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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 5, IMS. IT MRS. RUSSELL SAGE DEPLORES MODERN SOCIAL CONDITIONS Widow Says Life la Too Complex Nowadays and That People Want Too Much. HEIRS ARE UNGRATEFUL NOT DESERVING MONEY ContMt Ended by Doubling Portions Left to Litigants Who She Says Never Could Earn as Much as Was Oriainallv Left Them. I (tl HS Service., Mew York. Oct 1 Since settling the will content Inaugurated by heirs by doubling the amount the litigants were allowed In tbe will of her late husband. If re. Russell sage ha a expressed her opinion of the heirs In no very compll mentary manner: "It seems too bad that there are so many unworthy and ungrateful people In the world aa there are." said Mrs. Russell Sage, speaking of the contest ing heirs. "It la truly a pity that so many people teei tne worm owes tnem a living and who expect and demand much of others. Ufa Tee) Complex. "The trouble all cornea about through modern social conditions, where every one strives to be what he la not; where he wants more than his efforts and labors should gtve to him. "Why. do you know when I was a poor girl I didn't hanker after ether people's money? I did not expect .things which I had not earned or deserved. I lived simply and was satisfied. I got along with what I had without expect ing help from others. "Nowadays life Is too complex; the demands are too much; we would be better off with more simplicity and leas desire for things which do not by birth or by our own deserts belong to us. I may be different than most but I never remember the time I am now a rich -woman, but I am speaking of when I waa poor that I wanted other people's money or thought I ought to have It. Mare Than They Earned. "Then, too, It seems .a pity that I should be disturbed so soon In tbe hour of my deep bereavement; it is cruelly hard and unkind. It would seem that a senxo of propriety and of ordinary Intelligence would have delayed such trouble until a later time at least. It Is depressing to find so much ingrati tude, ho niu li selfishness and greed as I have found to exist. "Mr. Sage eras most magnanimous In the way he Jeft his heirs provided for. Why, there wore dosens of them he didn't even know, but to be absolutely Just and generous he left them each 125.0011. which le far more than any one of them could have earned by his own efforts In a lifetime." SHIPLOAD OF BELGIANS DESTINED FOR SOUTH tjournsl special Settle ) Charleston. H. C.. Oct. 6 The first step toward deflecting New York's Im migration tide and encouraging new set tlers in the rural regions of the south wlU be taken at an early date, when a shipload of Belgians will be brought di rect to this port from Bremen. Ar rangements to this end have been com pleted by the South Carolina officials, who are so much Interested In the plsn hat it Is understood they have agreed to pay the transportation expenses of the first shipload of immigrants out of the state funds. The plan Is to start a regular service from Europe to Charles ton, the ships bringing Immigrants here and returning with, a cargo of freight Some time since the state appointed a special Immigration commissioner to perfect all arrangements. YOUNG GIRL ENTICED AWAY FROM HER HOME (Special Disss tea t.. Tbe Jonrnal.) The Dalles, Or., Oct I. Pred Du bois, who was arrested here Wednesday evening for enticing 14-year-old Mabel Conrad away from her home in Arleta. Lane county, Is being held here by the police. Dubois is apout 15 years at age. He became Indignant when ar rested and said hs was taking the girl to the home of her sister. The girl, however, confessed that she came to The Dalles with Dubois last Monday. From Cruise. (Journal Special Service.) t Petersburg, Oot. (. The emperor and tbe members of the imperial family. who have been cruising In Finnish waters on board the yacht Standard, returned to Peterhof last night. The emperor wlU move almost Immediately to his winter resldefice at Tsarskoe-Belo. SICK HEADACHE tttf It wed T (CARTER'S 8 Little nut. They also digestion and Too sung. A portees re edyfor Drowsiness, tk the MOuth. Tongue. Pala in the TORPID UVZR. 1 rarely SHALL NUe SMALL MSL SMALL PMCL Must Bear Fac-Simile Signature REFUSE tUISTITUTII. 