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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. OCTOBER i, 1909. . ,. . 16 GIANTS SHUT OUT BY ANGELS Bargeman In Fin Form, Allow but Two Hit to Portland Batsmen. LOS ANGELES HITTERS FIND GUM EASY MARK Local T wirier Wu Ail Right for Three Innings, and All Wrong lor Three More, When Ten Rune Were Chalked Up The Score Uouintl Special Service.) Los Angeles, Oct. a The grest and only Olanta were humiliated end mothered In the dust yeaterday by the haughty eons of Loo Angelee, led by Captain Dillon In person and Pitcher Bergeman In action. This man Berge snan la a peculiar fellow. He had a moat unusual assortment of offerings that made the Portlanders dlzsy. At e late hour last night the Qtante had not re covered from the shock. But two lonely and widely scattered kits were made off Bergeman's de livery, one by Sweeney and' the other by Gum. The Olanta were not very anxious to annex yesterday's game, as they played like so many crawfish. The Angela got after Oum In the fourth, fifth and sixth Innings snd in these ma naged to score 10 stately runs. Gum whs wild, giving seven Angels free transportation to first base and eras hit st dangerous times. McCredle pitched the last two lantngs for Port land. The score: los ab. r. h. po. a. k. Bernard. Cf. 5 3 1 0 0 Cechnauer. sa t Z 0 2 I 0 Cravath rf 4 2 1 0 0 Brashear. Sb 4 S 3 I 1 Mlon. lb '.4 0 2 7 Carlisle. If. 4 0 .1 4 0 0 Toman. 2b. 2 0 9 2 t 0 Berkley, c 1 0 7 0 0 Bergman, p. S 0 1 1 0 Totals 34 10 0 27 IT l PORTLAND. AB. R. H. PO. A. B. Sweeney, as. 4 0 1 1 1 facHale, rf 4 0 1 0 Mitchell. If 1 0 2 0 0 BeCredle, rf -p 4 1 0 0 Smith, si 4 e 1 t Carson, r 3 OR 1 0 Lister, lb t 0 10 0 0 Schlmpff. 3b. 0 3 1 1 Gam, p -rf. t 0 1 0 4 1 Totals io"o?3414"i SCORE BT INNINGS. Los Angeles 00023600 10 Hits 10021111 9 Portland 00000000 0 0 Hits ooioioooo: SUMMARY. Hits Off Gum, 7; oft McCredle. 2. "Stolen bases Bernard 4, Brashear 3, Dillon, Cravath. Two-base hits Cra vath 2, Brashear. Sacrifice hit To man. First base on errors Los Ange les. 2; Portland, 1. Left on bases TOS Angeles. 10; Portland, 4. Bases on balls Off Gum, 7; off Bergman. 2; oft McCredle, 2.- Str-fck out By Bergman, t; by Gum, a Tttno of game One hour ad 45 minutes. Umpire Perriree. HAPPY DALES TOO GOOD FOR THE BEAVERS The B class tenpln rollers wss repre sented last night by the Beaver vs. Happy Dales team and the latter team had a walk-a-wey, owing to the in ability of the Beaver to secure their fell team. The highest single score was made by Tonslng. 186. Vnlslnet bad the high average, ltl. The hard split spares made by Dale brought a hand from the audience. Following are the scores: (2) (3) Av. 131 OS 131 134 111 141 176 111 1(3 ltl lit 164 lit 111 140 711 777 (1 t) Av. 114 lit 111 111 141 114 141 111 144 431 114 Dale Voislnet .... Tonslng Hergert BEAVERS Be ell mv Z. Campbell Total Tonight the A class teams, Govern ment Bonds vs. Gold Leaf, will make their appearance, the first time this sea son. Tha B class will else roll. Com mercial No. 1 vs. Lyrtca, . The teams In both classes are equally matched and rood scores are expected. it's the Real Stuff And you get no other kind aaM when you purchase -- Wine and Liquors Here The quality of the goods we supply will prove superior to any you have bought at equal prices. We desire your future as well as the nrrsent trarl anrl twill fnn- tinue to supply the best the 4 maricei anoras. uet our price list of family wines and liquor. You will find it in terest mgr. National Monogram Whis key, full qt. f 1, gal. 93.50 National Port and Sherry, very old, full quart. . .50 National Sweet Wines, any kind of flavor, full qt. 504 THE QUALITY STORE. Fifth and Stark Sta Phone Main 699. DERBYS RUN AT SPOKANE AMI WALLA MUX Ed Sheridan and Peter J. Carry Off Big Purees in Very Fast Time. (Sew-ill DUpitea to The Journal.) Spokane, Wash., Oct. I. Bd Sheridan captured the Spokane Derby yesterday. Results: Flvs furlong, ailing Sox, I to 1, won; Little Mlnch Jr., 1 to 4, second; Blackthorn, I to 1, third; time. 1:06. Five furlongs, selling Slam, 7 to 6, won: Minna Baker, 4 to I. second; Jim Pendergast, 6 to 1, third: time. 1:04. One mile, selling Tuck Back, 1 to 3. won; Major Tenny, 3 to 1. aecotid; Pass Me. t to 1, third: time, 1:4IH. Half a mile, silver cup for gentlemen riders Forty-Four (Paul flagstone). 