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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, TUE8DAY EVENING, OCTOBER. tS. 1908. 1 -- -mmm ... . As the tea kettle was the beginning of the steam engine, so the ordinary soda cracker was merely the first step in the development of the perfect world food Uneeda Biscuit A food that gives' to the worker more energy of mind and muscle that gives to the child the sustenance upon which to grow robust that gives to the invalid the nour ishment on which to regain the vigor of good health. In a dust tight, moisture proof package NATIONAL BISCUIT. COMPANY US 8E2 The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has beea la use fbr -error 80 Tears has borne the signature, of and has been made under his per sonal supervision since Its Infancy. Allow no one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are bus Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infant; and Cbildr.n Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA I Oastoria Is a harmless substitute fbr Castor Oil. gori , Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age to Its guarantee. It destroys Worms nd allays Fcrertohncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind 'olic. It reUevee Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, airing healthy and natural sleep. The Children ; Panacea The Mother's Friend. OSNIMMB CASTOR I A. "WAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. s ' 1 1 JAVANESE SIMIANS EXPIRE AT SEA Consumption Claims Five Man Like Passengers on Brit ish Steamer Fuiham. VESSEL ARRIVES HERE FOR LUMBER CARGO Wu Blockade Runner During War Between Russia sad Japan and Sac. ceeded in Evading the Baltic Squad ron Off Cape of Good Hope. Five monkeys brousht from Sura baya. Java, en the British steamer Fui ham, contracted consumption and died at sea tn the vicinity of the Aleutian Islands, near which the steamer ran in taking the great circle route. The simians were consigned to the deep In sailor fashion, tied a board and weighted down. The loss was felt deep ly by the officers of the ship, who had bought the apee with the intention of disposing of them on this side of the ocean. The Fuiham arrived In the harbor last night from San Francisco, at which port the cargo of sugar brought out from Java was discharged. The voyage up the coast was stormier and rougher than all the trip from the Bast Indian islands and It took the big freighter four days to cover the distance from the Oolden Oate to the mouth of tha Colum bia river. She reached Astoria yester day morning at daylight. Pilot Pope brought her up the river, and after hav lng been at anchor in the lower harbor for a few minutes arrangements were made to berth her at the Victoria dol phlns until some sort of an understand lng Is reached for handling her outward lumber cargo. She la under charter to J. Moore a Co. to carry lumber to China and the cargo la already on the dock at the mills of the Portland Lum ber company, but it la not likely that any attempt will be made to start work until the waterfront strike assumes a different phase. The Fuiham Is manned by japaneee and Chinese. Ordinarily she carries a crew of 40, but she arrived here with only II on board, nine of the Japanese having deserted her at different ports where she touched on the way from Java. Some left a Ifororan. others at Comox. and a couple got away at San Francisco. The Fuiham was one of the promt nent blockade runners during the war between Russia and Japan. She nar rowly escaped being captured by Ho jestvensky's Baltic fleet in the vicinity of Madagascar while en route from bu rope to Japan with a cargo or arms ana ammunition. She la in charge or cap tain Qow. Do Yen Opes Tear loath take a young sM and gulp down what ever food or medicine may be offered you Or, do yon want to know something of ths composition and character of that which you take Into -your stomach whether as food or medicine ? Most Intelligent and sensible people now-a-days Insist on knowing what they employ whether as food or aesJBedlclue. Dr. Pierce believes they hare a perfect right to insist upon such knowledge. So he pa btl ih.-aersJrssl and on each bottle-1 haUiTrfcedicinea are made of he can wHlXfford to do harauae the more knu oiwhlcb h medlcin's made are Uudlod and understood tn jcJnes are made of j mfll Smart Autumn Suits TTVyrr superior curative vlrtu"i LOOKS OLD AND RUSTY oyaars Psoas Swops. After a slow voyage from Burope the British ahtp aianrfl-wj arrived up and dropped anchor -ftf The loHS harbor veaterdav afternoon. She catties with general freight consigned to T. 8. Mo Bath a Co. and will load wheat' for a return cargo to Burope. The Qlenelvon la not much for looks and from an ar tistic standpoint will attract little at tention while here. She looka weather- eaten and rusty and shows evldenoe of rough usase on the trip. According to the sailors, nair or ine crew nearly frose to death on the way out. They were not properly equipped for the cold weather off Cape Horn and the bunks on the windjammer proved anything but Inviting for the men whon they had a few hours orr amy. in view of the hard trip out the tars will undoubtedly aeek new berths out of Portland and leave Skipper King to hunt new men. While no charges have been pre- PROFIT-SHARING BOND Number. . . ,m. . 