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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 23, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER, M, It. It Select Your Coat, Suit or Skirt From I the Largest Stock on the Coast WINTER UNDERWEAR wsnau WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY ONLY I I IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR THE CONTINUOUS INCOMING SHIPMENTS OF COATS. SUITS AND SKIRTS WE ARE MAKING RADICAL REDUCTIONS ALL THROUGHOUT THE HOUSE FOR TWO DAYS ONLY it COAT SPECIAL SUIT SPECIAL $7.50 COATS Wednesday and Thursday. $4.15 $10.00 SUITS Wednesday and Thursday.... $7:75 $10.00 COATS Wednesday and Thursday. $6.25 $20.00 SUITS Wednesday and Thursday. $11.75 $15.00 COATS Wednesday and Thursday. $9.50 $30.00 SUITS Wednesday and Thursday. $15.25 $20.00 COATS Wednesday and Thursday. $12.75 $40.00 SUITS Wednesday and Thursday. $21.75 $80.00 COATS Wednesday and Thursday. $15.75 $50.00 SUITS Wednesday and Thursday. $30.00 wwm $10.00 AND $12.00 CHILDREN'S COATS Wednesday and Thursday 93.88 $30.00 SILK SHIRTWAIST SUITS Wednesday and Thursday $12.85 SKIRT SPECIAL $30.00 SKIRTS Wednesday and Thursday. $15.00 SKIRTS Wednesday and Thursday. $10.00 SKIRTS Wednesday and Thursday. .3)14.75 .3)10.00 . ffi.OO PETTICOAT $32.50 SILK PETTICOATS Wednesday and Thursday 3)14.75 cpFriai 17-80 SILK PETTICOATS Wednesday and Thursday $12.50 jrWfll $12.50 SILK PETTICOATS Wednesday and Thursday f7.75 sSgl THE L M. ACHES0N CO. I r rrSiTffllL,w WHOLESALE AND RETAIL pared to furnish you with Coats """I 131 FIFTH STREET, BETWEEN ALDER AND WASHINGTON . 1 " Suit, at Nw York Price In medium and heavy weights. From the leading fac tories of Europe and America. All kinds at all kinds of prices. You'll find your kind here. A superior line of UMBRELLAS at popular prices. 311 MORRISON ST, Opp. Postofflce As to Value, None Can Give Better Woodard, Clarke & Co. Photo Department Sundries at Special Prices Cameras, 3 by A or 4 by 5 ; reg. $7.50. Special. . f 5.00 Ruby Lamps; regular $1.00. Special... 70 Ruby Lamps ; regular 50c. Special 40t Ruby Lamps ; regular 30c. Special 18 Tripods ; regular $2.00. Special f 1.50 Tripods; regular $1.00. Special .50f Cyko Post Cards, 15d dozen ; gross '. 9150 Blue Print Post Cards, dozen 15d Seed, Cramer and Hammer Plates at the lowest possible prices. . Rozane Art Vases We are showing a specially selected assortment of this ar tistic and beautiful ware at very low prices in fact so low that yon can ill afford to let this opportunity pass without purchasing. 50 to fS.OO ' : Artificial Palms For the home, office or store. Better than live palms for decorative pur poses. Require no attention, never fade, or look old, but always fresh and beautiful. Every one potted 35, 45. 7.V, S 1.15 up U-Ar-Das Cold Cream Large Jars 40c Softens and whitens the skin. For chaps and roughness of the skin nothing superior to this splendid toilet requisite has ever been offered. Exquisitely perfumed. Ladies' Handbags In tan, black and brown, leather lined, fitted complete with purse .and card case, in alligator, seal and walrus pa leather. Values up to $7.50. Special for this sale. 7 "SPORT" COMES HOME AND MEMS IS HAPPY Lost Bull Terrier Returns From California With a Great Appetite. LOVE ESTATE GETS ELEVEN THOUSAND Dlarm thousand dollar la tha value Of 1IU acres Of land hl.un Van. 'couver avenue and Columbia boulevard sarixed by a Jury n judge Oanten- beln's department of tha circuit court laat evening. That la the amount the Q. B. A N. company will hare to pay rb tha Lewis Lot aetata for a right of way for tha proposed St. Johns-Trout-daJe extension across the estate prop erty. At tha same time the lurv J. B. Pllkinrton. a tehaht af the property, 11,000 for "-t that J&Bgj W M Iaoo Pns W Tmbo. B WIkco V P. IJOLUMBIA JIFE 1?USTPANY. Am Oregon oorporatlon whloh lightens Ska lower gnaw toed lsral premium ratea will be dona to his nursery by grading the right of way The estate asked $34,000 for the property and damagea. Pllklngton asked $.E00. Estimates of the value of the property made by witnesses for both aides varied from M.000 