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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, TUE8DAY BVBNING, OCTOBER, , WW. is H I I I i i FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ACREAGE WEST SIDE ALL LEVEL AMD ' IN HIOH 8TATB or CVUnVATKHr. CLOSE TO CAM AND LA BOB 8 9TOKY NINTH UKADB SCHOOL. Abundance of running water; excellent onion land: paaltlrely the Hunt, inoet tightly Bad productive htmk dm on tha market. We pcnsnallr n 4 lerge tracts covering mil haadrtd aerea, which wa hare dt elded Into aaiaU tract ranging from on (1) to tan 10) aaYla. ... ABSTRACTS SHOWING PERFECT TITLE WILL BE FURNISHED WITH EVERY TRACT, REGARDLESS OF SIZE. II $150 to HI $1T5 Per Acre I TERMS Sclraylemam k Co, Rooms 34-35 22T 1-2 Washington Street WALKING d sat sac Of diet sac. Mtr steel bridge. Una bOBSe. GftllOO lot ahaela trace, roan 8- mrw. graded streets, eaaeat walka: Bat ata! Or, hlhBh. a Bit noon, ear. large missis. Bip nnrwa aau, mat aaa Back stslrway, everything modern, window tftadtt. awnings, linoleum on kltcban and bathroom floors, fin sw caroata In reeeotkm lull front sad back parlor, stairway and bed moms: art equate In dining roaun ; all go with hoe: right on car Una; 1st ehaap at 33.000; 4.800. half cash. ; BaaotJful modal horn. Willamette Height., as.ooa Irrtajrtaa kamaa, tl.BOO to $7,000. Baa tbaee before buying rlewbere. 0. C. tVHAY 9M-SM Ataagtae bids.. Third at. a mam jeu, m reeiaence paona. Tabor 193. SS.JIO Oroom ban. 1st 00x100, la taaaiMaai 8S.400-The bast 3-room baas and earns lot la BaamHi I1.0OO room baass and B lata oa E. 23d euorL M Owerter bi . tlful bulldtog aits are.; II T skOss oat; atr. with 4- sad bsra. on North Id at BJtOIBTBR at CO.. 107 Third at. FOR SALE On 8-reom rottagr oa Settwod at., 11.000; aaa 4 roam cottage -da' Albtna are. iWi wtw bit. wa ana cnaap. w 11,000 w bare a eeaafertable I roow b. fH lot, moat all conveniences; emal tin (Wir , rv SSI A Mar at. a aaa rrni , 900 FARMS, assail tracts and tots: barsaias aa O. W. P. electric Uaa. O. R. aadtttoa, Lenta. Oregon Tase noaat acott ear, a. BEST BARGAIN IN PORTLAND Large brick e rnomn, spw.nqiu weniioa; m ovxioo. trait, good ear etrrtee; 33,100; aeay lawn. ' payejents no agent. T 09, care Sellwood ktoreboaae French. 1070 K. lath. Phone aWUwwsd 74. City View Park lets. 3375 aad Bp. Ross Addition lott. 9100 and up: 38 dewa and 35 a month, llaaaec treat 9900 to 39.000. tats 3200 sad up. hi all parte of Sellwood. List yoor property wltk no; we will cell It. Willamette Tract On Willamette boekrrard. orerlooklng city and rlrer. 6-cent fare, lata SOxlUU feet; price 3300 nod Bp; aaa eaaa. so per moa c A. Eygaweki. Wlllametto station. 9 BRAND-NEW boose, esleet neighborhood, aesr car; prlcee adranclng all regt fa yooreelf; see this THI CONTINENTAL sorsncing an uw; isrms; pay CO.. 943 Stark at. 9-ROOM hawse aad let in North Irrtagtoa; price 31.400: 3400 caah, balance 110 par month. Jenne. Trimble Bj Trimble, all Majwnam. SO AOR3P3 choice tana land, good a best., hern, 9 cisterns, frnlt, berries; eery deetrsble for beast; H mile north Gray'a creasing. Meant Scott carllne. George Clark. MODERN BOMB. S-roean boose, gas, electric light fins lawn, rose baabee aad sbade t taraaee, son Beat Mala. Ted, Bast kVBB yoa looking for a home or aa latesteat? Good real aerate is aaxa. we aero it. Be fore yea bay ate what we bees to offer. at. B TMOtti-aon, 939 Mlaelslppl ara. Phone Wodlawa BAB. COSY attb) borne. Al condition, near ear; high, S0NTIN,VTA'L,O0.., 343 Stork rt BUY a let oa the eaat aide; 5-mlnnts ear aerr- ke wiihln welkins rilBtnace: fine going ap; prlcee from 3600 ta 3800; terms it dtanttd M. B. THOMPSON. S4S Mississippi see. Phoae Wodlawn GREATEST CLOSE-IN BUT IN PORTLAND. 14 par cent bireetaseBt; two beantlfal Bbaaat. extra fin lot, close ta as Catsa are., this side of Broadway, paying 843.00 per month; dirt cheap at; terms bid,. ALL CO., Oaaoard FOR SALE Otroom hoaaa, lot treea, Meatartlla. only 37SB. 1 North Grand are. 79x100, frnlt FOR S A LB 40 serfs, bouse: 8 acres cleared, running water; near New berg; only 11.000. J. J-Toaaar, 1 North Oread ate. NICE 5-room bonae. close to good school, larre lot, for tale cheap. W. Kllhorn. Lenta. FOR BALE By owner, tlfnl new. -modern bat I ef the moat bean to Portland: 9 large rooms, fireplace, plate glaaa window doable floors, tttlned, wssed sad ftatshed for rage: on tile large furnace, fell cement basement; hand eonie built-in tMeboerd; wood lift, lanndry. In fact srsrythlag one would expect to find In first-class boose; fall let or mere if desired. Anyone wanting turn a home call aaa nil snow yon through noose, vs a. ll at.. ceraar Waahtastna. IF YOU hart a fsrm, chicken reach, acreage, city or ksburhan real eststs for salt, call upon, write or phone aa for quick reeulle TWO BARGAINS Quarter block 10th tad last Stark. 