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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 18, HM. 10 NEW TODAY. TERWILLIGER I KALI Portland FOR A LIMITED PERIOD $37,500 CASH A like amount on time WILL BUY 85 Sightly Acres Ten minutes from Third and Washington streets, that will plat tbout 600 lots, on Boulevard Drive and On Line Scenic Electric Railway Now building. Will double in value by oae year from date, head of Hamilton Ave. ind less than half mile TO Ma cadam road, and its factories and industries of over $1,000,000 cap ital, employing nearly 1,000 men. Council Crest Within a mile west. JOHN R. O ATM AN, Attorney, 146 Sherlock Block, Postoffice Box 746. FAMILY ACCOUNTS We invite family account. We have, a special cozy corner and separate desks far tiie ladies. This insures them greater privacy.- Harriet Moorehouse sa easy kaMt and a ua ! already larga and It raa ara aaar a patron. Mi aa Imitation to OVXa ll.TBO.OOO.OO. Portland Trust Company of Ore?on S. E. oar. ad and Oak ata. Pho ax. IS. Bargains in Real Estate ISO, 000 Quarter block In business dla- trlot Willi 2-atory DricK building; pay $ par cant. $56.000 l-atory brick building: with 10 faat frontage on dock; rental $400 par month. $M00 20 acrea Inside city llmlta. $1,800 4-room bungalow: new; fine lo cation; liberal term a. $4,(00 l-room new modern borne one block of Hawthorn avenue. arVJtMSaT-mtMwa CO. 110 Second Street. R. HAS MOVED FROM 111 SECOND ST. TO 226 Stark Between First and Second Reai Estate. Loans and Insurance PHONE EXCHANGE 70. QRBENWAY (PORTLAND HEIGHTS) The moat beautiful location In thla addition remain unaold. Bull Run wa ter, electric ltghtr, gaa and graded street. Superb view of Mt. Hood, Eaat Portland and Willamette river. Cholo eat lota $600 each. Term. CLASSIFIED NAMES Correct Hat of Oregon and Washing ton farm, fruit, grain, hop, potato and stock growers, number In family, ages, etc OaU or write aa for prio . Rural Directory Co., II Fourth at rest. Bualnefts Proper tic a at Attractive Price We cannot advertise these proper ties, bat If you will call we will be glad to furtilah yon with the particu lar and show the properties. Bphlnx Agency, $01 H Stark street. mi rnoitT rot SAIt S.0O0 feet waterfront on Willamette. A choice mill site for sawmill or any heavy manufacturing business: deep water, 2$ acres of land. Addreaa T 47, Journal. fSteV 1 acre close tn car. Sa.SSS 1 I I" acre acrea; fine soli; cent fare. SS SOQ n't acre, fin garden land; no gravel; on ear line. Terme on any of the above. Towne, 420 Commercial Bldg. til WASHINGTON STREET. Ware Rooms for Rent 10x100 la brlek building. VI rat and Otich. Rent reasonable; lease. PORTIANO TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON a, M. gaw. M aa Oak. Phone Bsc. 72. Baperlatendsst of oar Waul Dtpwtwnt. win make every tresamettoa as Hllf ind rini that Malta with tbla baak aaaa be- atoasure. W appreciate Their laituill with stesdlly Increasing. NSW TODAY. WE PAY . 3 PER. CENT ON CHECK ACCOUNTS AND 4 PER CENT INTEREST ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS -Till!- SAYINGS BANK OF THE TlfLr GUARANTEE TRUST COMPANY OFFICERS: LThorburn Ross, President, orge H. Hill. Vice-President T. T. Bur kh art, Treasurer. Jno. E. Aitchison, Secretary. Banking hours 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. Saturday 9 a. m to 1 p m. Saturday evenings 5 to 8 o'clock 240 WASHINGTON STREET, Corner Second, PORTLAND, OREGON. Sunnyside Properties We bar some good buys In new prop erty. Completely furnished 7-rm. bouse, $1,400 troom new cottage 11,171 room new cottage 11,800 -room new cottage 11,110 0-room house, flno location $1,000 raw choice iota, special. Speer 5fc Bainter 1000H Belmont St. Phone Tabor lit. Oood Farm Near Portland $28.32 Per Acre Land near by sailing for $11 to $10. In quire or address 141 Mississippi eve., or phone Wood lawn 101. WEATHER REPORT. a kick prisma area of considerable etrenatk la central over Idaho, aad the barometer la falling rapidly over western Waahlngton. This distribution of prassers kaa ctueed fair and cool weather ea tke PaclSc alone, except la weetern Washington, where el aaaa are gather ing, ana s wace of rain naa occurreu in ine northwest corner or isn state, too storm yesterday over Alberta baa dlmlnleked in easrgy ssd move to tae eaat era portion of the Da kota!, a aereadary disturbance kaa formed ever New Mexico, bat neither of tkeae dle turbanees kaa caaaed any rala of consequence daring the past M hour. The eastern high aassu area aad Its accompanying coal wsvs la sew central over the new asgiaso tatee, end anaro frosts ksre occurred sen In In that sect Ion as far asatk aa northern Georgia. The Indications are for rain Sunday In Ore gon, Washington ssd northern Idaao. with In crreelng eontherlr wlnda along the coaat. It will be warmer eaat of tke Cascade mountains and coaler la toe Interior or western Washing ton and weetara Oregon. Ubservatioaa taxes at a a. m., r-aeinc una: Teinp. Stations- stag. alia. Preclp. Baker City. Oregon 6 83 .0 ton. Msssscbueetts 02 8 .0 fhlcae,,. Illlnoia 64 Be .0 Dearer. Colorado 78 43 . 34 Kansas city. Missouri ts M o Las Ansa lea. California.... T4 04 o Mew wWu, Louisiana... 