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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1906)
806. Forced the Wall mm. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. t THE AMERICAN CLOTHING CO.. MILWAUKEE AVENUE AND LINCOLN STREET, CHICAGO, were forced to dote their doors through the failure of the Milwaukee Avenue State Bank. They could not meet their bills and the entire stock, consisting of $56,000.00 worth of the season's very newest and most desirable of fall and winter styles of Men's and Boys' Suite, Overcoats, Pants, Hats, Shoes and Furnishings, Blankets, Trunks, Rubber Goods and Ladies' Shoes was put on sale by the creditors and bought by The National Shoe (8b Clothing Company 20? First Street, at 42 Cents on the Dollar of Wholesale Cost Coming in as it does now on top of our already enormous fall stock, we must dispose of it at once and in order to accomplish our purpose we hesitate at no sacrifice we pause in the presence of no loss we stop at no legiti mate, honorable means, as this printed page of extraordinary bargains abundantly proves the sweeping reductions of prices in every department opens up a vista of values in men's and boys' fine, finer and finest wearables, such as the retail world has not known before and in all probability will not witness again. READ ON THE FIRST WEEK OP THIS PORTLAND'S GREATEST BARGAIN SALE WITH THE SELLING CAPACITY OF THIS STORE TRIPLED, STARTS TOMORROW, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 6, AT 8 A. M This Store is in the Middle of the Block between Taylor and Salmon This Store is in the Middle of the Block between Taylor and Salmon Absolutely the Greatest Suit Bargains in Portland Men's Suits will be sold at an average discount of 50c on the dollar $10 Men's Suits $4.90 Hundreds, of Men's Suits, in winter weights, dark and light fancy mixtures, worth $12.S0, and which the American Cloth ing -Co. sold. at $10. In all styles, single and double breasted sack cut, A A A $10 Suits MW $15 Suite $7.90 Over 100 styles to pick from in the very latest long cut coats, single snd double breast ed styles, silk mixed worsteds, tweeds, cassi meres, cheviots, etc The greatest suit bar gains in Portland. The Amer ican Clothing Co.'s "f AA $15 suits at. .... .. ..epf yU Mm CEpiasssisliBBSssT The American Clothing Co.'s $18 Suite $9.80 .The free choice of hundreds of men's superbly styled $18.00 winter suits in the widest va riety of styles and models, in the broadest assortment of stylish weaves. The choicest creations of America's fore most makers, untrammeled by s..:r.....:$9.o0 The American Clothing Co.'s $20 Suits at $11.90 60 styles men's fine hand-made Suits, imported goods. Suits which the American Clothing Co. sold to Chi cago's best dressers at $20. You get C1 1 OA them on account of the bank failure at ipl leW The American Clothing Co.'s $35 Suits at $14.90 Absolutely the finest makes in America including such famous makes as the Sty tie Block, H. S. Marks, West chester, Hitler, Rothschild and Lang. In fact every high grade make in America is represented, as there was nothing too good for the American. You have your unrestricted, unlimited choice of any American Clothing Co.'s suit in our house $14 90 The American Clothing Co.'s Stock of Overcoats and Cravenettes Was the finest in Chicago. Now is the 4ime for them. We offer them to you at less than they can be bought for wholesale, and one half wholesale prices on some. Don't pay a profit to the big mit clothiers when you can buy them at less than half here. Elegant $10.00 Oversoats at $4.90 Pure Wool $15 Overcoats In all makes, short and long styles, Top Coats, Crav if? the genuine Prt lutely waterproof. enettes, includin the genuine Priestley makes, abso- The best overcoat buy 9T AA In town at 3 1 .71) Thar American Clothing Co.'s $18 Cravenettes at $9.80 There are over 400 Cravenettes, Overcoats, Top Coats, Ulsters and in fact any kind of a coat which you may want. Coats which the American Clothing Co. sold the best Chicago trade at $18. Now is the time to lay in your overcoat at less than half the manufac turer's cost. $18.00 Overcoats 99.80 $22.60 Cravenettes and Overcoats at $11.90 $25.00 Cravenettes and Overcoats $14.90 American Clothing Co.'s Stock of MEN'S HATS Hare been divided Into two separate lots. CI 30 Gives you choice of Hats which thev sold up to 9l07 $2.00 and $300, in all the sewest conceivable styles Telescopes, Stiffs, Fedoras; any shape you may want, Over 2,000 hats in this great lot. C firt Gives you choice of all the American Clothing V07 Co.'s $3.00 to $400 Hats, including the famous Sellmore, Wellrow, in Stetson and Dunlap styles. Come and get your fall hat and save half or more. MEN'S 50c CAPS 19 SO Dosen Every Style That's Wanted. Zb tiapnatag of tat stock we- are a- V ""7 i -- M A Is) r2TUoZKL s: Acr WAIL rZZfyxsx t ORDERS pMlty may be aatolptod an prep,- I VIWWW rations will be ma4 aooordlasly. If wa ask tna iaiUrBoe of the people it r,., la for taa benefit of all oonoerne. Thar. rTOmptly may be times when tha buyers will hava to azerolM a little patlenoe, bat the 1 Filled bv benrains will fully jnatlfy this sUfht r 9 J eoenmaktsat atgpWlsilCS4 111! BjJ-J IB 11S11H The American Clothing Co. Carried the Finest Lines of Boys9 and Youths' Suits Shown on the west side in Chicago. We asc offering them to you at an average price of about 50c on the dollar. BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS Ages 3 to 16 Years. $3.00 Values a 91.59 $4.50 Values at 9.45 $3.50 Values at $1.95 $6.00 Values at $3.45 Every suit guaranteed pure wool. The better grades come in double seat and knee pants. Some made in the nobby Eton styles, Buster Brown, Russian suits and blouse suits and the juvenile Buddy Tuckers for the little chaps from V , to 10 years of age. The smaller sizes made with the plain or bloomer style knee pants; the larger sises with either the plain or the Knickerbocker styles. This will be the one chance to clothe your boy for winter. Come prepared to buy two or three suits for the boy. Overcoats at the same prices as boys' suits. Lack of space prevents descriptions. BOYS' KNEE PANTS Hundreds to pick from; the best makes and qualities the markets afford. 40c Knee Pants, 3 to 16 years 19f 75c Knee Pants. 3 to 15 years 9 $1.00 Knee Pants. 3 to 16 years 99 YOUTH8' LONG PANTS SUITS At an average price of 50c on the dollar. Youths' Suits, ' ages 14 to 20 years. $6.00 Suits at fS.5 $10.00 Suits at f.T5 $8.50 Suits at $S.75 $12.50 to $15 Suits at..$8.T5 Lack of space prevents descriptions, but they are here in the greatest array of patterns, styles and weaves imaginable. Overcoats in the same low proportions, ages 14 to 20 yesrs; most elegant styles; all at 50c on the dollar. Get that boy an overcoat. Now is the time BOYS' LONG PANTS 500 Pairs at 50c on the Qpllar. $1.25 Boys' Long Pants T5 $175 Boys' Long Pants 95 $2.25 Boys' Long Pants.... $1.45 $3.50 Boys' Long Pants ..$1.95 Limited space prevents description. MEN'S ODD PANT8 The American Clothing Co. carried an extensive line of the best makes only We will sell them to you for about the cost of the cloth. Men s $1.50 and $2.00 Work Pants 95 Men's 12.00 and $2.50 Dress Pants....! $1.99 Men s $4.00 and $4.50 Dress Pants $1.W Men's $4.50 Worsted Pants Men's $5.00 Fine Custom Made Pants Men's 16 00 Tailor Made Dress- Pants There are thousands of them. We haye not time nor space to give descriptions, hut when we say 10c on the dollar we mean it. Come in and let us pant you. TRUNKS. SUIT CASES AND GRIPS MUST GO This is our own. stock, but we need the room, so we have to cut them from 25c to 50c on the dollar in price. H2.00 Trunks go at. $5.99 $10.00 Trunks go at $6.50 I.UU Trunks co at. . .ov so.uu i runks . 2.50 Suits Cases at.. fl.SO $3 50 Suit Case at. $9.99 00 Suit Cases at .SS.50 $7.50 Suit Cases at.95.OS CHILDREN'S UNDERWEAR Two cases fleece lined Royal ribbed, best 40c grade, at 25 all sizes from 4 to 16 years. The American Clothing Co.'s entire stock of Canvas and Rubber Coats, Rubber Boots and Rubbers for men, women and children are here. Lack of space prevents descriptions, but we have any kind you want and will save you half. Men's Shoes $3.45 $2.95 $8.45 M0.00 Suit Cases at 99. so The American Clothing Com pany's Shoes at an average price of 63 per cent of actual value. The largest, best selected stock of Shoes in thin whole Pacific Coast. The American Clothing Com pany's $2.00 Shoes at $1.89 in vici kid. box cslf and velour; over 20 style and lasts $1.39 $2.50 Shoes at $1.9 Men's vici kid. glaze kangaroo and English Kid. also dress shoes, with patent tips $1.67 $3. 