13.900; and 23V, scree oa the 0. W. P carllne and Reee bine road, 6 seres clssr. sll fenced and running water; 33.000. e Owner : B. 340B. ONI 3 story hoaee. ground aoxlOO, aad gtaata; ssat siae: cioee in. ppiy sso swat umy St. Phone Esst 1999. 9900 BUYS 3Vt scree garden land with modern t room house. i mO from Beeeertoa. 342 Msdisoa. AN elegant new 6 room cnttsge; modera. foil cement hssement. lot TOslX. line location. Piedmont Park; easy terms i greet saap If old before Noeember l; before buying else- where ese this cotters. O Helen Realty Co., 938 Leather Itehtage, Second and Stark BARGAINS FOB SOMEONE Mr modern h.Mne fell 1 .,. , t. blr lot dStV4l. ) klnda larre and email run leefct to beet earHoe In rlty. ("half sash. No 1390 list ill sad Bast TaaB. OB kail phoae FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Send One Dollar Aad w wlU Bat rsa property wttb LOW ri aetata naaiars wa ara aa BBSioaa is ear aaldom falls ; aaad aeocrtptio. wa at helping many otbera. Why not yool Address The la wur i Guide, til Nirqun Mag., Portland. oaaasm. 14 ACRES I aril want af Otaidtaanjl ralb-oad eiauea; price a,uv; wiuuii oa come aad aaa. - J? Mohr, Hllwsakla. r. r. a aa. B900 -BOttM haatae. full let. 3390 dewa. bei aaca lie par month, Inquire 1IM4 Beat Utb at., aaUwaod. LOT aa East Parts sr. 50x100, toy ftss, ales aarroandlnra. Ball Run water, newar. ate,, 1180 caah, balance 10 month; Terr cheap Call lOSVh Fourth at., or phone Pacific 9394. BEAD, AMD CONSIDBB WELL. We can aall roe wild lea it la aaatara at wee tern Oregon from 34 to 1 10 par acre. This lsnd Is second ta none when pat I celt lea tlon. It will par the investor or hoacaother to toveetigeto thai propoaltton Wa also bars good lmproeed farm, city property and acre age, sawmills and timber laada. Come ta aad see as. TURNER A WALKER. i orttaad, uregmx, i BXMBMBBB RABT BIDE PROPERTY IB IMIKOVING 1KvaLI:E RAPIDLY AND THAT Wl ARE MAKING A SPECIALTY OF RABT 8IDB BUSINESS PROPERTY, B1THTEL KERNS, f SBt last atorrlson St. ' . HOLLA DAY'S ADDITION- block, 9 modera dwell! net. cement baaemenu. lawn, trait. era, asateei awewaia; cnaap toe caaa. hi t Third at. . north. East S2.BD0 S-ROOM new banana, full rement ment, electric nsturea. paresiaia nntn. comer bit TOclBS: beat bay In Pled moat; aaay tsrau. ' Barrett Jane., 080 Bherlocfc hid. Main 4SL W.T0O- Holladay Park addition, quarter black, eae block to car. TOWN SEND eV DELASHMUT. SO Alder at., roots A. 500 Homes For Sale Parma and City Property TBI INVESTOI K8 afnnn an. 811 Harquam SI Of Portland. Otaaaa. FOR 8ALE FARMS. FARM BOB SALE. IB miles west of Portland. W tab I or ton county, for cash only; 63 acres, B clear. well cararaiee. aa craea; rooa wen. well, sprina. and aVrooro biefcaaa. bees,' nne trait, aew wire rancee, i hoaaa. ban. stsisebnld mods, cb tools, etc.: IH ml lea from railroad, eehool and church. Telephone line, milk roata. B. F. D. S4.S00. Mrs. A, K. Laetwber. Bearer ton, Oregon. 3 ACRES 12 cittlTatad; SBOO timber; stock crop; 1.500 feet from ear. 11.960. 804 OeM emlth at. 3.000 FINE little anburUn farm. S3 aaree, vaHlration: a little timber.' eaoaab md for a Ufa: Daarinr i for a Ufa; beerus orchard, orer to rood 5-raam bona, larrs barn, milk. frnlt aad chlcren-boasaa: rood well and epriaaa: all reared; new electric line sur- rayad a ear property : mlrbt tnke part la tanas. Baa West. 107 Sherlock bids- SMALL FARM FOB BALE TO acres, SO la cultleatlon. 11 acres eld bona aad IS aew. all well netted and wired, road hspbnaaa. all fen cad. fair bouse aad barn, frailly orchard, IVi miles to Seed town, noma pasture aad timber, all rood la ad. trail located: hare la a narrate: S Lisas of bona at taw present price will pay far the place; this Is a aarfsla at 33.000. Tn- quire oa WARREN STATER. Mehuanetlie. Oregon. 80 ACBBB good farm land, good buildings. IS allies from city, price 34-000; aaay tatais S4S Madlaoa. TWENTY -EIGHT DOLLARS per acre will bay a of the finest Irrigated stock ranches bt math count r; 300 head of aback aad TOO tons hsy included; If you are looking for an Al lnveatmeat that's It. Bee as tar price. C. U PARRI8H CO.. 423 Lumber Exchange. Phone Main FARM VOK BALI. IB Jbweissed farm. 199 acne, af HaSbard; S aerea la Dope; half cams, balance time, anlt T purchaser. James Boe, Route 2, Hubbard. Or. 3 la ACRES, half mile sooth of 0. W. P. line. 12 mtVas from city; all down timber: eaelly crearea; sso per acre; go terras. Miller. 404 E. Alder. FOB BALE Choice JOO-ner fsrm at DIBey. Waahtegtoa coenty; 80 acres bottom land, rood balldlnga. clone to tow aad rail. T. H. T.lttlahsles, Vorest Grore. Or. HOMESTEADS I bar about 12 homestead. for ssoattoa: bearerdsm land, no clearlnr. 