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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1906)
THE ORBOON AILY JOttRttAL. PORTLAND. TUB8DAY BVENINO, OCTOBER 16. HOC TODAY'S MARKETS i i ' WOULD SELL EGGS BY POUND Old Scheme to Secure Equality for Consumer and Shipper Being Revived. POULTRY MARKET IS 8HOWING IMPROVEMENT Baying Tone Looks Better but Prices as Yet Are Inactive Hop Sales Are Again Reported Within Former Range of Values. Principal market featsree today: Pound eslllni ifbfme mint. Poultry market look, better. Egg r holding at wide range. Ball at hope are quite fair. OllT. crop la reported abort. This of Pound Selling Sevlred. Whit there haa been talk of eelllng egga by the pound for several jura It la quite peeBlble at thla time that eeverel dealer, will try tbe arheaaa In the near future. Selling egge by the pound lo-gld to he the only way la whlrb the ronaamer gate what ha para for and the producer gate the ngnt price what ha ralaea. The sua wbooa haaa lay large egg. does uat care to aall tm for the eman ate price, tor then there wouia oe bo ooyecp la teen ring strains of layera that would pro- duee the larger egga. when a roaeumer goee lata a grocery it or. to purehaaa egga the larger ataea are elways eelected that .la. If the eonaumer la allowed fall away. The fol lowing from tbe Dovere' Journal ( Chicago gtvee aome view, of pound eelllng: "Various poultry societies in Ireland have urged the edaertea of tbe plan of buying k egga hy weight, aad Sguroa kept by theee enelrtlee ehow the good reault of tbe adoption of. thla equitable alau of trading la egg" The of Seta la of one of theaa eocletlee eubmlt Sgure. to ahow reaulti. whlrb are aa follow. : Four year ago SO per rent of the egg weighed 1H poena. SO per eeat weighed IS pepnaa and SO par. rent weighed IT pound, par' 10. or 10-doe.n let. At the praaeat time SO par rant weigh M pounds. SO par cent weigh IS pouude, 30 per rant weigh IT pound, and SO par rent weigh IS pounds. ' It may ha noted that this aorlaty haa eliminated the 18H pound egga. The amallr.t err now itoound egga. and there are only SO pea eeat of Ibeae, aa rompared with 80 par rant of ISH-peuad egga four yrara ago. Tbe IB pound peterrloa haa aleo dropped oat, and Ita piece Laa bean taken by the IS-pound egga. while there are 30 per cant of a saw selection, namely the 1 pound rgga. "Other eecletlee which three yeara ago had no rlaaa of 18 pound egga hare developed elae until 10 par rent of their production la la that claaa. Egg production haa long bean ea of the moat Important tnduatrtae of thla roun- try, and It la remarkable that the old-faabJoaed laa of buying aad eelllng. wholly lacking la equity to hayere aad eelrero alike, haa aa long been permitted to exalt. " Juet at tbe present the egg nurket ahawa a arlde range of prlrea. Some aalea of local ranch era repotted aa tow aa Sic, walla e there ' ess made at 83 He. Poultry market Looht SetUr. There la aa Imnrorad feeling In regard to the poultry situation. Becvlpte. while fair. J asa hot quite a hoary aa dosing -Mto. gg i n Msg week aad hay era .how a dtepoeltton to atop heailai ralaea. Kh rbaage IP price today, ' hswivtr, - The creamery butter market conttnuea rather Sllapttated with aome of th larger handlera ' aa Pront atreet crying that they cannot unload ' aaea at the lower prlrea quoted hero. City Crranter lee, with one eioeptleti. etlll quote at lor per pound and nay tbe mar hot la hot say ' too arm at that figure. The chaos market le ah owl Kg a dlepoaltJon to adrance and aome aellera are talking ad ad ' rearing the prlea of data to 14 He par pound tomorrow. Saltern rheeae value are firm at IJtae par pound; thla aaeaalag about 15 fob I-ortla no Brief Hotee of the Trade. TWa can of awaet pot a tore were among tho mailt arrlvala from the Booth. Prlrea held arm. Ordinary potatoea eoatlnoe Srm at top values. Shipping demand from eouth good. A number of aalea of hope are egaln re ported within the prlea llmlta quoted hy The Journal. Trade are ma a trtSe Improved. Bin Label catsup la advanced 16c to She per The trade pays the following prlea to Front atreet. Prleaa paid Ihippera are leas commie- Stntn. Fkeav aad feed GRAIN BAilS--Calcutta. Ia buying prlea; eelllnx. 