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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1906)
THB ORJCOON DAILY JOURNAL. FOftTLAMD, TUESDAY EVENINO, OCTOBER, IS, IK. FATE OF BIG RACE IS IN DOUBT a a ... vanoerbilt and Committea In. . vestigating a Suitable 8ft for a Course. SEVERAL 3TATE8 HAVE MADE BID FOR EVENT Champion Jeffries Maintain That Nothing Will Ever Tempt Him to Emerge Prom Hie Farm Field to Engage in Fisticuff Again. By Manhattan. V (Journal atrtl Barries.) 4j New Tork, Oct. M. Alone about No v ember l we shall probably know ; whether or not wa are to have any mora auto races for the Vanderbllt cap In thla country. Mr. Vanderbllt and a committee are now trylna to see If they I ean .procure lnd enough for a private 1 track where death ind Injury will -not j fellow the contests. There Is plenty I of money behind the private track 'scheme, aa the manufacturers, aa well )ae millionaire auto owners, will come - "v""1 7 ii a cuurap can oe ecu red. In faot, I hear that the com mittee has some 150.000 on hand to work with. It seems out of the oues- tlon to secure enough of tend on Long Island, where a boom has put prices out of eight. Several states are mak ! blda for the private course, and the committee Is considering- them all. The espenee of the undertakings will be enormous. In fact, only millionaires could stand, the coat, but. If aufnclent around can be obtained at a fair figure it la probable that the private course will be built, and records broken oa a clear course where only the drivers will be the onea who will endanger their uvea. The lata race for ths Vanderbllt cup sun a topic or conversation, and some prone to deride the showing made by the American drivers. All things considered, r they did remarkably well. Our drivers had a big handicap to over coma In tha matter of Inexperience. The foreigners had a start of many years on them; but, in spite of this, the Amer ican cars are improving all tha. time, and In a few short years, If not sooner, will show them what we can do. Mao Maa reeling About. This la the time of the year whea rthose who play the races have a chance to slss up Just where they are at Six months of the game ha forced moat of the bettors to wonder where their winter overcoat are earning from. The aaann is drawing to a olaae with moat of the bl bettors big losers. The Jarg est winners appear to be the clubhouse bookmakers. The public was not. In It. Lota of money in the game oh, yes. tor the racing a senses. 1 ens; tha -rail -roads, the program man and tha race track . barroom. That's about where Bftoat of the money went to thla season. Tear trill nrot right. Jim Jeffries will never fight again. He has gfVen hla final "No." and It looks aa It he meant what tt said. J Irs MOTH RACING SEASOH CLOSES NEXT MOUTH Last Races of tha Year Will Ba Run Off at Aqueduct Than for tha South. (Joamel Special San lee.) New Tork, N. T., Oot IS In than a month from today, or, to ba as set, en the eventide of November 16, the curtain will fall an 'the final day Of 1004 racing for New Yorkers, at Aqueduct, Long Island. Tha very next day the. cavalcade of horaea and turf followers, which annually scurries away to the southland In the face of the cutting breeae of a coming cruel winter, will move on toward Washington, D. C, where the gams will be taken up again oa Friday. November it, to run to the first day of December at tha anus little course out beyond the Potomac river, known as Beanlngs. With tha eighth running; of the famous Annual Cham pion Steeplechase, the White Plains handicap, and the Belmont Park Weight for Ago race at Belmont Park thla aft ernoon, the last of the real first-class fixtures of the rear were decided, and from now to the "blow" the army of race-track "regulars" which has had Ita nose to the grindstone, so to speak, from the early daya of April right up to tha present time, will find a moment in which to "go up town" and aajoy relaxation. CLUB MEN TRAIN FOR SATURDAY JL Formidable Whitman Eleven Puts Faar Into tha, Souls of Multnomah. WALLA WALLA SQUAD EN ROUTE TO SALEM i Washington Teem Will Tackle Wil lamette Tomorrow and Return to Portland oa Thursday for a Fear Days' Rest SPORTING GOSSIP V After seven years of