25 miles from Columbia rlrer and north bank road. Inquire at 317 Chamber of. Commerce city- TIMBER Timber We bar barrhssers tor Urge aad small tract of timber; eae patron alone baa placed 000 at ear disposal. What bare yawl oniy. v Schuyleman & Co. 34-33, 227 Vt Washington .t CERTIFIED scrip, any alas pieces; lowest prlcee. W. O. Howell, 938 Chamber of Com- MINES AND INVESTMENTS. INVEST IN TUB WEST; OUR GROUND FLOOR PLAN GIVES QUICK PROFIT; 200 600 PER CENT PROFIT; tad thai atarpeoy to exploiting the Oaark aad Wild Reee raid ratese (Pierce City, toga); share with them the estimated profit. 990 to BOO per cent: 920. 980, 300 ore how aa the Oaark daap; ska ran sdrsnes Nor. 1. BIO COMPANY BUST. LOCAL MANAGER BAYS THOROUGH BX- PLO RATION IB IN PROOF Ben O. Baatwtok. manarer of the Oraaam Idaho dlrtatoa ef the American Mbssa com pany, says hie cor rem ceartlaaes exhanetlrn examination, far nod pronertlee threes boot the northwaet. its, eg tie eta carat that bare been nrgaalaed by the holding see the A CO ad. comnanr. Anhne eomnanr. New York Arbnaa company. The' home company r It capitalised for 32.000,000. hss ka London aad New Tork,- Thomas F. oriicee Marphy president, Beat. A general I B. Alien Black nea-preel- baatnaea of ownlnr. l leasing. naarathig and laglnnilng hi fallowed. the engineers on the stsrr are lweeaaa n Bay of Sen Fmndneo, D. W. Hart ef Batta aad Franklin La 3a S ef Dearer. A mm has Mine, company, limited. Portland, Oregon; capital. S3.0O0.00O; per ralee of aharea, 3100. no .ml. table. Of fleer: Tbom aa P. Murphy, president. New York; B. Allen Black, first rt c president. New York; F. T. Berrr. reel estete. second rtca president. Portland ; B. C. East wick, manager Oregon Idaho dlrkdoa: The B. C Battwtck Ftnaiara company, secretsry. treasnrer. andltor. "In the gold fields of the west there hi a great ruiere Br ndlcata eoasosny. limited. Na. 1. under the laws of the stste of Idaho: a arbor - capital. 91.000.000. dlrided late 1,000,000 m of the par rarue of II. gerleen Mining lew ting Syedlcate com. . limited: I dartre ta bee mat a member ef year syndicate aad hereby subscribe for ana roa ox earn aynaieate at two 121 ta pet ahere. BTaelaatt 9 Fall same Street aad No..., Town er city County and atate draft. letter, check. aaetafflco order er expreee money, payable to B. 0. Baatwick Finance company. 984 in B. C. Eastwick Finance company. 3S4 Park at., Portlaad, Oregon. No certificate for ieet thin 130 .hares Oct ta with Ba aa the Oaark aad Wild Rnaa mraoa at Phrre City. Idaho; 900 to BOO par eaat profit. Ml nee. sat prospects. J. C. I EE COMPANTe HIGH-CLASS STOCKS AMD BON ML We are ilwaye In the market either ta bap er ecu any sans mining er er todaahrhxl Brokerage It will pay yoa to get ear W. H. DONAHUE. Mgr. 19-90 Lafayette Bldg. a i fJBOTB JI'ellsSWaT MANJHO STOCKS. I aa In the market to bay nr attl say first etass Ooeur d'Alene or Nerada mining ate ttoeka; tme for latest Information regarding aa T. P. BROWN, FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. for sale - tin freak half Jersey sad Bel stein cow 417 Orsnd are., ear. Kearney at., MeetartlM. WW. Bhaaa. T03 North HORSES. VaWICLEa, HAEWlctS TOJ CANRAYB UOHVT Portlnjid wXamtt TrflLrtet'oa. 340343 Tsaat Washington at. la the psaee. HORSES sad bag alee far read by day. week BOB SALE A BtaBehaaei astsel tea deilrary wega aa seed as aew. Pkeae East SPSS. BARTER AND EXCHANGE. 10 ACBBB. 2 seres orchard, 1 acre ehra 7 ruom house aad bath, water piped to aad milk boss, big tank, gaesrtn engine, water piped to Irrigate. . gad bant, fall of hay; Soft plgeoee; 100 rfalckana. horse. I eowa. baggy, 1(4 miles from Oaaby. IB from PertUad; S3.8SO; wjll trade atr hones aad 1st la Portland of equal ralne. BBVER A MILLER, 404 East Alder Bt. WILL exchange 40 scree land 30' miles from Portland and eaaa lor god-paying rooming v do, cere journal. FOR tALB-SCELLAWEOPB. CARLOAD aew colonial wall radiators, any 100 laa feat rslraatasd and black Dine, all mass, op te a-men. in any quantity 10.000 feet Inch eteel rlreted mining pipe. Carload trace chains. Six large dyuemua, all makes," aew. All kinds second-hand machinery. J. SIMON 4 RRO. 244-240 Front St. ORRAT bargain sale heaeehold feraltar. eon elating bedsteads, springs, met tree., pillewa, blankets, comforts, spreads, shea La, allpe. eatneu. Unolenm, matting, table, chairs, rockers, kningae, pillows, kitchen treaaurea. cook and heating atorea, gas rangse aad beet era, leu pa. cooking utensils, wardrobes, feed ing bed; ell in good ardor. Can Tnssdsj. Thursday Saturday, from 10:30 to 3:30. IBS WE bay. aall or trade any eld thing. The Peo pla's Fnrnltass Keaat. pSK Front at., corner Salmon. Tel. Mala 4200. BOOKS bought, sold aad exchanged at the Old Boek Store. 229 Yamhill at. BILLIARD AND POOL tables for rant or tor sale ea aaay payment. THE BBl NBWICK-BALKE CO I. LENDER CO, 49 Third at-. Per Used. SEWING MACHINES bought, sold, exchanged. 