1 Baking Powder A Revelation ol Efficiency I 25 esaees et jge SsSSaaSaSBSSSSSSSSSSF- Mrs. Russell Sage. G0ES18t000MILES TO SEE LAND Young Englishman on Unique Mission of Inspecting Future Homes for Settlers. UPON REPORT DEPEND ENGLISH HOME-SEEKERS Travels Through Canada and North western America and . Ia Now in California Learning Exact Con ditions That Confront Immigrants. (JournsI aperlal Serrlee.) San Jose, Cel., Oot. 6. J W Dawson, a young Englishman, paaaed through Ban Jose today on a unique 18,000 mile mission. Dawson Is a member of the Sheffield firm of Dean A Lawson. limit ed, steamship agents, and his trip Is taken in consequenraajpf a growing de mand on the part of lntendfng settlers for information of Canada and the Unit ed States from some one who baa been In the-varts to which they wish to go. DataaPn left England September f, and slnoe that time has traveled through and studied Canada and the northwestern part of the United Stairs thoroughly. After visiting Los Angeles he will stop at the Grand Canyon of tho Colorado and then proceed to New Or leana Dawson's endeavor has been to gain by his experience In Canada and In the northwest aa a practical laborer the exact conditions which confront the Im migrant to this country He hae worked In mills and In harvest fields and has slept In the Immigration halls of Canada. He carries aa ever-' ready pair of overalls and has gone so far In his Investigations that he recites with glee an experience he had In 'Re gans. Ctgtada, when unable to obtain n room at any hotel he applied for and obtained a night's lodging In tbe city Jail. YOUNG MAN ATTEMPTS TO KILL HIS SPOUSE (Specie! Dispatch to The Journal.) The Dalles, Or., Oct. 6. A tragedy was prevented by the Interference of neighbors yesterlny afternoon st tne lodging-house of Mrs. B. Rotheny. Mr. O. Zimmerman, who has been married about six months, and has recently sep arated from his wire, has become In sanely jealous of her. About 2 o'clock this afternoon ho 'called at the place where his wife etas stopping and said he wanted to talk with her. Soon after ward her screams attracted attention of the neighbors and on entering the room, she waa found struggling with him. He had a revolver In his hand and swore he would kill her. The neighbors disarmed htm. He was some what quieted, but declared he had noth ing to live for, since he claimed his wife wss untrue to him. Zimmerman has borne a good character heretofore. ' (Special Dtspetek the Jeerael.t Raker City. Or., Oct. S. Archie Kn termlll. the . 11-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bntermlll. yesterday suffered the loss of the third finger of his right hand by having It caught in the jamb of the door at thn school house. The finger was mashed to a paper thinness. (W .esBjafanW. BBBBBBBBBBSBBf I J IfY. DONATES Ml ICE FOUNTAIN TO SAIL BERNARDINO Millionaire Will Provide Cold Water for Citizens Through Endowment. - (Journal Special Servtes.) i San Bernardino, Oct. 8. Colonel R. M. Baker, a millionaire with extensive property interests here, has commenced work on an elaborate iced water foun tain for one of the principal corners In the business district, and proposes to furnish while he lives lee dally and by hie will leave a sufficient sum, the in terest of which