the fighting game, during which time he took part In more than 100 battles, "Kid" Good man ef Boaton Is to retire from the ring. e e After viewing the Nelson-Gens fight pictures. New Tork and Boaton ring followers am about evenly divided In their opinion of the alleged foul blow, e a Joe Thomas, the California welter weight, and Dick Pltspatrick of Chi cago arc down tor a 10-round bout be fore the Colma, California, Athlatlo club tonight. e. Tha Chelsea Athletic club has ar ranged a promising card (or ita boxing show tonight. .The wtndup la to bring Matty Baldwin and Tommy Murphy to gether for a 10-round go. . a e Since easing the Swathmore gam "Hurry Up" Toot or Michigan think his eleven will beat Pennsylvania when they meet mat month. Mlnneeota'e big football gamea this fall will be against Chicago and Car lisle. e Tale la to take up soccor football in the near future, bat will not at tempt to play any big game this fall. a And now they're trotting out Corbett and MeGovcm. Bring' on Sullivan and Mitchell. e. a A Minneapolis writer calls Jim Jef fries a big bluff. Bat than. Jeffries is la Los Angeles and the writer's In Minneapolis. is now a ears enough farmer, and takes more pleasure In a hay wagon than he i ever did In the squared circle. It hav ing been rumored that the big fellow Or to enter the ting again, an enter- prlalng correapondent hunted htm up on hla farm In uanrornla, and put tha question to him straight. This is what the champion aald: "This murmur about my fighting again la all wrong. Delaney sprang that about my going back Into the ring. He must have got it out of hie dream book, for I never ed him to It. I may not want to stick ,A tha alfalfa patch all my life, but .nothing abort of something Ilk that 'Frisco earthquake will call me back te the ring. What's the use? Who's to fight? Look at the iw good onea there are, and how easy they have It It' a blame eight different now than it was when I first want after it. ', "No, you can aay for me, and keep eat saying It until It sinks In. that I have rx. wish to fight again and never ex pressed one to anybody." The Handy Doctor in Your Vest Pocket Vr- Blle-drlver." Ilk I nTS thin, round-cornered little f I Enamel Box I 1 1 When carried In ' your vest 1 Li pocket It means Heaith-I nsurance. It contains Six Candy Tablets of pleas ant taste, almost as pleasant aa Chocolate. Each tablet Is a working dose of Cas ' carets, which act like Exeroise on the Bowels and Liver. j It will not puree, sicken, nor unset Jem stomach. Daoetisa it is net s Sells, Sodium, Calomel, Jalap. Senna, nor Aperient Waters. Neither Is II like Castor Oil. Glycerine, or ether Oily Laxatives that simply lubricate the Intestines for transit of the food stopped up in them at that particular time. '-, : ass The chief cause of Constipation and Indigestion is a weakness of the Muscles that contract the Intestines end Bowels. CasoaraB are practically to the Bowel Muscle what a Massage and CoM Bam are to the Athletic Muscles. They stimulate the Bowel Muscles te eontrsot. expand, and squeeze the Di gestive Juices out of food eaten. They don't kelp the Bowels end Uver HpNgoch s way aa to make them lean upon similar assistsnc for the future. This Is why, with Cascarets. the dose may ba lessened each succeeding time Instead of increased, as it must be with ell other Cathartics and Laxatives. If carried In your vest pocket, (or car ried In My Lady's Purse,) and eat lest . when you suspect you need a P sonars! f tablst. you will never knew e etek day from the ordinary Ills of life. 10111111 these Ills begin in the flow!, and pave the way for al other dlsesses. "Vest Pockl" BOX 10 cents. Be sura you get the genuine, made only by the Sterling Remedy Company, and never sold in bulk, every Stamped "CCC." Bilk O'Loughlin. the umpire who Uvea In Rocheater, was mentioned aa a can didate for aerator, but as be did ao well in the Chicago post aeries, the lead City politicians have decided to let him off aad live down the embar rassing suggestion. i a a That a determined effort 1 being made to drive Danny Maher, the great American jockey, from the English turf I certain That It will be unsuccessful seems to ba' equally pertain. Maher'a skill, hla perfect honesty