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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1906)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 0. lfOR LOG RAFT WES FORTUNE Poor Man Twenty Year Ago, Simon Benson Now Stands to Make Millions Because He Ventured Where Others Feared ; 9t v&r ' jJlriBBriftlfc' ' ' mL pWugP'ew' gsssssssmaHEi esssH mTum pBf- f f mJm KPB Sjay r jpyL )V?ilif 3 How Simon Benson Invests His Millions. Simon Benson, a native of the flcan divanian peninsula, who cam a poor man to Portland to years ago, is be lieved to have eujved the problem of marketing lumber at a minimum cost in southern California, by transporting; sawlogs by ocean raft and sewing them at Ban Diego. Benson la worth ever $8,000,000 and has staked hie fortune on the ocean raft undertaking. The profit on a single reft reduced to lum ber at San Diego will be about U.600, 0. On a trip to flan Diego, California, some months ai Mr. Benson mapped out his project and before leaving that port he had completed all preliminary arrangements and secured a franchise from the city council to operate docks and a sawmill plant. He Immediately returned to Portland, established a crest logging camp on the Clatskanle, and began the building of the first ocean raft of sawlogs aver floated. The raft was launched successfully and after a 16 -day voyage It has arrived at San Diego, where It le being dismantled. The landing of the raft Was attended by a great public demonstration by the fltlsens of San Diego. Mr. Benson, who wae the principal figure, is still there. directing the work of dismantling the raft, but Is expected home early next week. Baft JJco Bat Cargo. The raft, besides carrying Its earn S. feet of logs, bore a cargo con sisting of a complete set of timbers for the sawmill that Mr. Benson la now erecting at flan Diego. The mill will have a capacity of 100,00 feet daityy or at least 16,000,000 feet annually. live rafts, each containing 1,000,000 feet, will be taken from the "mouth of the Columbia river each season, to keep the San Diego mill running. It is estimated that the cost of transporta tion of the lumber In the form of rafts from the Columbia to San Diego will be 12.60 per thousand. By rail It costs ft per thousand to carry lumber from this city .to southern California. Al lowing SO cents a thousand for addi tional expense and loss by rafting.' It Is figured, that Mr. Benson will save f 5 par thousand in transportation alone. This win .give htm a profit of 1 3,600, 000 on each raft safely landed and re duced to lumber at Ban Diego. If he disposes of Ave rafts a ysar, the mini mum capacity of his mill, he will clear the enormous sum of 1X2,600,000 a year on transportation alone, in addition to the manufacturer's profit. Others Axe Tempted, The Immensity of the stake that Ben son to playing for to expected to tempt others Into the hitherto untried field Of osssn rafting of sawlogs. Others have in a measure succeeded in rafting piling by ocean from the Columbia river to the south coast, but never be fore has ths sawlog project been at tempted. Mr. Benson has had ths cour age to invest a large sum of money at flan Diego In a sawmill plant that will be practically worthless should the ocean rafting Industry prove unsuc cessful. The large element of chanoe In the undertaking will. It to believed, deter others for a few years, at least. The successful voyage of his first m'mmar wm ' ssss sea sxass Satisfaction Never Sold in Bulk 1, 2, 2V2 and 5 Pound Tins Only J. A Folger & Co. San Fl raft to taken as an augury of good lock for the future. It wae attended by va rious expenses that are not expected tb be necessary In succeeding voyages. Two towing vessels were used, to make doubly sure the success of tits Initial venture.' In addition, a vessel was sent out from flan Franclsoo. at about the time the "raft was expected to pass that port, to locate It and ascertain Its con dition, for the Information of the anx ious owner. In future, only one tow ing easel will be used, end with grad ual systematlslng of ths business the expense will be reduced to a minimum that will not. It to said, exceed tt per 1.000 feet of logs. Mflny. elsmsnts of peril attend the undertaking, and It Is by no mesne cer tain that Benson will eventually win out. Some of the sawlogs are 6 feet thick and 100 feet long. Chains of enormous strength and weight are nec essary to hold ths raft together, and even then It is possible to tow a raft only In tba most favorable weather. A eet of chains weighs 11 tons, and costs 110,000. To carry on the business suc cessfully three complete sets of chains and other gear are required. Owing to the uncertain weather, It to necessary to dispatch the entire five rafts from ths mouth of ths Columbia within the months ofvjuly and August, to make reasonably certain that t-hey will secure eafe passags on, the long ocean voyage. Consequently, ths