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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1906)
It THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. OCTOBER 6. 190$. A LIFE INCOME FOR YOU Don't Speculate Invest I Have Made Millions of Dollar for Thousands of People by My Patents I expect to make millions more. This stock has i ncreased in value more than 100 per cent since Sep tember 1. 1905, and should make you a life income in handsome dividends. Be a safe and sane in vestor and get as much of the stock as your mea ns will allow. The natural increase of business and inquiries for motors has forced the price of stock u p several times. It will soon go higher. The Bidweif Patents Will Double the Capacity of Any Motor I never made an unsuccessful Invention. My first Invention was the elfetrlo fan. just as it la run all over this country In hot weather I uuin get a patent on It, tout see what a tremendous success It Is! I next Invented the Tr.Uey Car System. Just as it Is run today. I made It perfect and successful right rrom the start, Jt has never been improved sines I Invented it. Look at the millions of money it has made for the stockholders. The stock In the trolley1 manufacturing companies sold below IS cents a share In 1SU and 1(14. Poor men could buy that stock then. Thousands of than) did buy it, and every one who held on to It Is a rich man, today. No Man on Earth Ever Lost a Penny He Invested With Me If so, I will make it good. Next I invented the Railway Car Telephone System. It Is a system by which passengers or train crews can telephone from still or moving cars anywhere the same as If seated in all office. It la a more perfect aystem in operation than any other telephone you ever saw. This is on the road toward millions for the stockholders. This Is riy Greatest Invention Now I have Invented something hlgger and greater than either of the above. It la called the Bldwell Cold Motor. It Is guaranteed not to burn out. and is exactly the kind of a motor the steam railroad people have been looking for. It will change all the steam railroad systems over to electric roads, because it will be cheaper to run than steam and can be run faster and more safely than any present method. The one drawback the railroads have had in changing over to electricity has been that no motor as at present made can be run ISO alias at 60 miles aa hour without burning out. It would melt the very wires. By using the Bldwell Cold Motor a train of cara could be run from New Tork to Ban Francisco without a stop at the rate of to or 89 miles aa hour and not even warm up and without a hitch. Besides running faster, they would be mora safe and sura than steam, coat leaa to operate, and would last longer than any other motor now known. The Bldwell Cold Motor la the greatest invention out sines I Invented the trolley car. The Opportunity of a Lifetime I want to give every man and woman a chance to come In with me on this, for I expect to make millions for the stockholders out of this new patent. The stock will be sold on the square. There will be no hocus pocua about preferred or common stock, nor any other schema, trick or wrinkle by which anybody can be froien out -"very dollar Invested will represent on hundred cents of the best stock. TCverv share will be exactly like everv other' share. The profit on every share will be the same as the profit on every other share. In short, there will be nothing but a Square deal all round. This stock Is fully paid and non-assessable. I have a lifelong reputation for square dealing. I wUI personally see to It that every stockholder gsts a square deal on this. More money Is made every day by good Judgment In investing money than by all the labor and wages In the country. Safe and shrewd investments in this stock will make fortunes. Tou will never get rich. on wsges. No one ever did. Every man In this world who ever got big moaey gat It either by speculation or investment Speculation Is unsafe. Tou stand more chance to lose than you do to make. In vestments are right the other way. Make a safe Investment and it Is sure to bring you returns. Don't hesitate about this stock. It la absolutely safe and sura. Here Is an Important Point to Remember There never has been a failure of consequence In electrical manufacturing. Stop and think of that AU are Im mensely successful. All