aad fair rid ing have made him Immensely popular with the race 'going public, and have made htm powerful friends who are able to protect him agalnat hie ene mies, who are numbered principally among that small claaa. which la stead ily losing Influence, who are Jealous of all things American. At the recent meeting at Tork, Maher accidentally bumped - the favorite In the race and put him out of the running. Danny wa reprimanded by tha atewards of the meeting. Hla enemlea seised the op portunity and Insisted on more drastic punishment at tha hands of the jockey club. A further Inveatlgatlonvwes held and Maker wee exonerated. The de cision of the jockey club gave very general satisfaction e a The makeup of the "Big five" at present and aa they will probably tin up for their championship gamea, I aa follow: Tale Overall, left end; Forbes, left tackle; Hockenberger, left guard; Giles, center; Brwln. right guard; Blgelow. right tackle; Alcotl, right end; Jones, quarterback: Knok, left .halfback; Mora, right halfback; Rooms, full back. Princeton Wlater, left end; Stan nard, left tackle; Hockenberger, left guard; Giles. Rhetnsteln, right guards; money, right tackle; Hosglsnd. right and; B. Dillon, quarterback; Harlan, left Halfback; Daub, right halfback; MeCormlrk. fullback. Pennsylvania I .evens, left end; .Dra per, left tackle; Stein, left guard; Hol lenback, center; Zlegler, right guard; Roberta, right tackle; Scarlett, right end; 8hehle. quarterback; Knox, Wt halfback; Morse, right halfbaoki Ben nls, fullback. Cornell Babeock, left end; Cook, left tackle: Thompson, left guard; Newman, center; O'Ronrke. right guard: Darin, right tackle; Van Orman, right end: Pollsk. quarterback; Carle, left half back; . Gibson, right halfback; Welders, fullback. Harvard Burnh am. left end; Os borne, left .tackle; Burr, left guard: Parker, center; Karaburg, right guard: Pierce, right tackle; McDonald, right and:' Starr, quarterback; Foster, left halfback: Irookwood. right halfback: Arrpolonlo.aIbck. OREGON 'VARSITY WILL TRAVEL TOMORROW Active work will begin this evening by the Multnomah dab's football team la preparation for Saturday'a hard struggle with the crack football eleven from Whitman college, Walla Walla. That tha same will be tha beat earlr season contest ever played in Portland la beat evidenced by the special work that has bean laid out far the clubman this week. It 1 well known that Whit- awaai n ha Ana than tig Ml t sasa nrt tie. her I history and this year the Walla Walla lads feel that It la their time to carry away the pigskin honors In the north west. Tha scheme of tha Whitman manager I a good one. He came to the oonoluelon that Multnomah, Oregon aad Willamette rarely have their best teams in action this early in the year aad ao decided to invade thla territory In ths hope of catching the Oregon team napping. ) Manager Morgan and his Whitman quad arrived In Portland thla morning and the team, with tha exception ef Manager Morgan, left for Salem, where they will meet Captain Radar's Wil lamette team tomorrow afternoon. Mr. Morgan says that his team I In good condition and will gtv a good account of themselves against Willamette and Multnomah on Wednesday and Satur day. Whitman will return from Salem on Thureday morning and will practice on tha local field oa Friday. Multnomah realise keenly the situa tion that confront her team on Satur day and for that reason every man on the squad will ba given a chance to a what he can do. The work will begin at 7:10 shsrp and continue for at least aa hour. The practice nights this week are on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. LATONIA AND JAMAICA RACE TRACK RESULTS Cessna! Special earrlae.t Cincinnati, Oct It- Latonla summary: Five and one half furlongs Margaret Wilson won. The Clanamsn aeoond. Meadow Breese third; time, 1:0 4-1. Six furlongs Belle Towns won. Nun's Veiling second. Lid wins third: time, 1:14 1-6- Five and one-half furlongs Tom Delaa won, Beautiful Mayo second, John Kaurman third; time, 1:07 1-5 Six furlong Martius wen. Sorrel Top second. Revolt third; time. 1:14. Six furlong Brill Alarm won. Lex ollne aecond, Chase third; time. 1:1S t-l One mile and one-aixteenth Golden Mineral won. Oberan second, Knowl