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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1906)
or: :i daily jou:::ial. ic:;tla:;d, vi.:;:.:::day ev;::;i::o." crpTEMsra 12. TRUST ti'MW ESCAPE PRISOi Bryan Points Out Weaknesses of ' Republican Combined ! Smashing. e. TREMENDOUS OVATION ' TENDERED NEbRASKAN People of .. St. Louis Turn Out to Cheer Commoner' . Who Outlines - Campaign' Issues' in Speech at ; Coliseum. (Journal Snactat Service.) . Bt. Louis, Sept. it. A 'tremendous . ovation ...was tendered W. J. Bryan by the li.,000 people gathered in the Colt aeum laat night. The oheerlng continued (our minutes. Mr. Bryan ald In part, It'a warm enough when you keep ' till. I dont' want yeu to Inoreaae the misery ay exertion, you nave cneeree '.enough to cheer my heart, and I am glad to be herei-rl have been trying to . find home for more than a week and hava found It ao home-like everywhere Chat I can hardlv tell where1 I live. hava alwaya auapected that Mlourl, felt friendly. . 8 he ha anown it on many ; occasions, but never more ao than to- nigat. 1 -!.- . , Os emoor41 VUtfornu - "I want to ahow you It la better to truat the Dmocrst Id principles to the Democratlo party than to trust them to any man whoa pary dehouncea him for following them. I want to remind you -that th most prrmilsi act of Mr. Roosevelt's . administration waa hl -fcrlngrng-paoeo-betw n " nations. He settled the coal atria alter loss ot Ivt.OOu.oos to employers, employe and the public It waa a-grand act. I ap plauded htm for tt. But where did he gat the doctrine In the Republican platform? He got it from tha Demo . emtio- platform, and 1 wrote tha plank myself. - if he could gain . popularity by settling one strike that coat . aoa.000. why ' ought not our party to hava aradit for Dro posing a plan which. If put Into a law, -would have made tha ; strike unnecessary t .-Why. haa the .Re publican party; not followed It up by making a national law that will make It unnecessary for a man to starve his wife and children to get Justice? '. Ballxoad Corruption. "If tha president can become tha only popular man in the Republican party .V because ha doea , something spaa- ' mod lea 11 y along Democratlo Unea, What wouia oa ina popularity or me man wno f 'doea something and haa alwaya been a "Democrat? - Where did" Mr, Roosevelt find his mandate for his action regard ing tha rata bill? Ha had to go to the Damooratio -platform. Tha ' moat . Im portaatv part of tha Elklna bill In tha penitentiary aentence for Ha -violation. The - railroads have been the moat ' corrupting Influence In tha past. By usa r m ;yuuuv. WILL CURE any case of .!:..',. or BLADDER. .DISEASE . t that io ':, not the reach NO j ' ' ' ' - V v medicine can do miore; ! : " tra era i? to cii- B.. 8pegI, 1 1204 Virglnta . 8., Eyanrvillo, Ind., write: "For over fiva Mars I wag troubled with kidney and bladder affections which eauaad me much pais and worry. I lost flesh and was all run down, . and a year ago bad to abandon work entirely. I had thraa ol tha best physicians who did m ao good and I was practically Riven up to die. Foley's Kidney Cure waa recommended nd tha first bottle gave na neat relief, ! and after taking tha second bottBi I Wn TWO ST2EJ, 10c AID StOO. ' . c:ld a:3 nicc":::ia a Woedasd, OUrxe Oe. aad Skldaete - Drear Oe. - ( .-. ' m m i .'