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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, 8ATURDAY - EVENING, OCTOBER 11, IMS, TROUBLE BREWING FOR OFFICER WHO PLOTTED AGAINST FUNSTON Army Man Will Be Courtmar tialed for Conspiring With Cubans to Injur General. ABSOLUTE ANARCHY IN MANY- PARTS OF CUBA Titrable ' Probable Before United State Qeta Out of Island Clash Between Factions Can Only Be Avoided With Greatest Cars. I btdil B Havana, Oct. II. Jt la believed that aerloue trouble la brewing- for an of ficer of the United Seatea army, whoa nam haa not been given out, who I ao cuaed of conspiring with Cuban poli tician to fore the recall of General Funaton from the Island. The atorjr waa Ignored at first, bat ha crown ao lnalatent and specific In many of tta de tails that there la every reason now to believe It la true. The reason assigned for the action of the offloer t that he 1 a member of a oabal whoa purpose It ta to do all poaalble to Injur men who hav been advanced la the aervlce ovr the heads of older 'man and to do all possible to discredit too who do not happen to belong to the West Point clique. Most prominent among th Cuban conspirators 1 ald to be former Vloa 1 'resident Capote, who baa openly de clared that General Funaton when serving In the Cuban army in th up llsing, against the protest of Capet) and other active leader, deserted th rank of th revolutioalsta It la known that th conspirators hav dared, to make oharge against General Funaton to Taft and It ts strongly hinted that whan th aortary gats back to Washington he will make trouble for some of th army officers. It 1 known that h ha a very high opinion of General Funaton. and he Is not likely to let the present trouble paaa unnoticed. It I probable that a court martial will follow and It I aald that th of ficer to be put on trial I well-known In army circles He la not, however, of general rank. In aplte of the outward calm here, there are those who believe there 1 going to be aerloua trouble before th United State get out of th laland. In many districts absolute anarchy pre vail and the whole situation I fraught with gravest danger. A clash between the rebels and the follower of Pal ma caa be avoided only by the greatest care. Rebel who t?ll hav their arm are making raid on Interior (owns and threatening everybody who did not sym pathise with th uprising. In a number of caa murder has been barely avoided. In Plnar del Rio property I unsafe and woman dare not leave their homes without an ecort. There I no sem blance of law or order. Thl I espe cially the case at Gulnes. PEOPLE NEEDED TO WORK IN CANNERY atiasKeeefl jX gg V gggggf - Br " Oeneral Frederick Funaton. (Sserlsl D'spatr to Th JoanaLI Th Dalles. Or.. Oct. 1J The Holmes Fruit company employs 40 women and girl who hav been engaged for th past six weeks in canning pear. Th manager. Mr. Flnlay. bitterly complains of the lack of help, and aays he would employ aa many more If he could secure them. He also complain that fruit dealer prefer shipping fruit to having It canned. If matters were properly adjusted, with the amount of fruit grown In the vicinity of The Dallee. he would be able to employ about 100 persons far into the winter, giving them mean of liveli hood and inaugurating an enterprise that would greatly Impel the growth of The Dalles. MAY SUPPLY BAKER WITH MONSTER WELLS (SpecUl Dtepsteb t Tae Jnernsi i Baker City. Or.. Oct II A remark able well that seems to Indicate that Baker City, by tapping what seems to be a big subterranean water supply, would find a prolific aourc of pur water was struck recently by Benton and Frederick, owner of a well-boring machine, who pat down a well for th Baker Packing oompany at the slaugh ter-house In the valley. The well driller went down through the surface water and on to a depth of 64 feet, where they struck a vela of pure flowing water end -withdrew their apparatus. They sealed the well to frite It from surface water and now the water from below haa filled It to a depth of 4t feet. According to th well borers. It is believed that water for many pur pose could be secured throughout the valley by putting down such wells. DELAY NOW MEANS NEW TICKET New Interstate Commerce Law Forbids Extension of Time on Railroad Transportation. ILLNESS DOES NOT PROTECT TRAVELER Unless Ticket Is Used by Data Named Thereon, Road Is Unable to Honor