edge third; time. 1:41. At (Journal Special Service.) New Tork; Oct ft. Jamaica race: Five aad one-half furlongs Baringo won. Fantastic, aecond, Sally Pre ton third; time. 1:08 W. On mile and one-sixteenth John Lyle won, California second. Jingle third: time. 1:4 2-4. Six furlong Sewell won, Monet sec ond. Prinoc Hamburg third; time, 1:11. One mile and one furlong Belmere won. Dishabille second. Coy Maid third; time, 1:54 4 5 Six furlong Ora Culum won, Clara Huron aecond, ' Royal Breese third; time, 1:14 4-Bf One mil and one furlong Orflens won. Lady Savoy second, Blvoux third; time. 1:41 1-1. No Cheaper Treatment Oa the Coast My Fee Is Only $10.00. In Any Uncomplicated Ailment Let Ma Oulde You aa Your Way , to Regain Your Health and Renew Your Strength. Dojron feel that you are net the man you once were? Do yon feel tired In the morning and easily ex hausted? Is your bach weak? Ia Spur memory falling? Do you have Ifflculty In fixing your thoughts? Are you losing ambition? If you have any or all of the above aymptoma, yon auraly do not deatre to remain In your present condition. Let me explain to you my methods of re building the vigor ef men. and refer you to the thousand I have cured. Tha Only Diseases I Trent Bpersai ooeel. db. ta ram. No Better Treatment In the World Pay Me When You Are Cured Thla Is fly Fair Offer to Every Patient VARICOCELE An average of one man la five baa . Moat ari- Or- Visor. W acute ana uaxoaio Uo Inflammation. FREE CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION LV. .Ll aIMV? nan to call for free advice, make a free examination aad dtawnoata but tha vl, I NEVER GUESS Experiment or take chanoee of any eort I attempt to cure only those die " that I have bean ouring for the peat 25 yea re. and feel Jure I am Justified In seylng that have learned all about them. Were I lacking in knowledge per tafning to my opectalty I would never have attained my present success, nor would I today ba recognised se the leading special ist trekting men' diseases. If afflicted, you can depend upon It that the service I offer you la the service you need, and is service euch aa. can be rendered by no other physician. varicocele. Moot men that have thla dragging, draining weakness are not aware of It until It has wrecked their Uvea. Varicocele causes con geetlon of the blood In some of the moat vital blood vassals of man. It causes a dull, heavy, listless feeling which la often mistaken for nervous debility or general decline of power. Mr cures of this disorder ar per manent and lasting. aTo toaiae (bat stimulate temporarily , but thorough ly ointific treatment for the re moval of conditions responsible for the functional derangement. "Weak ness" I merely a aymptom of In flammation or oongeauon in the Plane . and under my own original local treatment thla gland normal . l"Tlt V"T w diseased man to call 22 KHi-7 ii . examination and diagnosis, but the - " w come my patient if sit will Is promptly real or ad to lte i state and oomtwete fnnottoaal tfcy Is the lasting result. the Dr. Taylor o. HIGH PRAISE FOR TWO Of PORTLAND'S ATHLETES . Plowdan Stott and Kenneth Fenton Show Rugby Man How to Play tha Came. FAST BOWLING ON THE LOCAL ALLEYS tBpwial MapatrS te Tha Journal.) TJnlveralty of Oregon, Eugene. Oct. ll.-i-Wedneaday morning on the Fort land local the Oregon football team leave for Idaho to engage In the con test between the two 'varsities. The team leaves Portland In tha afternoon, ond arrives at Moscow, If not delayed, at l 160 Thursday. Tha gam. It la thought bare, will decide the championship of tha north weat. aa nearly every other team I oat of the running on paper. Here the two teams will exert every nerve, every new play to win. and the beat gam under the new style aa yet this season will undoubtedly reeult. Last night's gam ef the "A were very exciting. Ths (Sold Leafs played the Portlands. Previous to the second game, the latter team had not been defeated thla season, but by fine team work their opponents succeeded In making 1,000. a score that la re spected by any team. The third game wa the Gold Leafs, up to the laat frame, when the Portlands gingered up and pulled through by a small margin, thus getting two of the three. The highest single