pay big dividends and havs mads their investors wealthy. This company will soon be one of the biggest In electrical manufacturing in the world. Thla la bound to be so, because there Is not a place now where a motor or generator la used but will have to sooner or later change for the Bldwell Cold Motor or Generator. Why? Because we make something better than any other kind known. Hetty Green, the Richest Woman in the World, Says: "The Way to Get Rich Is to Invest in Ne cessities." The Bldwell Cold Motor Is one of the greatest necessities of the twentieth century. This stock has already taken five lumps up. Now is the time to buy. It will soon advance The profit la yours. Don't speculate invest Here you have a necessity. Look at thla list below. Every one of made his fortune by supplying some great I Digby Bell, Appearing at the Heilig Theatre in the Augustus Thomas Comedy "The Education of Mr. Pipp." Tie Play Inventor of the Trolley Car System. Inventor of the earless Motor. Inventor of the BaUway Oar Tele phone System. Inventor of the BldweU Cold Motor. Inventor of the Water Else trio Sea era tor. these people necessity: Peter Cooper McCormick Carnegie Rockefeller Senator Clark Heinze Pillsbury Studebaker Fairbanks Vanderbilt Prick Gould Morgan Whitney 1 Edison Belmont Stanford Mackay Moore Marshall Field Leeds Letter Harriman Armour Pullman Swift Here Is the way manufacturing stocks in necessities Jump: Mrs Sold at Vow Sell at The Electric Trmst Uto $187.00 Quaker Oats, common 46o $148.00 American. Kadiator, eoaunon 33c SIOOOO g,wi ' '"all -v-'H"g 300 $150.00 And this Is only a few. Safer and aurer than life Insur ance or trust stocks. All this advance has been made In 1$ years and less. I will supply ths greatest necessity now known In the business world. The demand Is so large that It will make all of us rich. If you want to get- In with me on this you will have to be quick about it. The stock Is selling like hot cakes. These Are Cold Facts You Must Act Quickly If you want some of this stock at the present low price you must come in. now. There is only a small amount to be -sold at the present price. I firmly believe that within a short time the stock will be selling at IS a share. This is your opportunity. It Is a case of come quick or not at all. As to our reliability and financial standing we refer you to any commercial agency. In order to make It possible for every man and woman to get In with me on this big deal I have decided to aellJ the stock for a short time only at the following prices: SO snares. Cash, $38; 100 Snares, Cash, froi 160 Shares. Cash. $106: $00 Shares, Cash. $140; $60 Shares, Caen, $175; ansa, gain; ov snares, was a, s3so; i.ooq snores, cash, S70O; 5,000 Shares, COSH, $3,600. Our Monthly Payment Plan $8.60 cash, five monthly payments of 100 Shares, $11.00 cash. Ota monthly payments of $1040 160 Shares, $10.60 cash, ate monthly payments of $15.00 each. 800 hares, $8300 cash, seven monthly payments of $1740 each. 880 Shares, SJSSJO cash, seven monthly payment, of $8140 each. 800 SJuuree, $88.00 eaak, seven monthly payments of $364)0 sack. 800 Shares, $6140 eaak, eight monthly payments of $3840 sack. 1460 Shares. $70.00 cash, tea monthly payments of $0440 each. 8408 Shares, $88040 cash, Sen monthly payments of $80040 each. Send all money by bank draft, express money order, postdffice order or registered letter. Special to Electric Light Men and Manufacturers We are now prepared to accept your orders in our own new factory, where we have room to employ 106 people We are now manufacturing the Bldwell Cold Motors. We are taking- orders for cold motors and dold generators for ara and incandescent light on a guarantee not to burn out for 16 years. Also self-cooling motors and generators, guar anteed not to burn out for three years. Bidwell Electric Company, Chicago The undersigned Is sn authorised broker for the sale of our stock In the west. Call and see him and let him explain anything yon do not understand. Office Open Saturday Evening Until 9 o'clock 0 yon oasssst eaU, write aa ask far ear free booklet. It gives fall information. Address oil orders and inquiries to F. H. JOHNSTON, Broker 425-425 Fleldaer Bldg. Tenth and Washington St.. Portland. Or. By Johnston McOulley. When a man attempts to go on the stage and make up as and step into a character creation of a famous