will provide Ice as long aa money Is ths medium of exchange among men. Colonel Baker Is from Chicago, where he is heavily Interested In real estate. His ice fountain Is aimed to make it un necessary for men to seek saloons for cold drinks. SOLDIERS TO CONTINUE WEARING OF THE BLUE (Journal Special Service.) Washington. D. C, Oct. 5. The army quartermasters who have to do with the dress of the soldiers have about decided to retain the blue shirt as a part of ths uniform of ths army. It will not be re placed entirely by the olive drab, or khaki, garment, of which there Is some dislike, especially among the troops In the western part of the country. It Is found, too, that there is a partiality for the bine shirt among soldiers In ths tropics. It is more comfortable than the khaki shirt and does not show the dint and dirt as plainly. There Is much dis cussion In the military service regard ing the use of khaki, and It is coming to be realised that It Is not in all re spects a worthy substitute for the blue, although it has the effect of contrib uting the element of Invisibility which Is lacking in the blue uniform. CRUISER NORTH CAROLINA LAUNCHED TOMORROW i Journal Special Berries.) Newport News, Vs., Oct. I. Arrange ments have been completed at the yards of the Newport News Ship Building A Dry Dock company for the launching of the armored cruiser North Carolina to morrow. A large delegation of distin guished cltlsens of North Carolina, head ed by Oovernor Glenn and his staff, will be on hand to see the ls,600-tonftghtlng ship slide down ths wsys and take her initial plunge. WILL AMEND CHARTER TO BUILD WATERWORKS (Special Pis patch to The Jeernal Enterprise. Or., Oot. I. The city council of Enterprise has authorised the holding of an el ection for the purpose Of amending fhd charter. Increasing the amount to construct a system of waterworks from tl 0,000 to 110,000. Ths water supply will come from springs nbout Hit miles from the city. OUBBS W1BTBB OOUOB , J. E. Oover, ltl N. Maljj Bt . Ottawa, Kan., writes: "Every farW It has been my wife's trouble to ratrh n severe cold, and thcrefni" to cough sll winter Ions Last fall I got her a bottle of Hurahound Byrtip ntie useo it ana new been able to sw soifnirry "all night long. Whenever e cough troubles her two or three doeea stops the cough, snd she is shle to be up snd well." 2Sc, 10c and 11.00. Sold by VYoodsrd, Clarke A Co. i MY FEE, $12.50 tar axnr uaTcaarjrXxcA PAY WHEN CURED I make a definite propoaal to wait for my fee until you are satisfied that your cure is com plete. This, of course, indicates that I have unlimited confidence In my ability, but I want you to have other and better reasons for choosing me as your physi cian. I want you to consider my vast experteroe and my un equaled success aa a specialist. For mere than SI years I have been curing cases Just like yours and have built up a prac tice that Is by far the largest of Its kind west of Chicago. Every method of treatment I employ Is original and makes a distinct advance la medical science. Surely, jonalderlng all these things, you will not remain un decided aa to what physician can serve you best MEN ONLY WEAKNESS There are few physiclana treating functional weakness by my method or obtaining results that even resemble complete and permanent cures I employ wo tonics, stimulants or electric sfisTA VARICOCELE t No caustic, no cutting. Mild and painless treatment that re stores complete health and toue to the weakened and dilated veins In :ne week's time. Can not, fall. X cure Contracted Disorders, psetBo Blood Poison, Stricture, sfervo-Bebllltatlon and all re Sex aflat as. Z will mail yen free Interesting pamphlets and will give yam free anatomical charts If yon If you cannot call, write for Diagnosis Chart My