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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 17, 1906)
When the Other Fellow Gets Mad and Spouts Mud You May Know You Have Him-THE JOURNAL GROWS ALL THE TIME VOL. V. NO. 193. PORTLAND, OREGON. WEDNESDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 17. 1806. SIXTEEN PAGES. PRICE TWO CENTS. SJaK? THINK HUTCHINSON MURDERED BY WIFE'S FORMER SUITOR SPOKANE OFFICERS SEEK MAN WHO VOWED REVENGE FOR WOMAN'S REJECTION Widow of Slain Man Refuses to Affirm or Deny Story Which Is Theory of Police Police Would Force Suspected Man to Prove Alibi and Explain Whereabouts Ha Cannot Ba Found, Though Search la Be ing Made. ' Iu their Sorts to oolv the mystery surrounding; til murder of Reno Hutch inson st Spokane Monday night officers are advancing the theory that the crime was done by a former suitor of Mrs. Hutchinson, one who had vowed that she would never wad another. Bo (Irmly convinced of the ultimate success In running- down the murderer are those who are advancing the theory that Spokane officers are being urged to locate the suspected wooer and ask him to give an account of Ma doing oa the night Of fH tragedy. The theory Is said to have arisen aa a result of an Inquiry by Mrs. Hutch inson sS to the whereabouts of the man at th Urn of the murder. Other de velopments are said by those Interested to nolnt directly toward him and of ficers are now working with th end In view of ascertaining whether or not ne was implicated. Mrs. Hutchinson, widow of the mur dered man, positively refuses to throw any light on th Inquiry ah la said to have nade of th Spokane police. She prefers, sh says, to have nothing what- ) ever to do with the case, ana win neither affirm nor deny her belief in the complicity of her former admirer. I have nothing at all to say with (Continued on Pag Two.) LEAVES PULPIT SO THAT HE MAY TALK SOCIALISM Rev. Robert Whrtaker of Oakland Resigns Pastorate Because of Convictions That His Duties Are of Nature Not to Be Bound by Any Creed. Baa Francisco, Oct. IT. Because sec tarian tie prevented him from exert-In ing power In th Said of letters relative to socialistic ideas, Rsv. Robert Whlt sker of Oakland has resigned -His posi tion as pastor of th Twenty-third Ave nue Baptist church, th pastor states further that the causs of his resigna tion Is th fact that hla convictions of Christian duties or of a nature that no creed onuld bind, and whit he by no mean Intenda to sever his connec tion With the Baptist church, he could no longer be true to his conscience a a pastor. Th resignation of Rv. Whltaker, which will tak effect on December tl of this year, comes aa a great surprise to th members of th congregation, with whom tha paator has been moat popular. Jtev Robert Whltaker has preached socialism from th pulpit and public platform far a number of yssra In Oak land and elsewhere In th state. He la a member of th Ruskln club, an or ganisation that includes In It member ship Jack London, Oaorg Starling and Herman Whltaker. Whltaker la a man of deep convictions and, despite the fact that John D. Rockefeller la th rtcheet contributor to charities and re ligious work of th) Baptlat church in this world, th clergyman never hesl tated to denounos th methods of th man from th pulpit, and In the column of tha cress. Th Rev. Mr. Whltaker characterised Rockefeller aa a dangerous man to the peopl la Amrlc and held him up as an "sample of everything that a God fearing and patriotic cKhtert should not be. When Rockefeller offered minion to the oauee of foreign missions Rev. Mr. Whltsker wss th lesder of lh move ment that sought to compel the church to reject th "tainted money.' He wrote a lengthy ststsmeht ef the case of th peopl against Rockefeller to the board of missions and from hla pulpit in Bast Oakland anathematised the great trust baron. lfta Reno Hutchinson. LIGHTNING RODS AS EARTHQUAKE CURE PROPOSED San Francieoo Theory That Terrible Upheav als Are Caused by Electriotty and Lightning Rods Driven Into Ground Will Prevent Them That th det ruction of -Ban! Francisco wag caused primarily by "underground lightning" is tha opinion' of Thomas A. Keogh, e prominent attorney of that City, who wag a guest yesterday at th Belvedere. Mr. Keogh -has given the subject thought and Investigation from the viewpoint of a layman, and he says th tlm Is not far off whan applied science wUl eliminate tha earthquake peril In civilised quartan of the globe by simply putting down subterranean lightning rods. "What la the fore - that onuses the tremendous Internal movements of th earth and breaka Its crust? It la elec tricity," said Mr. Keogh. There can be no other logical conclusion In th mind of anyone who has experienced and observed the esrthquske phenomena. For week we had aa earthquake for break fast, another, for luncheon and a third for dinner whenever there waa any dinner at Ban Francisco. These singu lar quskes were not caused by heat or steam, tor there waa no steam or smoke visible. They were not the result of