36 tad up; sine rented. Western balvagb co.. 021 Waahlagtoa at. Wl print your name on BO calling cards, proper slut and trie. aSc; 990 baalnea cards. II A. W. Bchsssle Co.. 199 First. Portland, Or. Wl need furniture and will pay fall ralne. Phone Pacific TVS. western Barrage to., bzt CHEBRY TREES of the only orignal parent tree, the new cherry, the Qtset; drat -cleat tree Julius Kelllch. Woodlawn. Oregon. 9 BAB FIXTl'RES, pooltabla. aafe. tablea. ebalrs. WESTERN SALVAGE CO.. BET 30 SLIGHTLY damaged aewtag machine, at eery lew prlcee; Singer, Wheeler Bt Wilson. DaaktstJc, Whllte. gtnathosd. Dart, aad otbera; to make room Car mnr stock Wheeler Wilson tnd Slngert. S. 8. Slgel. 336 Mor rison st., Msrqnsm bldg. AR TWITS' m.terUl., pictures aad framing. I. H. Moorboeas Co.. 813 Alder st. daUrered to any pert of city. Ring Lee. 271 SHOWCASES aad flitnrea. aew and aeoeed- nane. carksoa KalHtrom. m SHOWCASES, counters. Hxturea. bought, aold or exchanged. Wee tern Salrag Co., B2T Waehlngton at Pacific TBS. B. C. BLACK Minorca cock re la, near Nortbop strain: Bern better; 33 each. Smu 174 Clinton a tract. HOLD EN S RHEl'MATIC tTPRI Set I for Bass Br ail orosSMts. mm brown relent carpet 14x18. bat little need; eaU mornings. 491 East 1Mb. near Tina- FOB 8A1 lLB at yoor ewa price, upright Hardman 30a"? Vk " "trigerator. CHICK BRING nlano. 1125: Stone. 900; Fisher, 32B Sao. BUM) Mt St., Main. imstnlis FOB SAL Scotch collie nana. Inquire 1171 HewtJ are. Phone TO bar 90. HAVE g aew caah register; will sell st s radar Hen. Address H 106, cere Journal. FOR quick east ef rooming huaait or real estate eaU 943 Madlooa. Phoae Mala EVANS' Vacuum Cop cures bsldness. coat BOB; factor Balrears Co. .097 Waehlagtew at. PERSONAL. DETECTIVE AGENCY Confidential lareatlg. tlona: reports furnlahed oa iadlrtdntU. thrlr character, reapoaaibllttr. eta-: had debt col lected: mitalag relstlres late tad; charge. Iissansblt correepondenee eellrltod. Oregon Deteetlre Serrtce. ofBeea 909-904 Fliedner bldg.. 10th sad Washington eta. Phone Main 9919. - PBBSERVE yoar hair; eelentiac treatment: dendrnff aad I raft poeltlrely eared; gray er faded hair restored ta natural color with out the nee of lead or dye: French face treat ment, manicuring Laodon Sanitary Parlors, salts 99-94 SrtUag-Htreeh bldg 30th aad Washington. Phone PacASe 2458. PURR. SAFE. SURE -Dr erson'a Comaeaed Sarin aad Cotton Besot 'Tills; the bast aad only reliable remedy for delayed period. : cure the moat obstinate eaeaa m a to io cays, rrire r adr hex. stalled ta plain wrapper. Addrree J7 Pierre. D. 0.. 131 First, corner Yamhill. Portland SEX INK .flLLS rare sll forma ef atr tons er maetulcr weekaeee. For men er weasaa. Price 31 a box, S boxes 36. with fall guar aatas. Address er call J. O. Clemenson. drug gist. Second aad Yamhill st.. PertUad. Or. A. REINER. PRACTICAL FURRIER Etpert fitter, fare remodeled, repaired aad retired: SO years' experience I nearer entire satnfketlaa. Phone Pacific 9097. Learta bldr. BALM OF FIGS tor alt female diseases. 323 Beat Belmont. Fhoae East 4084 DR. O. T. Kircadat carea preatptly prlrata Biuney. nsrreus, sain sna specie I csn or wnit. time itJU Third St.. Ysmbtll. Pa cine ZZ2B. ANT a tfrung sad br nalnr Bexliee Pfna. the rreat 81 a tor. S boxes 99. with fall anarantec. Addleeg or call I. A. Clemeaeon, drmeglst. ear. aticsa aaa t amnui sis . rcrtiann. or. TBS. Palmo Tsblets mske you sleep perfectlr: they care nsrrousnees aad mass yoa stronc; price 90c e bo. 0 boxee 99.30; guaranteed All druggists, er addrsee Brooke Drag Co., ST North Third at.. Portland. Or. HOLD ON There If eae thing that will cure rtienmttlem. Aak yoar droggtat for bark tonic or address or call I. O. Clemenson, drugglat. Portland. Or. HOLDEN'S RHEUMATIC CURB Bare care far rbrnmatlsm. Sold by all drsggiets. TURKISH BATHS. 900 Oregonlan bldg.; ladles deye, gentlemen nights. Mala 1SSS. DISEASES OP WOMIN Prlrata mstsralty hos pital, quiet location; tpeclal cere. Dr. At woed. room 3. SBOHj Morrleon. Tel. Pac. IT S3. DR. BINO CHOtlNd. Importer CMaaaa iwat medtelaeei sells Chinees tea. certain cars for nil dlsessss 191 9a. bet. Tsmhlll sad Taylor. REFINED lady. arrlred from the Boom d. 201 1, DOLL'S HOSPITAL Repairing nnd dreaalng. 931 Ysmhlll street Sweet Denser." "A 1 (1 B eShSW BraeTt A - nrnua, "a, wo Marriage la High Life.'' "Twenty Tear. Hue Sag." "Prieeaer ef Beads. ''a Sorts! UonHio ceata each. A. W. Schmsls Co . BUIT8 preeeed while yen welt, 90c. Ladles' skirts presssd. 90c. Ollbert. 10SJ Birth St.. next to Quelle. Phoae Main 308" EUREKA BUSINESS INSTITUTE The braaohea; ftsal thorihaad systsm. 343 PtlYRfCAL enlture nil branrhea. aad tadlrldaal and claea loetrectlen; prfrate treatment if deairea. i ae tuagiar 999 Alder at I 'bona Mala 1991. VOIR sao Bhlnsd free of charge et the wShep; sbsrlag lac, WEBFOOT Oil Blacking tr eolutely watarprnof. MANIt UBING ehkmaejdr and alcohol nSSdag, Itomea. Parlar 93. BSSik Btaeft. ladles aaa gsallasaen. