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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1906)
It NEW TODAY. SPECIAL If You Wsnt Choice Lots on Portland Heights AT $400 Each on Terms Call During the Next 8 DAYS ON White & McLennan 804-206 OREGONIAN BLDG. Phone: Office, Pacific 997; Resi dence, Main 4589 Tabor Heights On of Dm Stoat Beautiful fjlty in the World WUl So There. Consult with Mr. Oilman. 411 Wash ington street on bout the lota, 10x111. 100x135, and 13x136 fact (159 feat from Hast Morrison street car); situated on Tabor Heights, the undisputed queen of all residence property. Easy terms. Main 2471. S. L. N, GILMAN 415 W-ffton Street fl.lOO For a well paying Grocery store, Morrison street; rent $25.00. 03.500 Tor a well eatabllshed cash Grocery buslneaa; $40 rant. Including barn, warehouse and six living rooms. We have several good general mer chandise stores for sale on a discount JORDAN 4 G ARB ADE Small Investment 16 Per Cent $4,000 Lease Shay, 304 Abington Building We offer a proposition requiring $70,000 for enlarging a very profitable manufacturing business near Portland; no opposition and impossible supply demand under present conditions; fullest inves tigation E. S. Jackson & Co. Phone Main 348 248 Stark St. R. L. GATE HAS MOVED FROM 111 SECOND ST. TO 226 Stark Between First and Second Real Estate, Loan s and Insurance PHONE EXCHANGE 70. Northwestern Guarantee i Trust Co. L tun, her Exchange Building (St Floor) . a. Oar. Sad and Stack ts. TELLS YOU . Conservative Individuals and financial Institutions of the country are Invest ing In our high-class first mortgage se curltlal coupons. Gold Bond securities netting to 8 per cent Interest pay able aenjl-annusliy Investments of fered by Oils company will bear the closest Investigation. Every element of speculation la eliminated. You ars In vited to call and Investigate. Own a Home Wa buy or bulM you a home on easy monthly paymenta Have several now houses now. $1,000 up. Come In end nik oyer our plan. uu ix sow. a a. Mgr. 1ST TEN ACRES ENOUGH A flrst-class living may be made on thfc plsce on Line rood, a short walk from Mon'jvllla. Price $2,000, on easy terms. HART MAN & THOMPSON t'HAMRKH OF COMMERCE . Choice Acres One to flre-acre trai ts, close In, on O. W P. Ry ; "holes bUck soil, im ' proved ; $$ per sere, eaay tenaa. Jordan & Garbadg Eassa It, !$ltt Waaulngtun Street. JBZSjom THE MEW TODAY. Acreage WEST SIDE All level and in high state of cultivation. Close to Car and large three-story ninth grade school. Abundance of Running Water; Excellent Onion Land; pos itively the finest, most sight ly and productive acreage now on the market. v We personally own four large tracts covering several hundred acres which we have divided Into small tracts ranging from one (1) to ten (10) acres. Abstracts showing per fect title will be fur nished with every tract regardless of size $150 to $175 Per Acre TERMS SCHUYLEMAN & CO. Rooms 34-35 227 Washington Street Acreage Tracts Near tbo Portland-Salem electric car lino, t to 11 miles from Portland amall and largo tracta in the REAL. Tualatin Valley, lying on the Tualatin river. The oholcest lands In the state. Call and see us. We can suit you In slse, bane, quality and price. Terms f 10 upward par acre. Reasonable terms monthly payments. Investment Co. Acreage Snap 10tt acres on Portland-Salem oloctrlo oar line, f miles from Portland, front ing on county road, near graded achool and churches; fine bottom land and un der cultivation; good bearing orchard; house, barn and outbuildings. Price Investment Co. Irvington 414 Ssst 121b St., North -A fine new rood era ft roost boast; 4 targe bedroom, closet off each room, tennis s Urge pastry hd chins closet: Urge hath sad toilet; fall esnerets basement; stationary washtubs; hedge of roses, beet ssleettoB: n Uwu. comes t walks la front sod around the boose; cement steps; street well Improved; good sewerage;' sew Brsssds carpet en the Soon tad aUlra; new bade to window; gas stove, gsa heater; I ket-Msst eesl stoves: $2,100 policy, run $ j oars. Price $5,000; $2,000 dows, balance monthly payments, $90 per month. 