7 to 1, won; Scorcher (Frank Sweeney), t to 1, second; Helmet (Judge F. St. D. Skinner), 3 to 1. third; time. 0:62. One mil and one eighth, the Spokane Derby, purse of 31.000, value to winner $16 Ed Sheridan, I to 1, won; Flor ence Fonso, 3 to 1. second; Cabin, t to 1, third; time. 1:5714- Won by a head 'driving, second by four lengths, third by a head. Six furlongs, selling Ocyrohe, 5 to 3 won; King Thorpe, even, second; Iadora, I to 3, third; time, KMVk. Five and on half furlongs; selling Soundly, 1 to 3. won; Princess Wheeler. II to 1. second; Mallowry, 4 to 1, third; time. 1:10. at W all a Walla Track. (Special Passant to The vsmat.) Walla Walla. Waah., Oct. I. Peter J. won the Walla Walla Derby yeaterday and Incidentally lowered the track record to 1:16. The results: 3:3t pace, purse 1400 Lord Lovelace (owned by B. B. Tongue) 1 1 Bonnie M t 3 Knlck Knack . , . 3 4 Major Dell t t General Hurtle. I 4 Flaxy McGregor distanced In first heat Time, 3:13. 3:14. t:17 trot, pure $1,000 Athaaham 1 1 Oma .. I t Lady Jones 4 I Black Diamond Shut out In first heat: Qlbby declared dlatsnced. Time, 3:15, 3:11. Rnunlng, three furlonga, puree $200. for maiden 2-year-olds and up Potts first. Belle Morrell second. La Tarants third; time. 0:17. Ruth P., Joe. Sleep ing Joe and Eulalia alao ran. Running, six. furlongs, puree Amass first, Blsck Gem second, Macene third: time, 1:11. Homeetead, Flaunt and Superba Queen alao ran. Walla Walla derby. 1 miles, purss $500 Peter J. first, Iras aecond, Our Sally third; time, 1:56. Running, 5 furlongs, puree $200 Reality first. B. C. Green second. Lu rene third; time, 1:01. DeOrammont, Resigned, Water Wagon and The Coun cilor also ran. Fourth two miles of the six-day relay race for s puree of $300 Ed Jesse, 6:01; William McManamon, 6:09; John Taylor, 6:14. Total time for the eight miles. John Taylor, 31:11; Bd Jesse, 33:11: William McManamon. 33:07. NATIONAL LEAGUE Won. Lost P.C. Chicago lit 34 .713 New York It It .131 Pittsburg 13 ee .cot Philadelphia 71 t3 .465 Brooklyn . . . II II .414 Cincinnati 4 ! .417 St Louis IS tl .347 Boston . . 4$ 101 .130 at Pittsburg. R. H. E. Pittsburg .., 0 7 3 Chicago 4 I 0 Batteries 1-eflelo. Phelps and Pelts; Pfeleter, Kllng anil Moran. Umpire uuay. at Boston. First game R. H. E. Brooklyn 3 3 1 Boston . . 3 11 4 Batteries Strlcklett and Rltter; Lindaman and Brown. Second game R. H. E Brooklyn . . . r,l I Boston 1 3 0 Batteries Eason and Rltter; Young and Brown. empire Conway. at Hew Tor. R H E Philadelphia .1 10 3 New York . 7 II 1 Batteries Sparks and Dooln; Math ewaon and Smith. Umpires Kleea and Carpenter. PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE Won. Lost P.C. Portland -.100 4t .171 SeattlJ tl 71 .637 San Francisco 79 73 .133 Los Angeles S3 71 .lit Oakland ft S3 .414 Fresno 64 103 .345 Oakland Shut Oat. (Joarsal special Ssrvtes.) Oakland, Cat, Oct I. The Slwashes played fast ball yesterday and white washed the Commuters. Score: R. H E Seattle 10 3 0 0 4 0 1 1110 0 Oakland . 0 0 00 0 0 0 00 0 4 I Batteries Garvin and Blankenahlp; Orahsm and Bliss. Tigers Win Oat. (Jooraml Special Btrrtos.) Fraeno. Cat, Oct. I. The Tigers found the Seals' new pitcher easy yes terday. Score: R H E, Ssn Francisco ..1 1 3 0 3 0 0 0 07 t 3 Fresno 21110020 I 12 3 Batteries Schlagter and Brown; Trleger and Dash wood. SPORTING GOSSIP The Giant condescended to give the Angels s game yesterday. Gum wasn't in ths best of form, end Dillon's men touched him along for a few drlvee at the right time. Bargeman was particu larly effective, allowing but two scat tered single e The Columbus dummy flrat baseman must feel awful when he get the worst of a cloee decision. e This Is the day for Jeffries to an nounce that he will re-enter the ring, i Any paper publishing