offices are open all day from 8 a. m. to 9 p. m. Sundays from 10 to 1 only. THE DR. TAYLOR CO. say. MOBmxsosT st. Corner Soooad. POBTX.ABTO. OBI. AT THE THEATRES. Digby Bell Tonight. Digby Bell will present Augustus Thomas' corned j. "The Education of Mr Plop," at the Helllg theatre, fourteenth and Waehlngton streets, tool (fat sad tomorrow eight at Sill o'clock, a seeelel-prlee matinee will be gives curtain st 2.15 o'clock. Seat Sale Tomorrow for "Checkers." Tomorrow morning st the Helllg theatre. Fourteenth sad Weahlngtoo streets, tbe ad ranee seat sale for the character comedy, "Checkers." will open. This famous play will be tke attraction st tne shore theatre for three nlfhta. .beginning ant Monday, October 8. with a special-price matinee Wednesday. Views of Russo-Japanese War. One ef tke moat Interesting illustrated talks ever given h this city la promised next Sunday sight at tbe Helllg theatre, when Tstaukn Ivete. tt.u ,wsr currespundent of tbe Japanese Trade Journal sad graduate of Toklo college, will be beerd on the late Rosso-Japanese war. Over 100 views will be shown. Popular prices WIS premie "The Maid and the Mummy." The musical comedy success. "The Maid sad tbe Mummy." will be ike attraction at the Helllg theatre Thursday night. October 11. Advsace sals Tuesday. A Texas Steer." At the Baker this week Frances Hlosson Is gaining great popnlsrlty by bar work la the role of Bessy la "A Teres Steer." This little lady bas dsuis as Irani that she bss talents hitherto erirevealed. sad ft la eafe to sssBBsT that she will be oar ef tbe in. .t oopuiar members of the stork company before tbe end of tbe season the other members ef tbe company are doing greet work. Matinee Satur day last time Saturday night. Next Week st the Baker. Richard Thornton, the leading mas of the Baker theatre company, snd Lillian Lawrence, ! the popular leading woman, will bars a chance neat week to do greet work. Tke plsy will he "The Osy Lord Quel." one of the, best I thlaga Piuero haa done. Tho Baton will play Ills Grace of Qnei. aad Miss Lillian LewreDce I will be seen aa aphle. tbe manicurist who mUc np thmg, generally snd reuses no end of trouble "The tisy Lord Qnei'' will open Sunday matinee snd run a week. At the Empire. "A Millionaire Tramp ' Is pls.rlng tkls week 1 tbe popular Empire theatre, aad the cob- 1 hinatl, n of a comedy of this atar-dlng aad the j cosy theatre ksva csased tbs sails to bulge mare than eace tbe peet few nights There will be only three store performances sad the attraction should Bet Be overlooked Tonight tomorrow matinee ssd tooaorrow sight. Go snd see It; nesrly everybody else bas. "Uncle Josh Perkins. ' Ish I'erklns- 'a th title of s plat that has seared a see cm this .. ....a recent tears. It Is a he (Ives here iu sll Its eatlrety by lbs orlglsal wklck) B skirled It ea te I sssssssMspV. .esssT mm. ta ylok. The TiOSdlng Specialist. Nervous Debility As CsBr-tsBln task Night Follows Dmy there is a fixed penalty for the viola tion of any law of nature. The punish ment, which surely comes sooner or later, may be el'her sickness, pain, de cay or death. If you are Buffering, It Is certain that vbu have, knowingly or unknowingly, transgressed. Your chief concern, of coursor is how to get well, not how you got sick. We are restor ing men to sound health svery day. MBIN OiNCY As we treat diseases of men only, tbe position we occupy among spe cialists Is unique. Our methods of treatment are unlike those employed by other physicians. They are original with ourselves and sre the most effective methods known to medical science. They inveaVe the scientific application of every curative influence In the treatment of men's diseases. Our offices are sn exposition of delicate and costly equipment, much of which is especially