score was made by mi ni an. MT. He also bad high average, lit. Case wsa a cloae second, with 210. The Her I What the San Francisco Bul letin had to say shout the brilliant play ing ef Stott and ronton of Portland In last Saturday s gam: "Captain Stott Hid some of hie ueual brilliant work and carried the ball aoroas the Nevada line fdr the two tries scored by the Stanford men. Stott waa one of the beat open-field men ever playing on a Stanford football team, and hla quickness and speed make him an exceptionally valuable man in the new game. He has combined the tricks of both games and gains many yards by his clever head work Besides being on of the beet on the team to advance tha ball. Stott la Invaluable on the de fense Numeroua time during the day's contest he broke through hie opponents and tackled the: runner before the lat ter had time to pas tha ball. Fenton I another of the Stanford players who did excellent work In the contest. - He seored three points from a field goal In tha second half and kicked one goal after a try had been made. Hie punting waa one of tha features. Several difficult kicks Into "touch" were made by the clever full back while running at full speed. His quick dodging In the beck field made possible several long punts which oth erwiae would have been blocked by the oncoming opponeata sfoor Case Hanson Tillman MoMenomy Total .. Knnya . Gelllard Crook Hague .. Boulangar Flcken PORTLANDS. 1 (I) 1U MS ttl MS iee 167 ISO in lit IT m 4T GOLD LEAFS. (1) (I) 1M Sit 141 ... 204 no in 111 217 101 its l) Avs. 1 4 1(7 11 110 1M iso 117 111 1 ) Ave. in It ... 14i 174 110 It 114 144 lit 17 ltf Totsi tot ioe its Tonight ths Beavers play the Com mercial No. 1. TELEPHONE LINE FOR RECLAMATION SERVICE iJecraal acta! Pllvllie, Mo. Oct. II. A V Manning cashier of the McDonald County bank. this morning caught two robber they exploded dynamite In the vault. He fired upon them and drove them away. (SjMtal Dlapatrk te The Jaeraal.) Echo. Or., Oct. 21. The Butter Creek Telephone company la now construct ing a private telephone system for the reclamation aervlce here, extending 'from the Intake dam to tha reservoir sits, and main laterals leading therefrom. Thla line will be completed eoott, and, then the several camps alone tha line of the canal of the east Umatilla project will be connected with the government office at both Hermleton and Echo. About a doaen Instruments will ba put In at once. Rev. B. C. Morton, Sulphur Springs, Tex., wrltee. July 10. 101: ? have used in my family Ballard- snow Liniment a -id Horehound Syrup, aad taey have proved certainty setlafaotory The liniment la the beet we have ever ueed for headache and pains. The oough syrup has been our doctor for the last eight yearsT Sold by Wood ard. Clerks A Co, GRIDIRON FUMBLES On laat Saturday the Brooklyn Ju nlore defeated the Columbia University Juniors by the score of 6 to 0. It waa reported that the gams waa a tie, but In Justice to both elevens, the correct cor I given. . e s The Highland football team of thla city challenge any team In Portland weighing not more than 115 pounds Address L. E. Howell, manager, 1004 Cleveland avenue. a a . The Bunker Hill football team wanta to meet all teams In this city svaraaina not ever 150 pounds, or snyejeam In the ta tea of Oregon and vTAshtngton. Any team desiring a game will be accont dated by celling up Eaat 176S, or Writ ing to O. King, 105 Cherry etreet. e e Coach Prank Lonergan of Columbia university has kind words for his sturdy young men who succeeded la de feating the Pacific 'va rally on Saturday. Professor Lonergan aay that he x pecta Columbia to have the fastest Interecholasttc eleven in the ststa. a Dr. Thomaa Roaa of Astoria, known at the Multnomah club aa "Little Eva, on account of hla great weight, le spend ing a few day In Portland. Dr. Roaa, who I coaching the Astoria eleven. which was defeated by Oregon on Bat. urday 10 to o. apeaka volumes for his men and attrlbutaa their defeat to the IU luck that generally attende a team that haa not had the proper practice. White Bear, a famous Indian player, played with A at oris and did fine work. white Bear vtalted the club yesterday, and after looking over Multnomah'e magnificent field, aald: "I would