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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY BVBWINO, OCTOBER, tf, 1KW. 14 TODAY'S MARKETS A VERY GOOD TONE IN POIATOES Dealers Are Willing to Pay as High as One Dollar and Five Cents for Cream of Quality. CAR SHORTAGE HAS A SCARING EFFECT False Reports in Circulation Regard teg Hops Half to One Cent a Pound Is Added to Offers by Rumors. Principal attrket lMtni today: Panto market awaltlne fan Still do onion demand. Beta an Tory Arm at 33He. Poultry arrlfala an rati). tRaunn aiarkat la drned. Llterpoel eart II ton algae. STint and floor trad quiet. Mixed altaaUoa aa bop.. . Potato Market A wo .tint Cara. Aa a naalt, of too ocorrltr ot can thora kt swank raised toaa m k Dotolo aaarkrt. con dition it prooont an famrabl tor blgb prime. hot Mpoera ear tney on olmaot afraid to nay berauae of too lack of trnnaportatlon faculties. xm hioh SI .OS woo rooortad paid for mam of unt.r darn to peat fow daya, and fna tula flfuro tka price for fancy ralaa down to oftr per 100 pound Ileporr from California aa mat (fea market tkare la la rerj food ahape wltb praSkaon era In a neemlnc korry to dk pnae of their holdlnt. Thl la eeoeelallj true of tka Mot trade- tbe Ha Una a Price tberr dmlt of 1 and 1.03 belnr paid In thla market for boat good at tbla tlm. bat bow Ions tbla arm eoatTnu ta rory mock of a wyitery to too trade la all errata tba huyen an oil oat In tka country trying to parr ha aa, A report receitad bora aperkilbr by Tba Journal today aaya that the Colorado crop WIU not coma U to tiooetattooa la either quaint or auantity a eonatderable amooat of tka etas M aald to lain been badly demoted by tka cold weather of tka paat few dan and farther dam aire la feared by the Colorado trade. Tkm M another ood erect for price In tbla market. Notbtat dome In oo tool. Absolutely no (klpptnf do ' Klaad Situation la Hop. Walla It we reported In rat etty yeoterdoy that aa offer af IT He bad bee made and re rowed for hop up the ralloy. It at now def inltaly known that the new waa a hoax and was a tarred by t few loaf holder to booat raise or sat the Ideaa ot a rower up la the air to kp thorn tram eellknf. A telephone atsoaage from the party aald to hate received the 1TH offar aaya that hot lBc waa ottered. Thla. Iran a I at, waa refooed. Other report ftee ,Tiae., to He oboeo toe pna realty remain at tbla tlm a eood aa of eaoPty haps with IS nffared. kut thla la the outatdo limit at thla time. All buylnf at thla tlm la far Bnyllah account, aad Juet bow loot that demand will noathaa ht aot known. Than la abaolutelj no Strata 11 far anything except beat good, aad tba taw of other quality la far apeculatlre aoaoamt. Than an so order hen. aahiny Saa truest era sln aellara Char lea C. n anuuaed to be act out tor Paul Horat. la loportad to hare pnrchaaed 100 halea of prime of Parfleld Bro. at Buckley. Weeklni tea.- at IS. H. Parfleld la akn reported te kae oid 10 hale at madtame 10c. Only aa acraawoaal tnaeerttoa la reporta. frewj Oall farala aad the market then la icportad dull. Mamain eeat te California trower from tare darlag the paat few day say that aa bltb Ike bee been pood hen of Uta. bet aa each transection will be admitted by area the bell. Baieia SLnrk.t b AaVeaaoad. The market ee aabrma I very atront aad price are ahowint a teoenl adrance today. Contort an bowtoi the principal atreneta on account of tk thortsge ht that pack, da to the hot weather, whan mad the etem brittle aad Tttltrad clatter tatherlut difficult Is teneral the rahtta aiarkat hi Me to le a pound adraaoad during tb paat M boon. Turkish flta an ax In tn market aad aome aw atyla peck at bate appcred. Virion price relb(. Brief Bote of the Tkad. Liter pool aalt M adtanced II ton today Etta continue firm at 32 He. with ncclpt or meal macn tery emau. Poultry reeipta exeeedlBily amall with de mand food at former price. Front at reef bettor price an jeat about eteedy with plenty of aapplle at old flfare. ' Chaw coattraaee with aa upward tendency, bat tka feweral market I at 14c for Date. Urape an firmer with price ranflnf from tl to 11.60 a crte. Hm II ablpnraate or watorawloa contlna 10 unfoa wlta amall de The trad pay the foUowlox price ta mat afreet. Price paid ahlppere are looo commie eoana: Oroln. nour sad Teed. GRAIN BAGS Calontt, Hc bujlat price; elliot. ac. WHEAT New dub e4c; red Benin. Sic; bleta, ale; talley. Sac. SABLE V New Toad. 131.00; railed. 