08 58 .0 New Tack, few Tart AS 0 Portland. Oregon 08 52 .0 saber, oreatoa e i .u St. Ixmla. Missouri TO 00 .0 Salt lake, Dtak 88 38 T Saa Francisco. California . TO 88 .0 Bpokeae, Washington JO 40 .0 Tscosas. Washington 62 82 .0 Walla walla, waaainguaa. . ea an .v Waahlngton. D. C 88 SO .0 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Cecil Fred Butler. Kalao. Waahlngton. 22 tna I. HIS near. 1. bar hard Krlatlaa taiaaa, kg Bslslgk street. 82: Krlatofa Sophie canato Hereon, n. Jsaaaa r. rone, Vancouver, weaningnaa, as Wand A. Dixon. 90. Jos a. Mcamnin, rmsnnrg, reunsyivanta. I; Margarstte K. Olmated 10. Albert F. Kalgkt, Oaaby, Oregon. ST; Ethel wore, at- . A. gamer, xe; aianai u. aieunire, so. lata I ea blag. Oeraa. W. a Smith Co., Wssh- ear. Fsueth sad waaaiagtea sea. ng ad ealllag eerde engrarea or printed. a T. sasktia. gggH waaaiagiae afla. Bertka Martin, room 111 Alleky bMg. gtamplag sad gas aeeaieworx Pall dreea anlta fa rent. sll else. Unique Tailoring Co. BIRTHS. 'SIMON September 27, ts Mr. and Mrs. Belaar Prlalon. 100 North Eleventh, s boy. COON October I, ts Mr. sad Mrs. Prank B. Coon. 67 west avenue, a soy. M' BKIDS October 11, to Mr and Mrs. Henry McBrlde. North Pacific ssnltarlnm. a girl. OA RDI NEB October 12, to Mr. aad Mra. John Gardiner. 629 Olhjan. a girl. . GANTSNBEIN October 4V to Mr. and Mra. C. U. oentsnoeia, osa nswinorne avenue, a Doy. MELDKNBACR -October 8, to Mr and Mrs. Prank MeMsabeck, 418 North Blghteenth. a wfuLI AMR--October S, to Mr. sad Mrs. Warren D. Williams. Willamette atatloo. a bo v. FRAINEV October 5. to Mr. aad Mrs. Pst Frelney. 2M William avenne, a girl. M DO WELD October 10, to Mr. aad Mra. Allen McDowell, rortian Maternity nospitsi. a gin. DEATHS. WBIOHT October 11. Chsrleo 8. Wright, 4 years. St. Vincent's koerdtsi. KOLANDA Oetoher R. Prands Kolas da. dare. Blendlns and Willamette neignta. pneu HENK EL--October 10. Lodwlg Henkal. 77 7 vara. 7S oread avenue, north, is grips. ACTHOBB Bsymond Oeorgs Authors died tn Ran Pranctaco October 10. 106. aged B year aoa of A. J. Aathora reatdence North Moni Tabor. Psneval notice later. UNDERTAKERS. Dunning. McEatee Ollbaogk. anenrtskers aad esabalaaera: aaoeer ta every detalL Seventh aad Pine. Mala 40. Lady aaalataat. A. S. BeaaaSaek. aadaetake Bast Thirteenth aad Umatilla 'St Cadertskla OS., aad amkslsatag. 40 Phone Mala 4 Iks. Lady assistant. Aider at. CLAKKB BBOS.. Plerlata Prna Oawers and floral asekyas. SM Matlhiaa St, aUvXKTTWW the eaty aenwtery la Portland wkleh per aetaany Slalatalaa and eerae fee lota. Per fall In forme ttea asslv to W. S- Maekenste. Wef ssster saaes, etty. w. ax. uh. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Thomaa Neater asd wife to Mary Bullae. SS14 fast negiaalag at point In north line of Heudel Pruabatel doeatlua Und claim $ 1 Mary Ballsy and knehand to Ell aa beta heater. zSxlfa feet beginning at point la north Ha of Wvsdel Proebstef do nation lead claim 1 Praaa Wagner and wife to John Chehak. Ma A and 8, blaak 108. Carat' addition l.SOo Bcottlak-American Inveetmeat company. Ltd.. t P. D. Warner aad wife, lot , Smltk a addltioa TOO WUllaaa 8. Aaeersae aad wife to George Bobertaon. lot 1. black 180. Woodatork. 1,080 Henrietta Adages sad husband to E. Quackeabuah. truatee. to Otis B Learned, lots 1, 2. S. block 4. snd tots 10 aad 12, block B. Severance addition. 1 Portland Treat ronroanv of Oregon to J. H. McKss, 1st 1. block II. Wood- atock 800 Prank C. Baker and wife to Akeakam T tenner, undivided H of lot 4. block St dty 14.800 Tills Guarantee Truat company to B. J. and J. P. Jaeger, lot a. block 20. Pint addltioa to Hotladay Park ad dition 77! sjb Mlltos P. Ooldemltk to Loula r. Be no sad W I loam Baltta, lot 7. block IT. Goldsmith's addltioa 8,000 Charles N. Batatas aad wife to Jacob H. t'loften aad wife, lota 0 and 10, block 7. Maegly Highland 1,000 Sarah Jane King and huaband to Security Savings 4 Truat company, lots 8, 4, a, 8, block 18, Southern Portland 1.000 Edward E. Moore aad wife to C. N. Rankin, lot 8. block 118. Eaat Port land 1.TS0 Edward H. Hablgorat. truatee. to Patera as Roberta Furniture company, lota 1 and t, block 88, Haneon'e Second ad dition to Eaat Portland 1 William PUedner and wife to H. Janleke, parcel of land commencing at nortb weat corner of block ft. Carutbera' addi tion tq Portland 10 Mra. Josephta Llaher to Harry J. South ard, lot IT, block 1, Bralnard tract. SM The Peninsular bank to Jonathan Trover, wast of tot 8, aubdlvlalon of block A. Oak Park addition No. 8 to St. Johns 1 Daniel O Connell to Mary K. O'Coanell. weat H of lota S and 6. block 288. Hawthorne Park 1 Fred I. Riveara and wife to John U. Tujjpsr lot 8, blocs' 8, Myrtle Tark Petrra A Roberta Fnrnlture company to mar lee Hoeebrngh. lot I. diocx zs, Hanson's aeoat addltioa to Eaat Port- 8.000 Unlvereltv land anmnssr to E. V. Dart. lota IS and 1T block 188, Unlvereltv Park Melln Sargent at si. to M. C. Cone, lots IT sad 18, block 1, Eden addition to Eaat Portland Erneat House and wife to Raymond M. Millar, let 5. block IT. Tolman tract. Hubert Q. Cotton and wife to T. 8. Mc Daatel. lot 8. block I, Elamere W. Weyganl and wife to Ckarloa A. Myers, lot 88, block 6. Arleta Park No. S Moore Inveatment company to Andrew Peterson, lot 8, block 20. and lot 1. block 88. Vernon Bdward A. aad Ella M. Reale to W. B. Leah, lot 4, block 188. city Inveatment company to James D. Mar Phy, lota T and 8. block 40. Pled mont George D. Peters to Lillian Patera. Iota ft aad 10. block 8, John Irvlng'a Pint addition to Eaat Portland Emma Watson to William Jnaor, lot 8, block 68, Sellwood W. D. Swain, trustee, to Katie J. Wilson, lots 1 and 2, block 2. Leah'a addltioa u- ii.V W. D. Swain, truatee, to Joahaa B. Wil son, lots 8 snd 10. block. 