releasing gases from th bowel of tha earth, for there waa no odor apparent There was nothing that could be de tected by any of man'a five senses ex cepting th sens of feeling. You could reel th earth move, and hear It grind ing, and you could also hear the angry ocean roar. I was told by a ship cap tain that on th night of the grant quake he never before faced such a ses. It waa ilka a mad leviathan, and for hour threatened destruction of th ves sel, whim th deks wer swept by wave after wave, and th sailor worked waist deep in water." Mr. Keogh'a theory 1 that there are In th earth, aa la th air, th positive and negative currents of electricity. They move her and there, wherever ex ist th pecullsr powers of attraction that caua electrical activity. In th so-called earthquake son of southern California th mineral formation la auch that the current are powerfully agi tated, and must coma together. When th contact occurs the earthquake fol lows, aa thunder follows lightning In the sky. H believe that artificial mean will be found to relieve the sub terranean depths of their electrical cur rents, and that when this I done there will be no more earthquakes. The world will take off lta hat to the peopl of San Francisco.'' hs ssld, "for tholr hro4c loyalty and faith in their city. The city will rise greater than ever, th bualnee district will re main In Its old place. The people sre rapidly accomplishing th work prelim inary to this end. The splendid spirit and courage are there that rebuild rulasd cities. There nvr waa eo much mony held out ready for every pur- (Continued eo Fag Two.) THERE IS A REAL ESTATE AD ON Page 12 THAT MAY BE PROFITABLE TO YOU HARRIMAN DEFEATED BY S. FISH Effort of Magnate to Secure Control of Illinois Central Is Doomed to Failure Executive Makes a Sensational Speech Charging His Enemiee With Seeking to Elect Directors for Stock Jobbing Purposes Is Supported by Astor. tjoeraal Special Service.) Chicago. Oct. 17. Tha fight for con trol of the Illinois Central railroad at th stockholders' annual meeting today resulted In a victory for the forces head ed by Stuyvesant Flab, and the over whelming defeat of E. H. Harriman, who had announced hla intention of wresting control of the road from the present management Fish wss In full control. Th vote revealed that ho controlled tf 4.710 share out of the 960.000 shares of stock representing a capitalisation of 106,000.- .-sr--', Fish refused to vot for D Fort as to r sensational speech said that ha had dls covered, after making a half promts to do so that D Forest was being foroed In In an effort by certain parties to gala control for stock Joining purposes. Harlman . was not present, 'but Will iam Nelson Cromwell, hi personal at torney, directed the fight against Fish, who marshaled all his f cross to , re tain control. John Jacob Aator and Cornelius Vandarbllt war In the fight on the aide of Flah. All of them, with other strong supporters, arrived this moving. The leaders will confer all morning. Fish's sensational speech waa passion ately answered by Cromwell, who ac cused Flah of making th charge to es cape hla promise. s Fish's nominee, James W. Cuttln. wss elected director and all other directors were reelected. Scores of holders of the company's shares war present at the annual meet ing today from points as far south aa New Orleans and from many parts ot th east and west. The business of the meeting wss of a routln character, th stockholders listening to the snnual re ports and being called upon to approve the acta of th directors. Th reports, previously mad public showed th gross earnings of the company for th year ended Jan SO to be tll.fti.40S. and th net earnings and Income from Investments and miscellaneous sources to be tll.4tl.tt4. an Increase for the year of 1770.167. TOWN DESTROYED BY INFURIATED NEGROES (Jeareel special Service. ) areensborough. 8. C. Oct 17. Th town of Ben 00 wee partially destroyed this morning by fire, which was sat by negro as revenge for dynamiting tha negro college recently. Th leap Is STRIKERSWILLIN6 BUTDOUBTFUL SENATOR ELKINS IS URGING THIRD TERM FOR TEDDY W. toginian Thinks President Rr Heed the Call of the People. tj. I Special Service.) Washington. Oct. IT. Senator Stephen B. Btklne of West Virginia Is the -ateet to urge a third term for President Roosevelt. Senator El kins, who passed through her on his way from New York, said the people of West Virginia favored a third term for the president, and thai the call of the people of the republic should be stronger than the srlll of any man. He thought that there waa no doubt of 'he strength of the demand of the country over that the president take a third term and that Roosevelt Should bow to the demand Hearst's election in New York. Mild Elk Ins. would foroe Roosevelt to run. He did not think Hearst would win. bat said he did not regard it a. foregone conclusion that Bryan wentd bo Dm neat Democratic nominee, as tne, Nebrasknn had hurt himself by hi stand for gov ernment ownership la hla New fork iHtt tffe&t saaaaaaaf aM MjMMH wgggggggggggMggggggggggg W taaafl .aSaaaaaaal saaaaeV gaaPeal Yfew York-Cuban banking firm, f ft I ItP - tfL yX TAKF1? 