any statement to the contrsry la either one day behind or one day ahead. e The fans of Chicago will have their fill of baseball beginning next Tuesday, when the post series gsmes between the White Sox and the Cuba will begin. These should bejroyal contests. " '' ' Kmj&'u ' Fsrts about ths Vanderbilt Cup rac: The race To decide the beat drivers and cars in tha world. The place Nassau county, Long Island Distance Ten rounds of 3I.S miles; total, about ttl mllee. Starting time 1:30 a. m.. cars leav ing at one-minute Intervale. Number of cere In race Eighteen. Countries represented France. Italy. Oermany and the United Statea. Winner of elimination trials Joseph Trees with 00-horsepower Locomobile. Trophy to be won Magnificent silver cup. ftfweenled by W. K Vanderbilt. Jr. AUTO RACE TOMORRUW QQ The Third Annual Dash for the Vanderbilt Cup Will At tract Thousands. COURSE LAID OUT OVER NA88AU COUNTY ROADS Eighteen Splendid Cars Arc Entered for the Event and the Drivers An the Most Daring Fellows That Ever Steered a Horseless Carriage. (Jssraal Special Ssrvlssl New York, Oct 5 Over a 20 mile course, situated In the heart of Long Island, 10 auto drivers, repreaentlng France. Germany. Italy and America, will tomorrow engage In the third an nual International contest for the Van derbllt cup, emblematic of the American road-racing championship. Tha world'a most prominent and daring drivers are represented In the entry list and have been preparing and tuning up their ma chines, that rang from to to 120-horse-power, for the past two weeka, and in practice have repeatedly covered laps at speeds that averaged much better than a mile a minute. That tomorrow's contest will surpass Its predecessors In Interest, speed and personality. Is assured. One hundred thoussnd persons Is re garded as a conservative estimate of the crowd that will go to L,ong island to morrow to witness the race. Special trains wUl be run to Mlneola and other towns along the course, at half-hour In tervals, beginning soon after midnight tonight. Thousanda of auto enthusiasts are already on the scene. Hotels and owners of private houses In the neigh borhood of the course are reaping a harvest by letting their rooms and even their barns for the accommodation of those desiring to be on hand at the start ef the race. Unless there are one or more eleventh hour withdrawals, II and possibly It cars will start in the mad dash around the eo-lap circuit In an attempt to bring an auto championship and trophy to their country. This year the American makers are satisfied that the five cars comprising the American team will make a better showing than the Amer ican car ever have made In the paat and they ere greatly in hop that they may be able to finish first. In both of the previous races the cup was won by the French makers. American Starts rirst As the teams stand at present Amer lea, France and Italy are represented by completed teams of five cars. Germany has three care entered. The American team drew No. 1 In the starting poll, end aa a result Le Blon Will be first away In hie lli-horsepower Thomas car on the stroke of I o'clock tomorrow morning. A. minute later Heath will be second away In his 100-horsepower Pan hard, the first of the five French cars. Germany, having third place, starts Jenatsy a 6:01, and Italy follows fourth with Lancia as their first starter. The second relay of starters finds Lytle as No. I, and second starter for the American team. Following him a minute later will go Elliott F. Shepard of the French team, while Luttgen of the German team, in his 120-horsepower Mercedes, Is seventh. Nasarro, tn hie 100-horsepower Fiat, completes the sec ond relay for the Italians. At 1:01 Trscy, the winner of the elimination trials. Is scheduled to start In his Loco mobile. Following In teeth place le Wagner of the French team. Eleventh place will find Fox hall Keen on the mark for the German team, to be fol lowed a minute later by Carno for Italy. The thirteenth starter will be Harding for the American team, driving a 60 horsepower Haynea. . At