18. Lincoln Park Aasex; also tot 8. block X I.ah 'a addition 810 800 100 170 A. L. Bobbins snd wife to Peter Madison and wife, lota 8 and io. blocs ta. wesi PATtland P. L. Willie snd wlfs to Ellis G. Hushes. block 8 or John irvlng'a nrei aoaiiun to Bnet Portland Henry A. Spieler and wife ts Gaa Bosaa hlatt, lot S. -block 8. Lincoln Park Aa- - EMaabeVk ' J. ' 'caaal'dy ' to" 'rrad' W. ' Saa- Idy. addttl atdy. east H or lot lx, diocx xws, isucu Vn. aaaiii mt la title fnenwanes as mortaeae loana. call on Pacific Title A Truat companr. formerly Pact Be usaet Aoetraci uuaraou m Trust company, 804-6-8 7 Falling building. Set year Insurance and abetractt to real aetata from ta Title uuarautee at 840 Waahlngton atreet. NOTICE. NOTICB OP SALE Circuit court, atate of Ore gon, county of Multnomah W. B. Edwards, plaintiff, vs. J. T. Bartbwlck, dsfesdaat: The nnderelgnsd. 8. B. Cobb, receiver of the co partnership of the Hssalwild Lumber com pany, will received sealed bids for the prop erty sad aaeota of the asld eatata at hie office, at Bast Water and Plan etreete, Port land, Oregon: let. The merchandise aad atock on band. 2d. Harass, tools. Implements and flxturea. Sd. Lease and ba tidings. 4th. Notes sad accoonta receivable. 6th. For the whole of said property and asset. A complete achedule of the property aad aaaeta la on file at the office of the aald receiver, at the plant of aid eatate. at Haaelwlld. Maltnomah county, oreron and at th office of Wllktna A Ben nett. Mohawk building. Portland. Oregon. A certified check of 10 per cent muet accom pany all bids, to ha forfeited In caae tke pur chaaer falla to complete hie purchase. The aald eealed bids will be opened st the office of aald receiver on Saturday, the 20th day of October, 1808. at the hour of 10 a. m.. each ealee to ba aubject to the confirmation of tba above court. October 8, 1808. S. B. COBB. Receiver STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING The annnal meeting of the etncknoldera of the Cltleene' bank will be beld at tke bank. Grand are. and Beat Alder, Portland. Oregon, Saturday. October 87, 1808, at 7:80 p. at., for the purpose of electing a board of directors to serve during the coming year; elao for the traaaacttoa of aueh other business ss may coma regularly before them. A. W. LAMBERT, Secretary. October IX, laoe MEETING NOTICES. PORTLAND ORCHESTRA Good m title for aU occaalona. very reasonable. Mala 4503, or 48 Lucretla at. M. W. A. EVERGREEN CAMP. 066, meeta Wedueeday evening, Allakr bldg.. Third and Merrtooa ata. CIRCULAR LETTER CO. Facsimile typewrit ten Utters; addreaa rag. mailing. 881 H Stark. Oregon Grape (amp. No. 8.8TB, Men 17th aad Marshall: vial tore welcome. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Put boa made of 8 llfe-elaed Alaska aables on collar, at Lyric theatre, era. October IS; finder liberally rewarded. Room 16, Waahlngton bldg. gTRAYBD Reddish black Jersey cow, laat Saturday. J. T. Mas, R R. No. 1, Port, land. Reward. LOST A pair of gold rtmleea glaaaee. In caae, ea 18th bet; Montgnmsry and Taylor; re ward offered. Phone Beat 8880. LOST Small black bnree, from race track finder return and receive $8 reward. HELP WANTED MALE. Union Hotel 81 NORTH SIXTH ST. Free eesntovmeat to oar . Weekly rstes: Room. 11.88 op; room hoard. a. Anderson, proprietor. STRONG young men. good eight aad h larks;, far firemen and brakeroee on Oregon and otker railroads; experience nnneceaaary; Mr, men. inu monthly, become engineers aad earn 1800: Brakemen. 878. become conductors and ear $180; name poaltlna preferred; atate age; eend atamp Railway Aesoclatloa, cere Oregon Journal. WB have en egeacy propoeltlon tkat wUl In terest snr factory foreman, or any honest man who want to make a little on tke aide without ranch effort, and who mlxee with aaen that nee tnokt. Write quick for data I la and secure exclusive territory. Orr A Loekstt Hardware Co.. Dept. "AX, Chicago. 