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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1906)
the onzcori daily toueiial. ror.TLAiiD,' ved:;l:day 12. .ID COiJIESl COuEhTO an too tiiis Ccors List Closes Promptly at Eight o'CIock--Final Accounting : May Reveal. Some Startling Surprises in the . . .. . " RC9 for Scholarships!"; v f .;.''-'; : t,' itunnre of oonsiruTi n totu t ' , . Nellie May Shannon, tit Teolno, Portland. Or. ............... .lia.OH Horace A. Wilson. 161 Haleey SC. Portland, Or. .............. ..lOT.tSS Mildred I Clemens, Cnlverelty Park, Portland, Or....... ........ Tl.o UUlan MoVlcker. Bt. John. Or. Rhode Xk Stalnaker. Albany, Or . ...t., ......... 7t.l - 14.818 - Ouy Graham. TTroutdaleOr..'.......... ......... . .............. TM0 . e Bertie Q. Chan, MI Clay Bt. Portland, Or....,,....,........,.,,, " Edith M. Harr la, 411 Oxford Bt, PorUand. Or..,...., ....... Maiale ODonnell, Buxton, Or..... ......... . ....... Mary E, Powell, 07 Salmon Bt, Portland, Or.................. Charlea Gross. T. M. C A, PorUand. ...... Carl. Shelton, Forty-eighth Bt, ftoant Tabor, Or.......'...,..,.. Boy Johnson. T4 'Division Bt, Portland,- Or. - .......... .' - . : a ay Jones, 401 Eaat Twelfth Bt, Portland. Or.;.... v..... ...... t7.S4t 4y 1 1,9 Co. e 47,T8 ' e St.146 ' e S7.SM-s 14.300 ' 4 tltlt 4 -a,uo Paul Nygren, ISI Eaat Third Bt, Portland. Or... J. T.m ... .... ...... ...... Use Pendergraas. til North Seventeenth ' St.. Portland, Or. John Benson, Chamawa, Or. Louie Berra, Astoria, Or.'.,. Mabel afagness. Amity, Or................... V .................. Dorcas Tan Bchoonhoven, Cove, Ori,,,,;y,.;.'t,,.;v....i...'. 21ann Pa till o, Oranta Pass, Or.. ............. .. Dean Knoa, Corvallla, Or...,......,......; Ruth Turner, (01 Kerby Bt, Portland.. Or. ......... ..n';7Ti7V..i Harry Brant, The Norton, Twelfth and Morrison, Portland, Or... Lloyd Riches, . Bllverton, Or........;..,...,...., f Clay Cary, Salem, Or............... 'i... ...... ............. Alleea Hacknan, Myrtle Park, Portland, Or. ............. ....... R. W.-Crrua, SotovOr...,,, .....i. . m-n '..-..'. - Loulse Seott, Central addition, Portland. Or.. ....... tlur Tohnaon.,orarantB Portland." Or. ..7.Vi . i . ...V. . . -T Ivy Owena, Cedar Mil la, Or.. .......... ' Edward H Klnaman.' XJnnton. Or.,.. ....... .......a....... 4 Agnes Kvans, LatoureU. Or...........;....;... ' ..........;..... yr. E. Owynn, S4t Eaat Thlrty-aeranth Bt, Portland, Or........ AIGOWQ TT. UUTIO, XloaCDUTa, UT. ......,.,. .i . ... . George Xk Kins,' Klngaton, Or., ...... J4.4 I5.H0 II.I4J U.40 ' H.0SJ 11,071 , xi.m 1.411 S.I00 4.111 '4.140 4.010 MM - ; s.sis xnt ' 1.100 . -0' 441 Bin. ' The Jouraal edaoatloaal oonteat win end at p. aw BapteBhor 11. - Te he ooanted ambeerlptioaa mnai hoar poat niark mot later than that hour ail data. Aa prevloualy announced. The Jour- nal'e educational eonteat will end' to night at I o'clock." To be counted aa votea In favor of the echolarahlp con taatanta, aubacriptiona muat be- dellv ' 'cred at' the office' of The Journal' before the hands of the clock point to or they muat coma In envelopea bearing poet mark prevloue to the cloaing hour. -7 The poatmark or the axproaa mark la Hha only arldonce that can be accepted In The Journal offloe that votea were ahipped prevtoua to S o'clock. , To be counted, all votea that are mailed muat arrive at the office of The Journal not later than t, o'clock p. m. , September II. - The-totala of votea re ceived by every candidate throughout the eonteat. will then be made and will be publiahed aa aoen aa ' completed. Tbia will allow ample time for mail to be received from any locality In which conteatanta . have been working.: . The acholarahlpe will be awarded aa aoon aa