8AC81,c. . - WHEAT New club. S4et red Ruaatan, Sic. Msaetem. Sac; valUy. CTe. . BAKLUV New Feed. 81.00; rolled. 822.80. 87.00; cracked. 828.00 par tea lTJt-l psr ewi, OATfi New rrooe SSS.QS: arar. 822.00. FLOUS akaeiara Oregon ' aataaha. etralghts. 88.88; export. S3 OS; rule; itf-TS S.eO; graham. . i, 11.80: whole wheat. sua. so.oo; aalea. ax. in. mU-STLFFa Brin. 8IS.50 per ton; mid dllnsa. 124 00; abort., country. IIT.00; city. glfliiO; chop. 11800021.00. BAY Predncera' pRce Timothy Willamette valley fancy, sn.onejix. 10.00; fleeter n Oregon; clover. VMi grala. IT.8O8J8-80; en ear, i on. Butter. Bgga aad Poultrr SDTTBH FAT F. a. h Port lead-Sweet eream. 2SV40le: emir. SUHan- BITTSS City creamery, SOeSSHe: aatalde fancy, 2TV,e2c; ordinary. STHc; store, MV0 EtiOS Je. 1 freak Oregon, candled. SldJ S3Vjc nacandled, 80c; local and entire etorage, CHBaisE New Full cream. flata. 14c; Vaanc A rear lee. ISdHStAa. FOLl,TY allied eaMkeas, 12c per lb; fancy bees, UflUtfe lb; rooatera. old, loe per lb; fryera. IPs per lb; brollera. lie pet th: old ducks 124c- per lb; aprtag dseka. HVae per lb; geeaa, SalOe per lb: turkeye, 18c per lb; dreeaed. tOr par lb) aqua ha. tl BOQ8 00 per doa; pigeons, gl ut 00 per dosen ana. woei aad HOPS 1808 crop, choice. It prim to USJldVic. choice, HUB 13c: medium to pel WOOL -1806 clip Vallej. 20 saetara Oregon, sua. MOHAIR New, nominal. MEtrSKINS-Sbeerlug. ISsjSue eaehl aaort wool, xsejaoc; maeium woo.. ouejTS aaeh; laa wool. TScdMl.OS eaeh. TALLOW Prime , par lb. SHdSSot Ma. S aad IMTTiki'aK-lea, . HIDES Dry. Ne. 1. IS Tan and ap. ISW.aj I' He par Ik; dry kip. He. 1. S to IS Mm. lee: dry eslf. No. 1 under fba. Isci ae'd hldee. ereera a. e aa ana vw iBiiaj MANY HOP SALES ARE REPORTED IN COUNTRY (Special Dtapatcli to The Journal.) Selena, Oct, 18 Activity In Uie hop market Is becoming ap parent by the recent aalea re ported In this vicinity. Tbe Kola Nets Hop company haa purchased ISO bale of prime from Johnson Broe. of Wood burn at 14 cents, 48 bales from tell Shorts at IS 1- rents. SS Bale's from McGratb Bros, at II cents, 25 bales from A. W. Nudaen. medium to prime, at 1SV cents. Benjamin R hwnr4f Oe. have made several buys ranging from X 14 to 18 cents. Ixiula Tch- tmund a Co. bought SO bales ef choice hopa-ln Dal la a for Id e centa. OLIVE CROP SAID TO .BE RATHER SHORT 4 According to report a received 4 4 by worn canters a wall aa pack- 4 era, tha ollva crop Is vary anon e and tha market on ollva oil la : beginning to advance. According to tbe New York Journal of e Commerce- tbe Spanish crop Is t said to be practically a failure, while that In Crate la almost aa e bed. Little la expected from e Turkey. The Algerian crop la 4 reported to be fair, but baa been 4 well sold on speculative buying. 4 Bales of yclfbw oil on spot are reported up to to cents and little e desired oil tg believed to be ob- e talnable below It cents. hi ejsw3ss; stags aad Bans, eooud. SBjTc: kip, 18 S Iba. Se; SSI Bound, under 13 laa. lie; creel milted. I leas: ealht to per 0) leea; aaea. aaea. loojiae; a agora, aaea. gassy 81.00, Truth, am POTATO OS Say lag Prte. TBMci Jobbing ti.uu par ewi; aaaoua. Save. wt; aweeta. ONIONS Jobbing price New Oregon, SOodJ $1.00; buying prlea, hOC 86c; garlic, 8 4 Be par ah. FRB8U FRUITS Applee. TBcCJSl.ZS; uranwee. Valencia. 