122.60; brrwlnt, 122.00. CORN Wbole. 137.00; cricked. 18 00 per lee. BYE 11.5 per cat. OATS New Prodacen' price No. 1 white, assort: pay. 123.00., yLDDa Eaebara Oraaron pabaett. I8.M; tralfkta. d.S5: export. S8.0; talley s 40; rntia, W. So0: whol wfct. S.76; ry. He, 16.00. bale, IB.TS. i MILLBTt 'KTB Bran, 115 60 per ton; mld dTtnea, 124.00; borta, country, I1T.0O; city. SjtOO; -chop. lfl.0O31.00. HAT Producero' price Timothy. WUUmett Tlltey. fancy. Ill.00dtl2.00; ordinary. IB OOO 1,00; eaatern UresoD. tl6.S0dllS.u0; mixed; 10.0010.0; ekoter. 17.00; STato, T.60JS.60; cheat, ft .00 Butter. Etta aad Poultry. BITTER "AT T. o. b. l'ortliod Sweet erntrryaot3l4c; outald fnocy. ffttR; ordinary, 3THc; toro. 14H UKOOlU-Me. 1 fraah Orefon candled. S3y.e; aacandled, Seattle; local aad atra torxe, rail eream, flat, I4CJ14H?; Tmm America. lSSHSMc. POCLTBV Mixed chicken. I3Hc per lb; fancy bene, 12Hlc per lb: mooter, old, 10c per lb; fryer. 13c per tb; broiler. M set tk; old duck, ltfce per lb aprlnf docka. 13Hc m; See. ewj i't per io; luraey. IBWt tb for old; dreeaed, 30c lb; aaaab. 12601 per aot; pi"'- ez.ov per omb. apt. Wad ead Hid. HOPfJ ISO crop, rhetce. 19aiSc; prim kk choice. l(e; medium to prime, T3a)i4ac; me dtum. l3Vid. , ef ' " ' Oraaan. m WOOle taxie cup t auey, aotyzse; eeat era a0 JAIR New. Bomlnal. BBaWSkUtt aajhaarliui. lBCtSOc each: abort wool 36evoc, medium wool. 503760 each; aaaa woo, Tecvti.w not. TAIXOW -4?rTe, per lb, 14)40; No. tad arreaae. 2$2 y lllTTtM BARKIS. HIDES Dry, No. 1. IS lb and up. 16UQ 17 per lb; dry kip. No. 1. te 16 lb. Itcj dry calf. No 1. under S lb. Uc; attd hkle. terra, ttaed. lb and oter. l"4t 11. ; cow. WJ4: od bull, aeood. STc; Hp, 15 to SO Tb. 9e: calf, aoand. under II lb. Uc; ereea. onaalted. le lee; cull, leper lb lee; Ear bide, tatted, each. l Me 1.78; dry. each. ITtkaai.Mi evit hide. 3TOooc; toot kla. aaamaaos. ear. 10J16c; Aaawr. eeek, 3ec tralte aad Tatetaklee. IWATOT -Barrat price, ftner. tWSMI OR ordinary, SO75c. J hblni prlc. 11.00 per can.; St. Kc MONB Jobbla price- New Oraeoe, SOcdJ fd aa; beykat price. 70c; trllc. dje per IfT It, rBESH rartTB- Appln. 7VJ1.3; onnse Valeaekx. Stlef,.O0: Kama. 6 lb; htaSH, awoke, tanotdr per hot. fancy. 17.00 per aa. llm.e Meilean. l rer loo. i.hima. dfMBr per eratr; caaukropa Si . xrapM, f' ' l3ZS' terraeaM, taMklCi" 4betV tindhnJift ar ttSSBwil. W lev dee. TWtSTAtLV-TWilM. new, 1.00 per aark; eaerot. 1 ir tact: boat. 31. SO ner eaek: OHajao radrahee, tOr par doe; rabbet Ore ee. UJt'jr; VII pepper, aa per lb to am lea, artjio fee kox, par aad pa. (actMi.oei (fruit inspector makes RICH HAUL OF WORMS ep County PnUt Inspector Rich- ard Deleb made a heavy haul of e Infected: applea today. Before breakfaat he confiscated 14 boxes of wormy fruit and after treating them to a liberal doaa of Rockefeller's beet, ecnt them to the crematory. He tivea warning to the trade and con sumera that a number of hawk ers and peddlers are disguising themaalves as arowers aad are going Into the outside districts with wormy fruit which sells at low figures. Mr. Deich says that aU such fruit will be. oiled- If found, ao matter where. etrin par lb; eaall- flower 11.00 bomradlak. tSlOo per lb; artichoke. Toe per doe. aquaafc. 7VQI1.00 par has; was plant, Sl.SO par do bunchaa; caeumbert, me par box; celery, MOasOr par dot; sreeo corn, 11.10 per ra: earner ormaaa. TBetasi.oo ner box esrplaat. II. To nor crate: aemnklao. la: enn- berrle, steal. g.80; Ctpe Cod. S.50J00 itKiRD racrTSABBlea. etenentad. SUSiTe tar lb; apricots, ISUaUSt per Tb; peach. tMUHc per lk; arXa.i peTlb loaa: praae. ' io u. bim ac aeoM aw aim imiiw ioe. an, ummi Black. sjaac per lb California white. SOtte per lb; date, seldea THc per lb; tarda 1 40O1.B0 per IS ft box Qtoo rim, Vuta, Xta. SI 'Q A It All resneri Cube, S8.T0; sow red, SUB; fruit, tronulated. IS.SS; dry 'atuilaterf tnalt- mm a on aa. i M.8B: eolden C. t 05- 'n Tallow. kxaS; hhla Me: Vt bbU. Joe, box. oOc dtnc on ck new. (Abot price r 10 day net caafc ojoota uwoe.l BON per crate COPTEE Paikkjr brand. I1B.28S1 w .wra nou frouna. luuo. around. 