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. waawaaak,w, lanak-, n, eVvee-i.xw-Sa, UsVr mum Mi fM; tm$ . m MOLES, wrinkles. sagarBaews hair rtesered. No charge to tan It erar. Mr. M. D Hill 830 RECENTLY opened maatcnrtBg parlors; l.fl.l aad saatleosha. 301 Msrrtooa sr.. VIAVI CO.. s MOB.. 33014 Morrttoa. heaUh Tharedays, 2:90 p. a. tolas te SUBB GIBBON grows hair, cure daadi hair, corse dead ruff. paest as. OBSH Msrrlsoa at,, waraer 4th manly OlobtleeT Oae month', tree trees t, S3: 9 moatba 99: neat aan nr alt sealed br a Aganja. Woodard. Clarke I Co " Partis nd. Or. YOUNG lady gleea fi face a Washing aad scalp masssga. tivk era. MISS RAYMOND gleea masssg treat n BSm Morrleen at., room 14. T EVERY mother should see Webfnat OU Black- MARRIAGE PAPBB Publishes mora personals, con.ummatea more marriages, hss beat claea meraheea, best reference; estsbUehed 10 years; Incorporated; paper lOe, sealed, t. L. Lore, Bex 1000. bearer, Colorado. OPERATOR glees treatment atr rheumatism; ".ang u.ia.u-, neevr warn. soils "lfu at., cor. Taylor. LADIES: Sab druggist for Chichester's Brand Pills; retarded aa ttiallah Diamond Bra beet, sefest; always reliable: bay of yoor druggist; take a efher. Chlcheetsrrs Diamond Brand Pilie are sold by druggists aeeuahets, CbJebeeter Chem. Co., Phlla.. Pa. WANTED By ederly. resnectsble worklngman, lb acquaintance of widow with farm or tame meana matrimaalslly rndtaed. T. Btaeey general dellrery. ASSAYERS. OABTIN CYANIDE EXTRACTION CO.. aad Montana Aaaay Office. ISO Morrison at ARCHITECTS. SEE Johnarm A Btorrs. srchltocts sad banders. sbout your modern store fronts, dot Best MorrVoo St. Phone 48T9. H. H. MINGEfl. Architect. 113 Second St. ART. FBEE LESSONS la embroidery erery day; aew siamsed ablrt waists, coraet-eor'ra, bo lero Jacket., hat, umbrellas, etc. The Needlecraft Shop. 382 Waaktngtoa at., be tween Weet Park sad Tenth tit. PROFESSOR R. MAX MBYBR. 348 Aider. I Portrait aad madeeape artist , end toaehar. ATTORNEYS. J. B. WINCHESTER, attorney-at-law. notary jnbllc. 58 and DO Washington blOR. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. BUTCHER SUPPLIES S. Btrkenwatd Co., 904 BOS Ersrett St.; largest butcher supply an the ooaat. Write far cataieVwa. BUTCHERB' SUPPLIES Adotpb A. Dekem. 111-133 First St.. carries s full line end com plete assertmeat at leweet market price. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE. DAVIS KILHAM. 100-111 Second st. Blank bookl ktaaafaetared; sgeats for Jones lmproeed Looso-Leef ledgers; see the new Kureka lesf. the beet on tbs msrhet. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. Y. A. MILTON, tbs carpenter. 904 Fonrtb at. Store and ofOce work. Main 1737. COAL AND WOOD. THE PORT! .AND FUEL CO Successors to C. R. DAVIS FUEL CO S3. SET East ALB UNA FUEL CO. Dealers ta cerdwwed. cos I sad green aad dry elabwood. B. R. and Alois are., 3 b locks east of ferry, last 374. STEEL BRIDGE FUEL CO oadaoud aad dry abrbweod Deelere la coal. Phone Eaat 424. OREGON FUEL CO All kinds of coal aad wood. 334 Alder eL Phooa Mala SB. WESTERN FED ft FUEL CO. Hooes aad blacksmith ceala. Phone Main 1018. BOX. black and elabwood. Star Boxwood Co. Fhoae Mala 2MB. CARPET CL EANINC STANDARD Carpet Cleaning Co.. largest plant an the ceaet. Lortag aad Harding eta., tele phone Eeet 9SO Carpets clesned. re t ted. eewed ead laid; both eteem and Utsst com pressed air process: rsnorsttng msttreeeee aad festbera a StWtUIO. SANITARY carpet cleaning, auction and eom- eir comDiaeei: carpers eieenes oa Wtthsat MafJ Ik o.-.;4. Mala CARPETS refitted, eewed and laid; first -el work. I. EL Damns. Phoae Beat 646a CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill. Boom 330 Fliedner Bldg. Phoae Pec. 133. CLEANING AND DYBINO. Portland Steam Cleaning ft Dyeing Works; prac tice! hatter la etanertlna. 911 4th. ParlSe 307-. CLOTHES cleaned aad areatld 31 Ba Unique Tailoring Co., SOB SUrk St. H. W. TURNER, professional dyer end c leaser. 60S Jefferson at. Phone Mela 9919. COLLECTION AGENCY. DOBS ANYBODY OWE YOU MONEY? WB COLLECT BAD DEBTS OR NO CHARGE. C1TIEENS' LAW ft COLLECTING CO.. CITI BBMS' BANK BUILDING. BOOM 13, 123 Si GRAND AVI. PHONE BAST 8033. CAFES. THE OFFICE 285 Washington at., 771. Samuel VLgneex. Mala CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST rL'' FOB A FEW DAYS ONLY. A SPECIAL 33 READING FOR 91. ALWAYS rONBULT THE BEST. I HOF E. KHIMO Greatest llrlng nstrel deed trance rlalr aoyant of the age: ADVISER ON BUSINESS AND ALL A P FAIRS OF LIFE; whoa yoa will marry hew to control the one yon lore, area tboagh ml lea away: renal tee the asp arated; glees secret Powers ta control. t will do al others adrertlee te do, and a great deal more. THI ENTIRE WORLD HAS BEEN STARTLED WITH THE POW ERS OF THE UNSEEN FORCES I HA VI AT MY COMMAND, and I prase tt to yea with out price by ft Tier roe a iggB i sn r aaa By baring your NAME TOLD (IN rnj.i. JUST WHAT YOU CAM! FOB. and gtee yoa adrice a wao rarely riu neiere yea to haee a reodtaa. WHO CAN OR DO MORE TO CONT1NC THE SKEPTIC I DO NOT MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY. AS IT i WILL NOT BR OFFERED TO YOU AOAIN. PROF. R KHIMO, Perms set ly Loot ted In His Own Home HOURS, 10 TO 3. DAILY AND SUNDAY. Ho. 939 Fifth at., corner Median et. c-rs. 98.X, 3 A PROW. 1SIBJO, 3S3H WASHINGTON DENTISTS. THI CHICAGO DENTISTS. 