowed 4lie freedom of the grounds during the enUr,rec reatlofl time. This is perhaps otnething of a hardship, but the condl- on require It. "Let week two boy refused to obey ' this rule, and I cent them home to re- AT THE VAUDEVILLE THEATRES The Bear. "The Man From Mexico" I the bill at the Star this Week, and Porreat Sea- bury makes his bow in the title role. ! Thl rilllln fame which Willie Collier port to their parents that they had vlo- made tmoam makes a great hit with lated the regulation, wit instructions , tne parens of the Star, as waa eVt . to return to achool. They were not J fenced by the generoue applauae which I suspended, as reported. We would, like rested the production last night. Bee hive a the pupils the freedom of j weU ,nto the rola and makes ' PngTuuna aunn me raur. rren- i Kooa wltn the Crowd. MISS Vrg FSI- 1 stlon periods, but there are reaon. aa i above stated, why It la impracticable." This trouble la not new; it has come ' up several times In former years. The Mount Tabor Improvement aeeo 4 elation Is circulating a petition ad dressed to Vice-Prealdent F. I. Fuller of j the Portland Street Railway company, asking for n lAereaae of car on the Mount Tabor and Sunny side line. a "The situation on the Mount Tabor ' rarllne haa become wellnlgh unbear j abie." said Frank B. Perkins of Mount - Tabor 'We are packed like sardines ( In the cars. I have frequently seen 76 ' to 100 passengers on tbeae cars, when 40 I all that ean comfortably ride on ' them We must have relief during the ' morning and evening hours." 9 The same demand Is heard on most of the east side line. The Montavtlla. At the Lyric thla week the stock company la putting on "The New Part ner," a labor play of original qualities. The production took well with yester- the Mount Scott, Vancouver and St. I day's audiences and should play to good I Johns lines are all demanding a bet- business sll week. "The New Partner" ; ter service. It la no unusual thing to I is a four-act comedy-drama Ailed with goe passenger wait an hour for a ear i thrillers. Frank Fanning. In the lead ton, the delightful child actress, play tb wife In a satisfactory faehlon, and the Other member of the company do well. Arthur Ashley doe commendable work In a minor role. . 'The Man From Mexico" Is one of the teat things that the Allen stock com pany 'haa given the public thla aeaaon. Tbe eeenery and stag effect are ex cellent. The farce I played with a dash and go that give added spies to the production. "The Man From Mexico" will be the bill at the Star all week, with matinees Tueaday, Thurs day and Saturday. The Lyric to come along upon which they can find even standing room. A few afternoons- ago. more than a doxen people were torccd to wait 40 minutes at the I Oregon landing of the Vancouver ferry before they could find standing on a Port land -bound car. A nenger car on the O. W. P. com pany's Estacada line undertook to run nvr a freight car on the same Una 'yesterday afternoon with the result that role, which haa Ita difficult Darts. j the front of the paaeenger car waa do- i New Partner' will be the bill at the doea the best work he ha given the public for several weeks. Ward a Howard playa the dashing young belreas la an acceptable manner. Her bert Ashton works with bta uaual fidelity to the role, while the remainder of the company back up the principals in a capable fashion. Lily Branscombe gets eome credit by her performance tbia week. She give a finished and sincere portrayal of her The mnllahed and the nerve of tbe passen gers badly ahattered. One woman tainted and several became hysterical. 1 Nobody received a scratch. After an i hour's delay the track was cleared of wreckage and traffic resuaped. George Lonkerby. an Batacads ranch er, sustained a fracture of his left leg ; laat Saturday by the overturning of a , lead of hay on which he waa riding. Sitters Much of ' the suffering brought on by a bad stom ach can be prevented by an isional dose of the Bit ters. Try it and see for your self. It always cures Sour Risings, Flatulency, Heart burn. Poor Appetite, Dys pepsia. Indigestion, Cramps, Caativeness, Insomnia, Colds or Female Ilia. Lyric all week, with a matinee each oy. Tbe Grand. One of the beet thlnga that haa ap peared on the local vaudeville etage for weeks la the T Id beaux Troupe, whist) to at the Grand tUa week. The troupe consist of 10 pretty girls who do a souave act, ahowlng their camp, going through drill and the manual of arm, scaling a wall and firing blank volleys. It is a turn that make a hit with the crowd and Show that the management Is going down deep into ita pocket to give hi public good vaudeville. In ad dition to this troupe the bill haa some good features in the Tuaoano Brother. I battle-ax manipulator; Harold Hoff, who sings another illustrated ballad; Casey and Ledalre In a bright sketch; Cbariie Loder a Oerman dialect come dian; Cliff Dean and company in a aklt. "Married Life," and the Orandlscope, which give something new in motion pictured. The Pantages. Pantagss has another good bill rats week, sustaining the reputation of the house a the home of good vaudeville. The unbleaebed American quartet heads the list and warbles sweet melodies to pleas? everyone. Klppy. the tramp eartoenlat. makes good with hi crayon work snd proved Kular with yasterday'a eudlences trio Lome renders mors old hallad In a sstlsfsctory manner. Stroud and Thatcher are funsters of original na tions. They spring Jokes that do not wear whiskers Olcott and Dean do a little fun making also, and Lao White sing "Colleen Bawn " Fred Merrill gives a good monologue and the motion pictures complete an excellent bill. Tbe Hood River