4 par cent. Beeldenee Ssst OOTft. of Ore PaehV 1444. Grand Avenue Suarter block with large 10-room dence on southoast corner of Oregon avenue $1,500 caah, $4,004 on terma to ault purchaser. HARTMAN & THOMPSON t CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Auto. BiaarAfir $2,300 B-room new house, full cement base ment, electric fixtures, porcelain bath; corner lot, 70x118. Beet buy In Port land: easy torma. $S$ Sherlock Bldg. Malp 411. South Portland Southwest corner Fourth and Hooker streets, 10x100. grand site for a resi dence or for four houses to rent. Can be made to produce a big Income. of OoeasaoroOj OREENWAY (PORTLAND HEIGHTS) The most beautiful locations In thle addition remain unsold. Bull Run wa ter, oloctrlo llglitc, gas and graded .tracts. Superb vUw of Mt. Hood, East Portland and Willamette river. Choic est lots $100 each. Tsrms. WaTZVS ft MX-WHAM. SSI SOI Oregonlaa Building. CLASSIFIED NAMES Correct Hot of Oregon snd Washing ton farms, fruit, train, hops, potato and stock growers, number in family, ages, Oto. Call or write us for prices. Rural Directory Co II Fourth street. OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. TUESDAY NEW TODAY. TO DO BANKING Me matter hew email year boiiaest maj be, save s beak aeeeaat with the OLDEST TaUST COMPANY HI OREOON. The assail merchant who ha s beak sc count sdabllabes hi credit, baa safety for hie rath and pay hU bill, with check la a business manner You are Invited to open t'a account bore today. Wt par ' . ... tata CUT INTEREST Rl ANNUM. Os dally balance (even hundreds) of $OO0 Write' or call tar free booklet of rurnraAriOsn." Portland Trust Company or Oregon axsovsoBS ovaa $1,70,000.00. ft. E. cor.- 3d sad Oak Ms. Phone Ex. TS. , BEN J. I. COHEN Prealdeat H. L PITTOCK Vie President B LBK PAGET Secretary J. O. OOLTRA Assistant geeretary WEATHER REPORT. The w eaters Men prewsre ares has coo traded la area sad remained nearly stationary over the northern Rocky mountain atatss. The southwestern dUturbance has advanced eaat ward to Missouri and Arkaaaas. Thle is the dlaturbauce which caused heavy snows ye tar day la Wyoming. Colorado and northern New Mexico, tad rain and anow art now falling U Nabrsaka, Xanaa. Oklahoma , Arkansas and MUaoarl. A new auturbance has made Its appearance In the Canadian northwest, which has .caused t .light rise In tempera ture la Washington, BrttiVa OtlambU aad westers Montana, hot so rata or anow kss yet at tended IWa attrm within the region of -earvsttoss, resettled weather prevaUe la the Atlsntlr states, sad light rains hsve fallen along- the cos at from Maine to Florida. The Indication, are for .fair weather tonight and Wednesday In eaatrrn Oregon, eastern Washington and Idaho, and for fair weather, followed by ahowets, la western Oregon snd western Wtthlngton. Observations taken at 8 a. m.. Parlflc time: Temp. Stallone , Baker City. Oregon Breton . Maeearhuse t ts . . . Chicago, IUlnois Dearer. Colorado Ktaaaa City. Missouri Las Aagele. 'California . . New York, New York.... PortUnd. Oregon Rosebnrg, Oregon t. Loula. Mlaaourl Halt Lake, Utah ... Sua Pranctoco, California Spokaor, Washington Taeoms, Wtthlngton WtUt Walla. Washington Wstklngton. D. O Mrs. Mia. Pracfn, . 44 . $4 . 5ft :8 . T4 IB O SO T 64 22 50 48 5fl 40 84 52 2u 48 30 4c :w 6ft t. 40 To 44 54 5ft 58 MARRIAGE LICENSES. John T. Bafllsg. 414 Coach treet. M Mettle A. Turnltag. ST. Leslie B. htoulton, St. Johns. Oregon, to; Ella M. Center. 28. Ed all B. BlUtnga. 4X1 Oxford atreet. 60; Mary V'wttrd"ceY it; Bsssls ArUng ton. 32. Wedding gtoo bldg Cards. W. O. Smith ft Os., Wsh ;., tor. fourth and WtthlagtOB ata. Wedding and calling cards engraved or printed E. T. Kuakton, 3X3 Si Washington at. at lea Bertha Martin, room 111 AUsky bldg. dumping tad An needlework; leseona given. rail drees ault. for rant, all else. Unique Tailoring Co., gOS stark at. BIRTHS. BPBBBT October 10. to Mr. snd Mrs. Lewis E. Sparry, Portia ao Maternity kespltal. a MIlLeB October 16. to Mr. sad Mrs. Cheater A. Miller. 140 East Taylor, s boy. DRYDEN October 1. to Mr. and Mr. John P. Dry den, 480 Sett Tweary-esveBtb. north, LEWCLLYN October 10. to Mr. aad Mrs.. J. M. Lewellyn. Arbor Lodge, s boy. KIIXBN October 1R D Mr. and Mrs. Thomas BARBEE October t, to and Mrs. George Barbae -tfll n.v a wir M ' MATH October 10, to Mr. ssd Mr. George McMsth, 3Q8 ascramanto. a ooy. DEATHS. MUBPHY Died October XX. at Tonopah. Ne vada. Melrath Murphy, Infant sob of Mr. and Mra. Will Murphy, and grandson of Mr. tod Mra. J. L. Melrath of this Hty. BBOMOAN In thU city, at the family retldsnc. No, 000 Kerby at . October . 1006, Thome. Brodlgan, aged 44 yuan. Notice of funeral hereafter. , WINSCHE Octeesr tl, Oer trade Wloseas. IT years. SH Alder mitral Insufficiency. JOK ELA October 33. ftanford JakeU. 11 yeara. Bt Vlacaat't boapttat, tunanot wound BBAMIB October . rbreaes BeamU. year, Good Samaritan hospital, typhoid PARKER October 10. Henry Parker, 01 years. torn oi Waal uu. myvwcj. BOTHER October XI. Roaie L R Rot her g years. BOO Vsecsover avenue. pnouinonU. FUNERAL NOTICES. DOVE At residence. 14 Beat 11th St., north, October 11. 