.if.,:.; ."". '' 1 V OLD Tlf.lE ARRASTRE STANDS BESIDE TWENTY-STAMP MILL r' I ' w.e---eO Crude Quartg MiQ - (RpcUl Correspendeaee ta The JournaX) Grants Pass, Or., Sept. (.The . ac companying Illustration is from a pho tograph of tha ruins pf en of vth few old-time arrastre that remain In Ore gon. - The arrastre waa tha pioneer quarts mllU and this on waa employed on. the Granite Hill mln nearly a half century ago. Bramble-covered and de cayed, tha crude - eld - machine ataods within a stone's throw of the big mod ern mill with its thundering.' battery oY 20 stamps. Old-timers who witnessed It while In operation aay . that this ar rastre ground out a handsome fortune from the rich surf a oe are of the orig inal Granite HUl strike. Thla arrastre waa of the general type employed In southern Oregon during the early daya and was built on the same Plan aa those of Sfexioo and southern California, tha original home of the quarts mill. The principal feature of the -arrastre waa Its. vertical axle and aorlsootal arma. ... To these arms two hug stones war attached and 'dragged of passes th railroad have packed con ventions. - This law waa suggested by th Democratic party. I shall soon hav occasion to talk on railroads again. hut Z want tonight to Impress upon you that - th railroad resolution waa the production of th Democratlo party, - - . Traa Stags Bseap. Th president has now been In office almost tlvs years. How many trust magnates are In th penitentiary T 1 W hav a great many trusts in this coun try violating th law.. My friends, 1 ask you to figure, out, on th basis of the number of Hruat "magnates Im prisoned - daring the past five years. how many generatlo-is will It wko to solve th trust question l "My friends. If these things prove to you that Democratlo forethought la bet ter than Republican forethought,- would not It be better to vote for Democrats than for those who have followed at the tall and Of the Democratic precession T" MIDDIES GRADUATE! . -FROM NAVAL ACADEMY " ' (Jearaal SvecUl gervfce.) Annapolis, Md, Bept li. The first section of th class ot HOT waa gradu atd from ' th - naval academy - today. Th other two section will be gradu ated in February and June, respective ly, of next year. ' Thla plan of gradu ating tha midshipmen la sections ac cording to their merit la a new one snd Is necessary because of the lack of of ficers In ths navy and the urgent de mand lor men at sea. i - -' Th large - crowd , assembled today from every- part of 'the United flutes waa proof sufficient of th great In tereat which th navy inspires. The erewd of visitors wss unusually large, and this despite the fact that the cus tomary social functions were dispensed witn. - The exercises took- place la the chapel. ' Secretary Bonaparte delivered an address and presented th diplomas to the graduates. Th claas numbered IT midshipmen. The honor man of the elassr was Naval Cadet O. X Casksy of Micnigan. t rr ;. : SPANG HEIRS TO SUE ' ; - FOR THIRTY MILLIONS (Jearaal SpeeUl garvlee.) . Readlnr. Pa- Sept. . ll.--The Spang heirs, of ' whom there are several hun dred scattered over to country, are eagerly awaiting oewa from . Oermany, where tha famous case in which they are interested comes up In court for trial today. For. a number of years the organisation of Spang heirs, of whom more than 100 reside . In this part of Pennsylvania, has been working to re cover ths estate "and fortune left try their progenitor, John. George Spang, and whlotj Is" estimated to be worth something like 114.000,000. The fortune is In ths possession of Prince voa Knyppkauaen, against whom court pro ceedings hava been .begun at ths ex pense of the heirs sasoolatlon. Ac cording to th attorney representing the heirs, ths estate eonslats of several castles, thousands of acres of timber land, aopper mines . snd eash deposited li) . Parts banks. :.- .. . , ; - ' NEWBERRY APPOINTED : ;: GOVERNMENT: CLERK 1 (WisBlBftM Bareas ef The Tearaall Waahlngton, Sept. 11 G. W. New berry of Portland ha 'been appointed clerk In tha bureau of animal Industry. Opealar of stew Astor Theatre Meeraal Saeelal get ilea.) ' New Torn, 8epu 1 J.