l:lt o'clock Clement fourth starter fos tha French, will get under way, to be followed by Wellschott of the Italian team. Walter Christie will be next at the line for America. No. II will be Duray, the last starter for France, while Italy will be represented by Fabry as No 10, and last starter. Of the drivers, the leading auto racers of the four countries competing, the favorites appear to be' Lancia, In his 120-horsepower Fist; Heath. In his Pan- hard, and Tracy of the American team. Accidents and tire troubles, however, are likely to figure prominently in the race, and for this reason a dark horse may speed away with the $3,000 trophy do nated by Mr. Vanderbilt. JOCKEY MILLER KILLED AT DOUGLAS TRUCK Had Mount on Dresden, Was Thrown and Horses Trampled Upon His Head. (Joersal Special Service.) Louisville. Ky.. Oct 5 Jockey B. Miller was thrown off Dresden yester day In tha second race and was trampled upon, receiving Injuries that resulted In his death a few hours afterward. The unforturate rider wae a native of New York and was 10 yeare old. Results: First, selling, five furlongs Laura E won, Nedra second, John Kaufman third; time, 1:00 4-fi. Second, selling, six furlong French Nun won. Petit Due second. Nun'a Veil ing third, time. 1:14 1-1. Third, puree, six furlongs Charlie Eastman wen. Martha God man second, Hector third; time, 1:13 1-1. Fourth, free steeplechase, full course, about two miles Little Wslly won, i...riv Jocelyn second, Slgmund third; time, 4:03 $-1. ' Fifth, five and one half furlongs Klectorine won, Nellette aecond. Miss Lida third: time. 1:07 -R. Sixth, eelltng. mile Golden Mineral won, Bralt second. The Only WayMhlrd: time. 1:41. SAVED tits X.OT. J. W. Davenport, Wlngo, Ky., writes, June 14, 1002: I want to tell you I believe Ballard's Snow Liniment eeved my life. I wss under the treatment of two doctors, and they told ms one of my lungs wss entirely gone, snd the other badly iifferted. 1 also had a lump on my side. I don't think that I could have lived over two months longer. I wss induced by a friend to t y Ballard Snow Liniment The first application gave me great relief: two fifty-cent bottles cured me sound and well. It Is a wonderful medicine and I recommend It to suffering humanity.'' s..,,, by Woodnrd. riarke AV Co iBkbbkbbW W M rvSSTftQKmVBSBKJ afrSBl'fwBa&sTSeA esalvvQ BBBswT Mr I Baal axaxaxawK LaLTaaaxI aBBBs!BEa1eBBBBBaBi axaxM I ajsBBBa IN r I l NM i II I Ml Tfl ill HI v n mmmmmmmsmmmsem ill' jw iii 11.111 111 JS m sxaaxM I II MlllllllliaillllllllllllllaWel BaeKsT was- - - " I1U MULTNOMAH SQUAD WILL practice mm First Evening Gathering of Pig skin Devotees Is Called by the Clubmen. This evening at 7:30 o'clock Inside football practice will be Inaugurated at the Multnomah Amateur Athletic club. For three weeks the candidates for the Multnomeh eleven have been working In the sftognoons, endeavoring to get into condition for the arduous work that will Some later on. but on account of the entire squad being unable to turn out In the afternoons the evening work waa decided on, so tha,t every man will be on hand for instructions. The first game of the season Is sched uled for October 30, only 15 days away, snd It will take every practice to whip the boye Into form. The large tent that hss been arranged for the practice la raised In the northeast corner of the grounde. Sawdhst has been placed on ths hard ground and two large arc lamps will furnish light. Owing to the large number of candi dates that have turned out to try for positions It will be necessary to keep two squads working. The great amount of work that will devolve upon the backs snd ends this yeer, on account of the changes In the rules, will necessi tate the coeching of two sete of backs and ends for the games. In the first matchee of the season every man on the club squad will be given an opportunity to show what stuff la In him and in this way ths best material will be ee lected for the more Important games. AMERICAN LEAGUE Won. Lost P.C. Ch!eo NewTork . . . . Cleveland . . . . Philadelphia . . St. Loula Ietrolt Washington . . Hoaton 02 60 .tsi :::::::' 01 to, ti it 11 103 at Chicago. R. H. E. rhlcago t 4 3 Cleveland 1 0 0 Battarlea Felne end Roth; Joss and Bemls. Cheer Up. If you have ordered your fall eult from Armetrong, the tailor, no mistake has been made. If you need an over cost soon, Armstrong, the tailor, will appreciate your order, and will put cor rect style expression In your garments that will Improve your appearance, building. 