18.00: bananaa, 8c par Th. ; lemons, eketea, Se.Sva).TS per boi; fancy. ST par sex: umaa. Mexican, par 1UO; plume. 40 Q 60c per erate:cantaloupea, fl.tS: gripea,; loneoroe. nc; water malona. TfieSOoc: neaehea. BOeelll.10: oeara. TSe481.00; omnia, bulk. Sr per lb; perked. lOeJsOe nar box: huckleberries, senior: emend cherries. 4SQT5c per hex; pineapples, 88.00 per qoi. V KOKTABLBS Turntpe. new. 81.00 per seek: earrot SI each: beeta. ll.sO sack; Oregon iKaMo'c; ball aappersTk parlh' touts? svasue per box; perenipa. uecsjsi 00; a;r(ng beans. Oraron. PdJTe psr lb; seal I- '"? BifJASB par oos: pes, ijmoc; hoi eqoeeh, 7fceJi .00 par haa: eggplant. $1U) pei aStorT doa hunebee sj e uai ate cucumber.. She par box; relerr. 80010c doa: green earn. 81 BO seek; summer lasear 8 set aquaan. loajBi.ou par noi: eggplant, h is crate: numnk ni. le: cranbarrlea local, SS.I0; li pe Cod. SS per DBIBI) FRUITS Applee. evaoorated. ISS) paarhaa. granule ted. Ss.dSj anal. A. 88 ; extra C l 93; so dan C. 1 US: D eelCw. Si Mr hhla 10c;V, bhla. aoc; bexaa. SSs advance on sad aaaia. (Abore prises are so day. aat cash quota wo - wa ww. euwfcsjw, eVanm, SJSTateVV fll'S uur, this. I. Sa. 10a, 4.608.M); Liverpool lump rocj 818 .80 pgr ton; 80-lb rock. Bh.OO; 100a, leea apply to aalea of leas than Car lota at special prices anbyect to -car lota. uetuatloaa. t . RICK. imperial J una. No. SSjSUe; New head. a, a lei e; l reolf. nst. BEANS Smell white, $8 SO; large white, B S); sink, 83.80; bayou. 88. T8, Llmia. 84. SO; exleaa red, do. NUTS Peaauta. Jam r m: eirstata. pS'iK'cw-S: aejn ntnennre 10 par 1b; eheotaeu. eewUe. letee pee lb; BnJl mrt. 18 per Ok fllharte ! ladtiS pea u aaeaya 8ara.aggiP. Ahaa. 41 atsats. riak aad IV; ilmoidi. UHfllf. 1 hC. ftstftwa. FRRSH .M RATS Front Street Hogs, fancy. mi par in; vei tvL extra, ie Dr lb: ordlnarr per lb; poor. 4QGc por lb; mutton, Udcj Itc ner lb: Umbo. 8 42 Be AetS. BACON. ETC. for I U ad raek (local rem emoked. Ixc per lb; emoked IS per lb; UaUa batu 10 to IS Ibe; unamoked. 8c see lb; emekia. Be par lb; dear bell laa, eaimoaeq, id pgr S raokad. ISC per Ih, ehoulder. lSVie per lb; pickled tooxuei. Sd 00 quarter bbL LOCAL LARD SettJe leaf, 10a. 124e per lb, Sa. lt'4c par Ih; S-lb tins. 1214c per lb; ateam rendered. 10a, 1144c par lb; Sa, ue C a'c? h &nA lbNe'lambU liter i -b telle. 11 SOj S-lh talla, W.78; fancy. 1-R gau. II so; SftaWj ta, tall, 11.00. FISH Roeli rod. T per Thj Soaodera. Be per lb; halibut, SV4c par lb: craba, ll.00Ctl.80 doa: Blrrpad beea. Ittic per lb: catSak. Be per Ih; salmon. Columbia river Chinook. Te; etlverelde, Sc: steel head, Ta lb; herring. Ca par lb; aolea, Sc per lb; abrlmpa, 10c per lb; perch. Sc per lb: black aad. T par lb; taiajead. re per lb: stiver amelt. he per lb; lobetera. 18c per lb; freeh maakeriL Sa par lb; tisesak. SSs par sew ahad. 8c nor lb; etaigeen. 10c per th; black haaa, 20c. ofSTRaS elbielwatae bay. nee gal. 12.28: 'p-nVib. VSF " CLAhtl Hvdabell. pa ho, 88.001 reave rla ma. 82.00 per BOX. relate. Oaal Oil. Ete. ROPE I'u-e at.olla. 14; ataaemre. 18V4e; el. He.''-. . COAL OIL Pearl or Astral Caaea liu. gal; wter whits. Brae ha ire hi lie net gal, weedea ITe per gal: headlight. lTo-deg eoaae "wAsSlIiIb1' SSdag, eaaao S4Me per gal. tree bbts IS per gaL RINZINE SS-d-f esses She par gel. bre. ! ISH PWSST . TURFEMTIKB ta eaeee aa ar gaL bble Ik nor a a I. WH1TiTi.aD Ton lota T par rb, ana la. Si per lb, leea Iota. tVc gar Jk. WISE NAIM-Preeent baale St S SS WHITS LEAD--Ton tot. Taj, per Ih: SSt lata, Sa WIRI LIPTBSRD oil rnre raw, in a-uei iota, feci l-bhl let, 88c. raaea. SSr per gal. genuine keftle nd. eaaea. So par gal: S-bbl lot. 84c; I nb lot 88c par gal: groond cahe, car Wits. SSO.Oi. nee Baai Mea than ear let, gso.oo par