Democratic club will I sand a box of apples to W. J. Bryan equel to that sent to President Rooee- ANINMPUINCBMBNT Sherman, Clay & Co. Successors to ALLEN oJ GILBERT-RAfiAKER CO. For over thirty-five years the house of Sherman, Clay & Co. has been in the piano and musical instrument business at the corner of Kearney and Sutter Streets, San Francisco. The coming of this piano house to the city of Portland marks a new era in the music trade of the Pacific Northwest. The traditions of this house are well known. Honest values at honest prices and the very highest quality of everything in musical merchandfse, together with courteous treatment of all patrons, assures large success. The methods and policy of Sherman, Clay & Co. have always been ' . r. RBPUTATIOIM BUILDIING Results achieved after years of strenuous effort make what we call reputation, which therefore is simply the concentrated opinions of thousands of people regarding a definite object, person or firm. Reputation is invaluable. If it be a reputation truly bmlt by years of honest toil and fair dealings, it is priceless. It is not the creation of a day ; jt takes years to secure it. - ' Reputation Is for the above reasons a safe index, a certain indicator which can be relied upon with confidence? The con fidence, good will and constantly increasing patronage of the public has easily rendered the house of Sherman, Clay & Co. THE LARGEST MUSIC HOU8B I1N THE WEST A perfect chain of stores from Mexico to Canada are dispensing musical merchandise. Qur principal stores are located at San Francisco, Los Angeles, Oakland, Portland, Spokane, Tacoma, Everett, Bellingham, and Seattle. OUft PIANOS U -.mtm, Are of the highest quality. We have been in the music business so long that we have been able to choose our agencies very care fully. In buying a piano you can't afford to experiment; you should get a piano pf honest worth, established name, and known- i ! a nr. i a n quamy. wc guarantee every piano we sen. STEIN WAY PIANOS The great Stein way Piano stands at the very apex of pianoforte accomplishment. This enviable position is accorded thp Steinway in Europe as well as in America. In the musical world the Steinway is the standard of excellence. The great artists for four generations have delighted in this instrument and have freely admitted that it enabled them to express better the finer senti ments of the soul than any other make of piano. We are Pacific Coast agents for the Steinway and also for many other Knabe Mason & Hamlin A. B. Chase Emerson Hardman Estey PIANOS OP QUALITY Steinway ' Everett Conover Sterling Fischer Willard Wellington Mendelessohn Packard Ludwig Cable Kingsbury Huntington PLAYER PIANOS Knabe Angelus A. B. Chase Player Piano Emerson Angelus Harrington Autotone Kingsbury Inner OROANS Mason & Jiamlin Estey Packard Chicago Cottage WE WANT YOU N To be our customer our satisfied customer. We are sure we can please and satisfy you, because our pianos are reliable, our stock large and well selected, and our salesmen courteous and obliging. ...... i - bbbtEsxSSHbbbbiI bb sn sajsi ss v d tl f 1 1 iffl s-s Bl II BKWHsrSwT r " ?eSiW Knabe Angelus Piano The Knabe Piano, first built sixty-seven years ago, is today recog nized as the highest type of piano made and richly merits the position in the musical world which it holds. ' The ANGELUS Player developed during the past ten years to its present point of superiority is conceded to be the highest attainment in the invention .and manufacture of piano playing devices. The KNABE-ANGELUS is the union of a Knabe Piano with the ANGELUS into one superb player-piano which has all the superior qualities of both the Knabe and tfie ANGFXUS, thus making an in strument, which is beyond question the finest combination of player and piano which is offered to the public. The mechanism of the ANGELUS is built entirely within the piano case so that the instrument has practically the same appearance as an ordinary piano. As the tone and touch are not impaired, this player-piano is perfectly satisfactory to the accomplished pianist who plays it by the keyboard as well as to everyone who plays it by means of the perforated roll. It is always ready to be played by either method. Never before has the public had the opportunity of securing in one purchase such a piano as the Knabe and also the means for any one to jrfay it. We invite you to call, to see, hear and operate it, in order that you may realize its superiority. A TEST WILL CONVINCE YOU OF ITS UNQUESTIONED 'SUPREMACY, x Don't make the mistake of paying a big price for an ordinary in strument, when the same money will buy the very best The Knabe-Angelus. Victor Talking Machines f "-WsxsV Sasswawaaxawsa "Mia !' VOWS Have you visited our Victor parlors. They are hand somely furnished and supplied with the various styles of machines and all the records. Have you tried to procure some special record and failed try us and get it. We have the wonderful Victor Victrola Cabinet and machine all in one case no horn, no scratch. - The voice is "clear, distinct, musical. We invite you to call to see and hear this wonderful instrument. The greatest singers in the world have selected the Victor as the most satisfactory machine for the reproduction of their voices. To hear Melba, Patti, Eames, Sem brich, Caruso, Plancon, Scotti and the other famous artists sing your favorite airs with life-like realty, is a pleasure and also a means of self improvement. "THE HOUSE OP QUALITY." Sherman, day & Company MttU Corner Sixth and Morrison Streets, Opposite Poatoff.ce, PORTLAND. OREGON acorn Evgratt Blllngrisim Spokana Portland San Prsnclaoo . Los AngglM Oakland jveiu