It for Passage and Pas senger Must Pay Another Pare. NEWPORT AND YAQUINA BAY Th date Of sal of summer excur sion tickets to Newport and . Taquln bay hav been extended to October IS. with a final return limit of October II. which will enable those who have not already been to this delightful resort to take th outing at th reduced rat of fered during th summer. Full particu lars In regard to rates, etc, by calling at City Ticket Office, Third and Wssh lngton streets, Portland. gisfesiod Meek Canned (foods. Allan at Lewis' Beat Brand. Under the working of the new 'inter state commerce law a traveler 1 unable to secure an extension of th time limit on a railroad ticket If for any 1 reaaon ha has been delayed and cannot return home within the period originally planned. .A Chicago man Who yester day applied at the passenger office of the Canadian Pacific In Portland waa so notified snd went away considerably surprised and disappointed. The Chicago man had come to th coast for a two month' stay, bringing hi wife, and Intending to investigate timber and make some Investments. Quit naturally he became Interested la the timber game aa soon' as no had examined a few good Oregon propertied, and he haa devoted much mora time than he Intended to give to hla Investi gations. - The llralt of the -two- round trip tickets he purchased in Chlcagd ex pire before he can conclude hla and reach Chicago. In times past ha ha frequently been similarly de layed, but had no difficulty In getting th railroad company to extend th tint limit on hi ticket. Thl time the re sult proved different. He Was informed that th railroad company would be pleased to accommodate him, aa it had In th paat, but th new law absolutely prevented th extending of any fhvor in that line. The return coupon of a round trip transcontinental ticket I redeemable by tfca railroad company, but at the one- war rate, so me passenger who doe not us hla return ticket gets but a few dollar for It. - In the caae of th Chicago men' tickete. he loses 10 by the transaction. It waa for a tune f a understartdins of railroad passenger agents that under the new .aw a traveler who fefj 111 and was miol to use the return coupon within the time limit could get an extenaion of ft by presenting a reputable physician' cer tificate to th effect that he or she was uaabte to travel. This question lias now bean passed upon by the interstate commerce commission authorities, and the law la Interpreted to mean that no such extension can be given on a rail road ticket. In all caae If the ; aaaen ger has not reached the final destina tion before midnight of the late of ex piration of the ticket, he must pty an other fare for the remaining distance. GIFTS FROM FANS TO GIANTS Public Testimonial to Be Given Portland Team for Win ning Pennant. EVERYONE CAN HELP IN REMEMBERING CLUB Chisens Have Already Started to Subscribe to Fund for a Token for Bach Individual Player Mayor Lane Help Along Good Work. Oregon life THE POLICY-HOLDERS' COMPANY Before signing an application for life insurance, five us an op portunity to show you the merits of your home company Annual Dividends All investments in ssfe Oregon securities. Active, Reliable Men Wanted to Represent Oregon Life In All Parts of Oreg on Home office Commonwealth Building, Portland, Oregon ... L. MILL, L. SAMUEL, CLARENCE S. 8AM U EL, General Manager. Assistant Manager. ladies; coats, man style, something new Columbia Woolen HUle Give Way to Popular P swanS for TtUa Coat la th aSssstslk Oat, The Columbia Woolen Mills company has introduced a novelty Into the tail oring business. Henoe forth, they will make man style costs for ladles, out, finished and fitted from th aame fab ric" used in supplying th stern sex with the natty topcoat, or th swagger Newmarket. "We simply have been forced to open thl new department." aald Orant rheg ley. manager of the Columbia Woolen Mills company. "On many occasions we have been asked by the wive asd lady friend of our customers to depart from our usual nil and make them up a coat. It was not th original plan of the company to make any ladles' gar ments whatever. We did not have suf ficient room to handle even our men's trade to advantage, and thla haa been the explanation we hav made to th doxens of. la lies who hav asked us why w did not put In a woman's tail oring department. "During the summer on lady limply refused no