poaalble after the final acore la flniahed, eo that the eonteatanta can arrango to enter the achoola which open next week...... ' . ... .C- The acholarahlpe will be counted off to the winners according to the order of thlr standing and along the lines of T their flraC eecond and third choice of acnolarahlpa. There are pair in which the compe tition la fierce and where one of the eonteatanta muat be contented , with aecona choice of acholarahlpa. The : young people who have takes part in The Journal's educational con test are to be congratulated upon their efforts. Every vote which they have re calved repreaenta genuine . cash aub sorlptlons to the several -editions - of The journal. ""Thr puhlld"haa not been called upon to clip eoupona from the oolumna of the paper. Tbe eonteat has claimed the attention of only those who indorse the cause tn which the boys and girls have been working and who have been willing to advance aubsertpUons In their favor. The acholarahlpe which' 17 out of the st 'eonteatanta will win are the best insurance policies which they can In vest in. Education is a fortune which "moth and rust doth not corrupt nor mieves oreaa tnrough and steal." Education is a protection. It la ready capita in. any part or the world. It Is a fortune which cannot bo lost,- nor stolen, nor burned up. Best of all It givee' the- most lasting, satisfaction, confidence and pleasure of anything which may be acquired.. , . . r:j bHim a attaka, Hv . l; Tuition In beat Oregon schools and 710 la gold and caah oommlaalona. Following la the Uat of acholarahlpa. with approximate cash value of each, Offered aa plisea, " Detailed information concerning them will be publiahed from time to time, or furnlahed on appllca. uoa to us eonteat department: Academy of the Huiy -Names, Aa- ' torla. value ................... vim Albany College, Albany, value,.... ltt Behnke-Walker Bualneao College, Portland,-value It Capital , Bualneea - College, - Salem, value lit Columbia ; . University, , Portland, ' value SOt Dallas College, Dallaa, value...... lot Gillespie . School . of . Expression. .' Portland, value lit Hill Military Academy. Portland. value ltt Holmes Business Collage, Portland,- value ............I......... ltt Holmes-Flanders - Private - SohooL Portland, value lit International Correspondence . . - School a. Seranton. Pa. value...; lit McMlnnvlUe CoUege, McUtnnvUle, value ............... , 4t Oregon College of Optometry . It Oregon Btate - Normal. Aahland, - Oregon, caah prlaea and ......... . li' Oregon State Normal, Monmouth, j Oregoa cash prise and... ' II Oregon - Conservatory , of Muala. Portland . - , . ., - - One Pianoforte Scholarship, value tot One Violin Scholarship, value..,.. lit One Guitar and Mandolin Scholar- ship, value let Pacific College, Newberg, value...,, lot Paclfio Telegraph Inatltute. Post. ' land, value. lit Pege-Davl-Company Original Cor."- , respondence School of Advertls- -', ing, 411 Commercial building, '; " Portland ........................ at Portland Bchool of Domestle -Sol- , once, Portland Or. W. C A.), Sacred ; Heart .. Academy. : Salem. - value laa St. ' Mary's Academy, Portland, value .... ........... ............ sot Whit worth College, Tacoma. Waah- Ington, two ' years aeSfclarahlp, -either 'preparatory "or rfollaglo,'" value ........................... lot nmunaa: nonage, vtraiia - waua. Didn't Hurt a Bit; .ii.ii i THE CHICAGO PAINLESS DENTISTS 323, WASHINGTON STREET f ; cowm op sixtx ' ". j - , ,--) v V.i '" -"' v'' '-- ' ' . We have moved to ISI Wash ington strict, corner of Sixth, where we have fitted up five reome- - with the latest and moat modern appliances for doing dental work. You don't have fo wait! You '- don't have t, suffer. And now. to : make It an object for-'jrou to visit -our new quarters, we are making you the following special price ' for all this month. . Remember, this Is for the very finest dental . work that money can buy. .. Fine Set Teeth; warranted to fit or no pay. . f .