893 Wl at., ear. Styfh- Oosrestee all work. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. PACIFIC EI.ECTB1C CO. Stoglaeere, rostrar Wwo9t, Pwr'fBraTa,B. SWsfrte WlfsTtR aWp9llFS. o4 First, enr Stark Mala SSS. W. H. Yale, aagr WESTERN BI.BtTRlC WORKS. 81 Sixth st - iFB, PWHnt" SWUBfOMfSwR, SBwf esf RbM we hattall Ufht aad power ate at. I still! DANCING. PORTLAND rtonetag Acadatsy, heading school; haBrooa. ettoaetto. oarreet sandal sad easass WOODWARD DANCIHO SCtrOOL Class. Men.. Thar, and Bet. see.; raildraa't clsss Bat sfterasea Social, fancy sad stag tmmkm Tueadays. PBOF. EATON Oaaetag sc xras. E-t ar-' DRESSMAKING. TB Y Angeles Dreesmsklng Parlor., and Mala. Pacific 099. EDUCATIONAL. MARY DAV1B MAOINNIB. teacher af nataa tlonal and aatarallatlc china ; water -eosar . .peel ally. Studio 321 E. 8th at.. If . 1 awehntsBmaati 1 1 timmaaanaana FURNACES. BOTNTON farm-air furnaces sare fuel. 3. Cy Bayer Faraace Cb.. 380 Seeoed. Mala 481. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRE IRON WORKS SOf eisnosrs st., cor. inira rnons sxaia auuu. EAST PORTLAND FENCE WIBB WORKS. 190 East Water at. Phone Beat 921. HAT FACTORIES. KAUFMAN. 1 THE HATTER. 99 rteane aad block, aoft and stiff kau. Pana m.a a specialty. HOTELS. THE BELLEVUB, Fourth aad Salmon at. Rtttai ate ap: rstes by week er month; oat-of-Awn trade solicited. PadSe 9103. Go; WEST HOTEL renata from so cents aa: mesU 99 cento. Serenteath and Esarett eta. MOTEL Portland. American plan: 93. 99 per day. BELVBDEBB: Earopcea plan; 4th ead Alder rtt. HARDWARE. PORTLAND Hardware Co. solicits opportunity to qnots erleea. 74 Sixth tt. PacUc 433. INSURANCE. JAB. Mcl. WOOD, employer.' liability and In dlrldual areident eecurtty bonds ef ell kinds. Phone 47. 909 McKay bldg. MACHINERY. B. TRINKMAN ft CO. Mining. .aWBtlll. glag machinery; hydraulic pipes, caatlng; kteda repaired. 104 North Fourth. AUTOMOBILE mschlne werk.aaollne a transmits looa aad eteerlng gesrs. N. M aaa. 263 Oread are. GASOLINE engines, aU aOke aad Sty sat lowest prices. Relrson Maahlaery Co., IB st Horrmea st. THE H. C. ALBBB CO Second -kind chlnery. eewmiilt. etc. 949 Grand are. A. 2. PAUL. 109 First et., OBgiaoa, hollers, antll nkacklnery; Wicks Bras.' gang. MONUBlENTS. NIU ft KINGS LET, 999 First at, Portland' t leading mtrble aad granite works. MONEY .TO LOAN. e '1.1,1 MONEY TO LOAN Oa lmproeed city property or for beildhxg purposes, for from 9 te 10 years' time, with prlrllege to repay sB or part af lea a after two years. Laeaa appruetd from plaae aad money adraaeed aa building progreeeee; mortgarea taken no and replaced. FRED H. BTSONO. Financial Ageat. 343 Stark et. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any aalarled employe, wage-earner, oan get ea bat Bote, without mortguge mean. k Moata week i. s menta wssa. or SS.60 er 33.89 er 98.36 or 11 43 or $2.00 or (lOO BDU.110 Repay to aa ais.aa or S.i Hspay to us a S. Bo .00 Reaar to as 3 4.00 930 McKay bldg CONFIDENTIAL LOANS aa atlsrlea. teenrence policies, piaafla, furaltare. warehouse re ceipts, stc; any dtsa line person stay aeenre a liberal adraace, repaying by aaay weekly or monthly Installments NBW BBA LOAN ft TRUST COMPANY, BOS Ahtagtoa bldg. MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE fait en yoar ewa name o other seenrlty; don't borrow aatll roe aa eae; any system Is tbs beat for railroad roes clerk a. kukkitnttl, atreetrar men aad all other employes; bust nee strictly confidential F. A. Newton. 434 Ablngton bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE And otbera upon their owe entmee without aeearlty; eheaneat rstes. italiai payments: offices ta 00 principal cities: sera yearaalf money by getting oar tcrnm first. TOLMAN. 2X2 Ablngton bldg.. 108V4 Third St. HEADQUARTERS FOR SALARY LOANS money can a norrowea. ea eesy pay plan, loweet rates; strict Ir ronSdentlal CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 498 Mohawk bldg., oar. Third ead Morrleon. DON'Tebortow money oa salary antll ye Hutton Credit Co. 912 Dekum bldg. MONEY TO LOAN On city lmproeed real city fcaprosod real set to at 3 aad T par eaat. 3 er 3 rears. Meal tarn ft Scobey. 901 shamble bldg. MONEY loaned ea furniture, plane aad ether aecoritlee. W. A. Hathaway, room 10. Waehlngton Bldg. Phooa Pact Be 1833. PRIVATE ataoey te loaa ae real aetata; rates reaaoaabts; assrtgagee bought sad aold. 0. A. Johaatn. 919 Csaasrrlal block. 