--Another Is add ed to the long list of metropolitan play house with tha opening tonight of the new Astor theatre; located In the up-- town theatre center on Broadway above Forty-second street. - The opening at traction, la Annie Russell In "A Mid summer Night's Dream." - The Astor la under' th management of Wagenhals A Kamper and takes . rank among th most magnificent theatres In New Tork. COMMISSION INVESTIGATES EXPORT COTTON RATES .-,','-..,' , , , r v . . - dearest gpMsl grvlee,t . . ': , Washington,. D. C, Sept. 11. The In terstate commerce eommisaton today be gan a hearing relating to petitions which have been received for authority to change rate on export cotton on lees than 10 days' notice to th commission, which Is provided for In ths new Inter state commerce law. ... The decision of the commission In the matter ta consid ered of much Importance -to th cotton producing states and to th cotton-carrying railroads. Representative of th railroad and or varloua Interested com. merotai bodies wsr present at the hear- of the Pioneer Day. about in a circular pit over a araooth atone floor. Tha ore, broken into bits, was fed Into the pit and ground into a pulp by tha revolving atones. A small stream of water, running through the pit, turned the pulp Into thin paste, and washed tt out through a sluice pro vided with rlfflee into which the free gold aank. The water and wast flowed on and off. '' In Mexico and California, the motlv power for the arrastre was usually a patient mule, but- nearly all those, -used in southern Oregon, as .was the case with thla on on the Granite HUl, bad a stream of watery convenient : to furnished "1hpowr. . "Th old water wheel, shown In the left of theplctur. still stands, but the wooden eondult that brought the water down from th mountain aid haa long sine crumbled to decay. Th pit into which th or was fed hnd ground la seen in th right hand lower eorner of th picture, with the wooden cog-wheel gear just above, connecting with th hug wooden shaft from th water wheel. - . , BLAZE 0(1 STAGE STARTS PAfllC- Two Player ;. Slightly, Burned ; While ProducIng The'.PaliTr ,;ace of the King. . 'vj COOL HEADS IN HOUSE .END DISORDERLY FLIGHT .... . , , .. .. Vi ... .... ,, - Oaorgta Cooper and Maurice Stewart ; Bravely Fight . Flames, - Although Their " Clothing 'Ignites and Blis tare Them. ... 7 (Joaraal gsedal gerrtee.t ' . OakUnd. Cat, , Kept ill., In .. axtin gulshlng a fire which started on ths stag of th Liberty theatre during th first presentation of "The Palace of the King" yesterday - afternoon, Georgia Cooper, th wlf of IAnders Stevens, a well-known aotor, and Maurice Stewart, the popular comedian, narrowly escaped death and a panlo in the: audience was barely. averted. .. : ' etewart'a hands were painfully burned snd Georgia Cooper also received a num ber of alight burns on ths hands; . ths costumes of both being ruined. .Ths fir occurred during th fourth act, whan Btewart snd Georgia Cooper war th only occupants of ths stag. On ths ta ble, where a quantity of paper was ly ing, a Grecian lamp with naked flame had been placed, . and a sudden draught wafted .one of the sheets of paper against the lamp. In an instant the paper Was ablase, but for a moment tt was unnoticed by those on th atage. . , -A sudden. cry. from ths audience warned the players ot th danger, how over, and both sprang to axtlngulab th flames. - During their efforts eome of the burning paper fell to the floor, and In another minute th stag cloth waa also burning.' . ' When Stewart