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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. OCTOBER I, 1806. 10 The Market Basket Not many housewives paid any at 'tentlon to th. telegraphic new from Brest 1 a faw days ago that the cooVe valorisation acbama had been carried through In that country. Not many of thatn realised that tha valorisation was imply a scheme of aom bis; financial it en to (at a corner oa tha Brazil coffee supplies and than aftar paying that gov ernment a nominal consideration ad vance tha price to a somewhat higher figure to the consumer. This Is the scheme In a nutshell. It has not been so mtny year ago that the Portland housewife was de fendant nearly altogether upon the coffae men of California an J the east for their supplies. In recent years, however. Portland has coma to tha front as a roaster of coffee and It is now aald that the product manufactured In thta city la far superior to that roasted elsewhere. Freshness Is the principal const deration. Mince meat Is going to cost more money to make this season. This Is where some people will be hit hardest, for If appetites like anything more then mince meat It la more of It. Raisins Show a considerable decrease In pro duction all over the world this season and especially In California. Tills la where we get most of our supplies. The Greek current crop Is likewise mum smaller thta season and prices are showing a wonderful advance all over tha world. This likewise has a tendency to make mince meat coat more m-ney. Those who did not pat up liberal supplies of fruit for winter use on ac count of the supposed high prices will be disagreeably surprised to know that canned goods will cost considerable more money than ever title season for the same reason. While the cost of fruit la higher than usual this season the principal advances In the canned product will come from the much higher oost of tin, higher coat of labor and boxes in which the cana are packed. For those who did not put up any supplies st all there la still a small chance of doing something In that Una. There are still some suitable peaches for canning and preserves, but of course they cannot be compared with the Craw ford which came earlier In the season Ths price la high but not so much so as the canned product will coat. There are still plenty of plums for preserves if you feel that way. and tha price is not so bad either. Ground cher ries are likewise In good supply, and if you've never tasted these in the pre served state there'a something mlselng from your bill of fare. Apple are very Cheap and some very good ones for making that appls butter will be easily purchased from 60 cents a box up. To matoes are still quite plentiful In the msrksts snd Its wonderful how long the quality keeps at the high mark. At 10 cents a box the price Is not so high after all. An attempt was msde by one of tha city creameries thta week to put me re tall nrlee of butter up to T cents I square. This would be the highest price butter has sold st for several years. At this time of the year, when grass In the best of shape and milk la vary plentiful, other creamery men ssy Dul ler should be lower Instead of higher. And the housewife answers yea. To date this season over a doaen cara loaded with ear from the east have haen received In this city. This Is only the start of the season and shows to whst extent the shortsge In local ran. n saga exists. But small stocks are being received here from the local farms snd this cauaea the Importation of eaatern stock. There are quits good supplies or strawberries in the market today. Some verv choice fruit is be mis received rrom r'.iifnmia notnts Its price today la IX cants ner one-pound box. Mushroom are very plentiful In the markets since the last rains, but the choicest stock Is selling st 40 and 60 centa a pound with It cents the price of older picked. Chestnuts are again in market They came from the south and are of that large variety. Thirty-five cents a pound is the price today. A few retail prices for you: BerrlesHuckleberrlea. 12 He pound atrswberrles. 25c box. Fruits Bananas. 