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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1906)
THE OREGON PAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVBNINO. OCTOBER IS, 1900. BUY APPLES FOR PRESIDENT Portland Commercial Club Will Send Oregon Fruit to i Theodora Roosevelt. AWARD OF PRIZES GIVES GENERAL SATISFACTION Attendance at Hood River Pair on Last Day la Much Larger Than It Has Been During the Previous Time. (Spoctal Dtepeteh ta Tee louul.) - Rood River. Or.. Oat. 11. Tbe attend ance at the fair today U larger than it has been on the prevloua days and there are more vial tore hare from Port land and the Willamette valley. The L exhibit la fascinating to all whs see It, and etui continues to hold the aamir stlon of thoae who have been here aev era! daya. One of the finest boxes of fruit has been purchased by the Portland Com merclal club and will be sent to Preel t dsnt .Roosevelt. It was announced today by a Hood Mnr fruitgrower, who refuses to .Ive the name of the purchaser, that hs has a buyer, who will take the entire uis play of o boxes at Higher than the awoted price. The prises, la the baby show yester day were won by Justine Sosey, 'flrt. for children under 2 years, and Cora Miller, second: for those under 1 year, Jefferson Pylr took first and Myren Debossey second. The award of prises, whleh was com aleted late last night, seems to give general satisfaction, and the Judges, J H. Reed of the state board of horti culture. Professor iewls of the Oregon Agricultural college and C. F. Lanatng of Salem, received thn thanks of the executive committee. A. I. Mason received tha highest nun bar of awards. ' The prises are as follows: Sweepstakes, best plate of apples J I Carter. Avoid alum and alum phos phate baking powders. The label law requires that all the ingredients be named on the labels. Look out for the alum compounds. NOTE.-Safetv lies in buying only Royal Baking Powder, which is a pure, cream of tartar baking powder, and the best that can be made. CAR TURNS OVER, KILLING MAN Los Angelas Wreck Ends Life of One Paaaenger and Injuree Many Others. (teeyaal.Baeetal Serrtee.) Laos Angeles. CaL. Oct IS. A Brook lyn avenue ear ran away en a ateep curve this morning on account of tha brakes falling to work. It Jumped tha track and overturned, killing W. A. Barrett, who fell underneath It and In jured over a score of the 60 passen gers on board tha oar at the time. The ear waa racing madly along when It reached tha curve. It took the flrat ourve, but at the reverse it flew from tha track and was overturned. H. O. Bowders, the motorman, stayed at his post but the passengers hanging on the car Jumped, Barrett being killed outright C. A. Cattlatt waa badly brulaed and crushed and H. H. Frelt- aga's tight leg waa crushed so badly that amputation will be necessary. Mary Murray's chest was crushed and her head brulaed. causing concussion of tha brain. Mrs. Uly Breads had her cheat cruehed, and at least II others were hurt but not seriously. Bast box of apples of the following varieties, commercial pack, lit or larger. Spltxenbergs. Bears Porter, cop; Tellow Newtowne, A. I. Ms son. cup; Jonathan. H. Avery, medal; North ern Spy, K. H. Shepard. medal; Arkan sas Black. O. L Vanderbllt medal; Ort ley, Peter Mohr, medal; Bed Cheek. I K. Clark, medal: Hyde's King. Bears Porter, medal; Khoda I aland Greening, J. L, Carter, apeclal; Roxbury Russet. O. I. Vanderbllt, special; King. M. M. Rill, special; Seek No Farther. B T. Tucker, special; Ben Davis, George Car roll, Moslsr, special; Snow. J. K. Blnns. apeclal. Oane. Campbell Broa., apeclal; York Imperial. Mordtca Jones, special; Arkansas Beauty. W. 8. Sargent, spe cial; Swaar, Beat Hood River fruit company, Moslsr, special; Wlneaap. Mrs A. Porsbury. medical; Baldwin. J.' B. Caatner, medal; Delicious, A. I. Ma eon, medal; Winter Banana, O. L Van derbllt, medal; Wagoner. J. U