attempted to Bat out the lire in th paper, somo lac which be wore, at his wrists ignited, and before he could tear th burning material sway ha was painfully burned. The costuras orn by Georgl Cooper waa also et on flr by" fragments of 'th biasing paper, bat she xtlngulahed , thav fire. which had attacked hr dresa, without sariou Injury. . , Stag band -soon extinguished th flr.. There was a Utah for tn door when th flr started, but cool heads la ths audience checked th rush. TILLMAN'S: OPPONENT . - NAMED FOR GOVERNOR (Journal Columbia, 8. C, Sept. 11 Th second Democratlo primary' in whloh candi dates sifted from th first primary in tha stats mad th final race, waa held ! .I.hl Martin V Anul 1 j,ml rkn- tlonlst, defeated ' Richard - Irving . Man ning, dispensary candidate for governor. Ansel received 17,171 vote and (Manning n.904 votes. ' .....'. J. Fraser Lyon waa nominated for at. tomey general by a vote of 19.406, his opponent. J. W. Jtagsdals, receiving M,. Ill votes. J. M. Bullvan was elected to the railroad commission, raeelvlng votes end. defeating the Incumbent, Q. H. Wharton, who received M.030 votes. Lyon ' conducted - ths Investigations which. It was claimed, removed much corruption In the dispensary.- About M per cent or in vot at tn nru primary was cast. , 1 . . . ' .- - -, . Boad aieetlon U Seattle, :- -(Jnornal KpeeUl SerVle.! " ' Seattle, Sept. 11. A special election Is being held In Seattle today to decide on fh Issuanc of 14,171,000 worth of bond for a municipal a treat 'railway system snd th extension snd enlarge ment of tha Cedsr river water system. CASTOR I A , Por ZafuLts aad CMldren. Tfct Iti Yea Km Alxsj: E::;it Bears the Blgcature of vjh cu:3 ::r-3N'i?oit. r Only ' Curable Cases Accepted for -v..:. Treatment' ' Each Patient Receives Peretanal Attention NERVOUS DECLINE ' Tcrned Weakness by Sone , W are peslHve 4h treatasent we employ la tbe rare of this aeraaaeaient Is tbe amt potent, rational, direct and certain. Our srlentlfle, avaiematle eoorae ot treat' ml hat been adopted after years nf suo eesefut practice br ae. It I the only one by wulcb a Derniaseat and abaolnte rare caa he aeeooipltaaed. i Specific Blood Poison Pott - 4 tlomljf Eradicated Without the see ef danferaas druse. ' We ditre the very la it (a 1st of vlrno froea the ayaieia, asd every symptom t the dlaear vanishes, te appear ae Brace, - We emploT hamlaea aloedteasaaig wed tea only. , . STaMOTintS To the rare ef Strlerare Slves all the benefits at sersery arltboat tbe be benefits ef eeraery arltboat tbe sunns Btncrnre wdkd acta aireeiiy apon Irturo wbk'h acta directly Bona the all Irritation and allava all Btflammartoa ot the Bladder and Fieatate.' Irrttattns aad allays all mflammattoa ot tbe VjUttCOCXLC .ta a daieaeed eondttloa ef kicks, falls, heavy Ufttagi . mumpe, early special weoensse. The orooet treatmant eonalata af leeal etssnant blood and contracting tti swellen veins, as well as Internal aaeolcaMoa Si .strenithea the serves amich sovera ths blood supply to thee vents. Tboufh causing yoa no trouble st tbe ptaaast time, your Varloocele will, if peraiitted to go without tbe proper treatment. Impair aad destroy the eletnente ef vitality. W dally demonstrate that Varicocele eaa he positively and speedily cored Without ratting, hurolag or any other form ot eperntjoe. .. ;SZlJrlnary-kntX-ProMttMa Diseases. . : Cystitis, Irritation of Neck of Bladder, tate fluad aad sU aieesaee e tbe Bladder Gland aad all diseases at th Bladder metnods or treatment. , fully treated elsewhere. W eeeeclsllj larlta r ireeiea ewewnere. . Oooorrboea. Wood Petsoa, Bkl Disease, known and Indorsed by- the sMdical profesaloa. ; , HOTag-S a. S. te