sea. AN ABSENCE OF 1GS AND SHEEP J&tvfl Latter Are Very Hard to Secure and Prices Are Firmer Though Unchanged. LINSEED OIL Pur. raw Portland Union StockyardB. Oct. IS Uve eteck resetpts: . - Hcga Cattle. Sheep. Today TS .... Week ago IS 112 Month ago .. Tear aao , ISS .... Sunday. All Usee of Itveavorh abew alrengtb at the local yard today- Not a atngle bead of aheep or hoga arrived during the paet 24 bears. All price, unchanged Today 20 boraee arrived. Official llveetock prlcea: Hoga Beat eaatern oregoe. SSSO: Mockara and China fata. .00O.lS. Cattle Brat eastern- Oregon ateera, 88 SOft S.T5; beat crwa and he I far a. S2.80Q2.Tfi; stock era and feedera, U on. bulla 8heep--Mlxed, 444Hc: Umba. SOB He. EASTERN HOG8 LOWER Is 10 la Tali Chicago, Oct. IS. Chleaao -Uveatock recalntai Ttoara Cattle. Sheep. 20,000 12.000 aS.raW Kama a city ie,ouv it.ow e.orju rfmsbr s.000 so.oos Hoga O lower with 4. Son left ever from yesterday. Receipt, a rear ago were M.ono. Prleea: Mixed, SS-T6:jrood aad heavy. SS..1SSJ S.T5; rough, 8 &4t.5, Hght. SS.Sses 70 Cattle Steady. ghp Steady to lOe leww. PORT LARD BANK STATESTElfT. Pr 10; apricots. lSHCjlBe per lb; stv. T: Hia. rr.: aft eise: firs. California klark. SSJSHe par m; UillfornTi white. SaJgUc per lb; ditei. golden, rise PS "; fardi. IlloajT.oO set V-Ihas. . SUOAR All rafseiaa Cuba. ss.TO: new- all. raouMiva. nry a 1 alC.HSY-A8.00 m eraba. JSSTSA Per Ta-awsr 'S: aa, Sa pa a'jw. : roaeted. Bsssyte ajaajhei naeted. Tanh lOdllltAe nor lb: hh4orr nate. , isaae per in: araaaman nacon, laMayxic par plenaas, 10 We per lb; cottage. ioCc per IK; lar abort clears, saamokod. 11 He nar lb: IS per ih: clear backs, anaaokaat ( leerlage today fleering year sgo. Osla toasy II 181.041 81 87 SS .faai4T.4S T. NO STRENGTH IN WHEAT PRICE Local Market Unchanged to One Cent Lower With Trade Very Dull Exporters Slow. 8MALL FLOUR 8ALE8 BY INTERIOR MILLS Orient Still s Buyer but Only for Lit tle Amount Liverpool Opens and Closes Down Chicago Wheat Trade Is Very Bearish. OkTLATTVB WHEAT TALCES. December ....I T84A I 74UAI 00 stay SmA .TSm .OP1 deiy TT4 TSH Tha local wheat nrlee la aaaaaWhst today. Some millers continue to pay the B8SSS price aa yesterday, bat other are offering le Cr bushel leea. Ki port era era not offering ee mly and tha market la rather slew. Interior ml Here oooUnue to report aome small oriental Sour buelneea. but the volume Is aat as liberal sa earing ma former we There area no encourage altuatlon. tbe market tha eat In tbe Ur CJ lax law at far both wheat notions. Chicago was waak from th atart with De camber showing no eigne of etreagth at say time. Thla option opened Vi down and Uat another lie before the rloae. Dtataut options ware weak and closed under Monday. OfSetal Chicago quotation! by Overbook, Starr ft Cooke company: WHEAT Open. HI December T4 T4 War TSK TS Lew. Csbbb. n si Ja& TS TS CORN. at 8 OATS. 43HA A V S1UA 4A sSVi December May .... July .... Sa( Si ssa ssi MSaVI PORK. January . ::::: is?? 18ST 130T 1SH 18T2 LARD. October SSO 802 December SSS AM January SSS 828 SIT , SHORT RIBS. Octeher SSS January 760 May TSB S Tt I ursayooL eaanr Liverpool. Oct, IS- Official prices: WHEAT December sbRm ePfttd efsks i March Sa Slid Sa Slid Sa SHd d CORN. January . rSft; TJTV bar-. Tstt The; No. S bard. TOr, No. t aortbare 4l Me: Mo. S awrtbera, TSdjfile; No. 8 ealasafrl PORTLAND STOCK MARKET aUonaJ Ooal Are the Bales Today. On tbe Portland stock exchange today the aalee were 2.000 ahere CaaeadU at SBWe and 1,000 aba res International Coal at SOc. Official prices : BANK STOCKS. Bank of California Merchanto' National Oregon Truat 4 Seringa. is r or t land Truat Co Bankers' A Lumbal aaan'a Culled Statea National SSS MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. Campbell Qaa union on . . Aeeoctated Oil. Had Oil , aril Packera' 81. Statea Telephone I OS Alaaka Pacific Home Telephone . So 140 101 to Poire t Sound Telephone . . . Oregon Lire insurance .. Cement Products t. C. Lee Ob O. R. AN. Re. 4a 10S 1 equina Bay Telephone MINING STOCKS. Nicola Coal 04 M Brltlah Columbia Amalgamated.. 