1008. Isaac J. Dove, aged 74 rear, ft months, beloved hatband of Mra. T. M. Dove ssd father of Mrs. Percy Aaria. Mrs B. P. ray. Mrs. Otto Hosk. May A Gertrude. Mtephen T. George I. and Joseph S. Dove of thia city. Funeral will take place from retidenet, Wadseaday, October 34. ap-S:4S t. m.. thence to St. PrancM church, Rttt 11th and Oak ata.. at 0 a. m. Inter ment Mt. Calvary ceawtery. Frienda re infect fully invited. VKKIERB -In thU city, October 28, 100ft. at 800 Weldler St., the realdence of J. F. Hasd, William I. Vlggaat, ana of William and th Uts Ijura Vlggrrt. tgtd T retrt. Prlenrta and acquaintance, ars respectfully invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at the above residence it I p. m., Wed nesday. October 34, 1000. Interment at Greenwood cemetery. UNDERTAKERS. McEntee ft Gllbaugn. undertakers rs: modern In every detail. Seventh sd Pine. Mala 430. Lady assUtsat. A. B. Hssastsck, undertaker and rmhalmrr. East Thirteenth and Umatilla are. Pboa Sell wood Tl. Brlekton Undertaking Co.. and embalming. 400 Alder st. Phone Msln 8113. Lady assistant. J. P. Flnlev ft Son. Third and MtaUaon ata. Of Ace of county coroner. Phone Main V. Clarke Bros., loral de.lgna Florlata Fine Sower aad 0 Morrison at. 9- Edwrd Holman. undertaker. 220 Third St. EIVXBVIIW CXnTTTYRY.. Single graves, $10. Family lota $T5 to $1,000. The only cemetery la Portland which nor petually matntalna snd cares for Uts. for full Information apply to W. R. MackenvJe. Wor cester block, city. W. M. Ladd. prcdosat. REAL ESTATE TRAN8FER8. A L. Stsae sad wife to Daisy D. Wil cox, lots 4. B, 0. block 10. FalrvUw. $ ISO Title Guarantee ft Trait company to Carrie A. Wheeler, lots 3, 4. block 4. Islington Height. 1 Plrland ensapany to Berth Harm, lot 18, block 10. Flrland ITS t. C. Alnaworth to H. R. Elncald, lot T. block 00. Coach addition ft.noo Aaedes M. Smith et al. to Donald Mc Bss. Uts ft and 4. block A Holladay a addition to Eaat PortUM 8.250 W. H. Nam and wife to Ida Rergstrnea. lot 4. block SB. North Irvlngton 300 John Hewett and wife to Kweo McLen uaa. block SO. Peninsular addition No, 4 1.000 Charles A. Wilson and wlf to George H. Brtggs snd wife, west H of 1st 18 block 11. Cestral Alblna 1.300 Sarah A. frauds to Mary B. PTinn, lot g. Belmont Pises u, 800 Thomas Connell and wife to John Pltnn, lot 11. block T. Baveneevnod addition . 1 Point View Real Eatate company to W. A. Post, lots 11 snd 11. block S. Point View ... 228 Mrs. g. E. Bond to Willie E. Purdy and wife, Ms 1 a sd 3 block 4. Tobssos addition California Vlsorlt Powder company California Powder wtrka, t parcel In erctlnn XI. township l north 1 eaat . Arlrta Land coainany to John Carlann. lot 15. Idork 1. lua Park A Met rand company to J oh a Carlann. lot 23. block 8. and lot 30, block IS. ArUU Park . 3. .at... ...... ....... LEARN REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. John Carbon aad wife to Bertram D. Hans, lot 16. block 1. Iaa Park..... W. A. McCslla to Nsacy i. MeCalla. lot 4. block tl. Ea.t PortUad . .. . . Osergt W. Albert to Ullias L. Albert, lot I, block 5. Gay's addition to Al blna B Lee Paget and wMs to Portland Trust 100 S I company or uregun. eouiu rt v . I a hUk ta Vorth Alhina t 30 1 1 Title tJasrsstce ft Trust company to Lycurgu. aloaher. lets B sad 9. blosk; f, Lexlawtou Heights . Eugene Muter and wife to J. C. Alas worth Jr.. west H of hck 00, Oar tsr's tddltloo Strut n T. Adam to P. P. Kelly, let it block &. Severaaoe agldiaan to St. freak ahlegei. "triiatea. ' ' jics Ewen Brtatow, lot IS. Anas Maria Park . .. . The WltlUm Sherlock company to the Willamette Iron A Steel vrorks, lota i I il. I, W II. block IS. Shcrl.- k ddltloa; also fractional lots 1, 4 aad lota B, S, 0. 11. block 10. Sherlock's addition: also tut I, . a". Doarher'a sddltlos w J r.tton t sL t Rebeoea Me- 18.000 Lenaaa. lot 1 of tract H. Oreesway addition Jtcnh Sebwabsutr snd wife to B. J. NsUoa ssd wife, lot 18 and 14, block H. Alblna Joseph and May Msllch to Annie 8ni.ll, lota 1 aad S .block 0, fox eha addition a P. aad W. H. Oabura to Joshua sd N. M.DsnleU. Xt seres of Steps Robert' donation land clatm, sd a part of lot 1, Mctlon S3, township 1 north, range 1 ssst; also south H of donation land eUlm of William and Luclna Taylor; also parcel comma oc tag St southwMt corner of north H of donation Uad clatm of William Tay lor, township 1 north, range S et... Wed H. Othorn to Joshua snd V M. Mr Pastel, lot 1 f seefloa 20. tewnabip 1 north, range 8 tttt Kite Ward to Louisa Olesoo. lot 1. block t, Msplewood addition . . . ... . . . Joseph W. Wlntermute and wifs to J me UaU, Iota 1 sud X block 10. Lssrelwood William Adam, and wife to W. I. Price, lot 18, bloek 11. Arlets Park N- S- Arista taad company to W. I. Prtee, lot 14, block It. ArieU Park No. .. Lillian E. Hobklrk to Mslcom McGregor, block X. Hswtborne Aven. eiVlltkm N. Johasoa sad wife to Bsr.h I. OUsan. lot 11. block 13, aubdtvlslon of Proeb stel's addition la Alblna Jamea