constructed to meet the requirements of our distinc tive methods of trestment. We have hesitated at no expense that could add to the efficiency of our work or the comfort of our patients. There Is no other equally equipped medical Institute' in, the Pacific northwest. We Guarantee a Cure le Every Case We Undertake or Charge No fee PAY WHEN CURED Any person taking treatment with us may deposit ths price of a cure In any bank In Portland, to be paid to us when a ' cure is effected. If the. patient orders, ws will take weekly or monthly installments. Consultation free. Letters oonfldentlal. Instructive book for men mailed free In plain wrapper. If you cannot call at office, write for question blank. Home treatment successful. Office hours 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. ; Sundays snd hnllduys, IS a. m. to It. DR.. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. Offices In Van Noy Hotel, 62 U Third St., Corner Pine, Portland, Or. WE CURE MEN FOR It will not oost you anything aad consult aa, and By so dotal time, worry aad cure yoa are erUl Some physicians try to imitate EBTABZJIBBD SB TBABS 1ST FOBTIABD. rat, but la ths past are have proven the- fact to oar patrons that oar t Is superior In every way n its owa merits aad our upon this foundation. Furthermore, we wish to state TEAT WB AOCBPT OBLT SUCH CASB8 AS ABB CTJBVABTjB. We cure all forms of Blood and Skin Diseases, Brain rag, Taxtoose or Knotted Veins, Bfervous Decline, Piles, Fistula, Kidney, Bsallag Bast all Urinary Diseases gas to Weakness, inheritance and exhaustion aad the result of specific flissssss Gonorrhoea cured la seven days. Indifference and neglect of the first symptoms sre responsible for thousands of human wrecks, failures in life and business, insanity, sui cide, etc. Why take such desperate chances? The manifestations of the first symptoms of any disease or weakneea should be a warning for you to take prompt steps to safeguard your future life and happiness. You should carefully avoid all experimental, dangerous or half-way treatment, for upon the success of the first treatment depends whether you will be promptly restored to health again, with all taint of t'.ie poisonous disease removed from your system, or whether It will be allowed to become chronic and subject you to future recurrences of ths disease, with the va rious resulting complications, etc. In all diseases of men, we have found, after making a thorough scien tific research, that there is a tendency toward the degenerative process of the parts affected: It is also true In both sexes, but as we treat MEN ONLY it comes more forcibly to us, and through our "long-tried and sat isfactory treatment" we are able to rebuild the degenerative process, causing a regeneration of healthy tissue In every respteft. We wish to lay special stress upon our method of treating Blood Poi son aad Syphilis without using mercury - We want every man la the country who Is afflicted to write is about Us ailment. WE CURE TOD AT HOME. HOURS I TO 6. 7 TO 1:1 DAILY; SUNDAY8 t TO II. SL Louis MEDICAL AND SUIHCAl SBOOVD AMD aTTaV. POBTX. ABTD, OBIOOI. DANDRUFF MAKE THm, FALLING HA Iff. w Hair Health POSITIVELY REMOVES DAM- SSSSd Aided by H ARUM A SOAP, heals stops thlltym- promotes fine growth of ban. I'llll.O HtV CO.. Newark. R. J. BOO. ALL DRUGGISTS. popularity It will be produced here next Sun day Bwtlaee aad all week st the Empire. VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK At the Or and. ... Cheerful vaudeville, the kind tbat Is mod ern, up to dste sad entertaining St sll times. Is wbst tbe management of the Oread ta giv ing this week. The bill Is one well balanced, with s e-ood assortment of pleasing speelsltles, each na find fsvor with lovers of light amuse ment. There