04 International Coal SO Pacific Metal Extraction Alaska Petroleum ITH sit sso es OS IS Alaaka Plena w go Standard Consolidated Oregon Securltlea OS Seo 4M eve 'ei 'oi 84 Snow etorni Rnowehoe a. tesea Creek OoU Tacome Steel Uellce Consolidated .. Oallaber ,......,,..... Onlden Rule Coneolldated a, 04 h IS IS ei iooo 100 08 hi Bullfrog Terrible fMconda North Fall-view I-e Roy Hiawatha Caacadla taurky Boy Beclx , Rambler Cariboo TMile Meedowa .r. Ureal Northern Monntetn View Blue River Gold Garvin Cyanide Aiaruena roneonaenra SCOAB BTOCKK Tlawallan Commercial. Honokra r. IS ITU 8 Hutebtueoa aaasso-eu O nomas Paauhaa Union ... SAB rRANCTSOO MIS ISO EXOBAKOE. Ran Franclaeo, Oct. IK official prlcee: Bid. .SB 40 .ie 1.18 .IS Belmont fi 82 H Ophlr ... htaxVaa Caledonia rean noy i la O olden Anchor. Sf) Home .24 Exchequer Jim Butler MacNamars . 1.40 . SO ; IS Gold Crown Great Bead . Midway Montaaa . 22 . .04 1.10 A .40 .SO .IS :S .14 84 .IS 14 .11 .IT u .18 .11 .88 .08 North Star Ohio . ...j Ton Ex... Nevada . . West End Black Butte Bx. Tramp flntd. Mrlmoet Montgomery Mt. . .84 4.00 .21.00 . 1.86 . .11 . .28 . .IS . 84 . .84 naet Adama Atlanta I Ttluebell Booth ......... Columbia Mt . Con. ehnarry . . Dlemondfleld Dixie CinldfeUd Jumbo Jumbo Bx Kendall Lagune May Queen . Bobewk Bed 'Top eflrrMSIk !!'.! fit Ire Nattonal Bank. Manhattan Baylor Ha re prey Dexter Granny is Geld Wedge ... Lone Star Great Band Ex. Oreat 1.4TH 1 .an .SO .88 .81 4.00 Cowboy Denver Annex.. Bulla A Hears Black Beck ... IN. T. Con 1.STH Manhattan Con.. Utile ale 5 84 SO 1 BS 88 1.80 IS .ST .84 Ma. f !..., ,se a 1 Jumping Jars.. Red top Bx . . . . Mas tea Trll'"': Denver 'arrlaht Btelnway ieiu oiuee .... Con. 01. Ta Bew Terh New York. Oct. 14. -Official prices: nuriingtun 'joint. i . 1SSS. ci .SO-. 00 .88 mlied 100 St L. Art. unified Norfolk A Weet. Cwn Atlantic Coaai. pfd. SS u, a. a ST s mi In tha Making of Hop PHom forth Immedi ate Future Much Depend Upon the Grow er and How They Hold-Market la Better ABSORBING TOPIC i IS MONEY Speculation Awaiting Turn of Monetary Situation Call Loans Are Easier. PRE88ED STEEL CAR THREE AND A QUARTER UP Sudden Showing of Activity Causes Heavy Advance Genersl List Is Higher at tha Close IJumors on Copper. MaT GAINS. Smelter tt Pressed Steal Oar. J Praeaed Stool Oar. .SV Oar Steel";.'.. Oak St. Paul Southern Pee. . Cheeepeek Osnadtsn Colo, 4 Set Union Pea .'.J H U. 8. Rubber U. S. Steel NET MS its-i 3H una HI M at hand that there to set Ukely ta at unOI much activity In the New Tork market the monsy altuatlon money altuatlon almas a change, eaaler today sad thla helped the Ba tea taSSi: general Uat. Copper a took a were Amalgams tod III no4ata un. There la aaaae talk of n'xtri dividend. Presaed Steal Oar leading feature absrp gain Ot ef IV Points Maw Tork Central seU ex-rtgbte Bights ware quo tod at e'fSalsl Beawattose by Ovarhock, Starr A Oeeke American Cotton Oil. coauaon SS 80 American Locomotive, oommon. American Sugar, common ...... American Smelter, common Anaconda Mining Onsapsay ... Atchlaoa. oonunon Baltimore A Ohio, coxa. Brooklyn Bepld Trenelt Osssalsa Padllo, common Chicago. 