Cartes, medal Best five plate a of apples. A. I. Ms aem. cup. Best ftve-box sweepstakes, A- I. Ms son. cup. The Judges, J. H. Bead, C. P. Lansing and Professor Lewis, after the distribu tion of prisea was made, aaid that the fruit waa all so fins that they had much difficulty In coming to their de- i cislona. snd that it Was only after the most painstaking effort that they CVDCDT TFSTIMOIMY wf sail w ea ww w HUDSON RIVER BOATS COLLIDE IN THE FOG (Joeraal Special Berries.) Tivoll, N. T. Oct. II. One man waa drowned, one is missing and six paa aenaeaa were injured la a collision thla morning of the steamers Adirondack and Saratoga on the Hudson river dur tag a heavy fog. Tha dead man is Clarence Sherman. an oiler on the BeraSc-ga, and George J Norton, a clerk on tha Adirondack, is missing. There wars III passengers on tha two vesaela. whs had thrilling experiences. Thousands of dollars worth of damage Is the result finally agreed on the swards. SAN DOMINGO SCENE OF NEW REVOLUTION FAVORS DR. BROUWER t (Joeraal Special terries.) Washington, Oct II. Com mander Southerland cables that another revolution has started la Ban Domingo and that ISO insur gents are massed outside tha capital. Toma River. N. J.. Oct. II. Dr. John Marshall continued his testimony in tha ' Brouwer caee thla morning, showing that tha minute quantities of arsenic In tha various par's of the dead woman'a body might have been from tha em MARINES LEAVE CUBA WITH SECRETARY TAFT (Joeraal Special ferrtee.) ' Havana, Oct II. Preparatory to hla eepsrture thla afternoon, Secretary Taft received tha government aad municipal authorities Rain threatened to apotl the demonstration arranged by the lib erals for tha embarkation of the com missioners. Three companies of ma rines under Major Neville have been 'Ordered home on the warships sailing at 'the same time as Secretary Taft. MEXICAN TROOPS SENT TO THE BORDER LINE Laredo, Tex.. Oct. IS. Two thousand Mexican troops have been aent to tha Border near Rio Grande City, where two aaaders of tha revolutlona wars ar rested by American officials. It la bought many other rebels are In the i . ..... j . . . .. ... .. k v, . t vi iiiy Mi lan government le preaent at tha trial aow In progreaa. balmlng fluid. He said he found araanlo In the brain and that araenic adminis tered during life soma time before death would not be found in the brain. Tha court adjourned Monday. Dr. Marshall was still on tha stand. The wltnaas waa Instructed by tha court not i to consult with the attorneys for tha defense during tha recess. CHICAGO BUILDERS DECIDE FOR PEACE (Journal Special nrrer 1 Chicago, Oct. II. Tha differences be tween the workers Of the building trades and tha employers whleh threat ened to tie up operations In which 10,000 men are engaged were settled today and there will be no strike. ''';?'taB iBKBBBBBaEfc'r''' CONVENTION WELL UNDER WAY Christian Endeavorere Haar Dr. Brougher's Address on The Larger Vision. DELEGATES SHOW MUCH INTEREST IN THE WORK Other Prominent Religious Workers Address tha Convention on Timely Topka Good Program Arranged for This Evening's Session. Mrs Gordon M. Buck, Daughter of the Late General Joseph Wheeler, Who Was Married in Alabama a Few Days Ago. SHOOTS BROTHER JWBBBnBBm 'f .JSBFT "TEH '- mmS w Fitters : If you want to keep well, gee that the stomach is al ways in good condition. The Bitters will keep it so and thus fortify the system against attacks of Heart barn, Belching, Vomiting, Cramps, Dyspepsia, Indiges tion, Costivenesa, Headache, Female Ills or Malaria. Try a bottle at once. All drug gists- NEW MEXICO SHAKEN BY LONG EARTHQUAKE 1 Service.) Albuquerque. N. M.. Oct. II. The se verest earthquake for months waa felt at Socorro yesterday. It lasted fer II minutes. There war slight shocks at the name time here. FOR DEER Edgar Robinson la Victim of Fatal Mistake of Companion While Out Hunting. (Special Dtapatcb to Tha