p. as. Kvenln, St. Louis uiciui oogBTEa txooro ago .taxkhx Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co. - : ' li -' . '' i- ,. " ' .. : 1 conalsts of an ' association of mlnnt -physlciana, wwavtencad surgeons snd apart specialist, with abundant eapl tat established for ths purpose ef tret tng . . . ' 1U rraV&BlVw XarOTOAa. aVsTD HTM- , loai. DisdABse ajtt jm- .. ' . roavauTua qw mum. - They will accept 'no caa for treat- . ment zcept oertain that they' can ef- . feet a cure, nor will they mak - any charge In cass of failure axz. nBTOva. bxooo, nmr ajtd ' arxciAXi BiSBAua or auaT. j" Through our vast experlenc as spe clalists we ar able to make a full and p -early euro tn- thee trouble In the ma- Jorlty of instanoes where th ordinary 1 practitioner falle to relieve. . j BTOMACH, ITEART, IJVTR, KTDNEu dLAUUR, THKOAt AMU KERVB TROOBL.E8 ar very quickly relieved and uvtrmtnent cure ' made tn all mirabl casea, w tall you frankly If your ease ta Inour able. . We will hav no person's money except for oenetlta received. YOU CAN PA V; WHEN CURED - If yon wish you can deposit ths price of a ear in any hank In Port land, said amount to be banded to a whn yon ar cured.. Or you may pay us by weekly or monthly Installments tf yoa prefer. , Oyer 50 Per Cent of Our Cases Have Been Cured lx at a Cost of $10.00 and Many Only $5.00 v A personal Interview 1 deelred, hut If yoa cannot eaU, write US, giving your symptoms In full. Consultation free. Our horn treatment 1 successful, vn in complicated esses. r 5trlctest Confidence observed. Plain envelop used In all correspondence. , Offlc hour t to t. , Sundaya and holidays, It to ll . - . ' Dr. W. Norton Davis t& Co. -" leading VpeoieUat ta the orrxoaa nr f am mot nonu POKTZU.STD, niAKE YOUR SELECTION NOW : Never before have our offering of hlgh-gred correct wall daooratlng been ao appreciated by th buying publlo. It is advlsabl for you If con - templatlng decorating to sea our display now and mak your selection whil th stock Is complete, especially. Tf high-grad hanging ar re quired. , W also sell . . . v.. Poraand Paint & Wall Paper Co. 17 Second SL f y.mPkio.ievd pro. i Phone Utia 4879 . " Batween Morrison and Ymblll Streets ; . " DEVELOPfslENT OF :B0IIEI.1IA dlllES ; Grat t Activity . Manliest ; In Thrlvjng Cold Camp In the 1 Cascads Mountain, y " i ''' MUSICK ELECTRIC PUNT 5 SHORT OF WATER POWER f rem From Mill to Mill Is Run but Half Day Because o! Low Stage of Streanv-Quantitleg of Oood Ore Tskeni Out, , ". ' f"-' (Spedal Dispatch ta The Jearaal.) Bohemia, Or., Sept 1J. Mwch devel opment work la being performed In this mining section and everybody aeems preprua - '. ' '', v The l-tamp mill at th Oregon I curlttee la ataadliy grinding awsy on Mustek ore. Th electrlo tram from th Mustek mln to th mill I operated only half th day row, aa th water 1 low at th power plant and aUctrictty not very plentiful. . Th North i alrvltw company la beihg 51 Vo will trcst tny tlaIa cnccIi citci tCrasht nkdcrtlsclutecaarantea. tlo pay cslsn cured. M . ; ? !' Remember This: v Consultation Is FILEE!.. . . ; Ous fee for aay aaeomapU Sated oaa is f IZM. ... Special Trouble. We ears ta 10 te M ear. We have de voted rears of study to the'toraiatloa a4 complete ersxllferioa Of srethrai otetraetloa, we reatore health and tone to the bm. arane. Oar trealaient renovee tbe aeeeeaity of aay eartery. The right treatment, ap plied the rlsht way, will always bring good reeults. Contracted Diseases W care these tllmenta more quickly, with leas pala and tbaa ' anyone elalBiDg to treat eaeeeaafally these eoodl tloes. llss year eeae baeeaaa earanls throach Improper treetBteat or tareaab toe eae ot caustic