'fitrtraukaa'sT. Paul! Obeeepaeke A Ohio Ooloredo Fuel A Iron, common. LoelBvUle A.NaahvUle MtowSrt.8', New York Oantral pre parr en .... N. Y Ont, A Weetsra . Norfolk A "Wwrtern, com Northern Pacific, common Pennaylvanla Rail way People a Gas. Light A Iron A Steal, com.. united acatee nieei uo.. com j United Statse Steel Co.. pf. . . . . . ,MrT Maw York Central ex ngnta w pw UBITED STAT OOVEBMMXMT BOSTDS. New Tork, Oct. 14 Government bonds: nan. ana. Twos, regie tered lalS 108 Threes, Opt. 108 Opt. 108 108 MOT 10S' do Small iva iei"' 104 1B0T 108' ISO ISO District of Columbia. Phllllplne IaUnda... 118 108 Bew Tork. Oct. IS Sterling exebaage: De mad. 4S4. 50 484. TO; gPA 4SO.S0. GAMBLER IS FINED BY UMATILLA COURT (Special Dispatch to The Jonrual I Pendleton. Or., Oct. IS. In the cir cuit court yesterday William Wood stock of Echo pleaded guilty to gam bling and waa fined ISO and coats by Judge Been. Several other gambling rasas have been Drought against iscno residents and two for tha Sunday clon ing lew. They have been Indicted end their cases will come up shortly. Judge Bean Imposed a fine of 1200 upon Charles Sams and fines of ISO each upon tbe two Bama boye, Clarence and William. Bams waa round guilty of assault end battery, while the boye had already pleaded guilty to that charge. J. M. assdjls Dead. (Special Dlapatch to The Journal.) Pendleton. Or., Oct. IS. J. H. Beagle died In this city last night from cancer. Tha deceased was a native of Missouri and waa 18 years of age at th time of death. He came across the plains with hla parents te the Willamette val ley In 1141 and In 12 came to eastern Oregon from tha mlnee of California. He paaeed practically hla entire Ufa In mining operations end waa In the Oran Ite creek region during the early days of eastern Oregon. He leavee several brothers and sisters In thla section, but hs was never married. He waa burled under the auspices of, the A. O. U. W. ledge, of whleh he wee a member. moorporewtlon. (fipeelel Diana tch to Tbe JserrneL) Balem. Or., Oet. IS. Articles of In corporation were filed thla morning In the office of the secretary of state hy the following companies: Eileen Manufacturing a Mining com pany, of Portland; Incorporators, Eugene Pearson, j. b. atacuonaia. n. w. uater hout; capital stock. 1100,000. Koosbay Improvement company, of Marsh field; Incorporators, William 8. Harris. L. D. Kinney. Burt J. Howlsnd, Francis H. Clarke; capital stock, 126.- 0. Uorwsal Special Sen lie, 1 Oakland, Cel., Oct IS. Hundreds of delegatea, including many rellgloua and mission workers ef wide fame, are In Oakland to participate la the confer ence of tbe Toung People's Interna tlonal association, which will be In ses sion In the First Preabyterlan church during the next few Says. Robert E. Hpeer of New Tork, William Shaw of Boeton, John Willie Beer of Los An geles, and W. R Latmbuth of Naah vllle are among the scheduled speak - ere. Bj Articles of Incorporation of the Port land Crloket Club association have been filed In the office of the county olerk by W. O. Smith. B. U H. Oilmen. H. W. Hodges. P. C. Browns, A. a Slsley end R. Ryland. Their object te to promote end encourage the game of cricket. They have a capital stock of 16.000, (Waahlagtaa Bareen of The Journal.) Washington. Oet. IS. Two postmas ters have been appointed In Oregon at Ames. Clack maa county. Sara M. Eis ner, and at Prospect, Jscksoa oouaty. ...1SS 180 !!;iTf" ItTt- ... sju siS I.: 4l2 47tJ m f ...2iTH 814 ...144m 144 . . . SO SI ...18844 188 ... 28 88 ... 