15c dosen: lemons. 16c dosen; Itmes. 10c dosen; apples. 750 O41.60 box; plums. 16c baaket: plneap- nle. 16 0 40c each: gooseberries, two pounds for 16c; grapes. 16060c baaket 40o each: peaches. 11.16 box cantaloupes. 5O10c; chestnuts. t&e nound. Vegetables Eggplant. ue pouna; oeoDers. bell. lOOllttc pouna; pees. telephone, Ic pound; string beans, three pounds for 25c; cucumbers. 25c doxen; summer squssh. ic pound; new l-sji fomta onions, Ic pound: rnuoarD. so pound; potatoes), tc pound; green onions. 16c dosen bunches; new carrots. three bunches for 6c; head lettuce. 6e head: radishes. Sc a bunch; cauliflower. 10016c head; tomatoes. 50c76o box; areen corn, lie dosen: mush rooms. 25 O 50c pound; celery, three heads. 25c; sweet potatoes, four pounds for 25c. Freeh Fish Halibut. 10c pound; sal mon. lOOHHc: sturgeon, 16c; striped basis. 10015c: soles. MUOMc; black cod. 11c; perch, 10c; flounder. 10c; shsd. ItHc; sea trout, 20c; crabs, 16c each: salmon cheeks, 25c doxen; shad roe. 25c pound. Butter and Bggs Best creamery. If 970c per two-pound roll: cooking. 40c roll; fresh ranch eggs, 16c; eaatern, 10c dosen. Poultry Chickens, 10c pound; ducks, 7IcOI1.26 each; squabs, 75c pair; spring; chickens, 15c pound. WALLA WALLA SALOON MEN FRAME NEW LAW Liquor Dealers Would Keep Placet Open on Sunday and Gamble, llpecta DUpatrb te The Joarsal.) Walla Walla, Wash., Oct. I. Chief of Police Brown late yesterday afternoon a wore out warrants for tha arrest of II Walla Walla saloon-keepers on charge of violating the Sunday closing lsw by keeping their saloons open on Septem ber 15. The saloonmen. tired of the persecu tions, have Introduced an ordinance In the council, under the terms of which a aaloonman must be convicted three times In a competent court of jurisdic tion of violating the terms of bin license before the council hss power to revoke his license. The new ordinance overlook the Bun- UPTON DEFENDS PACKERS FROM F0REI6N ATTACKS Tea Merchant States That Euro pean Slaughter Houses Are Much Worse and Dirtier. r "" Chicago, Oct I. "Had America bean paid a subsidy for hurting Its own busi ness it could not have succeeded bet ter than It did during the recent stock yards exposures," said Sir Thomas Lip ton today. "I am an expert on meat and can apeak from practical knowledge when I say :here Is no bettor bacon or day closing lsw and also tha prohibiting of gambling In saloons. The number of saloon are limited to on for each 600 Inhabitants In the city. It Is hardly likely the new ordinance will become a law, owing to public sen timent which is In fsvor of keeping the saloons clossd On Sunday A8K YQUR GROCER FOR White Clover Carton Butter THE ONLY BUTTER PACKED IN VAK BOXES AND IS First in Quality Because of our experience First in Sales , Because of the buyers' xe- perience. At a large expense we pack our butter in WAX SEALED CARTON BOXES, protect ing it from all dust or bacteria T. S. TOWNSEND CREAMERY CO. 44-4C SECOND STREET. PORTLAND BRANCHES-ASTORIA AND SEATTLE Albtea s Up lo-Dale Table Snpply House Phone East 460 Our Once-a-Week Sale The magnitude of our offerings impresses every body. The high-class goods will all bear critical inspection. Alblnas Up -to Dale Table Supply loose Phone East 460 New York Market and Grocery -477- 479 WILLIAMS AVENUE OUR MEAT DEPARTMENT Is prosperous, but it has not put us in a position where we feel we can afford the luxury of one dissatisfied customer. We are here to please, snd please we will by handling nothing but prime native steer meat st . lowest CUT RATE PRICES. 50-lb. sack K. P. Flour. .. ft.lO The best bread flour on the market 5 lbs. C. P. Lard 45 10 lbs. C. P. Lard ....) 10-lb. pail pure Home-Rendered Lard Essence of Purity.fl.20 2-lb. roll beit Creamery Butter None better B 1 sack fancy large Burbank Po tatoes fl.lO 6 lbs. Asparagus Beam 25) 7 lbs. Sweet Potatoes BBs 25-lb. box Fresh Tomatoes ... 35a) 25-lb. box Green Tomatoes. . .25e 3 lbs. Green Spinach lOf Celery, per stalk 5e 22 lbs. pure cane fine Granulated Sugar with $5.00 order. 