9300 to fo.OOO to loan by prlrata party ea city end so barbae reel eststs st 3 sad 7 per eaat. 402 Commercial bik. MONEY ta Man an sll klads ef security. William Hell, room 9, Waahlagtoa Bldg LOW rate op fqrnltnre. etc.; confidential. EHedner bids-. 10th aad Weak. Parts : TO IO AN -Soma to anil on chattel eecurtty. R. A. Frame. BI4 the hUlwacw, A LOAN for the asking Salary or chattel. The CO.. aro ueaum oiog. MUSICAL. LBSSON9 50o Put ee, ratter, hsaje. wsbSbIIb jS 41 H Flrtt ,t., corner Main. Mr. THE WEBBER STUDIO Mandolin, baato. gal tar laatrnattaa; Qfitoen assBdeila jit him. MIL TH3ELHORN pupil of. SEVCIK. Blxth. Phsos Mat LEV Y S MUSIC HOUSE. 171 Fourth at. Full Brwa Qagrtarx, McKtoley. Bdlltoo. Wand, etc. PIANO, rteato, piaao. trombone, etartoet. Pra I feasor B A. Smith. 394 13th. MAb 4703. mmxaammmm mmmm mmBoaapassM am ookm a aad Oak tita. ajiaaia SSS; jltasi aad fUTsltars OPTICIANS. artS tZfi2?JS tHSS&' lr:"ro!Z . . . - - - . i , . irw Front aad char ata. ii D. CBAMBBBB- " . - """ I aw .aSnaaSBwA nrroht armor 1 at. we - no iniinsls a.aiiai sw ee a mBBhaBRt tetiaetei nil a : nmlbTi i.ttin. I BBTef kro ittaS, ta Ftrt rt ljaai Mala TIB. htg asssks, LiftT " t yB PLUMBERS. rox A I o eaaltsry plsmher 331 Second. rtotef MsIb sad Salmon. Oregon Phoae Mtln 9001. DONNERBEBQ ft aUMblaoTWai, ttaataS tk POST SI'F.' IAI Mo. SOS Baraside at- j mXSl" ? 'BaBsBBBBBBaHBr FINANCIAL M.iUS' "o. BAJTE, POBTLAJfD OkEOOH esse. Drafts the weak. VBTTEB STATES BATI0S Al BAsTX OF V BwfhBiat Orewee Third Che Catted Btatoe see Laeepe. SfUgkoeg aad Vto?PrasJdei .J. C. A1N9WOBTB I at.. .a. BABBBki I Asstotsst Caahtae iL'Z-'J AATXERr St LTMBERMEV'S BABK-Pertlarf. OaegetL Corner T BABTt of OAHTORSfll Btltkfhaj.d 1334. 1 ,. CapiUI paid ap 34.000009 I ' 1 w e'w 1 t.cnera I Banking and Bxehana Baslnoss psrAgtMINT Aceonnts Way be opened -of 30 tad BP BIB. PartJaad Breach Chamber of Commerce Battel eg. WM. A. B7ACRAB Maaager I JTRaTT BATXOBAL BAM3C OF POBTLABD. DiSMtatij ead .... t. MILLS W. C. ALTORD af Credit A citable In Telegraphic Trsnefers Btohi Ereheng. and Telegraphic Tra safer, le principal patera to tart ea Isiassn. Sight sad Mass Mils drewa In aama to anlt ea I ainajaag, Yekohsass. faMra3uyrea. Certotlssis. TRUST COMPANIES. b-rOBTLABD TRUST COBTPAVT OF OBZOOB Mr RRSOURCRB OVBK at THO area. (laaeal toren hundreds) en dally baleaees ef 9SBOer orer. lerttota of credit end rsctoaars oa all "f. Sertnre seeonnt Time certificate. 9 ta d oar sent: .abort can aaraetal eertineesss, 3800 er erar tu t. a e ari. noaraee.t Oorarr Third end Oak BINJ. I. COHEN. n. l-WH PAGET. . C ECU BIT I SAIIBaS ft rati OS 7 pjsta s aVsaeral Baahtag Bnetaeae. SA VINOS DEPARTMENT. let ares t A 1 leaned ea Tim. end Bsrtnr. Aeeoants. Act. aa Trastss far Estate. Draft, ,v4 Letters at Credit A rail she. to All Parte of the World. r- r. A DAMS Preaidant I A. L. MILLS BVecend Tlea PtasitW www. r. an fB kniTeis. n i ii.mawr Trana.rte a General Ranking Bast Bass. Interest Paid aa Ttsss Dep. rt meat: per cent taterest allowed, nai.atl I eoarterby. CAP 4P7TAL. , , 'pr-td-i a. w. WATERBITBT President I BTkT Temple. Seeenth aad Stark Btreetal" ' 'piw 194. 0enoseerday Beeahsg 3a ft BkT3RXMWEBTEBjr BBARArrEE ft TRBT fXJMTAjrT-wtlaad. Oreayea. 2? OVABANTEE ft Bxchsnge B. B. Ce FISCAL A i a no and Baa aaad. Stocks state, fkmetr. Meet lips ITLE OVARABTXE ft TRUST COMPANY 340 WABTC73TOTOW STREET. MoRTOAOB LOANS ea Perrjaad Baal Batata at Lowest Rat J. TWO KB URN BOSS. OBOBOB a. HILL. ' sy ' ' Pygjldjgyt BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. M 0BRIS haraf htearlctBal. rethread sad B-X0WTrn,o.H0PRIS COMPANY Estsktlsk J STOCKS. BONDS. GRAIN Bang Prlrata Wire. BOOM 4 CHAMBBB eytKE 2. Bee a LEE COMPANY 10-33 Lsfaretta Brokerege Department Barta orawiitag Stack a Us Before 0UI3 J. WTLSE HOME TELEPHONE BONDS BANK STOCKS. Member Portland Stock Exchange. ' Ceraar Blxth ead WeakrlagOsa Streets. Perfl aad. fhngea OYcrbeck. Starr & Cooke Co. Otatlaaeea Msrktta by Priests Win. Oatah Srrrtce. REFERENCES Land ft (Jattag Btetaa H ttaosl Bask et PertUad. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN 8. DR. ARNOLD LINDSAY, graduate ef the Osteepethlc college of Ktrktrtlle. Miaeoart. who Is s specisllst on rbsumstism. stomseh 7nd sll fetaato diaeaas. Office 410 Falling of Thtra aaa wssnington m. DBA. ADIX ft NOBTHRUP. 413-13-17 Dekum bldg Third end Wash lag to tt. Phooa Main 939, BraitaBettoa free. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. V. B BEACH ft CO. The Pioneer Paint Co. window glass Sod Staking. 