ra mediae t Baa It cauaed a deep-aeated lnflasiaiatlaa sad hrrtt alios ta .the r'e. the reeult of which yo aew after fmai aretarat ohetraettoaT Oar treat aiest cares these eondlttans gaickly aad the ear is permeaent. - we have aleeerered and developed a system that pain mat aorsery InveiTsai e samwe system or pain that aorsery Involves: e aa In leas system uieairocieo pai affected parte; dissolves the abnormal Meat the scrotal vela.. It aaay be eeoeed by Mow. ladiecretle ar assy ha a aymplea eulj f some aDDlleatkM far tha Pel ones of dtoneillns the Enlarremeat aad InOammatloa of tbe rToa- aad aad Kidneys -aulekly -rial te- ear eld cbroaie case that have be t " Nervous Decline eared by seUaflfl Biathsas Writs tf ye esaaot ' f te I JO. Saaaays, a, mu, ts U at. ua Uispensai'y grarrrs, yoanAjro, oazaow. aTorthweat. BvahlUhed laws. av4 Tim null. com. ran. OUOOBT, . saw. aWaaasftTsBsaii l I rSatrsesssamaSassesaSal wow , oon ot r POB XTaTBT tTBB. rapidly developed, a good erw of man being at work under ths management of Elale Holderman. Much good ore hss been opened up In th different drifts oa this property snd th day is near at hand , when th Korth Pafrvlaw om pany will requlr a mill to treat Its oros. - . . ' ,.T .. ' , ... O. P. Adams, an old-timer, la devel oping hia property near tbe Mustek and la worklhg In th tunnel. H hss a flns property, known ss . ths Ophlr group, that is wsiting for capital to properly develop it. "--.-.7 : ' ' i.'- aopel riagh." ': .' .? The Royal' Plush company, composed of . local miners, is' steadily developing Its property and much good are la ex posed. - - -, , , ,,.,., i Lwla Hartley ha a craw of ma itt work on th "Bohemia Seven" property and much progreee 1 being made, j A eotitract has Juat peen finished on the Oreat Eastern property. Thla com pany haa three group of claims and owns valuable ground. - , Work Is progressing nicely On. th ro-out tunnel st ths Twin Rocks property. Th company has 108 feet yt to drlv before they strlks their main ledge. In' which they xpect to ahow up tout stuff of very fin grade. . Th or I free milling ou this, property for a greet depth. Blackburn, Underwood and Farra of Corvalll and Albany hav just finished ores development work on their group of five elslms west of th Oreat Eaat rn property,- They rrfn a short crosa cut to ths led and will drift on it whan more work "la don ... - BrUUaat aoetety Weddlaf, (Journal Special Jkrvlee.) Ithsoa, N, YH Sept. 11. Prominent society folk of New York, Pittsburg. Philadelphia and other oltiee bay lath- TRAKCPOKTATION. WMKN KOU TKAVtl. carry The West o. iiixel Halioay Oulne to trains, b-ia. strmtfars. boteis; H)e by mail, or dealers. H . dty. Ceu!atcr Use Steiners THIS EXCURSION STEAMER OATZERT" makes round trips to CAS. CADE LOCKS every Sunday, leaving PORTLAND at I a m.. leturnlog, sr. rives ( p. m. Dally service between Port lead and The Dallea except Sunday, leaving Port land at T a. ra arriving about t p. nv. carrying freight and passenger. Splen did accommodation for outfits sod livestock. - - " Dock foot of Aider street, Portland; foot of Court street. Th Dells. Phone Main SI. Portlaa. . , TELEGRAPH ' fastest 0s the'Sfves . The only steamboat making a round trrs . V . ;-;- . 'BATJiT . r -i ,. asaat . Cunday . Stlwis .. . PORTLAND atnd ASTORIA . AWO WAV POXaTTal .' ' , Leave Portland.'.'..".'.'.'.'."..,. ..T:9 a. ra. Arrive Astorter ss. sea.v., . 