$5.00 Flexible Flesh-Colored V ' ' Plates 910.00 22-K. Gold Crowns $3.50 22-K. Bridge Work, .f 3.50' Porcelain Crown . ..$3.50 Fillings . ...... .... .". .50 1 : A It-year protective guarantee, with all work. Come and take ad vantage f our pall reductiona gave your teeth and your money. Open evenings and Sundaya period of three years, I wlah to speak of the Bvneral advautagea of this S' dool and of whui 1, as a am Jen t, have tiee able to uccomiillili through Its aid. "First. Uk Hiding tbe unlvaraliy prep aration. The pupil Is fitted directly for the coilt-ge t i which he Is going, and college requirements vary to auc an extent that very much time is here by aaved. .. . ' .'Second. ' Individual Instruction Is used to the beat advantage In tkli school. J But by individual instruction Mrs. Fandera does not mean to lmpry In many caaea the isolation of the stu dent. She- holds that competition, the best . feature of the publio school, is beautiful, beneficent and right; that It Is the desire to excel; that no one Is In so dangerous a position as he who has no competition in well doing. Bo thi Idea la turned to the fullest acoount In the grouping of students, and, as Mrs, Flanders will admit only eameet. ard-worklng pupils, the environment ,1a , constant Inspiration. . ' Third. Tola la for the benefit of those who perhaps have been denied early opportunities, and while bitterly regretting the fact, are saying: 'I i too old to learn." ' I have la mind fellow atudenL a lady over 40 years of age, -who took the 'training course, and Is today a successful teacher earning aa excellent aalary. - Where could little children be more blest than in the care of this woman, her life enriched and strengthened by experience and made more tender by motnernooaT nayo known many other people whose school days were supposed to be past-to dis cover on entering this school that they could still learn, and with a better un derstanding and more rapidly than they ever did. "For myoelf. I entered the Holmea- Flandera Private school aa a -student after having been, obliged to give up school -work for several years. T Dur ing the three years which I spent there very nearly completed preparation ror the University of California, and during two of those years I. took the normal training course with actual teaching ex perience la the achooL Blnoe leaving have taken two second grade county certificates, one In Oregon and one In Washington; have taught one year very euocessfully and am Just entering' on my eecond teaching year.v V. "I am convinced mat - x oouia not have accomplished so much at any other school in twice the time. . - - l Mrs. Flanders, a skilled ; specialist. gives of herself la largest measure. Her whole life work as a teacher la based upon this, her favorite saying: 1 will never give up a pupil until ho gives himself up. After that there la no help for him.'" - '. , "QRACB A. SANBORN. TEH DOLLARS DAILY UNTIL CONTRACT IS FINISHED - Such Is Overtime Penalty School Board Says - Contractor j " Bennett Must Pay. Three hundred and sixty dollar Is the sum J. E. Bennett, contractor, already owes the school district for delinquency under the terms of his contracts upon tbe uncompleted Bunnyslde, Holmaa and Bast 1 Twenty-eighth street achoola. .., It Is probable that the case win bo threshed out In the court a. The dlree tora at a special meeting yesterday afternoon agreed to give Mr. Bennett written notice that he will be penalised according to the contracts he signed last