19 lbs. pure cane fine Granulated Sugar fl.OO 7 lbs, white or pink Beans... SB) 3 lbs, Macaroni BB 10-lb. sack white or yellow Corn Meal 25 12 bars Savon Soap .25 8 bars M. B. Soap 25s) 1 bottle Bluing 5et 1 bottle Ammonia 5) 1 pkg. Gold Dust 1B 2 pkgi. Soda Powder ..tit PIEDMONT AND WOODLAWN DELIVERIES TUESDAYS and PRIDAYS TOWNSEND & VAN SCH00NH0VEN Wholesale and Retail Grocers tost our prices then you will see why owr trad has Increased, of the highest quality and we challenge comparison with tha 147 FIRST STREET On? goo aa are of the highest quality be found in any store. Fresh Creamery Butter 65c & 70c aacy Creamery Butter . . . 55c Oregon Ranch Eggs, dozen 35c Good Eggs awf We get our'eggs from the farmer, but ter from the creameries no middlemen. Cross A BUck well Lucca Oil, qt...65 Cross A Blackwsll Chow, H plnt.SfO) H. O. Oats 10 can good Peachea or Apricot. .. 1S? Standard Tomatoes lOsJ cans Corn. Pess or String Beans. .25) Evaporated Cream, S cans for 15 1-lb. can Baked Beans 5 1-lb. pkg. Ana and Hammer Soda. .Be) Naptha Soap. for 25 I bars Baby Elephant Soap 25a) 1 lb. English Breakfast Tea 15 1 sack Gunpowder Tea. 25a) 1 aaek Beat Valley Flour $1.00 1 sack good Hard Wheat Flour 90s) 1 sack best Hard Wheat Flour (patent) B1.20 1 bottle Worcestershire rJauc. lie also lO 1 lb. Whole Nutmegs 36 East Side delivery Tuesday and Friday. PHONE MAIN lilt. i beef produced in the world than In Chi cago. I regret the hullabaloo for the reason that it Is not exactly fair. At oreaent If we were to examine slaughterhouses in England and France," sals Sir Thomas, "we would find them unspeakably filthy. They never have compared with the American plants In ssnitary conditions and cleanliness, yet those countries have seised upon this unfair Issue and are making great cap ital of it- Sir Thomas Upton denied that ha was seeking- an American bride am lift ing cups.' ha replied. "One Interna tional affair at a time la plenty." Attorney Ogle by Young haa returned from a two-months visit with friends and relatives In his old home In War ren county Missouri, He waa aocora panted by hi family. EXTRA! EXTRA! We Will Give Tomorrow the Biggest Values Ever Offered in Portland in MEATS and GROCERIES People's Market & Grocery Co. W First and Taylor Sts. Portland's Cut Rate Supply House Phone Main 1412 22 lbs. Sugar $1.00 WITH FIVE DOLLAR ORDERS tO lbs Potatoes 25f Olympic Flour, per sack SI. 15 Olympic Flour, per bbl $4.25 White River Flour, per sack f 1.15 Liberty Bell Flour, per sack fl.OO Liberty Bell Flour, per bbl $3.75 IS bars Royal Soap , 25e lb--Rice 25 7 lbs. Navy Beans 25 7 lbs. Rolled Osts 25 t Cans any kind of Cream ..... 15a 6 pkgs. U needs Biscuits '. !25 I 3-lb. box Soda Crackers 20 1-lb. can Corned Beef 10a dos. Clothes Pins 5 MEATS! MEATS! Only the best government inspected meats. Clean and fresh. Prime rolled Roasts, per lb 10f Ribs of Beef, per lb . . .4 Pot Roasts, per lb 6 and I f Mutton Shoulder, per lb 7 3 lbs. Mutton Chops 25 2 lbs. Hamburger Steak. 15 2 lbs. Bologna 15 5 lbs. Lard Compound 15 10 lbs. Lard Compound OO 6 lbs. Lard 55 10 lbs. Lard f 1.10 A large assortment of Fresh Dressed Chicken at 17c lb. Good Creamery Butter, roll 50c 2 pkgs. Gold Dust 35 10 lbs. yellow Corn Meal 25 10 lbs. white Corn Meal 25 1 gal. Syrup 40 1 lb. uncolored Japan Tea 25 1 lb. Gunpowder Tea .25 1 lb. English Breakfast Tea. ...... .25 1 lb. Army and Navy Coffee 15 1 lb. Town Talk Coffee 20 1 lb. Monarch Coffee 25 60 lbs. Table Salt . .40 1 can Eagle Milk ...15 1 pkg. Scotch Oats 10 2 bars Sa polio 15 1 bottle Blueing 5 1 bottle Ammonia 5 FREE DEMONSTRATION OF "CREAM-AID' will be GIVEN SATURDAY by MRS. CHAMPLAIN It will pay every House-keeper to investigate. .SPECIAL DELIVERY TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY EMolwell (Formerly'. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER au.ssa.Sse Tab st. r. iitfam Bis Store of Little Prices rotLowmo moss viu savs totj sa. OH E Via X DOLL AS. QUALITY OUAXAJTTXID xxnrrs best aaxnra to wusa I saa MaxnoU cleaned ran-int. sag sew I areas retains IDS 1-lb tu Serai baking sew ........... vnm a sucimiii out oh. at bottle. SAc 1-lb pks; ana a Hammer aooa &. 