Journal.). Med for a. Or., Oct It. Thursday morning, while tha throe Robinson brothers, their uncle, Mr. Scott, and Ed. Pearca, wars hunting on Elk creek, one of thoss .deplorable accidents oc curred which distinguish the open sea son everywhere, resulting In the desth of the alder Robinson boy, Edgar, aged years. Scott, Albert and Edgar Robinson were following a trail when Edgar and his uncle stopped alongside the trail, Albert continuing along tha trail. When he had gone perhaps 111 fast, ha turned and, missing his com panion!, saw what ha thought waa a dear, shot with his 10-10 rifle, and the bullet took effect In his brother's chest, penetrating and leaving the body on the other aide. Edgar never spoke after At this morning's aesslon of tha third biennial convention of the north' weatern district of the Christian Bn deavor union, whioh waa opened at tha First Congregational church last even ing. Vernon W. Cooke, of this city, the district president, prealded, and after the quiet hour. Introduced Dr. Brougher, of tha White Temple, who was called upon to fill the sap in the program made by tha absence of Bar. V. Bur- gette Short. Tha theme of the morning waa "Tha Inward Look," or "Tha Larger Vision." and Rev. Dr. Brougher 'entered Into it wth appreciated entlrualasm. His dis course dealt with three main "Essen tials of tha Christian Character," tha need of devoted Bible atudy, prayer and personal work, of which the last is tha nest to be obaerved. "If the Christian la going to grow he must be a Bible student, and not simply a Bible reader; prayer la tha one great power of tha Christian world, and must be observed etrlngently, but personal work should ba tte personal aim at every Christian, and Is assuradly tha true test by which lie is to be Judged Wa cannot all preach or sing, but wa can all do personal work; It will supply the muoh-needed confidence, and la un doubtedly the modern method of evan gelism." said Dr. Brougher. Following Mr. Brougher came Rev. H. C. Shafer, who spoke on "The Bet ter Preparation for the Christian En deavor Prayer." Hia advice waa along tha mora practical lines of work In Christian Endeavor and tb need of works of tha mlaaionary and temperance movements in the private library, of the members. Rev. J. F. Ohormley spoke of "Our Duty to the Sunday Evening Service." and his disserts tl on naturally reverted to the many tempta tions the young person in the city must overcome In order to attend thla service. Rev. Mr. U pa haw waa to have delivered an address on "The Right Mlaaionary Spirit," but he waa not able to attend. Mra. A. H. Burkholder offered some Interesting remarks as to the Importance of "The Juniors snd Their Work." after whioh the morning aervlces closed with "The Question Box," conducted by Mlsa Viola Charlea ton Thla afternoon Rev. Charles A. Shaw, Mr. E a J. Mcilllster. Rev. 1. E. Sny der and Rev. Cephas F. Clapp occupied tha rostrum. Thla evening there will ba an especially atrong program with Paul Rader and William Shaw aa the tirlnclnal features. Mr. Shaw la of the trnrted Society and an international worker in Christian Endeavor circles. If people will experiment with imitations of SOZODONT they must be willing to stand the pain and suffering resulting from teeth injured and perhaps ruined for- ever. JJo not experiment. Stand by the old honeat Denti frice and your teeth will stand by. you. $20,000 DUTY ON JEWELRY PAID BY MS. HUHTIHfiTOH Met at Pier by Friends With Caen but They Are Sent Baok for More Coin. . HEAVY RUN STARTED ON ONTARIO BANK (Special Dlipatrh te Tbe Joeraal. I Montreal, Oct. It. A heavy run on the Ontario bank developed today as the result of a report that tbe bank waa in difficulty. The depositors were paid in full and the officers say they will pay until tha depositors are satisfied. POPE'S HEALTH GOOD- RECEIVES CALLERS (Joeraal Special Semes.) Rome, Oct. II. The pope received