H. BUck et al. to Cord Ssag staks. esst H of lot 1. block 40, Couch BlUsbsta" C ' Hicks ' to' Irving' 'cV"Hick; lot 0, Est Psrsdlse Springs Treet... Irving C Hick sod wife to Csl 0. nd A. Mmmona. lot 0. Ssst Paradla Spring Tract ; Th Land Company of Oregon to Josle T. Broeren. lot 0. buck 13. City View Prk Q.oo-.'v The United States Investment Corpors tlon. Ltd., to Thomas Schneider, lot C, D. B aad r. la aubdlvialon of lot I, block 13. PortUnd Homestead 4 1.50C 1 0,060 loo 1TB 130 128 10 460 1 1 1 1TB 1.300 For aba trie ta title, hnrorsar or mertgsgs loane. call on Padac Title ft Trust company, formerly PsdSc Coast Abstract Guaraty ft Truat company, 204 5-ft T falling bldg. Get your Issnraaet sad abatracta to nal sststs from the TltU Guarantee ft Truat com pany. 340 Washington atreet. corner Second. NOTICE. NOTICE f We, the undersigned, hsve thia day fanned 4 ropsrtnerahlp snd sre now prepared to handle til kind of real estate, take charge of rental property, look after collections at a reasonable rate, mike losaa oa conservative valuation, represent good Insurance com panies: wa will make an effort to ptessa our cuatoauers as we bars In the paat. give svsry body s aquare deal and hope to hsve part of the pstronsgs of the purchaatng pubuc. Your for boslaesa, . w ' OTTO, CROCKETT ft HABKSON REALTY COMPANY. 243 V Washington at- SEALED propoaala will be received by the city council of the city of Nswbsrg. Yamhill ore von. sntll 13 o'clock. BOOB. OB the lBth day of November. 100ft. for the con traction o pips una save s nans-war w connected to the present water system of :he Aid dry, as provided for hi apeclflcatlons filed la th ornee of reenroar. Bias to ue sabttltted In accordance with propnaaU pro vided for la asM sasclflcatloos. Right ro mrvod te rauet "VWsLSON. Recorder of City Of Nswbsrg. OWING to many reqaests for aplrltual read- Ings Mr. NUbeth baa deddad to give a limited number daily by appointment only 3B3 Savaath al. Pboa Mala TOSS. SEWING-MACHINES repaired, all kind yeur house; guaranteed. Phone Pacific XJ at guaranteed. Phone Fselnc xjsu; no agents. Loaooa aswiag-siscBine nepair lag Co.. 8. Sam, adjsster. SSI Third at. $00 REWARD StoUn October S; s bay boras. $ yer old: wall built; good condition, gen weight 1.3O0. P. P. Oonley, Brooks, Or egon. HEATERS repaired on short notice st Air -Tight Stove Co., 271 XI rat. rnoas rcinc ma. MEETING NOTICES. SOMETHING doing tonight It George Waahlngton camp. Bet ter com. Ylattlng neighbors welcome. Woodman hall. Tenth and Waahlngton ata H. S. AARON, 0. C. H. A. FREDRICH. Clavk. WASHINGTON LODGK. NO. 4ft. A. f. ft A. M. Special eoae nmnlratton this (To ssd ay) even ing. T:80 o'clock. Burkhard bldg. M. M. dSfree. Visiting brethren Invited. By order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND, Secretary. I. W. A. EVERGREEN Csmp. 6.400, meet Wednesday evening. AlUky bldg., Third and Morrlaos st. CIRCULAR LETTER CO. facslmlU typewrit, ten Utters; ddrlng. mailing. X1U Stark. PORTLAND ORCHESTRA Muale for all oo ca.lnn; reooble. Main SBOS. or 4ft Lucretla. M. W. A, Oregon Grape Camp. No. 0,0TB, Men days. 17th tod Harebell; vlaltora welcome. LOST AND POUND. POUND A place to have hair mattresses rant rated aad returned earn day. 338 front at, Main 474. Portland Curled flair Factory. H. Matsger, proprietor. LOST Monday, about 4 o'clock, aqua re leather purae attached to gilt belt. Reward. Plume Main 3830. LOST At Oaks rink. October 18, one gold band bracelet, initials "I. G." on Inside. Re turn to Journal. Reward. WILL party who picked up child's blanket with Cdd pin, on Second or Pa via ata., pie aae to itnt st this onlcs.snd receive reward? FOUND A large cow; no boras; with bell. E. fsatallag. sfllwsakle sr j HELP WANTED If ALB. OOATf INISnER wanted tt ones. ConmbU Woolen MI1U Co., Seventh tad Stark. EXPERIENCED ladles' tailor: stsjdr work; $34 per weak. J. K. fttsm. 412 Waahlngton. WANTED Good all-around fnrnlture man who nnderatanda laying carpeta. Address V TO, cere Jonrasl. WANTED Two or three flrst-clsss. all around machine men; permanent position, good wages. Oregon Furniture Mfg. Co., Macadam reed. WANTED Experienced bookkeeper for position In mercantile ornce; muat writ gooa n.oil sad he accurate St Bgures, ears Journal. Addrra L 37, WANTED Tinsmith, st once; wsgss $3.60 to 3: ateady job. S. O. Miller ft Son. Aurora, Or. WANTED Errand boy; most have Marie; good wages. Apply st Roaesthal'a. 140 Third. WANTED -Star holt rotters; good pay, ply western i perage uo... sou an Steams bldg.. city, or Hoalton, Or. ' A FIRST ('LASS butcher wanted st Jones' Market, 161 Fourth st. TWO eollrltnre, household good. Third t. Call 381 BOY who can set type sad fsed sassy. Johns Review. Phone Beat 81Sft. ANY BOY that waste a aodtlon with a good futare: wages $6 per week st start. AddrsM. with reference. H 110, Journal. WANTRD Boy to learn printer's trade. It quire i ' ft RusssU ft Co., "(jHtlltr Printer. WANTED Boy about 10 yesreTld. wll rest bid. willing to make himself ssstuL Third St. I ion Clothing Co., 100 THREE coal miners to develop coal properties. V Tl, care Joornal. ' 1 eaoaaiH EVE KINO, OCTOBER, St, HELP WANTED MALE. WANTElOEirrt. AQjTNTB, naadUr. casvsssses asd Street wsrh- ' era, get seer sspplU from tt. M. Plummsr. 