111. WANTED Sal many make 8100 to 1180 per moulh atocx clean; grown on reaervattoa. far from eld orchards raab advanced weekl :ly; chot of territory. Addreee Waahlngton Nnreery ay. Ton- penlah. Waahlagtoa. W ANTED I well-dressed, educated men to sell Cbsrles Dudley Warner library, world a beet literature: call only on persons who nave written lor pwiirann, aww )anpwiiefa, liberal nommlastoo. Apply between aad 12. Globe Publishing Co., Columbia bldg. WANTED Tseng people to prepare themselves aa hookkrenera and eieeograpnere; aave aan 848 cells alnce Sept noattlons. We wtn placed SM la yon ween patent. Day ae night On tologse. Walker Bualaeea col Mere. WANTED Mat treeamahers; Iteady wort. 68 Front, earner Da via. HELP WANTED MALE. MEN AND WOMEN to learn barber trade la eight weeks; gradnatoa eara from $18 to $89 weekly; el part Inatructore; catalogue tree. Meier Sjratam of Colleges, 88 North Poartk at.. WANTED A man with 8800 to tska aa of tke neatest llttk) cigar and candy atanda la the dty. located ea the beat bualaeea sweet-, si ism Hiaamea si. ; ooj uimi of owner. WANTED Boy; ateady work. 88 H. I'roeU 0884. n- VrTCD Two or three ftrat eiaea. all-areaad machine men: perm aa eat gaaltlna, good wag. Oregon rami tare Mfg. Co.. Macadam rood. WB get work for ear membere; pedal mem bers. $8. V M C A . Poarth aad Yaaahia AGENTS TO INTBODDCS TUB GREATEST horticultural wander Borbenk'e new etonelesa Sim; miracle; big pay; permanent poeitlua leo Nnreery Co.. Salem. Ore. 'Ol NO maa attending bualueaa college wants place to work for board and room. P 85. rare journal. AGENTS wanted to sen aupertor. high grade i , , . e,na Mnnkt. MMtrt Cnrnlabed free: caah weekly; write today for choice of ter ritory. Capital City Nnreery company, Salem. Or. WANTED Muet kava SB snore young men to prepare themselves lor railway teiegrapn service; big demand for gradaatee. Call day or evening. Expert College of Telegraphy. Commonwealth bldg.. Sixth and Taakeny ata. BOOKKEEPER and office man: muet be ac curate and a good penman: good opportunity; etare age. experience snd salary expected. Addr,-ai R 84, care Journal. WANTED Coatmakere and vsataukere: hUth est price paid. A. J. Brault. Hamilton bldg. ROOFERS wanted, tinners wsated. sheet metal workers wanted. Apply Wynkoop the Roofer, 248 Ash at. WANTED Maa to work In email machine re-patr-ehop; experience not aeceaaary; aome money required; atate time and place for Interview, lock Box 80, Mllwaukle. Oregon. WANTED Good boy, aslary $7 per week; good chance for advancement: atata ref erence, eckoollng aad ability. H 00, Journal. I1GNPAINTER waatsd. J. P. ElrnglehsX "xOl Waal.lngtua at. WANTED Stave bolt apllttera: good pay. Ap ply Weetara Cooperage Co., 80S Stearaa bldg., dry, or Hoolton. Or. COATTINISHER wanted at once. Colombia Woolen Mllla Co., Seventh aad Stark. GOOD opportunity for the right boy; wage $8 per week: etate age, referencee, scbooUng. Addreaa H 80, care Journal. ROUTLEDGB OYSTER Ta wants young man about 18 or 18 yeara of ags; good wages. ST Grand are., north. WANTED 8 boya: steady work; $7.00 per weak to begin with. SOS Da via at. BOY to ran errands. Apply to Lowengnrt A Co., SS Front St. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Two energetic real estate aa lee men. men of ability, to handle our department for "Farm Linda" exclualvely; mnat underatand Oregon aad Waahlngton aofl thoroughly, neve good Judgment aa to vaiaes; men of good addreaa between tba agea of 27 to 40 years; men who wsnt to grow up with e hosiaeas that aaaurra them a pronkuag livelihood: aalary or commission, or bath; we will pay ror anuity. wagea no oojecr; none out of highest quaLflcatlona need apply. 84, SSTtt Waahftigton at. CAPABLE WOMEN WANTED U yea work, why not earn more than a living! Ba Independent: do good. The Vlavl Co. already employa 13,000 women: tke work cover 23 countries of tke world; wa will entertain spplleationx from capable women; net canvaaalng, bat helpful, dignified work. Addreaa by mall only, Vlavl Co.. Lewie bldg. ONE cook. 115 per week: 8 hotels 840; 8 wait reeaes and chambermaids, 836, room aad board, and $8 per week; 88 domestics, from 888 to $88. and 8 aecood grrla. 830 to $38. Home Ladles' Agency, lOBta Poarth St., ep atalra Mala 8838. HOMB LADIES' AGENCY. BH Fourth at., cor. Morrison, apetal-e. Phase Mala 186. Alongside til 1. M. C. A. bldg. GIRLS WANTED Opera tore to Wort ea ehtrtS sad overalls Lassen given to Inexperienced. Apply at Standard factory No. 8. Grand are. and Eaat Taylor at. WANTED Glrla to of AU" over alia at 78 First at. HANSEN'S LADIES' A GEN OT. 843 U Waahlng ton St.. set. Seventh, anetatra. Phone Mala 8882 Female help wsated. WANTED Girl, steady work. St 86 N. Front, corner Da via. GIRLS, when you want work call oa tke Scan dinavian Ladles' Agency. 107 Sixth at. Msln 8808. John Anderson, manager. GIRLS Chocolate dlppera and packers. Oldoa Candy Co., 10th and QUaaa. WANTED Experienced body-lroner; steady osa pkivmant. Oregon Laundry Co. Phone Bast GIRLS waatsd for general koueewuth; eooka aad waitress. City Employment Office, anlta 1. 288 Va Waahlngton at. Mala 3410. GIRLS to press aklrta. 381 Aider street. FEW ladlea wanted to aaalat making seay fancy work spare time at home; good ateady pay ; no experience required. 838 Fleldner bldg.. 407 Waahlngton at. GIRLS wsated to wrap soap. Luckel. King A Cake Ooap Co. WANTED Girl for general housework; no amall children; nice home; reatdence dletrlct. Apply 747 GUaan at. Call mornlnga or before 2 la afternoon. GIRL for general homework wanted! good wages. 10th at. LADY dart. Apply 181 Third at. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. GET MONBT INTO YOUR OWN POCKET TUROI'GH THH ADVERTISING Bt'SINESS. Pare-Dsvls School or Advertlaemrnt-Writing will help you practically, by mall; proof! rurnianeo. can or write uept. xi, aia mere lei bldg., Portland, Oregon. HELP waated aad aorralled. male or female. R. S. Drake. 