many callers today. Officials of the Vati can declare the pops la In perfect health. Orouard. . apostolic delegate to Atha- haaca. Northwest Territory, waa among: the callers. HARRIET CURTIS IS WOMAN GOLF CHAMPION (Josrsal Special West Newton. Maes.. Oct. It. Mlaa Harriatt S. Curtis of tha Essex Coun try club won the women's nationsl golf championship today. She defeated Miss Mollis B. Adams of the Wollaeton club two up and one to play. being shot The othera Improvised a stretcher, carried him several miles to their camp and brought tha body to Medford today. A Jury waa summoned by Coroner Xellogt, and found that de ceased came to nis death by means or a gunshot wound Inflicted by his brother. Progreselve Youth. Frew the Waaklagtea Bias. Johnny took hla spelllag-esok Sad gars it Jsst a pesetas loot. "I shall aot (tody It," sail he; " 'Tie set revised saoagfe far bjs." Ik rJSjBJSjBjBjfsjJgBM m FHpRpaasar( MkfJJ . arVaW lflSnVafl Bangs. amaBXfs as i J 1 I rt eBSaVSaa sea, BKS--arxBflrA. .a 'rBBBBBXBft JaJaVsss bpSkT Kem BkCbw sValBsBBBSSBBnBeBVarV fmf. JaaPw JsaaV aaaw xaw aW fBftPwafl Sajssflf WmM WBBoM mm mm mm Lml VPVsHI mfms HaMaaaiselMsHeMHaxH New Tork. Oct 11 One of tha largest amounts planed la customs duties at this port on articles of duty declared and brought In by aa individual w paid by Mrs. Collla P. Huntington when ahe arrived on Tuesday by- tha Kaiser Wllhetm II of the North German Lloyd. B he declared on merchandlae worth 111,010 bought In Europe, of whioh 117,000 represented two articles of Jewelry. The duty amounted to t0,- uoo. Mra. Huntington was met by friends who told her they had brought 15,000 to tha pier with them. She instructed them to send for $15,000 more. This money soon arrived in bills of large denomination, one being a 110,001 gold note. Mra. Huntington holds ths record for paying tha largest cash amount of duty on deolared articles ever handed ova to the government officiate on tha dock. Thla waa 111,001 In 1101. TO FIGHT (Continued from Page One.) waa opposed by ax-Con greaaman Mal colm Moody, It la contended, because tha new county would have been a strong an ti -Moody district, while Incor porated In Wasco It could be controlled by tha votes of The Dallea district. Now that tha direct primary law outa away county llnea to a great degree and the whole voice of the people aettlea polit ical dlaputes. It la argued that Mr. Moody and his friends do not fear the division so much as formerly. It ia oven predicted by some that Mr. Moody may sand his warhorse. Senator Whealdon, into the county fight on the aide of the Hood River people, aad thus show thorn that he wishes than well aa a means of establishing a base of auppllea for future votes. Tha bill will not have an aaay time in Its passage through tha legislature, however, for there am many interests that will fight It. Soma of these are bualneas interests at The Da Use, Peo ple ox waaco county win aiao oajeot to loatng tha rich Hood River diatrlot for taxation purposes, and. If tha old plan of annexing tha saw county to Multnomah for Judicial purpoees la fol lowed out in tha aaw measure, tha In fluence of tha Multnomah bar wUl doubUass be cast against tha propoal tlon. The reason for thla Is that tha Incorporation of Cascade oounty into the Multnomah Judicial district would under a provision of ths law decrease the compensation of the Judgea. while at tha same time increasing tha volume of their work. It la provided in tha law that circuit Judges shall receive a certain compensation where their dis trict of work ia in one county of so many inhabitants. If Cascade county wars ta ba added to tha Multnomah circuit It would necessitate a readjust ment of tha plan sneer which tha Judges are now working, snd would thas take from them the added com Jpenaattan accruing under tils provi sion. It la hoped to overcome these ob Jectlona, however, and up in the Hood River