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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLANP, TUESDAY EVBWINO. nCTOBBR 1 WHL II STOTT WRITES ON RUGBYJAME Portland Student at Stanford Say New Game Will Be Given a Fair Trial. CARDINAL CAPTAIN SEES POINTS IN ITS FAVOR Former Multnomah Club Star Re views the Recently Adopted Sport and Maintains That It Has a Num ber of Virtues to Recommend It. Plowden Btott of Portland, now a stu dent t Stanford university, where he ' Is slso captain of the Cardinal football team, haa the follow Inn to aay In the ' San Francisco Chronicle regarding the Rug-by game and the fair trial that his college man Intend giving It: "Rugby football, as played by the TTniveraltv of California and Stanford university, haa many similarities to the game being played In the esst tooay. ' There la tbe same personal contact and struggle for supremacy which charac terised the old game; but Rugby, aa far aa we have seen It this yasr. haa done away with the mass plays, substituting for them clean, open new wora. "Rwbv calls for a far better phys teal condition than the other game, be cause the halves have been extended to 40 minutes, and during the whole length of the game the bait Is constantly mov ing from one end of the field to the other. Tbe two fullbacks, who corre spond to the safety fullback In the In tsrcollegiate game, are the only men on both teams who do not have to fol low the ball all the time In Its swtft nights up and down the field. One of the chief arguments In favor of Rugby Ilea in the fact that In every scrum and line-out, which correspond the scrimmages in the old game, each team has an equsl chance to obtain possession of the ball. In the old game one team by marked superiority to the other could gain and keep possession of the ball during the whole struggle, in Rugby the chance for an uneven gams Is almost done away with, as aaeh team constantly has an equal chance for the ball. Demands Quick action. "This fact demands quick thought snd action on tha part of every man on both teams. Inasmuch that until tha actual possession of the ball la obtained or lost neither team knows whether It ia to act on the offensive or the defensive. "In Rugby the team does not even .know that they will have possession of the ball before tha play starts, and after they do get possession of It the 1 man who Is to receive the ball from .the halfback, who corresponds to the Intercollegiate quarterback, knows noth ing of it until the ball la passed to him. "In the matter of teamwork the pos sibilities of the two games are about . .even. In the old gams tha runner must have at least one man as Interference, and one man to back him np la case of a Tumble. In Rugby the men with the ball, whether he Is running o: dribbling, must be supported on either side. "While It will take several years at the least to develop Stanford aa finished a Rugby team as the New Zealsndere proved themselves to be, yet In four weeks we here learned something of the rudiments of the gsme, and by the time of the Intercollegiate game we hope to hare them and other principles well enough developed for us to make a cred itable showing against the Blue and Gold. At any rate, supporters of the I Rugby game may be assured that It will receive a thorough tryout at Stan ford from the coaches, the players and t,the student body, the latter showing unusual interest In the game by their attendance in large numbers at practice every night" (Josrnal Special Barrier.) New fork, Oct. If Favorable condi tions surrounded the opening of the annual tournament of the Intercollegi fate Golf association at Garden City to day. Tale, Harvard, Princeton. Colum bia and Williams are participating. Robert Abbott, the present champion, , was on hand to defend hla title. For a Good Complexion. Health and Beauty. FOR Clear Eras Pure Complexion Sweet Breath Clean Tongue Calm Nerves Good Temper Eat a Casoaret whenever you suspect you need It Cany a little tOo Emer gency box constantly with you, In your Purse or Pocket. When do you need one? When your Tongue Is coated When you have Heartburn, Belch lag. Acid Risings In Throat When Pimples begin to peep out When your stomach Gnaws and Burns. That's the time to check coming Con stipation, Indigestion and Dyspepsia, That's the time to take a CaacareL a a One tablet taken whenever you suspect you