5 i i Tor aft cure of woman's peculiar weak nesses, irregular! tlss and derangements, giving rise to frequent headaches, back ache, d ragging-down pain or distress In lower abdominal or pelvic region, accom panied,, with a debilitating, pelvic, catarrhal drain and kindred symp toms of r.eakness. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is s most efficient remedy. It Is equally effective in curing painful periods, In giving strength to nursing mothers and In preparing the system of the expectant mother for baby's coming, thus rendering childbirth safe and com paratively painless. The "Favorite Pro scription " Is a most potent, strengthening tonic to the general system and to the organs distinctly feminine in partlru! r. It is also a soothing and Invigorating nervine and cures nervous exhaustion. nervous prostration, neuralgia, hysteria, spasms, chorea or St. Vltua's dance, ana other distressing nervous symptoms tt- tenaani upon lunetionai ana organic dis eases of the distinctly feminine organs. A host of medical authorities of all tha several schools of practice, recommend each of the several Ingredients of whirh Favorite Prescription Is made for ths cure or toe diseases tor which it is claimed to be a care. You mar read what they req u es t f or a res ibookle. ofextnets from the leading authorities, to Dr. R. v. Pierce, Invalids Hotel and Surgical In stitute, Buffalo. N. Y.. and It will com tc you oy return post ferred some of the sailors say that the food supply waa none too good, so that i taken all In ell the voysge to the Co-1 lumbla river was no pleasure trip. AT SEAMEN'S MISSION Sagnlar Weakly Concert win Se arson aaaauJS) Bvsnlag. The weekly concert at the Seamen's I institute, 100 North Front street, will be given tomorrow evening at S o'clock. under the direction of Mrs. R. W. Has tings. Following is the program: Song, ; C. Altohenon: Kong, Miss N. Beats; I song, J. Turbyne, British ship Inver nesahire; song. B. Rylance: recitation. I A. Nairn, ship lnvernesshlre: song, Frau Becker: piano solo, R. Belcham, ship lnvernesshlre. song, O. W. Chllson: song. Miss D. Nash; song, J. H. Light' burn. British steamship Hssel Dollar: violin solo, P. Mt-lnhold, British -shin Allerton; German chorus, German ship II Nereids; song. J. Neven. French ship I -a Tour d'Auvergne; song. J. D. Gunn, sheamshlp Hasel Dollar; song. C. Kleins, ship lnvernesshlre: sons. G. Fernsnd. French ship Jacobean; American, Brit-j ish, French and German national anthems. REAL PLEASURE TRIP AUlaacs Favored by Tlae Weather Proas Ooos. Captain Kelly reports that never be fore since -he commenced sailing tpe Pacific ocean Old he' ever experlenco such Ideal weather as oa the last run of the steamer Alliance from Coos Bay. The ocean was as smooth as a mirror and the sun -shone as brightlv as the height of summer. The SO or more passengers enjoyed themselves im mensely and none was sick. ' The Alliance brought a light freight mts time because or being behind time. She -arrived here last night, and effort will bo made to get her away again to morrow night Captain K illy and first offloer Olsen also - report that Coos Bay Is real estate mad; everybody spec ulating and buying with the expecta tion of making a big clean up when the railroad enters from the north. ALONG THE WATERFRONT Series. Investment Company of Oregon. Portland. Oregon This is to certify that s i 8 has this day paid to the INVESTMENT COMPANY OF OREGON, the sum of Dollars, and thereby becomes the owner of this Profit- Sharfhg Bond for said amount, without interest. The amount received shall, be invested in real estate, in the City, of Portland or the State of Oregon, under the direction of the Board 'of Directors of said Company. The net profits de rived from the Profit-Sharing Fund shall be divided in the following manner: to ths boad Isrsstars eighty (SO) par cant sad to said Oomasay tweatr (SO) per east, las words set prnflt. as seed barf In, aha II be see tread to mesa tbe no resMasd from the sale of property la which tha awesy.rsBre stats by this Bond Is Is vested. Including rentals, leas taxes, Inssrasr, repaint, betterments, street Improve ments, sewer aaseeeaieate end coat of