1 ,ier . ..( table. dairy. 60. SIS.00; 100. til. 71; nam. II no IruiNM-t tea ueerpoot, new. IIN l. 1110 flT.OO; -ai, 111.00; aitr fine bbU, a. . 10. 4-t041.50; Uterpoot lamp rack. per toe; 601b rock. .00; 100, 9.00. (Abot price apply te eelae of lew than ear lot, car Iota at fluctuation ) RICE Imperial Japan, No. 1. c; No. . BEANS SmU white. IS.S0; largo white .SB; pink. S.0; beyoe. I8.T6; Llmoo. Si. SO Mexican red, 4c. N UTS Poena ta, Jamba. Se per lb; Vlrtlnla, 4J4c per lb; routed. SOSHc per lb; Jpa- w, ewoac; romea. tuthc par in net, titttoe per dot; walnut, 15dU My; ptoeemt. loaitUr ner lb: h Irk or 10c par lb; ebaetnate. eaatern. 16Jlr par Tb; nnxll nttt. 18c per lb; Alberta. UQlnc lb; fancy pecan. lc; lmnad. lSVi (Ke. eat, rbk and Protlaloni. PBEBH MEATS Kront Street Hofa. faacy mttSc per lb: nal. extra. 8c per lb: ordlaarr adfTc per lb; poor, iejoc par ; mitum, fancy, istkc per lb: lamb. srM. HAM. BACON. ETC Portland pack (local I nam, iv io i id. iec per to; 1 te is re. lc per Tb: breakfaat bacon. ltJ22c per lb plcalc. 10Vc per lb; oottaf. lie per lb resnlar abort clean, enomoked. 12c per lb mokrd. 18c per lb; eleer beck. oaemkd, 12c per Tb; amoked. lie per Tk: Union butt. 10 to 1 lb, unemoked. Se par lb; amok ad. c in; omer muii, na mo aa. io par u: mokod. 16c per lb; boulder a, lSVac per lb; pickled tontuea. I A 00 quarter bbl im L L KI- Settle lear. lot MUc per lb. 6. ltHr per lb; 80-lb tin. I! ft Tb; taooi rendered. 10c. llc per lb; 6. Ue yww in, 1-nmuuupu, ma, vac. CANNED SALMON Colombia rinr. l ib tell. I. so; Z lb U1U. I3.T5; fancy, l ib flata. 11.00; i-Ib fancy flata. 11.15: fancy lib era la. Stli a tell, pink. S6t0c; ted, iar); tomlnal 1. tall. S.O0. SH - Bock ed. te lb: Seen Se per M per Tb: halibut. SWe ear Ik: erabo. SI aba Columbia ritar chtl aaoe ec: ateelhead. 7c ner Ik: korrtne. Se ner lb; aolea Sc per Tb; afcrfmp. 10c per lb; porch. 6c per lb; black cod. Tc per Tb; tomcod. Te per id; miter ameit, oc par IB; lob tare. ise Kip; fraah markenl. Re per Tb; erewSab, Be doe; hd, Sc per lb; arurteoa, 10c per lb; black b 30c par lb. 0Y8TKHS Shoalwatar bay. per sal. I2.2S; KllO-Tb aark. 14.00; Olympfa. par pallun. 35: per 115-lb rk. 18.00. CLAMS-Hardakell. per boa. 33.00; raaor riama. 12.00 per box. Paint, Goal OB. Eta. ROIT. litre Manila. l4c; at.ndard. HVe; 11. lie. COAL OIL Paarl or Aatral Caaea lPUc par oalt water White, Iron but 14c par tl. wooden I To par cl; baedUcht l TO -dc. eetae 3lVjo par GASOLINE SS-des, bbht 18c per . BENZINE 5.d. bbl lSSkc per gal. TUBrtlNV-Is eeaee 34Ha par gel. Iron eteee Ste per sal. Iron bbl 93c per pal WHITE LEAD Toa let. 7e par lb: 500-H lot. Sc per lb; tea lota. Kc per lb. WIRE NAJL8 PlPMBt haala at S3.S. LINSSSD OIL Pure raw. In 5 bbl lota. 50c; 1 bbl lot, 6Se; caaoa, 5Sc per gal: jenuln ket tle boiled. . SOc par tl; 5 bbl lata, 54c; 1 bbl lot. 56c per tl; (round cak. car let. 130.00 per tea; Ian thee car lot. ISO 00 per toa. CATTLE MARKET IS ROT QUITE SO FIRM Tone le Rather Dull in Local Yards -Hogs and Sheep Firm bt&rUnchanged. Portland Cnlea etork receipts; Teday Storkyarda. Oct, 33 l.ite Otttlt. "heep. HS8- week to... Month ago. . . Tatr ago 79 113 BaHmae,. a, , m f5A r, unv - Cattle are not o firm and while the market I aot weak stock cannot be meted to reedllr te S few day ago. Hoge and abeep firm wltb ao arrttala In tb letter. Teday 350 geata and 60 hone arrlred ta. official Hreatock price Hot Best aaetern oregoa. Id. 6011.76; blockera and China fata, Sfl SSj 60. Cattle Heat eaatern Oregoa at, tt.60j .1.76: beat crate and heifer. 3. 60413 7(1: Mock -era and feeder.. 12.7643 00; hollo. 1.60. Sheep - sifted. 4Hjec; lamb. kflHt. CATTLE SHIPMENTS HEAVY rally 8,000 Sent PTom Fandleton Xaxerl htarch. (Bpecktl Dkpteh to The Journal. 