springy whlcbreall for the comple tion of the work by September 1, and provide a penalty of tit a day. - . The directors told Mr. Bennett xney would take the work off his hands and finish it themselves. - They would pay for the work remaining to bo done and would pay Bennett the - balance up to the amount of his contracts. - Mr. Bennett refused this proposition. Though willing to turn the unfinished buildings over to -the board be Insisted that he be paid In full for the work al ready dona - ' Bpecimena or trie mmber used on the Holmaa school were exhibited. Mr. Wittenberg declared that the material used on this school was green, while Mr. Bennett declared It was first claaaj Anoiuir meeting wiu tm umu riumj. la possible that a compromise will bo reached by that time. At the Friday meeting the places of IS teachers who have realgned since the annual election wlU-be filled.'. :,. ' .. .u ,i s Waah scholarship In any depart ment, value lot Besidea tbe caah commissions whlcn the rtudante receltw when ihey secure new aubacriptiona, caah purses to ' the total sum of tit will be awarded as follows: ... ... , .... 1. A purse of IlOt for the general ex pense of the winner while attending any publio or private institution providing tree tuition. v 1. A. purse cf ttOt to 'be used In tbe same manner aa the above. a. A puree of IlOt for Incidental ex. penses to supplant - a scholarship se lected from the foregoing list. . . ' a. - A purse of 176 in addltlia tr . Of the foregoing scholarships. . t. A puree of lt la addiusa to one ot the foregoing acholarahlpa . t. A puree of tit in addition te one ef the foregoing acholarahlpe , 1 ' , ', eaoe A. Sanborn Writes Letts Telling . Bow Mrs, Flanders Xelped Her..,: The Holmes-Flandera Private achoot of Portland Is recommended to con tea t ahta and othera seeking an education la a lettei to The Journal written by draco A. Sanborn, a graduate who baa become successful aa teacher. The letter fol lows; "Having been associated with the Holmes-Flandera . Private, school for a STORY OF SUCCESS RAIN MAKES PORTLAND - p.E0PLE M0VE FASTER Didn't you feel batUr todayl Brighter, snappier, fresher T And all because It's raining for the second time for three montha Sure I - . ' If s a fact that Portland people move quicker when It's raining than when the weather's been dry for montna. At least here la the testimony of a con ductor on a Mount Tabor car. He had brought a heavy load of passengers over this morning, but the car was on time At First and Morrison several, both men and women, alighted and hurried awey, hoisting umbrellas as they went. "We always make better tune when It's raining." said ha Tve - noticed time and again that people hero get "on and off the cars a whole lot quicker when it rains than when It's dry weath er. ' Of course, you'd think they'd get on the cars quick enough to get out of the rain, but they pue on juat as last. Lots of times last winter wo picked up to people on the way. down and yet we got here on time. But we can't do that when It's dryT" - - 2L MEREST, PAID ON ' TIME DEPOSITS CURRENT i RATES ON l SAVINGS .ACCOUNTS DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO' CHECK - .GENERAL : BANKING lAND TRUST i BUSINESS TRANSACTED THE MERCHANTS UiVESTMENTer TRUSTi COMPANY XA7 WASHINGTON ,'fo,ooo.oo J FRANK WATSON . Pres. 0UHAXj VWfrae- W-rf" FEAR Soay.." L catch aa race horse mnn OR ID Thomas H. Williams Jr. of San I Francisco :-Says Bay . City j : i! Will B Rebuilt. - ;'"f -'-y v-'-'.. . DECLARES WHOLE COAST 1 r ; V COUNTRY IS CROWINQ Says Projreag Mads by Portland Snr- 4 prises Him and Predicts Great Fu ture for the Rose City Ig on His Way North. '. u "vX -: r"- Smithfs Meats Are the Meats to Eat To preeervaWvee. aTo adarteratloma. The only wholesale, indepeadent aoa nurk batohrs la the etty. FranR L Smith Heat Co. til Aldar St., between 1st and Id Bta. . rightlag she Beef Trast, Rolled roast beef..........;.,.....10 Tenderloin steaks 12f Sirloin steaks ..., 12 H Round steak ....................10 Shoulder steak, something fine...... 8 Pot- foaat .......................... 