11FF AT ."rrrrrr-r lSKlSl I I 1 aV V sV. I 1 1 .VaaU. I - - - ggggggg-a. g th I laMf want h his iamiru IMW BMM rrnnu i luniun 1001 to Ven"ueU- B,low te lfcHiHBHH rhirlw lilnUlnh ,he Ceb,los st NichoU ice p,,nt- 90 I L II II I LnllUllltl To the right' is facsimile of letter WW f C ' " . J f ' Shoots Himself With Revolver and Dead Body Is Found by Bridge Laborer Mystery Sur rounds Identity of Victim and Cause for Deed. Th body of an unknown man, who committed suicide by shooting soma time last night waa found this morning about 100 yards from tha Vancouver ferry landing on the Oregon side of th river. Th dead man waa II or SO year of age, moderately well oresaeq ana pre sumably a wcrklngman. Ha carried a cane and was slightly lame, in one foot No papers wars found en him. Coroner Flnley haa no clue as to bis Identity. He used a It-caliber six-shooter of an unknown make which he placed at hie head lust over tha temple. Only on shot waa required to do the work. According to R. D. Depew, proprietor of a cigar-stand at tha ferry landing, the man came over from Vancouver on th 3:30 ferry yesterday afternoon and hung around the landing until about i o'clock, when he disappeared and was seen no more. Mr. Depew says that he heard a ahot about 8 o'clock. H now think that was th fatal one, but thought nothing of It at th tlm. This morning a laboring man, work ing on th bridge near the seen of the suicide, came upon th body a h was going to work between 7: to snd o'clock. Coroner Flnley was notified (Continued on Pag Two.) Agree to Arbitration Plan of the Mayor, but at Same Time Prepare to Extend the Strike and Tie Up the Business of the Exporters. Th acceptance of th mayor's propo sition for arbitration by both parties to the grain handlers' strike waa the only thing which prevented a general walkout of the Waterfront Federation today. As ft waa. the central body wae in session several hour before the de cision to postpone the general strike and await the result of the arbitration move was reach-' . In spite of this de cision, however, the boycott of Long shoremen's ITnloii No. Its wear extended to include all the members ot the Ex porters' association, aa well as any and alt exporting buslueea. The action of the Waterfront Fed eration last night euta out th export era entirely from the labor of th long shoremen, even though the f ei msr svr their connection with Bregrn Mo Cabs ss employing stevedores. In ac cordance with the decision la tie up all other exporting business also the union longshoremen who' Went to work Monday noon to load the tramp Steam ship Wynaric refused to continue that work this moming. 4 Continued en Pag Four.) NEW YORK-CUBAN BANKER RUINED BY AB8C0NDINC AGENT. ...... : : 7T CUT FINGER OFF 10 ESCAPE French Sailor Deliberately Maims Himself in Order to Get His Release From Ship Genevieve Molinos . Olrvier Bchoquer, a sailor on .the French bark Oenevleve Molinos, cut off th Index finger of, hi left hand yesterday afternoon In order to secure hie release from the vessel, i Th offi cers, aa well aa hla shipmates, say th man la slightly demented, snd attribute hla .act to a fit of Insanity. He waa taken to the hospital and will be kept there until well, or when th ship la ready for th see. . Bchoquer says he cut hla finger off by accident, and denies having done It to get away. He says he waa trimming a stick with one of the broad-axe kept on ship board, when the tool slipped and severed the finger. Other sail er say they saw htm raise the aae and let It come down good and hard on the hand with the evident Intention of maiming himself so ss to be unable to perform the work required on a wind Jammer. The Oenevleve Molt no ilea Idle at HON WORKMEN ARE GRAFTED BY INSURANCE CONCERNS Watering Takes Place in Com panies to Extant of Two Hun dred Per Cent Yearly. (Jeers! Special Service. ) Boston, Oct. 17. Louis A. Brandts, a lawyer and well-known atudent of economies, aald In an address here last night: 'Th history of Industrial Insurance method Is a terrible record. In Massa chusetts In 1& years the wage-earner have paid Into Industrial Insurance companies doing business here t6i. OtOtOOO. and they have got out of In surance companies tlt.000.090. Water ing take places In those insurance oosapanio to the extent of tit par cent per annum. "On company In 1104 had 140 lapsed polio lea to one death. A man who let hla policy lapse lose everything, but the man who keeps on paying la worse off. for he never gets ' hrough losing. , "We must elthsr have govnrnroent duatrlal Insurance corapanl r must have Insurance which 'he wage earner may get aa he gets in Investing 4 la ear savings banks. - Dsvldge's dock awaiting to discharge the remainder of her cargo, brought here from Antwerp. She la the vessel that furnished the first chapter In the longshoremen's tsiike, by having her crew work the cargo until enough had been taken on