work of building the raft must be rushed, and there Te no time to wait for transportation of chains by rail from San Diego te Portland. A week le required to dismantle a raft at San Diego, and not more than one sat of chains can bs kept hi transit Model Logging Oamp. Thd Benson logging camp that has been established on the Clatskanle Is a model of Its kind. Mr. Benson, has dis posed of his logging Interests in Wash ington, and concentrated all his equip ment and energise In the Clatskanle camp, where the most modern machin ery has been installed and a railroad is in operation to carry the logs from the Woods to the river. They are floated down the Clatskanle to deep water In Wallace slough, an arm of the Columbia, where the gigantic cigar-. snspea ocean rafts era constructed and launched. The Clatskanle came will he the cen ter of ths ocean log rafting industry for the next 10 years. Mr. Benson has in this vlolnlty 40,000 acres of fir, aggre gating 1,(00,000,000 feet He to an ex pert practical logger, and haa cone Into the oeean rafting bualhees after coolly oaleulatlng the chances. Aside from the dangers of the open ocean, a more insidious danger la found in the form of a small bug In ths waters of south coast harbors. This bug has a long Latin name, but rn slse it is only one-sixteenth of an Inch, and Its work. In a aawlog is anon ana sharp, within nine months t renders a log almost useless. B. B. Coovert, a Portland attorney who re cently visited San Diego and observed tne action of ths bug, said: "It to ths most deadly thing known in destruction sf woodsn timbers. I saw a copper cylinder, through whloh rivets and nails had been driven into the piling the copper surrounded. This bug had eaten every smidgeon of wood, leaving the cylinder empty excepting for the menu nans and rivets." One of the difficulties of Benson's undertaking will be the storing of suf ficient togs in two months to run his nan jjiego mm the entire year. A large pan oi un togs win nave te be placed on piling racks at high tide, and moved away rrom reach of the water. Once every nine monthe the boom sticks will nmve 10 oe sawea up to save tbam from tne ravages or the bug. SCANDAL IN HIGH LIFE IS AIRED IN VIRGINIA Mrs. Bessie C. Pax son Sues Mrs. Cordon Searles for Stealing Husband's Love. (earns! Special Serrle.) Richmond. Vs.. Oct I. Judge Clont on In the Henry county circuit court, will try one or me moot interesting scandals In high life that haa ever been aired In a Virginia court. Ths litigation comes upon ths declaration of Mrs. Bsesls c. Pax- son of New Tor and Washington, who aaas damages in us sum or 118,000 from Mra Myrtle R. Gordon Bearlee of Cleve land. Ohio, and Virginia, for the aliena tions of the affections of her husband. a. r-axson. Ths alleged alienation took place at Atlantic City after the death of Gordon No Room for Fake Sales in Our Store Every $10 Suit Yon buy from us would cost you $12 to $15 at other places. What we wish you to know is that We Are Making Specialties of Our MEN'S $10.22 SUITS We have convinced hundreds that our $10 gar ments are the best clothes for the money they ever saw, and we will convince you too, if you will call and see them ? We POSITIVELY know that we give you better service in this line of men's apparel than can be had anywhere on the North Pacific Coast Wherever you are, wherever you see him, If you find a man wearing our $10 garments, you have found our friend. THE RED FRONT TWENTY YEARS IN BUSINESS IN PORTLAND-" SELLS IT CHEAPER " NORTHWEST CORNER FIRST AND TAYLOR. NOW IN OUR NEW HOME ON MORRISON AND SEVENTH STREETS fl 1 -; i rssti! fly tesss 5n " 4' J, v9JBBsssssssssTBsP" 1 li "fioBI' Wh seHsssMffl nsPl" sessssssssPK tofltJ I ' mZjl TWiflMiil ml 1 Bka llgi IB (flesT (fePfaf l ' Bawli nssssKl K-i j 1 BirsisiKssKXssisflggv lsssPsEsHywTWsBlslsaB HHE.Ly MORRISON AND SEVENTH SHEETS SPELNDID DISPLAY OF NEW STOCKS IN ALL DEPARTMENTS Comprising the Urgent and most complete gathering of house furni things in the west; furniture in every grade and finish, and the latest and best designs for parlor, library, living-room, dining-room, bedroom, hall and den ; office furniture of every description, and furniture for the hotel and dub. Carpets, rugs and other floor coverings in the very latest effects and pleasing colorings. Our new shipment of oriental rugs Is now on display and is by far the handsomest line of designs and sises ever brought to this coast. These were selected by oar representative from a recent importation by the moat reliable dealers in these beautiful rugs. Our drapery depart ment is now stocked with the very best and latest affects in curtains of every style, portieres, curtain fabrics, upholstery fabrics, table covers, etc It will no doubt interest our many patrons to know that we are now carrying a stock of exclusive designs in wall papers and other decorative materials, of which we particularly mention the