8 Boiling and alew beef. ......... ....6d Brisket beef -5 Corned beef ............ev Mutton' shoulder - roast..... ....... .8 Mutton for boiling ..$ Mutton for stewing -64 loin of mutton. ....12He Loin and lib mutton chops..., ..124 Shoulder mutton ' chops 1 O Roast veal .........1 10 Breast Veal for roaat. ........... . .lOa) Veal stew ........................ -8 Leg veal and veal chops. ....... .12 f Hamburger steak. Frankfurter and pork aausage 10 Bologna sausage .......... i ....... 8 Breakfast bacon ....17tt Pure lard 12 Taxpayers, why does the Port of Portland refuse to advertise for bids on meat? It la paying the beef truat lo per pound for meat. The beef trust Is chsrglng the army post at Vancouver (Ho, because the government edrer Ueea for meat bids,! - Thomas H. Williams Jr. of San yraa- cisco Is at the Hotel Portland on his way north. Mr. Wtlllama la preeldeat of the New California Jockey club and dictator in the racing field for all the great western country, ror years he baa been at the head of the turf associa tlona In California and to him Is due the present elevated condition of . horse racing la the west. , , -. When the San rraaclsoo disaster oe eurred Mr. WUllams declared ractna over, opened the track to refureea and provided a vast throng of homelees peo ple with tents, food and clothing. , -it California- tha reeling toward horseraolng U unlike that ahown hero," he said. "Almost ovary one goes to the races, and on big days the club house and grandstand have much the same people that one Sees at the opera. The great a vent of the year at tha Oak land track la Tablola Hospital day, when tne enure receipts are given to tha la. tltntion. "Will Saa Tranolsoo bo rebuilt?" Mr. Williams was naked. """ "Why not? Isn't It the arraataat Mr la tbe world? Doesn't everybody In the world who travels go to It? Hasn't It the greatest harbor, the bast climate, the finest water? Oh. yea. .Saa.. Fran cisco will be rebuilt. bettor, . bigger, more proaperoua than ever.- "Bat Portland la on the through ox. press, too. -I'm r surprised and ' de lighted with the Changes I note since my last . visit Ton have - a splendid site for 'a big city charming. - And your street railroads are opening up some lino home places, r "Do you know, the . whole coast , la growing from ths Mexican line un British Columbia, and I haven't .beard word said of bard times or lack of work on my trip. And that Is aa true of San Franciaco aa it is of her cleaner looking and better dressed sister cities." . ,....,. ' ' ' - .. . Vaolfls JTomnal Closed. ' - Uwaco, Waah., Sept. 11, The editor f the Pacific Journal left town but week unexpectedly, leaving the cltlsena with out their customary news. . The offloe Is closed. .: . . i ABSOUITK SECURITY, Genuine Garter . Little Liver Pills. Must Bear Signature) of : See Pee. Hart le Wrapper Biles Tory saasTI auad to take as CARTERS ti tj I Swjwry ret msicxL rCI DI22IXUS. rCS IIUCUUEIl.; rc Tcxna LiYii. rci ecxjTirATisi. rCI SA1L8 W till. rciTxceoatriuusi CURrtlCK HEADACHE. : TAICES QUALITY TO CARIZY Tim IlOYUll L.Ii:L 1 - - err) r'Or V 7 i. i i w; v T ' wd f 11 -Cil 1 Sun It ... "i J- i "'-'. IV- J I I t 'i ;..' .. " .'- ' . K V '-"..I I y. ' i CUaata ..v-7' ' Your.unrcsricttd choice cf tmy suit in our immense line of brand-new Fall Ctyk3 at Ten" Dollars. Every garment cut according to the latest dictates pf,, Fashion, from substan-r tial woolen and worsted-fabrics. In the new mixtures, stripes, checked patterns and solid colors.; Single or double-breasted.