need It trill Insure you against 90 par cent of all other IDs likely to attack you. Cascarets don't purge, don't weaken, don't Irritate, nor upset your stomach. They sttmulste the Bowel Muscles to oca tract and propel the Pood naturally past ths Utile valves that mix Digestive Juices with Pood. This stronger aotion produces greater BrtrlMon from food and perfect eftmma Oon of useless materials. It makes the blood purer, healthier and more r scorn tructlve, insuring a fine, ejaar color sad oom Beasts a. a a ' Than carry the Utile ten-cent box granny with yea In your purse, and a Casoaret whenever you snspeot yen gawd It. All Druggists sell them over Ion mu tton boxes a year. Bo vary careful to gat the genuine, made only by the Sterling Remedy Com pany and never gold In bulk. Every tablet stamped "CCC." aM JONES AND CHANCE STMPUYERS Managers and Captains of Pen riant-Winning Teams Are Made of Great Stuff. HOW JONES WON HIS WAY TO THE FRONT With Foremost Hitting Team in American League, His Men Man aged to Succeed Through Good Headwork. Now that the great baseball struggle In Chicago la at an snd. It will be of Interest to the fans to know a few things about the managers that brought both pennants to the Windy City. It seems strange that the man who held the White Stockings to their guns through a strenuous season should be named Fielder and play tbe position be yond the base lines. Fielder Jones, captain, manager and center fielder of the Sox, Is one of the foremost fielders In the gsme today, while the record he haa made with the team telle the story of hla managerial ability. Jones was with tbe Brooklyn team a few years back and was rated as a top-notch hitter, always batting well over 300, while his fielding and base running were magnificent. Ha was made manager of the Sox a season after he Joined the club, and haa shown his skill by fighting- Ms wsy to the top with the weakest batting; outfit any manager was ever asked to handle. Jones himself, formerly one of the country's big sluggers, now bats about .260 with the Sox, and the best bats men, after Joining the club a while, fall down In their hitting. Captain Anson, a good Judge of batsmen, says that this is mainly due to the soft and porous ground of tha South Side park, which smothers a drive, takes away Its rebound, and makes It a cinch to put across to first ahead of the runner, who. In turn. Is delayed by the same spongy ground. This seems the most likely explanation of the poos batting done at South Side' park, and may con sole Jonea and his friends Jones Is an outfielder who makes the most sensational of catches, not to show off, but because he gets them all over the field after the moot desperate sprinting. Johnston. McAleer, Welch. Fogarty men of that kind were dupli cates of Jones, or, rather. Jonea dupli cates the great performances these men used to give. He throws superbly to the bases, and has a head for outfield work besides and knows when and where to put the leather, and turns many a matchless trick Just when a slip would be fatal. Hla hits are of tbe timeliest order, and he la a fast man on tha Frank Chance, captain, manager, first baseman, star batsman, king of base run ners great smoke, is there anything else man can doT Frank la only 11 years old, and that Is quite a bunch to pile On the shoulders of a youth of It. who baa a Ions; way to ao befeee being Oslerlsed. Chance la a Callfomian from Fresno. After Imbibing some col lege stunts, he became convinced, about Is years ago, that the diamond offered a great field for the man who could wear a large glove becomingly. Hence he became s California league catcher, and his fame went abroad. He was heard of by the Chicago management and waa signed. Hla first year was very much experimental, for the kid waa a large, lumbering piece of furniture, with a great capacity for falling over his own feet and getting in other peo ple's way. Somebody said he looked like a great ball player, but didn't say what great ball player he looked like Any how, he remained, and .the next seasoi saw him crowding the older catchers aside. Within three years he had become a wonder aa a catcher and thrower, a grand batsman, and a fast base runner. When the American league made its great raid on the National reserves Chance stuck with the Chicago team. He also began to experiment on first base, and, as he says himself, had