205H Washington at. Pacific 1ST WANTED In country home, two children to eere fur good 'chonl. Addreaa B. M. W.. poatofflce box 68, Scappooee, Or. WANTED Flrat-claaa lady and gentlemen can vaaaera. aalary and eommlaalon. Call at Agency Bureau. 82 Fourth St.. Portland, Or. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. A YOl'NG man deelree poeltlon In grocery as clerk; J yesra' experience; references; cuts meat. Addreaa Jacob Momlngar, care 1571 Macadam at.. Portland. Oregon. H. H. RICHARDS Books posted, collect lone, general clerical work: referencee. 888 4th at. WANTED By man aad wife position sa cook snd waitress In hotel, or eelect boarding house, In or oat of city: satisfaction guar anteed. B 71, care Journal. . SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE EXPERIENCED middle-aged lady chamber wort tn nice rooming honae ; $38 month and room. Mra. Riley, 1788 Clackamas are, Sellwood. East S42S. LADY wasts poeltlon sa stenographer: ex perience dealred more than wages; $6 per week. R 6. cars Journsl. WILL care for one or two children: will fnrnleh good home. Mra. W. C. Anderson. 707 MIs laalppl a vs. PLAIN sewing by the day or Bast Ankenj rnonr rost U888. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS, peddlers canvaeeere aad street wert- era. get your euppllee frees a. at. namater. 880 Thlr St.; asw goods, Bortom prices. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. HANSEN'S BMPLOTMBRT OFFICB FOB MEN. 38 North Second st. Phone Mais II THE PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT CO.. 304 H Morrlsoo St. Phone paetfl 888. WANTED REAL ESTATE. To The Portland Capitalist We meke a SPECIALTY of COLLECTING RENTS of LARUE BUILDINGS. pleciss FIRS INSURANCE, payment of TAXES aad GENERAL CARS OF PROPERTY. We kave tke beat of faetUtlea for carrying out your wtokas aa aa agent. We solicit res Ktrouags. Oar references: Ledd A TUtos. nkera, and Mercbsnte' Netlonel bank. B H. BLOSSOM. 81S CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. C A. Myers. p. a. Myers. buis uitu I'tmrAiix,. investments. Estate. Loans. Homea built aad lags) aaaa InetaUmeata la 188 vi fi'rst bt'. cobT'aldbb. WANTED A man or Arm to sell me a lot. location say own choosing, prigs from 8900 to 8600 and up, building (barn) coat $100 to $300. let me pa $50 down. $10 per month. 0 per cent lrfSrreet. s newer soon. Phone Eaat 606. or address J 40, eara JoarnaL C L. PARRISH A CO. have opened a general real sststs office at 438 Lumber Richness bldg.. corner Be coed and Stark ata.. and wilt boy and sell realty, collect rente and negotiate loans; flrat-claaa referencee; honest dealing with our clients. Phone Main 0818. WANTED A aiedar 6 or 7 room house oa eaat aide; most be cheep for cash. 048 Bast 16th at Sellwood 07. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO BBNT Bosses, cottages, flats, stores, offices, rooming houses, ate. leal lords will do wsB tn rail on PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF ORBOON. Bx. 78. B. B. Cor Sd and Oak WANTED To rent a house snd barn with hi block, or small acreage close la; par tenant. Addreee R 8. care Journal. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. Main lSB Mala 698 FURNITURE WANTED FOB SPOT CASH PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS 811 First St. Mala 8888 HIGHEST price paid for men'a cast-off cloth lag. Phone Pacific 48. Uncle Joe. 88 Third. WB WILL BUY, SELL ORSTRADE ANY OLD THING. WESTERN SALVAGE 00.. 8S7 83ft WASHINGTON PACIFIC TPS. WB WILL BUY rear fnrnlture aay old time Western Salvage Co.. S87 Waahlngton et. 'THE DOLLAR" wants $0,000 worth of eecond hand furniture, or will trsde new for old. Wa are Just opening a large near and second-hand store st First aad Main. She ua about It. We want your trade. "The Dollar." FURNI8HBD ROOMS FOR RENT HOTEL' PALMER. atatH Alder at. Steam beat", electric electric llgbta, hot snd cold water, free bathe, porcelain tube; a few housekeep ing suites with gas rangea; maid service; $2.80 per week ap. 306 COLUMBIA ST., heeatlfnl bay window par lor, witn neater, gas. net a and noene, centra l location; also 1 amall rooms, between Fifth end Sixth. THE RICHELIEU. BSU North Sixth genny rurnianea: steam neat and hatha. THH HUR.7 S Eleventh St.. corner Stark; rooms with steam heat aad bath. LINDA . VISTA. 347H Fifth Housekeeping rooms witn nay windows, ana sleeping rooms. ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, furnace heated and bath. 474 Salmon at. FOR RENT Furnished, front room with nee of kitchen; asw sad modern, to toss aad wife; $10. 888 vy st: Woodlawn or U ear. Tele phone Woodlawn 408. ' FURNISHED rooms and furnished housekeeping ooms for rent at 783 vane on vet svs. THE GRAND 48 Berth Third at -Rooms to gentlemen $1.25 per weak aad up. FITRiegsnEn r nart of Oat; vary desirable. 138 North 18th et. FOB BBNT, far ea or two gentlemen, nice cosy front room; also single room; terms moderate; gaa aad hath. 384 18th. Phnusa Main 4708. THB WOODLAND Elegant modern furnished rooms la beautiful private reeldenea, $1 per day. 808 Sixth at,, cor. Msdlson. DAY. week a month; heart of city. Fourth at. Hlndxaan. 188H m, net 8th at. central. 80 North Hi FOR RENT Nicely furnished room for one two gentlemen. 