-'" - a at School Suits -....!'.: I. ,.,.,-i.. . ;:vi Is est:' lies I fi to'virin ',.7 ; Quality is the first consideration in our selection -of school suits. We have " chosen , this season the kinds that will stand rough usage land last a long time." r In Sailor Norfolk and double-breast ed styles, A ' . ,r fc ' . $L95to:$5. WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD ITS SO ii-::- OAIC ' - ' J'' $1.50: r - ROUND TRIP TO THE Oregon State Fair v:r. ' s. i INCLUDINQ ADMISSION ' r .' '--i - '-V r :j : SPECIAL EXCURSION FROM ;:v;riiusTVjoHN5.i $1.50 JL TH E WEEK'S EVENT M50 ENGINEERS SAY .-: ACT IS UNJUST Criticise Burtlnston Road f or Re duclnar In Rank , Emolovea ' v :f Who Wear Classes; ; t Notwithstanding- Jhe : drastic -.' action taken by tha Bnrllncton railroad man- acement In ordering that all enrineman with defecUve eyealrht ahall be reduced to the less important positions, with re duced pay, there, la. a atronf ,felhn amonf railroad men 'that the, order la unnecessary and unjust, It Is said that an engineer whoee vision has been cor rected by glaaatss 'Is i really better equipped for servloe than before, for his eyes are protected, to a great . ex. tent, from dirt and cinders.' - The railroad company haa taken the position that only the engineer whose eyea do not require glasses may aerve the company on the locomotives of first claas tralna and on runs where' the highest-paid service Is rendered. This will, It Is said, put many of tbe 'best engi neers and firemen back at the foot of the ladder, with no hope of climbing op again. " On the side of the .railroad manage meat. It la said the experience of year haa shown that tha aafety of the trav eling publio can. be ooneerved only by putting the engines of first-class tralna In charge of englnemen with perfeat eyesight, who do not require tr use of glassea ' In modern . railroading, the visual test haa come to be the supreme test In an englneman'a examination for an Important run. He rauet be able to detect at lonf distance ths color. of ' a switch signal and tall how a semaphore Is pointed, and muat see at a flash ev erything on thp right of way ahead of him. . A train moving at the rate of a mile a minute runs nearly 10 feet per second, and when the Jarring motion of ths locomotive Is added to. this. It. la a H i September 1. 1904. -1-'''t 340976.60 September 1, 1905 . " . 0170,295.70 , SEPTEMBER 1, 1906, 01.002,735.20 , jit1 , Jhe above figures show that the in-f..:.v crease ; of .'deposits in this bank for T i .i-:,K'S.. one year has. been over 500 per cent, "7:r " :fZV'.-4';'Vfth8 largest ratio for any bank in thef :; - M m v .; United States for the same prnod - - - r ''y''i This we believe is due to the efforts , ' ' of our officers to carefully safetruard V ; the interests of our depositors,; ancf , '' our continual offer to serve you in . .all lines of banHng.Vv:0v:v :'-v-' - ; 't ' V M (A, " i ' ' "Wo Pay 4 Interest OREGON TRUST & SAVINGS DANK . ' , Sixth and .Washington Streets, Portland, Or. 1 , r. DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS: - ' W.H. MOORE, President. E. E, LYTLE, Vice-President' ; T W. COOPER MORRIS, Cashier. LEO-FRIEDE, Director. H. A. MOORE, Director. 1 1 severe test for an engineer to note every detail tot feet a head of his train. Engineers who require glosses are not promoted on the Harrlman llnea, and when the condition of their eyes be comes permanently defective they art taken off the main line and given post. tlons In the branch line service. - ' - tf yen have not, answered The jW. aal Want Ads lately yoa have f often, sat ef toaoh with tbiaga.