an awful time "the throws don't feel the same in a first baseman's mitt ss they do when you are catching," as Frank ones explained It to the writer. Bat he stuck at it sticking at a thing is Frank's long suit Then he became cap tain and then manager. And now look at him! The Idol of the fans, ths dar ling of hla players aa great an indi vidual ball player as there la ia the land, tiptop In every department and a real American king. The finest of good fellows, tbe leader of a great and win ning ball team, and married to one of the prettiest girls In Chlcsgo well, luck breaks pretty nicely for Frank Chance these days! YESTERDAY'S RUNNING AT BELMONT AND KENTUCKY (Journal Special gerrkjs.) Nsw York, Oct. It. Yesterday's ras ing at Belmont Park: Five sad a half furlongs Vails won. Barbery Belle second. Rebel Stone third; time, 1:01 2-1. Ths Autumn Meadow Brook steeple chase, about three miles Oleroso won. Orthodox second, Gypsy third; time, 4:11. Mile Qtnette won, Dolly Spanker second. Far West third; time, 1 :lt. Six and a half furlongs, straight Hard Shot won, Llnnepee second, Her man third time, 1:1 l-. The Westchester high weight handi cap, last 4H furlongs, mala course Ox ford won, Ben Ban second. Brookdale Nymph third; time, 1:11 1-1. Mile and three sixteenths Tommy Wsd.lell won. Chlmaey Sweep second. Good Iuck third; time, 1:68 1-1. At SsralavlBe Track. Louisville, Ky.. Oct II. Results of races: ' First nee, selling, six furlongs Fair Calypso won. Toboggan second, Miss Leods third; time, 1:14. Selling, SVa furlongs Lady Vlmont won. Sallle Muter second, Alta McDonald third; time, 1:04 1-1. Nera finished sec ond, but was disqualified for fouling. Puree, mile Hector won, Moll vain second, Asora third; tune, 1:41 1-6. Free steeplechase, handicap, abort course Ben Shaw waa. Dr. Keith sec ond. Scops third; time, 1:62. Selling, mile Bitter Brown won. Do cile second, Susanna Roc amors third; time. 1:41 1-6. Mile and three eighths Elliott wen. Anna Day sss t, Mae Lynch third; Usee, 2:10 1-1. Fowalar Ft Syracuse, N. T., Oct. 14 William H. Dtneen, the popular pitcher of the Boa ton baseball club of the American league, waa married here today to Miss Margaret Quinn. daughter of William yulnn of this city. FIRST FOOTBALL CONTEST UNDER NEW. RULES . J Multnomah and Albany Athletic Club Elevens Win Clash Next Saturday Afternoon. On next Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock the local football season will be opened In Portland, the contesting elevens being representatives of the Al bany Athletic club of Albany, Oregon. and ths Multnomah Amateur Athtetlo club of this city. What the game will bring forth la a matter of conjecture at this time, al though it la pretty well known that Captain Jordan's squad has considera ble strength snd speed at ita command. The Albany players are lighter than the local men and possess a great amount of speed. How they will fare against the locals under the revised rules will not be known until after the gams comes to an end on Saturday aft ernoon. The line-up of Multnomah will not' be decided upon until Immediately before the game, but it Is whispered about the club that every man In tha squad will be given sn opportunity to show what he can da It was stated last night that the local club Intended to play Its light men against Albany. In order that tha vari ous new plays and formations that can only be executed by light, apeedy men, may be given a thorough workout. Two men who have been showing up well in the M. A. A C. team ars 8ter ltng and Blackman. Stealing Is a former record Multnomah man, and haa recently Joined the first bunch. In the last practice he showed that be haa - a fine knowledge .of the game. Playing a defensive guard position he blocked line plsys In good style. -Blackman la a vtaorous. dashing fellow, strong aa an engine and possessing ths football in stinct. He gjiould make a good half back. Carson and Pease are also turn ing out with the older team for work. Carson la trying for end. It Is not known who win play the quarterback position. Alexander, Rs der, Henderson, Dowllng and Blanch ard are mentioned as candidates for the trying Job. but nothing definite is known. Rader would make an Ideal tackle, full or halfback. Wilder will be given his first tryout st end on Satur day. Bert will probably play a guard position part of the game Tbe back field