for an answer and demandec that we make her a long coat for wear in the cool evening up in th moun tains, whither ah was going for the summer. She explained to u that ah wanted us to make her a coat man style,' and from th aame materials we used In making men'a long coats. Her argument was that there was no reason hv - .hnitM nrtt mahA Vi r . mml Under thoe condition Just th as me aa j we would make up the same garment to a little different measure for her hus band "We had no answer to that defense, so we mad. up the coat. I do not know how many friends and acquaintance that lady poeee. but If she haa any who hay not been In here to get us to make them a coat, ah 1 Indeed uni versally popular. "A little reflection," continued Mr. Phegley. "ha led us to believe that there I n real reason why w should not ' make man style eoate for ladlea' wear aa long the aame materials are uaed, the same cutter cut th garment and the aame tailor do the work aa carry on our regular bualnesa with man. "Henceforth, ere are going to mas a featur of men's coat for ladle' wear. They will be cut, finished and fitted ae atyliahly a the finest Newmarket over coat costing $60 With our organisa tion atsfl the volume of our business we on make those ladles' coats for from 120 to IIS "The order book," continued Mr. Phegley. "already looks aa If the ladlea' long coat department would be a rather heavy Item In th coming year's Susan." r. C. Butler and Miss Berth I. Stn ger. of Xelao, Washington, vara mar ried at 261 Eleventh street last venlng. Rev. Dr Latham officiating. Th man who I talking of tb llahlng a denatured alcohol factory In North Bend will want 110.000 tone of potatoes next year. Portland may not be a large es Chi cago or hav two pennant winning teama, but the loeal fan ar none the las appreciative of th work of th Olanta who hav brought th Pacific Coast League pennant to thl city. To ahow their appreciation the admirers of th Portland team Intend to pre sent each member of th team with a token at the end of the season. Plana to mak th testimonial public hav al ready started and hav received a hearty response. Mayor Lane baa given hie Indorsement to the plan by agreeing to aot aa custodian of th fund to be raised by popular subscription and In accepting the custodianship th mayor added that he would do anything within his power to mak it a public testimo nial of th appreciation of th people of Portland for th team that haa brought fame to thla city. The plan to provide a testimonial was mad yeaterday at a meeting called by manager Tom Richardson of the Com mercial club. A committee was selected and plana dlscuased for raising th fund. The members of the commute are as follow: A- D. Chariton, Charles Stinger, Sheriff Bteven. C. B. Hick man. Tom Richardson, Dr. James C. Zan, William T. Pangle, Oeorge M. Trowbridge, Frederick P. Bumgartner. r. H. Bay, W. J. Petraln sod J. A. Currey. A committee on design was appointed and today they sre interviewing local manufacturing Jewelers and obtaining drawing of various kind, one of which will probably be selected on Monday. U1 Paaa SBaJ Contribute. vary fan In th city wtU nave a ohance to contribute their mite, great or small. Subscription lists were placed thl morning In all prominent cigar stand where fan congregate and up to noon there had been a good response. Everyone wants to get In on tho achem and show Manager MoCredle and his band that their effort hsvs been appreciated There ar many ad mirer of th Portland team who -might find It Inconvenient to call at on of th place where th eubecrlptton lists are opened, therefore the newspapers of th city hav consented to accept dona tion. Money or checks sent to the Baseball Testimonial fund In ear Of Th Journal will be turned over to Mayor Lane, and by thla plan admirer of the team will find It an aaay matter to make their subscription. Th tlm to subscribe la now. In addition to th nrwapapers aeUng i a agent for th fund subscription can 1 slao be made at th following plan: I Schiller' on Morrison street arid alio ; at' Fourth snd Washington snd Sixth and Washington; Wlttschen Wick ham. Imperial hotel cigar stand; C. E. I Holmes' store. Werthelmer'a store. ; th M. A Ounst store and all th i store of th Unltod Cigar oompany. Other placea where subscription Hats will he located will he announced later. That the movement will meet with a hearty response 