to I7I..I 000. Owlns to the large number of helra of the Love estate, there were Tl defendants In the condemnation suit the largest number of persons ever sued In an action In this court. Attorneys Eld. Menhenhall. A R. Men- "Sport" has come back after some weeks' wandering under tha sky of earthquake-stricken California and W A. at ears la correspondingly happy. Since the return of the secretary of the wholesale grocers' association from his Honolulu trip his friends hare wondered what it waa that waa lacking about hla appearance. Some thought ha had lost a mustache, some put tha alteration down to absent flesh, but It waa at last discovered that It was the absence of Sport, the brlndle prise winner which bad disappeared ona day in Dlmond. California. at ears had early discovered his loss, however, and had chaaed the errant bull terrier over the greater part of the quake-swept district Several times he had eases as close as II minutes behind the wandered one, only to loae the trail entirely. At laat he turned to newspaper advertisement and cat home. Last wsek Sport was shipped north with a due bill for $80 attached to him and the possessor of a great ap petite and the loser of eight pounds. Since that time, however, Mr. steers has looked natural once more on hla trips to and from his offlca The MANY SUPERIOR FEATURES OF THE BUCK'S HOT BLAST HEATER refilled Steak Canned Goods. Allen Lewis' Best Brand. m m-itw leaf, per pound 10s) pound 74 to 84 it, per pound Bf- FRANK L. SMITH MEATCo. SSS Alder St., between 1st and Sd sts. riMnii TM rnmrnr tust.- Leg Roast Veal, per pound 12 He) Rump Roast Veal, per pound ... 12H Shoulder Roast Veal, par pound... 10 Rib Veal Cutlets, per pound 12Hd Loin Veal Cutlets, par pound 12H onouiaer veal cutlets, per pound. . ioc arreasi veai, per pound Slew Veal, per pound Veal Shanks, per pound Prime Rib Roast Beef, per pound . . lOe no nea noast Beer, Pot Roast per Short Ribs Beef Beef Tongues, fresh, esch HOt Beef Tongues, salted, each BOO Prime Rib Steak, abort out, Ib.lBH mrioin emu, per pound aS7. Round Steak, per pound lOd) Chuck Steak, par pound gd Shoulder Steak, per pound gg Stew Beef, per pound Be) Boiling Beef, per pound 4s) and Be Beef for Mincemeat, per pound B Shoulder Roast Pork, per pound. 12H4 Leg Pork, per pound 12 He Shoulder Pork Chops, per pound 12 He Loin Pork Chops, per pound IBs) Shoulder Roast Mutton, per pound. 8 Leg Mutton, per pound 12He) Loin Roast Mutton, per pound. . 12H Mutton Stew, per pound Bd Shoulder Mutton Chops, per pound. lO Loin Mutton-Chops, per pound... 12Hc fla usage, per pound 106 Heraburg, per' "pound 10 Corned Beer, per pound n . Liver, per pound Beat grade Hams, per pound Our own brand Brsakfaat Bacon. per pound lTHd Our own brand pure I-ard, 6 lba for BOd) 8 IT MOM 7 III 1 III I Ill III BlsTMlar 1 !T BaatanaVBfasa S8r -JOC - mm KiA- i ffirT si liTTsal sTTrwrr vv" I IT Morri- Wm SBbv A. .jTWSB-sanrSBBBBBSSjaBBjBBSa. Streets IKT l-L nh11 T r UamU H.n... SI 1 uniu. v.. v.. iwi wuiwi n. n. nunuu numerous dafandaata Arthur a cor appeared as attorney for tha O. a n. ?So Class for ladies and Thursday evening one Bast 2504. Serve to distinguish it froth all others, to place it as the most scientific and economical heater in the world. Its wonderful construction is the result of many years of thorough actual test built by a stove concern whose business has for the past sixty years been the building of scientific stoves and ranges. The accompanying illustration calls attention to a few of the many splendid constructive features of the Buck's Hot Blast. In these can be used the cheapest grade of coal, alack or screen ings, giving as much heat as if high-grade lump cpal is used, So scientific is the arrangement of the draft in a Buck's Hot Blast that they will hold fire for thirty-six hours. These heaters are handsome in design and finish and are made in many sizes. We are also show ing a complete line of Air-Tight Wood Heaters and -the new line of "Monarch" Gas Heaters, Radiators and Orates TERMS 1 1 $L Down $1 aAkVeek U LL & OIBB :0MPLETEH005EFURni5JIBR5 Morri son & Seventh Streets TMBOW OWsT MM jetla