1 Pendleton. Or., Oct. M. A targe aitle ahln ment went oat from thl city yesterday to tb r'rye Brnhn company ot Seattle The cattki ahlpped were beef row and ateere, whlrb were recently porckaaad la the John Day couetrt or J C. Lawrgaa . Tka price paid la about 12 28 for beef rowe, 3.3 tor ateere and 13.18 for feeder. Thla aeaeon be been a record breaker for cattle ahlpmenta from thl city, approrl mately 3.00O head katlng gone from tbla place lace la at March. NEW TOSUI COTTOR e New Torfc, Oct. 33 otton fntarea point down to s potato op. official uuotatlooe by Orerbeck. Starr Cooke romnaar Open. . 1100 7JS lot 101 Oct.! 0423. 1000 llr7 1115 Hi 1183 1131 1130 10WI ions 101 J.i ntiar t . February March . . 15? ::::: October . Nirremher liei-rnilier Kl HOT HIS hit 1133 H33 103 10SI toe 111S HI 1110 iii iisi in.-. ffi 10SI mi lOPd 104 104 1138 10BO 10S3 103 IJterpool Cotton Market. IJterpool. Oct. 33. -Cotton future let. 11 I point lower cloeed quiet to 8 pointa lower. PORTLAND BANK STATEMEVT. (lei ring today 1,840.IM Clearing yr ago 08.3T4.o4 oia teday. I48.1M.4S HOME WHEAT AND FLOUR QUIET Prices Are Holding Steady for Both With Prices Unchanged From Yesterday. LIVERPOOL CLOSE IS SAME AS ON MONDAY Chicago Market Suits s Fraction Up and on Some Covering of Shorts Adds to Former Value in All Months. ABLATIVE WHBAT VALUES. Oct. 33. Oct 22. 0 la. 10. My July - .TT Local whaet end flour price are autot Wttk price unchonted , tihicaso opened a rrection up a cotarlat all option mored hbfber Tb clan rv,e r up. Irorpool opened low aad cloeed nncharured rrom aaanaay. The Mbaeeapolla Norutweetern Hater etya: "Aa a malt of InqutrkM aent oat Slkl .1.000 eorraaVkadent. well dletrtboted tbeaTboet Mlnaaote aad North and South Dakota, tba Market Record find the total yield of wheat la the three atatee tbla eeaaon to bo M3.S1K.000 bmhela of aprloe wheat, not lnclud I rot to Durum It frnda little oter 46.000.000 ouabci or Durum, aitoeetber mittnt tb wheat crap af IMS to be 1S7.P10.000 btukel. The report esowe that liuruto u mtklnt rapid ap pernce upon the wheat orodoctlon of the northweit. Thl year about 24 per cant of tka wheat crap waa Durum. The total tcrees Bad by tb department of atrtcalture la 14. .000 acre. Tb Durum ftcraojr appear to be 2.527.000 ten and aprlng wheat In tb three etttet n.714 ooo The etoraae yield of aprlnt Whett la the three at. tea u 11.2 beabele per Official Chicago prlcea by OTrbsek, StrT A Cook WHEAT Onen Utah. Low. tloae a p a e TT OOBN 43 43HB 43 44 OATS. neeember Mar 32 1 St VA g July January . S3 MESS PORK. 130 lies UTS 13T3 IMS I8T3B auy 1870 i. a an T 840 October tSO December . SIS January S30 BT8 MB IT 837 737 TBS BROBT BI1 October KB SBS SSOB T43A 780 January TT 73 May T&S TSO LIVERPOOL ORAIK MARKET, Ltterpool, Oct. . Official WHBAT. One. Cloae. Oct. St. a T4d e 2d December, ta 4d Sa 4Ud March a Bd t d OOBN. jrT.'Vd sVd W T PORTLAND STOCK MARKET are 3.000 Sbaree Taoomt Steal aad 1,000 Standard. Oa tb Portland atock market tndav the oetwa vera 3. ooo eharae TBcoma Steel at 11 He and t. ooo aaaraa stancjard OotaolldaUd tt 9e. u racial price: BANK STOCKS 1 Ak. 170 is 130 lufi Bank of nallfornl Merehtatt' Netloaal twegon Treat A Siting . . . . Portlaktl Trutt CO Banker' a Lambermen'o United BUte National 300 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Campbell'! Oaa Burner soS ICS 80 SO WOO ISO 10 j OS 7 3 'ii 0614 union oil .' IPS on ssu Alaaka Parker' PaeISc Stateo Telephone 101 Home Telephone Puget Bound Telephone.. Oregon Lit Inaarano emeot Prodncta C. la Co ... B. N. By. 4 MINIMI STOCKS. . Nicola Coal. . . 04 Br Utah Columbia Amal International Cool Parlflc Metal Extraction Co... Alaaka Petroleam Standard Ooneolldated OrtaoB Seeurltle no It Snowotorm Snowaho MiM ..' Taeoma StOOl Oallce Cunaolldated Oallakrr Holder. Role OonaoUdatad OS IS 04 e5H a 04H 04 I 9 is , ' OS IS 1000 100 Bu froe Terr Ible Oolconde North Falrtiew Le Boy .,. Hiawatha 01 38 S3 03 Caacadl Lucky Boy Herla Rambler Cariboo Dixie Me.dowa Oreat Northern Mountain View, Blue Rlter Gold , TSO Garrtn Cyanide Alameda Ooneolldated Satk Caaaoltdated St'GAB STOCKS. Hawaiian Commerrlal a 4 Tlonnka IS IB h 4 Hetrhlneon Makawell pukt . . L'Bloe SAS FBANCIBCO htlNINO EKCFLANQI. la Fraackiro. Oct. 38. Offlrltt bid price: Belmont SS.B0 .14 I on lai.