men have not yet been selected, but there will be enough to last out ths game. SCHILLER BOWLERS TAKE THREE FROM M0 NTA VILLA The class "A" teams. Montavllla vs. Schlllers, played their schedule games last night the latter team taking all three. McMillan of the Villas waa late getting around and lost four frames of his first game. The second and third waa very closely contested. Anspaoh poodled twice In the second; that was very costly to hla team. The Schlllers displayed more ginger and bunched their strikes at tbe right time. The highest single score waa mads by Par ent "' He also had high average. ltd. The scores: MONTAVILLA Sloan It 203 Its 174 Anspach UT 14t lit 140 Parent 111 111 tit lt McCaalln ... lit 117 ill lit McMillan Ill 147 114141 Total Till 117 I4t SCHILLER8. (1) (1) (I) Av. Lunney Ill lit 117 14? Newberger 147 171 171 ltf Christian ltl lit lift 177 Head 207 114 10184 Swarta 141 142 146 141 Total 144 lit lit Ths clasa "B" games. Commercial No. I vs. Beavers, was one-sided, the letter team playing four men, bat by good team work they got the last game. Tbe highest Individual score, 174, was made by Rosa, he also had high average, lit. The scores: BEAVERS. (1) (!) (I) Av. Danford ltt 114 lis 110 Campbell Ill 147 111117 PanneU .117 ltl 127124 Roes Ill 117 178166 Total 171 ltl 171 COMMERCIAL NO. 2. (1) (!) (I) Av. e Aldrleh ......... Roberts Simon Arias .111 141 lit 111 .111 114 17 111 .lit 101 106 Hi .lit 141 lift lit Kllllngsworth ......144 111 let ltl Total 467 471 161 Tonight the match will be Commer cial No. 1 vs. Hsppy Dales. Oame, 1:11. Waloott and Mello dy (Journal Special Berries.) Boston, Oct. It. Joe Waloott and "Honey" Mellody have completed their work of preparation and are In readi ness for their ten-round fight at Chelsea tonight. Waleott ia the favorite in ths betting. BUSINESSMEN START THEIR GYMNASIUM WORK The business Men's class of the Mult nomah club began Ita work last even ing; in ths club gymnasium. Fully It men took part In the work, and Profea oor Krohn had charge of the exercises. The class, excepting the boxing part, la from I to t o'clock. The boxing class Is on Tuesdays and Wsdnesdsys from i:tfl to 6:10 o'clock. (Spatial Dispatch to Tha Journal.) McMinnvllle College, Oct. it. At s meeting of the track team men, Charles K. Roberta of The Dalles waa elected captain of the teem for the cpming year. Some kind of systematic training will be carried on during the winter, and durina- the intervals of good weather cross-country runs and paper chases will be taken. J. W. Davenport, Win go, Ky. writes. June 14, 1101: T went to tell you I believe Ballard's Snow Liniment saved my Ufa 1 was under the treatment of two doctors, and they told me one of my lungs waa entirely gone, and the other badly affected). I also had a lump on my side I don't think that I could have lived over two months longer. I waa Induced by a friend to 1 y Ballard's 8tow Liniment. Ths first application gave me great relief: two fifty-cent bottles cured me sound and well. It la a wonderful medicine and I recommend It to suffering humanity." Bom by Woodard, Clarke ft Co. THINKS THE COBS ARE SUPERIOR Portland Fan Maintains That Ascent Series Was Not a True Teat of Strength. HAS HICH OPINION OF THE NATIONAL LEAGUE Correspondent Says the Chicago Na tionals Made a Bettor Showing During the Season Than Their Rivals. , The following lettsr, setting forth the honest opinion of a Portland fan re garding the White Sox victory over the Chicago Nationals, Is published to show that the defeated team haa loyal friends in the hour of adversity: Portland, Oct. 16. Sporting Editor of The Journal After-dinner speeches are 'proper at times, so are after-talks on baseball, especially so after games like the ones just played by the Chicago teams of the American and National leaguea It Is natural for many baseball fans to form their opinions very quickly after the game and generally their verdlot ia in favor of the victorious team. The Chicago Americana no doubt deserve credit a great deal of It for their ex cellent showing. Still, would it be right to say from the showing of a half doaen games that the ane team haa outclassed the other? Hardly so. Is It not a fact that In former days when the National league season waa over the winners would play the team which finished second for the Temple cup, and la It not a fact that one of the