like to get under headway on that field, as it looks good to me. e" "a And now cornea the third eleven of the Multnomah club Into action. Ken McAlpln la manager and Lao Smith haa been coaching the youngsters. The aim of the sturdy young clubmen 1 to ar rang gamea with the high schools of Astoria, Salem and Eugene, and also to give ths Mount Angel aggregation a rub. The club material la very good and the young men have Shown up splendidly In practice. This afternoon a practice scrimmage with the aecond H. M. A. teem will be held on tha local field and on Friday afternoon at 1:10 e e Albany, Or., Oct. 21. Sporting Editor Journal Will yon take the liberty to correct an error on the part of your Dalle correapondent He stated that the first half of the Daliee-Albany game waa 20 minute In length. Through an error en the part of the timekeeper It waa 40 minute and 10 aecond a play ing time. Hoping you will correct thla I am, at. n. UU3HON8, Maria sar Albany Athletic club, a a The Oregon University football team wilt arrive in Portland en route to Mos cow. Idaho, tomorrow morning. The squad will hold a practice on Multno mah Field aad take in the "College Widow" In the sftemoon. leaving for Moecow at 4:15 In the evening. HORSE THIEVES ARE WORKING AT SALEM tSpactal Masetes te The Jsarast.) Salem, Or... Oct. 21. On account ' of the disappearance from various quar ters of several horse. Sheriff Culver la f the opinion that a band of home thieve I working In the vicinity of Salem No trace of the atolon anlmata ha been found. Two gray mares belonging tc 3. U. , MEN CUREDTOTC $12.50 Consultation Free Thla well-known and reliable curative Institu tion is a permanent fixture of Portland. It has stooe the teet of time end Will continue to stand a a Mecca of hope for afflicted men hereabouts From time to time It haa been remodeled in all Its departments, which are thoroughly equipped inai with every scientific Instrument, appai device essential to our modern metho ratua ode of Reliable Specialists can or write. Our and ana- clalty practice. Ita financial responsibility is aa solid aa gold, while the treatment It admin latere, as legions of Its cured patients know, la skillful, aclsntlflo and aucoeeafut. ' W Invite all afflicted men who really desire a cur to Inspect our of fices, and to honestly Investigate ua A private consultation, a careful personal examination, to gether with a aclenttflc and honest opinion of vour ess, will cost you nothing; and a perfect cure. If you decide to take It, will not be more thau you will be willing to pay for tha beneflte conferred. II years' continuous practice and experience tn the f case 1 a guarantee to any person that thslr rt who devotes all If treatment of thousands of caeca la a guarantee to any case win te aoeoiutely eafe in our hands. A trus sxoert i hie Mme to n few ailments will effect cure after other fall ia incurable we will frankly tell you ao. your Our Fee Need Not Be Paid Unless Cured We cure Nervous Debility. Kidney, Bladder and Chronic Dl to stsy curse, a euro cure ror varicocele and Hydrocele tn ehorteat ova t-oiac possible time. and Nervous Troub Our treatment for Bio lee curse quickly and permanently. Poison, Sores, of Ulcers, Chronic cure, providing there la ii reeuita and are cured taken in the beginning 1 practically an eaay thins to no wmpiiDauDB, ovi anemia uie CIS continue suits in gleet, prostatic troubles, and effects the entire urinary tract Ita appendages, with, a dangerous eequel. Newly contracted cases -ured by ue In from 7 to 10 daya oosretyxTATiOBT I not of a mushroom growth. ir ranutatlon and MM W have been curing men for 15 years. Write If you cannot call. All correspondence strictly confidential and ancioei all replies sent In plain envelope. OFFICE HOURS a. m. to it noon.. SI. Louis m. to 6 p. toss 2 -cent stamp to tnsnrs reply. evenings, 7 to 5:10; Sundays, SEMCU41W SUKICAl Dispensary WE HELP MEN OF AM. AOl COAX, . Wa give those afflicted with aay of theee distressing maladies the beat kind of help. We help them back to eoaad health. OUR TREATMENT eurea We Cure in a Week We do not experiment. Our long and extensive experience in the clsssss of disease to which we limit our prac tice enables ua to make a correct