446 Ball st. FOR RENT Nice furnished front room, modern conveniences; private reekteeee. Phone Wood- $10 THREE rooms, neatly furnished: gaa plate, steel range. SM Seventh st. Main 4520 NEWLY furnished in nasi 8 Bast 18th at. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. THB MITCHELL Fig a Pare aad Seve Rooms, housekeeping snd trees lest; vealoat; prices reasonable. fl.SS WEEK DP, clean, furnished hoaeekeep lng rooms; parlor, bath, laundry, furnace heat. yard. S03 Stanton, U car. $1.00 WEEK ap. Urge, clean, furnlened house keeping rooms, laundry aad bath. 184 Sher man south, Portland. 480 YAMHILL, aaar 12th large completely ruraianro nousrieepmg room; tsoth wood sad gaa ranges. 831 SALMON 2 housekeeping-rooms. 88 weekly; $ fur $4.80; every convenience; downstairs; south front. 8 NIC housekeeping-rooms, good location, SM Jefferson at, ear. 10th. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. HALL and ballroom, sena rate or together: sew aad with all conveniences. Phone Mats 888. UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 8 PLEASANT unfurnished rooms at 880 Moat gomery at. Cell 81 Fifth at. A NICB front parlor for rent reasonable at 10th and Burnetde, The Clayton. ROOMS AND BOARD. ROOM and board tn private family far gentle man with aoa or daughter. Pacific 824. F 80, eara Journal. ROOM and board In private famllv far two young men; near 0. R A N. shops. 618 lteiay at. WANTED Board and room for elderly man. In valid: state terms. R 1, care Journal. . NICELY furnished room A board, private home, ' for 3 young men. Mala 168. SM 14th st. A NICE Isrge front room In s priests family. with or without board. ass Third at. FOE RENT HOUSES. FOR RENT HOUSES S New 7 room bouses, just finished; strictly modern, gas. electric lights. iorcelslrj bsth, furnace, cement cellar; Washlngton-at. car block away: rat and 788 York at., near corner 241b.; $37.60 and ISO rent. Inquire Moore Inveatment Co., Stearns bldg.. Sixth aad Morrison ata. KADDBBLY TRANSFER CO., prompt sad re llehle piano sad furniture movers; alas etor age. noes Mala ISM. Office 110 N. Third. FOR RENT 8 hands una a modern 7 conveniently located on Tklrdst. car line: io. 813 and 814 Oorbett St.: rent reasonable to desirable tenants. David 8. Stearaa, St Waahlngton at. MODERN 4-room bouse, furnished seat aide. choice location, can after 6 or look even ings. Phone East 448. FOR RENT Cottage, corner 17th and Ollaan ata. Max Smith, the Savoy Reatanraat. 148 Seventh at. FOB RBIfT New 8-room house aad 6-room let at East 84th aad Dlviatoa. H. T. PaBaer, Eaat 84th and Dlviatoa. HOUSE far rent cheap. 801 Third at. 8- ROOM Bhadern bouse, choice Iocs Hon, 7M Bast Msln Heahle A Harrison, 817 Abtngton bldg FOR RENT Cottage. 8 moms, oa Sellwood car- line, partly fsrnlsbed ilsbsd. $10. i.. 8. Funs, M Phnu Bast 440. Hawthorns ava. 6 ROOM corner lath aad B. Alder, $30. FOR RENT FLATS. ON B 4-room let, Belmont. 811.80. FOB RENT -8 room Sat; taodsra. reaeoasble; adults Phone East 1128. 6-ROOM 4Ut. modern. Ill; 4-room ootUge.'Se, at Fourth and Porter. 3 FLATS 8 furntahed hoosekeeplng-roouis escki hath. 63x nevanin si. 6-ROOM Set. lt Orover st. PaclSc 3808. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. Offices-Most Central Location la the city, northwest corner Sixth snd Washington ata. ; new elevator; hot and cold water, light, beat and Janitor service. TUB MORTGAGE GUARANTEE A TRUST COMPANY. 80 Seventh st. PART of shop to rest, suitable fee palates et plumber. 808 Fourth st. OFFICE-BOOMS, unfurnished relax 14 sample roems for rent. Uoodnougk bldg. Apply ale- DK81RABLIC offices, Including electric lights, hot and cold water. Janitor aad elevator service, la the new. alrv Commonwealth hid., old postoffice alte. Sixth and Burualds ata. Agtat room 411. STORE 80x80, SO root or sals. Vancouver. Main. Vancouver. a. furnished, for rent, J. H. Elwell. Sd and FOR RENT Desirable storeroom, corner Union ava. sad Belmont. Hartmaa A Thompson, 3 Chamber of Commerce. STORE at Stewart elation, Mount Scott; every, thing In shape for occupancy; count era, shelving, etc.: lease at reasonable rent. Phase Paclac 3108. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNI TURE FOR SALE. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT 100 acrea, all la cultivation, aaar Reedvllle; good house and barn. Alvord A Alvord, 188 Morrison et. MANURE FOR SALR and delivered any part of dty; plowing dons. Phono Beat 6067. BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED Partner with 85.000. to take fall charge of manufacturing business; bars big trade retaWksbed ; candy, cigar ssd fruit stand for sale, or will trade far noses and lot; dally eakM $38. A 88-room rooming boa ee for sale or trade. A good-paying saloon for sale, or will trade. The above are all paying propositions, aad will beer full investigation. Boom 807 A 1 laky BMg. NY LANDER A kTACLBY. TO LADY INVESTORS: I have a new aad very valuable household necessity (natentedl: win toll outright st big bergs tn. or exchange for house and lot; have no meaaa to handle It myaalf; will meet with very large sale: profits 300 per cent: fortune for right party; will bear closet Investigation. Phous Eaat 6260. an Hawthorne ava. MTTST sail furnishing goods, clothing snd shoe business In prosperous town of 3.300. for renanna that will be fully explained to buyer; well established and doing the bnalaeea of a large aad growing section; will Invoice $8,000 to 88.000; can he reduced materially; only buyers need answer thla advertisement. Alar saa P SI, care Journal. A SNAP Cigar, confectionery store ea 1 dolus orettv good bus! sees: sell at once account nustneea noes east; case rent; living rooms, 8 j ears' leeee: futures, $110; atocx. 