property. Thli bond Is sernred by real estate. In thla series, owned by said company. Thla bond bseonjea due and parable by aald Oompanr when the Real Estate Is this Series Is sold. This Bond Is one of aeries , limited to SJo.OOO. This Bend amy be transferred by Indorsemset hereon ana recora uereor on ins gooss or ssis issss hr the holder of this Bend. Whsa real aetata tor as security for thla series. The British steamer Wynerlc shifted from the Victoria dolphins Into tike stream this morning and will leave down this evening bound for China with a cargo of lumber. The steamer Nloomedla shifted to Alaska doek this morning, where ahe will finish discharging her inward cargo from Hongkong and Yokohama. The steam schooner. Jim Butler, Cap tain Olson, reached San Francisco this morning from Portland with a cargo of lumber. Thla waa the maiden trip of the new steam schooner. The British ship Jordanhlll left Rot terdam for Portland on October 30, ac cording to a report received by the Mer chants' exchange this morning. She brings a cargo of cement consigned to W. F. Fuller Co. The steam schooner johan Poulsen will be at the mills of Inman, Poulsen a Co. this evening to load a return cargo of lumber for San Francisco. es record thereof oa the Books of aald Company. The Books of said Company shall always be open to I na pectin n nareaassa roc mis series, atra company lasses its treat OSes there in Witness whereof, the INVESTMENT COMPANY OF OREGON has caused these presents to be signed by its President and attested by its Secretary at Portland, Oregon, and its corporate seal hereunto attached this day of . 190.. Investment Company of Oregon S SEAL By..... President Attest .. Secretary One of the Above Bonds ' IS A SAFER AND BETTER INVESTMENT THAN OUTSIDE PROPERTY Safer Than a Safe Deposit Box ! Safer Than Any Bank ! Why? Our Investments are made in business or prospective business property. Earth is the best se curity on earth. .Cell or send for our Prospectus end s sample copy of our Bond. APPLICATIONS FOR BONDS received st sny time end seme issued in order of spplicstion as money is needed for investment. Investment Company of Oregon ROOM 8, 323 WASHINGTON STREET PORTLAND. OREGON MARINE NOTES Astoria, Oct. It. Arrived down at a. m . bark Annie Johnson. Arrived at S and left np at 1:10 a. m., steamer Johan- Poulsen. from San Francisco. Left up at 7: SO a. m.. schooner Sailor Boy. Outside at 8 a. m., a four-masted bark. Arrived at 11:16 a. m., steamer Elmore, from Tillamook. San Francisco. Oct. 21. Sailed, schooner F. S. Redfleld, for Columbia river. Arrived, tug- Samson, from As toria. San Francisco, Oct. IS. Arrived, steamer Asuncion, from Portland. Redondo, Oct. 13. Arrived, schooner Irene, from Columbia river. San Francisco. Oct. 11. Sailed at t p. m . steamers Roanoke and Costa Rica, for Portland. Arrived, schooner Vir ginia, from Portland. Arrived, eteam schooners Northland and Jum Butler, from Portland, and Tiverton from As toria. Rotterdam. Oct. 30. Sailed, British ship Jordan Hill, for Portland. Astoria, OdL 11. Condition of the bar at I a. m.. smooth; wind southeast; weather cloudy. SHAW RUSHES TO AID BANKS OF COUNTRY (Journal Special BsnlDS.I Washington. Oct. IS. The treasury department announced today that all applicants for an Increase in bank cir culation under Shaw's promise of 11. 000,000 will be acted -upon In the order received. Large banks may be allowed less than they seek In order to aooom modate the smaller. This la In accordance with Shaw's asreeaient to accept approved securities other then government '.bonds for de posits already made, the bonds to be used Immediately as a basis of circula tion without withdrawal from ths tress org. Goats and Skirts Never were women's tailor-made garments so captivating as the showing for early au tumn. We've a gorgeous display of the most charming suits, stunning costs snd waists and gracefully draped skirts, triumphs of tailors' art and skill, all at prices totally out of keeping with the garments. In just such garments lies the success of our widely popular Suit Section. No garment offered that Dame Fashion has not stamped with approval. It's a fact better known every day to Portland's fashionable dressing women that the Roberts Bros, invariably give the best values in. the city. We cannot be too enthusiastic over the offerings they are simply phenomenal you can make a deer saving of one third. Fall Coats Loose-fitting Coats, 48 inches long, made of novelty mixtures, velvet collar and patch pocket. Special St was pvvnvti $7.50 W S V lIUIVI.i. $15.00 Several different styles of new Coats, 48 and 60 inches, mixtures, checks and plaids; the greatest values ever CI) CA shown at ePlsweOU Great many beautiful fall and winter Coats in an endless