artlat that has been observed by almost every one and la well known to the eye, he is strictly -up agin' It." Digby Ball,, therefore. In "The Education of Mr. Pipp'.. is "up agin' It." But. Digby Bell, instead of falling down gloriously, makes you forget the work of the artist and notice the work of the actor. Not only doea be make up almost as the character hoe been pictured by Charles Dana Gibson, but he puts the character Into flesh and blood In Just about the manner that we think It should be when we look at Gibson's pictures. Digby Bell opened his engagement In "The Education of Mr. Pipp" at the Heilig theatre last night. Ha la about- ninety-eight par cent. When Digby Bell gets to acting Art sticks out all over him. He is nrlre artlat than actor. He has not created a role; he has done more than that. Ha has followed exactly the lines of a character created by a genius of an other sort, a crowded house at the Heilig ust night tittered, then laughed, then roared, and then as the troth of the characterisation began to force it self upon them realised just Bow like It was to someone they knew In real Ufa When an audience begins to. do that some artist has made a triumph of realism. After "The Royal Chef," Digby Ball at the same playhouse (a like la glass of Ice water the morning after. The play opens at the Pipp mansion In New Tork and Introduces Mrs. Pipp and her two daughters, as well as a bogus count who la teaching them French. The first act also introduces Mr. Pipp. poor hen-pecked little man who rises to heights of dignity when his wife is not about and descends to the slough of resignation that borders on the marsh of despair when aha la. He la mads acquainted with tQe fact that the family Is going to take a trip to Europe, and he baa to stand for it Likewise, because the Mra Intends to marry the daughters to titles, he has to stand for seeing two young men be admires pushed In the background while the foreground is crowded with the presence of a bogus duke and the count aforesaid. The second scene shows Carony Caatle in England and reveals the foot that the young Englishman in love with the elder of the Gibson girls la really an English lord. Pitt finds It out and keeps it to himself, preparing to gloat over his wife at the proper time. The mix-up occurs In thla act and the bogus duke and the bogus count, along with a bogus baron, begin to get In their dirty work and scheme to get the Pipp coin. Not satisfied with making goo goo eyes at the daughters, the count tries It On Mra. pipp, and Pipp begins to get warm under the collar. The third scene in Paris, where every thing worka out satisfactorily and the bogus noblemen ere properly jailed. is the culmination of a strong play aside from the picture part of it Here Mra Pipp. who la made to understand the reality of things, finally realises what a fool has been made of ber, and de nounces ths bogus count. Then little Pipp, suddenly coming into his own, walks up to the bogus count before the wife who has so often kept him from saying naughty things to that gentle man, and says: "I don't understand your language, and you don't undsrstand all of mine" Then, alnce It Is useless to talk, hs expresses what he dealras to my. by doubling up his fist snd smash ing the bogus count on the nose Yankee fashion, while Mrs. Pipp collapses and In a very subdued tone, that indicates Pipp's martyrdom is at an end, ex claims: "I want to go home bank, to Pittsburg." August Thomas, than whom no mad ever wrote a more Interesting drama, baa dons his work well, and "The Edu cation of Mr. Pipp" la not the least of his products. Digby Bell's work is ar tistic and unexcelled. W. I. St. Claire s good as Count f'harmarot Belle Gaff- ay Is superb as Mrs. Pipp; Bam Hsrd- ng does well as John Willing: Reainal Mason, formerly with the Belasco stock of this city, plays Herbert Fitzgerald with skill. But Beth Cabell Halsey doesn't make, much of s hit as Con gressman Firkin and really renders a poor characterisation, while no one ever dreamed of seeing two Gibson girls that looked anything like Phyllis Young snd Elsie Scott, though Miss Scott isn't so bad. Digby Bell was forced to make a cur tain speech after the second set He stuck to his character, and In the asms manner as Mr. Pipp he slid: "1 guess there's no doubt about it the ladles are doing the managing In this coun try. Of