board to stiffen her suf ficiently to permit of her shifting from one dock to another. SchoqueVs shipmates say that be waa tired 'of having to assist in handling the cargo and had atated his Intention of devising some scheme whereby to effect his relea. It I even said that be talked of cutting his whole hand off If necessary. WIODOWSOD ARRESTED FOR MDRDER OF MOODY Pine Saloonman Is Charged With Brutal Crime by His Neighbors. (Special Dispatch to The Joersal.) Baker City. Or.. Oct. 17 Alex Wld dowson. proprietor of a saloon at Pine. has been arrested charged with the brutal murder of Wlllard Moody, which occurred three weeks ago. Moody waa found dead In the brush about 100 yards back of the store at Pine with a bullet hole In his head and hla face beaten to a palp. There . was absolutely no clue to the crime at the time It was discovered, but the people of Pine worked diligently on the case and finally asked for the arrest of Wld- dowson. Pine Is 70 miles serosa th count' from Baker and rh sheriff will ba two day getting in with his prisoner. JOSEPHINE COUNTY TO ERADICATE PEST (serial Btssatrs to The JesrssL) Greats Paas. Or.. Oct. 17. That the peat-ridden and diseased orchards of Josephine county may be eradicated tha local Fruit Growers union and the county court have united In a campaign for bettor and cleaner fruit fpr Jose phine through the sfrlct enforcement of the law regulating the spraying of Infested trees Thai th law may he enforced and all tardy and negligent or- i bardlets properly prompted. Hortirul- tural Commissioner Cs In Judge Jewell ha j-fr toeter C arson and t ounty ured (he appolnl- fruit been een given JAILBREAK PREVENTED BY SHERIFF Plot ot County Prison ers to Murder Officers and Make Escape Is Disclosed Corridors and Cede Sayohas1 and Steel Saws FoundPlans for Break for Liberty Had Been Well Arranged When tha Plot Was Discovered. Positive Information concerning a plan for breaking out of the county Jail that Included the killing of Sheriff Btevena and Taller Mitchell has been received by the) sheriff, and a thorough ssarch of th prisoners' quarters la being made. Close watch oa tha action of the prisoners la being kept. Deputy Sheriffs Archie Leonard and H. Bulger searched corridor No. t tax forenoon sad found a quantity of steel wire snd a steel table knife with halt the blade notched Into a saw, concealed ever cell I. Sheriff 8tpvna says he knows of other Implements yet con cealei la th Jail sad that th nera will be continued until they are found. The sheriff would not say what th r thing are that are still hid in the cells. But atated that they are mote tn the nature or weapons than any of the things yet found. "We absolutely know that the pris oners intended to kill both Jailer Mitchell and myself If necessary In order to get away." aald Sheriff Stevens this morning. The corridors are guarded by double doors, with a small pace between the doors. We have definite Information that the Inner door of on of th corridors was opened by the prisoners on thraj) different nights after it waa locked by the Jailer. "The first plans were laid) walla (Continued on Page Four.) CHINA'S ARMY IS BEING INCREASED AT A RAPID RATE Conditions In Celestial Empire) Really Much Worse Than Be fore Boycott and Anti-Foreign Feeling Stronger Than Ever Tang Shao-Yi in Command. , (Jesrsal Special Berriss.) Washington. Oct. 17. Condition In China, which are generally auppeaed to have Improved since the cessation of the boycott on American goods and the consequent agitation, are really much worse, and th anti-foreign feeling la greater- than It ever waa. Information of absolutely trustworthy character haa reached Waahtngtoa to this effect. The Chinee array, under the guiding hand of Yuan Shin Kai, who Is consid ered by those who know China to be th greatest man in the country. Is be ing increased at a tremendous rats and the government la putting a great deal of money Into tha main fighting fore. Yuan I viceroy of th province of Chill. In which Peking Is situated. He haa very great lnfluenc and his main policy now seems to be to Increase tha army. This fact, cou pi- ! with a show of for eign hatred, which Is becoming mori and more apparent, make the situation serloua Tang Shao-TI Is rapidly becoming one of" the most powerful man la China. He to getting a salary of 1 150.00 a year. Not only Is he vice-president of the for eign office, hut h Is director general of the railway from Hankow to Peking sad holds ths nam position with regard) to the railroad from Peking te New - Chwang. Hs was recently made super intendent of custegta, ana in tnis parity hs Is Increasing revenu. moot which is being pent est in amy. A few years ego Tang was. a person eg merely nominal importance. To just what tm present cosaWssM will lead cas scarcely he ptssatcts. nine the ending of th anas sir. Russl tsnt, has bee I he situation. Ruesls fa. t ton of sidereal snd Japes, oa sxssM I.,r to jspanw i ess-. i the eondltloas lnrssJv,aV ,h ''llu?nm: j f la1 frlM I ssSTs'ilia 'i l.-JSAi. . LgaTawi