333 Washington street Large stock to select from. Raleigh "I Buffered habitually from constipa tion. Doen's Tiegutets relieved snd strengthened the bowels, so that they have been regular ever sings." A- B. Dsvta. grocer, Sulphur Soring. Texas. GUN SHOT PERIOD 10 ACTIVE LIFE San Francisco Doctor, Sufferer From Incurable Disease, Car ries Out Osier Theory. BELIEVED IT DUTY OF THE CITY TO KILL HIM Left Letter Stating That Every Com munity Should Scientifically Slay the Incurables and Not Oblige Them to Use Crude Methods. (Journal Special Service.) San Francisco, Oct. 5. A pistol shot heard In the men's ward of the Hahne mann hospital was the tragic period thet Dr. Walcott Noble Or is wold. 75 year Of age. and a aufferer from an In curable disease, used to punctuate his theories and hia life. Dr. Qrlswold, who had been a patient at the hoepltel for four days, managed to retain a revolver In his bed. no one knows how, and In the brief absence ef the nurse at 1 o'clock yeaterday morning he placed the mussle at hie temple and fired. In a letter to the coroner dated laat June he writes that he had suffered un epeekable tortures for the last three years and that hla dlseaae had defied remedial measures. Before him had ap peared three alternatives: First, con tinued tortures of ths dlseaae; second, a mind Impaired by the use of drugs: end, third, unnatural and suicidal death. "It is uaeless to prolong sgony," he wrote, "and, therefore, I end my own life, reluctantly, regretfully and ahud deringly." Then, following the theory of Or. Oeler. he wrote that every community should provide a kind, skillful snd legal diamlsssl out of useless tortures of worse than useless lives. He protested against being obliged to and hie life In "crude and cruel way" and eeked that hla body be cremated. BRAND NEW DEAL FOR BAY STATE DEMOCRATS tfeersal Special Servtss. Boston, Oct. 6. The Democratic atata convention nominated for governor. John B. Moran, Suffolk; lieutenant-governor, B. O. Brown; attorney-general. John W, Cummlnga. Fell River; auditor, T. L. SMsgen. Springfield; secretary of state, Charles B. Paine, Hyannls; treasurer, Oeorge M. Harrington. Lowell. An anil-corporation platform was adopted, Hears t a leadership in New Tork commended and Bryan indorsed for the presidency. 1 1 1 1 -sTBTills'-' II - PRESBYTERIAN SYNOD MEETS IN WASHINGTON (SpeAat ntspsteb to The Journal.) Walla Walla, Waah., Oct 6. A four days' session of the Presbyterian synod of Washington commenced at the First Presbyterian church last night The msetlngs will continue over until Sun day. The meetings opened with a praise service led by Rev. Benjamin Persons, vice-moderator." Her. Wilson Phraner. representing the home missionary board, gave an addreea. Ths sermon waa preached by Rev. A. H. Barns halt Many of the most prominent Preaby terian mtnlatere of the northwest are at tending the sessions. (Special Daipatek te The J sal ) Free water. Or.. Oct. . Lumber le $4 on the thousand cheaper than It waa thle time last week Ths Tum-a-lum Lumber company have a large aupply on hand, and all available teams are GROWING FAST! THE SALE OF OUR Mission Shoe $3.50 "AND THEY WEAR. As for quality, you be the judge. Try a pair you'll find them the great est $3.50 Shoe value in Portland. TOP AND BOTTOM SHOP 1A1 Washington Street OVJO Just West of Fifth rJit i Vilnlasgti te !Tasasl r hxuv jbxyjwinm TM "They seel crack BS quick." Msde with "UMOCOKO" bwUo shales that hold. rull Shrank. H If yea want them. 2 tor casts. OBO. P. IDE CO., Makers TROY. N. Y. being secured to tiaul tha lumber In from the mountain mills. Allen Lewis' Best Brand.