variety of mix tures, checks and plaids. Special at Ten different styles of the handsomest Costs ever shown st 318.50, 922.50 and $25.00. They come in fine kerseys, broadcloths, either plain' or braid trimmed, cheviots and mixtures. New Model Skirts at $5.50 Shown in plain navy blue and black ; also gray mixtures, made of splendid quality worsted Panama in one of the newest models, all finely tailored and excellently finished. Also great many other new skirts in serge, Panama and mixtures, at 83.50, 84.50, iH "A 86.50 and. ) .t)U IttEML ARK A RLE SUIT VALUES A great showing of high grade Tailor-Made Suits, in the most popular styles created this fall. They are made of fine French broad cloths, Scotch and English checks', stripes and mixtures. All styles and lengths of coats are represented tight, loose and semi-fitting, and nearly all are lined with fine satin and taffeta' silk. We are safe in saying that by buying your suit here you will save from $2,50 to $10.00 on your purchase. Suits at 810.50, 812.50, 815.00, flO.SO and 825.00 SILK PETTICOAT SALE Best 85.50 Values for $4.50 Made of fine quality velvet finish taffeta silk, with a deep sectional flounce and tucks, finished with a 3-inch ruffle, nesrsilk underlay, black only $4.50 sl SsaaawV' tlOt wajjHnj "la Bh PRETTY NEW SILK WAISTS Attra$rHse sestgood quslity Swfss taffetailk black only $3.90 Great many other new styles, black gi and colors, 84.50, 85.56, 86.56. 9f edU SHOES That Are Good Shoes at Better Than a Moder ate Price : Boys' $2.25 Shoes that are strictly solid, in sizes from 2y2 to 5 V2. 1 A 0 Wednesday. 91 eO Girls' Kid Lace Shoes that are solid through out, with patent leather tips, good oak Qfty soles. Wednesday xUC Men's Hand-Made Shoes, in patent leather, box calf, vici kid and gun metal calf; O C worth $3.50 and $4.00. Wednesday . 9LOD IN THE BASEMENT Women's $2.50 and a few hundred pairs of $8.00 Shoes with both light and heavy soles, in good stylish designs, for f CQ Wednesday I.tjy Sale of Women's Sample Hosiery All Wool Cashmere Stockings for Women 600 Pairs Travelers' Samples Less Than Cost Each season we contract for the entire sample line of America's largest hosiery importer. These stockings represent the best the market affords. Being samples they are possibly slightly superior to regular stock and are es pecially desirous for that reason. In the course of the season many thousands of dollars' worth of hosiery have been sold from these samples. They have paid for themselves over and over again, consequently they ' are offered to us at a price that enables us to sell $1.00 hosiery for 50c and 50c hosiery for 25c. We have a lim ited quantity only 800 pairs, and will place them on sale tomorrow at a saving of exactly half price to you. PRICES RUN AS FOLLOWS 5 doz. $1.50 All Wool Cashmere Hose. .69e 15 doz. $1.QJ9 All Wool Cashmere Hose. SOf 10 doz. 75c All Wool Cashmere Hose. .35 10 doz. 50c All Wool Cashmere Hose. .B5e 10 doz. 40c All Wool Cashmere Hose. .18? A Great Sale Dress Goods and Silks Now for the biggest Any of the season. To make tomorrow a record-breaking day wm have brought forward a lot of items which have not heretofore been on sale fact la, most of the goods Aave jest been taken from die cases. So yea see if you have already bees her this aesson there's Incentive t come again study the following price list, snd com tomorrow; you'll regret it if you don't. V,;'' Unprecedented Values in Wool White Goods White Wool Batiste.. Special tomorrow SOS and T White All-Wool Cashmere. Special price .... BOS White Storm Serge. Special prices at M, TS and f 1.0O Good Showing Navy and Greens We have still an excellent assortment of these popular shade in a variety of new weaves, such ss plain and fancy Chiffon Panamas, plain and fancy Serges, Cheviots, Broadcloths, Prunellas. Henri ettas, Wood Taffetas, etc.; all priced at exception ally low prices. White Panama. White French White Melrose. Special prices for this sale . ... , TS and SLOw Special prices for this sale es, 7S and f 1.00 Special prices for this saioAt. . ww Hewyl Evening Shades An exceptionally good quality Crepe Atbatron in all the pretty evening shades colors, pink, light blue, hclio, champagne, nile, lavendar, gray and green. this goods is 38 inches wide, an extra good quality. Special price, per yard 50c Black Taffeta Specials We are showing a special assortment of Black Tsffsja Silks in both soft sad rustling finish. few prices for tomorrow, ss follows: 20-inch Chiffon Finish Taffeta, black only....5 27-inch Messline Finish Taffeta, black, only TS 27-inch Swiss Finished Taffeta, black, only TS .16-inch Velvet Finished Taffeta, black only. . MS 36-inrh Buckskin Finished Tsffeta, black only Sl.OO 36-inch Sterling Taffeta, black only Sl.SS I I