-ta I .81 ZOO .sa .3 .80 .T 28 .48. .31 .04 Cah Bar (Jolden Anchor. Hob Jim Butler ... Ma. Samara . . . Midway Montana Nortk Star ... Ohio Ton. Bxtea ... Narad Weet ta .... Adam Attanl Bluebell ..I... Booth Columbia hit .. Ceo. Qnarrt . IHamondfleld .. Dltle Ooldaekl Olihlr Mxlcn Caledonia Rarheoirer ..... . Nerve . Oold Crown .... Ortet Bead 1.40 .TT 3 23 I BO 47 .'Rescue .79. SB I Black Boti. a 8.80 Tramp ..t.a.i. 31.00 (lolden Belmont. 1.T3H Montgomery Ml. , .11 Boatet ...;..4 -ST Beeptre .1 Manhattan S Saylor.HuatBfay. 1.00A 38 .4 .10 J4 .83 23 .14 .18 .1 .13 .10 .10 .33 AS OS .33 SO .04 4T .84 .08 o m trexier .14 .34 OS rnny fenld Wedge Loao Star Ot Bend St.... .loi I SO 01. Head Ansel. Craerent Kendall .. laguna . . North Star Mar Queen - t I Cowboy '11 llenrer Annea. .. Won. 33 Bulla A Beara. . 31 Rlork Book Moktws Red Top Sandatora . . . . tlrr Plefc ... Bt. It National Bank Denter aVIlDOe T.O IN. Y. Cob l.STS Manhattan Con Little Joe ..... ' Po ii5 1.40 as Marflower .... Jumping Jack. . Red Top Bt... Montana Bull Frog Mln. Triangle Starlight J .18 Oolrl Br l.lTt O. Ball St.lnway .1 .ST RURAL OELIVERY AT ELGIN IS ORDERED Washington, Oct. II. Rural delivery mall service It ordered established from rtigln. In Unloa county, to commence December IT. j England Continues to Make Offers for Cream of Quality of Hop but Other Grade Are Not Finding Takers From Any Race at This Time RISE YESTERDAY TOO RAPID New York Stock Market Suffers Today as a Result of the Heavy Advance Monday. GENERAL DULLNESS SHOWN IN THE LIST Katy and Republic Steel Common Lost Over a Point Tennessee Coal ft Iron Gains Three and a Half Points With a Single Sale Today. MET LOSSES. iatstadt IlMnole Central... Looteilll KSya'liilj.1.'.! Ontario 4 Weal Peonerltaol A Di alga ma tad . . At.hlaon Sugar Smelter It Cr 4 Foundry . . Brooklyn Baltimore Colorado foci, . St. iwol Chesapeake Colo. A South . National Load . . trie Loco tootle I Sep. Steel I Bep. moot, ptd. . Book laland I Southern Railway notrt Bern fa cine . . rtikm Parlflc .... I 1 S. Kubber..... NET OAINS. Hi IPretaed Steel Car. Center Mleaourl PrlSe Tunneaare Coal . . C 8. Steel, pfd.. The atock market anffered today on account of tb unnatural haety adrance yeaterday. Moat of the Hat vti under preeaar with the cloae lower. Tenneaaee Coal a Iron ahowed a lagle. aalo wltk a gala of point. Oftrlal qnotatlon by Orerbeck. Starr a Cooke coxa pa ay: 4 DBBCBIPT10N. Anu I. topper Co Am. Car A Pound., com do preferred. .- Am. Cotton Oil, coat.. Aa. Locomotlte. com. Am. Sugar, com Am. Smalt , com do preferred Anaconda Mining Ob.. Am. Woolen, com Atehtaon. Pom do preferred Baltimore a Ohio, com do preferred Brooklyn Rapid Tranait Cnodlan PicMr. coat... Central Leather, com.. do preferred 81., MIL St. Pan!.. I. A Northweat., com Cheeapeak Ohk. . . Colo. Fuel a Iron. com. Colo. Snath., com do 3d preferred do let preferred Delaware a Uudtoa. . . D. a R, O.. com do preferred Brie, east do 2d preferred do let preferred Illinois Central LorrtatllM a NaahrtU.. Manhattan By Mexican Central By. . . M. , K. a T-. reek an P 1SSH 11TU 44H at ..... 138 Vk 44 101 Z T8U T4 183 134 186 11T X70 3T3S a 101 101 u. H m H4 Hot s 108 17114 1A 34 304 os 81 38 8 4A stli 31 318 4 178 ITSfi 115 148 144H 31 33 SSVkl QW 'io preferred I -11 DlatUleri Federal tinaoe SSV. eH 4 Mlaeoarl Parlflc Nattontl led Nw York1 Central N. T., Oat. Waetera. 180 H its Norfolk a Weat.. com . . North Amerlcea Northern PaclHc. com. .431 3 H r..i.i. Wm II a a A.' t Pennayltanla Hallway. 141 R 88 140 8 ies v. u., L. a c. uo Preaaed Steel Car, oom . . do pjefened Reading. Com do 3d preferred do let preferred Bep. Iron a Steel, com.. do preferred. . . A Bock laland, com do pirtened at. l. a a. r.. sd pu do tat pufened St. U a SV W.. com... do preferred ......... Southern Pacific, com . . do preferred Southern Railway, com. . do preferred Tenoosare Coal a Iron. . Texaa a Pacific To!.. St. L. a W.. com.. Union Pacific, coet do preferred IT. S. Rubber . com do preferred TJ. S. Steel Co.. oaa.... 148 148 1 .18 3 STH no M4 M it It 84 1BS4 4T do pre Wabaah. do nre io5 114 48 Wee tern Union Telegraph wiaconam uenrrat. com do preferred. ... rteadlag. prefarred. eTSttldaad per cent. BOBTOB COPF-EB MAHKBT. Boatno. Oct. 31.