8800; now for 8878. Phone Pectus 616 WANTED Aa energetic men who eaa Invest $380 for one belt lntereat In steam cleaning and dyeing works; everything new snd n(T to-oste: win clear you giuo month, laveetl gate It at once. nil lftSt Fourth at. PHENOMENAL rise In !AL rise to price of Hurst any day; thla msy be roar y to key before subscription 1 Switch expected opportunity are closed. rat a, r. Hunt A Co.. aay aasg. SMALL restaurant and lunch counter In good location wlth leaee for aale. T 88, Journal. I LOAN j. examine she tracts, draw wills, ther legsl nepers: rhsrgss ressnn- deeda and other legal pa pen : ehari able O block. A. Johnson, lewyer, US Commercial FOB SALE Apertment-I newly furnished; esay te came $100; rent $00: located ea Musi toss at. Apply Conn Bros.' Furniture Co.. ISO First. FOR SALB Oood stock of general aarekan dlae on routs of new S. P. railroad; will In voice about $6,000; aell or sent saw store building. Writs or call I. 0. Lyons, Elk ton. FOB SALB Grocery store, good location, west aide, cloee In, doing fair business ; will In voice 8080 or 8T00. Phone PaclSc 841. OOOD CHANCE For aala, cigar, csady, trait, books and stationery, with llvng rooms, regular and transient trade; ressooeble; other buatnees. O 3, rare Journal. FOB SALE One of the heat grocery stone Is Eugene. Oregon, doing s noad business, la good location and light expense; owner baa other busineaa. Addreee George W. Dtsoa, Theatre hlk.. Eugene. -Oregon. I WOULD Uke to meet aome on with 12.600 to Inveet la a good mining propoeltlon For full Information raU at room 807 Altaky bldg. WANTMD Some one to put amsll amount of money Into developing promising claim; not s atock propoeltlon: strictly legitimate: would be partnership deal O 10. Journal. FOR SALB A clean and up-to-date atock of dry goods and notions In city of 8.000 pops latton In atate of Washington, doing a good hualnaaa: good res sons for selling; stock wPl Invoice $7,000 to 88,000. K 88, care Journal. BAKERY for aala, doing cash buahaees of SOQ loavaa a day! aa wagon or credit. Addreee Rslnler Bakery. Rainier. Or. FOR SALB 17-room rooming-house, flrat clase location: a anap; owner leaving town. Can at 483 Waahlagtoa St.. apposite the Hejlig. No agents. FOR SALE Hardware and Implement, baat neaa at Newberg, Oregoa, by owners, A. R. Moomsw A Sons. BAKERY FOR BALE. R 88, care JoarnaL FOR SALE OR RENT Furniture of 8 rooms. Call between and 8 p. a., 48 Flrat St., room 30. FOR SALE Small grocery: Invoice about $800; 4 II rug rooms. Phone Mai 0087. $138 WILL buy prospecting machine and make $80 par day In aouthern Oregon saving rnety old end plstlnnm. wklch la worth $84 per ounce Virginia-Oregon Development company, 331 Morrison at. WANTED Active, bright man for Js meet own expoettloh with $600; good salary. Addreaa R 78. eara Journal. 0PBNIN0 for experienced maa la real aetata to gat Interest In real eatata and timber laud office. Address B 3, eara Journal. 200 AMBR. DB FOREST Coat.. 800 Herat Switch, 8,000 Alaska Pat. A Coal. L 38. care Journal. GOOD farm near Portland, $88.83 per sere; Und near by selling for 885 to 850. Inquire or addreee 848 Mississippi ava., or papal Woodlawn 302. ACTIVE partner, established real estate baal neas; small smonnt required. P 100, Journal. DO yon want a Saa Utile elgar, candy and fruit atandf Splendid little nustneea for the vlnter; 8828 wlU handle It. Alvord A Al- vord. 188 Morrison st. y-a- mail FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Hurry! Hurryl. lurry!! Our Wsat Bids Acreage Is going like "Bet 'uses $1004176 per acre, cloee to ear aad e ah sell excellent soil, sbnndsncs of running water: positively the greatest snap on the market; targe party to leave oar efSee Thursday. 8 a. 84. 1 go with as. Schuyleman and Co. S87 wasaiagtaa, FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. Going! Going!! Going!!! Our West Side Acreage LIEB Hot Cakes $180-8178 par acre, doss to car aad school; excellent soil, abundance of running water; positively the greatest snap oa the market: large party to leave, oar office Thursday, 8 a ax.; go with us. Schuylemaa & Co. 337 W Washington. Booms 8448. STATE LAND 00. Stats Land Co., 138 First at. il.l0tCl7rr tow k., .J?- A flea end mm-imm hn,... - r.