country the people are planning a courthouse. In their mind's aye, and thinking of a Hat of county offlclala In antlclpaton of what the legalature will do to their contention for a government of their own. BARRICADES KEEP AWAY (Continued from Page One.) of the strike. Such Is a statement msde today by one of ths warehouse man agers. The congestion which existed In the yards two weeks ago has bean entirely cleaned up and tha warehouse men are calling for mora care. These, iv is said, are not aaay to gat. Tha re- salt of the entire cessation of ship ments at the beginning of tbe atrtke is till felt and will continue to be felt for the remainder of tha season. Though Ve exporters are finding It aaay to unload tha grain, here they are finding It much harder to get it into the shins, and they are cautious about shipping to this point from ths wheat districts. Tha Federated Trades council, which passed resolutions of support in favor of the strikers two weeks ago, laat night plaoed the firm of Allen . a Le wis on tha unfair list, and through Its organ. the Portland Labor Press, will ask all union member and sympathisers to boycott that firm, which. It was stated. Is especially vulnerable on account of the fact that lta chief interest ta the wholesale grocery buslneoa. Allen a Lewis own Columbls dock NO. Z, but only A few daya ago leased It to the Northwestern Warehouse company. An announcement that tha Frelghthandlers' union, whioh has bean maneuvering fori SATURDAY SPECIAL ON SALE ALL DAY Bxrm SSaaaaafl - mlmmSi 99c Regular Value $2.00 Regular Value $2.10 Picture 31x35 Inches Frames to Golden or Weathorad Oak. Brown and OSt IMPORTANT Notice to Caa Consumers All Gas Bills Are Now Being Delivered Since all our gaa bills are now being delivered, kindly bring or send gas bill to this office when making payment. Discount will be allowed on all bills far a period of ten (10) days from date of bilL Portia rid Gas Co. e I Bon a Ami The Beat Scouring Soap Mad A Scouring Soap A Metal Polish A Glass Cleaner a ralae of wages for tha paat two months, had been granted tha raise by the various railroad companies, was greeted with ehaera. Tha Increase will average about 10 canta a day. WITHHOLDS TRUE STORY (Continued from Page One.) her father-in-law waa not at aU satis fied that tha body waa that of hia aaa and ahe requeatad that the remains and all other means of identification ba released by tha coroner and are turned to Kansss City. Ths request was promptly denied. rather Xas JTot Ooma R. M. Snyder has written that he would come to this city aad aid the offlclala in running down tha murderers of his son aa soon as the identification was complete, but he haa failed to do ao. His failure has oaused numerous the ories to ba advanced by detectlvea and officials aa to hia motlvee for falling to aid In solving ths mystsry. Tha Inquisition which waa begun at HtUSboro on Thursday waa resumed in thla oity at S o'clock thla afternoon. District Attorney Allen arrived hero from at. Helena this morning and tha lnqulaltloa waa begun ahortly after Soon. He stated that ha waa unable to express an opinion as to whether or not the mystery would ever be solved. CLERKS ON RAILWAY DECLARE BIG STRIKE (Jeeraal SaeeUl Barries ) m P so. Texas, Oct. II. Bvery mem ber of tha Brotherhood Of Railway Clerks of the Atlantic ayataa at tha Southern Pacific, from El Paeo to Maw Orleana, went on strike thla morning. Tha clerks aak II per cent Increase in wages, pay for ovartlma and recognition of their order. Display at Hood River Fruit Fab CONVENTION H CONVENTION OF THE OREGON ANTI-SALOON LEAGUE OPENS FRIDAY AFTERNOON, AUGUST 19th, 2:30 O'CLOCK THE WHITE TEMPLE Continues Until Sunday Night, October 11. Afternoon and Evening Sessions. Splendid Music aad Forceful Speakers CnArfol The Trial el the Lead Opttei Law ijlyVVltal Before Judge and Jury amaaayjasassBSBi Friday Night. 7 30 Wllst leUDfC