-Official bid price: Adran tare. Si-80; Allouea. 388.00; Atlaotlc.; Cehuaet. tSaO.OO; Centennial, 33M.60; Copper kit.. 853.001 Copper Range. ST.T8i Daly Welt, 110.00: Fr.aklln. 133.00: Or Mo Copper. 338.00: (iranbjr. 113 74; Ma.. 30.7(1; Mlrhfca. $17.8; Mohawk, ISS.OO; Nettd Cos., 311.78: Nnrui Butte. 1114.00: Old Domlnloa. MS. 60: Oeeeola aiao.w; i-arroi,; Oolaey, 1103.00: Royal. 838.00; Saota r. tx.iw; mamnnn. tia.tTHl Ttoiarsct. 87.00; Trinity. ln.!: Victoria. Sd.n0: Wlnnne. IllJW: Wolterlne 183.00: U. s. Mining. 38.00: Sit, S.'. nun oaia..; macs Mt.. .03 Calumet Arlaoea, I18S.00; Boat en UNITED STATES OOTEBBSIEHT BOKDS New York, Oct. 33. Ooternment brmdt: Date. Bid. lam. retlateren . . do ceapna Three, reglatered do eoepoa Small bond do ooeeon ....... t. 10 t. 10 Opt. 103Va :::p 1907 103 Iff? 1 Fuitr. registered do coupon Dlatrlrt of Columhle 8a. Pbllllplne latenda a W3S 181 :::: & CLEMENCEAU HEADS NEW FRENCH CABINET V (Jourotl Sperl.l Sertle.! Paris, Oct. tt. The new French cabi net was completed today, aa follows: Premier and minister of the Interior, af. Clemenoeau; Justice, M. Cuyot de See salirne; minister of foreign affaire, M. Plchon; minister of education. If. Briand; minister of finance. SI. Cnlllsux; minister of war, af. Plcquart; minister of marine, M. Thompson; minister of public works, at. Barfhou; minister of commerce, if. Drtmergue, mlnlater of agriculture. If. Ruau, and mlnlater of Ubor, M Vlvlanl LECTURES TO BENEFIT SELLWOOD LIBRARY Tb first of th series of lecture at etlwood. under th ausplcee of th Sell wood Library sssosistlon, will be delivered thl evening st ths Sell wood Presbyter! in church by I. D, Stephens of Peruana. His subject will be "Th Character of Hamlet." which will he supplemented by readings from "Hamlet" The object of the Sellwood lecture course Is to ralaa funds for the Library aaeociatlon there, aa wall aa to benefit and help the community. MB'. ' INSURANCE MEN IN SESSION Most Important Meeting in His tory of Life Association Convenes at St. Louis. OPPOSE REDUCTIONS IN AGENTS' COMMISSIONS Moat of. Membership Protests Changes in Methods Provided by New York Laws Crisis in Organ. isstJon's History. (leoraal SpecUl rtW.l Bt. Louis, Oct. 31. afore tbaa four hundred delegates and alternates rep resenting; nearly all the state mat In the Olympic theatre teday at the open Ins of the seventeenth annual conven tion of th National Association of Life Underwriter Very little butlneee waa transacted on this the opening day th time betas; coasumed with addresses of welcome and routine bualneaa. Owing to the exceptional conditions existing; tn the life Insurance business at th present tlm there are weighty ques tions to be discussed by the under writer and before the convention cloaes Thursday much that i now being thought will be expreaeed aad deter mined. Amoag life Insurance man It has been a foregone conclusion for months that the present convention would be the most Important in the association's history. This is due to the almoat revo lutionary chances which have overtaken llf Insurance during the present yeer as a result of the esstern tnveetlgatlona and the passage of th Armstrong law in New Tork. The association Is virtu ally facing a crisis la its history. It Is believed that the membership Is al most unanimously against some of the main features of the recent New York legislation, but just which form the op position will take la problematical. Sec tion 97 of th New Tork law will likely receive much consideration This limits the commissions to be paid agents and its enforcement means a reduction on the first yoar'a commis sion of 90 per cent of sll agents in the country. Another move forecasted Is an effort to amend the constitution, making It Impossible for anyone con nected with a company in an official oa paclty to hold offloo In the association. Supporters .of thla step argue that aa the aeaoelatlon Is composed of active field men It Is neither fslr to them nor to the companies to have any but active agents In official capacities, TRAINED NURSE CURES SICK