84 SB ...117 ft 188 iS cent. Lew la M. Whitley. BnaaaaaaaaaaW Columbia ife Aa Oregom eorporaaoa SaellshU mean desired White Sewing Machine Agency Phone Main 6102 n. d. joines aad aVepeUrod. OLD BBT.TABTaB Dalles Diamond Floor has never fslled te please, it has al ways been the standard for family us. Aak Teas Diamond Re, H. GUTHRIE Portland Rap, 111 Abtagton Bldg. Phone Pacific 2261. Eight Thousand Cords OS? DrvSlabw HOC Be Bold Before Stxt Blah , fl BO pet load 4-foot Wood. aX.25 per oord Portland Slab wod Co. WHITE SLAVES ARE AWARDED DAMAGES (Journal Special Service.) Helens, Ark., Oct. 18. After all-night deliberations a Jury thla morning awarded Adeline Vitt 1626 and Marian Bmmone 11.000 damages for Imprison ment on a plantation by Thomas Mus grave. The women ere alleged to have an swered advertisement for a companion for Musgrave's Invalid wife. Muegrave visited them In St Louis and described hie home as luxurious. The plaintiffs were taken by steamer to a small land ing, walked Inland and found the "man sion" a log csbln surrounded by huts of negro workmen, and no , white women on the place. The prisoners finally es caped aad told frightful tales ef their treatment. Each sued for 160.040, HADLEY BELIEVES HE CAN OUST OIL TRUST (Jonrnal Spiral I Service.) St IaOUis, Oct 16. Presentation of evtdenoe in the defense was begun this morning In the eeeslon of the hearing of tha ouster proceedings ef the state against the Waters-Plero, Republlo and Standard OU companies before Special Commissioner Anthony at the Southern hotel. Attorney-General Hadley de clarea the state has made ita ease. Against the proteet of Hadley. An thony again adjourned the hearing until November S. WRECKS ON ISTHMUS CAUSED BY LIQUOR (Joarnsl Specie) Sorvhas.) Panama. Oct. 14. It- la understood that the sale of liquor on the isthmus of Panama will be prohibited afteV January 1. It cannot affect Panama or Colon, where the saloons never close. It le stated that a number of recent wrecks have beea traced to intoxicated crown of trains. NEW HOTEL IS TO BE ERECTED IN YOSEMITE (Journal Special Servian,) Riverside, Cel.. Oct 14. Frank Mil ler, proprietor of the (31 an wood hotel, le granted a concession to build a 11.000,000 hotsl in the Toeemlte valley to take the piece of the gtoneraan house. wniCh wee BUrTaeq several yeara ego. President Roonelvelt took a personal Interest In Miller's application and aided In getting the concession. SHOOTS HER SPOUSE TO SAVE OWN LIFE (Jeernal Special Service.) Chicago. Oct, II. To save her own life. Mra. Sarah Alcopa. thla morning. In the presence of their children, shot and killed her husband John, who waa ehaalng her with a knife Jealousy was) the cause of the husbend's attack. AUTO EXPLODED BY COLLIDING WITH POLE (Jonrnal Special Service.) Cleveland, Oct. 14. An automobile running et a high rate of speed struck a trolley pole at LAkewood. a suburb, this morning, and exploded. The four Occupants were Injured, two probably fatally Huld Ackerman and George Hartman. CI'TOCwTT oTOT TaaaaatV gSkk M M IJJkh Hf Terno B Wlixoa V P. as tae vjojJayy-hslde8a as rasse tha amy other ooxapany ae isjisesatBslise, &Tr2rs IT Bed Twenty-five I years' trial A provw uxai n SPREADS BEST WEARS BEST LOOKS BEST COSTS LEAST Boars a alartlu a. 881 Wsehlastea TRANSPORTATION. Upper Columbia River STEAMER Chas. R. Spencer Leaves Oak street dock every Monday, aeoay ana r riaay at 7 a. m. rot DAXXBS and BTATB VOaTAOB. connecting with the Open B4ver Traaa- pertatioa Oompany'a steasaere for points as far east as OTaTJs. Return ing, arrlvea Portland, Tueedav. Thurs day and Saturday ci 3 p. m. Low rates end excellent service. rat Mala I860 and 8201. S. S. F. A. Kilburn Psr Case Bar, Share hs a aat Baa rvaa .laa Bext aalllag from Portland Prlday. October 11. Beat aalUog fmnj Ban rrsnckaco. There.. Bet. 4. CHAS. B. 8TRLSMITH. Agaat. Oak Street DocK. Phone Main 2960 Tonopah Goldiield Bullfrog Slocks J I LIQUID PAINT I if 'Vsaj'ftV'' I Rasmussen 1 229-235 Taylor Street 194-196 Second B gaShkL OU MtW&ttjf . evr4jw aTVl arV aStkS PXBOWB TO PAIS. ffj Tarra.t a kuaot of aad T RAN SPO RT ATIOM. i UNION PACTRC 3 Trains to the East Daily i Throngb Pallman etandard aad "a-vaea eaiiy ie V'' eleeplagcsrs dally in taaaaaa d thTse aF (t ra-S?" apot Leara. Arrive. "lcss0.p,tlsDd Special far aSS? "St. Hantlngtoa. dir. Slaves 8:00 pes iB?Z?S?