1 evident, for during th season thousand of parsons have watched and enjoyed th work of the Olanta Those who do not want to oontrlbut to the fund direct will hav a chanoe to help along th work for Jack Halser, manager of th Hop Oold team, and Ed Rankin of the Schiller nine, have agreed to play an exhibition gam on week from tomorrow, Sunday. October to, at Recreation Park, and as thl la th laat gam of th local sea son, and aa It will be given to help a worthy cause It Is hoped all hands will attend. Stay Be WaSah Charm. While th committee to select th testimonial hav not definitely decided what It will be. It ta more, than likely that eeeh member Of th team will be given a handsome gold watch charm that will be significant of Oregon and Portland. They will be manufactured by a local Jeweler, who ha consented i to have his men work night and day to complete the charms ta Usee for pre sentation at the final game of the Olanta In Oakland on October It. Some of the members of the committee wUl journey to Oakland and snake th pre sentation. While the commute desires to make th gifts a public testimonial from th fan, th subscriptions will not be lim ited to th ardent followers of the game, but the commercial organisation and business house win be asked to contribute, for a winning baseball team I on Of th greatest advertisement a city can have. The work of the Olanta haa been spread broadcast over th nlr country, and that Portland ha won the Pacific ooaat championship will be known to cltlxens everywhere, end naturally those who read of the victory of the Olanta win realise that a city to have a winning ball team muet be Of more than ordinary Impor tance, particularly whan th team of that city I pitted against teams like San Franclaco and Lea Angeles. The Portland club has been a big advertise ment for the city, and the merchant who will benefit from thl advertise ment. It la hoped, will mak substsnttal donation to th youth who hav brought fame to th Roe city. You may inquire of someone sometime why The W. G. McPherson Company installs most of the heating plants put in. We only ask that you see our fur naces and our work the inevita ble answer is contained THERE. The W. G. McPherson Co. Heating Engineers 47 First St., Portland, Or. WILL ENTER CITY FROM NORTH Chicago, Milwaukee el St. Paul Will Not Cross Columbia on Hill's Vancouver Bridge. WILL MAKE CR038IN0 NEAR CRAB CREEK Road to Follow Watercourses Lead ing to Cascade Passes at the Head waters of the Ciapua River and Tap New and Productive Territory. DESERTS SOCIETY TO COMFORT DYING NURSE (JnarMi special Service t Denvar, Colo., Oct If. Evelyn Walsh, daughter of Millionaire Thome Walsh, haa abandoned aoolety tempoaprlly to attend the last tines of Ann McDon ald, a aura Qf Evelyn childhood, who I dying of tuberculosis. Although no official announcement haa been reads, It haa quietly come to he understood that route of th Chi cago, Milwaukee a St Paul railroad Into Portland will be from the north. Barl In the movement President A. J. Eartlng settled aU doubts with th pos itive statement that "the Milwaukee would be built Into Portland.'' Subse quent events have shows th way. The route of the road baa bean finally located and contracts let aa far west aa the Columbia river at th mouth of Crab creek Weet at that point the line has been surveyed and located, but Is at thl tlm In the stage of prelimi nary secrecy that usually attend right of way operation. The road win cross the Columbia near the mouth of Crab creek snd In general way follow th watercourses leading to th cascade paaaes at the headwater of th Clspus river. Men who are olose to tne pro lector hav acquired th coal meaeure and extensive land holdings on tn wear aid of the range, and th way has been made easy for th Milwaukee to follow the Clspus river down the west slope and reach th valleye between the Cascade and Coast rang, through which runs th Northern Pacific and the Harrtman line to ths south. The MUwsukee'e Portlsnd line will, however, be kejt as far aa feasible from the rival roads, and It will be the endeavor of Mr. Barling men to find a grade through new and productive territory In reaching the Columbia river at La Camas. Win So Cross . vaaasevae. At the present time It ta not the In tention of the Milwaukee to creae th Columbia at Vancouver over th new Hill bridge. The plans of Mr. Barling are