( M 1100 rasiTbalaacs $38 monthly, hoys a very Bedsra 7 -room bouse, a Ian swell barn: sea It. $8S0 far 40 acre In Ctarkamaa county; SO acres bottom Und; on TlUemook river; a aaap. , W eaa make terms to aalt upon atost any peeper tj we handle. If a. have not get tke noma yon waat we win baud for yen la aay pert of city upon Ins ts limes t payments. ?ee us v yea wsnt to bay or nil we may ns,you. STATE LAND CO.. 183 hi Flrat et. Send One Dollar Aad are win Rat your property with 1.000 real eatata dealers who ara as sax loss to eara a commies Ion aa you ara to cell: oar plaa seldom fallp; aend description; we are helping aay others, why not yoaf Addreaa Tba In vestor's Guide, 811 Ma reus m bldg.. Portland. Oregoa. AOA NT LOTS- I MO 100x100 near Union are. 175100x100. Highland Park, i 780 tt block. Ataeworth ava.' 183871x100. Highland Park. 1 178 each. 80x100, Hlghlsnd Park. 1 1300 eech far corner lots. Baay terms ea sll - Otto & Crockett 348 Waahlagtoa at. 500 Homes For Sale fhrms and City Property. THB INVESTORS OUlDB CO., Sll Haruuam bldg.. Portland. Oregoa. Sellwood Morehouse A French. 1H70 B. 18th. Sellwood TA City View Perk lata. 1375 and up: Bona Addition lota. 8100 aad an: 88 down and month Homes free $800 ta 16.000. Lets and up. In all parts of Sellwood. Last property with as; we will sen It. HOLLADA Y'tt ADDITION la. block. 3 dwellings, csassat basements, laws, fruit, flowers, cement sldrwslk; cheap for cash. 378 Bast Third st.. north. OOZY little bom. Al condition, near ear; high. fruit ; a bargain: ace it toasy. THB CONTINENTAL CO.. 343 Stark at. NEW AND BEAUTIFUL HOUSES FOB SALB. 87,800 -Full tot snd 8-room house, hot water beating, electric call sells, speaking take aad the best workmanship; finest view on Willamette Heights: as aad never bean oc cupied; owner going to leave the etty; a splendid bargain: easy terms. Also tke prettiest home of 7 reoene la Irv tagtaa hard wo wood tawra. gaa, electricity aad n built to nan. BO BOB W. HASBN. 008 Chamber of Commerce BMg. Phone Main 48. -ROOM hones, modern ua iialsain. ISO feet from car Maa. 71x108 Burn, chicken house: prior 88400; to bask eehexrh. 80 minutes to Morrison bridge. 613 Spencer et.. Moots villa. Willamette Tract On Willamette boulevard, overlooking etty and river, 8-ceat fere, lots SOxlou feet: price $880 and up; $38 cash. 85 per month. Wee c A. x-ygowsxi, wiuameue aianoo, ac. jouna 888V I MODERN 8 and 6-room bo seas. $1,800 ta $$000; terms; eaat Mae. Phone Woodlawn FOR SALB By o new 6-room cottage, gas, furnace, lot 0x bang a law style: bath. 100. street lax; iprovements made near Haw Phone Sellwood 103. theme ava. FINB modern 8 room house. $4,000; $800. bal ance $38 monthly, room modern henna, 83.000; 8800. balance $30 monthly. Owner, phoao Esat 473. WB BAVB tost completed tare asw modern res idences at Archer Place; one a seven room hones 113.180). and the other a six room kexeae ($1,880). One-third cash and balance oa easy monthly pey meets, berk Bargains. B F. CANNON A. CO., 80 McKay bldg. Third and Stark sts. $325 Per Acre 38 acres on the cuUnefiae soil, ae gravel. Phone Pacific M14. 130 Commercial bldg. IV ACRES A fin place for a chicken -ranck; cloee to 3 csrllnea; 8700; 1100 cask, lie le ace a tier month. Towne, 410 Commercial bldg. se PaslSc MM. MODERN 7-roora house: owner leaving, mast sell; cheep, tar ma. Phone Woodlawn 003. NEAT hease. full lot. g room hoses. 800: 8800 down, balance $10 per month. 1604 East 18th, Sellwood. ' WB have 10 choice rats In the Zimmerman tract, eaat of Irvlngton. from 6450 up; esay ternw; also 3 lots In Char lee ton addltioa for 8600 caah. ' Interstate Realty Co.. room 807 Allsky bldg. Phone PaclSc 833. 3-STORY house. 7 rooms wken finlahed, with 4 fin lots. 4 blocks of car at Kent's Park: $1,000 If token soon; house Insured for $400 paid ap till 1808. 181 Morrison St.. owner. A BARGAIN Beautiful aew modern home. 8 rooms; particularly well constructed, srtlstlc house, corner 100x100: bo agents. Owner, N 40, care Journal. 8 AND 10. ACRE TRACTS, prime land aad Iocs tlon for n hoses. Investment Co., S44 Stark. 80S FARMS, small tracts end tots: bargalna ea 0. W. P. electric line. 0. R. Additoo. Lents. Oregon Take Mount Scott ear. 6c. FOE SALE By owner, sew 6-room bonee. bungalow etyle; bath, gaa, furnace, lot 80 00. atreet Improvements made, near Haw thorne ava. No 838 Bast 84th at. FINB 8-room residence at University Park; modern, full ceSnsnt bneement. tot 80100. graded, fine lawn eat with flowers; carhne near hoaee; only $8,000; good terBto. Schuyleman and Co. gBT Waahlagtoa st. 14 eaat lu yea tars at; two beautiful houses, extra fin let, slow tn on Union art thla aide of ares away, paying month; dirt cheap at $4,000; tat $41 M per km HALL A CO., Concord bldg. A FINB corner acre near Myrtle Park station ea Mt. Scott eeritns; It will pay you to look into tkla before buying; nothing as cheap. Addreee H. C. Roche. Arhjta. Of., or call at OWVIS eSl .eetflee to ralae Mmm. fl-room cottage, beautifully finished, furnish sd complete, fall baassssnt; lot Mix 100; 8 large bearing fruit trees. Msks offer, caah or terms. 1480 Winona, at., Woodlawn BY OWNER LEAVING CITY, modern 6 room cottage; gaa and electric lights, finely finlahed Inside aad oat, See lawn, lota of rosea aad tori: !rdrioii:Hb,.v.',B: " HOMESTEADS I have about 13 for Iocs t Inn; beaver-dam Und, ae r leering. M Bliss fro) Oeinmkta river aad north baak road. lequlre at BIT Chamber of Com- 11.000 BUTS the flaaet ens Park; high, sightly snd t aaar ssriins I. lone Mala eaa. HONESTY PAYS Bast el As asoderste priced houses wanted for yfTkeautVi an?BnM,thtor Hot. Vr finish, i '-VrtPurAM-iTt-'