are cotoedlsns with new jokes, alngera with fresh songs, a dramatic playlet nt unusual merit, s tl"reltt act, Illustrate,! song snd moving pictures This bill holda ths boards until neit Bander evening- At the Star. With an elaborate production. "Moots Crlsto" la being presented this week st tbe Star theatre by tbe Allen stock company. The organlaattoa hss presented msny bills since It came to Portland, but this la the an art popular selec tion It bss given. Henry McHes. the sew leading man. Is csst In tbe rote at Edmund names Mattneea Saturday ssd Sandsy. Last performance flundsy night Pastures st Pantsgcs. It would be bard to get a stronger hill than la presented st (he Pantagea this week. Here I. the list of festsres: Six It. I.e. ma. greatest of scrobsts; moving-picture reproduction of the Oana-N'etsoa tght: Smith and Kilts, funsters; tbe twe Birds, cornedr sketch: the Odcaeaa, her artlsta. Maude Hharpe and Baby Msy. giving a novelty set: Jesa Wilson. Illustrated sung At the Lyric. Only s few mora days rssisAp of ths Lyric's grestest. emotlohal drama "Escaped rroa Bondage." It baa been given sll week errtb the beet possible results. The comedy hss Is creased Its circle of friends with this drama. roe It diapiaya tne isisnts oi tss principal to better advaatsge thsa svee. Tke oprtaalUse mr first . lass acting sre rreensnt la Krotn 4sbb, eaj 2y l i $ 1 2.50 We'U treat any single uncomplicated aliment for $12 50 cowauLTATiow rasa. UNDER ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE NO PAY UNLESS CURED call at oar o flics money, and bseaase If a honestly tell you aa, and ot you will not be under any financial obligation to us. Tea pay as for cures not to earperlmeat; we have proved the fact that our methods are the oeat, latest and the most scientific In every respect Tnere are some cases that are Incurable and we determine whether it Is curable or Incurable by a thorough physical and microscopical examination. oar methods of to oar imitators, OlTB treatment anocess aad reputation have been built Dispensary TRANSPORTATION. $84.50- Buffalo, N.Y. and return via the ERIE RAILROAD From Chicago Tickets on sale Oct. 5 and 6; final limit November IS. This will be your last opportunity of the year to go to the far east at so reasonable a figure. Make your berth reservations early to insure good accomodations. See any ticket agent or write to H. B. SMITH, T. P. A. Seattle, Wash. TELEGRAPH gsstsawt on ths BUeer The only steamboat making a round trip BaUXY , Except Cu radar Between PORTLAND and ASTORIA a wd wav rotmrm f Lesve Portland 7:0 a sn. Arrive Astoria 1:10 p. os. l it D. SB. leve Astoria Arrive Portland fiSO p. aa M. .1,8 SERVKD A LA CARTE r rtland landing. Alder Street Denh. Astoria IVaadlng. OaUeadaar Bask. B B SCOTT. Agent. Phone slain Ml. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. Catea Depot Leave. Kor Wsraers. Rainier. Clats Wsstport. Cllfssa. i Arrive. Ksrts. Warrentun. i'lavel. Hammond, lort Sterena. dear hart Park, seaside. Aatorla sad Sesshsr 00 sa II dally All trains dally. 7 00 sa J C. UAYO. O. r. ssd P. A.. Aatorla. Or. i a eissvAHr. Lswassereui Alder s treat. Paaaae stale SSS. TRANSPORTATION. whin you The West Case Hotel a streetcars, be Box fee. sttv 0DFGON ShorjLiihe Union Pacific 3 Trains to tne East Daily 3 TtiroOrti I'm It nan srssMfent ,M assassa 1 1 log-cars dally la Omaha. Chicago. Spokane; oenet triples ears Sally to Kaasas City. Throws reeliolag chalrcalrs (aeete free) te the Kaat dally. latest Depot Leave. Arrive. fsgo-Portlsad Special Jar Spokani' Rnn,ln", dir. I sOaaa 1:00 pa i psshSTgton 'Will fvatts" ! f"t,'2 Cor 'M aad l"t.2l,h'n eolats. sally. Ill pea !: a a 'UnjJV"Prs for tbs last . . i V'.. ""thittOB sally S:1S SS Till am r"r,';"-aigs local, fer ah Points between Biggs aad Poetlsad. dally.... 