AND INJURED DOGS Sick dogs, attention! Also If there Is anyone In the city who . has a pat poodle troubled with the croup or ap pendicitis or laryngitis or anything els let them not lose hope, for help Is near. Yesterday a. permit was granted to Dr. C. B. Brown of 10H North Sixth street authorising her to sure dogs of any and all ailmente to which they are liable. The official document calls her a veterinarian, bat that 1 beoause the lawmakers have ao Lstln name for dog doctor. Dr. Brown, who is of th feminine Bender and not a mere man with a masculine being's rough ways snd touob, started her career aa a trained nurse' In the Cook county hospital In Chicago, but tiring of the care of hu man beings turned her attention to th prolongation of -canine Uvea Wishing to become more proficient In her choeen branch of the healing art, she went to Nellsvllle, Wisconsin, a village of some 8,000 souls, each of which possessed a dog. Here she became proficient In tike cure of doggish diseases snd is now lo cated in Portland. GENERAL STRIKE IN RUSSIA TOMORROW fjonrael : peelaj Se-tlre Warsaw, Oct. 28. '-Trouble Is expected tomorrow on account of the calling of a general strike as a protest against the execution of a number of socialists Troop that control garrisons have been Increased in anticipation of an out break. A NEW DEPARTURE take atolnaa XTader- Heretofor It has been the custom of funeral directors to mske chargee for nil Incidentals connected with a funeral. The Edward Holman Undertaking com pany, the leading rnnerai. directors of Portland, beginning July 1. 104, will ' . MW thla nl H euatom Wli.n th. csaket Is furnished by us Its coat will Include all charges, such aa conveying the remains to our chapel, outside box. embalming, hearse to cemetery snd sll services which msy he required of us except clothing, cemetery and carriage, thus effecting a saving of 126 to ITS oa each funeral. THE BDWARD HOLMAN UNDERTAK ING COMPANY, tt Third atreet. corner Salmon. The 1500 Canadian head tax on Chinas Immigrants Is oayslng a scarcity of unskilled labor St Victoria states s dlspstch. The British Colum bia salmon csnners are petitioning for a reduced head tax. in order to permit Chin to enter the province "S Sr5ewQTl IT Itaan wSbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbt fTlAV Bt Dr. C. E. Brown. of S ' ft Cost ef intermenta ly idweed by taking Company. The Merchants Investment and Trust Co. 247 Washington St. Deal in Municipal and Cor poration Bonds. Lends rponey on approved securities. Acts trustee ,in bond is sues, realty transactions, etc. Does s general Banking and Trust business. Pays int erect on Savings Ac counts snd Tims Certificate. CapitaI$I50,000w00 J. Frank Watson ...Pres. R. L. Durham Vice-Pres. W. H. Fesr Secy. S. C. Catchings Asst. Secy. MODERN HOSPITAL TO BE ERECTED Homeopathic Hospital and Dis pensary Association Will Build on Breyman Place. A modern hospital which, when com pleted, will be oti of th moat complete In detail of construction and equipment In th city, or on th coast, will be built by the Homeopathic Hospital and Dispensary aaeooiatlon on the property recently purchased on Haaaalo and East Third streets, known aa the Breyman place. The work of construction will be commenced as toon aa th plans can be drawn and the contracts let by the association. Thj property was pur chased a short time ago for hospital purposes by the association, which has long Intended to erect such a building and maintain It. The purchase of the Breyman place la tba result of a sale made by the Hos pital association to the Security Sav ings and Trust company of four blocks of land In South Portland lying between Hood and Moody streets on the one tide ana Meade end porter on the other. The purchase price paid by tba Secur ity company was This tract had been owad by th hospital aseo cltlon for souie time, It hsvlng been donated by H. W. Corbett some years ago. It, however, waa not considered to be acceptable aa a sit for a hospital and waa therefore sold, acjd wltb tb proceeds the Breyman . property waa purchased. The price p-ld for the Breyman prop erty has not been msde public, but