1-gal ea fear table eyres 40. H-gal eaa faaary table axrea SO ShrwtoX! Wheat blecelt. dt pkg 10 Gunpowder Tea (regular Bc) per tb IB fencr Sari Jon Pea, par doe so IS bare Serai Be to od SB. T SSS Ml eerdinee is D to. waller naaer awaaaxaac uecoa, per eaa ricnic nam WJTI Ul.l.l a. olst. (rancjr) per lb ite 1-lb can, eolld, per do. ... .11.00 rr pound , R erd-wbea t door, par sasfe Seoteb oat, par pkg Poetnai cereal, per Bag Fell' Neptba eoep. per Beet eoft wheat floor. 1 Jar a Taaeke coffee ..11.00 U box aa crackers koet Knilleh te. per TTneeda Biacolt. DOT oka SrSCLaL 100 box of Mbb a. eoap. 100 Bar to Bex. per box sr esok Ji.oS (regalar 80c) ..a skoet ib. rc ...1. e Sf fail vson ttarji eta. Rainier Market Freah meats al way on band and prices within the reach of all. Fresh Ranch Eggs, dozen 30 snd 35c Best Apples, box, from. BO to 75j Fresh Comb Honey 15 Fresh Jar Honey 30 SS 60) Vinegar In bottles, larg. size, per bottle 10 Dew Drop Wash Powder, package, 5., lO) and 904 Wash and Bath Soap, regular price. Freak Tim inry Wm On tokens & BLUM. 17th and Savier Sts. OLD XV MMO. ABM Dalles Diamond Floor ham nvr failed to pi mm. It haa al ways ben tha standard for family uav Ask Tour Orooar Tot tlreaiV bbbV I I saaass Jisr VjbBi aM BfflrihaasgL &. sBsxSBBxexit' liaaa-" The Original SlaxaoaS R. H. GUTHRIE Portland R.p , 111 Ablngton Bldg. Phon Paclflo 1311. Fellows Grocery heats Company groceries 349 and 351 Oak St.. Phong Main 2596. 348 and 350 Ankeny St. DO YOU USE FLOUR? If so snd jroa want ths bast remember that ROSE CITY FLOUR Is ths bast you ever used. Every sack is guaranteed to civs satisfaction or your money will be cheerfully refunded. v WE SELL MEAT And Judging from ths, crowds that patronise our market, not only is tha quality the best, but our prices sre ths lowest in ths city. ROSEBUD BUTTER Ths bast Creamery Butter on tha market, par roji ttose city v iour, per sacs 1 can Baker's or Ghiradelli's Cocoa I package Premium Chocolate 1 can Ghiradelli's Ground Chocolate 10-lb. sack yellow or white Corn Meal 7 lbs. best eastern Rolled Uats r.. 1 3-lb. box Crackers. 1 8-lb. box Crackers. 1 pkg. Scotch Oats. 1 square New Honey.. ....SB) ....SOa ....SB 'Bat FOR SATURDAY ONLY. 19 Bat Dry Granulated Sugar. $ I IB .18) Butter -Nut Bread insures enjoyment of meals and good health following. it Sc loaf, at all grooara. UPTONS CEYLON TEAS. oaacr from the c r d e m s The Great Hit of the Portland Fair The Cheapest IJIWt"".! One Pound Tea to Buy W s8SSd W &"a Thr" Ho. t Ceylon and India 1-lb. can. 75V No. 1 C. and I.. 1 lh . .6B No. 1 Ceylon and India H -lb. eaa. 40. No. J C and I . H lb . 38e SOLD BY ALL GROCERS Now Here Ws are now settled in our new quarters snd are prepared to' give our old customers better service, ss well as new onga, A postal card or telephone call will bring quick response. Ws deliver twice s month to outside towns ss follows: OSWE GO, BEAVERTON, BERTHA, LINNTON, 8T. JOHNS, TROUT DALE, LENTS, OREGON CITY, CANEMAH. WILLAMETTE FALLS. snd us s TRIAL ORDER for OUR SPECIAL BLEND ' Ardmore Brand Coffee p3 Pounda for gl.OO BOYD TEA COMPANY 90 FIRST STREET. PHONE MAIN 3262. FRANK L SMITH MEAT COMPANY aider St.. SIIWIIS1 is aad Bd . OSTZ.T .. 10) IBM) ::::!, tO) lav.) noll.d Roast Beef Prime Rib Roast Beef. Roast Mutton Best Pot Roast Roast Teal Iyln Roaat Mutton.... Roaat Pork XBH Short Ribs Beef 5) Cornsd Beef Bf Should.r Steak 8 Chuek atasHX B Round Steak 10) Hamburg Steak 10 Prim. Rib Steak lBHa) Ix)ln Steak Is4 Shoulder Mutton Chops 10) Ixln Mutton Chops 1BH) 1BHI ..... t. Irrt She Veal Cutlets Mutton for stew Veal for stew , Beef for stew , Boiling Beef Breast Veal Sausage Frankfurt Strl. Sausag. Bologna sausag. Oxtail; each . . . Liver Soup Meat Soup Bono Pressed, Cooked Combeef Hams, dellolous Breakfast Bacon, very best 1TM kind MM B0 ::::::::::::::2! B iot 1) m Bk a a e a a 4 ....lavs ir Pure Iard, which Is the only we carry, I pounds eo Pork Chops Wa are flahtlng the be.f trust by giving th. nubile th. benefit of whnla prices. Our beef and mutton are olty dreased our' own production. Our pork and veal ar. freah from the country. Not a pound of Eastern sold storage beef In our astabllshmant