- "rer for Baatera . I . - " mum lava. Wall. e.wn. poenr 4'AIene end A B.ti.t -vta Ihtntlngton. dally. . .V. 8:U net T:18 set .a..T astwi. ror all E7,! .seeeea Biggs and PnrtUnd, dally I ll sat 4:08 BBS COLUMBIA bitbb Division. foesnd way polnta, connecting wBb ax j-dcS fFTra cept Snndsy; Satnrday. 10 p. a. Arrives et S p. ra.. except Seaday. . TAMBIU. BITBB BODTB. FOr Dsrtfm CW..W. C - mmA V . kf ' polnte etearoera Bath and Modoc. Aeh-et. dorh. "SS- a. . asuy, except Seaday (water "' smre r:ao p. a. daJ Banday. SNAKB BITBB BOrjTB. eer LewUtnn, Idaho, and war I Btparla. Week . e tea Biers Spokane end Learas. ton lea re 8:40 a. a., or apoo arrival TrsJa 4. dally except Satnrday. Arrive Its dalle excenf Prlday. Ticket Office. Third and Waahlagtaa ete. Telephone Main T1S. C W. MTlMflBB CMt. Ttfc., " - Mu-mvnnAi. ueweeai re EAST VIA SOUTH Union DaDcyt . Leave. Asrlra, v.aiiaafl e, apnea i rains for Sals aa. Boeehnrg. Aah- Bacramento, ugriett, Praacfaeo. Stoobrsaa. A ore lee. Kl Pass, r Orleeoe aad the eeat. S:4B BS8 filBBSB Moralag train conneere at Wood burn dally ascent Ith train for Meont AnaeL Mrearaan. Brownsville. Springfield. Wendllng and Natron '8 00 aa T:SB pas ngane peaaenger con necte at Wood born with Mount Aneel and SUeaarilan kwal 4ilSpae 'IS tB aa Oorvellla paaaager T :00 am S 50 pa SberMsn paaaengar 4:30 pra -8 88 pa roreet urove passenger 111:55 oa iiiw:sweaw Poreet Orovo paeeenger . . . . 118:00 pm l3:S0pss Dally. HDafly except Baadsv. JErrBBsoN-sTBBsrr static n. Per Dalles sad Intermediate polnta dslly, T:SS . a. aad 4:11 p. a. Arrive Portland 10:10 . a. and 4:88 p. m. Par time aad card of Oewego eahnrhaa trarsa apply st City Ticket omee. or station. Ticket to Eaatern points sad Barone; sJee .pan. China. Honolulu and Anstrslls. City Ticket Office corner Third and Waaab aton atreeta. Phase Ms la Til 0. W. STTBOBB. fl. MeMTTBBAY. City Ticket Agent. oea. Pass. Arm TIME CARD OF TRAINS Portland: Leara. Arrree. Vellowa tone Park -Kansse Clty SL Loola Special for CBrtatw. Ceetralla. Olyaapas. Oroya Harbor. Booth Bead. Tacoaa. Seattle. Saehna. Lewis eaaA. Batu, BU Unas. Denver, oma ba. Banana City. St. Lonla in d Soatheaat, dslly.. 448 asa North Coaet Limited, ehstlhl ilahted. Saw Tacoaa. Seattle. aakaaa Botte. Mimes nolle. St. Paul I Paget Clare aont t. Pan! and tha Beat, dally. 8:00 pa Tteeess lr. Limited, far can. tralla, Tacoaa Seattle only, eauy Twin City Bagrsss for Taco 4:80 pen 4:88 BBS aa. Seattle, spot ana. Helena. Bntte. St Peal. Mlanespolla. Lincoln, ft, Joseph. Basses City. Omaha. St. tenths, wlth eat ebaaee of care. Direct 2 Overland Trains Dally 2 The Oriental Llaitad. the last BaB VIA SBATTLB ABD BPOKANB Portland time erhalala Dally. Lssva. uau7 Arrive. To asd from sayokass, St. Paul. Minneapolis. Ihslath sad all points Best vu Seattle 8:80 aa Teaa 11:44 pa 4 SO pa To aad from St Psal. MlaaeepaVbs Da rath and all potato East via Spokane 8:18 pa 1:08 aat tha. Balling from Seattle tar Japes aad China porta asd Manila, carrying pea se age re and freight. . r s!" rMktafcveahsr 88 Sir POP TUSKS XAIBBA i Japan Mall Steaaahlp Ca.) . Teas Kara will aall from Soettle abeat October IS for Japan aad Chlseee porta, carrying passenger end freight. Per tickets, rates, berth, reserve tlons. etc.. cell en or Bddral Z:<imlJXii Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Ca OsJaa lis rs. Arrive. lor Msseero. Oe ta Haaaoad. fort St Oear- tt Pars, Sssale 8 08 aa USJBSSS Astoria aad Ssssboro. axpreea gatiy T:seea Biaw sss ah ini dalle. C. MATT) nr. qsg P. a., Aatarta, A. 4T8WAST, uaaaaaaaai agawi, aa Alder street. Phone Mais Ovcrbcck, Starr Cooke Co. v 102 Third Street PRIVATE Win TO Ml EXCHANGES Phone Main 31