Id ie understood thst enough hss been left of the 180,000 to assist materially towards the commencement of the hos pital building. It is understood thst the South Port land property, which waa bought by the Security company, waa purchased for the Willamette Volley Traction com pany for terminal grounds. THOMAS WICKES' WILL SUSTAINED BY COURT Chicago, Oct. tt. The court this morning sustained the will of the late Thomas P. Wlckes who left his prop erty to other than his children, the chief beneficiary being a nephew, P. P. Wslden. The estate Is 1200,000. Three divorced wives, two daughters and one son of the testator made a sensational trial, evolving testimony of many drinking bouts and questionable esca pades. The plaintiffs have filed a motion for a new trlel and asked nn appeal. wests c on a si J. E. (rover. 101 N. Main St., Ottawa. Kan., writes: "Every fall It has been my wife's trouble to catch a severe cold, snd therefore to cough all winter long. Last fall I got her a bottle of Ballard's HorehounJ Syrup. She used It snd hss been able to sleep soundly all night long. Whenever the cough trou bles her two or tnree doses stops ths cough, and she Is sble to be up snd wen." ttc, 603 nnd $1.00. Boh Sold by Woods rd. Clarke Co. Scoffs Santal-Pepsm Capsules A POSITIVE CURE edekty aad ftsnBttij tba SAHTAL-PEPSINCa tt SeU by Wooderd. Clark a Every Woman MAjrVtL Wswlfsaj Way UVnTtbe II Beanaoim,uttbt tllaauaiad took eeal.a. W00DABD. CLASS!. 00. ASP LAITI DAVI DBUO 0O STOBXS. White Sewing Machine Agency Phone Main 6102 M IV . ICOJfa. wwww-w. Ion bed and SVepaired. Great Auction Sale Of Japanese and Chinese curio, reinstating of old Bronze, Sil ver, Cloisonne, new Brats, Sat tutna, fine decorated Tea Seta, Lacquered Ware, Ebony, Carved Furniture, Embroidered) Screens, Oriental Rug, etc. Owing to the overcrowded con dition of our small store, w are compelled to dispose of our great stock at auction. The public is cordially invited to at tend this sale. Unprecedented bargains are certain to be had. SALS AT 2:30 AND 7:30 p. M. DAILY. . Andrew Kan & Co. 287 MORRISON ST. Out aTT.iaBT.B Dalles Diamond Flour baa never failed to please. It has al ways been the standard for family Ask Tour gn TT Tb Original 1 R M. OUTHRIB Portland Rep . 211 Ablngton Bldg. Phone Pacific 3261. The Portland PORTLAND. OPJtOON. EUEOKAN .PLAN ONLY HKALKJOARTBRS rOR TOURISTS AND COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. Everything to eat and drink, snd tt oo to no more In in PortJatri Hotel RtamekaOer than elsewhere In the etty. weekday nlRbt from 1:30 to 11 St. c. sowers, tsaaagae, Hotel Eaton OOP, StOBBlBOB ABD WX8T PASS STB. N EW flandeoraelr faroltbed, lcatly enalpned. 8Btoof. St minute' walk frot heart of ahopptat nd bualneaa dlatrlrt. all large, try. eutttd reoroa a tea or beared, ekretrle Hskla. letepbue la estk Bptrtineat, t. Iar tSee. I no tl. tweklBg. wrttlnt. ladle' reception aarknra. Bnut rervd bt mall r telepbon. Prltet ooaalbua mt tralat ood akefl I. Room fl.OO to fS.OO a Oay Spl Bate ta Cemm.relal aTea. ataa SLAB IATObT, trvoMrly of Betel rldpatk. Spokane 1 C. GEE WO Portland's Widely Known and Successful Chines 4 Medicinal. Root and Herb Doctor ill faaeowa tb Intradural el wslak nti"a, direct from the Oriaat ta Sd prepare aad rest ee far ee tt bat taevraDBk. late UBatem a war alt. A aar kind oaad. " Hi Doe tor treat saeeeetftTbr aad suarttt le tare all ttoerara tenable, eakerrt, aatba. hint, tbroat rknatttram. nert..uanee. Hear, kldnet aad lean) eiaakood. rSST-oXZ TBOtTBLBS ABD ALL PBLVATB aBwu r Blaleainna- atatewienla te ta afSVrted. A a a fa and laathr ear la tk aattk t poaslbl time ted tt th loweet test pa, eflile for hoaeat treat OMtrt If yea oaeeet call write for eyrapeoat MaaS tad efrealar Tnetnae 4 --nt In ataaga. OOBBtTLTATJOB FSES. tb 0 Oaa We Oauaae atedMia Co., WW irl Bt., Oar. Marruwn, Pntload. Oa rieaa an rut Ma tbla tins stows TO vaik TJrjjjt', Sab-tat ef drab. -S niatULlt TbaeM..twwaadti oarae Bewe A Martin a. Ml WaaMrurtoa or Bf aaan rrora Tse t. New Tarb. BSC Tstakin, Oorae lHrartk Si. Opp t. m. o. a. suag Usd afaekls AU Choap. osaf arts? W oBwvsyWW Diamond Brand.