1 100 Third St.; new goods, bettosa pricss. ' .. " ' AOsTNT for Portland for th oly ral. Lm- Wanted vz&ss!$F at- Bars sad girls over 10 yeses of age to . ran caah aad attend door. Apply to super- EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. Intendsat --. TB30LDSM EAGLE. HANSEK EMPLOYMENT OfflCS FOR MEN. SO Noath Second tt. Pheoa Mala 1638. TT ' " THE PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT CO., WANTED Yonug people to Brasses thaasMlvse 10414 Morrison St. Phoo Padfls US. as hookkespers sad latgiphra; hsve hsd 541 calls state Swptamkw 1; placed 3B8 Is aijinb gmploymast Co., 305H .McstUosk St. ta.l'n.y Wsit " gsr" Walkw Bodnsss oallsgs. W ANTED 1 wouVdrsssed. ads rated awo to WANTED TO RENT. sell Chart I lad ley Warner Uhrsry. world's --"'-''- " ' - - '- best literature; call only en parsons who WANTED TO BENT Hoases, cottages, flat. hat written for particulars; saw preposition 1 ateree. offices, roomlng-booaas, etc. Land- Itbaral rommUslos. Apply bstwssa S sad lord will do well to call on 13. Globe Publishing Co., Columbia bldg. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. ' " Phone Ei. Tl. S. Cor, ad snd Osk. UOiOll HOtCl wTnTKIV Haesg room with .Ink. la . 81 NORTH SIXTH ST. quiet pUce, by lagU mas. V T8. Jsaraal. fra employment to oar aalluSf." ' ' """ Wsskly rstss: Boost, $1.31 ap: room sad .., . ,m.-ivva board. $4 80 up. Anderese, proprietor WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED Salesmen; many make $100 to $160 l Mala 1458. per month: soma eves more; stock clssot sum teoo. vAnted grown oa reservation, for from dd orchard;, fUBNITUBB WANTED cash advanced weekly; choice of territory. arJr w bESoT ZZXtJ""' portend Action booms, ywmm. iraT-.. fl glr,t at. Main 6868. MBN AND WOMEN to learn bsrger trade In , , - . ' , eight wsssBl graduatea earn from 118 to $33 rLll.?ZJ . V?"", J'TJl ?,JJ w'ekly; expert instructors: catalogue free. 7 5 tnr. 7. 11 SrJa.d " "" ,'U Lta,CM.,nh.,:d.Ubo?kUt,1ft" St.. mrusns. Weajsy Laid, 404 Bay bldg . Leo Angelea. WvrMfC T Fu"r!r.,,YfiLl!r" HIGHEST pries p.ld for mea'. cast-off cloth- osra. 83 X. 14. C. A., yourtb sse Ttmsill. lag. Phone Pad fie 40. Uncle Joe. 88 Third. hieSirroSl lnZF?fZEZ WS WIU. BUT SELL OB TBADB ANY OLD Shim' mZnLSTt ooaWoT THINCL WESTERN SALVAGE CO., 0$T- ctjco' 'n'oT j,1 038 WASHINGTON. PAClfIC T03 YOUNG man attending badass, collage want. w" J-J. 'SS'.J.u"'' place to wort fsr board snd room. P 86, Wsatsrn Sslvag Co.. dST washsagton st. cars Journal , "THE DOLL A B" want 18.000 worth of second AGENTS wanted to sell auparlor, high grade no IS"' "a UralwL'lsid h.d '' rtrf 'tori .trsst 'lflratta.,t" "r 'liiT ,l,tyWrtCapltal,Ua,tf ' Nxry&Jny. SbOBt It. W want your trad.. "Th. PolMr " Salem. Or. 11 TWO thoroughly capebl quarts mlnsrs to do- FURNISHED ROOMS POR RENT vUp a prospect. X 04, ears Journal. . , . . . i HOTEL PALMER, 160V Alder d. Steam heat. WANTED-Aa eipertonced bookkrair. on. . ae- "ijtrle Ugata, hot and sold wetar. n" tvwihiths. psredafa tuba: a fw hourakrap- , tton camp pre f erred , Address V 00, Joornal. anltta with gas ranges; maid ear vice; LINOTYPE operator. Immediately. $4.80, oat jaflO per week op. SiJiirJiS'mMili T" RICHELIEU. 18 Va North Sixth st.-BhV weat Newspaper Brokerage, SOB Goodnough gtnUx fnrnUhsd; .team hast snd bsths. WANTED DeUvary boy, .toot IS or 14 ftp. "'''J" JadnT ply PortUnd Oyster Co.. 137 North dOth at. tooass wltk steam Seat ana oara. I'S'1,'''B ' " ' "" LINDA VISTA 34T.U fifth HeuMkeeptng HELP WANTED-FEMALE. room, with hy window, snd shypUft room. - FURNISHED rooms snd furnished bsusekesptag rooms for rant st T81 Vancouver sve. CAPABLE WOMEN WANTED , ..2' T.oa-w'?K wn not earn more thyr, a THE GRAND. 46 Vi North Third at Booms far 1 dagl Be Independent ;do good. The VUvl (MitWmet $1.36 per week-and op. Co. already employe 12,000 woman; the work , cover 33 ecu u trie, of the world: we will THaj WOODLAND Elegant modern furalabed entertain appllcettona from capabU women; room la beautiful private residence, fl par not canvassing, but helpfnl. digalned work. ags gjxU ,t oor. Madison. Addres by mail only. Vlavl Co.. Lewi bldg. . , .. . . M THE KING 800 Jefferson, rooms with every HOME LADIES' AGENCY. cosvenleace. $3 per week snd ep. 188 H Fourth St., corner Morrison, npdaira. Phone Msln 6838. THE WOODLAND Elegant modern fnrnUhsd Alongside th Y. M. 0. A bldg. room In beautiful private real deuce. $10 a ' . i . naooth and up. 386 Blxth t.. corner Madison. GIRLS WANTED Operator to work on shirts i. n asaaSaaaaai nrnaxir sad overs 1M. lessons given to Inexperienced. 