136 1334. PRINTING. THE MODERN PR1NTIRY Artistic printing Pacific 1698. RUBBER STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 93 Alder tC. ahone gaga, trade thseks; braaa signs sad P'stos. REAL ESTATE. PABRIBH. W ATKINS ft CO.. A. B. RICHARDSON REAL ESTATE A LI ivinaus urana oaso. aaa tmatw or ROOFING. TIN BOOFINO. gal taring re, irtag a nd general yebblng. J. LmM. 212 irffaraea at- Pac 1424. SIGN PAINTERS. FOSTER ft HLBIBIB BJfJSr. . ' . We bare built ap the largest algu laalsia ta the fit. by work aad sweotag ear prsoilaaa Oar prima ara right. Firth ead Ersrett eta. Phoae Hi. 63. W. P. BBROER ft SON, 3S4 Ysmhlll at. Signs ef all Made. Phone Pacific 2933. "SIGNS THAT ATACJ-'-A H 387 Stark st. Phone pattSe OaTft, al Co.. aw SAFES. PORTLAND SAFB 0x eole agents for Hall Marrtn aafee sad Minos Be Be Oa-'e bank eefee. The tareaahaat thTBsjr hVtr4r-' DIEBOLD manganese aad Bro-proof eefee; look east eae eed; atctal Sxtarss; ranlt and tail workiTacka. J. B. Darta. 03 3d. Mala 166 TIGHT aeeses fire proof aafe aad two safes far aata Shawl ap. si 70 Bliih et.. Portlaad. Oa. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES af erery description; keek, bar aad stark Be tar, made to order. The Latka Ma au farter lag Go. Pert lend. B. H. B! SMALL, destaaar egont M. W Intel Lnaher i.. 7 ttaeslTtsn hidg Mala BMP TRAN3PBR AND HAULING. THE BAGGAGE ft OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO ear. Sixth sad Oak .te : klggigi checker: from betel er imllilli dtreet to leet tea tlon t Sapnta. Pel eat exeka SAri'S planoe resdr far ek sad fnrnrtnre morrd. packed e ehipntag and ahlneedi all work 4; isrgs. 1-story brick. SrsaOtiet a Sir storage. Offer 903 Oak at. ktaaw PhewA Mala 647. guaranteed; U wsrakiasa Set Otota ft n n oirBT. otftae SB rirot at aerseeeo Beach BANKS. asbo et sB a. hat. e taea I aeallabt to Careja Tree fere estd an m sad Moot. a. ail Brt BBggjaiSi n; i2jj52ijjj ' reined Aeafksb. aa aad Letters of Credit flbetlsna a 9aWQWF POBTLABD. 0BXOO. ead Oak Street. km ag Manila. 1 n leectteoe Itaee se fte Ferr. Cashier. .a or Atetatant .A. M. aUr- twe. Baa iii Vas?!oS'2'' aw awn ureal 1 leeu fnen. .WUee. transacted Interest On Time Depoalta. Sarplea sad J. T. BOBTCHABLL. .. 0BEOOB. riaeardal ef to TJafksd I Cjshlsr... TT , Be 1 1)1 aad the Eastern States said aa Bear Tack. Beaton. Chicago aald he Stnekkaba. St The Oldeat Treat h.nklne 4 nee earn totssnet oa check BUaUBntS Call for Rook mt 'II.LCSTRATI' treeta. Phone Prlrata BtoaBaaaa H. L. PITTflOH J. o. ooltrT.. naweaary ..9'tL.. , L. A LB B. 4. JUBI' ml Baa, 1 1. . a I o aT a ; sttLKST: C. W. MILLER The frtaatawal ad Stark B CORPORATIONS eaaa Bougkt aad Bold New sad I Foratabed. jno. n. a e a e al0CTeea? a s . e ffJBs9WrRr T. T. BOB pahtle aerettt sd 1 hi deal Bold far ef COMMERCE. Bldg.. fltflaal. H. rt er Ba AhraytTa'ao Too SleaaF. OSB , r&TFFL STREET PAVING. ' aaaw - WARREN Ceostractto Co.. etreet par la. aide wtlka aad croeMnge. 814 LsWhetEaswaaw. AaakaR P. ring Co. af PortltmL Office BBS W or roster blk. TYPEWRITERS. Wl Bell Boalngtoea. 8ml to -Premiere. a tret, etc., hrwer thee a ay other compear: torratigate Uaderwead TypArttaVco Oth. NEW typewriters, sll make., rented, sold and repaired. Const agency. 931 Stark Tel. 1407. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, brush, soap. 11 pee month. Portland Laundry and Towel Supply Co.. Ninth aad Coach. Pheoe no, TELEPHONES. THE nnly exclaalrs toltahiat haasi. Electric ft Telephone kUaafkcUrtas May. 99 Fifth St. 9J.-B. WINDOW SHADES. GALE WINDOW SHADE CO.. 997 Salmea St.. CJhZ'Tm&i erdar at WHOLESALE JOBBERS. THE BBETMAN LEATHER CO., Jobbers of aaauiery. nerwware. sixse gnens, tteokar. Bad lags aad shoe store aaapBes. Plfta ead Oak. M. A. OUNBT ft CO. DISTRIBUTORS OF FINB CI G ABB. PORTLAND. OREGON. OREGON For nl tore Maaafarturleg Cat Msaofsrtartrs of furuttare far the rwraaaa. oresoo. SHERK. GAFJC ft GRAHAM (lac. I T simlaaliia yoner. w iron, JOIIBBIt, 933,1 eollrlted 199 rreat at. FURNITURE manufacturing sad spatial ardera, L. Burenefcy a furniture factory. 307 Frost at. WADHAMS ft CO.. wholeaala rtoeeft, axann fartarrre aad snaabartaa atarchaata. Feartfa aad Osk ata. EVEBDIHO ft FA KB ELL. prednee aad eaaa. miosis merchant. ISO Front tt., Pertlaad Or. Fhene Mala 179. ALLEN ft f-.- .-. 7 siriiaii mI.' Frfnt ana nana ttt Fort lead, or. BTBW ft WAYNSplohatara sad maw amvvna mu WHOLESALE crockery aad gUeewam. Praet, Hegele ft Co.. 130 to 103 Fifth, nor. Stark at! WINES AND LIQUORS. COLUMBUS, Call tarsi win depot: all kkade f o-tae. 9c a gVaa Conks' awl Cooks' Help era Headaatrtart. 149 Fourth at Pheoe Pa- I7UC SiiN. r BOY HIT BY TRAIN NOT SERIOUSLY HURT (Special Dispatch to The JoaraaL) Olytnpla, Wash.. Oct. ..II Kred Bcnter. t ltd of U years, njjt brought to thla city Inst eronioR and -piaoael In the hospital, having ho am a truck by the northbound Oroya Harbor paaaajlgar train, near Oekvllle. He recovered oon arlouanaoa after being placed la f ba hoa pttat and aaya ha oooa not remember anything about tha acoldent. An axamtnatton by the attending aur gooa fall to discover any probata b 010 or ooTlouo Injtirl.a. CONSUL MILLER IS TO SPEAK AT EUGENE 1 nape tab ta Tha, JoaraaL) of Or gem, JOugene. Oct. lay SBOfBlBE at MtO. BBS-