7r.....r I:bsi ! seg COLOMBIA RIVBB DITTSIOW. Far Aatorla ajt - - i .- in wlrM learner far nwiro a ad aortb Beach. HiSBisr Ase-st. dork. Wares s p. at. dairy. ".'Sssdsy; Bstnrdsv. 10 p. a. Arrived aooot 5 p. a., except Sasday. YAMHILL KIYEB BOUTS, for Osytea. Oregon City sad Ysabttl rrreg polsle atearaera Both and Modoc. Asb-st. does, 7.' m except sawder (water per- ' Alre : P- as. daily, except SNAKB BITBB BOUTS, rer LewMos. lease, sad way points frees Blpsris. Wash , steamers Spokane and Lewis. Bavs 8:s0 a. a., or a poo arrival Trsla No , dally sxeapt Saturday. Arrive A p. am. dalle exceot Friday Tiekst Office Third aad Waahlngtoa sta. Telepbeee Mats T1J. C.W. ffTTNOKB. City Tiekst Agent. Wa. MeMUBBAY. General Psasengsr Agent, EAST SOUTH Usba Depot Leave. Arrive. Overland Express Trains fer Malea, Bosebarg. Aeh land. Sacramento. Ogdso, Baa rrsnrtsse, Stockton. Us Angeles. El Paao, New Orleans and the east. Morning trals coaaects at Wood born dally except under with train tor Mount Ansel. Sllvsrtcn. I pa Ml sat Blue est Ills. Springfield. e moling a no narroo. S OOaa 1:M BSS KOgene passenger ron- aeeta st Wood bars wltb Mowat Angel snd Hlvertoa loesl 4:11 pa MOrSDaal Oorvallaj pessenser.. T OOsra l:Mses Hherl.lan passenger MrM an pa forest Orare passenger. . . . I 111 00 am 1110:20 aa forest Oreve passangsr. .. 118:00 era Ittto aaa Dally. IIDsfly eieept fandsv. JBFFSB80N-STREBT STATION. Per Dsllss sad Intermediate points daily. T:sf a. a. and 4:11 p. a. Ait ire Portland 10:1 a. a. and 9:M p. m. for time and card of Oswego suburban trains sppry at my i irset urnre. or station. I trials to Eastern points sad Japan. Carina. Banal n in sad Aastralia City Ticket Office corner Third aad Wash Ingtoi streets. Phone Mstn 712. C. W. STINGER. Wa. MeMUBBAY. City Ticket Agent. Gen. Paaa Agent TIME CARD OF TRAINS Portland.- Leave. Yellowstone Park Kansas City -St. Louis Special for Cbebalts. Centralis, Olyapls, Orgy's Arrive, Harbor, south nesd. Tseoaa. setus, Spokane. Lav Botte. Billings. Denver, ha. Baiaaas Cltv. Bt. and Sen th east, dally I SO psa North Coast Limited, electric lighted, tor Tscoas. Seattle. Spokane. Butte. Minneapolis. St. Psel sad tbe Bsst. dally. 1:00 pa Paget Bound Limited, for Clare moot. .Chshslls. CaBr trails. Tscoas aad Seattle only, daily SO pa Twin City iprsss for Tsee- 4:BBs Ttasssj ; Bntte. Bt. Pssl. Mtsnea polls. i in' .'in. oi. .luesuai. aaaiH , City, Omaha. Bt. Louis. oat change eg Direct goasicthaa far all points Esst dally. 11:46 aa tStSI Sap 2 Overland Trains Daily 2 " Tha Oriental Llmitsd. the Fast Bail VIA SSATTLB AND 8POKANB Portland time acbedule Daily. Dstty. Leave. Arrive. To sad (mm Spokane, St. Paul. Minneapolis. Dotuth ssd sll points Bast via Seattle R.SOsa T 00 aaa 11:46 pas 0:10 aa To and rroa St. PssL Binaespolls. Detuth and sll polna Bast . vis Spokane S: IS pas Sieves at Mortaera If. ask Is Os. Railing rroa Sesttle tar Japaa t China porn sad Manila, carrying aesgera and frelgbt. B. S. Bl ti. Oetsbee M. 8. S. Tie beta, B evens her M. KIT HOB TTJ8EH XAIBBA i Japan Mall BUsasblp Co ) . Tssa Bun will sail Seattle sheet tvtnbert 16 for Japss and Cblaea esrrytng snd freight roe tlil ckets. rates, berth, reserve- cell BICXSOV. O. T. A. - rhsae IU Third Bala M0. Upper Columbia River STEAMER Chas. R. Spencer w . A.I. anSeaaaah AAw AVarV MOndatT. IssjsB rwm vrejtsn, i ww vw " -J aB T. aLT-I Wednesday and Krtday. at 1 a. m. fo sday and AJLXBS connesitlng Ith the portatloa Ooaapaay's ifr points aa fsr Ing. arrivea 1 day and sBtnf nts aa far iss lOTIB Returns Portland. l iiesaxnjr y. Thnrs- ,lv ana Oatiirdav it I A Lew rs tM snd excellent service. Phones 2110 snd 3joi S. S. F. A. Kilburn Meat sailing frea Meat as I Use) frea ' HAS Oak eegJ aad Southeast tMmim : r4 -i