00 'Shoes at $1.95 About 500 pairs in all kinds and styles'. Some of the, greatest bar gains ever offered. Your site h here whether it be 5 or 12 $4 00 Shoes at $S.4S These Shoes are wonderful values, and were sold by the American Clothing Company to Chicago'"" best dressers. They come in Potay, College and Rugby lasts, some Royals and Douglas shoes in the lot. all sizes at $3.45 15.00 Shoes at $8.96 Over 600 pairs fine, bench made Shoes in every conceivable new style that's on the market; all patent and velour: also Napa tart vfctor, the newest fall leathers out. Your choice at $.t $6.00 Shoes at $375200 pairs in this lot. all fine hand made hors. Hest shoes on earth at 5l $2.50 Men s Work Shoes at 81.49 $3.00 Mens Work Shoes at 91.59 $4.00 v $3.45 Lack of space prevents description, but we have them in all styles. They are the .greatest values on earth. The American Clothing Co.'s Stock of BOYS SHOES 11.75 Boys' Shoes; all sises $2.25 Boys' Shoes: all siaes $3.00 Bovs' Shoes: alt sizes If your boy needs shoes be sure and bring him here. MISSES' $1.50 kind at $2.00 kind at $2.50 kind at $3.00 kind at Child's Shoes at . . . ii:S AND GIRLS' SHOES ii.i .09 .05 ,19. 404, T9 ; The American Clothing Co.'s Stock of Men's Furnishings Must go we need the room we have cut them from 25c to 60c on the dollar of value. Its stock was the very cream of the west aide furnishings stocks MEN'S PINE DRESS SHIRTS 29 For the 50c and 75c grades 49 For the 85c and $1.00 grades 89 For the $1.25 and $1.50 grades MEN'S DURABLE WORK SHIRTS 39 For the 65c grades 49 For the 75c grades 89a) For the $1.00 grades MEN'S WOOLEN UNDERWEAR 48a For regular $1.00 Wool Underwear 79f For regular $1.25 Wool Underwear 95a For regular $1.50 Wool Underwear 48? For regular 76c Cotton Underwear 39? i . For regular 85c Cotton Underwear MEN'S WOOL HOSE 124 For 20c grades 19 For 85c grades MEN'S COTTON 80X 4. ' For the regular 10c kind Sf For the regular 16c kind 13fV . For the regular 25c kind MEN'S FINE HANDKERCHIEFS 3 For the regular 10c grade 8 For the regular 15c grade 12lit For the regular 25c grade MEN'S SUSPENDERS 12 For regular 25c qualities 19 For. regular 40c qualities 29 For regular 50c qualities 39? For regular 75c qualitiea MEN'S FINE NECKWEAR Up-to-Date New Goods 13 For up to 35c values 19$ For up to 50c values 39at For up to 75c values MEN'S COTTON AND WOOL SWEATER8 29e For 50c grade Cotton Sweaters 49 For 75c grade Cotton Sweaters 89 For $1.50 grade in Wool Sweaters 81.39 For $2.50 grade in Wool Sweaters MEN'S CAPS 19 T For 50c grades MEN'S OVERALLS Bib or without bib, strongly sewed, all sizes 39e .Worth 50c and 75c UMBRELLAS AT LESS THAN COST 49 For choice ?5c and $1.00 grades 89 For choice $1.50 grades $1 .45 . . For choice $2.50 and $8.00 grades Get one now, hey will cost you more later when it rains. CHILDREN'S STOCKINGS Heavy ribbed 15c grades at 8e Ironclad and Black Cat Hosiery at 1T$ LADIES' HOSE Fast Black Cotton, 25c grade 12VS Fine Lisle Thead, 50c grade 23 The American Clothing Ccs's Stock of MEN'S MACKINTOSHES Guaranteed Waterproof, at 60c on the Dollar $ t .on Mackintosh with cape, in black and colors 81.95 $:.oo Mackintoshes $2.75 $7.50 Mackintoshes, all new style patterns and abso lutely waterproof 84.45 $10.00 Grades at $8.46 LADIES' UNDERWEAR All Kinds and Styles 25 For best quality-rib cotton 48at For cotton, wool and merino, worth up to $1.00 Something Doing in the. Ladies' Shoe Line $3.00 Ladies' Shoes st $1 29 Vici kid, with extension soles, Bvmi calf snd Samson welts; excellent vslues at $1.99 $2.50 Ladies' Shoes at $1.49 Styles, too numerous to describe; wonderful values St $1.49 $275 Ladies' Shoes st $1.99 All styles, kinds and sises. $3.00 Ladies' Shoes at $1.99 -Hundreds and hundreds to pick frost. The American Clothing Co. carried s very fine line of ladies' shoes snd this was its popular price. We hare too assay to describe. 94.00 Ladies' $5.00 U Shoes at 99.55 1.99 sl 1.95