1:1 p. aa, Leave Astoria. ,...,,,,,,.,...1.1 p. an. Arrive Portland., ,...... p. sa. M..U SERVED A LA CARTE PcrMaad XadlBr, Aider Street seeh. Assorte Zeaadisa. CaUendes Dock. X. B. SCOTT,. Agent., Phone Main . r.6rlhPacIUcSS.Ca,s Popular -snd etmbjp , . , flrst-cla paaengr f.tOV ton, sail for Bait raneleo,JLos Angelea ana Eureka at I p. m, ea , : THURSDAY, September It, - - THUR8DAT, Beptembef IT,' " '' THDRbDAf. October It. ' Dock foot -Seventeenth street. ' Tak "8" or lth street car. Ticket flic HI lUIrd strt, near Alder. - ' .... , .'..,, & TOUNO. AgnC- S. S. F. A. Kilburn ' ' Pst Oaa Say; Saw she aag Sea ri aataiaa. ' '. Hast aalllag from Portland Thursday, Aagust SO Mezt aalllag frost gas yraadeoa. Tkuia, Sept. P. L. CREKHOnOH. Axest. iwisk Oeeh Me. S. rhoae aUia lSt. t Put Your Albney in the Right Place to gat right returns. .. In straight hard ware -toola, acre as, nails, cutlery and tbe like the right place to put your cash 1 in Avery's till." If we fall to do our best for you in Shelf hard wars we would b th advers talk of. th town. .-. , Avery , Co. INJECTION BROU GOUORRHOEtard GLEET WITHOUT OTUSA TKSATMENT " Sold by all Druggl.; :. " PEtinvirdYArpkLs Itr-fTTV Tag IAMK BTBANa. V 1V T' X reai I Art yo Osnnlst ear A lei ikss ssi1 fills IK ka -M sMssaBjow. Tnaeneetbas. V Prattlac aaS HI foe . rainra-Traie euolisi am, tea BtlAateno SU" PILLS, aw S Hehte. Sole by OrusrlMa ereirrwaare. v, rails seiskis, ra ered for the wedding of Mis Catherine Weetlnghouse. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. WtlnghouB. and Charlea W. Fletcher of New York. Th cere mony takea. place this, avenlng at Oraa mera, - tha "'eatlnghous summer bom on Cayuga lake, near her. ; Mis West Inghous will be attended by her ltr, Ml Marjoii 'Westlnghouse, aa maid of honor. Th .bridesmaid are to- be Mia Marlon Bradford and- Miss Clara Bradford of New York, Mis Nell Trump of Philadelphia, Ml Lydia Halne of Indtanapoll and Mis Lillian Dtrmott and Mia Ethel McConnell of Pittsburg. Mr. - Fletcher" best man will b hi brother, . Roy M. Fletcher of Atchison, Kansas. ; ....r . : , . -.y 1 Pisfertsd Stoek Oaaaed roaV ' Allen Lrewls' Beat Brand. . ARTILLERY BOMBARDS PEOPLE OF SHULGUTI '" ": (Journal Special Service.) "' Stavropol. Sept.. II. It i reported that the- srtlllery bombarded Shulgutl on account of disorders following th arrest of Onipku, th paanL, loader of parliament, who I to , be tried for complicity In the uprising st Kronstadt, The srtlllery is moving against Ptroffi kala. S. A. Read, Cisco. Tea., writes, March 11, 1101: "My wiist waa sprelnej so bsdly by a fall that It was uecicwa en.1 after using several remeiliea that fn -'l to give relief, uil Pillar.l n Pnow ment. I eerneetlv rrmm.i t it i one sufTerln from eineiue." t 1 ll Woodard, C.erVe ea C i CoIunMaRiyerScioerv nU CHS. IVL'iSLOV'S sc3Tr.:r.a syru? a hen eed hy aiTnoea of Wotaejv for tWT , onlMrani wnlla TeeUun for over Fifty year. , It amrtiinl the ebJId. sohena the game, alley 1 .nTeSuTeSis TvKd eoUo, aodTs the seel ' , tesMKlf ror diarrhoea, - i TwnwTT.rivi; CTifTa A bqttiju TEA!' i -),!" Ml C?nrrrl.f-n AyeaUi(g:eUiM A3UriorfPACinc V-Traias to the East Daily 3 i- PMUataa Standard aad aaaniet aW SSruT-fr W Oese. Oileeee. gee.l net aleenlnaata aeliy te Csssaa e'r. "r" ' e" P?." ' taava, Awtve. - "viisnoj v9walal ' nf vis HoaneMi. sir. StS aa "V nyer Ihe geetera Welle WsneT - ' tataveer eraisae - -- -- . potete. detly. C:IS eat . M.;!'r.....ts's- Aa;ri. , pM.fa. ewaaMttaei wtr Sr nr llwsr and North Beach. St.." ",W "-et. eneft. letvee S . St. i.r. SandsTj SaraMe. IS a. St. Arrive -. exeeat Sana.,. 