course we are the greatest na tion In the world. Borne people attrib ute our prosperity to the crops, but I am willing to give the ladies their due. Of course they do go a little far some times. You've noticed that, perhaps. And sometimes we think we ought to call halt somewhere. Of course there sre countries in Europe where they har nM women to the plow. Well of course that Is going to the other ex treme." Digby Bell and his compsny will give "The Education of Mr. Pipp" tonight and tomorrow night with matinees to morrow. It is worth a dollar and 60 centa to see Digby Bell. The carpenters are at work tearing down and building up a more tasteful, brighter store; but our usual modest prices will prevail while we are Fixin'UpaBit During alterations our Ten Dol lar Suit sale goes merrily on. Every suit has more than Ten Dollars worth of worth, is cut and fashioned in the best way, and has the Moyer label a mark of excellence and a guarantee. $10 A BETTER SUIT man you can purchase in any store in town for $15.00. HEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR ADJT'S SO MOYER THIRD AND OAK LI 5 SPOKANE MAN IS CRUSHED TO DEATH IN LIFT "" 1 Novice Running Hotel Elevator Loses His Head and 1$ Cause of Tragedy. (Special Dtspsteh to Th. Joaraat.) Spokane, Wash., Oct. (.Joel C Dick son, 2 years old, was instantly killed last Bight In the Hotel Arthur building by trying to leave an elevator that was run by a green hand. Mr. Dickson was a stenographer for the Inland Empire Railway company. Hs waa going to his room on the fifth floor. He got Into the elevaotr, manned by a novice who waa serving while the regular boy was down town a few minutes. When the elevator reached the fifth floor, Adams, another passenger, stepped out before the elevator had entirely stopped. Dickson started to follow. The opera tor gave a sudden Jerk to stop it, lost his head, and the machine shot down ward catching the head of the victim between the floor and the top of the cage, crushing him to death. Swant.k. the operator, overcome by the tragedy, said he had been employed on a railroad in Montana. He Is not sn elevator operator. When the regular boy wanted to go down the atreet for a few minutes be consented to take his place, Hubby Loved Fair Sex. (SbmUI DLwtcn to The Joaraat Milton. Or.. Oct. t. Suit for divorce has been filed by Mary Kennedy against Harry B. Kennedy. In the complaint It BLACK EAGLE COAL PBONE 7 EAST' $7.00 TON Z DELIVERER , F.B. Jones & Co. S) isi 181 Water Street White Sewing Machine Agency Phone Main 6102 Is stated that the two were married at Latah, Idaho, In 1S4. and they new have three children. Acoordlsm to the plaintiff the defendant has always shown an undue fondness for women other than herself, and she alleges that this hsa been especially true in the last three years. This and other causes have led to a separation. A decree of divorce la ssksd for and also the custody of the children. UNION BANK GIVEN NATIONAL CHARTER (Wssalagtea Bonis of Th. JoaratL) Washington. D. C, Oct. I. Th. comp troller of currency has Issued a certifi cate authorising the Union National bank of Oregon to begin business with a capital of 3.000, B. J. Master, presi dent, and Charles Wethlngton, cashier. It was chartered October 8. SAVES HIS CHILD BY SHOOTING BIG LION (Special Dlipatca to Th. Journal. ) Freewater. t)r., Oct .William Mank, a farmer residing between this plac. and Hudson Bay shot and killed, a big mountain lion yesterday while th. animal waa sneaking up on one of the children playing in the yard. 'Fortu nately Mf. Mank happened to be in the yard and he caught a glimpse of the animal as It waa creeping up on his child. The lion weighs nearly 480 pounds and la aa big aa a good sised calf. It is supposed that the Ucn fol lowed the Walla Walla river down from the mountains in search of food. - ' - -H Fall Footwear OUR NEW STOCK OP "AMERICAN GIRL" SHOES have arrived. They come in all leathers, dp-to-the-minute in style, and every pair is warranted. We have them in patent, colt, vici kid and velour calf, in heavy extension and light soles, in lace, button or Blucher cut. $2.50 Pair sassssssesaaw-waassaasssnsi Men's High- , Cut Water I! King Shoes J KING WATERPRO3F LININGS- IN ALL STYLES. special ai u rair Baron's Shoe Store -MONEY SAVER8 IN FOOTWEAR" 230-232 MORRISON STREET, NEAR SECOND 177 High 4( CuT P m Wath t K im m