reasons why the Temple cup series waa abandoned waa that too often tbe second team would win the oupf Very few people would be so unfair aa to say that the team winning- the cup was the champion team, as nearly all were ready to acknowledge that the team which, after a long season of playing had male the better showing was the champion team! A few gsmes certainly cannot be enough to decide, as all teams have what la termed their off days. There Is nothing to show that the National league haa not fully aa good teams aa the American league I would say that all around it haa a stronger league, aa far aa the quality of the players la concerned. This, however, la a matter of opinion, and we all have a right to our opinion. The Nationals mads a much better showing all through the season than did ths Americana, but the Chicago Nationals had their off days when they played ths Chicago Ameri cans. For an illustration: Some years ago the undersigned managed a team of semi -professionals in Chicago, and thinks be had ona of the boot teams ever produced in Chicago, outside tha big; 1 segues We won the pennant in our league hands down. After the league season we played the winnera of tbe pennant of another league for the championship of Chicago ana won by It to t. The strangest part of the sea son's playing waa that we lost but two games, and theee were loot to ths poor- 1 est team In the league, the team which finished at the bottom and had lost many more games than they won; and, worst of all, we loot the games by the worst scores against ua that were ever rolled up against sny team In the league. We had our off days, the earns as ths Chicago Nationals. Therefore, I say that ths showing; mads by the Chicago Americans against the Chicago Nationals is no criterion. In my estimation ths Chicago National league team is by far the best in the country. Sincerely yours, C. H. WESTON. DlllasS wins (Special Dispatch sa Tha JoersaL) Eugens, Or., Oct. It. In the competi tive rifle shoot conducted by Company C, O. N. Q., of this city yesterday Cor poral W. B. Dillard won the gold medal offered by the company. He made a score of 76 out of a possible ltt. MRS. KITTLESON PURS TO SUE JOURNAL Tacoma Woman Objects to Hav ing Hsr Troubles Recount ed In Poetry. (Special Dtspstek te Tbe Joeraal.) Tacoma, Wash.. Oct. It. The friends of Mrs. Bertha Knetvold Klttleson. who Is suing hsr husband. Dr. A. M. Klttle son, a wealthy Klondlker, for divorce, are seriously entertaining the idea of bringing proceedings agalnat Ths Ore gon Journal for libel. An attorney here haa been consulted, and while It la not certain. It is probable that a salt will be brought. Mrs Klttleson's friends seriously ob ject to a poem published In The Journsl of last Saturday entitled, "We Con gratulate the Doctor," which states that when Mrs. Klttleson haa tired of the stage she can find a place la tbe Union laundry of Portland. Mrs. Klttleson's friends declare that tbe article doea her a great injustice, putting; her In a false light before the public, and they pro pose to make the paper give reparation. Mrs. Klttleson la a Tacoma girl and la gifted in elocutionary attainments. About seven years ago Dr. Klttleson, who had Just corns out from Dawson, met her and the two became engaged. They were married and have one child. Last week sbs brought suit here for di voroe and a division of property. Friends of the two ars trying to bring about a reconciliation, and it Is reported that the divorce proceedings ars about to be dropped. SUES J. J. HILL FOR STOCKHOLDER'S PROFITS (Jesrsal Special Oarvtee.1 New Tors, Oct. it. Clarence H. Ver vey, a stockholder in ths Great North ern railroad, haa begun suit In the fed eral court against the Orsat -Northern and J. J. Hilt as president to compel the defendants to pay back to the stockholders profits of tl0.000.000 which Varnsy claims Hill snd certain directors mads In a stock deal. Varney cbarges Hill with misconduct In office. Hs alleges that HIU In ltOl bought a large amount of stock of the Burlington at par and induced the di rectors to buy It at ltt. Wedding; la nT.akt.tnM rkM ia at ft. - church was the scene at noon today . of WEAK MEN! Let Me Guide You on Your Way to Regain Your Health and Renew Your Strength JVIV FlB is ONLY $10.00 ' IN AN UNCOnPLICATED DISORD R Do you reel that you are not the man you once were? Do you feel