1r 'ii.,.l,nln BTVam KOTTTH. eeivL JZT,U- eerea Ctly and Yeastr! rtve C stseSMrs Rath snd Moos. A.h-et. Sec, r " a. si. Sail w-a a-.. .M m-. ""rnnal. Am. . . u a . - a ak . uur. r - -"mmar Bins IKUia . ee. ss way Belejts IW 2iP"r,'W'' . etmers Spekase 4 lw1e. E? 77 40 . or ae arrival Trale " IIV aTrDI tatTv Sfaaav twia.1. w i iwas w. -. - T" 9ttT- l-N d Weehgtna st. . - TeJenK-ne Main T1S. W U,S,T; fTItOla, fl Tlrlt Aaea waa. ifcafPSKAT. Beaeral faaeeasee Aseel it. Asset. EAST VHT SOUTH tttVm Drvot Overland Sxnrael -tv. Antra. ", ummtmrw. Asst. -- eeraaseata, Oroeav . fee fK-1,Ma atoektoe U Aaeeles. Kl roae. - a New Orleens snd tha seat eg: a pal ' n:paa Weodbara i dally eseeot -Sunday with , treta for , , Jtount Angel, Sllvertoa. . prewuevllle. ftyrinsSeld. Weadllag snd Natroa.... Setai 1M yat usvea. Mss.nser eo. "" oeete at Wnaeenra wlrh !,." Meant Anae and SUm. ' ?r- " rut Vrvellle peesenser T-VI sn SherldeB aeesenaer....... e0 rB roreet Grove peaeenser..)ll 0 aw reMet Oreve rw.naer. . I'a-on pn netlv. imatlv ,.et m4nr. l-e are en -no nra ee)tlj see Illo-iO an M sea -Tor Dallas tod tatersasdiate polatn dsfly T:M a. St. snd 418 p. at, . Arrive Portland 10:14 a. at. and S;I8 p. ai. e'er tiaas see cars ef Oewoge ssjejevhea train apply' at City Ticket Offlce. or station. Tickets to Kaetera points end Fa ropes else la pan. Chtae. Bowotabi and Anerraas. - City Ticket Ofllee eorner Third vsd Waa. tnit- streets. Phee Mela T1S. C. W. emwoww, s. MrMTTKaAT. VI ry hcbos Asea. TIME CARD TRAINS Pbrtlandx ttalea are. Arrive, Tellensniae Park.VBasa Cltr-at Lsuis Snoeial fee Chehslls. Centralln. Olynt. KL Orays Barker. South ad. T aroma. Seattle. Sro- kene, tewletoa. Butta. Ml. a Dee, oeever, oennaa. aas. see Cltv. St. Louie aad Boufhoast, ' dstly , '. . . . ' Kerth Coast Lttnttsd. - e1e. trie ncbtsd. tee . .Tseonsa Resttle. Spokane. Butte.. MlBneepotte. fit. Paul aad the Seat, dally SSsat taMaa Pne Snaad UaiHed. . Clsreaaont. Cekann, fVo- ; traits. Teeeata and Seattle ' - only, dally diSSfa S:SSS Twin titv amass ie ts- , neerrie. Bpeaene. Flelens. notta. St. Paul, MlaneeneHu. Uncoht. St Joseph Isnaes City. Owe- , i so. St Louis. wlrheut ' ' ehenee ef ears. Tttreet eon- ,' ewtleua w in, nomts. Ksat "d a,ck,. anrte.. Ifreg n lO'tj nan A. D. rrtAT.TOW. AastJtaot Oeneral h. seuerer Agent t9S all iris sa street, tees at Tklra. Pertioaa, reana. .. . - r.. ... Astoria & Columbia, River Railroad Co. Dnlea twee . Laaeav Aiilsa. fee aiayr-ra. aatnlar. flats. . - kanle, Westaort CUrtoa, , Aetetiu. Warreatoa, rle eoL Hasjaaaad. rrt gtev. bus. Oearbert Park. Seaatde. glOS at 11:BS St aetone ena atasawa, . aa. see aany v.. tsbb pat sa an irerwp ajniry. 1. a. KATO. O. P. and P. A.. Astnvte. Oe. A A. STgWABT. Cwweratsl Aseni. gel AMs serset. f hone Kala u. 11 THX COatrOrTTASH WAV. 1 2 OverUad Tralss Dally , The Oriental Lhaltad. ths root UmA0 VIA SSATTLS AKO SPOKAHa ,'. ' . Dally. Dally. tl'- T ;"" Iaev-r; Arrive, Pavttand Mass sc4aie Te en firora Sekane, t PsaL Mhtnee nolle. tmluth and all aotats : Bast via Seattle I Wib fetts , tlseSBei Tw tsd fenet St Paul Vtlnneenella Pnlnlk and all eotnta Bast a ewaaat n-ewem ' Oreat sTartkeea Btsaaaakl On, efrlns front See t tie tor Jaesa en China aorta end Manila, seniles es aanavru snd rrehrht S. B. htlnaesetu, OeteheV S. . . S. S. Dakota, Veveaites St. strrrov yvseb xaosva r (Japan Mali HteasMhts IX 1 -e. S. Kaca ataru will aall frent See t tie shout October for Jtpen and Ckfnese porta, eaivylng passeaare tod frel(kt. . roe neketa, retes, kerf assail a ' Hena. ete.. eell ee or eedree X. DTOKSOSJ. O. P. T. A.. ! SB rartiaas. OTuswa. raeae ataae e.. SOWTHaVASTXa W AXASWA BOtTTI. trnia . i a, w f '. (nr K'"t"n. Jiieese, Way, White, It asil ralr'"e S. . ' "e, A .. .t f ' '-r H a. Ij i-"i-' . - , 1.1. a S. r..i., n- i t tat. ' Hp v " " ' r - ' , k.j . ' I r.-.-n et e. I". - I - , r i . ..: u,, "i. 7: -- ,. cue O' lee. . Wssl s. m. i t r. C. D. hlSA.y.t, U. i . XLOa. II MXlAwe'' I O (oof a t -ZtXib J ItA a r' uvta I rJ I Dsn it