'ssst TyUrnl.ttacC,, 5 " ROOMS AND BOARD. WANTED OlrU to msk "Boat of All" over- NICELY furnished room snd board, private aUa tt T6 first at. hoane, for two. Mais 10S8. HB 14th St. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGBNCY. 843 V4 Wssh- jg,ra& JTSSi eqe rent housbreepino. WANTED Girl for g.njral hcovrork: ntuUl M 'J&ZZZ. f.mlly. CaU st once 800 Park st heet.7rtL 1?5 itanfwn, U cmT7 FEW lsdltt wasted to asstat making easy WKKK up. large, clean, furnished boos, fancy work a pa re time at Soma; good ateady kMpul. ruom,- ,Undry and bath, ltd 8her- 6., .VwSaS'T'"'- "" oS uth. Portland. , ., , ' ., . . . THE MITCHELL lis ssst. .ping and tranaleat LAprator4slrV7raJgdk .,rt " 0.U room. raomU. Seventh nd Fl.odera. MO fUldoer bldg.. 4W Washington at. 3 g 4 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS WANTEf-Sro hedy-lronrr; d ..- -Ground floar; asd hath. TcL Bast eT oUymsat Oregon Laundry Co. Phone Ssst NBWr,T furnUhed housekeeping saltts; on two 'ft ear Unas; hot end oold water; hath: free OIBI-Cbocolst. dlPPm s.d Aide. If-JW ' 0r'- ' Candy Co.. 10th and Ollssn, " .JT 77Z I ', . . TWO fnrnlshed housekeeping rooms, bath aad WANTED-Young lady. 'r1 t"'.' pastry, modern, first floor of eottsgs. Call l(8 esra'Sooresi refsreneae. aftsr 8 p. m. Phoo Pselfk 018. 808 Ms fax. OIBL for rawmd wort; good wtoym. Phon. jboeraplag-roo-s; bath. dt. Pksma Main IBM. r. , . i WANTED Competent houseglrl: also aaatat c.r. vsrktx TXVtlT urtTTBsTB Ing for boy 1ft months old; no waahlng. Room 'OK KIH1 HUUBttS. 330. Th Hill. -" WANTED 3 waitress!, oat of dty, $25 snd . " room: fare psld: 4 la dty and 1 chin- 7-ROOM SUITES In the modern brand-new barmaids, $35. room and board; domestic. $20 brick boa. Morrison and Loamsdale: quick to $86. Home Ladles' Agency. ISOtt Fourth walk down towe: surrounding Al. Apply to a d. cor Morrison. Msln 6828 PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY Of OREGON. ' 8. B. cor. 3d and Oak. Phoo Exchange T3 GIRLS wsatsd to work in factory ; good wagea; rtsady employment, fadfic Coast Biscuit Co. " WANTED At one. experienced ssUsUdtes FOB BENT -4 handsome, modern 7 -room bosses. cloak and salt depsrtment. Roberts Bros., conveniently Iocs ted on Thlrd-t. car lis; 010, Third and Morrison. SIS snd 014 Corns tt at.; rent reesonsbls to AsdrsbU tenanta. David 8. Stearns, 340 WANTED Experienced liners snd OnUber for Waahlngton d. a.l snd ans work; good wagea. A. Betas-, ... . ' Lewis bldg. 8-BOOM modern houae, choice location. T4B Eaat Msln. Henkle ft Hsrrisea. SIT Abington bldg. .WANTED A girt to do general housework; . 1 wage $26 4SS 14th d. FOB RENT The 13-room boose. 107 Wsd ,. - i Park at. Inquire of Strong. No, 188. WANTED A respectable lsdy ss housekeeper ' . for 8; no objection to 1 or 2 children. C. HOUSB with 8 rooms. TSS Johnson at., $28 t Hewlett, IBS front at., corner Msdlsoa. montt. Isgmlre Loweagardt. 11 Park St. WANTED An apprentice: nay wkOe learning NEW 8 sad 7 room modern fUts, sightly. In New York Millinery, 138 Third St.. City ojotre 018 Kelly t. Phone Mais 8818. Market Square. HOUSS for rant raaaonabls, with gas stove. 083 Third at. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. rOR BENT T room hens, corner Gantenheln mm eve. end Monroe mt., $14: 6-room cottage, WANTED Flrst-clsss lsdy snd gentlsmsn can- ssms atreet, $8. Hartman ft Tbornpeoo, 3 vsssers; salary and eommUsfca. Cell st Ckambsr of Oommsree. Agency Bureau. 81 Fourth St., PortUnd, Or. . ZZ 7. IT . ., . , COTTAGE, 8 rooms, BOO Market d. Inquire SOLICITORS Msl and female, en Salary ISO Chapman t. Phsas 81TT. good par to hustler. Apply at Skaeman aeasssosaansmmsaaa house, lfth and Waahlngton, between 8 and T p. m room l. FOR RENT FLATS. HELP wanted and supplied, male or femato. B. TWO room furnished fUt: bath, phon: S. Drake, 306 tt Waahlngton et Pacific 18T0. close to, fins view) $0 month. 833 Seventh st AGENTS Men snd women msk big money, .jigw 8-room lower Bat.-tt Mock from carllne, Ses B. M. Plammsr. 300 Third t closa In Apply Kerr, room 410 NcKsy bldg. Phons Msln B13B. WANTED to country home, two children to - . . ... , ,, ... ear fur good school. Address B. M. W , poatofflc "box 00, ScapiKetoa, Or. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. SITUATIONS WANTED-MALE. ' y'A.?T Phriciroo.'' " RELIABLE married man want position part Tttm? iota'' tin: could arrange for few hours dsy or few son. Pnone mmmx aoio. days per week; bond If required. L 00, care . JZZZZi FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. YOUNG man wants work before sod after --v--v- TSt.ei offlccs-Most Central ENGINEER, oiler or firemen, young man, 38, Location la the dtp. northwest corner sixth want position. Address a Haaasa, 43tt and Washlsgton ds ; nsw eUvstor: hot aod Third st. cold water. Ugbt, heat and Janitor service. , . , ' THB MORTGAGE GUARANTBB ft TRUST BLACKSMTTTTS helper, dngl. ago SO, three COMPANY, years' erperlence, wants podtlea. V 01, an Seventh st care Journal - .. . ' T . ' . OfflCB-BOOMS, aafurnlshed roosts sod earn- flBBMANstesdy, strong, understands saginss. pl.-room tor root. Ooodnoogb bldg. Apply want paattiOfi. K on, csro jovul. Tator. YOUNG m.n wanta podUoa In ddl engineer- DESIRABLE ofBcss. Iscrsdteg tlsctrte lights. as line; rallrosd work praf.rred; csl fur- aBa Mid water. Janitor asd elsvstor Bisk Srttvdts rafagonors. V TO, JoarnsL Mrvics. is th new, slry Commonwealth BannnnBsse8aBBSBnsmaBBassannBaB bldg., old poatofnee atts. Hlith asd Burnatde WANTED REAL ESTATE. - o ..- i - PAST of ghop ts rent, aul table for painter or . . a . plumber. 308 Fourth sr. , i To The Ported Capllst ngaiSABL, .,0, i iL, BbTA'S rrara- leeae. Pheoe Mgnx TT. FIRE INSURANCE, payment of TAXES sod otCf.Rcft. rirr7 e5a HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI- wirtiT.. "Stt1 wVT,Aldt, yZ TURE FOR SALE. Katronage. Our refer. noes: Ladd ft TlltOB, .---n..- ... - , ankers, ad Msrchsats' National beak. FURNITURE sf s mod desirable 8-room flat R. H. BLOSSOM, mint be sold st s aacrlflf; purchaaer can 10 CHAMBER Of COMMBBCB. rent fist for $80 s month: this U worth in ' vaatlgatlng. sa owner muat leave for th east I WANT modern room cot tags; it mad be ma few days. Come snd maks your own I bargain far caah; .mail me nerttcalsrs; price. 304 Park St. will be In PortUnd October 38. M. Mercer, , , , 731 Sooth Third mt.. San Joe, California FOR SALE Furniture of ft-mora modern hones. - . nearly all aew; rent ressonsbls; two block WANTED To bay for some eattomtra, bene from poet of flee: good transient hoses; will ' ranging from B to S rooms, centrally located tell at a bargain If taken by the first of end at asms that are located Is the suburbs; November, soft Fifth at. will pey eah for ssme. Call en J. L. Wells Oostnsay. 04 Grand sve. COMPLETE fnrnltnre for 8 roosts. Including ' 1 1 Bnr new piano; everything in splendid coaslf- HOl'ftS asd kit wsatsd $1 60n to $1,000 cash. tlon; leas thsa half prtee; leaving dty: Inquire of W. F. Slaughter ft Co., BIT Cham- cost quirk; houae. modern terms U desired. bar of Oememrco. i CaU loS Bast nth (, sooth. Wst. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. BUSINESS CHANCES. - DO rap want to Invsst $0,000 that will pay yool $10,000 each yssr? An Independency for ilftll Too boot proposition that ever came as espsrmoco not necessary, yuai gvoa If so. answer inu a answer it; rsf t once tsat will not rewret required. trill give la return; hadneas i merits. T 4T, cars J ear nal- sun da on It PHENOMENAL rise to pries of Bant Switch sspsotasl any. day. thia at nrakdar . may he year sabseriptlnn I ft Co., 200 M Ust itsirrtinity are elsssd. bldg. . Or hoy before i. r. Hurat FOR SA )B SALE Apartment-boose of 18 newly fornltbsSi assy tar If nac corns $100; rant MoT lues tad oo M at all nsessssryi ise Apply CobB Bros.' Forultus Co., 180 first WANTED- Some oo tt sat assail am neat i meaey Into developing premising claim; not a stock proposition; strictly legitimates wouueyoe parusrsnip asst. u 10, JoarnsL STOCK eosnpsales incorporated. If yea have stocks or bonds fog sale 1st ms try to sdl them tot yen. George M. Kellogg, broker. 640 ElUcott Square, Buffalo. FOR SALE 11-room lodging, tons; good fnrnlture; electricity; resaonabls st $600. A0drea V 88, care Joornal. SAVS MONEY Anything In printing ses Mj4- I dcu. Odd Fellow' Tempi. Ftrat asd Alder I ata.; upstair. SNAP 81.300 Well-os ring restaurant In location, taking In $100 par dsy on average owner leering dty. Tap far Co., 188 H Wash tngton t room 1. SALOON MEN Investigate thU dd-establlahed corner; leaas, cheep rent, elegant flit urea; pays well. Address L 40, care Journal. WANTED MSB with 3000 east Colorado; $6,000 In It. Address P 00. cars Journal. 14-ROOM modern, wall farnlahsd and clean pay you to call up at roomlng-hoass; g-hooss: it will pay ones. 06 10th; corner of Stark. 00TB BUYS IT room houae, close In. with rurnnarv ana isess. ass 80-ROOM rooming house tor sale In bed central earner location, locoes above rest 3360 a month; SB te $10 a dsy tranalent. If yon want s "live one" Snd the bed bouse la the city for $8,000, address X 100, care Journhl. FOR BAUD General blacksmith sad hortaskat lag business: only shop Is town of 3,000; good reasons for selling. Address X 80, Journal. HOTEL aad lodging -booss, furniture and waiting-room; SI bsdroosa. oil furalabed: $400; with 0 bedrooma unfurnished, $300) boose fall, feeding from 86 to 40 at a raeaL Inqalre 163 Bnaiell tt Phone Best 10ST. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. YOU ARB CORDIALLY INVITED TO CALL AND INVBSnOATS THESE BARGAINS. 7.000 54 block, rent ISO month, close lo. 4,0002 hoases on Union sve., rant $40. 3.800 4 cottages so wsst aide: snap. 2.0002 bouse oa car fin. reaU $38. 2,700 Modern 8-rosm house, trees, ate. 3.000 fine home oa W.-W. carllne. 3,800 Nsw moderny eottsgs In Snnnyalds. 1.350 o-room cottage. Sooth PorOand. 1.500 6-room eottsgs near Basal oft at 1,100 S-room cottage oa DtvUUa at l.OoOCovtage, hare, lot lOOHOO. Bee Aak sav. 1.100 ft-room house on W.-R. car line. 1.000 Neat oaltage la Selhweed. 000 O-room house bx Treoaeat. 400 8-room bouse in Ssllwood. ISO Lot on Bast Madsvon at. I 600 Lot In St. Johns, on Jersey mtt LK10 IS Uta h SeUwood. I ISO A corner 1st sa UmatUU eve. 8388 Lot no Multnomah svs. block on Bad Eighth aad Tanino. fhsa etrast tot In City flow Park, id sa Bast 17th. nssr Hawthorns. 8480 A $380 A corner Ut In Highland. $00 A tot In Alberta No. 1 $700 S3 seres In Oowllta county; i $3,00000 seres soar Tillamook. 150040 seres In Clackamas county: snap, $300 40 acres la Lane county; snap. We can make terma to suit pstrchassr upon ny or am a oergama- STATS LANS CO.. llttt lint st FOR SALS BT Louis Salomon tan Bttrk it, nssr ' 1S.7BO North fM St. CO house 18.600 Clav at.. One modern T- 11,000 Fifth it, clots In, 0-room 500 36x100. Barter st, new 1 rest eott ittag. $3000 16x100, Qulmby st. turn scrtsge. $1,600 Portland Helgbta, nssr onaarvat 100x100, with good 0-room house, fruit tr etc.. 1 block from carllne. BAST 8IDB $0,260 Corner with 8 nsw bosses, class in, rant 888 nss month. $8.800 Nsw 0-rossx boons, JOst near stesl bridge. $3.000 Corner. Upper Afblns, Satsry build. lag, store sad 0 living i 81,880 oannysios. with o-room cottage. $1.800 Upper Alblna. 1st with S cottage rear w pr monts. $1,700 Lot with 0-room cottage, Osntene beln ava $1.460 Vacant tot 03x100, Holladay' 14a dltton: vsry desirable. $4,200 BUYS fine ae 0-room ridlmtat oa loth. nsmeat walks' up; part $2.100 B-room modern cot tags $3,600, eat) ft room modern cottage, tt 38th sad Ola itonl those are sew and op to dots; nothing Meet lo Bad Portland: eetj a ay terma. $1.100 5 room new eottsgs on goad street ot Midway; SeUwood ear; pert cash. $180 sash for 2 Uta 60x100 oa Bast tits, near carllne; sasy terms. $464 caah One Ut 80x100. ltd. nssr Bast Stark. $20,00000x100. 2-etory frame. In scans $llS Br month I Bad Morrison aad Bear Third! this ny. BEVER ft MILLEB, 404 Sad A Ider. T-ROOM modern plastered hnsiai. Id BOalaSL 1 block from car, 11.200. One B-room snd two fl room plastered hmtatta Uts 40x100; price $1,100; $100 down, ball a nee $10 per month; Woodlsvm. fate quarter block with ll-i rasa Ueatlon: Dries $11,000. We art hsadqnartera for hargalna la real estate txtd budnes chances. Large or isrnis. COAST BEAL ESTATE CO., Xtt Morr-on d toom a IS. 800 T - ROOM aad Ut 78x140, esst two car Unas; caah pay- dds, convenient ment. 11.000. to A ma- K .J tea. sots a no overt on ata. 84.100 will bay nrooer hay property with new tat nruvement. paying 16 per cent pn 84,800. $3,000 Entire bloek la Highland. IS high and abrhtlr. lots. $1.800 48 sertt of fine land near Parker. Polk county, ill under cultivation. $2,00017 acne between PortUnd and Ore. gap City; small house sad barn; partly col. (leafed. I. O. DAVIDSON. 408 Chamber of Casals ere. Acreage 300 serve of Uad, partly cleared, cloet to car asd school, $40 per acre; we can sell thia lo any alss tract to salt parchsssr; sasy terms. SCHUYLEMAN ft CO., 22Ttt Washington st. Acreage Small tracta from 1 to 10 acres to salt purchaaer; adjoining carllne; land partlf cleared, abundance of good timber, splendid sou and watsr; 840psr sen; ten SCHUYLEMAN ft CO., 237 tt Waahlngton st. Acreage $00 per acre 83.000 worth of Improvements on land. 3 ptendM creek, adjacent Portland Salem carllne; flnest trait and dtlry form oa the market RCHUYLEMfttf ft CO., 237 tt Washington st Acreage Hsve 40 seres, nearly sll riser sod In cultivation, creek ssd Improvements; win seU all or psrt t $TB per sera: term. This U sn eaoeptleaaallr good buy. Schuyleman & Co. 84-86. fattt Waahlngton St WE HATS Jo at aaaepleted two Sew mil raa 1 dence. st Archer Place; one t vu -roost hsoss 112.100). and the other da room house ($1,000). . On third caah and balance en ssy monthly payment., both hargalna. "W, f, CANNON ft CO., 100 MsJU bldg. Third aad Stark aks I I I I 1 1 1