diax- aoala and to apply tha proper remedtee to each case. We take constitutional peculiarities into account, because we know that a medicine that will suit one person may Haa are with another, though Buffering from the asm dls- i saw. an ia vaai majority or. inaiancea p Where) Others Have Palled to Cure We Heat Surely end Permanently If yen ere sick w ad via you to lose no time In getting treatment Our terms are moat reasonable. If your means limited we will accept weekly or monthly Inetallments. OR YOU CAN PAT WHEN CURED. Ton can deposit the price of a cure In ANT BANK In Port land, to be paid to ua when you ar entirely well. Over 50 Per Cent of Our Case Have Been Cured at a Cost of $10.00 and Many Only $5.00 Consultstlon frea Call or writ for question blank treatment la eucceesful. and curse even complicated casei m eeni irree; aeeieo on application. Office hours I a. m. to I p. m. Sunday a and holidays. It to Our home Bock for It. DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. TRANSPORT ATIOI leave, ansae. EGfH OJeLUOl union Pacific Trains to the East Daily S tJHSf LJS!?" sag Mr aaajp. SiS:. Jf'1!? osasas. CbMaae. asee "le-rartJaaa Saaew.1 a E""1 rt; Healkurtoe, Ur AOam 14 aa WaS TSS vmmmion. uaear s'Alaae aa Kt Bigga ssd Portias, dairy : ass COLUMBIA RIVER DIVISION. 1225 .' mrdsr. 10 a. V Aartves tbcat 8 P .. except Beads?. tamhiu. arras aorrra. noT.7. 'Jl' "SP"" a,r sac Xasjam rtvs invars cma uma H? r2il,:L es epsa Srrtval AeM ?..."r "wvyt latarday . Arrtra 4 pTav Third and Weebtsstoa eta. hrmeset As EASTvu SOUTH enasaj tMK Sea rraatwaa, Stockton. Lea Awe tee. Bl raee. New Orteeo aad rba east. . I B&'iB .... , rl aad"Sl5s aseta a Monet Aagel keel ... Oorretlle 85 $82 1 IHI aa. a Baa niTBBSON-eTBSBT STATION. Per Da rail sag Intermedial paints Catty, T: s. . sad 4:15 p. as. Arrive riiirfisT 10:10 a. ra. aad 0:St p. as. ror uma aw Janaa. Dl aa. Otts Ticket tattoo etreeta. Passe Main 0. W. BTINQBB. City Ticket Agent. ram or oawage aaearoa irawa Ticket Office, ar suae. malar pesrts aa Berspsi ska BaaolnlD sad Aaatralla. Office re rear Third aad Wash, i. MsMTBJUT. Oao. Paea. Asset. raft TIME CARD TRAINS Fortlandi . leave An, Yellowetooe Park-Keaeae Clty ft. Lawk Special far CbahaiH. QaatraUa. Olynpl. Oraa Parser. Booth Bead, Tilin. Seattle. Speksaa tawaOea. Batta, nnifaca. Dearer. Owe- &teg&?:..Ur.:mm ems- North Osaat Limited, aleetrl St. Pa al sad the Beat. 4a lb. 2 00 pal T:00 a rOffl BOOM LIST :Nps C:Bf I tad. far CMferaoat. caekans, Ca traua, Taroma and Seattle City Bull for Taco Uneotn.at8t! Jmrtuai OHy. Omaha. St. Lonla. with sat shear of care. Direct I IS I III for aB aetata Bast theaet. Sally... .11:4 10 Maa TRANSPORTATION. S. S. F. A. Kilburn Bast aaUtaf free Portlaad fMasy, Oeteber 11. Bast eelBog fata Saa moeteee. Thaw., OsL t. OBIAS. a STBBLSMrra, Ageat. Oak Street DocK, Phone Main 2960 Taylor, who reside on Asylum avenue. stolen from a pasturs near the Wallace farm, la Polk county. Septem ber II. A black mare belonging tc Dr. W. Bean of thle city, haa boon salsa lng sinew October II. Borneo Clou ley lost a bay horse near nerval om weeke agw and B. S. Clark of North Salem haa loot a bay brown mar. TRAN8PORTAnON, North Pacific i i Go' STEAMSHIP ROANOKE 2500 Toe Salle for tea ft lattaea, Xm November 22, I p. m, f ooca, ram a 14th and n Third etreet. near Alder Angel ram lissjSaW man.1' liLaZTaaV 1 Main 1114. TOC NO, Agent 2 Overland Trains Dally 2 "Xba Ortaatal Luaitad. tha fast Mall- VIA gBATTLB AND Dattr. Dettr. Lear. AlWia ?V..!rpoT Deists aad an aetata ess BnawstpSaT K& esd afl aetata Bast OS. Ratlins trow Brattle for Japes sad Care parts ssd MasBa. eai ifta ee sesgars aad freight. S. B Pa, Bl S. Seattle asset October SO far Jaaas aad Chtaeaa ports, ssrryssg aamsoger rs,"tltfats, rataa. berth, rssarv. Mess. ea eat! oa or address 5 SS oSJL Tst- tuJXmt it., lniaM. wag am. a m Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. -- '- -- pan tesa. Oaar- OOaai II BSaaa 1 00 as SO Mi ?awstae eaB. . j AVSsa street. Phase Mala Mi- Upper Colombia River STEAMER Chas. R. Spencer bre and twaafssiag) aaoek rnna n I A 5 1 awl. U..I Brai I Bn IB. Leaves oak tiwt dock every Monday, tn iAutj a no STArsj jTwaai connecting with :h Open lv wBaasa. HH aa4l(ll r"t'