believed to dovetail with the re cently acquired survey of a- railway projected from La Caress to Pro betel and Hocklnson. by a New Tork man. In co-operation with Forbes a Ooudy of Portland, whoa project I incorporated under th nam of th Vancouver a Suburban railway. The road at first ought a terminal franchise at Van couver, but failing to secure certain large privileges and water frontage, it abandoned Veneouver, declined to ac cept the proffered franchise, and sav veyed it rout la a straight line run ning north and south, immediately east of th military reeervatlon end termi nating opposite Lady' Island, nesr La Cam. Extending northward, sur vey of low grade wss carefully mad and right of way lnvtlgted ts s point some mile north Of Hocklnson, where th company operation termi nated with pusallng lndeflnltenms. There 1 no doubt In trie mind of close observer of th Mllwsukee's ma neuver that th road will reach Port land by thla route. The original Inten tion was, of course, te com down th north bank of the Columbia river di rect from Lolo Psss and at Vancouver branch north to the Sound. When It was suddenly discovered that th Hill people has anticipated everyone there, the Milwaukee's plana went awry, and Mr. Barling, with th keenest disap pointment h had felt in years, eat about to find th next beet rout that would put him Into both Portland and Seattle with the minimum grade and mileage. When Graves9 Tooth Powder After month of engineering and re-, connolsance It was decided to run the main stem westward 'to th Columbia river at Crab creek, and there mak tHS parting of the way, extending one line via the Snoqualmle paaa to th Bound, and th other via th Clspus river rout to Portland. These plans ar now rap idly being pushed forward. A soon aa the remainder of the Snoqualmle pass line Is under construction contracts, the Portland line will be announced and ready for th final estimate ami bid. Th section from Roseltt to Hock Lake, In eastern Washington. wUl be built by Orant, Smith a Co., who hav a contract for it miles From Rosalia to Mnd, where th road will cross th Northern Pacific, two camps are aatab Uhdv and right of way are being pur chased. Fron Llnd to Elleneburg th old Llnd cutoff will b used. Survey ing parties are at work between Tekoa is used twice-a-day you will have white teeth, hard gums, clean mouth, pure breath, good diets-1 and Rosalia, completing a chang In th , . , . " mote between tho point. Spokane lion, gooa neaun. listen to youi dentist's advice. He knows best. la heady saeSal caa or hnttlae, age, U"- Qravas' Tooth Powder C. will be left off ef the mala Una, bat will be reached by a bra Bah fSom Roeelt or Clackamas can have the first for divorcee, barring Multnomah. prise 9 The Kind Too Have Always Bought, and which has In osa for over SO years, has borne the sisrnature and has been made under his pt sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive yoa In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are bin Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health erf Infant: and Childr n Experience against Experiment. What Is CASTORIA si Pleasant. It Narcotle Oast ria ta a harmless substftu e for Castor Oil, (fork, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is eon tains neither Opium. Morphine nor other substance. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys W and allays Foverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind -" olio. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural The Children . Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of S7 The Kind Ton Ha ye Always Bongbt In Ute For Over 30 Years. Positive A soda cracker should be the most nutri tious and wholesome of all foods made from wheat Comparative But ordinary soda crackers absorb moist ure, collect dust and become stale and soggy long before they reach your table. There is however, one Superlative sods cracker at once so pure, so clean, ss crisp and nourishing that it stands alone la its supreme excellence the name Is Uneeda Biscuit s In a dust tight. moisture proof package. NATIONAL BrSCUIT COMPANY Every Day but Sunday Prom PORTLAND to ASTORIA Leaving Taylor Street Dock at 1. A. M. And Every Night But Sunday Night Frofa ASTORIA to PORTLAND Leaving Astoria at 7 P. M. THE THE PALATIAL Steamer Lurline LINE The Old and Re Paasenesrs and Freight for Lowest i All LtaftaSSHli