splendid imitation leather la embossed and plain effects. This department is now better equipped for special decorative work, and will furnish original designs and estimates on all classes of work. Our crockery department is well stocked with everything that in this line Is most essential for the home. In our stove department we are now showing the handsomest line of modern heaters for wood and coal ever displayed in this city; also the famous "Buck's" and "The Malleable" ranges. We are pleased to welcome visitors to our new home and we know that you will be deeply interested in this splendid gathering of furniture styles and home comforts. Our first floor having been de layed in completion, we will be unable for a few days to make any display on same. YOMcaxDrrf H iseooo jf 1711 fir IBB 0MPLETEH005EFURni5HER5 ffMAKCYOMtll OWN TEAMS II AND SEVENTH STREETS and before the marriage of Mrs. Gordon to John R. Searles. with whom she le aow living la Los Angeles. Cordon lived lees than a year after hie marriage to the present Mrs. Searles, and the mar riage of the young and pretty widow to Bearlee occurred six months thereafter. Gordon hsd been previously divorced from hie first wife at Fort Worth, Tax as. flhe received $50,000 as a settle ment. Gordon was ths brother of Elisabeth Gordon Hanna, wife of Daniel "fif. son of th. late Mark Hanna. All the Interested parties move In the highest society circles. Mrs. Gordon fleares Inherited a vast estate la Vlr glnla upon the death of her first hus band, all of whloh has been attached pending a settlement of the present suit. LOW RATES EAST a a a sr. The O. R. N. Co. has made a lew rate of $14.10 for round trip, Portland to Buffalo, Hew York, account the In ternational convention of Christian churohes, to be held at that place Octo ber II te IT. Tickets will be on sals October I and (. A choice of several different routes Is given, and stopovers allowed In both dlrectlona For further particulars In regard to routes, through sleeping-car service, etc.. call on er ad dress C. W. sunger, city ticket agent O. R. N. Co., Third and Washington streets, Portland. PENDLETON SCOURING MILL CL0SE0 DOWN (tpectsl Dispatch te Th, JenraaL) Psndlston, Or., Oct. (. After a suc cessful five months' run ths scouring mills st this place shut down yesterday on account of ths lack of wool purchas able at prices which the company is willing to pay. There seems to bs plenty of wool In this section, but the ewnerer are Independent and do not ears to sell Schramsberg Wines Finest California product, in bottles only. CLARETS Quarts t T5 Pints 40a ZINFANDEL Quarts 75e Pints ...40eV BURGUNDY Suarts 75 nts 40e SAUTERNE Quarts f 1.00 , Pints ...50 Full Measure House 887 WASHINGTON ST. OUTTITTiag at the present prices as they believe they can do better later on. However, If It should be possible to purchase some or the outlying clips the mill will be started again. Ths mill ha. run longsr this season than for the past two years, as they were inrougn September l last year. reek, run-down T Head "oflr'T Just a plain Feel languid. 1 acheT Stomach e of lasy liver. Burdock Blood Bit tars tones liver una stomach, promotes digestion, purines the blood. A wmnn'i crowning gtmrf Is hmr hair.. a man'i, hit hmt The Brewer Hat Satisfies Every Carefol Dresser. Made to Suit every Pace and Of H-ad. "BEST RAT la the World for the MONEY" S3.00 BEN SELLING . LEAD.NO clothier The Very Latest Styles for Autumn Arc On Display" Every important style center has contributed liberally to this magnificent display of Autumn Wear for Women and Children. The several sections devoted to Outer Garments seem to vie with each other as to which shall present the most attractive appearance and they have all won I If you saw this display on opening day, you gained some idea of its scope. Almost every day since men newer things nave been added as the season advances. Everything seems to nave caught this spirit of progress that so lapkuy forging this store forward. The sales force has been lifted to the most intelligent level, and almost doubled. Ideally complete store fixtures, and dear, mellow sunshine stream ing in from all corners, contribute to the com forts and pleasures of shopping here. Explore this store tomorrow or tomorrow evening and let us explain to you how we sell for a small sum at time of purchase and then a little each week or month aa may suit your convenience. In Our "Men's Shop" If you are a man who appreciates distinction in dress and do not care to pay the price custom tailors ask, come here and see the readymade garments we offer. The better judge of styles and materials yon are the better pleased you wiB be with what we show in Suite, Topcoafs and Raincoats. We also have a complete line of. Furnishings and Shoes. A dollar a week will clothe you completely if you come hem Eastern OutfittingCo. Washington and Tenth ll IT1 iPmohTfica J ii JOURNAL WANT A