tired In the morn ing and easily exhausted? Ia your back weak? Is your memory falling? Do you havu dlffl culty In fixing your thoughts? Are yon los ing ambition? If you have any or all f the above symptoms, you surely do not 4"siro to rr.ialn so. Let me explain to you my meth ods of rebuilding the vigor of men, and refer you to ths thousands I nave cured. I guaran tee to cure all the Special Diseases of Men, suoh aa Varicocele, Hydrocele, Stricture, Con tracted Disorders, Contagious Blood Poison, Nervous Debility. Get Cured Now It Is not n question of whether you can be cured, but whether you will be cured. Don't wait until It Is too late. The cure is abso lutely certain. I oause no pain, and you need not be detained from your work for oni day. I especially solicit those cases In which tbe many so-called treatments have failed, or where money has been wasted on museum ooctors, electric, belts and other appliances Examination Free I offer rot only FREE Consultation and Advice, but every ons that cornea to me I will make a careful Examination and Diagnosis without charge. No ailing man should neglect this opportunity to get expert opinion about hla trouble. If you cannot call, write for Diagnosis Chart. My offices are open ell day from I a. m. to I p. m., and Sundays from the DR. TAYLOR co WhreHcnH,$12.5 o ii-vi- est opinion or-yonr ease, wni cost you nothing: KOI la DM an1 a perfect cure, if you decide to take It will Sneclallste not be more than you will be willing to pay for K the benefits conferred. Our Pee Need Not Be Paid Unless Cured We cure sTerveaa PeblUty, Kidney, sMaSSsr and Oaiwnlo Diseases of Men to seay smrSd. A ante 000 res TStossssi sad MyeJoaieje la shortest poealble tlmcTgur treatment for sTfesioosa, Stsaa, TJlessny Oaroase and Ksrroas TroaaleaT" Rl Ofin PflKON There Is no esse of Blood Poison ws csn not ben- dluuu ruiaun eflt wtth our specific tr&utment, .Blotches and eruptions are removed, running: sores healed up, poisons eradicated from the system, and In moat cases s complete cure Is speedily effected. WE CURB) ALL DISEASES TO STAT CURED. KIDNEY sad BLADDER DISEASES &atFrSt2Fii vssls to us the hidden secrets of CYSTITIS. SCROFULA. PROSTA TITIS and all diseases of ths Kidneys. Bladder and Urinary Tract What nth ars guess st ws sse snd know, sad it often happens that we discover diseases In ths Kidneys In patients who have been the rounds of doctors, end who have undergone treatment for every con celvsbls aliment except for the real cause of 'heir trouble. Our DIS SOLVENT ELIMINATING METHOD restores ths health and strength of these organs, and all complications rapidly disappear. RECTAL DISEASES iilSSrA.0 the most Important branches of COMM. Ask our patisnta Oar treatment is not ths ehsapsst. a lower grade and obeap treatment see. nail All eons SL Louis MEDICAL AND SURGICAL HOURS t a. m. to I p. m. Evenings 7 to 1: 10 p. m Sundays, t to 11. TAJcmxu Blood, Skin, Nervous and Si Diseases Wl DO WOT o.r.: SLaPDlB D of m obi of man only. TREAT AXX, DUlalll n race, bus mane a speouuty sad oojlngrmVOPODIg- DXUAaQM, ZXSERY DXBBAgRS. imni and all affections Men Cured Quickly, Safely and Surely There Is absolutely no Inconvenience, loss of time, hardship or uncertainty, while the results sro direct, speedy end permanent. We cure your disease to stay cured. Ws want to talk with every man wbo suffers from those sffltctlons, due to any oause whatever. We want to explain our methods of curing dis ease ana aai aumvnis ox ioa aianwrs ana bladder. Our office Is equipped with everything science can devise And money can buy that will asslat us In curing- diseases ws treat. We are true special; sis, and do not attempt to treat all diseases, but cure all we treat Our methods of curing- are original, positive, shsolute. Over 50 Per Cent of Our Cases Have Been Cured at a Cost ef SI 0.00 and Many Only $5.00 Should you desire you may deposit the fee with sny bank or business house in Portland, to be paid to us after you nave been restored to health, or you may pay In monthly payments If you prefer. CONSULTATION ALWAYS FREE ' Office hours t a. m. to I p. m. ; Sundays snd holidays, 10 a. m to 11. DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. la TAR ROT m a wedding of Interest In military cir cles. Ths bride waa Mlaa Anna Brook Asptnwall and the bridegroom Lieuten ant Oeorge Blanchard Comly of ths Third regiment .of cavalry. The cere mony was performed by ths bride's father Brother officers of the bride groom lit full dress uniform acted ss usbsrs. SB. TATX.O, As tsedlng SpSSlallSt You Pay When Well What better proof or more sincere assurance sen I offer than I am willing to wait for my fee until I effect a cure? Could I afford to mike such sn offer If I waa not absolutely certain of curing every case I take? Consultation Free This wsll known and reliable curative Institu tion, the St Louis Medical and Surgical Dispen sary, la a permanent fixture of Portland. It haa stood the toot of time snd will continue to stand as a Mecca of hope for afflicted men hereabouts. From time to time It has been remodeled in all Its departments, which are thoroughly equipped with every scientific instrument, apparatus and device essential to our modern methods of specialty practice. Its financial responsibility is as solid as gold, while the treatment It admin isters, as legions of Ita cured patients know. Is skilful, scientific and successful. We invite all afflicted men who really desire a cure to in spect our offices, and to honestly Investigate ua A private consultation, a careful personal examination, together with a scientific and bon- taiakh and" UIiOUl, BTC Is ons of medical science. clsnce. OTJB MXTXODI but tt la she best. 1 at lower fees, bat 70a want Dispensary of Mem I St., Corner viae, Portland, Or. (Journal Special Berries. 1 Galveston. Tex., Oct. It High U4M yesterday threaisned the elty, boY the new sea wall proved adequate. There were nine Inches of rain at Beaumont and skiffs were used In thk prlncipsl streets. Great Auction Sale Of Japanese and Chinese curios, consisting of old Bronze, Sil ver, Cloisonne, new Brats, Sat suma, fine decorated Tea ett, Lacquered Ware, Ebony Carved Furniture, Embroidered Screens, Oriental Rug, etc. Owing to the overcrowded con dition of our small ttore, we arc compelled to dispose of our great stock at auction. The public is cordially invited to at tend this tale. Unprecedented bargains are certain to be had. SALE AT 2:90 AND 7:30 P. M. DAILY. Andrew Kan & Co. 287 MORRISON ST. The Portland PORTLAND, OREGON. EUROPXAN PLAN ONLY HEADQUARTERS FOR TOURISTS AND COMMERCIAL TRAVELERS. Everything to eat and drink, snd It costs no more In the Portland Hotel Rathskeller than elsewhere In the city. Every weekday night from t:lt to 11. K d.1 Hotel Eaton COS.. MOKBJsON ARB WSSS SAAB ITS. NEW saoepisg sad beelnass Slstrlst sU Urge, aknr. oa tilde rams. at. am seated, alaetrlt Hants, telephone la. esea a asefc apartment, etc. Lares oraces. loans! as. sawatss lias. Wftttae. Issms- Mcspoas fr Mil or false. ladles- reception parlors. Prlaata omalDua Boats trains ast Hooma I.OO to $8.00 a Day MAS KATOM, rrwawrir of aoto: i rtopsta, tasks LILY DENTAL CO. ars PATRiBss Bamm. The OBS-Moed Once, Located at IHliai "dfc TlrS 0'aob treats. ! I II V O THIkD OFT ws see os If first ISO Jm tkjaa malaria la. So Iko af roar reach. Bsssilai Haa and aatiau.Ua free. WW 0)4 Id Ore wo. , jjH BrldgT Work, pr lf a aT tea. 11 Vll 739 Palnlaaa Ex Ua 'Ml wSM nssbsr VSM feet Oct for Ttl Wt Mgl rerfoot Tittles .ju. J W natural Taos. All Werk Ossrssteoa far It Tessa, C. GEE WO Portland's Widely Known snd Successful Chinese Medicinal Root and Herb Doctor fasMa rsaunlia tbe lacradlssts which we import Street from tha Orient lers qassntlea and pr.par. ass teS prasara asd sat so tea sets labstsry. Mo surisir. of anr kind saeA as n n ip-io-oai. poisons or sross vaentaela. Tes Doctor treats sseeaeafatly asd ssarsatees to ears ah stesMMk rreeblss. catarrh, ssgtaw. throat, rhanmartam. Msnrr asd Vat to sons'. laotTBLEt ajrn iu pritats nmsiia. -JJl Re false or ml.leadlt.a- statssseets to Ike articled. A safs asd la. tins cora Is tha cfxlck sst 1 swills tlBM and st rfio knrsst coat poa aWs for basest treat moot. If roe assent nil. write for syiBptogt Mssk ad circular TncVow 4 of. is atssssa. OOBSTTLTATIO riH q Pes Wo uasssss Met Mni sVLs OsST. Mwal saVOst, , ntass SMstsm tfis Wa caiaeso Madiaine Go., Iat rertiase, us. Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules A POSITIVE CURE Ceres rilcklr and sarpiaaopti .aSS. no rnattor "of 1& S'iSiSil SANTAL-PEPS1N GO. tea sals ky Waseari. Oeuke ft On. Every Woman , htsSsnataasaSskosMkaew WOODARD, OXARRX 00. AMD LAM-DAVIS Diva oot sfofag. Bab Hla saSgl m if.? Baana a otter, hot aaaauLnc for y